Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1912, Page 11, Image 11

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    . .. u
' Mrs. Mutt Appears to Be a Pretty .Keen Watcher
Cof Down To txc wryise't iro vimt Benin
1 - Ota rNNO Mete
c I'LL oN'trA. OUT
To "the TNTtHlAO'i'V
w"" ritv.OCMt.'
. ausrre aad OMices.
STORE at 3M Cuming street
Store at 2106 Cuming street
Store at S North :h street.
Store at Wl North Mth itrteu
Store at S.17 North Mth itreet.
Store at 330 North Mth. South Omaha,
STORE at ISO Hsrney street.
Office or salesroom at Uth and Harney.
, M door at i; Harney; now.
td floor at UM-W Harney: new.
1 Basement at 1SM-M Harney; naw.
Offica at 1517 rirum street; aeoowl
.- Store at I41t Henley atreet.
151T Jfarnam Street.
FINE Ucht office apace, ground floor,
Baa Bldg., 1714 Kamam ft. ,
LAROB atora room with balcony. 1
aven worth St. Douglas MPS.
Reed Abu tract Co.. old eat abstract office
in Nebraska. S0 Brandala Theater.
NtALK ft CAMPBK1.U 1714 Kamam 8L
Electric ga fixtures. Omaha Stiver Co.
Ideal Cement Co.. 17th and Cuming.
Fuche, Sob Blind, painting, decorating.
ROOFINGS, pamta. building paper
master boards. Amer. Sup Co.. 11 Mch a
WELL, digging. K. Urossman, lie W. Uth.
Boyd county. MS acres, well Improved;
mile north of Spencer; 1000 caali. balance
n .nt PHi. X.A. lis acres, mile west
Bristow: well improved, frlce, X tLM
cah; balance a per cent. Will tske city . . iuri navm'nL Bargains.
J. J. Z1TNIK. aa Ware Big.. Omaha. Neb.
and atora room leaaa In Nebraska or Kan-
sea town. Aiioresii w t -v. -
BL'T LAND; alao farm ruortgaaoa from
flrat hands. Wa can pleaae you. 'The
Welpton invcstinern y-o
Ogallala. Ken,
Attractive offlcea renu S to M; aaryica
A 6TEEI. range, a gaa ranga and fur
niture for sale, an Amea
POR SALE Bed room ault, ait Dodge.
Three-bleca aotld mahogany parlor suite
. . ... IW...I.. uuftl
itor sale, r uun. wiim .
UOOD oak dining table and eldeboard.
Phone Harney SSs. ,
FOR PA1.E Bookcase, dining room
table, kitchen cabinet, two bedroom eeta,
etc, at a bargain. W abater
,. ... .- atwateai. lwaroata.
' PIANO for sale, ta) Davenport. Harney
Wt. .
. FINE upright piano, big bargain;
. leaving uy. Win imvenport.
t an Oliver typewriter from the
Oliver Typewriter Co. bouglaa ll
Tvotfu-uiTve for rent, lowest figure
aver quoted; 1 montm, ti. Central IVpe
, writer Exchange. lu Farnarn. Doug. -
'KPKwKl-iinS. " ALL MAKIOS-Fer
aale er rent; largeat awcti; beat bargalna.
U. F. BWANaoN CO, ,111 aaraam ftu.
timaha. CaU er write.
FOR SALE No. 4 Underwood, type
writer; very near aew and caaa and cover.
eXddreee K fcO. Omaha Bee.
. - - . MiaeaUj.awa - .-
iFOR ALB-Two aeholarahlpa In' tha
Omaha Commercial college aud one la
1 liolea couega itut. v..-i
20- miffiTMEXT
Two double brick apartment renting
for m,m per annum, price only
takea 115.000 cash, balance mortgage.
4U-U Karbarh Block, .
Omaha. Neb.
i irilFS: L!0 acrea In cultivation. 4
paeture; funccd; lair Improvement;
mllea IO raurueu "" "J-".. -
Hrlce, in.fte per acra m. omi.".
fleet. Neo. .
a hahoain Kor aale. cheap, new 4-
raem modern cottage, on monthly pay
ments. Telephone Dong. MQ4.
men, young men ana men wno eiey
young. Sold up lo HO at tit. Vollmer'a.
107 8. Mth St. -
BARGAIN BY OWNER-fill rooms,
ll ami hath modern: oomolete In every
detail; nice atreet; good neighborhood. JMI
Meredith Ave. Phone B-I1H
FOR SALE By owner, 6-room cottage,
has gaa. electric light, furnace, cement
walks around Douse, once waia in iruin.
Can be bought on easy larma, Apply of
owner, 7i N. i st.
Host arttatle and uniform residence dis
trict of Omaha. Few vacant Iota left,
tl.JOO to tl.WO- Streets paved and parked.
t. vK i.ia euh. balance monthly. Will
build to ault en aame terms or wilt ad
vance coat of house ana puna youreeii.
The Paxton Real Estate Co.. fa) Ware tfk.
niiR I.KTTKR duDlicatlnc work la un
exoelled. A trial will convince you. Both
phones. Western Duplicating Co.. Bee.
AT BARGAIN, J-room houaa, easy pay
meuta Canadian office. Ill So. lain St
Doors, windows, walnscoUng. Tel. D. 4is.
Kiaht In town, oa II Doer Broadway, H-
aillc from car line; good walks extending
away out past It; J-room nouee, gooo
new barn; aome fruit; about t acres fine
rtcb garden land, balance good for fruit
or pasture; Land slopes east and protected
on -oris) sad wast by hills. An elegant
place for email greenhouse or hot beds
and tarly Harden stuff, or will make you
good home ana Be prtuitaoie to cut wis
lata la a few years, -
M Pearl St., Council Blafrs.
BUY direct from owner. ) acrea, well
Improved farm. t! per acre. John Jenia,
Lodge role. ceo.
iiiUin no t (hevenne county. Neb.
level, dark loam, gramma grass all over
It aura aign ot tertimy; cneap.
trade for Omaha, clear. Hlpley. SiA
Oklaho-u, ,
160 Acres Land
i FOR $i.500.
1 have 1 acrea deeded land located In
Ellis county. Oklahoma, seven miles,
.ha Miintv seal clnne to school and
in a good agricultural section, juie.
raimit took thirteen premiums at the
fibi.hnm. state fair thle seaeon. 11
houi - acrea In cultivation and lli
r-n be tllleo. lJO otner improvv-
.mi Title tierfect. Patent from gov
ernment Price. tl.5; tf cash.
October S. 1SU. and balance January 1.
1914. This is cheaper man nomesn-o-Ing
and a rare bargain. Write or wire.
J. llODUE,
R. 8, 115'2 Grand Ave.,
Oklahoma City, Okla. 1
aeaih Dakota.
near Carter and half section near iter Knth ImDroved. - Ownera compelled
to let go and the purchasers will get tne
benefit of extra low prices. Kaay terms
If desired. Write quick 1f you want a
bargain. No crop failures In thle part
of South Dakota. Box 14. Dallas. S. U.
W ANTEL-ork by the week, or bun
dle washing. J4- Webster.
AN ALL ROUND cook wants poeltkm
In hotel. Harry woods. 43 N. MB.
WSIII..o anu iruin qoue. T.. It. tUtl.
WANTED Aly uung lady of rellne-
ment, Dtisltlon as houeekeeper. city iie
lerred. Address Y 141. care Uee.
By "Bud" Fisher
' .I. i . ia. ii - . J-P--t- j-----i-taaa-saaa--
-k -.1 w..i?-er V i J hVrV -i msmm-asti V -JHi
j Y v- 1 zj :. ifei-n msmm mrn mm
OXl ?Mk J MlNUYFl J V? 1-J'a, 1 .-rl 'a-V 21 1 d .-r.tSi l-Wl I
mptez, mu i n r - rzt i i :f - s tsn -am rrfm i
i " i .
A KUl.lAbl.E colored
work by the day or week.
woman wanta
Hhoue H. un.
Republicans Will Mtuidtmns City
Clerk Orer Primiry Count
Two Mrsnswra af t aavasslag Board
Deeltaa 4eaet Saasea Writtea
la Ilsll Prlary la
Fairly Espeaalte.
AN exierl-nceii laiwaries warns day
work, fntmo Vvebster MM:
rlrst-clatia. practical nurse. H Riia. A-aW4
Biinole sliing at 1U H. tun, lyier lwJ.
Ol'R lease Is soon up. "ikKiety Brand
Clothes," sllpons, overcoats ana suns,
sold up to t at lli. Vollmera, 101 8.
lth St.
"ViiiiDllATK nurse would like position
caring for Invalid or as traveling com
panion. Phone lyier
GOOD all around butcher wishes posi
tion out of town, tl per week ooiiasi
ered. Addrcea G-44. care Bee.
tXHAmkb woman wants position
disn-alier. Webster His).
WANTElv-Sltuatlon by young Korean,
a private lamlly as cook; and city or
country. Addresg P. O. Jo S""
W ANTEU-Sltuatlon housekeeping by
middle-aged lady and daughter, aged s.
Widower preferred. Box Ualva. la
HOUUEKEEPINit In city with widow's
family; have smau cnna. w p.
YOUNO Isdy wanta steady otfloa posi
tion; can furnish best of references.
Phone W ebster -wa.
HOUtK young man, familiar wita dook
work. R. II. Laird. Una S. Utn.
"FOR aALK-Js-H. iewell;
H. pTtHMier. Bluff Clly Laundry.
Council Blufls, la.
' POOL tables, store, reetaurant flxluree
bought, soid. Levy, xow w. e,
T i VI PSi Inveried gaa Unips wiin
1-tnllO crsual reflector globe and
keif-lignter deilveied lor ; OHJJ"
TiKTAslPCO..tS.Mth; l).W; A-l4.
NOW watch the high-price fellows i talk
when w otter "akHS-ity wa
at tit worth m Vollmer'a. Itf7 8. Iwn Bt.
j. uK oa- auo aeoowl-nand
cararn and pocket -UUard tables and
bowling aiieye aud acceesorlesi bar tut
lures of ail klae.i eeay payaients. ina
Brunswiak-xMuae-cullauoei t-u, B.
leth Bt. ' '
One One-Half Acre
ifth and Curtis Ave., t room house, barn,
trull, lays nice and level, block to car.
Terms two cash and balance monthly.
Immediate possession, nere la a gooa
buy. i
S. P. Bostwick
M & 17th St. Ground Floor Bee Bldf.
Coal for stove r furnace, fry It.
Harmon Woslh. Webster ata.
S.AFKB Overstocked with
smiea. all sixes and wakes
'American Supply Co.
Ill firum ot.
Cinders for sale, cheap. Fbone Web. is.
in SAFES. DERIOHT, Mil Fantasa flt.
llrttlsk telassalau
FOR BALB-Cliolca valley farms In
tracts of MV to w acrea. within 1 to 1
miles from the towna along the Urand
Trunk pacific Railway In Central Brltlsa
(...mAie aIsa Skeena Valley Fruit
Farms In 10-acr tracts. Send for ties
booklet Call or write B. Meyel, District
Sales Agent, CU Paitoa xiiac, wauna,
i.-, ,u hi t.KwAnvons desiring second.
n H tlStUrea WOUMI dO Well tO
tttrreepond- wiln- er taiepnon v a-
tlenal oana, uaana.
' tu RAl.K-Thsee Pool Ublee, new
cloth; flrat class condlUon; tiM. Call Bar
ney .
pirr.lNoriSHMENT-Must aell enlck.
he heat l-acre reiinquianmeni in tne
valley. W ntllea from good new town.
Price tSa, Writ W. K. Retaking. Hastjr,
id a a t v HtwKrt ranae. nearly new.
H. A. Speth. UK Ave. B.. Couaaltttuits.
Oladish Pharmacy. Lin and Dodge.
LIE BEN. mask sulu ta hire. H14 HawO.
Massage. Kmanhouee, aja'oid Boston Bid.
.'. . . .-m ail kinds ot aew-
tn. mnmea lad. A-lws. Dougla
Isth and Harney Bla-
YOUNO women earning to Omaha as
aJangera are invited w visit the Y.ul
Wemea'a Curia uaa asaudauoa building at
"JiTIrva Ave., wnere
S-y will be directed "yf
Sur travelers- aid at the laws atatlon.
iiuuk lOl
Stomach trouble, poor ciruculsu. hAr-
t ,h vraluale from bwedenu 4ttt
V" " . ' .r iw,, 7iafc
Omaha Ml. pan
' w.. la. ii., A KM 1 solicits cae.
ft uHhing; u tact anyming you do not
Si v a collect, repair and sell at LH
M I lith st, iuTcost ST collection, to tne
Jeorfhy poor. Pine Douglas ilS and
aona will call.
"ir CO Ai'L'Swediih movemeiu. ouiie
ill fliftr
lag Blk-
1 S and 21. Sd flour, Doug
ltth and Uuoge
vital massage. Anna Fiaher. 41)1 Ware blk.
, . ..iMt slanlcurinK. onus
ladiea ana sj"""' .
cnsa H. ausi. Ind. A-14
.-.- i tar man. Oray a jserve
at atct-onneii fms
rve -itoclety Brand Clothes
eat, t be sold at 11. afakaa ahow you.
Worth tea. Vollmer's. 1-n B. w Bt.
It i co mil- Baths, aalt glow aromatia
JU rtkarsixj trratment. l me. Anea
( Csseago. H 8. 17th OoorD.
' BtiGM for hatching from the Branoela
r-f T!,h,iri 8. C. White Laei-
horna. Utility stock. L5 a jetting or
a par jodl Exhibition or abo- stock, n to
tt a setting. Write for catalogue. Adoreas
X D. Brandela. Omaha. TeL ueneun
WHITE aptta pupiea. Phone
B7. 4tte N 14th Ave
'. iuiM. tMsss everv affg a chick
rost pnee saved an Brat hatch; days
free trial; catalog free. Leahy altg. Co,
17l B. Uth.
' BUFF Wyandotte cockerels 11
Lafayette Ave. Hamey 2.
m-rs- nnpiNCTON setiina egga for
aale from Imported and prise winning
atock. 11 ae per setting of li Phone Wcb-
aur ma,
W yeas tag.
FOR SAt.R-ltO acrea Irrigated land
with good water right and well improved;
two miles from cuumy acau luS lr acre;
easy terms Address P. U Bog 114. Tor
rington, Wyo.
Faraa sat Ranch. Laaste.
ISO-ACRE farm miles northwest or
Florence and north of Irvlngton. Rent
JMs a year. . -
Doug; 7. in a. i7tn.
Two farms for renL These farma are
good tillable land, well Improved, contain
ing M acres and IW acres. J. T. Collins,
Counoll Bluffs, la. Phone Black 421ft.
Traversed br tha
i .nA Pentad to the widest range at
crops. All tne money crop & me mw
plentifully produoso. ror uteratuxe treat,
log with this coming eouniry. Its aell.
climate, church and achoot euveuiasee.
write m,
VV. H. lKAttx, usri.
Ocaeral Passenger Ageu,
uiinky io luan on buslnesa or resi
dence properties, tl.w to fwf.
HOM AH. WJ rirst wai I pu
til eaeleat war te rind i y fot
.. trr.. ta ta liaMrt a esnau waai ae
ta the Dea MotBaa Capital. isxTgeet of
culauon in the aiaia ol Iowa. JA oaay
i h. i .oital la read by and believed la
by the kiandpeilare of Iowa, wna simp.
let use te permit any ether paper In taeu
bemea. rlatea. l cent, a worn .
iu ir monin: count ata ordinary
mores te tne now. .
Cspiial. Dee Moines, la-
tM miKRHiTRNfi and adjoining coantlea.
We have a large numoer of choice, well im
proved farms near gooa towns anu mir
a short distance from Minneapolis at
u i. m oer sfrm. These farma are
adapted for diversified farming, and la
the corn aeit uei a term wm
ahmuunt and ereo laijuree are
known, a or full parucuiara write e ca
tena Realty company, sm raaua ana.
Minneapolis, Minn.
Tun taltilnr isa-acre homestead rella-
gulshmenta. eepter of Irrigated tract, close
la town, save esMie. svuuiwse wwuw, w
,A. V Si Me, Mont,
r eead investments. If you are InteN
ested. correspond with ua, as we have
them Id different sues, both Improved
wi imim nravM
W acres -
as acrea
1N acrea
Mut acrea It ataa)
IMS acrea 3
X acrea .
et acres .- won ft siiu-vaji
Let ua send Montana statistics com par
Ing this state with oihera.
Shopen & to.
Ranches and inveetmenta, Omaha. Neb.
tljfil will buy the nest isa-acre borae-
stead to Aeoraaaa; paruy . improves
Write ewner. c.
; para? , i
HOMESTEAD S acrea rich farm leaf
for tlio, filing lees ana eiL sasa
J. A. Iracy. Kim ball, N "
M isc erta a sees,
Farmers and land buyers
all ever Uie country are
reading Bee want ads every
day and snapping up every
bargain offered
Ratea H mla per word
If run only ana time, la per
word If run two or snore
times consecutively.
Write end mall your ad
tcday to steal Estate depart
ment of The Oman Use.
Results are aura
Khio vuur stock to South Omalia. Save
end iirtnkaaa Your consign.
mania receive prompt and careful attan-
s.t Stock CaaaaataataB Merchants.
Bysra Bros ft Co. Strong and responsible.
WOOD BROS., XM-tt Exchange Bids.
Qreat jVeat. Com. Co, Omaha Denver.
W. R SMITH SON just handle sheep.
"XAQ UUOI4ajida.hoga,jeep.
Clay, Robinson Co,, eve Kuthange Bldg.
"Interstate Co. Better rasul la Shi pfojut.
CLIFTON Com Co, xa Exchange Bldg.
L, E. RUBERT8 CO.. U Kxch.B4ig.
Cox A Junes Cony Co, bunch of bustlera
aTmarTL a Com. CoT Kxch Bldg;
blioslt proceeds of shipments Ih Stock
Tarda Nati Bank. Only bank at yards.
'Martin Bros. Co, M Excn. Blug.
WEEKS URAIN CO, grain merchants.
Consignments aoUoltad. Isi Brandala,
OMAHA property and Nebraska lands.
' nurrk'li Rtll. ESTATE CO,
Wit New Omaha Nat I Bank Building.
WANTED-Clty loans. Peters Truat Co.
WANTED City loans and warrants.
W. Farnam Smith Co, 13 rarnam aw.
tils) to tlo.OUl made promptly.
Wead, Weed Bldg, 1Mb and ramam.
Notice Is hereby given that tha annual r the stockholders of Tha Mis.
SOUri 1'aririC MailWBjr vumvsnr nil we
held at the general omce ot tne company
1. tha rltv of ttt. 1.0UIS. MlSSOUll. OU
Tuesday, March 13th. lull, at nine o'clock
a- m, for the election of thirteen dlreo-
am fne the ensutna veer anu tor tne
transaction of suck other buslnesa as
ns before said meeting. Tha an.
.i meetlne of the directors will be held
at the same office on the aame day at
U ClOCK noon, ine trnsier uuune win
ba closed on Tueaday. February tth. MH
at three o'clock p. m, and will be re
opened on Wednesday, March Uth, UU,
. tan n'rlrvk a ra
By B. F. BU8II, President.
A. H. CALEF. Secretary.
New York, January Win. lilt MldlR
fl A RVTV RPf Loans, tu and up.
unu i av
Omaha Nafl Bank
LOAN S Farms and city property.
I. Dumont Bon. Mot Farnam Bu
" ri-ii
Bemia-Carlberg Co,
Brandela Theater mug.
. Exchange
Far farm tanu h .sebraaka
Iowa: a business biork at Lincoln, value
its an under lease till 1IM: flK monthly;
Your farm cash rent ooes not onng ui
this amount iuntniy. it it aid you wad
have 400 acrea rented at K per acre, pay
able monthly. That on income basia
would equal aura; aa yaura duo U better
trade ana get our income to you raonuio
1 A. DEVINE. Karbach. Omaha.
FOR F.XCHANOE Ut act as or Irrigated
Unit near town, in southern Idaho.
Fine general mercnanaise atoca ana
hinuiirur in neW and CroWinX tOWO. Ad
dresa Green Front Siore, Wendell. Idario.
FINE Kimball organ
change. 308 N. Nth.
for aale or ex-
I handle trades everywhere. If you want
results call Dean, m Bee mag, u. i
as Ami,: Ika Co.. (Orel land for va
cant lot In Omaha. W. Wagner. WIN. Km
ElinnpR ta comfort: select and limited
nrtv ssiline Jum U via Mediterranean
eighth seaaon. Miss Anna Z. Hoaa, coun
cil Blufls, la, 7 Willow aveaae. .
PRIVATELY conducted eastern tours
for young women during tne summer
months; limited number; aelect. For
particulars call Miss L. M. li, KK city
.sat i nana. -
' WANTED aa.ias) at t per cent; first
mortgage on property worth tiuowln-
eome of .ue a year win iaie
desired. Address T t. Bee
WANTED to buy farm, north central
B-.r.... nr-rerred. near good town. Will
put In aa part payment new fr,0s Omaha
residence. 1. H. HanfeU. Aaoea Ave. Sta
tion Omaha. -
HI sheet price: clths; hd. gda P. P71: EIK
vi . vTt n r TL.H. P. enalne: io-K.
W. direct current generator. Bmff City
Laundry. Council Bluffs, la.
WANTED To buy old broken watchea
M. Nathan. W . utn nt.
Students Ketaliate
on Suffragettes by
Raids on Buildings
LONDON, March a. -The mnch-adver-
tlaed meeUng of suffragettea in t-ania-
ment aquare tonight, to protest against
tha refusal of Premier Aaqulth to re
ceive g deputation, proved a fiasco, so
far as concerned any sensational display
of militant prowess and cunning, which
waa predicted by the organisers. About
fifty women were arrested but thai dam
age done was Inconsiderable, compared
with Friday' raid.
While the militant suffragette were
vainly endeavoring to break through the
cordon of police round about Parliament
square, M medical students organised a
raid on the suffragette premises, to psy
them back In their own coin. Marching
to tha building occupied by tha Women's
Press club In Charing Cross road, where
there was a big display of suffrage liter
ature, they bombarded It with atones.
smashing all tha windows lo an accom
paniment of cheers from delighted spectators.
Another band, bent on retaliation, at
tacked the International Suffrage shop la
Adam street, the rHrand, smashing a big
plate glass window and wrecking the
front of the building.
Mean, bile the suffragette were being
balked In all attempts to hold a meeting,
through elaborate police precautlone.
A woman chained herself to a tree In
Whitehall, and unable to remove the
chala. the police uprooted tha tree with
the suffragette still attached and carried
both to the police station.
Tha aspect of the streets cava evidence
of the extent to which the suffragettes
have) terrorised London. Many ahupa
were dosed and (buttered long before the
usual time.
d-bAd gooda.
sviaasr, M Center. P. seat.
A Break lor Llfcerty
from stomach, liver and kidney trouble
la made when a Sc box of Dr. King's
New Life Pills la bought. Wby suffer?
For sale by Beaton Drug Co
Artlue for the republican nominees
whose name were not counted by Clly
Clerk Good and City Treasurer Joha
dlllm. Attorney A. C. Psncosit yesterday
afternoon sued out an alternative writ
of mandamus returnable before Judge
Kennedy on Thursday morning.
The action wag taken at tne coneertso
instance of tha nominees whoa Barnes
were written In and not counted at tn
primary election last Tuesday.
Previous to Inaugurating tha court Pro
ceedings tha candidate In a body, headed
by Attorney Pancoast, appeared yester
day noon before Clly Clerk Frank Good
and made a formal demand that be count
the ballots. 111 refusal justified tha ex
pectations ef the nominee and Attorney
Pancoaat served nolle upon Mm aa a
member of the canvaastng board that
court order would be sought to compel
hi action tn the matter. A almlisr notice
waa given to City Treasurer Joha Olllln
and Mayor P. J. Tralnor, the remaining
two member of the board.
The action of Good and Olllln la refus
ing to count the name of tha nominee
written In was don without the concur
rent action of the mayor, who slated yes
terday that ba had refused to sign th
report of th canvassing board.
At republican headquarters ysstsrdsy
th actual work of lb campaign was
mapped out by the candidate and a
number of other who were present
Mayor Trainer In an Interview with Au
gust Miller, candidate for mayor on the
republican ticket, promised his whole
hearted support to tha ticket and declared
that hie only concern wa for the election
ot th candidate whom he believed
strong combination of men appealtpt to
all lover of good covernment, , . ;.
Coat er the Prlssary, r "
For th hrt and sharp battle that
look place last Tuesday nt th w th
city will stand to pay th nifty Utile
roll ot tl.lU. This total Includes a
printing bill of ILUs. rent of polls lies.
hire for clerks and Judge H.u ana inci
dentals about bv The council received
the report last night.
A slight difference of opinion arose as
to th award of a contract for fixture
in th office of th city clerk. Mat Pet
raon aa chairman ot tha finance com.
mltte reported that the contract amount
ing to KM should be awarded to one
company,- while Mayor Tralnor objected
that tha Omaha Printing company was
th lowest bidder by W. The matter wa
then taken under readvlaement for an
other week.
A petition signed by th Rev. Michel
Oluba and Frank Belster. protesting
against th establishment ot a, aew boras
barn In th neighborhood ef Bt. rrancur
Catholic church waa received and filed.
The nropoaed erection of new slaughter
house and boras barn In tha vicinity of
tha church wa mad th cause of the
Vaclav Petnllke and Joseph mmoo. two
resident of Thirty-sixth street grading
district asked th council to reimburse
than for the damage austained through
tha grading. They pleaded their Igur-
ance of the law as an excuse for not
riling their complaint sooner.
Light tor Waahlngtoa street between
Eighteenth and Twentieth streets were
sought by the resident of that vicinity.
It waa slated in th petition that young
women and girl were compelled to pass
thia darkened section at early hour
and lata every day.
Tracker May ti to teaveatiea.
Being of A mind to encourage th dl
rector of th kindergarten schools of th
city It wa determined at A meeting 01
th school board last night that the said
director might bar p remission to at'
tend the kindergarten convention to be
held at Dea Moine March 17. Th board
did not apeclfyias' to any money to be
advanced to the kmdergannera for ex.
Dsnae en tha trip.
Disinfectant for all the arhool build.
Ing waa ordered applied during th term
of th Easter vacation.
Superintendent of Instruction N. M.
Graham regaled the member of th
board with an account ot hi trip to th
Department of Supertntendenc recently
held In St. Louis,
Th session of the board was concluded
with aa academic discussion Ml th ad.
vlsabillty of adding four rooms t th
Corrlgan acheol.
ewolallew of Condolence.
The following resolution of condolence
on th death or H. E. ore nam n
signed by th various orders:
Whereas. It has been the will of an
all-wise Providence to remove from ua
sur well-beloved inena ana eo-iaoorer.
u Mutfh H Graham, tne undersigned
committee representing all employes of
lha railroad department of the Union
B.w.a. Yards company, limited, desire te
extend to H Interested our condolence
for tne wee m m .7.
do we extend to the surviving
members of bla family our most sincere
sympathy for their bereavement In the
locarf a devoted has hand and father.
Frank rioman. tvu ... v... . ti. u,.w
for Brotherhood ef Locomotive Firemen
end Engineer.
j U Murphy. Frank Keller. Eugene B.
n .i.n Committee for Shopmen.
i p Alter. W. B. Routt. Committee for
Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen,
R McNeil. Jamas R. Dunn. Committee
for Office Force.
James Swanson, John Anderson. Com
mittee f- r Track Force.
Saaatl Mower Oaaaased.
ilaubcs and old clothe caused a div
astroua blase In th home ot Charles
Scrags, a colored man living at Twenty
fourth and Madison streets. The blaxe
occurred shortly after dusk while the
family was away at church. The house
and content were damaged to the extent
of till.
Hibernians Meet Toalgbt,
A meeting of the Ancient Order of
Hibernians will be held tonight at the
Danlah Brotherhood hnIL The order will
parade on March 17 In honor of Bt. Pat
rick. The city council wag Invited to at-ttnd.
Mania City Gossip.
Frank Henry left yesterday on a bust-
lies trip to Castleton, Kan.
Wanted-A boy to do janitor work for
board and room at South Ouwha hospital.
A,r. anu airs, item y J. setter, i si
street, announce the birth ol a daughter.
Mr. and Mr Jueeph K.-gncr, lug Pom
street, aie tn haipy parenta ut a young
Tha Swiss bell rlnaera will give an en. at the high school auditorium
tin evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter llenlngeen. Six
teenth and Jackson streets, report the
birth vf a son.
Phone Bell South MS-lnd. K-1V3 for
case of Jettrr Onld Too. 1 rompi delivery
to any part el the city. Milium jeiier.
The funeral of Mrs. Nettle Harrington
Quinn will be held Thursusy morning at
II o'clock at St. Uridgei a church. Inter
ment will l made In Holy Bcpuionre
A meeting of the Cltlsen'a Progressive
party committee waa held yestetauy ait
ernoon tor th ournoee of completing ar-
rangementa tor tha convention to be held
next Friday.
The Willing Workers will be enter-
lalned Wednesday afternoon at tea.
given by Meeuamee Ouy lleitner ami Ir-
vin Howe at tne reatuence ut airs. nvii.
ner, ail North Twenty-second street.
The saloon building at the corner of
Twenty-tourlli and N streets was or
dered loin down by Clly Hullding In
spector Andrew Nelson. Tha corner la
one of the most desirable building sites
lu the buslnesa section ut the city. ,
A fire caused by an overheated stove
broke out Sunday night In the residence
of M. tlol.lenh.rg. Twenty-fifth and L
streets, while the family was away at th
theater. The fire waa cause uy an over
heated furnace. Damages amounting to
Ills) were sustained.
South Omaha Idge No. N, Ancient Or
der United Workmen, will Install their
newly elected ofllcers tonight, and will
also receive the reports ot eever Import
ant roatmllteea . An expenditure of about
tj.eui luts been made In renovating the
temple, and when ma work Is completed
Ivdae No. wm aav tna iiaosi mugs
room In the city.
Wilson Opposed by.. . .
Presidential Trust
WASHINGTON. March .-Representa
tive Burleson of Texas, chairman ot the
house democratic caucus, tonight sent otil
a prepared Interview in which he saw
that Oovernor Harmon. Speaker Clark
and Chairman Underwood of the way
itnd mean committee - hxd- formed a
'presidential trust" to beat Oovernor
Wilson for the democratic nomination.
The statement followed closely th pub
lication ot a report much to th so roe
Speaker Clark tonight Ignored th ,
Burleson Interview, but ot the published
report requeated that It be said:
The story that I am In n combination
with Oovernor Harmon and Mr. Under
wood to defeat Oovernor Wilson for tha
prestdrntlal nomination Is a malicious lie.
go are the atatementa that New York Is
financing my campaign and I am not try-
Ing to get the delegate In aouthern
i tetes.
Key to th Bltualioo-Bee Advertising.
Famous "Pint of Cough?
Syrup". Recolpt
Kg Better Ressedy at Any Prloe.
Fwlly Oaaraateed.
Mat tv plain syrup by mixing om
pint of frruulated sugar and H pint ol
warm water and stir for two minute.
Put 2ty ounce of pur Fine (fifty
cents' worth, in pint bottle, and nil it
np with the tsiigar nyrun. mis givo
you a family aupply of tha best cough
syrup t a eevinjr of t'l. It never poila.
Take a teaapooulul wrj cue, two ur
Business Men Ask
Council to Extend
the Light Contract
A. C. Smith, T. C. Byrne, ward Bur
gess. W. S. Wright and w. . uiaaa ap
peared before the council In committee at
tha whole yestsrday afternoon to urge the
city to close the contract with the elec
tric lighting company to furnish light
for two or thro year more.
An ordinance has been drafted, and
upon motion of Councilman Lee Bridges
it will be submitted at the meeting to
night for approval or rejection. The con
tract will ba for either two or three years,
th lighting committee believing two
year would be long enough, while others
of the council think th franchise ought
to bo extended to three year. In order
that imDrovementa proposed might be
Recently John L. McCague. chairman
of tha municipal affaire committee of the
Commercial club, brought In a resolution
which the councl waa aaked to pass, re-
fuslna to enter Into contract with th
llahtirur company unless the city's Inter
eats were properly safeguarded. Mr.
Wright ald the Commercial dub didn't
knew what It wa objecting to U It urged
that no contract b eigne.
ristnnt City Attorney Lambert asio
there wa a clause in th contract- that
been drawn and la ready to sign
which properly aafeguarded tha city' In
terest for tha terra ot th extension of
th franchise and did not prevent the
aasumptlon of municipal ownership at th
end of that time.
I 1,m kniira
Th elTentirenea of this aimpie remedy
ia surprising. It seems to take bold in
stant I V. and wlUjiaii-U stop tha moat
obstinate cough in 2 hour. It tone
up th jailed appetite ant is ju.t laxa
tive enough to m. helpful in a cougii,
and haa a plraslnfr taste. Alao excellent
lor bronchial troubl, throat tickle, an re
lune and thro, hnd n tmrqualrd,'
remedy for whooping cough and croup.
Thi reclpa for making comrh remedy
with Pinex And (Sugar' Syrup (or
trained noney) 1 prim ? ,
thousand of hnme in th United State
and Canada. Th plan hi becn imita
ted, though never uccfully. if T
try it, us only genuin Pinex, which W
the most Titlnabl onncentrated ";
nminrl of Norway white pine extract, ami
Is rich in gtularo! and H th natural
healing pin element. Other proper;
tiona will not work In thl reclne,
A guaranty of absolute satiafactlrm,
or money promptly refunded, goes witl'
thl recipe. Your drugrK h Pinex
or wfll get It for Jn. If imt, cnd ti
Th Pincx Co, Ft. Wayne, lad.
A Simple Remedy Gives Color,
Strength and . Beauty ,
to the Hair. '!
Tou can say goodbye i to constipation
with a clear conscience If you use Cham
berlain a Tablet. Many have ben per
manently cured by their use. Kor sale by
all dealer.
a WMnt n, Wbh rssss w.
Ve HMli eS ctaM m eea MOTS S
e..t i w wne Is-. I'lirnl is.
SOUSI htflf , SMSMI 1 1 tost.
- Iwnw tmtii m. . H- III,
LAJU.XST rxruti or bsMTiyaiS
en, rc
You don't have to have gray hair or
faded hair It you don't want to. Why
look old or unattractive? It your Mr I"
gray or faded, yon can change- It easily,
quickly and effectively by nalng Wyeth's
8age and Sulphur Hair Remedy. Apply
a little tonight, and In tha morning yen
will be agreeably aurpriaed at the ra-
ault from a single application. Th gray
hair will be lea conspicuous, and after a
few more application will be restored to
natural color. " I
Wyeth Bag and Sulphur also quickly'
removes dandruff, leaves the scalp clean
and healthy, and promotes tha growth .of
tha hair. It Is clean, wholesome dressing
which may be used at any time with per
fect safety.
Oct a fifty cent bottl from your drug
gist today, and aee how quickly it will
restore th youthful color and beauty of
your hair and forever end the nasty dand
ruff, not. Itchy scalp and falling mtlr.
All druggista sell It under guarantee that
the money will be refunded If yon are not
satisfied after a fair trial.
Special , agent, f-hcrman 4V McConnell
Drug Co.
U areggiela and depamnan. stores,
wag aale at eaerasaa ft MoCoanell store,
vPROrV Youths A-Wf
Hofel Flanders
133-137 West 47th Street,
K. x. cnx.
ZOO Feet Eaat of Broadway.
A modern fireproof hotel la the
heart of the theater, club and hotel
district; convenient to all car tinea,
An exceptional orchestra. Rooms
with private bath gist Per day.
From Grand Central Station, Broad
way cars without transfer. Froaa
Hennaylvanla fetation. 1th Avenue
care without transfer. Booklet on
H. R. SHARES. Prop.
f all vxrWUes cured ia
I a tew days without
lottlme. Ko
ay wmtwaeeeptedaa
1 the patient la cared.
Write or call.
T Henry tsetses Car
ae- U- a tm
Fries ". Wraj. .
London Para Hamburg
Pn. Usests.Hsr H. P 'Kslstelaaag.Vh-.stsT
Ctst Wsiaersse. Msr-fliaDsUTls Msreh ft
-Rttssrtto s Is Csrls ftestasrsM.
liBibr slreel ss4 ftMes 11MB eslr
WsmbT-Axsarlcaa "laa, 190 West Baa-
idolfb Bt, vaicaga, xu, i