. , Desperate Desmond With tne Aid of a Black Marble and a Little Diplomacy Oar Hero Gain Freedom :By Hershfield g X I.-THROCGH THB BARS. Desmond, having Claud la hi power again, hu planned a terrible revenge for tha hero's efforts ta escape. Ha forces tha brav whit maa through tha ban Into tha cell, where tha meat notorious highbinders at tha Chi Ma republic are confined. Than are men without merer, and Desmond la confident that they will do away with Claude In a few minute. II. A MONO THB HIGHBINDERS. Through tha hlsh cell windows goes Claude and landa rtcht among the des perate highbinders. Tha Ylllalna are even new plotting tha death of an enemy and are about to draw lot! to decide who shall be the assassin. In this foul plot Claude pretends to Ha. for the person drawing the black hall Is to bare a lilefe suit and be helped to escape from prison. III.-BOTS AT PLAT. Outside the prison two little Chines boys are playing In the sprint sunshine. They are all unconscious of the crime and misery bidden wtthla the grim walla be side which they pursue their Innocent fames. Just now the two boys are en laced In a friendly contest to decide which of them can bounce . a marble hlgheat A pretty child picture. IV.-A LUCKT CHANCE. To Claude'i surprise a black marble suddenly shoots throufh the window of tha cell. It Is tha one that bounced high est of the two, and Us child owner outstd baa lost his property. His fief, howerar, is mora than balanced by Claude's Joy. for with this marble la his hand ha will trick tha big hbindera into Believing that his la the one chosen to so out v.-n DISGUISE. IlaTlnf been Uvea a complete suit of 'jailers clothes by tha highbinders, tha heroio Claude la helped to make his es cape from the cell, and though Desmond Is on fusrd bis keen eyes do not penetrate the disguise. Bo Clauds walks right past hia enemy and hastens to freedom and Rosamond. In the meantime Desmond is dreaming of Claude'a doom. , VI. REUNITED. "Rosamond!' At last the hero lover Claude ta reunited with his sweetheart, the brave girl who tries to carry tha ' governor's pardon to him while he la la the Chinese prison. But Desmond Is still alira and the krrarg must hasten to as-' cape or ha will have both In his power. -In tomorrow's picture we shall see the chase. liOST AXD FOUXP OFFERED FOB REST FOUND On n.w. corner 1Mb sod Far- Apartaacata and Plata. nam. ladle's fold watch. Loser can h&vs . - same by identifying and paying for this J-ROOM modern flat. Bcargo Bids.. HH ad. Harney US. N. 24th St, .South Omaha. Hall til LOST-Plaln gold bracelet last Satur- Rams Bldg. Both phones, day between 1Mb and 20lh on Chicago t-ROOM modern flat, close In. Wright street. Reward. Please return to AU Lsvibury. Mi 8. Kth St. Fohna Doug- teratlon Room. Brandeis Store. las Hi. ZTZZIZ.. -ROOM flat on Sherman Ave. Web. Kit' WEP1CAI t-ROOM. steam heated apartment. The DR. RACE, specialist, nervous and ail Mason. Ust and Mason at, eta, Tala. chronle disease, aa Harney. Red IMS. pbono Douglas 1S7L RFTTAT. rTTnrT M XTH AVB.-AUractlve, largo C DJLAjIAAj I I I Ir H I 1 room flat, second floor of practically new DISEASES I U SLjU gS modern, clean, a, best con- Rect d fhoui ora' r STEAM HEATED modern -gm. Uon A curTcuaranteed. Do Bow I four rooms, with gas range In kiteheni until cured. Write for book on Rectal Of" Plus beat. Diseases, with testimonials. BEE BLDO. .,Uoubl flat of B rooms, corner S4th and OMAHA Hamilton, or would separate. .,. Six rooms, modern, steajn heated apart- Ladles' guaranteed remedies, 401 W sre blk. meDt, ta N. 1Mb St.: Ml, plus beet Eleven rooms, modern, sit 8. Uth Bt. MONEY TO 1AA. THOS W. HAZEN. alary aad Chattels. 397 M'CAOUE. 'PHONE DOUOLAB im. ' J88fflill'&25P&&. SfX-ROOM mod.rn flaw . tk confiden -a mMan m H. mhs GET IT of tins Snow, C L. B, at THOS. W. HA7.EN, . 8tar Loan Co.. tet faiton Blk, K U llil, W7 M'CAOUE. without security, e e-itt you. 'PHONE VfOVFV TYI TlAM 4-ROOM apartment, new modern brltk, iliUril J LrU-a-lN steam beat, short walking distance, gas on Just a personal note to any person stove, refrigerator, cupboard, wardrobe, having steady employment blinds, laundry, fin Janitor service, LOWEST RATES. BEST TERMS. Douglas BEMEMBER SMi t-roon, If you work, your credit Is good. strictly modern "St. Louis" within vary, See others first, then see us. easy walking distance, price fro. Loans mad st once. PAYNE HLATKR CO. NATIONAL LOAN 00., " Atta- n 0roah Nt'1 ROOM (. SIXTH FLOOR. """ " BKR BUII.DINO. ST4 S. TH- rooms, completely mod. PHONE DOUOLAB Mil. ,ra, tjjjg. t7t o. th. t rooms, en- . . on furniture, pianos and pletely modern, The. F. Hall, 4)1 MnnO real estate at a very low Ramg Blk. D, IV. A-teOt. WvUfc of Interest. -r. cottage, mod. except heat, fine re. Nebraska Loan Company, pair, good location. Phone Him.y tm. Doug. 135. Bee Bldg. A-1351, Houses. In. King wait. Brandeis Th. Bldg. , CHATTEL LOANS-Lowest rate and IlOUSeS crJh'LTZ ctA. easiest terms. See others; than see us crein Bon, a Co.. Bee Bldg. and be convinced that we will aavs you HOUSE, I rooms, ateueru. hui Cass bu; money. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO., N. E. rent I6U. Cor. Hth A Doug. St. D. ttlt. lnd. A-iSll. " fqk RENT-room bou mod.rn MONEY loaned salaried people, womea eept furnace. Rent cheap, salt Monk keeping house and other, without s 1Mb Street. curlty; easy payments, office. In 1 prin- u-kbt virmau ,. 1 dpal dtlei Tolman, J Omaha Nat l g,, ABJ.AJ1 NiJ 3CK Bank Bldg.. formerly K. t. Lu Blag. "ooeo- N. Wth Ave.. M, Red 47. DIAMOND LOANb at IV. SUd t P O.W. w8EcbDDf5'Jf,?i '"JJ FLA1AU. Mi Dodge St. Tel. Red Kit. trUTmfi . 'KuVJC." T.U NOTHINO like this sale ever was on Douglas ai. city of lite, m a. Uth Su these Unas. "Society Brand Clothes'' sold Bee Bldg. up to now lli. Vollmef s. 1W ft Itth. MOV1NU, packing and storing of housed t mr' " ' hold good, and pianos la our business, (lLixnrn mn i;rw Omaha Van and Storags Co.. fireprouf Or FEKED FOW IIKIT storage. Hui a Kth, by the viaduct Branch Board and ga.su, office. 8. 17th SL Tel. D tltl A to. Good men are hard to get. . , LARGE, pleasant room; private; mod- They don t wander around era home: West Fnmam; best board. Call the streets looking for signs ' Harney 46. In windows. O. M. E. hauls trunks. D. ML A-hai. eWerUe,n' ThflS?4 M DESIRABLE rooms with board, suitable Bee want ads are read by for two; gentlemen preferred; references, keen, eoergetle men who ' 13 S. 26th Ave. wish to better their eondl- , araiaaeel Mewnas, run two or more tlmee con- DESIRABLB funned room: prlvau St' T - family. 2tl. N. PHh St Tel W,b., m MODERN furnished rooms, 1713 Davea- g. ih bl, taTTeL Douglas sJJ. P PAKE AVE-TWO rooms two Sta lurrubn'ouprilsbrhe:' Bid... Tel. Tlephon Hmrnmy - , m S. IrTH 8T.-Furni,hed room, mod- J 8S51 SZTS era: 1 block from rwtofflc. electrio lights; I toUeU; IM per month, SOUTH TH ST.-tlL Warm, well Douglas Sit furnished room In all modern detached NKW t-room ltt-atory eottaga, I blocks house; seven block, from court house, from car in Benson; laya high and level; Telephone Douglas T. small barn and chicken house; wired for til N. UTH Large parlor, subdivided; electricity; cistern, pump in kitchen; Just two large front rooms; largs housekeeping the place to raise chickens and fruit as room; two smsll room well as vegetables for the tabic; one lot . A V-Lanron, parley ; nicely '. n?X?FZ?Zl Xl'rZS MLkTOooly1 SOUTH sTTH ST., HI Warm, well fur- E. Yarton, owner, UM MckUnley St, nt.hed rooms In all modern detached Benson, or 'Phone Benson m. i0L.rTrl,k5iTOm Urt h0U" 3 8. Sd, t and t-room flat, both 741 Telephone Douglas TOW. tan.au I rooms, modern. Us. M7 8. ST 11 AVE Nicely furnished ZMg Wool worth t rooms, modem, t3&- rooma; close in; reasonable rate. Douglas 17 N. Uth. t rooms, ta. 8n4. 177 N 1Mb, modern except heat, I framed M.akeepla, stooaaa, 'JJ gt , moden ncpt ONE room, furnished for housekeeping w- bkMI9Ari,bf.RO CO, orsloeplng; cheap rent. 4U S. Uth bt lie-in Brandei. Theater. THE kU'EUrt Wjr BiUCK, f-room. modem house, hJ K. ta The Howard. Z-roou. private bath. g, .' y nk:e "JJ 4 U5. tlst snd Howard. cheap. W. SOUTH iiTH, Bit Modern housekeeping t-room cottage, J lots, 4t Camden Are, rooms. Harney 4. good repair. . Two or thre. nlce.y furnl.hed bous R TLRKINOTOX. W Bee Bldg. keeping rooms. 1 Davenport St. t-ROOM cottage, gas and wster. near 14ut JONES-Sulte llgnt housekeeping South Central Blvd. U Phone Do.ut. 8W. rooms on first floor, furnished. Phons COTTAGE of six rooms and bath. In Douglaa WW. ; fine condition. Inquire on premises. Hie "4;i HARNEY Nicely furnished sleep- South Hth St. tng or housekeeping rooms. Close in; 7-ROOM flat 3d floor. 811 North Mth. modern; reasonable. t-room flat 3d floor, Ki North Hth. . ItrJJ&lSXlZL nshouVtortVh. at tla, so Id up to tto. Make us show yoo. trxom .,, M tlour. Nortn th Vollmer'a. 107 g. 1Mb bt c REDICK. ATTORN EX. - FaraUheel Meaaee. 1517 Farnam Street . , , T" . , , NEARLY new 7-rojm house, all mod- T-ROOM. nicely furnished. D. M7T. gM, dectrtdty snd furnace; aa WEST Farnam, nicely furnished house; Bristol; nice location: look tt over. Call almost new. t rooms, beautifully deeo- owner. Harney 1.78. E. E. Huntley. rated, oak and birch finish and hot water 7.HOOV1 huu. N. th Si. D. KM. bMt. will leivM. . 1 ' - , JOHN W. BOBBINS, VW Faramoi 8t FOR RENT-Clotw In. i-room MM-torr --, NICE room. housee.p.ng, 11L' S. Uth V l'atarmlake.1 iMaa Bd. tS; t-roomMlat CO. Tet Red titt " . . . . NO EvtCAL-Seven-room house, hail PARK AVE-KSS. nnfurnlshed room for and batn; a. 10 t-room Oat SO nTm. housekeeping, modern house, light heat ; . . teleohorS. cooking gas. Harney ML THIS sale on "Society Brand Clothes" . " - can t last forever, for our lease ta sooa 4 modern rooms, parlor floor. lptt P. h. up: tl buys them worth np to tkV Voll- UatrU aat taanawau. mer'a. 107 B. Hth St - ... TT. . NEARLY new t-room house, strictly Dewey European hotel. Wth Farnam, modern. I Jones St, rent m. Phone Dodge, running hot and cold water; lei- Douglaa PS. epoonea In every room-prios. the earn. SIX rooms and bath. Strictly saodenk OXFORD and Arcade, special wkly rata Phone Harney vm. WANTED CnamtwrmalC sad scrub , MODERN t-room cottage at C34 Doug- glrls. Millard Hotel. las. Vacant April L Telephone lnd. A-JKt, NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for gen- btseea aad Offieea. tlemen- THE CHATHAM, lit 8. 13th St usta. .F0R R.ET-'Von- "drn store bufU- Aparunau suta, tog. weU located In prosperous county WANT ADS Want ads received at any time bat ta insure) proper ciaMlflcaUoa must l presented brfora 12 o'clock tn. for tha rrrrUag ctlitioa and before T:S0 p. m. for nwralng aad hunilsy edl tions. Want ad. received after sttch hours will have their first Insert urn aadcr lb bradla( "Too Lata to Classify." DEATHS ASD rl SERAI. PJOTICES, ROl-DEHAfOH-Mra. Henrtstta, beloved 'wile of John. March 4. Funeral held Wednesday sfternoon at o'clock from residence, North Sev enteenth street Interment Forest Lawn. CARD Of THANKS, M'e wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for the kindnaa. and .ym paihy shown us In our 1st bereavement el our beloved husband snd lather. A precious ens from us ha gone, A vote we loved Is suited; A place I. vacant in our homo Which never can bs filled God in His wisdom has recalled Tha boon his love had given. And though the body slumbers BOW His soul is aafs in heaven. ; Mrs. O, O. Lindsirom, Lydia Undstrotn, (Anna Lmdstrom. Mr. and Mrs. rjelha Sand family. W wish to thank our many friend, and neighbors for their kindtiese and sympathy, also Cor Ih. beautitull florsl ; offering at th desth of eur beloved : wife snd mother. Louis Hokanson and 4 Children. MAIL OIIDKB BWXKMH ACTOMOBILE8. DRUMM0ND Auto repairing; Martin ehock absorb ent, m day.' trial before oe buy. Uth snd Hsrney flts Demoniilrator. HU t- cyllnder. lrtven 4.00 mile A barsaln. J. T. Stewart. Xao Farnam St. L0ZIER Auto lamps repaired. Omaha Silver Co. ONE K-M-F . complete with all equip ment; Ult, open front, t-paeeenger: been used a. demonatrator. price roe. One flve peaaenger Rambler, good condition, S&ov. One model 41 Overland. f!W0. MARION AUTOMOBILE CO. TWl-l Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. teal Ueaiera. MT.gl -ERFIKLD sell. REKDEP. COAL; FURNACE or KANOK. D. IMl: A-148J. McINTYIiE AUTO CO.. cars for tha money on tha market-Oakland. Steams, Knight snd R. C. H. Bar gains In used cars am Farnam. CAMERON Co. Reason. hi. WVaiXittWil jhargef. Personal stten tlon given. Trut-ka and autns stoml. Bargain. In used cars. 61 B. Itth. 1. MIL OUR lease la sooa up. "Society Brand Clothes." Bllnons. overcoat, and aulta Mold up to Us, now lit. Vollm.r'a 107 8. Kth Bt Waaelag aMdeaatea, Mackle'e Iandni Academy. Ult Hsrney. Dally elaese Hon.. Thurs.. Sat, evening Pr'ElFFER make old car like new by adding foredoora, repairing tope, re painting, etc. 16ih and Lrav. D. ma. DR. MrLERAK. .Declall.t In plate work. Batl.factlon or no fee. 0 Brandeis Bldg. POH SAI.t-At a bargain, two .lightly used Midland Automobiles, Freeland Auto Co., 12th and Fsmam. OMAIIA MACHINE W0K1 Autogennna welding, gen'l machine and auto repairing. Pattern making and us- clal machinery designed. Einert die work. raiiern orawinga. Ill m. 141 h ut. u. i37. JAM KB ALLAN Neville Bik. Evidence secured In all cases. Tyler 113. ; MANGIAMELI BROS. Wljal cut, uu. t- Hcyn Studio Hrand Macaroni, made In Omaha. Every park . age guar. Ask your grocer. Send us fifty . eagles cut out ot packs.es for premium Ealabllshee II years. r Irteet " .nltrv.in.nli: ' send pnoto; ws will give prices snd best style lth snd Howard Ht,, twnsha. SMIT'JHKS iiAK r'RuM t okHINtlS.' ' Mrs. l'k. Ell N. Stth. Phoae B. latt. AMVUKMEfTS Apollo Theater Soi- High clssa mntlon picture. TUB REST MI'MC enworth. ALWAYS 'ROST REP AIRa ". v.. a. ua rAon-Auto blacksmithing. brakes reunsd. wheels trued up, spring welding a specialty. Ill M. 13th. D. 57k If l:ll B, Uth St. Moving YeiieZlE plc,"rr aua Illustrated .-m-wm. wvmf eeai of Ii. In i n v tvn. t,rA4 , i i .... . . . i . u loo amall for my use. Price, la. Edgar . THB DIAMOND THKATKR. M Lake. The famous tiem Rev picture for Sunday. Favorite Theater Comedy and Select Drama. Hlh and Vinton, Foil ' Oldamoblle rebuilt: repainted ana guaranteed; Brio. piM; also 7-psss.nger Autoorat demonstrating car, for sal at attractlv prwe. Phone Doug. . ir.t D. rw. eii r.rn.m m. O-uaHA FILM EX. .V04 Motion picture machine snd Mm bergelns. PROGRESSIVE llLlTCOr i 141T Farnam. Moving picture machines ; and supplies. LOYAL Theater. N. S4tl. and CaldwsIL Motion pictures, entertaining and educational. FOR SALE One tail mud.1 II U...I underslun roadster, standard equipment added. Presto tank, tire rack and one urana new ossins ana cover: aacririii ehai for quick sale: owner leavlns eiiv anBioe seen ana aemonstrated by viiiii oeneon mw, or uuuire lit a, Orpraaage Are., Benson. LAEMMKLB FILM bEUVlCE Renters of moving picture. Agents for f0"'"1' Kllm. Motlonosrsph niachlnea. U Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. AKXOTJXCRMESTS j.agentiman; VaI embalmer. ItH Chlcssw St. D. was, B-ltat, IIULSE & IiEIFEN, if. undertakers'. UEAFEY & H EA VV.Y. ikk- Moved to 1 Fsrnam. A OS. k. YOU'LL alaaya b happy It your wed ding ring come, from Brodegaard a. Hi B. Itth St At the sign of the crowa. PITPI, field and garden seed. Younk eririan aeeg Co.. Co. Bluffs, la. ' NORTHRUP LETTKR DLPLICATTnO 1 x'- mwm . circular letter, any quantity; oldest established company; ex- r i- Hnnya nw Jpoeiyi. tlM't k.ii l ,.a n Clothee- sold up to tw at lit. Vollmera. 17 8. Mth Bt Neb. Heed Co. IM Jones. Both phone. Maggard Van a Store, Pack. move. store and ship H. H. good D.ltK, B-wt BOY DEN, tlie pump man. Web. use. Twenty per cent iee than Omaha prkea. HOME Fl'RNIMHlNO CO.. Twenty-fourth and L Sta. South Omaha. 8. H. Cole Sign Co. D. Tat. Ult Farnam. WATERS PRINTING CO. Doug, am Filters, filter repair. Ill B. 14th. D. 4,li ro LOAN LOW rate, in sum. to i uit tie Hee Bldg. pnone uoui. s UNION LOAN CO. MONEY I'pbolnertng. piano fura. rep. ZXH Far. DOUUItS Printing Co. Tet Doug. ttl. OCT your diamond at Brodegaard WELCOME to :THETEKNASH0P Thins BeautifaL : Favors, dub prise, aoiia and dot! fitting uutsi uctustv uirt Btore. : E. U ZIMMKRKB, - va Farnam St Omahs. ; HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES-Beet rrawdy for Itching, bleeding or protrud ;lng pues. lee postpaid; eamptea free. Sherman a McConpeil Drug Co.. Omaha, f Mecoaucal Equipment Co. r F. i. OFFERMAN. sue sor ta Allen r P. Ely ft C., dealers in everything that - la MA-lA- icax.; eoatractorr eouip- ment a apectaity; cash onlv; prumbing .-supplies; WHOLESALE. RETAIL, Ua . iMMiirias. ornsna. Neo. M. K. Morrill. eMna paint S3 Brandei. Th KL CONTKNTJ HABANA CIOAR. Box St. prepaid. ttH: try half dosen: if n-A satisfactory money refunded. BEA- L'Ki.o t-o rtmu. Omaha. AUTOMORtLESL AFTi RADIATCRB repaired. Mal blatln. ExauS Co I! mr Murphy Djd ltt REPAIRING. PAINTING, THIklMINil "y not sti your eld sutomoblle and buy a new one or, maybe, you can ue th money In some other way-tn either event Bee want ads will do the work. Katee 1 cents per word if rua only1 ons time or 1 eent per word if run two or more ,,n wvneecuiiveiy. Dresemaktaa. Terry's Dressmsklng college, Wh ft Far. WA NT KD Sewing, ll. a day. Web, tult. tlraggtsta. DRUGS at cut price.:' freight psld on fit orders; catalogue free. Sherman ft Mct-onneii Drug t;o.. timana. nesv Evelyn Rolen, expert coreetlere: oor- sets made to lv.ee u re, cleaned a repaired; worsmansmp gusrsnteeq. wjs nee, u-js. Willow Dlume made from your old and new feathers, reasonable, 1WJ 8. II. U 7at TRI the BOSTON WET WASH. Have your family wash brought home ready for drying at 7tc. Doug. W7L, B-tUS. . Evervthlag Kioelrlost K'ectrle lighting Hi., whole!, and retalL Burgeee-Granden Co., 1611 Howard. D-sm. niHINKHH CHAXCE8. HA.LLTON Th. future PittabureK 1 Central British Columbia, richer la nat ural reaourrea than any other like area la the world. Destined to be the mighty city of the last great west Bend for tree booklet Address CANADIAN NA TIONAL INVESTORS, til Puloa RIHe Omaha. Neb. FOR SALE-BUcksmllh shoo: b power shop In stale. Address H. M. siaimieaen. pupenor, neb. HOTKL PLAZA needs flral-cl r.f." Eseeplional anportunltv for an miwtl enced party. We have rooms and an eMabllahed paying business. Call or ad dress Wm. J. Flutter. Mgr., 14th ft Howard. FOR BALE Slock of hardwan. twn. thirds new stork; town of aMt population; territory twenty miles square; practically all farmed; county seat St. Anthony Hardware Co.. St Anthony. Neb. in ur vui 9 ousineee call oa . n ...j . , or 1,111. J el. If, SfTli Uiit lliT t W I lk'1! MM, n. t fectlonery store; a good chanca for right en""p ""i e m a once. YtrlLS ros it. Henoerson. Neb. DAIRY for sale. Phone Harney H47." auction) Aiir-rinvt ittiiimi Thundav Uuri 1 lai 1 k 11 nowa tumuure. ciaar listures, pool tables and a lot of miscellaneous articles must be sold. Nothing reserved, C. H. Linn, 17U N. Mth St. Omaha. -nUUlBTil BHAKU CIATHES." suits. raincoat overcoats, .11 pons. Bold up to e vouniere, jv !. lain at. run BA1.B-Clean atock at iw,h. dies const .ting of dry goods, shoe, hats and notions: nice location and tow rent M ill tak. halt cash and half clean btos. erty. town or country. Vain of h4 tvoae. Dickinson Hester. Sheltoa, Neb. Ed Rotkery, Buslaeas and Real Estate ninia. ifc wwant ie. sici.ague Vieg. B. .ltTH ST. TeV -ooea house; all ssodera; doe Irk BCSIXE68 PERSONAL tea Wsua, L. R. NlgWBRQALU IWI-lt City KatT. ED RQWB. weU boring. Bensoa Mt, AMhlSSWt. t. T. Cottrell. EU Cm. Red tew. ftwnalaa aad Teas. OMAHA TENT CO. Tet tg Poeflsa, Atsseskepe. Ltwteei U Hal'. Lawyer. ttT Bran. Bldg. O. W. Bbleia attorney, gc B of Srad. "raw nvt.v waw Tl. Hill rhla4 .a b- , an m mwu cars. tea. I i.llias BEMI8 OMAHA BAG CO.. Omaha. Nek HI Fasten. OMAHA ?n.L potmo co, tu MAKi-ET, LHJtQLAg a and Pswhaa Maaafaataraea, Wooden Bos ft Package Ct HUH, mk. ItlSIXEKS PERSONALS Carawarera aad tatraetsre, Stevenson, carrenter. eont Both phone Claara aad Take aaa. THB Sanitary Crown Pipe, lit 8. Itth. Lb Irepe let a. DR. ROT. Vft. Fsmsm. Douglas ttrf. Ctalhlaa Maa a fact arers. Wear Ideal dree shirts. M. E. Smith Ca KINDLING. It load. H. Groaa, W. IWt C'reaasarlea, IMIrlea aad Sapatlss. Fairmont'. Dlsdsm butter. Alwsy. good. DAVID CULaS CrlktAMlCRT COM PANT. . t'aralaw aad twl telllaga. CARTER Sheet Metal Works, Omaha. bailey, the dentist City Nat'L D. Msx-h ft Mach. M floor pas tea. D. Ilk. Taft'a dental room 1117 Doug. D. Bat. Uelaetleaa. L. W. I.ONG.VECKER. BIT Karbaoh Blk. Omaha Secret Berv. ta Psiton blk. D.U1 EvsrylblBg la Weave a. CONSULT DR BURKE, tt Doug. Blk. flTPT ATMS laundered. Mr. Car. ' mody. Harney l4t BUSINESS PERSONALS lteel Tank aad Calvert Cemaaaie. NEBRASKA ami lows Steel Tnk Cont pany. Hth and Nlchola.. D. raoaecrapas. Edison phonographs. Bhults Bros. 14W Far. Du.AMnk. hnntfhi .i , I ii Kchnsed records. Am. Phono. Ex., mm Cuming Bt Plaatbers. L. F. VALKKNBKHfc. Plumbing, W-MT. tteaoarapkers aad tenn Ksorlrs. Myrtle A. Kelley. Tet Bran. The. D. KM. MISS Warehlme, gti Paxton Blk. D.il47. Tallarlag. Anna SIsteK. suits, ciosx. .renea teraUon. repairs. C y Nat Bk. D.7450. leata aad Awning. OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. ta Douglsa 'Iraaks aad Suit Cases. Frellng ft Bt-inle, IMt Farnam Bt Vaeaaw Cleaaera. JIV I I, im V, 1. B. n i' "J, . -- Hon Cleaner, rented by day. Rental to apply on purchase price If pun-hated within six month RICHMOND SALfc-B CO.. UtO Farnam Bt. Phone Douglas lUt, Wla Maaafactarsre. D. B. Griffith, wig mfr., 11 IFremjerBlk. Wlaee aad Linear. WILLOW Spring beer, liquor, elgarg, sandwiches. Alex Jetes. 1303 Doug's. VIROINIA DARE wine, too aiargs bot tle. Klein Uouor House, KB N Ittb St DON'T asy we can't do it. Look at "Society Brand Clothes.- Sold up to let at lit. Suits raincoats and overcoats. Vollmer'a, WI 6. Itth Bt EDUCATIONAL TUTOR1NO. 1st to tth grade. H. t4t Out-of-dats garments sx. for new. LAL'NKia. We do.; roush dry. Xo. Doug. 7W7. rood Mills aad Storea, Feed, all kinds Olencoe Mills, tta laard. F lariats, A. Donsghue, Mtil Far. D. ' A-MS1 HESS ft BWOUODA. 141i Farnam St L. HENDKRHON, ltl Farnam. D. Hat BATH'S FLORISTS, Boyd Theater Bid. Feeadrtea, McDonald bras, and brortse foundry, alu minum, tin, lead casting 197 Jackson, laearaaew. Alfred C. Kennedy, "fJSt ance. M First N.t. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 771. . Irwa aad Wire Peaelag. Anchor Fence Co.. tin N. 17. Tel. Red lit kaaadrtea. Guarantee laundry. Fine work D. SI71 Lata bar. H. Qmat. Lam, wreck'g, plb. II ft Paul. at scares! Maaauaatarera, Skinner's macaroni and spsghetli. Wc pkg. Hoasekeeaers aad twsaeetlc. THB 6ERVANT GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED Th Bee will run your Domes tic Help Wanted sd FREE until you get the desired result Bring your ad te Th. Bee office or telephone Tyler we. , 1 V." T I." I I 1 .. hi, ma vl.l at once: referencee required. C, E, . t M. . 1 1 .. Metasvyetea, Expert repairing. Ertckson. tW S. 14th. Mevlag, gtaratre aad cteaalaat. CYPRESKMEN'B Dellverr Ce. Mavtne (-furniture, packing, fireproof storage. City oince. u. e. inn. lui. m. tna. n-ize. Twle City Express: Ult Howard. Both TeL Furn. moving; I men, tl per hr. W. 1741. Meaam.ata aad Maaeeteaaaa. J. I. Bloom ft Co.. 17th and Cuming 81a Maltlaraphers, TRI-CITT DUPLICATING CO.. 7M Ore. Nat I Hldg Knvelopaa addm.ua. Mail ing llets furnlehed. Doug. MM. 4tetpathy. Alice Johnson. 3ta- Brandeis The. Bldg. Ketberyn Nicholas. 434-t Brandeis Theater Optli B r. Warn fitting ft rep'g. ta Brandeis, faint aad 6lass. PAINT, ail. lead and turpentine are It per cent one per now inaa a rear ago. Take advantage of this and buy only strictly mar material at Barker Brea. faint to., ie Farnam at. rheae Douglas 4; Fkategjiapa.ra. Rlnehart. photographers. Uth ft Farnam PlatlatV OMAHA SILVER CO, Ut 8. Mth. raseata, D. O. BarneH, Paxtoa Blk. TeL Red TUT. wuiard Eody. m CHy Nat Bank Bldg. matte?. Lew W. Baber, Printer, BBS ytLwa. inanr a cj COCRT. PRTVTIXft Superior grade. J. C. l noenpoon. web. u7. I. FT th CENTRAL PRINTING CO. do your wor. mi uougia. Tel. D, ITtt. Lyagstad Printing Col, Mth and Capitol sea to, ins, aaat ror good printing. Rlee-U Pig. Ca U 8. a, lad, A-Kat, BOYLES COIXEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR r.mnl.(. MiueaM la Bualnesa. Book- keenins. at.ncaTBDhy. Telegrenby. Civil aarvtce ar ajstnananip. . ins caiaiogu la tree for the asking. an, writs or phono for It at once. Address H. B, Boy let. President. Boyle. College, Omaha, Neb. HELP WASTED FEMAIJI WANTED KIRST-CIJSS LADT HOUSE TO HOUCK CANVASSERS IN OMAHA. r A l.AH T fllOtmi 1 iUPI. OIVB TELEPHONE NUMBER. AD DRESS E-571, BUK OFFICE. BEST HKM,ER ON THE MARKET. CALL AND BEE IT, RAMOB BLIQ. Clerical- aad ttf lee. WANTED SIX FIRST CLASS STE KOURAPHEHS. who nan earn ttt-ttt per montn. AffLt t until vu-orKKATivrc rb t:itr..vt a 1015-IS City National Bank Bldg. STENOGRAPHER, young lady or man with lumber experience; give age, experi ence and salary expected la urst letter. Address B jut. Bee. GKNF.RAL. tenoaraDTae work solicited. F.nvalODes addressed 20c Per 100. Doug. 1147. Miss Wsrehlme, SB Paxton Blk. Factory aad Trade. EXPERIENCED hand button-hole workers on custom shirts. Apply. Albert Cahn, lta Farnam. ' GOOD pay to ladies and girls tor decorating pillows at home; experience unnecessary, call forenoons, Z307 c. utn. WANTED Girl for general housework. lit 8. Xth St.; Tel. Ilaney P54. CATHOLIC girl for general housework; on who can baks bread. IMt MlUtary Ave. Tel. Wetater H74. WANTED Young girl for housowork; two In family. Phone Harney Wti. COMPETENT sir I for seneral house work. No washing. Iw Blnney m. ROOM and home cooking, very reason able, tetl So. Central Bouievara Bt RELIABLE general housework glrL M per week. Harney MTk COME at once, don't wait. Won't last long, this sale. "Society Brand Clothes" sold up to te) now 11. Vollmer'a, 17 8. Itth St. WANTED A laundry woman at South Omaha nospttai. - WANTED A girl for general house work. Laundress kept ta 8. Mth Ave. GIRL to assist with housework in home like family. Address J7l Harney. A GOOD girl tor general bousework. xxit Dewey Ave. WANTED A girl for general house work. W14 N. Kth Bt. bouin umaaa. Pbone Fouth w. TOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited te visit the Young Women's Christlsn association building at St Mary's Ave and Kth St, where they will be directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers guide st tr. union stsuon, EXPERIENCED waitress: report ready for work. Oilman', cafe. ISM Howard St. GIRL for general housework. Ht & xtta Bt- Phone Harney iw. HELP WANTED MALE Aaeata, Salesaoea axtd aUeltara. WANTED-Saleaman to . retail our tmluue. new wall map of Nebraska with Itw census; every township named; every section of land shown: six Mxti Inches: retail price tt Good salesmen clear tit to tla per day vvnte toaay, encioaing a) cents for salesman', sample. The Ken- yon ce-. map makers. Des fctoinee. la. T-. VTVn m MMfUnMil wtrwfmlll man to travel la Nebraska: give refer ences ana experience, aquiwbb eww maate Maaufacturlns Company, Freeport AH. HELP WANTED MALE Ageata, galeasaea aad aatleltara, Think This Over General Agent Wanted For the State of Nebraska for the STRAL'B IMPROVED SANITARY TOWEL RACK CO. A device invented tor the purpose of .'omalylng with the laws ot Nebraska pertaining to the individual towel. En dorsed by sanitary experts and in general use throughout the United statea. e cannot supply the demand. General agent must come well recommended aa a live wire. Liberal contract and big commission. For further psrtlculsrs writs or wire T. W. Geary, General Manager, llOt, 17lh St, Denver, Colo. AGENTS Look into thle proposition. It's a good Hva seller for every bouse. Unlimited field. Tou don't have to talk your head oft. Pioneer Mfg. Co., P. O. box , glial tity, mo. WANTED-Salesman for first class line of whips and lubes on mmratsxton. Standard Whip Co., westncia. msss. AGENTS wanted to sell the best toUet peclaiUe on the market Make 2i per week. Send alamo for reply. Harlan Mtg. Co., Toledo, o. BEST SELLER ON THE MARKET. CALL AND SEE IT, 1 RAMOB BLDG. Clerical aad OH lee. INVESTIGATE these openings If Qual ified. COMPTOMETER OPERATOR. A-l In every respect I7S. STENOGRAPHER, good town out In state. Wo. CASHIEII, must be experienced, tw-siuu. HThinuu- RAPHKK, railroad, (oo. CREDIT ma.n, m'fg. firm. Here is a splendid position for right party, tUOU-tl.&JO. STtNOU- itArnLn, iumoar experience, ,o. SPRING IS FAST APPROACHING snd with It will come a GREAT DE MAND for competent commercial help. See us NOW If contemplating a change. Tour dealing, with us are STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. WUVIt City National Bank Bldg. "CA NO" High grads positions, an Bee. FULL dress suits snd parly dreese. for sle; also lor rent tl to a nignt JOHN FELDMAN. Wt N. 17th. P. tlflt t Drug store (snaps) jobs. Knlest. Bee Bldg WANTED Married man for stock ranch. Address T care or Bee, TEI.kjliRAPH positions suaranteed you hv tha i;nlon Psclfle and Illinois Cen tral railroad. If you gain your training In our echool. Practice on R. H. wire Ad dree tor particular H. B. Boy lea. Pres. Boyles college, umana, wan. AUTO SCHOOL, 1 OMAHA, t LARGE SHOPS, GUARANTEE, higher qual ity araduatea. More cars and actual repair work than any thro. weetern schools. L,et us rrtovni it U.S. A MAN of good ttppearance to work In a window disulsv. Call at tha Howard. Mth and Farnam, Apt No. between U and 1 p. ti. Saturday. vniT wanted for e-overnment nosi tlon. tm month; send postal for Hat ot positions open. Franklin institute, ueps HI n. Hocnester, . i. WAHIKU run u. o. aaai-aee pouiea unmamea men wire e-- 1. , . .,.1UH. . iU.tM Of good character and temperate habits, who can eueaa, ion bin. - h- .' language. For information apply to re cruiting officer. 131 h and Douglas Bts., Omaha. Neb.; arf tth Bt, Sioux City, la.; PTATll Mai. A Tl Get Into a Learn automobile engineering In our largs trainlna shoo. Hundreds of successful graduates. Complete equipment of auto- mnhiiea ana macmnary. Auareas xbiiuubi Auto Training Assn.. fit Brandeis Thea ter Bldg., Omaha, r, en. wa NTF.n Mor neoole to raise pool- try wllb tha Ola Trusty Incubator. Write ror free catalogue, sa. js. woujisvo. Center. Neb. WANTED Men to nreoare for poaltlona now waiting at top wages: learn tha bas her trade; few weeks qualiflea; no dull neaaona. no strikes: cash every Saturday night; an army of graduate depending upon us for neip. an or wnia awiw Barber College, lie a. ittn nt WIMTFn E.llair mull clerk XMt . u. I. ....... nn.hi .minifiAni May 4th. Thousand appointments com- . " - ...MMt lu,k. in. LDBBW vut.iavuu Ing free. Write for aample question Franklin Institute, Dept 21 N. Rochester. N. i.i a a- er u I i amrud lat nrl pvtna Ft in flsttrai I BK i nnilru nf t ha (rudlatt rlavl CIlBtl B3 Pk titty eass.ji a ....-a-- cbOOi. Mun aav sooa reiervncwM, aiinxie man preferred. C. B. Maniiel. Supt,, Kew- ney, eo. ; l A VTK ri A it dtrrid bov. ADDiy At onotN Raber, Hoc BIdf. WE have given mora Clothe value than -a lea Ama Ktt 'CLadttV Rmrirl Hit w V lut vj s v " - Clothes" sold up to V at tit, VoUmer s, lUf c rata o. 11 A,V I Mi ..IBltl UUU ,11. vvrm w, boose or smoke cigarettes; to per month, . . . 11, .1 um lln.. Doani am iwi , nell. la. LIVE STOCK FOR BALE. Mosses aad ea-te. Black mare, wt !. .Wagner. WM.lt HORSFS mares, work iuvrneas. for ---'- sale- sii - . a. weo. w5. LOST AXD FOITSD. PERSONS having teat some article . , Mti tk, HertAA ik. Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway compear to ascertaia whether they left it IB tne street cars. m and th company Is anxious to restore them ta tne ngauut owner, vau ayvug- 1 sk OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. LAROK cameo belt pin down town. Re ward. Harney S457. LOST tt reward aad aa Question asked for tha return of unset diamonds con tained in two small paper envelope; Loet In jewelry store in umana. 4useri ao.. holm. IjOtrT Initial watch fob. "E. L." Re turn te Drexel Shoe Co. ana receive re ward. , -SOCIETY BRAND CLOTHES." Buy vour spring suit for tit, sotd up to tt. Many ank lined, VeJtnir , W7 & Mth 8t