THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. MARCH 5. 1912. BRIEF CITY NEWS 1 v eoi Vw, J Sis Have meal Prist It. Jeff W. Beafoi Coal. Gas, Mee. rutnrea, lutMi4naia. Tioe. W. Blacksnni far coBneee A4v. 6as knit Write Qua Rente, rsneral tartuMmo of Ak-Sar-Ben, writM from Portland, but tb only message ha sent was a Bn commission coupon (or Did Weaver Port? Caaelaatoa rile Forty candi dates have filed tor the nomination for commissioner, the latest twine John N. rtlberg and Henry F. Merer. W. H. Mallory has takes out a petition to cir culate for himself. Barbara Win Give Baaee The Omaha Journeymen barbera hare planned to give a big ball masque in Washington hall on the eveninc of March 14. Award will be made for the moat attractive and costumes and a merry time ts anticipated. Beeraltlng Officer A boy was born Sunday to Mrs. N. W. Post, wife of Lieutenant Post, of the local naval re cruiting station, and Mrs. Poat'a father, R. C. Jordan, superintendent of the In dian warehouse, la experiencing for the first time the Joys of being pointed out as a fond grandpa. Mats Pamily la Happy ' Dad" Weaver 1 as a card from Charles Meta. who Is touring the Orient with his family. The rare is dated at Gilbralter on February 1-. and stales that all are elL They had been to Lisbon and Cadis before arriving at Gibraltar, and from there went to Algiers. They will be home In May. Wrong Korearty Keatloaee Through error E. K. Morearty was mentioned as attorney for Mrs. William Folden. whose husband charges her with fraudulently securing a writ of replevin to take hi furniture. Mr. Morearty was not attorney for Mrs. Fohlen and had nothing to 'do with the case. Mr. Folden' attorney In :li j matter was John F. Moriarty. Keeper ead Instates rtnes Maud Adams was convicted In police court oa a charge of running a disorderly house and fined 13 and costs. Four inmate who Here takin 'front the place in a raid Sat- in-day night were fined U and cost each. ua.-a ana Martha Adams, who ran a i.itorderly house at 413 North Nineteenth vticet. were fined S and cost each and four Inmates were given fine of 8 each. Heal ' Mas a ateertag George Keel, teacher of a school of acting, who was anested last week-by the police and held for the federal authorities, had hi pre liminary hearing before' United States Commissioner H. 8. Daniel. He plead not guilty and his bonds were fixed at 800. He will be given another hearing Wednes day morning at o'clock, at which time the government aad the defendant will offer testimony. acre, Kawkiae Bees Brother Mr. C. H. Hawkins, Coulter road, Fulham, B. W., England, has lost her brother and thinks he I In Omaha. The brother name la Percy Ross Harrison, n musician by profession and graduate from a rau steal school In Philadelphia. He was ia Omaha two years ago, declares the sister, playing as as org mist at a local church which held services once a week." His letter to his sister suddenly ceased and she Implores the assistance of the "town clerk" to help locate him. Col. Goldman Says Charges Spitework Petty spitework. on the part of army officer of high. rank may be revealed rt the hearing of Lieutenant Colonel Henry J. Goldman of the Twelfth cavalry,-stationed at Fort Robinson, before the army retiring board, which meets II I morning at t o'clock In the office of General Frederick A. Smith. Colonel Goldman arrived m Omaha early tills morning and when questioned about the charges which led up to the demand for Ma retirement, he said that a far as he could ascertain it was all petty sptte work. The papers, which arrived her last Friday and which are now In the possession of General Smith, were not given to Colonel Goldman until lata yester day, and be la not yet entirely Informed as to what he I being charged with. Inefficiency or Incompetency on account of physical Inability Is out of the ques tion, for Colonel Goldman says that he has always been "up and around with the bast of them.' - Major Goldman has only one more year to serve when he will be able to retire, having completed forty year of service, and for this reason, he says, he will fight rV l is case. J HYMtNc HYMtNcAL - Teel-Celllsea. lll.-s Fay E. Colllson. daughter of Isaac Colllson of Salem. Mo., and Mr. Hussell T. Teel of Benton. Mo., were mar ried by Rev. Charles W. Savtdge. at his residence Saturday afternoon at 110. A Tea at Geld could buy nothing better for female weaknesses, lam back, and kidney trouble than Electric Bitters. Only sOc. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. i The highest point of woman's hap piness ia reached only through mota erbood. la the clasping of bar child, within her arms. Tat th mother-to-be is often (earful of Bator 'a ordeal and ahrinka from th guflerinf Inci dent to Its consummation. But for nature' ilia and discomfort sat art) provide remedied, and ia Mother's Friend is to be found medicine of treat value to every expectant another. It i an emulsion for external application, composed of incredlenU which act with beneficial aad sooth ing effect oa those portions of too T stent involved. It Is Intended to prepare the, system for the crisis, and thus relieve, In great part, th suffer ing through which th mother usually passes. Th regular as of Mother 'i Friend will repay any mother IB th comfort It affords before, and th help ful restoration to health aad strength It tring-g about after tcbr Mother's Friend Is for sal at drag 1 stores. Write for our free book' for expectant moth er which contains much Yalaable information, sad many suggestion of a helpful nature,. ... IXaPrTIlD GOUT0i CO., Alseeta, Ga CHURCH HSSASHraSMY Haascom Park Methodist Celebrates Twenty Tear of Enstrmct. F0BJH2 PASTORS A&E SPEAKERS Preen Saaall Start This Ckarvh Uaa Crsws lata It ia Oa sf the Largest la the Ctty Baa X ladekteaaeas. Th twenty-fifth anniversary of the dedication of the Hansoom Park Metho dist Episcopal church was celebrated Buaday by the congregation la th church, which I without a dollar of In debtedness. Two of the former pastors of the church. Rev. Clyde Clay Clsseli. from Kansas City, and Bev. F. M. Sis- son of Fremont preached the sliver an niversary sermons tb former preaching In the morning and the latter at the evening services. It brought back old times to the members of the congregation when the two old pastors occupied the pulpit, when the church was not as pros perous as now, although doing a good work, and every one was striving with all Ma might to clear the church of debt. Bince the church has been organised It haa had seven pastors, they Being Rev. H. H. Millard, now of Albion Neb., for one year; Rev. George M. Brown, now of Bridgeport. Conn., for five years; Rev. W. P. Murray, now of Erie, Pa., for five years; Rev. F. M. Slsson. now of Fre mont, for two years; Rev. C. C. Clsseli, now of Washington Avenue Methodist ohurch of Kansas City, Kan., for eight years; Rev. R. Scott Hyde, now of Ra venswood Methodist church, Chicago, for three years, and Rev. K. B. Crawton the present paster, for two years past. Hlstary at th Caere. One of the pleasing features of th evening services was a short historical sketch of the rise of the church by Rev. John Dale. It was at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dale that the church was or ganised in ltst, with twenty-two mem bers, eight of whom were members of the Dale family. These were Mr. and sirs. John Dale, and their sons and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Dale. Arthur B. Dale, Walter H. Dale. Lout R. Dal and Fred B. Dale. The other were Mr. and Mrs. C. Flick, the former now dead and the latter having left the city; Mr. and Mrs. John Wllkle, sow of California: Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Fleurkie, both residing here; Mr. C. S. Ackerman. now In Denver; Mr. K. B. Davis, new dead; Mr. Slmma, now dead; Mrs. Hamilton and her ton, mother and brother of the Hamilton brothers, bow well known contractors, both dead; Mr. and Mrs. Hsyden and J. M. Cham ber, sll left the city. Step were taken for the erection of a church building, and while H was being built the congregation held meetings at the home of the member. Twenty-five year ago lb church wa dedicated, and seven year later replaced by th present handsome structure. Farmer Paster Talks, Th subject of Rev. C C. Ctssells ser mon eras, "The Measureless Measure," and the text waa from Ephewana aM. tn part be said: -W are today oelebratlng the twenty fifth anniversary of this church organ isation, but this church la elder the that. I can trace ita history back to Oalvary, back to Abraham, whe tryated with God under the orient sky and had God's romance spilled Into hi amased soul. Through all these ares th church haa seen holding aloft Ita torch to guids men to God and salvation. Sometimes the light haa burned but feebly, but it ha always seen burning, even through the dark age. Th church take th raw material of lit and by stamping it with th Image of Ood makes it tht finished material, the most perfect In the world. ' I "The church Is th best hut poorest paid policemen In any city. It Is the peace keeper. It create an atmosphere In which peace I the only native.- It educate th children and youth In God's truth and give mutltudes the only spir itual instruction they aver receive. What would happen in thle city if th church were to emit that training for fen eration? . Take the ohurch out ef Omaha sad you would not care long to lire. The glory of a church l not that aha make creed, but that ah make a Ufa It I th Christian church that trains such men a Lloyd-George and gives blm to England to lead the way Into a new Industrial era for th empire." South Omaha Hebrew School Gives Play r i O .f"" . J "- . ; -v, Joe Scully of This City Dies at "Los s Angeles Sunday Joe Scully, veteran ball player ef this city and at on time milk Inspector, Is dead at Lee Angelea. where he want two month ago to recover hi health. Word waa received by relatives Monday morn ing to the effect that he died Sunday Scully played with tb old Original for fifteen year and a an amateur pitcher won the majority of hi games. When the Western league was still la Its Infancy he pitched for Pa Bourse and waa a classy manipulator of the sphere. In im Scully dropped out of the game upon the disbanding of the Originala, III health caused his retirement and forced his resignation a eMy ml Inapecter un der Health Commissioner Cornell. Mr. Scully I survived by a brother, wnilam Seully of Lincoln, end two sisters. Mrs. Frank Trnmaa and Mrs. William Baud of Omaha. Mr. Truman, who was with her brother at his death, will start bom with th body today and the funeral will be held . (77 t satin. 8l?...r . v- XT. Hbto i-ai llKU la' I KtSii.V IKu till ) ui inaiiB Commercial High School is Planned by Dr. Holovtchiner Dr. E. Holovtchiner Is planning the es tablishment of a commercial high school and will submit hi proposition to the Board of Education. Ills Idea, which he haa worked out in detail, la to vacate Leavenworth building, a school of twelve rooms, and transfer to It the commercial class of nt now at the high school. "At the first of the year there were 175 student In th ecommerclal department f the high school," said Dr. Holovtchiner. "There are now 175. When the high school Is completed It will still be congested. With a sting capacity of t.w there will be at least tOOO students In attend ance. Evidently something aught to be done, as the number of pupils will Increase each year." 4 Dr. ilolovtchiner's plsn Is to distribute the students of Leavenworth school among Comenlua, Mason and Central, all of which could accommodate them with out Inconvenience. Leavenworth building could then be converted Into a commer cial high school, being large enough to car for th Increased attendance for sev eral years. This arrangement would also relieve teachers at the high school of ths extra work and worry entailed by the present congested condition, neosssltat lng two sessions dally Instead of one. Farmers Assured . . of Ample Moisture Robert Ruble of Denver, assistant general passenger agent of th Union Pa clflo for the Colorado and Wyoming ter ritory, la at headquarters for a day or two. He say the Colorado farmer war somewhat discouraged during the early part of the winter on account of the lack of precipitation. Now, however, their hope have gone higher than the peaks of the mountains, all on arount of the enormous quantity of acow that har fallen. He say that up in the moun tains It has snowed almost every day for the last month. .Now the snow has reached th greatest depth ever known and tn many localities la said to be ten and twelve feet on the level. It Is figured that when melted the (now will furnish enough' water to fill all of the storage reservoir aad run crops through until next fall. stTrr TAFT FEELJJGTAES SPURT Many Express Preference for Him for Office of President. MANY SIGNATURES RECEIVED .Vebraaka strpablleaas Reepeadlag Mare Promptly to Taft Slaea ( eloarl Kooeevelt A a seared raadldary. "Xeuiarka republicans are responding promptly and In large numbers to the call for signatures expressing th desire that the name of William Howard Taft be placed on the primary election ballot, and receive the preferential vote as can didate for president,"- declared John L. Webster, who Is leading the Taft move ment In this state. "Mondsy I received a total of 3K names to the Douglaa county list, making lit all told. The most encouraging feature of thla la that more name have bee re ceived since Colonel Roosevelt announced that his hat was In th ring than before." The primary election will be held In Nebraska on April II, and the national republican convention Is to be held la Chi cago on June 11. The petitions coming In endorse th following delegates and al ternate to the Chicago gathering: Delegatee-John L. Webster, Omaha; Allen W. Field, Lincoln: E. B. Perry, Cambridge; ' R. H. Schneider, Fremont. Alternates C. E, Adams, Superior; C. A. Schsppell, Pawnee City; P. M. CUirte, Broken Bow; Charles R. Heuslnger, Grand Islsnd. The preferred delegates and alternates to represent the Vecond congressional dis trict at the primary and at the Chicago meeting are a folios: Delegates-J. C. Root, Omaha; N. P. Swsnson, Omaha. Alternates Charles L. Saunders. Omaha; F. II. Clartdge, Blair. Mrs. H. ii. Palmer Dies in New York; To Be Buried Here Mrs. I-aura Palmer, widow of the late Captain H. K. Palmer, died of pneumonia Monday morning at IS st the Great Northern hotel In New York City. She had been III aiout tw j weeks. Her daughter, Mrs. II. D. Kountsr, was with her at the time of her death. The body will be hrouKht to Omaha for burial and funeral arrangements will be announced later. Mrs. Palmer, who was Miss Laura K. Case of Plattemoulh, Neb., waa married to Captain Palmer at Plattsmouth In 117a They moved to Omaha a few years later. Their son, Ueorge II. Pointer, died about tw years ago and Captain Palmer died on April 1 111. Mrs. 11. D. Xountse of New York Is th only surviving child. BANK ROBBER IS IDENTIFIED Kan Captured ia Colorado is Britrgi of Council Bluffs. Ora ASM WILL BE AMPUTATED Flaht Ocearlns When Officer ( lose Ia est Him Resalte Srrtoasly far Bebber aad He la ow la Heanltal. The bank robber who was raptured .Saturday In his flight following the holdup of a cashier In Auror.i, ''ok., and who gave the name of Dwigiit Day of CouncU Huffs, has been Identified as l'wieht J. Rrii;('. He Is now In the hospital end one of his arms will be amputated by reason of gun shot wonnds received. BrlK is a Council Bluffs man. and has a trother. C. K. HiiSR, employed as a solicitor on Die Noui'srell, and living at 114 West IMerce street. T.o Idtn'.litiation was effected through the efforts of Chief of Pollre Froom. l,o recognised the aiauartty In names. He wired tu Aurora, siMtic a description of CrlKie, and has lieen Informed In teturn that the description exactly fus the pti '..ncr held In Colorado. Briers was In Coui'U; Ulutta a aet-k set Sunday and en the following day he Uft for Omaha. Slmv then his Itiends have n-t seen 4ir heard of htm. Tho hoMup ocvurred In the Aurora (ui? iKttik. llrlsgs entori-J ,tnd ut the point of a revolver comi'clU'.l the ensh'.er to turn over his weapon. He then rilled his pockets With money, shout and backed out of the place, lie Was cap tured later In an old powder mill, where a battle ensued and he was shot. There are two Day families In Cotinca Bluffs and both have relatives of Br!g age who are missing, and It wa thought for a time that the robber s name really was Day. IE Fresh Vegetables of Ail Kinds Here Green vegetable, some ot which were scare In Omaha last week, are here In large quantities now, and on can find almost as many varieties as In th sum mer, snd at prloes almost as low. California I sending cauliflower, which retail at Tie centa a poued, and new cab bage, which sells at I centa Illinois hot housts are sending cucumbers, which U al e v from I to IS cents each. The otlier fresh vegetable are from Louisiana. There are beeta, carrota and turnips at t rents a bunch, lettuce at I tceuia tor two heads, shallots at 74 centa a bunch, apt aeon at ft) cent a peck, rhu barb at Uta cents a pound, wax beaas. at M cants a pound, radishes at M cent for three bunches and new potato at 7H cents a pound. MALCOLM BALDRIGE HAS APPENDICITIS OPERATION Malcolm Baldrtge. son of attorney II. II. Baldrlga aad one ot the high school's most prominent athlete, waa suddenly taken III with a severe attack ef ap pendicitis at his home In the Hotel Loyal Sunday evening and had to undergo an operation by Dr. 6. B. Davis at the Wise Memorial hospital Monday morning at i ta. He la still In a serious condition. HENRY ALLEN OF CHICAGO TO ADDRESS THE PRINTERS Ths Trl-Clty Ben Franklin club has In vited Henry Allen ot Chicago to address th club and guest at It monthly din ner, to be held at th Paxton on th night of March II. Printers will be present not only from Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluff, but from Lin coln, Plattsmouth and Fremont, the din ner being given In compliment to th outside printers. HEARING OF VIADUCT CASE IS SET FOR APRIL FIRST Following an sn.maled scrap between attorneys for the city and the leaal repre sentatives of the Missouri Paclflo rail road over the mandamus suit brought to fores roads Interested to construct the Nicholas street vlsduct Judge Charles Leslie of the district court set th ess for trial April L Saturday the court overruled a motion by the railroad to have proceedings stayed. Delay has followed delay on the part of the railroads, which, admitting that there was no reason tor delay, have ahown no disposition to begin the work. Minor concessions have been asked from the city and when not granted further delay occurred. City Attorns Rlne and Assistant City Attorney Bronx handled the esse for th city. Attorney for th railroads asked tor a postponement of hearing on the ease for eight or nine week, but Judge Leslie preemptorlly fixed the hearing on April L Ksy to tb Situation-Bee Advertlalng. HASS OF PIMPLES Bumed and Itched So H eCould Hardly Stand lt Tried Medicines, Etc., NearlyS Years. In Eternal Misery. Started Using CiXicura Remedies. Now Has No Sign of Skin Disease. Oortfcl, Kan. "My troubles begaa along ts the sumaier m the hottest weather and took the form of small erapticna snd it duns sad a kind at smarting pain. It took ms mostly all over rav hack and kept getting wane rntU muiir my back waa covered who a ma) f pimple which would burn aad ueh st sight as thst t could hardly stsnd It. This condi tion kept (sums; worse and wans tnttli my hadt was a sokd mass of big sons which woulJ break open and run. My uaderoktthlag wouia bo a clot of blood. "I tried various blood medlcoHS sad ether maadlei aad Mires for nearly three yean and I su eatilcg any benefit. It sesased I was la ct:rai civvy snd could not sleep en my back or Iran bark oa a chair. I was finally given t set ef the Cuilrnr Remedial by my brother who rerommeiled tana to a very rlgiilr. I ttsrVil ustnr IfcaCwlicur Bamedles and inside ef two weeks I could see sad feel a great relief. I kept on using Ctiticur Soap, Ointment and ana th Resolvent, aad In about three or four months' tints my back was eeertr enred and I felt Hks a new betag. New I an In good health and no sum ef any srla diwes.-s snd I am fully aatisdsd that Cuttrure Retted las are tb best ever sud fe Un diteaies. I will always raco minted Lhasa to sbvbidy we will us ceordtag to direc tion J. I would net be without them." (Blgoed) W. A. AranttoBg. Isy it, mi. For eetsmu, rashes, Itchtnrt. Irritations, atfiannatlens sad ether sawhoiewais eonal Ilea, of tht ikui sad sssp as wail si lot every purpose ef th toilet, seta and svnery, OiU euse soap sad Otaissent are ladiipsaseble. Bold everywhere. Liberal aasapls at each mailed free, with 33-p. bosk. Address "Outi ears." Dept. T. Boston. Teader-feoed man should us Cutlciu Soap Sharing stick. The Road to Health Bath aa a seeavaltMse pmistsfN aad as s bsniW. era Inlulis ears, me dmche " wish. TTBtlt ANTt-ftu-TIO roWSUt has so easel as a kMlUt airnc. TYREE'S Antiseptic Powder hsa b w4 sr eas ter s iV.t. 1M-I .! AW" labiu. oss,, t'eeoasM s s nrse. nEoltee. tostaetlr Is wstee. Ixet seewscsIlM ksews -, ss SMkei S sstlees stsadsi sstaUsa. IV b psTtlmm Me 21 ysrs. TITItltBH ANTINEPTIC POWttBst kws sr rnsuu eterrwjse.. 1st rear dertar at eead let sasilet. J. S. TY1EE, CataWsianun,I.C. HATUEES O-Vaa IV7. CTln nTTT-ryTH FTIari.. .w. 'i unit n i" li rvm i ir. wnnnolthg drcnlai tv. weliiU at.. J way of Kh,:,T" ' lomta and bone. .7 L.r-! . ' " -- oui. iDtrMr IhA.L! .. - r-vj uw nun ni u i7:)rr."uu.u.'" edidii contninin. z:z Doiaon tn Um j A Blue Ribbon Lunch MURRAY FINDS EAST ON FIRM FOUNDATION w sr. Murrav. nenlslsnt ceneral pas- aenger agent of th Union Pacific. 1 back from an east era trip. While aheeat he vial ted every Union Pacific agency In the United Ota tea north ol tn umo river aad seat ef St, Louis, beside going uo into rnd an KMk h Aut Ur Ifurrav found aa Improvement la business condition act th merchant and manufacturers j vary optlmletie a to the future. In Pittsburgh hs found about s per cent of the steel mill nod ether plants run ning en fall time and with a good sup pry ef orders la hand. Taking hit eou ctderadon th new plants opened durinK tn mat year, present susinese as eiua to what would have been m per cent one year ago. i Btrtha aaa Peats., Blrth-J. S. Staler and wtfe. Hat Cbrby street, boy: Frank and Nellie Folk. 1M1 fiouth Eighteenth (treet, rrl. ueorge aaa Mary Underwood. Omaha General hos pital, girt. Deaths Henry 1. Boy den. it years. Clarkaoa hoepltal: H. E. Qraham. a ymra, lit. Joosph's hueptatl: Joseph "ruby, a year. Ml South Seventeenth - ?reet; Fred Morteaeen. M year. Thirty went: aad Cuming streets; Joseph Loch. '1 years. Nineteenth street and CapHol avenue: Mr. Louie Learn II year. Mis eowth Tenth street: caanea Ant Horn, ii years. Fortieth street aad Poppietoa ave nue . ) . -i aw r :'Ae X. V ; ". ' "J - V v .- - "i J ol the forest anT BeJul TS.! fr?m th', hert rraoT. every trace 0( e.,6( Ri n Into the blood and . I ' Thera ig but one ra t kTL a ufJering- from Ms swht sPECinc Co., iTturri, c. Ill TEA As Rich and Bracing as Coffee: But Ig More Economical 300 CUPS TO THE POUND. ONE TEASPOONFUL MAKES TWO CUPS. v Published by tbe Growers ol India Tea ri Pabst BlueRibbon TIwaWofQwIr TN the dining car, at the club, or wherever 1 beer is served, you will always find Pabst 1 Blue Ribbon the favorite with those who insist on quality. Its popularity is due to the successful and honest efforts of its makers to produce a pure, wholesome refreshing beverage. Bottled otiv at the brewer in rrvttnl rlanr hnttlat showing at a glance that it is clean and pure. Thla ia the beer for your home. Phone or write THE PABST COMPANY 1307 Leavenworth rmDwiii.AW9 Omaha, Nebr. dUi Free Land Information The Twentieth Century Farmer, to meet the demand of its readers for land information, has gathered and compiled data on soib, climate and farming conditions in all parts of the '.ountry. It is willing to give out this information, free- if postage is Bent with inquiry. Do You Want to Know Abont government land laws, location of land of fices, etc. How to get irrigation lards, location of projects, laws governing same, etc. Best sections for fruit growing, general farming, stock raising or dairying. Your questions will get prompt attention. State plainly and specifically what yon want to know. Write, Land Information Bureau The Twentieth Century Farmer Omaha. Nebraska J