TIIE BEE: 0MA1TA. TUESDAY, MARCH 5. 1912. ti.-r. A LITTE ARNICA FOR ACHING MUSCLES CopyrlghMM&Natienal ew Association. By Hal Coffman Things To AbouT . SEECH OMAHA A MECCA FOR SPORTS ' - . ' I I I i I m -v. r J JJ. . ., i M . - W Letduur Wreitiuiir, and Boxme .. 'J. 6kw-V . ; LV TaMlNG- CVtrilo I if -K piciib TttrtTrnrt to ttitmv run n Stan to Be Here Thi, Week. C ;tf5N Sfff) ' w , . 3&8t ' AN fflUIfiK IJ HAW, 1U Wl OF M2BEIi AND SIAEKOUT 10 MEET . v A - ." - SHAfcOVI S i U nM D,yi 4f Infi?,ltinff ot- 'rr- 733 ! ! : ' W . Tillll. II STEP . TACTICSKEA5 " - ' tC ' ii i 1 II hi i hi r id I :. i Ip, J I 1 $ 'W- BOWLERS START REAL WORK Fiat Qst'i Conteiti in A. B. C.I Sliowi Some Fair Score. MASK Prtr mm tnu t CkteaB Tl? for mecmni Urnmrnm la lolr Uuablri Mark Sri t . . 1.IT1. ' CHICAOa Mrca 4.-OlsftUi esaio In lb minor ercr.W nt the touniamnt of lh Anrrloan WowUne contreM mtrm PIcvM her toiy, with bowlrrj from Chlcifo l.-vV olhr WlnoU cltlca comptt hr. ToiiislM th flvc-nan Mama htld flown th alley- . In th Individual- Hr4' plavtd Uila rirnoon. Ceorga Rel.ch of MprlnKflald, 1IL. kUh wltla acora of M for a thrm-exmt atrtra. ' II roUxi two flno ftmaa.' atttlng WS plna In Mi flnt iod M plna in tha arcond mm, In tha Ihlra ala work-dropped oft and ha (ot but ITS plna., v !. C. J. hm and U Burna of Chicago I tlail for aacond honora lp Iht alnflu, : . i. v Crhralaar and Bursal of tthtcato lrd I lh two-man taana with a total of ' 1.17V. liayar and Loranaen ala ot Chi rao wara ateond with 1,141. Romtr . Brothara of Bprlnctkld. ' IIU. flnlahcd . third with a arora ot 1.12). Anothar ' "prtaaflald torn. J. C. Barkar and C. O. Mart, waa fourth with l ilt. In tba flva-man tram competition tha All-Malt of CMoaco dropped Utt plna for tha top aoere. Tba Ould Top of Mprlna-flald. IIU ra amnd with t,f!U ; and Tha Boye of Jolat, 111., were third with a aeora ot tSL ( ,' Tha aoaraa: I tadlrtdaala. . O. Xenwh. Sprint field. Ill Hi ' 1. Petert, Cnuufo.., Ol U Blrna, Chlcao tol , y. llawkotta, Chieace HI , tL Undquiaw Chlrae W7 K Peter oiwav Je.iet. ni. ma . A. iriaher, Chlcato- ..i. K4 t. U. Moor. IMcatar ......, . . U hilla, riecatur. tit... . fc: NX. It Huaulok. Chlcaao .r. 'At a. Pereey, ChlOMo HI ' fwe-kia . Teaaaa. , Brhrlebrr ..., J Burnt. Chlraio ' hut L1T1 W. O. kleyera W F. Lorenaca, Chtcaa.. 1-U1 H. Homer un P. Ronwr, 8prlntlrUl. Ill M-1,UI i. u, nK:Ker Km ' V. O. Marek, Kprlncflald. Ill IM-L1U P. CMaen Ml a poney, jollat axt-LU) . U. WW! ........,........ Hi 1 J. Baniun. Chlcaao M-L7J O. P. Ka.b k , W. Meyer. ChH-aao MS-1.N9 jr. rawaeiie an ., H. Llndquial, (tiioact) A. C. t'oniwr Ma K. P. Heetrn. ftprtiufleld MT-UC O. Kchafter Ml ' -'. Kaata, Chlcaao... HU-tOH ; . ftve-Mra Traaaa. All-valla. Chlcao ITU , Oold Tow, Kprln(leld. Ill t71 ' in hot, jollrt, ill ; 1, ; liammoade. Haaimend,. Ind. Marah Colta, fprloffleld. III. ........ tttl Hlee) Work. Jollet. "ill..;... . lim rhlcace Heicata. Chtratt HelahU.... Uu Hrtor. No. I, Chlom.... , lac Waarnana Col la. Bavr Cairn Wl.. IMi haf field Shale. Sheffield. IU 1 Oni:i la to)x Ilia mecllne place ot arv- eial of llie well known aporta or tne countn' thia ttk. At leant alf of the relrlntrd can will DO Jiero at on time. PutirnUv nlfHU ..They are -not meettnt her according to arrangeuitnta but Ind- dentally. , ,.' - ' ()n,We4naday,Stanlalaua Zbyaeko. the Pollah ftUamploa wreatler. who la heralded tba crcataat, wreitler bamn rrank Ootch. and hia manavar. Jack Hardkann. wlH arrive In, Omaha. Almoat on ba heela will come Yuaalf llahmout, the Ter-rnsir-Tark." IIUT Ml maniirar, Emll Klank. On Saturday nutht Jim Flynn, who kaa been "watched with Jack Johnaon for a flnlrh wiaich i for itha world champlon hlp, -n4 Jack Orley 'will come. Ketur day mornlnc Fred Beoll will arrive. Zbyaaka will oome bar for wreatllnc match which will be pulled off at the Kruc thtitar Friday night On Thurs day-night two xinknoan will wreatla at tha-fcUuSv theater, the following night Zbyaxfco.wlU lake an the winner of the prevloua'nllht'a bout, gbyeako will ref eree the match Thornier night. Maturday nurht Tuaalf Mahmout and f red Boell. the' Wlaronaln havywlght wraatl.r, will no to a flnlih at the Boyd Jn-aier, , Beall la well known In Omaha la Mahmout aad lulena Interest la ba nc rakeala th matolv Beell kaa tha 'fOan of being tha, onl. man who .var'plnnml rrank OouVa, llioulder to mat. ' .-''t k lira Klynn and big manager. Jack Cur ley, will errlre per teturdair night and will attend the wreatllnc match at tha Boyd. Tba "white hope" will be In Omaha for a week and wtll apar a fw rounda every aftternooa and evening at tha Kruff theater. . "eU Prtpac. . ' BAN PIKOO, Cat., March ,-Thi onen. ng at the lalifornla polo touriimaJTfSr tha Intornatiunal Iroi.hy and CoronaVlI eup , achduil for today, w pCnd afternoon beoauiTonTi Asaenaaaa Haaak Atlaal.. ATLANTA, Oa.. March i-Ktevas m.m Wi of the New fork Airrlcana headS by V.trana Hrr,(, Danl.uTin3 ywm arrived here today for their aorina !!S5: ing. Maiuurer Wolv.rton and TraliH-, -umy on tne ground. Anorher delegation. hadMl by HalChau. la expected to arrive Tueede. v University Jeads of the "Big Eight". Will Meet Soon CH1CAOO. March 4-Preeldent A. W. Harrla of N'orthweetern unlveraity today art March 1 and 90 aa datea for the meet ing ot prealdenu of tha universale In th "Big Eight" to dlacusa matter bf athletl reform. 4 Th meeting of the prealdenu will take place In Chicago and It (a probable thai their fleliberatlona will result In radical change In iDtercoJJeglat athletic. ' atleaal Reevwlaa Win. - FORT WOKTH. Tag.. March t.-F1va base on belie, two errors and a hit bunched In the Jrfst Inning Kara tha New York national recruit Ave runs leday and they wen from the Fart Worth club ot the Teaas league fly to one. , KlklkKlea Game failed Off. '' PALLAS. Tea.. March i.The hiblrlor game ackeduled today between teama made up of the New York national league and Delias. Tries ksrue ptayera waa called oft on account at ret. ' ; ' -' Champion and HislWalsri Zbyszko Willing to Meet Mahmont, WithOotch Later MINNEAPOLIS. Minaw March 1-If a aaeetlag between Zbyaaka and Mahmout, win or loar, wlU guaranta a match with Frank Ootcb, world' ahaopioa wreatler. ' Zbyaaka at wlllmg ta asset tha Turk at any Urn. Thai ta tba statement here taMght by Jaek Herman, Zbyaako'a tnaaagrr, wba posted a chart for with tne apartlnc editor t a local paper aa a tuarantee. According t. Mr. Manama,-be Is willing ' to let Ootch uctat tha terma which ahall apprjr ta bath waUebas. Ha stated that ' a erub at laalt Lake City bad ready a purse of IN.atn for tba Uotcb-Zbyaaka . amtoh. jwanaed It war held after May I president O'Neill . Objects to Service !. (From a Ftaff Correspondent.) LUICOLK. "March L- Special Tele. gram.) ateena rJme age Guy Ora brought auH la baa federal eoart here tor j daoaagea piaaad at tUB,sra, the dafandanU betng tha Katlocal Aaaoclattea ot Baa i Ball Club and tba ttambar of th board j of that argaaiaaUoa. Berries et th earn 1 moo waa mad an Norrt O'Neill, preet- dent f tba fFawtara league. - Attorneys Tyrrell and Mortar! ty filed a special ap i pearaaca la tha federal, eovrt In which ' ttey t tip tba court bad no jartsdlctton. beraaee It at altered a acme raa bad as tba real detarjdajjtm. . , . - j I berrlce aa O'MeiU I bald defactlva for j tb raaaoa ha doe not lire la the scat I and when be waa served waa la tba atat , simply to. attend ta Utlgarloa rn which ; be waa Interested aad therefor not aob- i 2sct to ', Otaatar Ca ta Chwrvb. i MARL1N. Tax, March a.-Th rerulara ef th New York Nations la went to church and horseback rtding today while Manager McGraw and bis recruits spent tbe day ta bailee. . is. Veteraa Horaeasaa la Dead. OtsKALOOSA. U., March t-Wllllam H. Haiae. a veteran boraemao, died here ludajr, aed at ycaia. V twit ,x K . - ,7 7 vu R:-.:-'V;' '1 f 2 e-" , I f . i AGED IOWA. EDITOR " ' ENDS LIFE STRUGGLE REMSKX, la.. March 4 J. P. Kieffer. editor of tha Bell-Enterpriae. abot aad killed himself hers about 11 o'nlark laat night. ' K letter's body waa found a room above the newspaper office, which la occupied by on ot tb printer, was was abarat at th time of tkeaulelde, A not left on a table read: "I moat bare courage at 11 o'clock." Johnny KllUane; new" featherweight champion (oa tba .left I 'and tba White brethen at Chtcare, who are among hts meet aerteua rival and Charlie below. Ta two brotbera ffgure abtot evea tram an all-around (tandpolnt. Jack being tba harder bitter, while Charm ta mora clever tbaa hia brother . Both oTthnn are aftar Kllblane tor a cmunptooahlp bout LARGE STAKES HUNG UP FOR RACES AT READVILLE BOSTON, Marcb C-Tha esrly etoatnc atake for th Baadvula grand circuit meeting the lest woek la August reached a total of SS.M). The American trotting Derby U aanoanaed aa a Ha,) avent. Other -stake" events Include tba Kant I Massachusetts race for : 1J trotter aad flrc race for purse of (p,la. ELEiIN VICTORIES FOR TEAM St, Finl Kifle Club ef Westerm Section Herer Defeated. ONE. TIE HATCH SOT DECIDED Baaaalaattea . at Tarareia Will B Wssnsary Before Award Can ' Mad Betweea Dtoklasea aad Badger. CHICACKX March .- winning a forfaited match from the Blabs team the St Paul elub of tha western aectlon of tha Interclnb Indoor Rifl Shooting league Mat week' won th championship for that division. r' This victory mad eleven for Sb Paul with no. defeat. Th official standings for tba season were iuumI hero today ' Tt waa annarent a week ago that th' St.' Paul club would ba tha champion " : " On tl match, that shot between Dickinson and Badger daring th week ending February, tt. ta yet to be awarded by the oorttest committee. - An lamina tion ot tha targeta will be necesaary before thia award can ba made. Should tha Badger team ba given thia match It will ba tied with Mlnneapolla and Taooma for fourth place, Th loaa of tha eonteat aould net Chang Wckineon'a poaltlotL Th at saint itandlng: Team. Won. Lort. St. Paul .- ...11 Dickinson 1 Adrian t I Minneapolis T 4 Taooma .' 7 4 Badger 7 3 Madison i Loe Angejeet - 4 7 Helen 1 I Milwaukee ....... ........ ... t BlKbee - It Butte a. - 11 The l cores for tha week ending March t: Adrian defeated Taooma 177 to ail. Dickinson defeated Milwaukee fl toeil Madison defeated Loe Angeles T0 to MS. Helena forfeited ta the Badger club. Butte forfeited to the Minneapolis cluh. Biabea forfeited t tb St. Paul dub. Ot tha rXcklMon teem. Outkrop mad a perfect oar ef to, tb enty on mad during tbe western aarle! Tb St. Paul dob now will compel lib, tbe winner of .the eastern Motion trophy for th champlcnshlp ot th league. . Defeat far ateeralt. SAN ANTONIO. Te.. March 4,-Tha Philadelphia American league recruits tcday again suffered defeat at the hands of the San Antonio, Tea. league team five to four. Meta and Belts for San Antonio each made home run. Kay to the Sltuatloa Be Advertising. POINTS It Fighter Keeps Hia Feet Mevlag Ceatlaaeaaly ; Tkreagkeat Beat . tba Other Fellow Will Have " Hard Tim ta Lead. NEW TORK. March t.-What value U footwork is boxing t Thia question 't continually cropping up and provide an Interesting topic. Ia the day at rough Infighting and cy clonic (lugging, which a large percentage of profaaaloaal boxers employ, awlftiMaa of foot In both attack and defens loM eight of, yet It 1 on of tbe biggest factors la making ring Cbamplona, A boxer who I so light on hi fet that ha can be constantly n tb nova la not easy to hit. Darting la with daxsllng speed It la poeathla to land clean cut blow with such unexpected ekill that an opponent ba no time to block or counter as hi aaaaUant, after landing, skips away. Tba employment of the tactlca mean th ooring of Point upon which a referee's decision mutt b baaed vale there'a a knock out. Of tha present day boxen tw expert footwork era stand out In bold relief. They are Packy McFartand, th Chicago lightweight,- and Mike Gibbon, th St Paul boy who la regarded here a th beat welterweight m the world. Both ere phantom when they begin fighting, tor tbey can fade away from a rival- wallop ao quickly that boxing tan ar amaaed. Tat when McFarland and Gib bon decide to land punches tbey shoot to th mark with llghtninglUt rapidity. Thtr footwork It not cultivated, tbey aty. but It It a gift Thev are ma aaiU and quick that they cannot help moving aoout tha padded floor Ilka dancing mas ters at tha head of a ballet coroa. Aa a reault McFarland and Olbboa are be. Iteved to b tbe cleverest boxer In th world. . v. "If VOU keen Vour feel mmrlne all h. tlm." aald McFarland recently. lt stand to raaaoa that the other fellow will find It hard to reach you with a eolld blow. Com fighters cannot bit with affect unlea they eat thcmaelvee firmly an both fact and then swing either band from th hia. Hue r tbaa fellow do a lot of barm If tbey land, but whoxthey do It la wholly be cause their opponent do not know how to offset th punches. Btaemratrlagr tba Opaaaeat. I have learned from exnerienna that by making a man mlae I can accompllah much. Aa aoon a a fighter learn he cannot land Ms beat blow ha naturally become discouraged. Than rouTe got tbe battle half won and yoa can clinch to victory ay leading quickly delivered blow yourself. But you cannot make a man mls or land rapid jaba for points unleea yen knew how to aa your feet Because ot thia gift I oaa aay that I v nevar loot a tooth. baA snv vi er been cut about tba ear. la fact I'm not a alt disc gu rod. "Tba fellows yon aaa with n.i cauliflower ears and acara aa their tn a me cases out at taa know nothing of footwork. They ar juat pJaia aluggara. who stand ap gad take all that oomea their way tor tbe ohaae ot landing a knockout wallop. In their oases physical strength 1 of more Tata tbaa .km, but they cannot be termed clever. Ot course, I don't overlook other thlnge that make a successful boxer. One must know how to hit when to bit and- Just how tar to- let tbe blow travel. A good Judge of' dis tance generally win more bout than be maea. Then again, H'a neeeasary to know how tb block with the band and fore arm If yoa are driven to a corner on tba defensive In addition to that a good boxer must keep hia wltt about him al way go that hs will know Just when to take advantage of opening. But .foot work I tha real big factor." While McFarland uaea hi feet and Hs can bit with keen, cutting result, but ' he seldom scores a knockout Olbbona, on tb other hand, combine (kill with re markable bltung power. Ho la a natural fighter. It'a easy for plra to feint a man Into, knots, while he can mak a rival mlae In ludtcroua fashion. But when ke darts n to land a smaah be puts beet behind It and generally produce pain. In fact tor hi weight and Inches Olb bona I a wonderful puncher. When he beat Willi Lewis, a pretty fair boxer, tha hitter waa thunderstruck. Footwork t Marrelena. ' "Why, thia chap It a wlsard," sstd Lewis after tha boat "Time aad again 1 1 thought I bad him cornered, but when I let fly 'he vanished In thin air, only to I oome back auddenly with pane he that I could not avoid. Hia footwork was (Im ply marvelous. I used to think I knew eomethlng about footwork myself, but Gibbons is In a class by himself Lack of footwork brought about tbe de feat of Aba Attell at the hand of K. O. Brawn tb other night Attell, although h th undisputed American feather weight champian, sever has been able to nova about tba -ring quickly (bough to void rushing attacks. His defensive methods are confined to ' blocking with tba bands and arma, ducking with the bead or quick sidestepping, alao clinch ing. But once cornered aad In alight dia treaa, Attell cannpt get away and there- , fore stands up under aa much punishment aa tba other man Is abl to hand him. If Attell had moved about the, ring with tha speed of a McFarland It hi a certainty that Brown would not have put a glove on him. But as it was, Attell could not get out of harm' way with tbe required amount of speed. It might be said that Browne footwork carried the day sim ply becau be made a rushing fight of It all th way; but as a matter ot fact Brown waa even mora ignorant of foot work than Attell. Ad Wolgaat, the world' champion light weight never claimed to b a clever boxer, consequently It I not unfair to say that he la lacking In many clever quail tiea. But M III trong, aggressive fighter who Is constantly forcing m altera aad la at hi beat to kmc drawn out battles. . . . i ' Wolgaat doe not mind punishment. For that reason be tears tn half covered up with his opponent's body as the objective point In a limited bout with McFarland, tor Instance, Wolgaat might ba out pointed, but ia a finish fight tber might be a different ttory. Backlea Baaea at Dea Malae. . Ouy Buckiea. the wen known local fighter, will meet Jack Smith of Dea Moines Thursday night at tha Iowa capi tal In a six-round bout Tbe affair will be held at Fort Dea Mot nee aad ia betng promoted by tb officer. I White Wla Easily. WACO, Taxi, March 4. Two teams of the Chicago American club, stiff after their arrival from Chicago, yeterday. took a practice before the exhibition game they played today.. Thirteen hits wara made bythe Whites and six by the Blue. Tba Whites won, t to L . fTTimsriSfia THE DOTTLE ViTII TKICnZEH LACIL - There 0rJye"(W5rrest-sjMbw Read th Hat below and then tnaeat tb Oeaaues "OU Stytm Lagr" knoara twbi tba W with a sop ao b.-and bissisd ecJy by tbe G. llasl smia aVwarwsg Ce U Crosse, Wla. nu T : DU Se-u aWa OU Seatien Bear ' OW Lager - - . OM Cawaaa. Beer OU SrvU Sols Old f Leeer ' ;- Okl Caewssa Styfw la Ya Okl Uagar Old SreU Brw Oad FaaaaWsaeal Bear AaOad Style TMa AaVswrbsesMM waa uiapmtd 14 asealba ago. tbsmfbrs teat n aawer aWae asoat be added to tha rJaxJsaaiai nfsjisBaBe "Olef rjdtaBwr watb tba "Crasa Ltmmmt" all tb way around tba boola. 5sed aaceaty Jry Lercli & Yam Sanrlt in ONektkwT $2- K. T