Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1912, Image 12

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    THE BKE: UMHA. WEDNEbDAY,' MAKC1I 6. 1912.
Vir.tcr Ccaditiouj Teatarei Hut
. , Suit 3e Beckoned Witi.
lie!: lllil( n PlrrwaTih la Cmn
aad Failure t Sew Aar ' Ar
gentian Shlpaae-ata Pear
lover salrkly.
OMAHA. Mxrcb ,J1L
Wirier vi crop conditions are tba
fiatm-s that will have to be
villi hv the trade front imw on. sna.M
villi take bad oemsto hoM prtcen at
I :tnt ;reie ISul-e are relying on ilia
;iergt& in torn and the fulur 10
snv t:k-.4i1UU hlpmnt iV
timid nd cover quickly tb
whih ht-lp th market on floating
t,,oui,J. m. it win rsHnaln until alter
lie -.v4rmnt report of Krtdsy.
Thrs waa km heavy eMIiii of corn
in lb may of profit taking wn ff
given th market a rcacuoa mlltleu. u
after uch an-dvnoe.
Tnc ush altuatton la a sarong airawr
and continued winter weather nwaiM
lirtivv feeding In all quarter, eenumwit
' Isioia Mill liiglwr leveie yt. . , .
Uvrrvtii col ara wak ana tower
and ih demand vary alow. Uinta wort
lather luwia seller and valuta J
soma lovcer. Caen wheat wu unchanged
'"thefi -or" markt lacka tfca strong ton.
It ruti been showing. Caah demand w
larking ou lb lata artvano ana trial
, anted hnry selling. Caah cora .woa Sc
to 1c lei er. - ... a, w.
Prtniiry wheat receipts wer 45 . bu.
aixl ahipmente were . bu.. aa.ojt ra
telpts last year of . bu. and ahlp
iijrita of , bu. M
pnnmi-y rora receipts war ",'"
and . shipments wera bu., waJnat
leerlpta last Scar at 4le. bu. and hlp
metii. of JS, bu.
Clei ranee war SZ. bo. of corn. at,)
V.u. .if u:s and wha and flour aquaJ to
IviPn bu. . . ...
Uvariioul cloard ktld lower on wamt
n4 Unehtnjad an ooru. . .
Tiia lollowtnj; caah aalaa wrra rrportaa:
W hoat: So. hard, I car. cara.
tl.xi U ear. tl.OlV Cera: No. 4 wnita.
car (3c. No. color, 1 far. 4r
4 lalor. 1 cam. Or. No. 1 yllo, earn.
. tic. No. 4 yellow. 1 car. fate; 1 car. c.
No. 4 Btlxad. 1 oar. c. 1 car. 4JV- No.
4 inld. I car. vc: 1 '.',
araoo. 1 car. We. OaU: No. J KU, ?
aia, SI.
Oaaaba Oaaa frlara.
W:HBAT-No. t bar. tl.Mp.4jN2.
Urn, ll.Mtfl.M; No. 4 hard. 4c4Jg.4.
COBN-ffo. 1 white, B". "0-
whlt. 2H6W3c: o. color, 0ac. No.
tHc: No. X lf4: No. 4. et)W; no
rat. 575; aundard. limIHa
(UT-No. I whita. 1W; atandaro.
whlta, l4JMHc: No. a yallow, tlllOi
. j-niow. 4oe-,ic. ,
IMHI,KY-Maltm. cfi1 ; No. 1
;": liv1rr fdlD. iwtrSa.
KVE-A'o. J. iOl-; No. a, Wla.
- ' tarkal Mla.
W'haaL Corn. Oata
I'Mcafo 43. all V
llnnaKilU ,144 ... ...
t'maha l II il
1'uluth " ...
tHirAtiO OH AIM and Monnosi
Kratarra af lb Tam4l aad naalnaj
Prlraa aa aatral Trada. .
dllCAIO. March a Many whant apoo
tilatera buriM thoRiaorwaa today aalilns
out to rady for pnpalbia aiirpnaaa
nan tha irovarmoant fliturw aa farm re.
aarwa ara mada know a too latur part
if.tb wcrk.. accordingly tba markat at
l, t cIom aaa e lowor to a ahada up.
t orn tc to So laaa. eata Ha off to
a ahado up and hoc producu lto to So
i,lhr. .
riMiiy of molatura all tha way from
th MlMourl rlvar to tha Colorado Una
aiartrd tha whaat markat on tha down
kiaiia and bntrlah affact waa MnphrnisM
uy a oocldrd Incroaaa of tba world' a
avaliabla attpply tntaL nrokara nportl
,nr aalilnf ot 'ahout wnow buhla of
.aar whMt at l.t and ovr by a rH
i,ob'a aim waat.m connactlona. An hour
iatnr tha buyara of Inta grain turnad
'llr and n iryln o unload dapraaaad
in marki to tha bottom point of tha
oMOion. Miv rangad Iron ll.ul lo ll V
with tha clvaa firm. So down, at tl-Ma
41 1 4H
Oni fnturaa waakonad In vlw of dra.
patcha aaarrttng that Taiaa buyrrt had
roough auppllca on hand or on tha way
in I tat until graaa May flortuated from
'.lOjc to THiR Mooing ataady undar
, mat nlgtit at Wa. Caah gradaa wora
low. No t yailow waa not quotad. AT
itlna waa aald to ba affMing corn to
Kurof At flguraa lm erwapar than could
l mada from tha United Aalaa.
Tha oat markat bead relatively bettor
man corn or whaat. I'poer and lower
lvla touched he- May were tlu&IHe and
VIS. With the oloee at fclc, a net loan
ProvUlona adranred a harp! lata In the
dar. The outcome waa wn to a nae iur
pirk and fHo to Wo for lard and rlba.
The leading tuturee ctoaed aa toliowa:
jTrllcl. Cprn. tllgn.i lw. I Clmifc! Yea y'
W'heati I I
Mas'. 'I ftlSV ",!
inlv. ?Sa- Wei
(en I - : I .1
Mar.. 7l'ti Ti'n tosi
, July.! ' '.Itine, r444ti
apt.!'il 'S ,
i I
lot itgmVjlWVe
eVWWfSi Va
i .
Wal T1S
t.aia. 1 i
uav ti'.; , u'k u.i ir;i it
jiiij.i er iieTe,w "11
tv-Pt-i 41SrV-i 41HriHtHi 4i
Pork. I ."J . t
May. w t. ib eite i
1 ia v I u a i lit m
M 17S! U KHl U llttl 14 w
inly. i 14 44
am II Ku-t . I i
. . M (1IW 14 1SMS4 I14JS
laM 1,1 1 A I
May."l3ha; 4JS. I CH!:H4
jHly.t47sH I 47HI 44 f -.l l! I I 19 I iH
"iaV' lTtH 144 I imill HS
July. 4 4ISI lalHta-i I I in
cpt. Ul KSfl I
- l. e HS i4e,
"rUOfR-rirm; winter naianta, ttw
t.; winter atralghta. tUataLM; eprtag
licma, WTW.; eprlBgi atralghta, H
...,l,r eaaera, 4b4a4A.
I-.KB No. X "io.
BAHLT-Keed or mixing, 74tf4W:; fair
tuVhnloe malting. 41.1-wlIi
fLKltr-llmuiny. u.aaU-w; dwrar.
tfa.. - '
HKuVISlONS-Pora. aneaa. new. 111. ITS;
eld. li.m. lard, lu Uaraa, I4.US. noort
Total clean new of wheat and flour
t equal to bu. Pnmary re
crlpia were HiM au.. oanpared with
xiee ho. the oorreenwaidlna day a year
ago. The world a eiaubte aupply aa abjawa
by Brwdatreet a lanreaeed !...) bu. bat-
tinuued reedpta lor toeasrrew: nneat.
44 tarra; corn, M earn; eata, IN care;
3H.Ae head.
t nlcago aah Prtnan Wheat: No. I
red, tx etjia: No. red, t9il.,
No 1 hard. U btrt.4Si No. 4 hard, gi.w
. . a . i MMn. ai en it- i
r'7,, n laai u: Mo i Htua. tl.!of th dav
ti ns; No. i aprtng. L44e;i . No. t
H,riit. IBCgtl M. So 4 oog. fl .
! bnahela: afloat for and In Europe, In-
crraanl S.t,' buaheis: total American
and Kuropeen auppiy increaaea i.i"e
busbeia. t orn: I iiiien Ptatea ana t-an-).
lucrreeed KM buaaaia. Oata.
Tnlted Ktalea and Canada. Increaaed:
I.S3.4i The leading changca reported tMa
week follow Increaaea: Manitoba, llt.'Xa
tnlheto; MlnneapO'ia. private eleratnra.
Sv.ww boahela. fjacreaica: Portland. Me.,
acnt buabelc Port Huron, iw,'u nuaneia;
Laulartlla, &.0U buatiela
Qeetatiea af the nay aa Varlaaa
NEXT TORK. March 4, KIjOCR Oolet J
.in I.. w Mtanta vtttt fi- winter Btralahta. I
S4.4HN.44: winter pa tenia. 44.S0eM.44; aprlng
cieara, M iawa.a); winter exiraa, . v. i. winter exiraa,
Kanaaa etralzhta. 44.WC4.44. Fire floor.
ateady; fair to good, M.4594.M; choke. to
fancy. B.oocvs.
CORN'MdAl fltaady: Bae white and
yellow. 11 ourae. 41.ifl4; kiln
KYE-Oulet: No, i 4c. e. t. t.. uunaio.
BARLKV-Steady: malting, tU2LS2. c.
L f.. Burfalo. -
. U'UVIT KmI majriiet eaae: No. S red.
11 at elevator, eieort bead and 4104. f. O.
e. afloat; No. 2 nonnern iuiuin, ti.,-.
f a h mtioMi. Pniurea market eaaler
under moderate llquldatloa owing to lower
cablaa. proapecta of large ehlpmenta from
Argentina and large wono a em.
Ine unrhanced to M net lower: aiar
Cloaed. H u.ll-14; July, 41424-
CUltN Spot market eaay: No. I. Tli.
elevator, export baala and axnort, TJSc, f.
. b.. afloat, ruturea nominal.
OATS-Hpot market - eaay: etandard
white, tnc In elevator: No. L 40Sc; No.
a and 4. 44c; natural whlta and whlta
clipped. e)Styuc. on traca. ruiurea
MAY -nrm; prime. n.a; no. u i.ay
1.K: No. 2, 41.IM41W: No. 1 41.46.
HOPHruii-. aiate eommon to choice.
1411. 4ltrS4c; 11, nominal. Padflc com I,
111. 4?tr4Jc; mt, nommai.
iiiTii.Jj ,t,,i. hemlock flrala atctTo;
aeconda. UtrMr: third, tltrac: rejeeta . c.
PROV18IOS8 Pork, eteaay; me iii
4jri7.4: family. 41a.anftl4; abort clear.
117 &UC1 40. Beef, atrady: meea. UlO
14 44; family, 15ol14.i; beef ham. &
9MM. Cot meata. quiet; pickled be Ilea,
M to 14 pound. $ Til plckl-d hama. 410 5.
lArd. firm: muddleweat prime. p.U.:
refined firm: continent, 14 S; South
Amerloa. W.44: compound. ITStfl.UH.
TAUAIW tlulet; prime city hhda., 4c;
apeclal. 4Se: counto'. H64VaC.
BL'TTKrU-elteady: receipt a, 4JM tuba;
creamery apeelala. 41c; aura. WSc; flrata.
S4f4(c; nate Hairy tuna. Iineet, aeveic;
good to prime. rc; common to fair,
ienato; proceea apedala, rtr.THc; aztraa.
Use: flrata. XS.
CMKBriK-Klrm: receipt. SM pkga ;
atate, whole milk, held apeclal. white, 13c;
aklm. 7S"Sc.
KK) Market anout aieaay; rereipra.
BUS raaaa: freah gathers, eitrna. atf
firet. Mc; aeoonoa. xanxasc: wenera
gathered, white. MOTte.
PUI I.TKI i-meaea, aieeayi iowib. 1
Mr: turkeve, Uffllc.
POC1.TRT Alive, nrm; cnicnan. uc;
fowla, 14W17C; turkey, lots Ski.
It. La4a fieaeral Market.
ST. LOUIS. March (.-WHEAT-Perm:
track. No. I red. lUCrwUdS; Not 1
haul. llteVil 11.
coas'-lxiwer: track. No. t, 404c: No.
I whll. , . ...
OATH Ur; track. No. 1. XQSSHc:
No. a white, 4464Sc.
t low n pricee of ruturea:
WlitAT-Weak; . May. 4141V: July.
t;ORN-lywr; May, 734,c: July, 7SSC
OATS-lower; May. ile: July c
nrE-t'nchenged; 3e.
KIXIt'K-Mteady: red winter patent.
ReHiS.Ti: extra fancy and atralght, 43. W
t': hard winter cleere. U Znoi-M.
nr;r-Timotnv, iie.uuiiix.op,
rOKNMKAl, tl.. '
HHAN-uulet: aauked. t-aat track, tl.24
4j1 M.
mat firm: timothy, tul vuvi.w; prai
rie, 4U.nrlKJ.
PHoVlHIoNjt Pork, unchanged; rob
bing,- lleli. Ird, unchanged: prim
ateam. 4.4TS4M.5. Dry aalt meat, un-
han4: boxed extra anon. H.; clear
i 4K.tb: abort clear. 44.4tS. Hacon. un
changed: boxed extra, abort. n.'JLi clear
rlba. t.s. eunrt near, wks.
ptH LTRY wulet; . chlckena. l!So;
aprtng. 14c, tuikey. 14c; duck. lc;
geeae, 4c.
Ht nr.K rirm: tioewc.
tXltia-itlcady; 30V-
. Receipt, bhlumente.
Flour, bkl 4.WD 4,n
Wlieat, bu..r, 14,nm .
Corn. bu..... . 42.WM
Oau. bu M . a. an
Large Activity BtiDga General Gains
in Firtt Two Hour.
Calea Paclflo Seeeed in Pelat (
StreweTth While V aderteae at
flwae If Stream Deeplte
NE7W TORK, March 4.-For th first
two houra of tradlna on the etock r-
chanta today buainen wax almoet the
lenmt and broaden of any recorded
thua far tnl year. In the course of tne
morning United State meet: which re
umed It old time leadership, made a
very decided gain, aa did alao Union
cine, which aa eecond to riteel In point
of trangth.t Moremente of other leadlng
tocka were In keeping and the demand
aoon comprehended th Urgent number
of laeuee aealt In for many week Activ
ity died down In the early afternoon.
Final price of "cb atock a Steel.
Vnlon Pacific. Heading . and Ameruan
Smelting were a point or more below
the het, but th undertone at the cloae
waa at ron. I
In connection with the nae In Steel,
dealings In which camprierd about per
cent of the day tranaartlon. It wa a
eerted with noma clrcumauntl! detail
tluit a group of influential trader pre
viory prominent on th bull aide bad
erganlted a pool. ....
An iinuauellv laraa number of railway
report wa Imiued. among them being j
that of the Illlnol Central for January. ,
which dlacloaed a decrvaae in opereuna
revenue of ..l&a.00. an increase of 4Cv,-
an In expenae and a toul Increase in
the net operating deficit of about
Two Gould road-umitted January
report. Mlaaouii Pactfla ahowlng a net
iivmu. a tuakona and m. Lauib. Iron
Mountain A noutbern a net decreaae of , Mlasourl. Kanaaa a Texas ae-1
ereaeed net tm. and Norfolk A west
ern 4111.40a, while Great Northern in
creased Ita total net revenues by 44U.4W.
chlefiy by reason of economy in opera
The bond market wa more active.
Total aalea par value, 45.741b I nlted
Stales ko eromant .bond errs unchanged
on call. . .
Number of aalea ana leaamg
on stocka today were a follow:-
gates. UlfV Lee. Ctoaa.
AwsUswaisd Csssar ... f!.
. .b..u.Mi ... i tat
Aasrleu M s(ar.... ." 'w
!. US
is t
aw tl
name indav nuHne th first hour the
list advanced under the lead cf Canadian
Pactric. At roon the market wa aieaay
and value ranged from unchanged to
IS higher than yesterdaye N'w York
cloaing. - - -
I ,mnnn elnaine stock Quotations:
Oiiall. BHtT .... rstjelsville Nask.lSe
as arrssst nSMe.. Ksa Ts-- fie
Aael. Csseer 51 Nee Tart ul,.1t4
Assoede iS.Wnll A WeasraMus
A,.bl 17 U. de bM f
as id lemostsri A Waaler. lw
Bsltlmera A n(e..tiPvssjlsls J
Ona4ias Psrtflt ..J!3Bi-l Mlsvs ..........
I hMiMk A OSIs. TiRenllsa '....
Itn. Vreu Wssura. lmaoslsers Br ...t...
ri:. Mil. A at- m:h r
rw Bens lSostSr PSrlrK. ..IMS
Deerw A Rle O.... n",Lslss rins I"
as M s aM
Erie SV. . ftesl..:-
a let. a H e- M H'H
4e 3d pe. (i,wba.a '
Oras4 Tra W, 4e Hi -
llllsuls t'estml ....11
SILVKH-Bar. eajy at !Sd per ounce.
-MwNEV-ISwSS Per cent. "
The rate of discount in the open mar
ket for short bill I 4S per cent: for
three oionth' bills. 4S9 7-14 Pr eDU
Beetea Stock Marhet.
BOSTON. March l-Closlng quotation
on atock were a follow: .
Allsen . Mtek "S
Asul. Oaseer 4HNsi Cos 1
A. Z L. A SSNIpiuisX' Mlses .... I1!
. tf
... Ss
... S
... 11
... te'
Orassr I'M SL s. a. R A M... S
Cresss Casenes .... 7t at H
lals hsrsle Ltoaer.. MSrisB es MS
Ksrr Lavs st,ltak Cesser Ck :V
laks rupeer 17 Wleene 7I
Ls Mils rseasr..... I Wslrerise 1U
lliisl r.t as ...
Arlaoss Ouat tvVsrlh Bstta .
. A c C. A . M. tNon le v-
l.. Arisra evil Pssuaisa .
si'al. 4V Keels ae f wheats . ...'...
1-sstesBisl - 3S SQaus-y
Hssee O t .. elSsiis
Kan Bulls t?. At U'sserisr
Fiesklin U Ssserler A A 41.
(Ureas OSS. H tSTssuueck
New York Mlalaa; Stack.
NEW" TORK, March 6. -Cloaing quota
tion on mining stocks were:
Alio J Uttls Cklsf 4
Btsesek-k Cea. ... I Msilcsa
CM Tsesst slack . 11 Onuule .......
4s beads U riehlr
ree. oil. A V.... ts smssosrd
lies (llvsr let Telloe Jackal
SLeslTllfc) cea. .... 1
laeHH las
C. m r
Asmthss IMloa OH ..
Awsrtesa H. L. aM.
Am. lie aereritlss....,
ASMsrlras LtsssM
AsHrrtres Lecemellve i
. A n
Aa. A It. SM
Aw. tsl reentries..
buasr hsrislng....
-toss T. T
Aaertrae Toseees
AiservAsa Tsbsece M..
S dst
47 S
) U
4.aa ts
Asaessae Mlals Ce..
Aichissa ytt
Atlsslls Coast Use...
nslilmor A ObH
sssaiia IUSI4 Tr....
lassdlsa Ferltls
Oaiisl LasLser
OMrsl Usslksr in....
OMral at Nse Isrssy
atsssssaea A OMe...
caiosts A Aitsa
liKase Q. w.. see...
kes 8. W. l
V'a m. r.. 4.W is is is
i-si fer 4.1H S S S
n. c m at. le
C'slersse r. A I I '
iVKesss A otsta.....
m 14)14 1
a.m i4 ins lost
1 147 MIS IM
ia-t MS . S
t.a s ' s ' S
.M Ml) wS S
44 1SH, IMS 10S
Lis ini urrs
J,7S iwi ms 1"S
a t
a,7 S S
j.iaa ms mt as
1.SM H S 1S
aw NH 41S S
ns ns ns
ll IIS 'S
lew til 1S lS
Kaaaaa 11 ty tarala aad Preelsieae.
t'nehsnged to So lower: No. 1 hard,
1.!SII,7S: No. t 41 41I.M; No. 1 red.
1 ntiyil.etS; No. i veewsr
t;UK so lower; wo. mvs-en. esvessc;
No. 4. c; No. a white, 44Sr;Se; No. 4.
?loslng price of future:
vv H K at May. nets: Juiy. arse
CtiRN-Mar. Tlsc; July, 7Hc
OATS-S krw.r; No. I whit. Kl8Uc;
No. I mixed. iKSOUSc
MAT I'nchanged to tl ua; eholc tim
othy. 4J.Jl i. cbotc prairie, H4.4V0
14. aV
MtTTKR Creamery. JTe; flrata, He;
aeunids. : packing toi-k. 2S4ac.
Kdus-Kxlraa, asc; tint. Use; aec-
and. Mr.
itaceipta. soipmenta.
Wheal, bu ll.M !.
Corn, bu -. 44.40a
Oata.Au Uvw ,l4
Pklladelabla Pre see Market.
Qulst. but ateady; weatarn creamery, pa
dl, 44c; extra, tic; nearby prknt. ax
tr. 14c.
aXMIS Weak and 44c par esse lower;
Pennayrvanla and other nearby flrata,
free cea, at a per caae: current receipt,
free caaea, a per caee; western firsts,
free caaea, 4 at per caae: current receipt,
free esse. $ pr ease
CHK.1XR Firm; New Tork full creams,
fancy. WSo; fair to good. ITSiJ Wc.
Mlleraahee Ural a Market.
No. 1 northern. tl.11431.lZ: X. I northern.
il Ottyl W. No. I hard winter, 0.44411;
lav. tl o3Ssu.s: July. 47 Sc.
corn No. i yellow, sw7r: no. 3
whit. 7c: N. t tsiSetttc; May. r.o
July, Tic.
()AT wanflaro. ucnar.
BARLZ7T Malting, il. ASll 24.
i-of riedacts .,
Uslsesss A Hsasss A sue utsaes...
D A K. Qi t
DleUllsnr geevtliaa
tirle 1st
M M fit
Ilsssral Blestrl
t.est Nsciesre f
nrset Nenasni oes n..
Illlsels Osstrsl ,
lOTbsiessh Mst.
I star. Mat sM
Istsrsstlsssl Hsrrsslsr..
istsr-aunse '
tstasestisnsl rsssr
IMsrasMseel fMnip
lee Caolrll ....'
Kasaaa city Mtkem....
IL C. a. rtm
Leelsse Oss, ealv
basis Vsllsy
t.M lies "S lS
wa wv, ws
at ltS I , 'J.
44 S
LMW.II1 Sssb.HI.. I S" i . '
stm irr::: a a a a
5;l- sln. .. ...!t s S e
line 11s
ii.isa s
1 Has 44
1.7SS IN IDS 1W1
tS) HIS me "I
a u a I7'4
na 117 in IM1
S II 17S 17S
Lisa II I7S H
l,:sa iw 17 i
cat M w iS
aw lS lS lS
41 M 4
'ana isssk lilt la
,rl pa llia
Naissssl Sissutt ....
Nsllsssl Ua
X. a. K. el at at r4
.sse Tsrk Csstral
N. T . O. A '
Narfsdl A Wasters....
Nsrtk Asjsrtrss
NarUism Petltl
yaciria Msll
rwts'l Osa "
p.. c. f. at. u..,
PHIatoin Cssl
Pis, ill sseSI Cr
Psllmsa Palste r...
Rsilssr issl aartag.
Har CsessllSSISS ....
RaseklM tssl
u 1.1 . aiaal at.....
t Wsn la 1
Peeeta Martxet.
PFOftlA. March 1,-CORN-Steady; Nft
a yelioBK 44c; Ns 4 yellow. c; No. t
mixed. 4c: Ne 4 mixed. 44S.
OAIS- Lower; No. 4 white, lac; ataa
dard. 4ZSc; No. I white, 4Ttc; No. 4
whlta, 4ic
velvet creuf. 4arfi.jJ; dtu-un. Irl
Corn; No. 4, 4SW;-; No. 4 whit. Ci.
'Sc; No. a yilow, SCSs; No. 4. s
): NO. 4 wnlte. eeexeeisr; e 4 yellow.
HMeiSc. Cwi: No. X. c; Ne 1 wnlte,
iSS;-Jo. t, Uc: Ne. a wulle, Uee
use; No. 4. rac; - 4 Whlta. Mc,
atudard, Hi&ac.
R5. No. J. Mr. Barlty: feejaxa.
Ttmotny seed: tu.cwtflaav. Clever an.
Bi-TTrrRrtrm; creamsrS. . t7ajJc;
dalle. a9-54c '
EOQS Wy; . rsjcelpta. T TJ caaea: at
mark, rasee Included, afSstlo; ordinary
Iim ile: firata 41Se-
CHBrVR-etteady; daistes. KSflTHc:
twin. lsStT'c; young Anstrieaa, ns)
i;Sc; long born. nst7Se.
PtjTATOES Steady; receipt, Ut rare;
Wiaceaein. K.toflMi Mkehigaa aad atla
neeeta. tLUW it.
POS7UTRV Wrm: tnrkey, Itre. Wc;
turkey, dreeead. lHe: cnleSens, bee. Itc;
c nt osena, dreeeed. 14c; prmga, live, fic,
an.-ura. dreeeed. 14c
VEALe-sUeady; ax ;arue. ;
reffee Market.
NRW TORK. March 4. XFirEB Fu
ture market opeaed steady at an ad
vance of 412 point In resiKmse to higher
rirnpeaa cable ana acatutwd paying,
which seemed to be for both ehort and
long account Tha demand waa not ag
ereeslve and large receipt at Braailtan
port encouragwd seme selling as a re
st, it of which pricee eased off a few
point from th beet during tha middle
Out there were rumors of
Braxtllaa buying m th afternoon aad the
market developed renewed firmness 00
oevertng. with the close steady at a net
advance er mix print. . 7s
hex.; Msrth. line; April. 134c; Mar,
II.Kc; June. 14.14c: July, ISfcc; August,
ULatc: Seotembsr. U.e)r: October. Novem
ber. December and January, u.xac ; r -
nianr. U,lr. Havre waa S franc Metier.
Hamburg waa .1S P't- higher. Rio, un
changed at mi: Santoa K S Hi
his her al 4444-. 7a K tela higher, at TtTM
Reretnt at th two ttraxiiiea porta, juiad
ban, a sines 14.11) baa leet year. Jutv
diahy receipta, w.04 tasga, asrainat a.mi
begs last year, ivew Tors warenouse de
livertea yesterday MJet basra, asrsjnst I.4U
bag laat year. Pine weather wea reported
tn three distrMs and h,srers In two dis
tricts ot tevo Paulo. Today' speoial Sen
to rable reported is unchanged and Sao
Paul receipts at K.w bags or th name
aa yesterday. Spot coffee, steady: No. 7
Rio. M4-Kc: Santoe. No. 4. ISC. Mild,
qulst; Cordora. KwUe, aosnlnal.
ettea Market.
NEW TORK. Marrh 4. -COTTN-i
eaneed quiet. ) polnta higher: middling
- . X lei ble Sawestr Geele.
NEW TORK.. March a-Soertal tyabl.
Md telegraiihic com an unlcs t loiis recelTed
iff Bradetreet show He following
chsrige tn vailabe sDptiea, a com
wred with prevsousi Aceounts;
Available Supptlea Wheat: t'nlted
l's. eejst of trie) Rorkl?. decreeee.
buuuia: rn!t1 mates, west of the
HwdUe. decrease, e- v bushels: caiexda.
used I,1' tvuekets: total United
. , to HI IMS lil't
; ins) ills "IS ms
. 10 17 MS MS
, isa fas "S
. I.n ms l' "
; 1 iss l:n n DS
. law ins IMS "'
. wa ieS lS 'I
. m let MS 1S
bm i;s "
est 11 5i
la 111 111 U"t
11 m ms s
,! 3.M II ITS I'S
,. 7t.U4 IMS IMS ms
.. l isa iss its n'l
11 ws s
Metal Market. -
Standard copper, steady: spot, 414.44
14.J7S: March. J1S avlv.a?;4: April. May
June and July, 111. SHU' 5- London mar-
xet firm: enot. tie 1 aa; nnnree. m
lis. Arrival reported at New TDrit,
Iss tons. Cuetom bouse return show ex
ports of 8.044 tons for so far this month.
Lak copper. I14.jubl4.7s; elertrolvtlc.
4l4.UStl4.tLS; casting. $1t.7Mrl4 12S:
Tin, firm at a43.iiH4.l: Marrh. 143.
lit.: Amil. Ut lbuaH: Mir. If: r42.7I:
Jun. 142.0Ot42.sO; July. Ixin
don market quiet; spot, f 14 l'e; future.
tlSi. Xkwl sales. 24 tons Marcn at Ml on;
B tons May at 44a Jo. Lead market
uiet;, New Tom: Bttes. Kan
It. Loui. London market. fl ' 1.V.
Spelter market firm: t6.9Otj7.00, New Tork;
as , .. Kat tit. Ijoui. ijondon, tjs 10a.
Antimony, market quiet; cookaon . IT. A.
Iron. Cleveland warrants, 40a, Wsd in
London. Locglly Iron wa ateady. No.
I foundry northern. t14.7.'irt.S: No. 1
scuthern and No. 1 southern o(t, 14.3o
HT. IIds. March 5.-METAT.S-Td.
quiet; R.954J1.0U: Spelter, strong; 14.40.
mm jvk STnra makrk -.
V lallali E aVstea aaaT ay wwea I Is.wCa
Cattle Keceiptt Isirgtr snd Trade in
- Healthy Condition. ,
beep. Especially Kw.s, la Spleadld
Dcataad and Trade Ae!e aa
Tea Hiaher, While Lasabe
As gtreag.
Receipts were: Catlte. Hot. Sheep.
Official Monday ,. I . f
Eetlmate Tueeday s. "
Two days this week., t.iis
Sam days last week.. 4.V24
Same days S w'k l
earn days llkl
Sam. ily. last c.r ..Id, 14.4:5 14.2M
The following Uble show tne receipts
of cattle, htwa and- sheep at utn
umstia for th year to data, aa compared
with last year; . I
, - - lli lll. .Inc. Dee.
Cattl 13,IS 1."K
Hoga Jr.i.J74 si.fJl SS.ta
sheep t....jaxt au.ti mm
The following table showa re range 01
prices paid for hoga at South Omulia tot
th laat few day A with com pan son
JS,StS .K7
1I.4W I5.:
jam :4
44 111 14.S"
l..l ft JW
rats. I 1411. Ulll.141.iuX.,tu1i.)l4J.l'i.
Feb. S.I I tj 4 4 ill 4 "I 4 i
Feb. K. 4 41 Vj 4 &U 11 4 11, 4 P t S
Feb. S. 4 46SI f U J t 14, 4 1 74, 4 44
Feb. 34.1 4 luw 1 4 I I 4 24, 4 71 11
Feb. . 4 OsS;.:..-....-.:l.... 4
M'cb t. 4 14SI 4 4 4 17 4 KM : ve
eh 4.1. I 4 kii 4 Bt
v ck 4 ssai. 1 : 1 ui 1 a t x-1 ;ll
li cit 4. 1 1 I 44f 4 1 I W. 5 g
Sunday. .'.-
Receipts and dumosltlon of live stock
at th Union Mock yards for th tweniy
lour hours ending at a p. m. yesterday;
. t attle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r s.
C. il. 8t.,P. Ry.. 4 7
Wabash Ry 1 t t ..
Mlaaourl Pa a Ry... 5 .. .. 1
Union Pacific Ry... at . 2t It, t
C. A N. W east.... a
C. A N. W.. weal... S 44
C. 'St. P., M. A O... IS 11
C. R A Q., eeet ... - -4.
C. B. A Q.i west.... 51 . . i
C. R. I. A P., eaM. 14 7
C. R I. A P. wt t . 'I
Illlnol Central Ry. 5 . A
C. a W..... I
Total receipts tat
.' 1
Xe. At. rr. Nat As. r.
I... SMI I lS as lew s
t 111 U St. list I M
it r.1 i a... ui a at
4.. ......... s ass 1 net
. Wl a r 14.. ml IS
4 Ml II 1J-1 1 S
.. lei IS .UV II
U il4 a as sa mt 1 u
list w aa 11 134 1 3s
ie Ill I M 13. IM 7
tw a.
e-i-1 a
11 a
w: 1 i
..... ill 4 aa
... m 4t
t lis 4 aa
4 1SS4 I 7,
4. Il 4 7
..1,1 I It
..ur 4 n
,.mi 4 :
n ua: I si
a. aas s aa
11 i4 I sa
I .- s
!.;...,.... BM4 I M
1 U I li
1 lis I 14
4 ll IK
4 in 1 a
a., 111 im
1 tin a sa
,.lsu 4 M
II C4 4 M 1 Ml
e I is 11 s. Ik
at in - 1 si is
it in 4 u a. ra i
ill t.M
as 1 as
111 la
I1M I H 1
Hi 1 is 1.:...
I4i 4 as 1
Ilw I s 1.....
UI I I 1
1 lit & M - '
j., m in 1
1 w IM
M is
it s:i
1 tit 1
sv. ui T n
L lie 1 se
I nt 1 n
li till I 40
.711 4 1
..1UI I u
I 111 I
.....H I Si
m 1 at
......1471 I 41
.1 17 J M
4 IM 1 to
1 Ma t M
1 IW 174
1 hs) t J
Ut I 71
I It 7 li
BTOt Kk-Kd AND Fa,!)..
M 14 4 M IS
M4 I t t... IW 4 at
.... en i it 14 :m i m
...117 1 M
Waal Market.
BOSTON. March S.-WOOI-TrwDIng In
domeitia wool I falling off, although
values hold firm. High grades ara
recorded scarce and transfers of low
cost have been In odd lota Contracting
oontinuea in tne weet, aitnougn with lea
activity, and lie reported t th ruling
pne in t,tn. rvearoy iieecee ara - in
light demand, with Ohio one-quarter
blood holding firm at 10c. Territory stock
1 dull, but some fair aalea are reported
In fine and fine medium-clothing at 2o
and 44c, reanectlvely.
UT. KOU1H, March a WOOL Steady ;
territory and western mediums, l(et4c:
fin mediums, Utfl7c; fins WrjlSc.
. . 1 ,.
- Oils aad Reel a.
Firm. 47Sc: Seles. 44 bbla; re
ceipts, 46 bbla.; shipments, 444 bbla,; slock.
atOfl hbls. T
ROSIN Firm: sales, 4T5 bbla.:' receipts,
CI bbla: shipment 3.681 bbla: stock,
7.47 . phla. QtiotMlona: B, 14.45: D,
t.S7SI W 44.73S: F. O and It M.7S: I.
eS.i . K. $7 45: M, ' t7-24; N.t7.S4 WO,
t7.4;-WW, t7i. ,
Dry deeds Market,
ootton goods msrket ruled strong, with
buying of a moderate character for
March, April and May delivery in gray
gooda. Jobbers report-, a steady house
trade. Men wear lines are ateady with
advance reported on fancy worsted
1 am art tsoy to nrm.
Bank ClearlBA. ,
OMAHA. March (.Bank clearings for
today wore and for the corre
spo titling day last year a,N4,6at.4t.
. uinjBiiiurt.
- . - - Cattle. . Hots. Sheen.
Oman Picking Cj oM lsl
Swift Co "W"!.' l.M
Cudahy Packlhg C0....I Wl l.siff 4, Jo.
Armour A Co LV71 4.4;! a.4
SchwarU A Co...... 1 144
Murphy .-. U
Morreil 4
Sinclair J 7
W. R Vanaant CO........
Benton. V. S. A Luah
Mill a con I.
F. B. Lewi....". I
J. B. Root A Co ' 48
J. H. Bulla lit
U F. Hunt H ....
McCreary A Kellogg.,.. 141
Wertheimer A Oegan.. , 47 . C
M. A Kan.-Cal. Co ,140
Clin A Christie W . .
Other buyer 4S ..... 1.4M
.Totsls ...'......."...'....".t.lia I3jt 1.171
CATTLE Receipts of! csitl erers de
eidedly larger than yesterday, 148 cars
being reported. - This make th total
for the two days 7.4S4 hesd: a slight
gain over the corresponding days of last
week, but a filling off aa compared with
most recent weeks and smaller than a
year ago by a U0 bead. Th demand on
th part of packer waa gtnesally good
and th market a a whol wa in very
satisfactory condition ae viewed from a
seller's standpoint. . '
. Tha market on deelrfcbls kinds of beef
steers opened steady to, stronger, soms
salesmen reporting that tliey seoiired a
little better prices tor such cattle ' aa
buyars happened, to int.- Still, aa a
general thing, the market wss not much
better than steady, th most ot th rly
cattl sslllng lit. good Mason. A high
aa 47.44 wa paid.- lb, later .arrival did
not avast with such good reception, the
markat closing- llltl lower.
Cewa end hsifera did not ahow much
Chang during th day,' price as a nils
being about eiay witn ratir.
Feeders of-good quality: war. In good
demand at good, firm, price, but th
medium kind of th light stackers con-
lnn slwiilt efesdv , .
Quotation on cattl: loud to ' eholc
heaf (tear, teJ4i.74; fair to food beef
tear, Iktinsjesi); common to isu- oesn
S1r, as.iusjj.u;, gooa- to cnoive evirere.
tfti-tfi: eood to choice cows, .M.7MJ6.M;
Ulr to good cows, 44.uj4.7l; common to
fair eow. tS.744.v; . good to choice
stockers and f seders. 1 t4MJ.t: fair to
VAt steckere and feeders. M.7m4.60c:
common to fair atookers and feeders 1404
HOGS hog trade was a big and busy
affair at price a shade' higner than
those paid for bulk ot yesteruay a 'erop.
Aside from activity and stronger trend,
tba general Mtuatton had many points
in eommon with ail recent market, th
mala feature or Boainetf appearing in
the heeltny, bread demand fruin pacaer.
Drove were put up in very good seaeua
at coat flguree ranging from ateady to a
nickel blgner and clearance of in run
was man early.
Receipts amounted to over 14,444 head
and average quality was not quit as
attractive aa tnat known by bulk of of
fennga at laat week's wet. Weight
were more hlgnly muted and tha propor
tion of smooth, heavy hog was aot
targe enough to hear out current bene!
tnat future offering will carry lard
unish aa a rule.
Shipper and apeculators furnished fair
auppurt any In th area ion, buying about
1 per cent of the total. Outside order
uauaily favored quality and weignt In
combination, but tne speculative demand
ess lea dwcrtminatlng.. ...
rtepreaenieuve ante:
Ne. Av. Sa. rr. Ns. AV. g. Pr.
s 11 71 nt ... s
71 H ...
71 OS 14 4 4
7 in in i
Tl in ... 1
71 ...
ennr nsenrm en TTYVTJtiit!T
Man Captured in Colorado it Briggi A
- 01 council jHiuis.
Flaht Orewrtas Whea Ofncers fi)
la aa Hiss Keaalta Serisaaly- far
Rabber aad He la New la -m
The bank robber who eras captured
Saturday tn his flight following the holdup
of a cashier In Aurora. Colo., and who
gar th nam ot Dwight Day of Council
Bluffs, jhaa been Identified aa Dwight J.
Brigs, lie ls now In the hospital and on
of hi arms will be amputated by reason
of gun shot wounds received.
Brig xs Is a Council Bluffs man. and has
Va brother. C. E- Briggs, employso aa a
solicitor an- the Nonpareil, and living at
lit West Pierce street.
Th Identification waa effected through v
tha effort of Chief of Police Froonv who
recognised th similarity In names. He
wired to Aurora, giving a decrlpUou ot
Brig, and haa been informed In return
that tha description exactly fits tha pri
soner held In Colorado.
Briggs was In Council Bluffs a week ago
Sunday and on the following day he
left for Omaha. Since then his friends
have not seen or heard of him.
Th holdup occurred In the Aurora Stata
bank. Briggs entered and at the point
ot a revolver compelled th ,eahier to
turn over hi weapon. H then filled hi
pocket with money, about tjO. . and
backed out of th place. Ha was cap
tured later In an old powder mill, when a
battle ensued and he' waa shot. " '
Chief of Police Froom yesterday looked
up th record ot Brtgf In Council Bluffs.
On January M he was arrested as a sus
picious character and held, tor investiga
tion. A companion. C. A. Bennett was
taken Into custody at the aam tiro and
ha was shown to be an ex-convict. Th
arrest of the men followed a conversation
over a telephone which plainly indicated
that a burglary was being contemplated.
Both were kept several, days and then
ordered out of town.' Bring has given
no explanation of why ha used th nam
of Day and said his brother, Oeorgs Day,
was living la Council Bluffs.
1st it I 11
I 71 M ... I 14
I U 171 ... I 3
,.171 ... 4 7
.171 ... I St
7t.......n MIM
a im ... m
7 Mt ... S
.....Ml ... 4
IM ... M
tu ... I ss
ut ., 4 m
IM ... 4
SS M 11
ta ... u
M4 ... IS!
, Ill M4
,..! ... 4 14
Dun's Report of Bant-Clearings ; ; "
U . lalu C. sT4 .
1 A S. s. M ps
ZTsT. 7.fV, S.-4IV. J IMS IMS l-H
amtasr Rsllesy '.sal MS "S
ss, asiiear a -r
Tsseaasss Oassr 4.MI
Tata yesltw v
T t. 1- A W' 4S
v.kss Psrttis 54" '
X'sbsi Parins M 4M s;S " "
tans SUM "sitr...- . r- - -
Ml MS 44 !S S
. 1 s mst toas mis
i MS " M .
ts ' - '
a ii-s
. a tsi si
Utah Osesr
VaSrslls CSssUssl ..
W.. MU.4 47 I7S
Wastlssdsrss. lilectrta .. JM tis
WsstSfe fstsa im saw sj-s
Wkeall A L. B '
Tstal aasns isv iss ,
.:M asarss.
New York Meaey Market.
sinr-.TORK. March I MONET-On
call, steady; to!S per t: ruling rats
js per cam, ouervu t w 1'..
loans, firm; sixty days. ISfa per cem;
ninety daya. atflS Pr ; Mx month.
SSfilS per cent.
STERllN'o rXCHAOE-Flrm. with
actual budtvee la barutere' bills st t4.4ii
for sixty-day bUM and H.k7 for demand.
Commercial bills. 44.S- , .
81LVEK Bar, ss-st-. sieit awiais
47c ....
. son rs Government, steady; railroad,
tssdy. . .
Closing quoiaxitm ss susui - -
mm ful loWS
a. A est. 4. isg...t.llr.
. a!. ts:.T.::t'tvisss " i:h
- e- t
a a eZrsa tn,H. c. a. 1st .... ns
es mm 'SU k see. M IMl.. H
IH-C.l. ! M ... U 4 X sil ts.... Mt
Asssr. Ag St. WJSs7. K. A T lat as. M
A. T. A T ev. 4S..114S t ! 7
Aja. Tesesss as sl. Psttn. ft Tl,
a as USSX. A. A et M. ISa R
Ateaaer ( IS.. H. T C a IS-.. "S
atakuea aaat. av.... S 4 s, MS
. ra. . "S n. I. K. H. A H.
s. rr. M HS av. ts IW
A C U 1st "SN. A W. 1st a. 4a... M
Bat ft Oka 4S 4s ev. 4s. 1S
a IS ttSN. rsrUM ea.
see A W. ISs.... "4 4s M
ink Tr. e. .... Sa A k rteg. i... M
res. es ae as tsssrsas. rr. IS llu.. trs
rea. lestasr se MS as tat Is. Ha
at?, sf N. J. g aa. .hi assist ss. as..... att
On. A OHM l-es- tsiSA U a. ts- 4a SH,
ea ra Is MH es see St. Mw
rauegs A A IS.. Mtatt. L 1 V. a. I'S
C. A A . as.... r ea as aeM as..... M,
a sa Sa MS A l M
C 1A IMS ss. Pas. ssL ....
C. A t A r- a 4 71 4 rt. St. M
rt 4 MS as 1st est. 4s.
srel. tn. 4s....... TTSs. Rsllesy . t
Oals. M4. S.. . ... S sss. la. ISS4
up-ends, s lie: middling gulf, H.fcc; no r. a si. e.. 4. s a. ":".i!u
Cotton future Hoard Arm. ' Clnelng
Mda: March. tS4c: April. .ac; Mar.
I He; June, W.4M; July. l4r; Attgust.
M.Mc; Septemker. ti: October, H.14C:
Nerember. M.44C: December, kktV; Jtn
aary. sAttc
kagap MarVet. -
SEW TORK. Marrh . !lOAR-Raw.
eav. muactvtado, test. 4 Sc: centrtf-
. . . .i-a-, - imw t. inte :vki, e. tret. . e . RMS ..X SS IVSt. 4Vte
St;e anl Canada. iBcreased l,7,MBetined, quiet
B ft R, O. A M . tat A est, 4s... KS
rs. i wsr. kaMer .... m
rsstrnsca' is 71 F A Msl M SS....M
Srt p t 4a. MSWaAaak 1st is. ISTH
a sa is :is ss 1st es. .,... Ms
4 v ,4s, ssr. A., rt WasX. Klae sr. la.. St
s saris a rr,WS Ceatrsl Sa. ,
0a ims. es. U-...1U M. Par. n. a. U
Pi Caa. rt tel. 4a.. M-.Paeaat a, I.'ms
leatsa atwek Market.
LONDON. March i. American serurt
lles opened ateady with prkea around
Beak sxaaaagM a Fasraarr awl a sMak i
1 sstlafaetsty atmparlata will sTswraar
laaa thsa af tk ptuadlst Mth. th tstal st all ksvtlsf staSs la th Uattad Bast,
aaearduig t lavUltie eaitiad try S. . 9m Ca, whlek iaelai rtrarai rraea
iMsltaf ctttsA Atragatlac ll,t,a,7M, aa tooreiaa.f .7.1 par oaat owxrd srlOx
UMxMswtauvMyr.aMaf ealy I I per ae. ah eem pared w1tktarrsoBsllg
MtrtklaltlA WklS axe bailer skewing f ta past stoatk M la part da t ta un a 1 1 4
weathsr 41nas aad ta fast that ISenury this jmr laalnaaa an Mr ssliM
day, It alas aadoabkally radara aeta rearlval la trxl bxalssu asarttf. Th
yetmra at Ntw Terk Oty r aeelil7 gretlf vlag. akewutf a they do a atD lraaa
ever last yea gad araeh saatDar loss tkaa ta Jsanary la th awpirlasa wttk IRS, aH.
wttasskaalac th fast that sratilB.t akaax aad stker eUlv atarksu a a
nsk rediosd tel M eampand wlfk tha tw reviM r- Th tttAl I st aatalfc sWas
Mm aa IneretM srar 1411 14.4 per eeaL aad ver tw years ag af ill par ., aad
gels ara paral la the prtaoa -with hot yavr. Ubnr trawtsM war a ft
sardlat lalasa la th New KMa4 etaaw at a gsairal iMla la th laeattag
sadsMrla la lldlauad by tA galas reported by Bostea. Prtrn4tne, gpiag 11. WareaeSer,
PartiaBd. Harvard aad ther eeaUra. Th gals la th tstal Is 1U par esat PnMmHj
all ta taadiag altlsa 1 t MMcIS Atlaatle SbvtM repsH lergsr xcaaiiri Ua la a r
teth Tear, asssag theat rhuesWahla, Ptttsaargh, Beraatea, Reaaiaf. Baffako, Keraaater,
Symcaas aad Albsaj. tb lcraM la th total orsr laat yaar aatausUiH M & J per etat. aad
ess. 114 ta 7.4. Goad rtiai strsaai st arery dry l4ka8olll Atlsatie sutas It oswyarusja
with betk years, aad IrarrexsM ara rerted by BaJUatore, Rick Meet Nrflk, gseaaaah. ,
Allaar. aUeea, Jarttearllls aadethar petats, aad aa atpanalaa ta we toou t .i par
UtaCsersl Sooth alt gsuut f 4"1 AbatiaUllj itigw tkaa ta
Uhat yaat. Awoag the luea aVtwlag lasts an St. .Ietrali, N Drlas lavatsrul.
Ksmaeia. Nashville. Heuste. Oslvestaa si d Lttu Eaox. Tha OsntrJrtsti reeert a gala
of U.4 per seat vw laet year aad af 4. 4 par aat ever 1918, as wkiek Mst ctliM snxtrlsata,
with increaaea al sack ieiaertaat staaufacturUg aad tradlag aaatara M Chltsgo. Qaalaaati,
Caevelsad, netratt. tlllwaakae. Catnaxboa, Peerla. Qrsad RepMa lad athv. ladlaattag
pnaparaus eotvxlrlee la that asettsa-r Theogk aoese fiii.iff-74 mu wit
ka year. U the letalef laaW ie4rnHutM. nd-asMtd iport uvejeeeea ev al r
WthyeeraUrtiatlU.vrriweaea. ' A rood iaertd hxadbe 84 Paat Dm Mola,
Kaass Crty, Omaha, 8t- Jeaech aad Penrer. sad eaor falllaf af ppera U la at ml
meetly da t heal ssaairlwa ) tks Fatdtw CaaM kk ahaa
lalaad vejh with th i1tT
Sea lWtstsxLat Aag WAd A OOhavi. Teaaj4h-I sxAd hakvw of
beak excaaafM byeseatoas eevartsg Ura yeen; ate th average dally bank sxehaarM
aTrniwadtkttrBreet!la( wih:- ' ; . j4"
MsMSS -.
. AUsaas
gsetksr ....
Oss nwl West
rsstae .
.I. easy
try .
Hat assist .
4W44A1I.1M .
Si .714.107
srj 4.w
. 14418.Z.7-4
Sill 17 AM
4 A404.TU
, 7:t4.TTl
- aiar4.t
1,414.147 lfta
413.4 e
4 OA
.1410. 1
ia.4tA4a.7a i Wi4jiA4 ; 7J '
r ash do
' 1AK. if as
r- 4a 7
. mjtAiaA - 3:4404 .
. geMswttm
-4 .
While asase aitla la tha Wsstsra 8444 atlsTa t iwssart satav ga s4
tela wported hj Mlaasavpells, tl faal, Das slelae, Kaaaaa Uty, usaabt.
Dswvsr aad other enlar.. Ta taarat a eesail teBew : ' '
Mima m ,lj. .w
tn r-A....
lias aViaaa
Ssaes Ultv
Im, as si -
Csdsr sutiddl
at jMsaa
Ci inn
gaaax JSC
1 11 x.
1U.1 UUtT7 .
ln.71 vSS .
tr7A7.e '
)A4 ai7
7 7"7 U
U."l . 91
. 44U7TAat
111 . '
. AsAti.MI
rax AM
irrjit..-? 44 .
: ll
M J 4 SKI 4tt
. t.ixi.ia
' lt.oee.isM
. aa.isorvw
' tV4C.4
ajaAtellTJsM) 4 At
4 t-f
1 1
4- AT
. -ItlA
1 sag
I A4W4I1
.gtJTi.ii '
-1 JpT.tlT
- tsisTJyaJ
' Asalsl .
41a a
4 i
41 T
4 AA
Tl 144
71 m
t ra
M.. M7
41....... im ... a si
M A ... I J
u Ui Mas
m ia a ss
7t ta ... I as
OT ... a A
O at ... 4 li
u Ml ... IM
M. ...... lit Maw
11 Ml ... I W
el. ......m ... I M
in ua w
JM ... 4 M
.mi a tn
MS ... 4M
.1X4 MIM
111 MIM
.IM ... Is
.IW M lH
jsr , ie
... I
M I 41
M I 41
... 4
. I
,.rM IM 144
M Ml ... 44
M Mt ... 4 44
M :tr ... 4
:i !t! ... I U
m ... 1 m
nt ... im
:it MiM
a Mi ... im
S4 Ml M 4 as
a. Ml . 4 Ul
ta 1.1 . . a 1
siibajr-iM same--ui gem tun to tb
uemana lor sheep and iamb that was
evidenced yeateraay. was snown In lo
usy a trade and anything suitable for
eUughtermoved with plenty ot ireedoio
irom the start. Quits a little busineaa
was done very early In the morning as
one er two ot tba larger packer needed
fresh material to keep killing gangs busy.
Well fed atock met with general prefer
ence among buyer and matured muttons
acted even more creditably, than last be.
Fat wal. conatltutlhg bulk of shp of
terings, were generally quoted about a
dim higher, while I am he claimed a mar
ket quotabiy strong, good westerns reach
ing 44.44.
Receipts amounted-to a full fifty loads
hut this estimate had vary llttl repressive
Influence upon buying and healthy cotn
oetltlon throusThout enabled seller to
obtain stronger figure without very much
dickering. -- .......
In the sheep trade fed western awe
found an outlet at prices ranging from
.tb downward, Tha top eel noted In
volved animals that were high-grade In
every respect, medium to common r lessee
aelllng t 44 04 ad let. There were no
wether or yearlings. of consequence In
cluded In the run, but dtlracuve wether
would probably command small premium
over similar quality ewes. -
Feeder trade remained almost barren
as very little stuff Is coming too thin at
present to hill out well. The country de
mand waa also small and quiet, nothing
whatever being purchased for reihlp
nient yeatenlay. '
Quotatlona on sheep snd lambe: T-amba.
good to choice, 46.1$34; lambs, fair to
good. 4S a54.H): yearlings, good to choice,
ri CntjAa); yearling, fair to good. 44 Mf
(); wthera, good .to choice. 44.&tr4.74;
wether, fair to good. 4411X14 45; ewe,
good to choir. t4.J68i.00, ewes, fair to
434 fed lamb
B fed wts. cull ..
S fed lamb
14 fed lamb ......
44 fed - wethers .
24 fed lambe
44 fed lambs
44 fed ewes
at fed ewes, eulls
! fed ewee
Mt fed ewes
44 fed ewe
74 fed lamb
117 red lamb ...,
2t fed lamb
est clipped wether ill
........ 1
WO '
........ 51
e.. 83
t tt
t S
4 15
t at
s 4
4 S
a ts
4 as
t M)
44 it
74 44
4 It
Drataad - far - Cattle Steady Heae
Slaw Sheep Weak.
CHICAtlO. March 4. -CATTLE Re
ceipts. 4.404 head: market ateady; beeves.
uuae.Ki: Texaa steer. 447041 04: western
tee re, tt.losf.MO: atockere and feeder. HI
fc.a: cow ana neiiere. 4: iv; caivee,
elites. 50.
HOOS Receipts. 34.04 . head: market,
alow; e lower than yesterday's average;
llgnt. M.1WT4.KS; -mixed. Vshiit;s.
neevv as.ast.AaV: teiuan. ai.awoe.ID: Die.
14.:"!!'; SS; bulk ot aalea. t v-!.6.
head: market weak; nnttve, p.iier.sos;
western. M.tlSrt LS: yearling. 4.r .
Itmba, aauve, HWITi.otl; weatera, te-Wtl
Kanaaa Clip Live Stark Market.
Receipt a. 4.444 brad, including KH aouth
eme; market weedy- to stsone; dreeeed
beef and export steers, .tt.rS.S; flr to
good. tuAilxATt: western eteers. t5.4nr7 ta;
stockers and feeders. H44A3t; southern
steer. ttAspA'S; em I hern cow. 11
S.R: natlv cows, aa S-t; native heifers,
11(44.2. bulla, HOOOt t. calves, H4
S.5. - - .
HOOBcelpts ll head: market 4c
higher; bulk ot aalea. tts4 i:S; heav-y,
K1).': packer and butchers, a&Haji
4s3S; light. ptautlAda: pigs, !&:&.
SHEEP AND LAM Rtt Receipt. )
head; market togxlc h. ,er; lam he. A. 3
(set; yearling. K.Mi.: wether.
KJOtjAtt: ewe. as.StJ4.4u; stockers and
feeders, 13-
At a ma meeting ot oltlsen that
filled all of tha aeeta and standing room
In th south room of th county court
houa laat evening. Emmet Tlnley, -pres
ent member and president of th school
board, Q. A. Schoedsack, both of whoa
terms sxplr this month, wsr rs-noml-natcd
by acclamation. There was such
a unanimity of opinion that tber waa
not an Individual In th audience, ,wh
had other favorites and tber was not
another nam offered or dissenting;
votes beard. ,
Julius L'nger. senior member of th
Continental Furniture company waa
chosen chairman of th meeting and
Charle Konlgmacher, cashier of th Com.
mertcal National bank waa mada secre
tary. After this th proceedings were
very brief. J, Chria Jensen nominated
Mr. Tinier and A dosen men seconded,
It, while as many motions that th chotosy
be mada by acclamation found equal ap,
provaL and th nomination followed. Mr.
Schoedsack was honored with tha aame
dlstlnotioa after hi nam waa prssat4
by Alderman Tounktrman.
It waa necessary to nam a candidate 1
for school board treasurer, and when ax
Mayor M. P. Rohrsr presented th aama
of George S. Davis It waa mat with ap
proval and went through In the aama
manner. Mr. Davis haa beea school treas
urer for more than ten year. . -
Tber will be a mas meeting of re
publicans to be held in th aama place
at th aama hour, 7:34 this svenlng, for
th purpos of naming th candid a tea
who name will appear oa tha ballet
at th school election next Monday. It
will rwquir a trifl longwr for there will
b coostderabla more difficulty la select.
Ing the thro candidate. No name bar -
been mentioned, but there will b no
troubl In ecurlng th consent of com
petent business men to become formtiebla
opponent to their democratic brethren,
St. Joseph Lie Sleek Market.
ST. JOSEPH. March l.-CATTLE-Re-' ,
celptA 1.704 head: market strong to 11)0:
higher: steers, t&OOtj; cowa and hlf-"
era. ta.S0tn.s4: calve, t4.7ow7.7i. .
HOOS-Recetpt. 7,400 hesd; market
strong t to higher; top, p.W; hulk of,
aalea. M aWja.&S.
SHEEP AND LA U Brt Receipts, t.ahil
head; market Wtylae higher; lamua, tsOUtyl
aMaW I- Slael.
Receipts of Uva stock at the flv prln.l
elpal western market yesterday;
. Cattle, , Hog. Sheen
South Omaha.:.... 4, so 1S,0 ll.Esw
St. Joaeph. ' l.Sr - 7.9a 1.4
Kanaaa City....... t.u -jtw
St. Louta t. IIA X.401
Chicago 4.50s ao.wu r.ow
12. Mil ta.m 4,4U
Ceadltlea af Treaaary.
WASniNOTON. March (,-At the be
ginning of buslne today th condition
of the t'nlted dtatea treasury wss:
Working balance In treasury office, 31.
SsViSO; In bank and Philippine treasury,
tsftia.ait: total balance in general fund.
1)2.111.144. Ordinary receipts yejiterdar
were tl. 143.114. 1th ordtnary dlTsurse
ments of flBTTI. DefleH to data thsa
fiscal year I U0.0ea.4it. as against a def
icit of t2.4i4.iai at this time last year.
The figure exclude Panama canal and
public debt tranaactlona.
St. leak Llvw. Slack. Market.
ST. IOf "IA March . k CATTLE Re
ceipt. llUt head, lacludlna; Mb Tex ana.
market atrong 10 Uo. higher; natlv ahip
ping and export steers. 17 -Wtiti i; dreeeed
and butcher a teem. t5 .; steers under
l.m pounds. KUtS.3; aloclaers and feed
ers. t3.ao4.4; cows and heifers. tZTSai
491: canners C.4R94.40-. bulls. esJOtli.M.
caivee, b.;r 46. Texas and Indian steers,
ta.rjC.ts): cows and hetfera, O-dram.
HCXlce-Racelpta. ll.AA bead: market
steady to weak; pigs and light. 4VAr
4Ja : mixed and butchers, t&stitjAat; good
heavy. M.4S4K.SS.
SHEEP AND LA V BS Receipts. ,a
head: market Ite higher: native muttons
a; . 1 j ImttiI'S. 1.V iem Hi en:!.
4.44 J bucks, t-suti-; stock era, Jl!..
Will lean oa curity requlr
lag apaclal lnveeUgatio
r cloae expert la ton, and
not a valla bl for bank loaOA
Larg snterprlses fUaacest
Prompt Investigation of
security offered, whatever
Its character o r location.
PBILftSfclIA...tUTarseta AMAg.
CXICAAO. ..rtra AlatX Baak njag-.
Ceewa, BealeasxlaUssas BearhsA
Tired, Arties, bwellea fseC U
aJlars pala aad tsAw eel sol mass
iwaallie, svuwptly. ReatMtg
a soelalng raMss a asturMnsiss
Ueaef tae aloe taretsrk laetsrt. ae
Slatiiajatarissiiaua4aee.aasltsr tiaras aad eUwIaallag laeeM. Alex
4 si, Ttaeist sort, led . erltrs Bee. la,
mm. 1 eVM yo iseseetker.y sse.
Uag two souisa of year saa, Aa,
tUrabaalaaeawysDet. Mr footle
'MA eedtre, blargedClaasla,
Tan ran Pease. Milk .
' !? ""-Lr rnrA
safl aa sisiidnsjxiataor (Wlrrere. a4era.
w.r. ivwai.r.a.r, ret iteaaa st, ssriassaai. est.