Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 05, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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    HIE BLL: OALAHA. Il'LfcDAY, MAiiCii o.
What Would a Man Be Doing With , a Ladder at Night?
By "Bud" Fishsr :
rve got -et-i Fttoiw
KuVT. m :evs hs vu,i6
Kt-SrVT (JET Hit, XIT 05
Took BcUc. me evi '
his pxse GoeiTo eo
so csn sweoT
Mere aad IMIIeea.
FOR r.ENT-Soon. medtra store build-
ins. well located in prosperous county
seat town of J.UO In low. For full In
formation, writ P. a Box HS. Ottumwa,
. tWi south 13th with basement, e3u.u0.
114 and US South lJlh Street.
Attractive offices rents to UD. service
STORE at SOS Cumins; street.
Store at ilos Cuming street,
store at KS North 14th street.
Store at Ml North 24th street.
Store at W7 North !4th street.
Htore at tH Norih Mtta. South Omaha.
Office room, second floor, Wright
J.ssuurr, HM S. lth 8t. Phone D. 1M.
..' . rwrnlisue.
. A STEEL ruixr, a (as rang and fur
niture for sale. a Ames v.
rUH DALn OWm'. ml, "-.,
table, kitchen cabinet two bed room acts,
etc.. at a uanwn. v cosier
1 . ' I Ki.
Hl bbu rtArnAS., uraee ......
leather couch, round table, buffet, car
pets, rugs, china cabinet, mission buffst
slso library Uble, (as range, sewing mi-
rhlne. chiffonier, kitchen cabinet, organ
. . . . .. w ., nu nth
aim i nrr tuniuun vuwy
OH BALE Bed room suit, MM Dodge.
Musical Isatewsneal.
PIANO for sale, 2M Davenport, Harney
Jew. .
FINE upright piano, big bargain; owner
leaving lly. SMS Devenport.
type writers.
RENT an OHvsr typewriter from the
Oliver Typewriter Co. Douglas ail.
TYPEWRITERS for rent, lowest figure
ever quoted: I months, IS. Central Typo
writer Exchange. 11 Farnam. Doug, Wa.
"TSTivTikiis-. ALL MAKES For
sal or rent; largest stock; best bargains.
H. F. 8WANSON CO., UM Farnam St.
omsha. Call or tvrit.
FOR SALE-NO. 4 Laderwood type
writer; very near new and case and cover.
Address K K, Omsna Bee.
- . - Mlaveaaaaeaa.' ' ' !
i- . . . . - - fi.
FOR SALE-Two aehotsrshlp In th
Omaha Commercial college and on In
rJols coIIcm. Businea office, Omaha
Door, windows, wslnecotlng. Tel. u.
FOR SALE Ua-1L Jewell- engine;
tO-H. P. ooiier. Bluff Cllg Laundry.
Council BlufM. la.
pihii. tables, store, restaurant futures
hnumiL soid Levy. Jbw N. Bo. Oman.
T A4psi Inverted gas lamps with
IjAJU O crs reflector glubes and
eit-lighter delivered for fi'.w JOHN
KUNIJMsPCO., UIB-Mthi I'. i"-: A-lt4i.
" FOR KAIX-Oew ai)5 second-band
carom and pocket billiard tabtos and
bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix
tures of ail kinus; easy payments. Ins
Hrunswick-tialke-Couauuer Co.. Vli- .
itn si-
.1 .1 UHIUi.i,.Ml mut rf riaerator.
rienry uianis. nmnu,
-, Cosl for stove or tuiosce. Try lb
J Harmon Weeib. .Websfr Hi.
u . t-1.-j itou.iA.tMl with sacond-band
ales, all sises and makes; bargains.
SmarlFSB SuDOlV CO.. Ill IVnW bU
irnu ha l.k; Three pool tables, new
cloth, flrst-claai cjnuiuon, f&u. Call
Cinders fur ssle. chesp. Phone Web. 4WI.
;p 8AFE8. DERIOHT. 1818 Fa I nam Bt.
HOME-CANNED fruit for sale. Peaches,
cherries, peers ana piums. m mnnr.
vi in HALAnvats desiring second-
hand bank fixtures would do well to
correspond witn or teiepoxmo City Na
tional bank, Omaha.
KOK BALE Three pool tables, new
cloth; first class condition; ju. Call Har
tn ti en nnire. nearly new.
H. A. Speth. 3MI Avs. .,jCoaMlMlutts.
n I . V uiivili UKUKDT.
..Gladisa Pharmacy. Uta and Dodg.
UEBEN. mask suits to hlre.Ult How a.
Malsiag Kmenhonse, aW OI4 Boston Bid.
' WE rent and repair all kinds of saw
ing machines. Inu. a-IoW. Dougla Isoa
liih and Harney kit.-
I0UNO women coming to Omaha as
strangers are Invited to visit the Young
Women s Cniistian assoclatioa building at
beveoteenth and l. Mary Av.. wnere
they will be directed to suitable boaraing
places, or otherwise sslstd. Look fur
our travelers' aid at the Union station.
SWEIjIkH inaMMg lot rheumatism,
p'omach tiuubie, pour clruculauon, Kan
ten Tonseth, graduate from feweden, 401
Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. Il.
Xt 1 jy MIW itatbs. salt glow aromatic
ALAOOAUCj iraamient. Mm. Alien
cf Chtiagn. He S. l.lh Ml. 1st floor. D. iosi.
. I L-.. ...... mm,. .In. I will n.d K
responsible (or any debu contracted by
my sue, Ida . VVltuuuck.
THt 6AA.VAHO.N AKMY solicits csst-
(f ciotmng; hi last anytrung you do not
need. V. collect, repair and ssil at U4
N 11th tit., tor cost- el coiMGUoti, to tne
wortny poor. Puon Dougoa U aad
.sons will tall
f A vS! A (JT' Swedish movement. Apt.
Vital massage. Anna Fisher, e;l W are blk.
HAlAUtii!.bl.Nct, Manicuring, tlnam
pouing. acaip iraaimciits a speciaity lor
ladle- and gentlemen. Mr. Pierce. 1
V'arnam. l. S08U lnd. A-142. '
i ASSAfiH Treatment. Mra.8teM,
JItAiaaAtlXi j; uodge. Ground floor.
BEST bracer for men. day s Nerve
Food pills. II per box, postpaid. Sherman
McCoaaeli Drug Co.. Omaha. Nea.
EtkiS for batching from the Brandeia
Farm. . Thoroughbred 8. C, Whlu Leg
horns. Utility mock, ll.M a setting or
H per los. Exhibition or show stock. 13 to
B a setting. Write for catalogu. Adores
A. D. Brandeia. Omaha. TL Benson (.
. BUFF ORPINGTON setting eggs for
tale from imported and prise winning
stock. fl.S per selling of 12. Phone Web
ster ini.
WHITE LEGHORN cockerel) (I apiece.
M Fort 8t Webster MU.
RUT from owner. S-ronm bungalow for
4eH Poppleton Av. HsrneyMW.
TWO full-blooded French poodle pup
WHITE spits pupies. Pbon Webster
i,B. m i. Attn Ave.
ROSE comb Rhode Island tested eggs
for hatching. K-M per li. UM N. MU.
Web. 130.
and brooders mean every egg a chick;
cost price saved on first hatch: days
free trial; catalog free. Leahy Mfg. Co.,
Tan a uth.
Reed Abstract Co., eldewt abstract office
In NebraiK. M Brandeis Theater.
NEALE 4t CAMPUEU. 1T14 Farnam gL
glectnc gas fixture. Omsha Silver C.
laeai t.ement io.. inn anu crnium.
Fucha. Hon 4fc Blind, painting, decorating.
Dnnvivnl mI.I. hnlMlnv nanarA
plaster boards, Amer. Bup Co., lid Nick a
Vt ELL ulKSlng, F. Uiwiman. m N. ltta.
A BARGAIN For sale, cheap, new 4
room modern cottage, on monthly pay
ments. Telephone Doug. 2904.
I will sell nV ft-room nous for $3.19.
Th 6-room cottce I sold. Also - have
g-room cottage, modern except beat, for
tl.lo. fKM down. Also a 4-room cottage
for 11.1s. 130 down. Low facing Nth St.,
on grade, worth 40, tm.
Phone Douglas 4831. Mil Frederick Bt
AT BAROAIN. 7-room house, easy pay
ment. Canadian office. Hi Ho. 151 h 8L
IMxlo. Corner on pared street, good hn-
pr.veronts: close to business center;
rental Income; IIM per month. Will bring
14 per cent on Investment; must b sold,
good reason for selling; a bargain (or
horn and Investment. '
hall and hath: modern: comnlete In every
detail; nice street: good neighborhood, 3041
Meredith Ave. fhone h-jiw.-
K(u HALE Bv owner, s-room cottagsT
has gas, electric- light, furnace, cement
walk around bouse, brick walk in front.
Can be bought on easy urma. Apply of
owner. 47l N. 42d BL
Una artfafle and uniform eealdenc die-
(Wrl nf rim.h. FS VBABnt lot IsfL
U.2DJ to Street paved and parked.
Payable 1-ie casn, naianc montniy. m
build to suit on same terms or will ad
vance cost of house and band yourself.
Th Paston Real Estate Co.. Ml Ware Bk.
OI'R I.KTTKlt dunllraUng work Is un
excelled. A trial will convlno you. Both
phones. Western Duplicating t.o.. m nee.
I will aall I ha eholuat building lot la
the Hanscom Park district upoo the
most favorable term that could b de
al red. If you contemplate building this
sprlnc. batter as me soon. Lot located
northwest corner ttd and Arbor. Tele
phone Harney XtM or South tR. William
rl. uouia. jr
I . t-nna ItMAllVtV. U-
III K M I III WWII, VI. ' CI" ' . .
mile from car line: good walks extending
away out past it; 7-room house, good
. -..! . . , .. A araa fin
new oam, boiiw nu", - . - . '
rich garden land, balance good for fruit
or pasture; land slope east and protected
on north and west by hills. An elegant
- i. .. .. k. ant tMMta
place ior enwi iirruu.
and early garden stuff, or will make you
a gooa noma ana oe pruuwuiv iv v
lot In a few year.
1S Pearl St.. Council Bluff. -
Bargains in Acre Property
it acre. tt4 mil north1 of Florence,
good 7-room bouse, new barn snd chicken
house, well, cistern and running spring
on th place all kind of bearing fruit,
consisting of apple, plums, peaones,
pears, currants, blackberries, grape and
asparagus, about len acres altogether la
fruit. Prtc W.MH.
1 acres, one mil wen of Benson, very
good Improvements and considerable fruit.
Here Is a nice ugntiy location, rric
40 acre in Sarpy county, snout l mil
from South Omaha limits. Improvements
not very good, but good piece of land. It
belong to an estate and can be bought
at Ills per act.
I acre lust south of Albright, good -room
house, barn, chicken bouse and
other buildings. Lots of fruit and I
certainly a number en place. Owner a
non-realdent and Just sdvised u to cut
the price to S3.j0, really about one-half
Its value. Think of It, 5 acrea right In
town for $3. Ho.
t acre, north of Avery, about ten min
utes' walking dlatanc from street car.
Haa nice new Improvements that would
cost to build almost what the whole
thing csn b bought for. Th wner
must mov on a homestesd this monta
and needs the money. Pric tz.0.
2 seres, south Kkk Bt-, on mil from
city limits: good a-room bouse, bant and
chicken house, nice level land, nlc view.
a genuine anas at I,LW.
0 'Neil's Real Estate k Ins.
TeL Tyler lSt. lnd. A -Sill. So. IK; F-UK.
lMs Farnam Street.
til North Mtk Street, South Omaha. Neb.
British CMsuabta.
FOR SALB-Cbotcw valley farm la
tracts of M to sat acrea, with la t to 1
mile from th town along th QraaJ
i rurut Pacific Railway in Central Briusa
Lot um ola. . Also Skeena Vailey Fruit
Farm la hVacr traeta. Send for ties
booklet Call or. wnte B. Meyet, Duttriet
saiea Agent, so. PaxLoa saf, Ooiaaa,
RELINQUISHMENT Must sell outck.
th beat le-acra rellnuuisnment In tne
valley, lit mile from good new town,
price C. Writ W. B. Atetnklng, Hasty,
Traversed by th
Lands sdapud to in widest ranee t
rruia. All Ana monsy erona ot tiia aauta
plenufallr produced. For literal are treat-1
tag aim inis cumins wuitu-r, its oa
climate, church aad coooi adraaua
liaoeral Passenger Agent,
THI easiest way to find a buyer for
your farm I to Insert a small waat ad
In the De Maine Capital. Largest cir
culation In th st'. of luwa. aj.vui daily.
Th Capital la read by and believed la
by the aland patters of Iowa, wh simply
refuse to permit any other paper ta their
homes. Rales. 1 cent a word a day; tl li
per line per month; count sis ordinary
words to tne line. ' Addreu De Moiue
Capital. De Moines, la-
In SHERBURNE and adjoining counties.
We have a large number uf i-iioire, well im
proved farms near good towns and only
a short dlstsnc from Minneapolis at
14& to $60 per acre. These farms are
adapted for diversified farming, and In
the corn belt. Uet a farm where rainfall
la abundant and crop failures ar un
known. For full .particular writ Pel
land Realty Company, ati Palaos Bldg.,
Minneapolis, Minn: ;
TWO Joining IW-aor homestead relin
quishments, cjrlei 01 Irrigated tract, etas
to town, tM each. Addtos owner. Boa
i4i. ViUr. Mont.
. Itsliraaaua,
HP wUI buy trie Met HO-acre bome
stead la Nebraska; partly improved,
Virile awaar. C. M. H oilman, fciinnaii,
Boyd county, at acres, well Improved;
mile north of Spencer; tXOO) oaah, balance
I per esuu Price, 6s. II acre, mile west
Brlslow; well unproved. Price, (4. eXstal
caani balano i per cent. Will take city
property a part payment. Bargain.
J. J. fclTNIK, Waie Blk.. Oman. Nsh.
' On section deeded, on relinquished,
sW miles from good town on main line
Burlington; (U) acre under 4hre-wlr
tenc and M acre brok. Better than Hu
acres of good hay land. Very beat pas
ture. Will sell and relinquish one sec
tion for M.Srti. Worth tie.fto. Writ M
M. Omaha Dally Bee, at once.
HOMESTEAD 338 acre rich farm lent
for Ills, filing fee and all No sand hula
J. A. Tracy, kimbajl. Neb.
BUY LAND; also farm mortgage from
first band. W can plea you. The
W elpton I nvestmcnl Co.. ogallefrw, 'Nf.
lOV nLIUD. IW. i in mnr,.,iwi
pasture; fenced; fair "tmprovements; 4
mile' to raliroad towti; near ' arhoaL
ua oar acre. Wm. Smith. Wall-
lleet. Neb. ...
BUY direct from owner. S4 acre, well
unproved farm, W per act. John Jenlk,
Codg role. ne.
iWMil) la OR U Chevrnne county. Neb..
level, dark loam, gramma grass ail over
It. sure lgn of- fertility; -cheap; will
trade It for Omaha, clear. Ripley, tm
Burt. ...
BEAT fruit land In famous tJmpaua val
ley Oregon, 10 per acre. Call or write
W E 4ith N. PorLand. Oregon. Lloyd It
FOR SALE 1W acre Irrigated land
with good water right and welT Improved;
two mile from oounty seat. 6t per acre;
easy tsrms Add rasa P. o. Box 114. Tor
rington. Wyo.
Farmer and land buyers
all over th country are
reading Be want ad every
nay and snapping up evenr
bargain offered.
Rate 1st cent per weed
If run only en time. 1 per
word If run two or mere
times consecutively.
Writ snd mall your ad
today to steal Estate depart,
neni of Th Omasa Bee.
iiesult ar sure
. Far aad Jtameh Lead,
1AVACRB farm I mile northwest of
riorenco and north of Irvlngion-. Rant
W a yer. - . v
Doug. W. tl S. ITtn.
TWO farms for rent. Thee farm ar
good till bis land, wall improved, contain
ing 14 acre and U scree. J. T. Collins,
Council Bluff, la. Pbon Black 411.
OMAHA property and Nebraska land.
111 New Omaha Nat'l Bank Building.
WANTED City loans. Peter Trust Co.
WANTEI-Clty loans and warrsnta
W. Farnam Smith Co.. 1J Farnam St.
MONEY to loan on buslnees or resi
dence properties. !, to SuliOW. W. H.
THOMAS, eui Flrt Nat l Bank Bldg.
lew lo . made promptly. F. IX
Wead. Weed Bldg.. 1Mb and ramam.
n A TV V RRf IS -. J and up.
UUM UI ...
' Omaha Nat'l Bank
LOANS Farm and city property,
H. Dumont A Son, Mo Famam Sc
Crt CITY LOAN. Bemls-Csrlberg Co.,
u n-u Brandeia T Dealer Bldg.
For farm land eastern Nebraska or
Iowa; a buslnees block at Lincoln, value
$,, under lease till 114: list monthly;
Your farm cash rent doe not bring la
this amount monthly. It ,t aid yen wouid
have SOS acre rented at M per sore, par
able monthly. That en Income basts
would equal oar; a your donV better
trad and get our income to yon montniy.
L. A. DEVINE. tot Karbach. Omaha.
FOR EXCHANGE i act or irrigated
land, near town. In soutnera Idanu.
Fine general merchandise slock and
building In new and growing town. Ad
dre. Green Front Store, Wendell. Idaho.
FINE Kimball orgaa fur sale - or ex
change, m n. ii.
I hand, trades everywhere. If you want
result call Dean. H7 Be Blag. D. :A
t ACRES Lake Co.. Or ) land for va
cant lot In Omaha. W. W agner. avl N. Mth
FOR EXCHANGE Good eighty acre
in Polk county. Nebraska, fur K.tOI resi
dence or suburbs n acreage. Address, i3
Uttle Bldg Lincoln. Neb.
EUROPE In comfort; select and Iliiuted
party sailing June U via Mcditertaneaa;
eighUi eauo. Mis Anna Z. Roan, Ceua
cil Bluffs. Is., tir Willow avenue-'
PRIVATELY conducted eastern lours
for young women during the summer
months; limited number; select. Per
particular cl Mis E. J. t., M City
Nat'l Bank,
WANTED-4a.wI at per cent; first
mortgage on property worth lino); In
come of tl.vut a year will be assigned If
deHred. Address Y 5. Be
WANTED to buy farm, north central
Kansas preferred, near good town. Will
put In as part payment, new p.iai Omaha
residence. J. II. Hanfelt, Ames Ave. Sta
tion Omaha."
Hlsheet price; clthe: hd. D. 371; B1OT
WANTED or Tv-H. P. enilne; 10-K.
W. direct current generator, llluff City
Ltundry, Council Blurts, la.
u-A .Tt.-lAT.. huv l.t hnikin aatches.
M. Nnlhn. K 8.,l.11h St.
I WILL buy mixed stock mervhandlae
and stor room less In Nebraska or Kan
sas town. Adilrmi Ho IS. Corning, In.
!d-hnd goods. Klrwr. wat'emer. D.
HAND laundry, by piece or dm., wash
and ironed. Mo dog.; rough dry, Sc Doug.
WANTED-Work by th wek, or bun
dl washing. J431-Webeter.
i ni.ui, l valrml
tkw KAr s t:
bkic-age A ortbiveterw
UlnseAH"9- rV: - ',
MlaaeAseltt-st- real Walls. I
Tals Cll I s t
Sleaa mr lea! J
7. ... a naksia KXB....S I
Tals City UU" s .
CSrrsll Lal J'
UarlltSI c'Sicsss "J
CkKao-ceMraS J.
rscuM : ,
Vn Usui a J
Osrrsil Lets! -
r ut Mall
Uim KMiat. anas Uly sn
OeMbs .i
Cosusslal StAlt UwilM n
Us rise
K.rlolA ixiua -
lftt rias-Useeis -S I:
Hwne-we"- - ,
rnusosi-Aisna -
AN ALL ROUND cook asms position
In hotel. Hrry Wood. 43 N. 17th.
W.tSHIiVO SHU Iromn dune. T II Mat)
WANTED By young Isdy of reflne
menr position ss housekeeper; dty pre
ferred. Addres Y Ml, car Be
A RELIABLE colored woman want
work by th day or week. Phone B. Ufa.
YOt'NU lady desire position In office,
willing to start with small salary. Refer,
nces. Phone Webster 7l
AN experienced laundries want day
work. Phone Webster MUt.
First-class, practical nurse. H 661. A-874
Bundle washing at 'I S. Mth. Tyler leul
SITUATION wanted by flrst-elss furnl
tor salesmen. No objection lo leaving
city. AQ areas v wt. fee,
CREDIT MAN. thoroughly experienced.
past five years responsible for credit of
M0O.00 yearly, will consider change; sal
ary W.Wft Lock Box 3. Omaha. Neb.
GRADUATE nurse would like position
caring tor Invalid or as traveling com
panion. Phon Tyler 11H4.
GOOD all annind butcher wlshe posi
tion out of town, lis pes week consid
ered.' Andre 0-4t, care Bee.
CoLoktD .woman wabls position ,
oisowaaner. ioutr ju, . . ..
Ship your stock to South Omaha. Have
ml less and shrlnkags. Your consign
ments receive prompt and careful atten
tion. live ttark t'examlselea Merrkaata.
Pyers Tiro t Co. Strong and responsible
WOOD BROS.. 04-a Exohsngs Bldg.
Ores! West. Com. Co.. Omaha A Denver.
W. a SMITH SON Just handle sheep.
TAOO BHq, hand! cat! I, hogs, sheep
ofsy.Ttobln.on A Co.. tut Exchang Bldg.
Interstate Co. Better result. Ship to u.
CiTfTON Com Co., ta Exchange Bldg
U E. ROBERTS A CO.. t Ex. h. Bldg.
Cox A Jones Com. Co.. bunch of hut)r.
"Farmer LTb. Com. Ca. ) Exch. Bldg.
""Deposit proceed of shipments In Stock
Yard Nat I Hank. Only bank at yarda,
"aiartla Bros. Co., 3C-4 Exch. Bldg.
WEEKS GRAIN C0.. grin mcrchaota.
Conslgnmenu ollclted. 7M Brandeia,
Notice M' hereby given that the annual
meeting of the stockholder of The Mis
souri Pacific Railway Company will be
held t the general office of th company
In the city of St. Louis, Missouri, on
Tuesday. March Uth, lull, at nine o'clock
a. m., for the election of thirteen direc
tor for th ensuing yer nd for tb
transaction of such other kuslnee a
may com be for aald meeting. The an
nual meeting of th director will be held
at th same office on the same day at
li o clock noon. The transfer books will
be closed on Tuesday. February (tb, 1MJ.
t three o'clock p. m.. and will be re
opened on Wednesday, March Uth, Itll
at ten o'clock a. m.
Br B. F. BUSH, Preetdent.
A. H. CALEF. Secretary.
New York. January nth. Int. Mldllt
1NO Notice I hereby given that lb
reguiar annual meeting of the stock
bolder of the South Plan Land Com
pear wlU b held at th office of aaid
esmpeny at Lincoln. Neb., al 11 clock
a. m . est the aixtb day of Marco, A- J,
Wa C H. MORRILL, President
A. & MINOR, Secretary.
Lincoln. Neb.. Februar i, SHU.
IJIIVA gTAllon leatb aad M
I' a lea Pclfle
!. inM
Iss Frsa. O-wUa tleud.A sa !
Cktsa sAe net Mu....a t sea Hia
Allaetie gienes.. ilsu
orises ii I. pat l.i ae)
bs L eute. Jll.a rm ( at pa
Pearar Serial - ISu a t n aa
'esleaalal ut SiH,l 11 SI pa ,1 H aa
CBlirali gsatwas. 4 sea a 4S sat
Kan ristle tevDal........... s aei a4 .ei
Oesa lalaal Lcai A )- aiA M a.
i . SU:4I set kl.a
Ckleage, Keck lelaad At Pacttlew
Sarsy nVsmUra
... m a la iM
LAMSina l.....-.w mm mm SIS IS a
Oar gASeea. -A a a 4 a.
Cauaee XASeeat.. -- . ex e I le a
1M laeove LAal T sr.. J 4 n ae all u aa,
cas-KersAk Laaaiam ...-a att a I u
CWASas-Iteb. U Itmi
Cauas9-CAAera -taa.
Obkoaa A rase SAlrfWS
Baeav Measlal lasuas
" I!?"
II aaa
' a I At set ail t
.....SN A. set all St IZ
Mali as grts e let AAA all it pet
lualwry laeel araa C. 1- S t el sea M.S aa
MlaaaAwr raetle
g, t At at lest STra a I S Aa s f a ea
ICtk Laea SAsraet. .11111 pa a I At Aa
tkleaa. 'Owaekee a i. raal
OaeSs-at. beets tuna
Caaila - gaseAA..,
Aalaf see apai
te Itaa
- S a aa au M aa
- Sittja
a lew a mim ,
acsi fet-ilta feat aX aa
i a.iMvA fiteat H'eMfia
Tvra car uaKsd -a sa,
Twa Cliy aisraaa. -a i aa llkri
-a A a aa st.ara
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..a 1.11 ta
Wsbater Station lgtk aad Webeter
Mlaseart Pacific
Depart. Arrive
Aesnrs laesl... .....I I staa til U sa
Iklreara, It, ran, ssiaaeapeits a
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A. B. lOHNSON A CO ., Ut Waa ktaak ax..
ntoaa. III., er ear aaal SCABS.
iAiiierica's "Grand Old
Woman of Stage" Dead
- NEW YORK. March I -Mrs. Anni Yoa
man. who haa been known a America'
"grand old woman of th stag," died
late tonight after suffering recently a
strok of paralysis. Since th ag of M
in had been on the atag and appeared
befor audience la all parti of th world.
She celebrated her' 71th birthday on
'November 1.
Mrs. Yeamana waa th oldest actress on
lb American stage and had th distinc
tion of being th only on whoa birth
place wu. the Isle of Man. While she
as a child her parent moved to Aua.
trail, where ah mad her first appear
ance behind th footlights a Julia In
"Th Farmer' Daughter." Sh married
Henry Teaman, a drew clown, who died
In 1M. As a dancer and equlatrienn she
cam lo America In lsta, and later Joined
th Augualln Daly Block company. Sh
appeared afterward In th Hamgao. A
Hart production and In characters of
Irish women In "Old Lavender," "Th
Mulligan Ouarda" and other farce
achieved her greatest fsm.
WASHINGTON. March i.-Ther I
nothing lo Indicate that a cold wave will
cross the country this week, according
to th weekly bulletin of the weather
bureau Issued tonight.
"There will be." say th bulletin, "a
general though gradual reaction, to nor
mal temperature over th region eaat of
the Rocky mountain on Tuesday and
Wednesday and moderate temperature
thereafter until th close of th week.
"A disturbance that now cover th
west, aad southwest will advance (lowly
eastward and cause a continuation of un
settled weather, with rains in southern
and mow and rain In middle and north
ern state east of the Rocky mountain
during tb next several days. Th next
disturbance to cross th country will ap
pear In th far west Thursday er Friday
and prevail over th middle west at th
end of th week.
LONDON. March 4.-A suffragette at
tempted to start a fire In the general
pottofflce of London tonight. The woman
carried a bundle of paper and flimsy
material soaked with pa rail ne Into the
public .ball and set it on fir near a
corner. She then smashed a piste glass
window and surrendered herself to tb
A hundred auffragettM, awaiting trial
la Holloway 111. engaged In a riotous
demonstration lasting two hours today.
They broke the windows of their cells,
sang th Marsellaise" and snouted to
ere "Our leader, Mrs. Pxnkhurtt."
Traitor, to Hadero Hard Pressed in
Tight at Chihuahua.
Villa. Angered at Oroac1 HenarH
frees Madrre, la Fighting Him
Treon Harried Boats)
from Jaares.
EL PASO. Tex., March. 4.-A telegram
stating that fighting for the poeaesslon
nt rhihiiahua city, capital of th Mexi
can tte of that name, had begun aa
followed today by the haty departure
of th rebel garrison at J usrei tu Join
their comrade In the fight.
Two telegram bearing on tit Ulim
... mmIvmi hi tienernl Inex Salasar,
th Juarei commander, from Mraulto j
Ilernandes. one of th rebel leaders in
th district about Chihuahua. Neither
ueaasa waa a detailed a It recipient
could have wished, but they were suffi
cient to dispel th languor wnicn na
,haranlerlsed th work Of III Jluares
force and th detachment of from S to
J.OO men we speedily placed on board
three sections of freight train.
The first telegram from llernanacx
.i.ii mat his force, numbering about
a men, and om of th force of Pascual
Oroco ha been defending Chihuahua
against an attack by federal troop un
der Colonel Villa.
Oroseo la with us." the telegram snip..
meaning, the rebel declare, that he has
announced himself openly aa in krme
against Madero.
Th aecond telegram merely atated. a
divulged by General Salasar. that Her-
n. miM .aa en his way to Join Orosco.
who desired Salasar lo Join the move
ment with ill posslbl peed.
The mesas were received over th
wire of th Mexico Northwestern rail
road, aa th federal line, commonly useo
. nierriai and official messages. It
interrupted, Thl account for th fact
that newspaper ecArresponaenia in vni
huahua ware t!ent. ,
Orear Herd frmel.
Ther wa no Intimation how serious
.. rohllns? was. but th Juarei
me irwi - - - .
leader rcelvd th impression that
Villa attack hsd been a surpr .
that orosco. If not defeated, wa In 1m-
medlat need of assistance.
Recently lternandrs. witn nis comma"",
was at 0lliUo, about thlrty-sevin mile
north of Chihuahua. Maximo Castillo,
another rebel chieftain, wtlh M or
men, ha been at Villa Ahutnada, ninety
mile north of Chlhuehun. He. too. Is
aid to be proceeding to Join Oroxro.
American and Mexican refugee in Ihl.
city account for th report that vnia
led the federal force against th rebel,
with two explanation.
Th apparent one Is th declaration
vui. Orosco. through Jealousy
growing out of th rew.rd received by
each after Maoero eucceee
ar mortal enemle. and that VUla would
light on either side If It wr against his
former comrsdsln-mis. Oroxco
mad chief of th ru rales of Chihuahua
by Madero. whll Villa, th converted
outlaw, tu given A command under him.
Th aecond reason advanced 1 that
Villa remained yl only after Madero
hsd granted hi demand. Including a
of money. In th crisis, Gov-
rnor Abraham Gonxale. th loyal execu
tive of Chlhuehu. U believed to nav ci
, . -.S ...eri-i.n rnnnev and to have made
the promise necessary to hold Villi and
hi 70s troop to th Maoero oanner.
Villa Playlag Doable.
General Ka later professes to be very
bitter against Villa. Th latter, he
claimed, sent word by lclal messsge
confirming prevlou promise thst lie
would "save hi face" by a show of re
ami then loin th sntl-Msdero
campaign. It era pointed out. however.
that thl wa before uroscos aun
whll suspecleil of disloyalty to Madero,
really was known. If th rebels ar de
feated Villa may hope for the emolu
ments recently resigned by Orosco.
There wa no lack of box car In the
Juarei yards when th movement to the
south was decided upon. The matter of
moths power was mors difficult, but two
loeotnilrlves hsd come over the Mexico
Northwestern from the south and were
taken and another which hsd been
"Joined up" eventually was secured.
Th. teieeram from Hersndtx wsa re
ceived shortly before noon. At 40J this
afternoon the first detachme'.t was sent
away, and the second sxnen minute
later. Among other rupplle each train
carried a car of filled water casks. There
waa also one csr of coal.
It was nearly 7 o'clock before the third
section, carrying General Emllio Campa,
with his staff, the artillery and more
troops, got under way. General calasar
at the last moment determined to remain
behind with th other officers until to
morrow, when, he said, he and his staff
would leave and catch up with Campa
down the line.
Thirty-Five Killed.
Fighting wa renewed' at Chihuahua at
- -,.i.h. AMila-hl accordlna! to a telegram
received by Juan Terraxas. one of the
wealthy family of that name, who I a
member of the refugee colony, here.
Another messsge. not fully authenti
cated, but probably approximating the
truth, had It that the forenoon's fight
ing lasted three hour end that thirty
five person were killed or wounded. Villa
then withdrew, but. according to th tele
gram to Senor Terraxas, returned to the
attack tonight.
firry Twe Meacrm t, a a.
The artillery consists of two old muxxle
loading braiV- field piece and two modern
rapid firing; guns, with lnO,0l rounds or
ammunition. Two newspaper correspond
ents were allowed lo go with the officers.
Colonel K. Z. Steever. commanding the
American troops here, did not regard It
necesmry to make any redlsposltion of
the guard along the river. This duty la
now being performed by the first balalllou
of the Tweniy-second Infantry, undef
Major Peter Murray. Bridge nnd fords
are guarded, and men and officer are
ready for any emergency thnt may arts.
There were rumors, which amounted to
nothing more, that the departure of the
garrlaun would be succeeded by disorders
In the street of Juarex. Tonight the
American soldier are positively more
alert than usual, but among them there
waa no other sign that condition at
Juarex had changed.
Two other batalllons of the Twenty
second Infantry are at Fort Ull, where
ther are also a batalllon of the Eight
eenth Infantry, a squsdron of the Fourth
cavalry and battery D of the Third field
artillery, which I regarded as an ade
quate force. . .-
Amerlcaae Enllaled.
General Salsar' froce Include two
American Av-nllsted to work the rapid
firing guns. They are Samuel Drebln of
Philadelphia and T. C Richardson ot
Lamar, Mo.
Drebln ha been In on uniform or an
other for many years. He started with
right years with the American force In
the Philippine. II fought with the ln-
urrecto general. Litis Mena, In Nicaragua,
In th revolution which overthrew Prefl- '
dent Zelaya. Last year he took a forco
Into Yucatan for General Madero. - . .
Drebln aald today that h did not get the
pay which hsd been promised him for the
expedition, and was about to join Guncntl
Reyra when that veteran uprising
against th present regime In Mexico
proved abortive. Richardson' experience
Includes revolution In Honduras and
Nicaragua. '
"Two American adventurers were oilt
fitted In complete fashion with new re
volver, "ditty" bags, shining shoes and
uniforms, but this wo no better than
th native had. The completeness of
their equipment bear out the statement
that there la plenty of money behfhd
them. '
Try la Slrse ullrctloe.' .
Th rebel at Juare this afternoon at
tempted to secure a collection of ll from
the Rer. Father Pinto, who waa conduct
ing servlc In the mission church of the
Virgin of Guadultip In Juarex. Father
Pinto make hi horn In Kl Paso and Is
an American eillien. He I at th head
of th Jesuit missions in northern Mexico
snd in th aouthwestern stares, Includlnit
Texas and New Mexico.
Word waa lent to Mayor Kelly of thl
city of th priest's predicament and the
former, accompanied by City Clerk Percy
McGce and T. D. Edward, th American
consul at Juarex, went to hla assistance.
Thy mayor wa Informed that a "military
charga" hsd been made against Father
Pinto, but It was not explained Just what
thl meant. So near a the American
could learn, the priest' sole offense con
sisted In being In possession oflh col
lection te ken up In th mission just be
for bl release. He wax released on the
mayor personal recognlxance.
General Salasar's announced reason for
not accompanying his troop tonight wa.i
that three mora rapid flrara were du to
morrow and that h wished to wait for
them. Also, h said, he did not car ta
travel In a cattle car when h had been
promised a pessenger coach tomorrow.
He said there Inevitably wouid ba delay
to th troop train Incident to travel and
that ha could easily catch up with them
While the explanation wa accepted at
reasonable by those watching the aitua
tlon across th Klo Grande and the right
of a Mexican to put off event until
"mansna" was recognised, there- arose
Immediate rumors that there had been
a quarrel among the rebel leader. These
should be laid at rest, one' way or the
other, tomorrow, .
Aaaerteaai Reported Safe.
WASHINGTON. March 4,-Amerlcan
at Velardena have been- relieved,
cavalry having been aent there by the
Mexican War department to restore order,
according to advices received today at
the State department. It Is believed that
no American dtlien waa wounded at
Velardena. Mr. and Mrs. Henry 8.
Townsley, about whom apprehension hag '
been felt, are reported safe at Durango.
Conditions In Taxcala. Puebla. Vera,
Crux and Tamaulipas are reported some
what worse, but In Moreloa and Guerrero
the situation Is believed to be unchanged.
Durango and portion of Cos hulls and
Zacateca are reported te be largely la
the control of th rebels. American are
said lo bo leaving Mexico In targe num
bers. It t also reported that the revolu
tionists have burned two railway bridge
south of Ague Prieta.
North Liberty Claims
Distinction for Its
Men of Large Size
IOWA CITY. la.. March t-North Lib
erty, a town of population, just north
of Iowa City, claims to hare th largest
percentage of big men of any town In
the middle west Five men in thl Til
lag total an aggregate weight of L
pounds, the average weight bemg 21
pounds. They, are Mllo Gordon, 3TI
pounds; 1. H. Llninger. S3 pounds; C. E.
Stewart. 31 pounds; XI. J. Stoner.
pounds, and S. P. Finch, & poqnds.
The mayor of North Liberty today Is
sued a formal challenge for comparison
and declare, the record cannot be beatea
anywhere throughout this' part of the
country. t