Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1912, Page 14, Image 14

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    i I
Plana nn Sal WerinesriAv in ftiii- Bargain Basement
am.-- vae . - f o tji
' y
Women's, blisses', Juniors'
?3&s of Wool. Silk or Cotton Fabrics
from the surplus stock of
A, Gluck&Co.
New York
tie trasiiiresses
In Women's, HisgeV tod
Juniors' Sixes
Dainty, new spring wash
frocks from the big purchase.
In nil the new designs and pat
ternsprettily trimmed prac
tical, up-to-dato models made
from superior quality wash fab-'
rics; made to sell up to $3.50, nt
$1 and $2
41 i
Ail the Women's Vool ul Silk Dresses
Ilere arethe most attractive new frocks for spring, made of ( n C A O
, highest class silk or wool materials in the newest, cleverest EL fly ' O atf
styles for 1912 new light shades new spring colors for T IMj W.
dress and evening wear. New Turkish toweling trimming, mnA )f - fx
. lace collars, wide reveres, etc. All on sale in our basement, . ; " '' W
Woman's Tailored Suits
Well made suits of excellent materials in
up-to-date styles for early spring-wear;
made to sell up. to ' tfr . ffl AO
$20.00, in basement at. V cOeid
, Women's Long Cloaks "
Smart, -practical medium and light weight &
cloaks for spring, made to sell as high as
$12.50; special in f O GO Mj
'. the basement at. .V. . . VU,VO "a t?9 !
Thursday All the Women's Dresses and Walking Skirts, worth to $10, at $2 and $3.50.
Friday All the Women's Cotton Petticoats, Wash Waists and House Dresses at big
reductions. ' . ;
Saturday All the Children's Cloaks and Dresses at extraordinary reductions. ,
S. & H. Green Trading Stamps Given:
With All Purchases at This Store.'
Fine Tailored Suits
in a Sale
, For Suits That Were
$35.00 and $39.50
They are good, . snappy models in weights
of material that will be just right for wear the
nest three months. Made of fine sedges and
other reliable suitings in plain grays, -gray
mixtures, blues and black. .
Only 2.5 in the lot so it will be necessary
for you to come early in order to get your size.
Sale is for Wednesday only.
Notion Bargains
Women's end children's 15c pta-ea
boss support!, all colons pair, So
Ic card nickel plated safety piss, all
slies cards for as
ic net of two scanty pins, Wednes
day 3 eats for So
ion-yard spools black and while aa
chine thread, specially priced (or,
Wednesday, at t spools (or so
35c package llaoa tape five different
widths to pack-, Wednesday,
. package loo
Wire heir pan In all sixes, pk., 1
to bolts aterosrlse skirt braid, black
' only, t yards to the bolt: Wednes
day S bolts (or Be
10c bo! la or (our yards of
ereld v
Our Greatest
Millinery T
Challenge Sale
' Begins Monday,
March Uth
There will be many speciaj
inducements that will excel
anything you have ever be
fore known. . '
Wednesday1 Specials in the Pure Food Store
l-lb. ran Bennetts
Breakfast coffee
44 stamps ..
Assorted tea
stamps, lb. .,
Tea alftlncs
stamps, JO.
(fee , and
Bennett's Kxcelslor flour
per sack $1.50
I-Ih. sack yellow or
'whit corn meal . .leo
H 'b. can Bennett's Cap
itol baking- powder and
II stamps 13
Six small cans Cot tare
, milk and IV stan.paMe)
Six bars Crystsl White
soap and It stamps too
sovbu tr Astra o
Snlder's tomato soup and
stamps, can ....10
Oslllard'a olive oil and
to stamps, bottle . too
1 Jars1 peanut butter and
10 stamps too
Large can flnldefa pork
and beans and t
stamps We
Beauty asparacua and
It stamps, can ....SO
Pint can Kranco-Amert-
can soups 1144
t csns Evergreen corn
t-lh. roll Jersey batter-
IBS lev
Medium sour pickles and
is stamps, quart ..It
t-lb. Jar raspberry or
strawberry Jam and 10
stampe too
Full cream cheese and
10 stamps, lb, . ...ta
Walker'a bot Umales
and IS, can 15
Van ' Camp'a spaghetti
and I stamps, can 10
French capers, per bot
tle SO sad 15
Snlder's chll sauc and
10 stamps, bettl toe
S pkgs. Teretael sad
riower Seeds to
4-lb. pkg. liewey Cleans
. er and Compound and
!t stamps Ho
Country .Sausage . . . . .10c I Shoulder Steak, 3 lbs.725c
Pot Eoast 8YtC 7Vc Hamburger, 3 pounds . .25c
After Ht 1 it WiU Csrrf a Solid De
- luxt Orerltnd Train.
l Set 14 frsa t'haraaw to Graaaer,
" . Where It Will Divide (er Pari.
V . taael, tas Fraaelerej ad
Let Angeles.
,. White the details' ha v not been entirely
worked out. a contract has 'been entered
into, eflectlte May 1 of this year,
Thereby the Milwaukee road will run
solid passenger trains through Omaha to
' Die Pacific eoart. using the llartlman
Unas. " y,-
For yea the Milwaukee, has' bad cart
attached tit the Union Pacific train aad
bat had them hauled Into 8aa Franciaoo,
. but they have never keen al to grt into
Les Angelea on the south and Portland
the nurlh. purine thes. year this
Ktrllec has bora enjoyed by the North-
ester. .'J a faot, tk limited over the
" Saa Pedro has been recognised, as
Northwest era train.
' With the llarrlmaa Interests owning
ti block of Milwaukee stock and the
erth west era having effected a UaXf
. tleup with the Northern Pacific, by which
train are run .solid from Chicago to
Seattle, the MHwauket Jias got lea role
the game and ha demanded and secured
the sasM traffic rights ever Ue Union
Paetfle, the aa Pedro aad the ttbort
Lin a bar beeu snjoyed by taw North
e re tern.
( Solid Overland Trala.
The result of the deal wUl be that the
Milwaukee, begin Ring Msy 1. will bring
aa ovarlaad limited trala front Chicago
Contractors Object
to( the Heating Bill
Another protest agalaaf alleged exces-
alvs beating charges by the county was
made by Caldwell ' Drake yesterday aft
ernooo. John W. Murphy, chief clerk (or
Caldwell Drsk, accompanied hy Mr.
Caldwell and Secretary August H. Knot-
man of Caldwell brake, appeared before
the Board of County Commissioner and
asked-that the county- bill against the
conuactort for January be reduced from
m.U to !. Mr. Murphy declared th
county used N3 tons of Illinois egg coal
at list ton when It could have used
Cherokee nut at ti l. Further, he claimed
that 31 per cant of the Cherokee aut used
during the month was nothing buttdlrt
and a credit of tU.71 should be gtven th
contractors on this account Mr. Murphy
aaked a credit of Ski. a oa th ground that
the bill charge $X.J (or labor while all
th labor necessary eeuld bar been as-
cured (or taia.
trad of THil der. iti.' formerly
hd chare of the department sf schemes
and schedules, and Mr. Skid more was aa
totant to Chief Clerk Mat tint. Both hat
bean la th servloe many years, and, so-
coruing to Mr. Masten. they rank among
tn best aad moat reliable men la the
government employ.
Deputy Assessors
Elected at Large
(deputy precinct assessors and deputy
dirt rtct assessor, who are lo be elected
at the general election' next fall, will
b elected en mass and at large, ac
cording to an unofficial opinion by
Deputy Attora-y Ueneral Ueorg A.
Ayrea, received through County Attorney
James P. Kngllsh by County tsueior
W. U. Shrlver.
Mr. Ayrea Interpretation of th new
law la that the assessor need not re
side In districts or prertneu In which
they will work. They may com (ram
any part of the county. Candidates (or
these positions may get their name
You will tone up your
system and fed better for
Best Kcmcdy lor
Omaha. From her H will bs run soud primary ballot by th usual melood
or ey peiiuons.
Mr. Shrlver hss asked for thirty-two
deputies la Omaha and eight. In Soath
Omaha In addition to th county pre
cinct aepotwa.
as Greaea Hirer or. Graaaer. hauled by
I ntoa PacUl earnes. At that pout th
trala vrlH be apUt la three, a portloa
betas allarhed t a Short Una train and
sent Bortawsst ta Portland. Another por
tloa will be attached to a Southern Pa
ctftt trala- aad- seat n-to eaa FTaatasc.
whll aaother portioa win bs nicked up
'or owe at the baa Pedro trains and car
lied ta Lea Angelas.
' Taa Milwaukee (rata from ' Chicago, via
Oanaha. ta Oranger or Greca River will
b aa tha 4 lax eraer. tne ears being
the finest that sseobarucal akOl caa coa-
tbat atoney aaa buy. They are
built la toe Palimaa shop.
wtta a CBaraate that they win be ready
procsstly ea tima.
' Charts T. Keemae hoiarnt a
atutiaa (rata taa exhrbtt of Arnertcaa art
aster the sasytisi ef th flsciity nf Ffes
aria la the pubac brary. tin ankiae
Usa Bverath ptctnr sold aJlecether dor
tfiT tha two weeks display. The piettrr
-Uana af lbs Caasa.' by W. J. Whltta-
ssora. It was th artist exhibit picture
ee the Xaers-ai Aoademy ef Deaisa ex
New Torfc last year.
Eludanta ef lb Toung Ilea's CTsrtetlaa
sasoclatloa nisbt scbeoi win bold thelr
thelr third enseal baaquet teeight at
:M-at tha ssserienea bsildlas. caeh
studeot may brtng oaa gueac
"UucaUoa: lis Vales aad Hew t Oat-da
If will be the subject ef aa ddii
ay CnaaeeJlar Avery at the Uslverstty
of Kebr-sska, B. R Bark will ha toast-
Toast win be rsspsadud ta by
. Millar. O. a Fraaka, Jeaa
Bay Xttfaa. Charts T. Walker aad R. U
fVllttaia & FeH and Joarph Sxidmer af
th eurziral fore of the railway mall
servlas. Fourteenth drvisloa, vers agree
aaly surpriaod yaaterday, when Supetf
mtaadeBt Mastsa banded them each a
rranmlsaloa which prernotes them ta taa
Tliursday, Feb. 7
at 9 A. M.
"We Place on Sale Sample
Stock of
Ladies' Coats
. and Suits
Values Ranging from .
$15.00 to t0.00.
Four Hundred ti Chooee
Also 4 Black and Brown.
Ooney Coats, regular price
160.00.- Take your choice,
The Fair Store
1113-1121-1123 Famam St
Remain frora, out Less Than Cost Sale. These we further reduced to close out AtlOnce. . Come
. now if you want the greatest of Bargains.
We mention a few as an example
of how we have marked them
for quick selling .
$70.00 Whit Quartered Oak Cbval (25.00
H0.00 8of Bed .$15.00
! 127.00 Futacd Oak'SerTtiic Table . 910.00
$26.00 Servlnj Tablet fumed oak. $5.00
126.00 Serving Table, fumed oak ... ........... ..$10.00
$37.00 Serving Table, fumed oak' $10.00
$t4.oo Bora $10.00
$38.00 Serving Table, fumed oak $10.00
$36.00 Weathered Settee .. "$10.00
$43.25 Bet of jlx Vleana Chain $17.50
$33.00 Whit Quartered Oak Table $10.00
$46.00 Three-piece Bedroom Suite .$20.00
$7.S0 Settee, Spanlah leather .$7.50
' $33.00 Golden Oak Settee, leather ppholatering... .$15.00
$11.00 Hahoganr Commode ...'......'....,..$5.00
$34.00 Hall Rack and Lamp $2.50
$7.00 Fibre Ruth Screen .". .$2.00
$4.00 Old hickory Table .' $1.00
$16.00 Weathered Oak Tip Top Table $5.00
$16.50 Fumed Oak Cellarette $5.00
Orchard fit Vilhelm
, Carpet . Company
W knew er alve the beat aba
ter 12-St ar4 te rorjTlao yea we
Klew yoa aawelataly free a aalr of
U oaat ana wu sack pair at ear
Onr Great Semi-Annual Display , ' ' ;
Continues Tuesday to Thursday, IndusiT-, on 3d Floor
8:30 A. M. to 5:30 P.M. All are Cordially v , S
- --:-lnvited to Attend, - : -
aery Style'
Idea Moet
Attractively 1
Values ami
In New
Spring Mill!-
leery.- ,
Wo sfiesday Its the
Big Manufactur
er's Stock of Tub
Dresses, House
Dresses and Aprons
Secured by our
New York buyer
for cash at less
than llalf Worth.
1,700 Tub Dresses,
both white and col
ors, including, all
over8,V fine ging
hams, lawns, linens
and fancy inadras;
plain colors, checks
and stripes, values
to $10.00; choice,
at......;. $2.98
At shown in windows.
W o m e a ' a Wash
Dresses, sites 16
44 bust; children's
wssh dresses, sixes
6 to 1 4 years, val
ues to $5.00, at,
1t 1 1
P:J -5 If'
An Immense Va'
riety of Pretty
Dresses for Street
and House Wear
Including two big
lines "of 1912 sam
ples. "Wednesday hi
the time to" lay in'
your summer sup
ply. ,V
i" Pretty Tub Dresses
in ging"hams, lawns
and other , pretty
wash fabrics, come
in all sizes from li
years to 44-in. bust,
newest styles, lace
and embroidery
trimmed,' great
snaps; your choif e,
nt .... ....$1.98
M'oniea s House
Jlresses and Wrap. .
pers, In nil slses,
well made, good
colors, talue np
to $1.S0, choice '
Children's . Drr-t,
$1.60, values. In all
sties. 2 to 14 yrs.,
glngnams, ' lawns
and fancy'' wsh
' fabrics, choice ,
LOT a S3 dosea glngli
nesday, enole , ,
69c I 69c
iam Aprons, while they last, Wed- . f
.......... AJ
Foulards and Poplins
75c and $1.00 values, all
silk, in the very newest
spring colorings and
weaves; on sale at, per
yard 48c
Cream Wool Oooda New
.Basket and.' "Arm lire
. weaves; hair line stripes,
etc.; a great line of new
est weaves; ..Wednesday,
. up from ..... ......98c
High Grade Wash Goods
Cotton voiles are very
popular' at present.
We have a large va
riety at from,' per
yard.. 15 to 75.
Wsj chffy the finest
line of poplins In the
west. Domestic pop
lins. . 15 and 25
Foret-rn l'epllna and
BeofaUcet, yd.. e-0e
All the new shades
in ray lYench or
gandies, yd. 25c
Domestic Room Specials
1 case of l$Hc fine printed
batiste 10
1 case of Se-lnch percales.
ItHc grade ...8
1 rase of 18c Serpentine crepe,
all colors 124
1 ease of 12-Inch Scotch ging
hams, tie grade..... 12
tie and 18c white goods, 100
holts, at yard 10
2xt0 sheets, 75c grade. .55
llx0 sbaets, (Se grade. .58
Pillow slip. 12 Vie grade 10
Bath towels. VI c, 10c, ae,
7Me,0cand 3tt
Buck towels, 15c, 12e, 10c,
Me, 7H and 5
Bed spreads at reduced prices,
75r, 85c tl.OO, $1.23, 1.B8
Three speclala In lartce. irrar
Blanketa .... tRjOO, tXM. (1-M
Bleactied Mualln, yard wide, SW.
SVea, TH, SS. SH lea, lfe
Csmbrlea. yard wlost i0c
1SH aaa .' !
White Goods Specials
In Our Linen lept
Pure linen ' WaUttngs, round
.thread, worth 60c- yard at
"yard .....-...-..-... 25
Pure linen Automobile Cloth
new fabrics, worth. J Se yard,
t 38
Pure linen Ramie Cloth, all
colors, worth 11.00 yard
Cat 50
Sheer Flaxons and Lima Lawns
. worth tic. yard, at
yard 15
Fine aatortment Fancy While
WalsUngs, worth 76c yard, at,
Trd ..v.. 39
Sheer Freach Lawns. 46 Inches
wide, for graduation and com
, meaoement drsasea,, worth 41.
, yard, at 65
Here's Grocery Prices for Wednesday's Sile
m.Am'm mm taa aioela from SI
L Tao nee seat. Xt aan t tree at
" 1 1 "a beet Granulated Sugar H .tIM
41 lb. sack oast. BKh srad Daunand
II rarally llaur, aatnlnc lia ltp-r
1 "bars" ImoK 'at'a iu or la-
mone C 8oap asa
I Iba. beet WnlU or Tallow C-mnieal
ror ir
Oallea cana Applee for plea .... aas
Oalloa cana Oolden Table eyrup M
lbs. tood Japan Rica as
tt as. cane Condensed Milk ....
I lb. pas- bU Rising a?aacak Flour
Corn Flakee; pkc Hs
Orape Huu, pa. le
14 os. p. beat Macaroni Te
1 lb. caaa Aeeorted etoupa .... The
Tbe best Bulk Peaant Butter, lb. It
1 lb. pk. Com flare
Tk bast Tsa Btftinsa. lb. "a
Oolden Santo Coffee, lb.
Beat fail te see tie seeatlfal eaa
wtrataea af Adv Jail. MMla (ra
all taia weak. .
aattee sees a aa'ala, a ae-aad. "
aearw keep tk preae aa-ara.
Th beat Creamery Be tier, carton er
balk. 1. SSe
Tbe beat K. 1 Couatry Creamery
. Butter 1.
No. 1 Dairy Batter, lb. ......;..
Buy Batteruee aad riga ta arattss
, Treat. Just aa -rood aad lot fetter
' than aon butler. .
1 lbs. Seed Batter ne ...... SSe
2 Iba, goad Tabl Battertn .... See
t lb, faacy Table Battertn .... see
The beat Freak Ksrs. deaen .... See
Be tgsles-1 aTaeel Oraags
Th beelthleet fruit grown and re
commended by all ooc lore this thus
. of the year. A. great blood nurl
fler, Wedneaday, per aoeen, -at
lea, sea, as aad (Ha
n arsase TeretaeU adarket ta
Old Beet. Carrots. Parsnip er Tur
nip, pound ....... $Ha .
Fresh Cabbaca, lb. , aa
Fancy Wax or Green Beans, la... SO
Fancy lioinouss aiuabreoDia, pound
box .,.....
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes lb. ....... 10a
Freeh Spinach, peck .aaa.
Freeh Beets. Carrot er Tumi pa,, per
bunch .......: -te
Freeh hall-Ma, bunch THe ,
l-esh Brusaela Bprout. la. lee
Rutabasaa, Taraipa, lb. tea,
t heads fresh Lemf laxtnee is
I baaraea freak Badtshaa as.
Try HAYDEN'S First
Nrateat eaettrped ratal erne ts
imaha. Hlcet.-fToe denLstrr et
leeesnshts peieea. erosuun fUWnce.
lest UJte tbe leeta. All u
tarefaUy starUlted alter each am
Oeraar letk aad Tsi aaia -pea
TTfTap r-MXjB. Fax-row m.r
Comic Section
The Sunday Bee
With Happy HooKgan. LittW
Noto, tha Katxtrtfomnier Kida
and the whok hxterttxing family