.A Nebraska EiAMPLE GIVEN SEED MAN - r j method purs'iod io unust'e the drag sifl the prison. Ivlerrg t;lrl Oaly H'llaees. James Xettles. colored, to on trial In the district -court on the charge of rob- I Kins ' the nous of George TdkeL The t , - ' joniy person who sa the robber SO SPy.OtTT WHEN PUT IS GROUND Amelia Yaliel. a U-year-old girl, who . t . positively Nullified the defendant as the Wig 'Jnrijtaaeat for Damages Seearetl man. She. was a remarkably brlgnt wit- lord lata Hs-nsls ADuarenUy Cood lar to Se Defective. Nebraska Nebraska Verth.tr.trra ta Holt .3n!at Ccnaty Betas Foasht la f tiirral Coart. .(From a Slaft Correspondent.) LINCOLN, March .-Speclal.-At one i place; viitted by the seod train special a !er in grain took pointed exceptions to tile a&vlce given, fanners to got their seea ftomjtti small ears of their own crop. w!iiei matured early and got out of the w 'of the treeie. instead of sending -.-.Kty- for seed. The reason given was ihstjseed raised elsewhere. even - if It nermjnated, would require several years to become acclimated and produce good eropi The dealer came into the car and ejinltrlted an ear of corn which certainly looj fine, end waotwd to fcnow of the lecturer !f t-V-y i-rttended to say that was not' good seed. He was Informed that r-nly a teat would definitely demon strate this, though they admitted It looked good. They took the sample ear and placed eighteen grains from' It la a germlnator. with a result that not a sin. el kernel sprouted. Chemist Redfern. who has been testing considerable ' seed corn brought to hi, has one planting which Is up far enough to be esdly In need of ..cultivating. This was placed In the sand bed teeter. Two samples of old corn show good germinat ing powers, one 87' per cent and soma of rM seed which shows above T per cent. Toe, S? per cent seed, the highest yet V-sled by him, Is of the 1 crop. Road Fights Blsj Jadgmcat. The case of Hoffman, administrator, against -the Northwestern railroad was postponed today la the supreme court to enable It to be revived In the name of another party, the original plaintiff hav ing died. In thla case the administrator obtained' a' judgment for 120,00 against the road, for the death of a brakeman. George B. Olover. Thla la the' first big Judgment under the law of 1W, which removed the K.ttO limit for the killing of a person. It Is In the supreme court on sppeal from lioll county. .'.. - : - 'rklaa n Oalaay Flan. The colony of Chicago Jews which some time ago communicated with Labor Commissioner Ouye shout removing ta Nebraska and settling on farms Is get ting sn-xtous about it and members are writing 'to-know whtt progress a being ms.de toward locating them. It takes time to wore up a project of this kind and while Mr. Ouye has several' tentative often of land he has been unable to get out and look things over, as the ground lias been covered with snow to such an extent aa to make soil Inspection Impos sible.' He still has hopes, however, or doing something this sprint. ' . , : l.ralnttea Mas CasapLalat. - The railway commission has received a complain from Lexlngton .agaln.it ac commodations offered passengers by the Vplon Pacific at that point.; It la. like complaints received from other points a loaf the same road . that . J Mergers, going ln one direction are- compeiwa s cross oho track and 'Stand out In the weather? owing to there being no shelter for passengers on one of the tracks of the double track line. Commissioner wlnrtett lain Loxintftod today taking testimony In the case. . ' The rill way commission has granted the application o ft he Nebraska City Oa company, which desired permission to te ste tWDW worth more of bonds, half -of which Is in to take up foisting Indebtedness- and the remainder to make Improve ments In tba plant. . rkeae fasspaay tames ta Tlsee. TlielioIlbrook Central Telephone asso ciation .has indicated it will make the r lorts required by-ie railway comrals-ln.-Toe ootnpany had refused to do as on, the ground that It was not Incorpor ated, and. that 11 did not come under the proyleiona o (the law fo rllial reason. The, attorney general designated Judge Coed to bring action to test the question, but it ..appears likely do action will be commenced, as the company Is willing to make' the reports. J (fefriee Haatlag Swans. " There art two ponds' o nine grounds of too tubereutosia hospital at Kearney and Land Cdmmlsstooer Cowles - intends tp maka tbem both useful and ornamental. Ht has bought soma ducks for the fill e,nd of-the proposition and now he ht-loklnc for soma swans for the orna mental proposition. I'p to data be baa not fount any one with swans to sell. ) new and told .her 'story in a eonvlnclus and lucid way. much better in fact than !omef the grownup witnesses In the j tamo easel ' j I-'rrlaht Wreck at Were, The seed corn special on the Burlington was delayed tor an hour today by a freight wreck at Waco. The engine of No. i;.,eft-tbound. ran Into th way car of the freight, which was standing on a siding with the tultch open. No one was Injured. 1 CURRIE ; TALKSJDF OUTLOOK Secretary .of Taft League Says Sap- porters Flock to Banner. PEOPLE FIGHT FOR PRINCIPLE Present Contest et One ta Elevate Candidate for Sake ( Glory .Taft Has Ussy Proarrea. Ive Lasts to Credit. Ross files Answer to -Protest by Goad LINCOLN. Slercii .-iSpeclai.V-C.iarros P. Roea of Omaha, who made a filing for Water rights on the Platte river eat of Fremont, today made his answer to the protest made by William Coad, also of Omaha. The Ross filing antedates that ot Mr. Coad. but In the protest tho alle gation Is made that Mr. Ross lias per mitted his rights to lapse through failure to .make, the Improvements rpeclflcd by law. 4 -' ' Mr. Ross denies this and asserts In Ills answer that he has gone ahead In good faith to Improve the power proposition and If permitted to' do' so will complete It. The difficulty between the two par- llea arisen from the faet there ta not enough 'water In the Platte nver to meet tho appropriations of both, claimants. Engineer price will now -set a day for bearing on the issues. ' Thla is apparently a fight for control ofi the water power-privileges In tho Platte,. Loup and Elkhorn rivers. - While It does-not appear of record It looks aa If the Bibcock people, at Columbus and Mr.. Ross, and. his backers are allied, In opposition to Coad and' the Kbuntze project The ssme attorney appeared tor Ms as made the Baboock films;. Judge Peat, and the same engineer,' McEsthfon of Omaha. . Is Interested in a professional Capacity m both. The Ross and Coad projects only partially -Interfere with Mr. Baboock puns; but If they stick ht will be forced .to abandon the diversion ot water to the Missouri river and must re turn it to the Platte at or near Fremont. Tho- Rosa and Coad ' projects are mora directly conflicting, as both want - th water, and practically aH there Is In the river, below Fremont.'. ' 1 1 ' ADJUTANT GENERAL PHELPS -- WANTS AVIATION CORPS . . . : z .. i- j... J ' (From a Staff Correspondent.) . '.- LINCOLN. March 4. -i8recll.) Adju tant General Phelps of the National Guard la figuring On an aviation corps for the & h.hI,hm n 1. 1 n m ha sent him a finely printed circular .telling bow. easy It la to navlgnte the air and what a fine thing It . la from a military point of. view... Not .wishing, to have th Nebraska guard. behind. the time In mat ter! military General Phelps Is 'figuring over tha matter. ' , Up to th. present b haa only ' figured enough ' to ascertain that aeroplanes are expensive playthings, lis Is confident,' however, that it he. could get one' Of th machines "he his chough highfliers In the ranks bf the 1 guard 'to navigate them without difficulty. . - Wasaea Who Drive Malls. Th women in the Attica of the State Library- ccmunlsska today gave a demon stratlon of th fact there are some women 1 4 the state who can drive a nail with ost hlttlug' tbelr thumbs or saying any of the vigorous things which a man Is aud. poshf- tor repeat when be tries to drive a crooked second-hand nail. They were sending out- soma books and scorned to taU the assistance at the Janitors ta pack and nail th box. While th process wait no Joke, they got th task completed without accident or as ot expletives. . t Fl-. (iraaakaspera Under. Prof, tweak, associated state entomolo gist is out In warning to Nebraska tanners to look out for grasshoppers this i ty. bt says tba damage don by graas noppert haa been steadily Increasing for several years and that the dry eeasoa ot Bit IS especially favorable for them. He recommends early and deep plowing aa a means of extermination. The eggs are laida In pods near the surface and he says If th ground Is plowed deeply be fore the 1 Insects hatch th eggs will be bufled so deeply the young grasshoppers cartnot make their way to th surface. Ite. particularly warns farmers against permitting band to go without plowing at ail. aa under such condition a big crop of grasshopper la almost certain. Louie J. Bohlums of Lincoln today filed In the federal court a petition la volun tary bankruptcy. His debts amount to CCK.C1. af which $1 JMM ar aecured and fl.Q.N are notes and claim which he assert should b paid by other parties. The aiwets amouat ta IIU. consist nig of household roods and tools Which- are exempt. k , - Das"" Dlriewlt Trace. -. Iri ecu section with tae passing of dots" into the prnlteatlary one. fact illustrates how difficult It Is to deal with the rrvroettlon. Ta officials knew wfeo ieceive-1 the package which wa slipped through last Friday eight, but in sptia of thai they kav ueea unaM uu to the svraem to trace tba drug and It la atBI ii th posseeetoo of lorn cenrid, excep, of course what may have keen used. So lir-'noihlng more bat been teamed- to f- ' - , FUNERAL OF LATE FRED . -. f':. SONNENSCHEIN HELD SUNDAY ; WEeiT POINT. Neb.. March 4.-(P-clal.)-Tha funeral of Frederick Bonn et helm,' One ef the -best known men In th state, j was held 'at -hi -late- bom Sunday afternoon. The Woodman of-trie World were In cnerge," with Consul 'Com mander Krsuaa as ritualUt. Approprltt music was given by thi UMerkra.ua. Rev. Dr. G.' H. acbleh.- preached the burial disoours... Among -th many, floral trib utes none as more beautiful than that presented, by the Nebraska . Telephone company represented by Messrs. A. t. Lane and A. D...,8ton-s. The Impressive servlc closed with prayer by Rev. br. fivans and benediction by. Dr. fkhleh. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, March t. tSnectal Secre tary Frank Currle of the Nebraska Taft league left today fr Texas to be gone a weak. Before leaving he gv'e out the following statement regarding the politi cal situation In Nebraska: "A week has now elapsed since Colonel Roosevelt announced that he would be a candidate. The people of Nebraska have not received his announcement with that enthusiasm which his friends expected and bis opponents feared. Personally the colonel Is popular In Nebraska, but em people are intelligent and fair in their Judgment The La Fblleite republicans believe that the colonel has not treated him fairly. Even I Folletle's political enemies admit that he always has been a fair and a consistent fighter. He hss fought in the open; he did hot mislead nor deceive bla followers. In season and out of season in good report or bad re sort, whether scaling the ramparts of his enemies or going down In the dln-b In defeat-he always haa been fighting wltii bis face to the foe. ' Befne to Be Stampeded. "llosi people like to believe' they are fighting for a principle, and not for the mere glory or following some popular hero to victory, For this reason the La Fdlle'tto progressively of Nebnmka are re fusing to be stampeded by such syco phantic dreamera as Garfield and ttnehot. or by that other class of great reformer like Gpvernor Johnson of California ana Governor Stubbs ot Kansss, who hope to rid Into place and power by the Impetus ot Colonel Roosevelt's' personal popular-; Ity. Most of the La Folletla crowd ar stsndlng pat, believing that It Is unfair for the colonel to encourag him to spend hid tkne, his money and his energy . In making 4 campaign for progressive prin ciples and then try to rob htm of tho legitimate fruit of bis labor. .-' Taft Forres Aagsaeated. . "On Hie other hand, th Taft forces are being augmented and. atrengthened by large numbers," heretofore lukewarm supporters,- who believe in common honesty between man and man In politic ln other things. They bellev thst Colonel Roosevelt meant wliat'he said when be said as clearly -and aa positively as .he could In, most excellent English. Under no clretimttanccs wljll.bea candidate for, or-accept another nomination." The col 6nl ta a master of English. -He-hss no difficulty, in finding Words to express hit Mess! Th re Is no double meaning id' this declaration. Either, he did not meanik -when- he said It or he has Changed his mind. In either case he' is falsa to himself end his friends. On still higher grounds many, easnest, thought ful republicans are refusing to leave Taft for Roosevelt' Tsft waa drafted by Roosevelt to. succeed him, - He-had been trusted frier and most 'Much of tbe beat 1, in Roosevelt' . administration , originated with Taft and. was carried fntd execution by the.force,ot his great secretary's gen ius Rvsrv lnflunc aft HaolUY-alt'a cam. .-hand, the entire mschinery ef his great 01 flee., his personal prestige, and th po tent - power . ot all. th patronage of his xalted position, wsre used without stint and almost without limit to secure his nomination. . - t ' ... , . . r . i Taft Has Made boad. i ,. 'The' -republicans- trusted Roosevelt's Judgment' then. ' They took - lilm at -his word and elected Taft. ' He went to work Intelligently, feai'leaely - and-, honestly to carry Out the pledges of his party with out hols 'or bluster or beating of the tomtoms, or- thumping- of the big stick, lie has more, real progressive leglblation o his. credit In three years than his predecessor -hsd In seven.- He has mad toot, j Roosei-elt. himself, said so In the New York convention which he dominated ' Nebraska end controlled less than eighteen months ago. Believing that Roosevelt has with out Just or adequate cause, drawled his friend, the people ot Nebraska are re fusing to leave him: they are doing what every law of human gratitude and human friendship would dictate that the colonel should) do. They are standing by Taft. The -tide set in toward Taft aa soon a Roosevelt msde his declaration. It Is growing stronger and stronger as the days, come and go. Taft w ill carry Nebraska." Wilson Men Worried Over Preference Vote Captain Shonka Weds Student at University LINCOLN. March t.-8lveler V. Shonka. captain of the Mil Nebraska foot ball team, champions of the Missouri valley, was married today to Miss Caro lyn lianallk of Cedar Rapids. la, a stu dent at tbe University ot Nebraska. Shonka Is now practicing, law. at David City, Neb. Roosevelt's most I powerful, alfy. From a Staff Correspondent. LINCOLN, March l-(8pecial Teh gram.) Democratic friends of Woodrow Wilson, will gather In Lincoln tomorrow for oon auliatlon. One ,thing bothering themV Is the report It Is planned to have the pref erence vote of the stste control only the delegatrs-at-large. the district drl.-t.atea I to be bound by the vote of the particular district. On this hauls it is figured that Harmon possibly may carry the First. Second and Third districts: Clark the Sixth, and the Fourth and Fifth are thought to be sure tor Wilson. They think they can carry tbe state, but are doubtful about some of tho districts. particularly If a deal la made by which all the Wilson opposi tion can be concentrated in each district on the particular man who appears to have th best chance. Legislative candidates were In evidence in the morning mall of th secretary' ot state, there being three tilings as follows: William S. Matley, Armey, republican, for sensfor from the'Thlrty-thlrd district: Frank K. Stearne. Scott's Riulf, repub lican, candidate tor representative from the Seventy-fifth district: W. N. Coatee, Stuart, republican, for senator from the Twenty-fourth district. John J. McCar thy of OgJlalla filed aa a' democratic can didate tor elector from the Six lb district. NOTES FROM DDANE COLLEGE President Perry ts Prverrly III with Pseasseala Glee Clak Will N Give Two Concerts. President Perry, who was taken sick with pneumonia while working on the financial campaign had gradually been gtttlng better, but has surfertd a relapse during th last -week. ' HI condition Is said to-be. rather serious. Victor L. Okrk, the field secretary for th college, was In oft the road the bitter part of the week, lie reports good prog ress. Th Young Ladle' Glee club af Doane expects to give a concert her March IV and later to give on at Weeping Water March K.- This club, under the dlractim of Miss Heed, the vVal teacher, I be coming quit proficient In It work. - The election of the new Owl board, whose work will begin srlth ti.e prll number ot the Owl. occurs a weak from today. Three candidates are In th field for edltor-ln-dhlf. - ' At a meeting of the . Congregational club last week. Profs, llosford and Pajr- cMld discussed th. necessary changes needed In Doaji to comply with the Car- negie Foundstlon. A cpmrtrlttee working on th proposed change needed in the charter w ill " report " at" commencement Urn, - - Coach Johnson Is .making preparations for a gymnasium exhibition to be held March 9. In .order to show th ootlege at large what sort of work bla eiasse hav been doing. An excellent exhibition I expected. - The annual election of th Young Wo men's Christian association officers, along with the annual business masting of th association, waa held Saturday afternoon in Gaylord sVll parlor. Miss Luella Spen cer waa elected president for th next year. , . .. I ' lloase Dsraed at Yark. YORK, Neb.. Mereh .-8peclan-Th fire department waa called to the resl denoe ot Rollsnd Fountain yesterday, here a fire had started from a furnace in th basement. The loss Is estimated at COW, partially covered by Insurance. WEST POINT NEWS NOTES Edward Prlerwata aad Jeba Kalalle Dead Wllliasa Krhwlark Gara WEST POINT. N.-b. March 1-F.dward P. Peterson, a well known cltlsen. died after a lingering and painful illness. The deceased was ars ot ago and was the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Peterson, pioneer settlers of Cuming county. The cause of death was pul monary tuberculosis. He la survived by his widow, four sons and a daughter. William f-'chwinok. son of Cart Srhwlnck. a business man of West Point, was united in marriage at Alma. Kan, lo Miss Alma Albrecbt. eldest daughter of Prof. Aibrecht. the former principal of the tier man Lutheran parochial schools in West Point Mr. Schwlnck Is in charge of his father's branch Implement house at Heemer. where the newly wedded pair will reside In future. Th funeral of John K eta lie. a former resident of this county, occurred at thla place on Thursday under tbe ausidcva of th Catholic caurch. lxath came lo Mr. Kotallc while In Denver. Colo., whither he went la the hope of recovering his health. ' He was a victim of tuberculosis. He leaves a widow and srvet-d! small children. He waa x years of ace and a man of pronounced energy and business sMIlty. Tbe price . of farm land in Cuming county Is steadily advancing. Rev. W. Harms recently purchased a farm eleven miles northeast of Burt county for tin 2 per acre. This farm I only ordinary farming land, the Improvements being only the usual bulldlnga BODY OF B. A. BROWN TAKEN TO RAPID CITY FOR BURIAL ABERDEEN. R P.. March t. -(Special.) -The father and two brothers-in-law ar rived from Rapid City and returned with the bodj- of B. A. Brown, the young man who committed suicide In a hotel here on Thursday night. Young Brown was N-years old. a graduate of tbe University of Nebraska and had contemplated en gaging In the practice of law aa soon as be finished preparing himself for that profession, lie was the possessor of a bright mind and a cheerful disposition, and hla relatives were unable to account for his suicide. A Plraaaat swrpria follows the first dose of Dr.' King's New Life Pills, the painless regulators thst strengthen you. Guaranteed, tic For sal by Beaton Drug Co. The Fountain Head of Life : Is A mm who fcss a weak and impaired stoaueh sod w properly difeat bis food will soon lad that his blood has keoosis weak sod imporsnlhtd, and that hi wbol body is lsaproprlr assd . saaufttoieatly nourished. " , , . Or. PIERtea GOLDEX MEDieXL DISOOTEKT mak srssaae ar. pews area tlw affdesflr alee, resforea f M apperra, mtfarr) perfec. far 'rare ti lrer awrfffM aasf arfce rs) Paael. It la ( iea( bfood-isiaJtar, Ua-Mll4r aaef r(ararfr mart tmle. It as mm mtrmrnt ' actira Im ' mm mt In Imitemtimt, Tkis " Diacovsry " is a para, lycri extract of Aawrieaa sicdieal root, sbaofutely ire Iroaa alcohol sad all iojariaw, hbiMorsia drag. AU it , mfrediewts ar printed oa it w rati pen. It baa aa relationship with issfst aostrums. In svsry ingrdiat It tadorMd by th lv era ia all tba ihU of ssadtaana.- Doa't ooept saorM aeatraa s t subatitats lor this tisss provwa remedy or gsiowK oewKHmow. An rotis. Nrmnsost. TUay atuet kaw af may oores mad hy it dsrind part 40 years, fight ia yaor wa ighharhood. Wprid't Dispetwart Mdieal Assoatatioa, Dr. R.V. Pair, Pres., Bufaia, N. Y. Y r. W 1 - KOmi AOK1TXS WAITED When iM iiutMrU. th ivKfl uf Thd Mirtwtrnt Wt Uoei tii-.t it writ ten ntore infurme miI mate t .greater nl Kin In iiuttirfcme in force IKftD in any car of Us li!ftrjf- In oi:lj- ov. muntX June, did U faU to make a sin orer the currepontliuc month of 19 lo. Thl incr-Mi ovpr resulted not; only becu.ie of r aouiewhat larger aeney forve. but aJ tMsrtue nearly every agent rule wore Inuirmnce than he "ltd the -fear befnre. ' Why not become ene of the n vn pro dufinic thta liirDnena? The company haa unrnwiirnl territory, especially In north eastern Nebraaka. whtrti la awaiting tie relopnieiit ly earneat. competent aajfnt-v. It la. not tonkin for -blue aky" attlen men. The Mttlweet Life Isauea fair and liberal po!!ctea expreaet In plain Knrhkit with no double mean toga or hidden featiirea which alirniry one thinir at the time of aale and aomething elaaj later. Call r write THE MIDWEST LIFE T. 1. Basil. Preetdeat. A asasvasKa costraJTY Ptrst Vauoaal Baak Blag, Xdaeola mmm iTI RE Sh I " w a ss I Substitutes ' Afftinit Imitations t.r.lALTFO MIL It H si sa assa ss asssi sssr- - . m m m mmm m ss Mad, In the largest batt " -, equipped and sanitary Malted x Milk plant In the world We do not make "milk prod uctiZ Skirt M, Cc denied Milk, etc. But tha Kriginal-Cknuine ' HORLICK'S MALTED MILK Aladt from pure, full-cream milk and tha extract of select malted inin, reduaed to txmder form, aolubla la watar. Beat food-drink for all aea. C7 ASK FOR NORUCK'S Utad an ovar tha Globe i n5 EIGHTEEN FILE FOR V. ; V BEATRICE COMMISSION 1 BEATRICE. Neb.. Starch i-iSpecial.)-There 1 a' lively scramble tn this city for Mi orflea ot commissioner. Aatarday be ing tba saat day (or the -filing of peti tions, alglitean -emnlJaies entered tha rare for the office aa folloaa J." H. Mden. A. Bresrster.-J. R.-Cenn, H. (5. Day. J. R.,0. Fieiud. HX.'Falk. slorri Fgeshman;-. W..K.. Griffin: J. W. Mayr. Anton Ok man. H. J. Randall, J. 8. Ruth erford. M. W. Roby. J. R.' Splcer, J. J. Skosr, L. A. Scroggs.- J. W. Thomas and Louie Werner.. - . t Early Breakfast NEWS NOTES FROM ALLIANCE a. st. Itasaataa Will Balld f lae Res. Ideaee Taws Daaa tlagced -kr Vaatstada. . - ALJJANCS, Xeb.. March 4-iBpacial.)- R. if. Hampton., vk-a eeeslflent of the First NaUonal bank of thla city, today let contract to Sung C Reck for the building of a reside ore on th earner ot Cheyenn avenue and Sixth street The batlding srlll be of Denver pressed brick and whsar-cofnaieted will be one of the finest la tha city. Th cost will exceed Tbe friends of Earl D. Mallery of this city ar circulating a. petition to - hire hla aarae placed on tba .primary, ticket aa tba aomlne of tbe republican party for the .representative district of - Xs braska. v " About 11 o'clock last night while going bona. Tom Dunn attacked by taro holdup saea, some tore block east of tbe court he use. They mere walking along slowly la front of Mm and en his passing tbem he eras slugged with a sandbag ar rm similar Instrumeat, wtilch rendered bin unconscious. Ills pockets were rifled, but h bad nothing of value on hi per- l Ha called the polk after regal nine ecnactousaeea but no trace of the foot pade could .he found. Th home ef Mr. Deniis Landrtcan. an old resident of this city, -was' completely destroyed by fire last algbt. Tbe ortgia of tha fir has ot be ascertained. -. Louis Valgaflea. a Oreek laborer oa tbe Burlington railroad, waa committed to th city lalt last night., as tb ;wrjl( at firing a reoircr at a fellow' country-, nan. named Oeoiiopulag, sritb whom be had aa altercation. Tha bullet narrow lr , misacd tbe lattr.' . ....... : An early breakfast without get- ing up early! That's Winter joy with out "Winter worry or work. Such a thing is possible in the home where Shredded Wheat Biscuit forms the daily, breakfast, Being ready-cooked and ready-to-serve one does not need to wait for kitchen fires or slow servants for a warm, nourishing, strength ening breakfast Simply heat the biscuit a few moments to restore crispness, then pour hot milk over it and salt or-; sweeten. to suit the taste. Deliriously wholesome with stewed prunes, baked apples, sliced bananas, canned peaches or other canned fruits. At your grocer's. IF you bought tires on a price basis last year, buy Diamond Tire this year and pocket tbe profit you make in Mileage. CLoag before the year la over yua will know that your tire apcase I goiag to be lower tbaa 11 sss mvrr sera iefort. CThftnly tkatDia KiiMt? Tires mrt th larfest Mtllini tinil brand of tins im th worU is that tkiy givt th Mr G rut tit Mikaft. CAnd m ttktr tin is m tatilj f m ckapiyrrtxtirtd. AT YOUR DEALER'S OR The Diamond Store SIS Month 20th street. lhaj)?siosl IUcr ("oupasfl AXPQW. OHIO - Ws Ws sp 1 V II Mt Wt Cm tl Two Brooms At tit Prica af Ona U rod wer actually efitrad two brooms at tha aaaa erica aa von hava to pay lor oaa nod broom yon woold call ap your grocar afnd erdst a yaat'l npply at one. Wha yon boy LHtla tmttr Br s ssa yon an let ting tha mjuivaUnl ia er- icnliawenr(tfnarv ttfmsta Tba Uttl faily laau twkal as soar aa tba otban aad (trea twka aa latlafactory tarviea. imUPOLLB t I aa vvaaao ',' VI represent th blue blood of 4 . 1 i . .. i.i vmniiKinf. lory com JSJ 'rom tn b broom corn awi ion vwmiy yiwrss in their making it handled with criti cal car by improved method! hence their greater serviceability. Buy a Uttl Polly Broasa and ee how much longer it lam. It Dot at your (racer's, send a money order for 60 cents, th regular retail price, for a Littt Pil Braosa, prepaid. IT rnrC tUsalacsarWaiisnd Irasm DastmslsfrVso witn csupw given witb urtsa Pally Brsasaa. Our Utti. PaUy" Booklst tells ill about them. Sfnu ft it tUtj. Harrah St. Stewvt Mfg. Co. 0 East Ceaat A IMS essssi B 5 jTJ sa . Pes! Is. I ' fc MMsssasssBBBSssssisas)sJ IL JT. Bughea Co Dlstrib'a, Omaha- rfiBn P0TZCTI0K 70S YOUK Jewels, family relics and private papara eaa be aacured than t rant a box ta our Immense Saf Deposit Vault lot tbelr safe keeping. Without such protection you are liable to a loaa at any time wby not be on the safe side by securing a box today,- tha C-t of wblcb la but !. year lyf Omaha Safe Deposit Co. Key to tbe Situation Be Advei using, j Make-Your "Meat" Shredded Wheat Made 00I7 by . THE SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, . NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. SisK;w-Jwp Every WOMAN should know about the wonderful Marrel "Whirliiig Spray" SYRINGE ' Beat safest most convenient. Cleanse instantly. 1 a 1 .fci, .1. cmW f Fu R ilARVBU tend stamp torrUu&rrststl M I book sealed. Cootaias direcrioas 1 IJ-. - teTsluable to Udiea. . 1 MARVTL COUP ANT jSZSfl I ' 4E'23rf Str jj jj For 25c The Bee. Evening and Sunday. . Delivered at your hom