Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 05, 1912, Page 12, Image 12

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Place on Sale Tuesday Basement
A. Gluck & Co's. Surplus Stock ?S
Women's beautiful messaline, taf
feta, chiffon and lace waists in all
colors, plain dressy effects,- stripes
or fancy designs; many elaborate ef
fects for dress, and evening wear,
other simpler models for wear with
tailored suits and skirts among
which are the new' popular silk
shirts. Scores of the newest models
made to sell up to $4.00 and $5.00;
nil in two big lots
These skirts are nil silk mescalines, made with fancy
flounces, carefully sized and extremely well made; every
desirable shade including black, white and evening shades.
. Worth up to $5.00, in two
big lots in the basement,
m and $2
This includes many spring tailored suits in up-to-date styles,
various colors; made to sell up to (CLewffiCAQQ
Ps95y at T V v. v
ALL THE WOMEN'S CLOAKS These ate warm winter cloaks in the medium or
lighter weight cloaks for spring nil good, practical styles. Made to sell as'high as m
$12.00 your choice of hundreds in our basement, $2 98 ftlld $5
WEDNESDAY- All tb nun'i ttlk, wool and wart dresses, worth up to $10, at S1S2 5
THURSDAY A" tb W0IMn' DniM Walking 8klrU, worth up to $10, at (2 d $3.50
, v All the Women's Cotton Petticoat, Wash Waists and House Dresses at big
bargains. I
All the Children's Cloaks and Dresses, at extraordinary reductions.
" "
either it Included la List of Thou
4 Slated for Retention. .
f nesaisa
Vlur at War Oatlla Details,
bat rrU Omaha ead Fnak Are
2 3t Meatloned, Favorable
5 , er Otherwise.
"Neither Fort Crook nor Fort Omaha
nr on the ht of mtmf porta to bo re
bmed and occupies If too War depart
Mot ploiis ct concentration Is approved
tr copstios I
T 4 eun-ooramlttt of tho military oouv j
ailtte 'of ' too house ol representatives,
ccardlnc to ' tho Army and Navy
Mr(ister. Secretary of War Stlmsoa save
tiio details 'of the concentration plan
It Is proposed to establish those tart
narrlaona. ao tar as tho west Is concerned,
at soma convenient place on Puset Hound
and ot the Presidio of Monterey. Presl-j
ilto of tea Francisco and Fort Mason. In
Jh central section of tho country tt is
proposed to retain for this purpose Forts
ghartdaa. IB.; ahelllnc, Minn,: Benta
mln Harrison, Ind., and Rtler and Leav
worth. Kan. Tn other posts to be used
in this connection are Fort Oalethorps.
McPaeraen and nam Houston. It is pro
posed to retsn Fort Myer, Va as at
preseot. '
lleaee Mas ot Acted.
No action haa ret been taken bjr the
ketuo of repteaenutlves on the complete
plan, but the army appropriation bill,
which has been puied by the house and
is now before the senate, contains a pro
vision that ao put ot the appropriations
fatt be expended at Fort Apache, Boise
Herrscka, 'Forts Brady, Clark. George
V right. Jay, Lincoln. Loaaa IL Hoots.
Slclntosh. Mackenale, Meade. Nlaa-ra, On
tario, Warns. W II turn Uenry Harrison.
Yellowstone, Ethan Allen. Robnuon,
Sltssoula, Loran. DunaUs. D. A. Russell.
Madison Barrnckj. Whlpplo Barracks and
I'Uttsbarf Barracks.
Anticipating favorable action by the
scute on the abandonment of tho poets
fumed, a bill has been Introduced In the
heuse providing far the sal of th post
ftnUdincs and reservations.
Caldwell & Drake
Secretary to Take
Charge of Building
Aug. H. Knosman ot Knox, Ind., ao-
retary for Caldwell A Drake, ooontf
building general contractors, wss placed
In chars of the work Monday. George
W. CaldwtU of th firm, Mr. Knosman
and! C. W. Morrow of th Fidelity and
Deposit company ot Maryland, onds
tnen for th general contractors, arrived
at Omaha yesterday.
Mr. Csldwell and Mr. Monroe nailed
members of th Board of County Com.
mhsuoners to convince them there will be
need for them to taks th contract
nway from Caldwell Drake. They
showed a telegram from the Colorado
Tul Msrbls company stating that all
the marble will b In Omaha by April
la. That being true, tiler will be no
more reason for delay, Mr. Caldwell said.
Commissioner El ee fleer, ilart and
O'Connor said similar promises have been
made before, but hav not been kept.
Mr. Caldwell said b would Ilka to bar
two ot th eommUstonera go to Msurbh
Colo, the home of the Colorado-Yule
company, at Caldwell ds Drake's ex pens
to urge the company to hurry th work.
Th commlMioners did .not meet Mr.
Caldwell and Mr. Knosman officially and
took no action, I
vrhii HarrUnaa Hne eanlssB for Jaa
asry show a falling off as cumnared with
thot of tb corresponding month of last
; ecr, toe saunp is only about bait of that
ct tccmber. Daring December the earo
.4f. .'ell off over 1.1,. sa compared
av.. tia December of X91
. 1-e falling oft In- December Is attribu
Ird b th sever storm that , set and
couUnnreVaimost continuously during th
hol at th ktst bait ot the month, pre
venting th moving of Br Mock and per.
isfcabl . fnlgnt. Eiwa with' the I
weather during February, H la predicted
that th earnings for that month will
aew a gala over tb corresponding
SjOnlh of one year ago.
Another hearing In the water wot
(B w.ll be held tn the north court room
ta the federal IxSUliag, Wednseday mora-
L.S at i eeloc before epeeial Maiter
B.-Chy-ry Ueorge H. Tbummei.
Oeorg Dt Pstterson, a veteran la the
express business, has Just been made
superintendent ot th American Expreea.
overland division, with of rices t this
1 aneneeewaeeee '
Street Eailway Company Hat Coq.
traoted for Steel for Xzteniion.,
Will Belld Abend el tb Paver
from Fortieth and Cnailna te'V
FertySlltk Street Old
Rails tn Renewed. ,
Ralls for building th extension on Cum
ing street from Fortieth to .Forty-sixth
hav been ord-.-ed by tb street railway
company, together with rails tor renewing
old tracks at various points.
In all. Loot tons of .rails hav been
ordered, U tons for March and US tons
for April delivery. They will weigh
nlnety-oeven pounds t the ysrd. -
Th Cuming extension will bs built Just
befor th paving contractors are ready
to pav that aectloa of street, says As-'
Istant General Msnager Leuesler of the
company. It ths track were mid without
taking th contractors Into consideration
th street might be torn up for months. I
Petitions of property owners for th pav
ing ot th street have been completed, but
as yot the city council, has taken a
action toward letting ' contracts.
"Died et Paean-oaks'
Is never written ot tbos who cur
coughs and colds with Dr. King's New
IHrcoverey. Guaranteed, toe and 11.06.
For sal by Beaton Drug Co.
I II S. & H.
Jy With
Green Trading Stamps Given
All Purchases at This Store.
Our $19.50 Suits
Specialized Suits
Particular attention is directed to
the way our $19.50 suits are made-for
workmanship is what gives distinction
to a tailored suit.-.. ,
All of the tailoring is done by hand;
the coats are fitted to a form and the
seams are Jiand tailored.
Of course, the fact that they are all
wool and that only the newest and
most authoritative styles can be found
in the assortment will also be consid
ered. .,
The $19.50Line Shows Many of '
the - New Side 'Effects 'that are
GoingtoBe So;Muchain Vogue 1
this Spring -and Summer Season.
Hare's what th leading dry goods Journal and
fashion authority of. the-U.-8. haa w say In re
gard to these spring modes:
"Aa the season advance it becomes more and
more evident that the styles first brought out j
will remain In vogue. There has not been the
usual amount of uncertainty regarding cut ot
garments and lengths as there has seen in many
other seasons, titralght-cut suit Jackets varying
in length from it to H inch. In modified cut.
away effecta, era perhap the n.oat favored. Blue,
white and tan a-a the meet desirable spring col
ors while serges, whipcords and mixtures are th
msterlala receiving the moat attention. ' Sid
frcts are specially notehje."
You will find all of these fashion points prop
erly met In our women's gia.fia suits.
And the other lines are; equally good as repre
sented by their prices.
Attractive Grocery Pricing f6r Tuesday Only
Bennett's Capitol coffe
and stamps, lb. go
Bennett's Excelsior
flour, per sack ..fUSO
Assorted teas and (
stamps, lb. see
Tea 'Sittings and t
a tarn pa. lb.
K-ln. can pur pepper
and ( atampa ....10
Boas! ttaaaps en Oraav.
Biased -.
J-lb. roll 1'remlum but-
terln o
( bar Capitol white soap
and 1 stamps
l-lb. pkg. Bennett's' Cap
itol oata or pancake
flour, with 1 stps. 10s
Dill pickles and IS
stamps, dosen la
Six small cans Colts
milk and IS stamps tie
$1 10 bottle Queen ollvoo
finest rrualltv as
Vtabl and Flo
Walker's hot tan.ale
and 15 stamp, can IS
Iso can Libbya tiappv
Vale asparagua ,.o
14 -lb. can Bennetts
Capitol baking-powder
and Is stamps, ran M
Full cream chess and
1 stamps, lb. ....gas
Lars can Snldsr'a pork
and beans and, 1
stamps . ... ' '.bo
8nldars' chit eauc and
1 -atampa, bottle aa
French - capers, bottle,
at. IS and to
Van Camp's spaghetti
and 'atampa, can 10
Oalllard' ollvs oil and
te stamps, bottle 4
t cans Kvergreen corn ,
and IS tamp . .SO
larly June peas and I
stamp, can to
Fiiurro AMD
Seed f All
Large, fancy English walnuts, worth 20c the
lb., S tb. 23c
Fresh, new crop, black walnuts, the peck 80c
Fancy cooking applea, per peck ,.aoe
Fancy date, S lb, tor .; 2Ao
New California rabbagea, per lb. SMe
Tooae famous Redlands oranges, shipped di
rect to us from Redlands, Cal., per dosen,
at IS, soc, sue, SOc and sse
2 lbs. Pare Lard ..... .25c
3 lbs. Shoulder Steak . ,25c
3 lbs. Hamburger ... 25c
4 lbi. Corned Beef ....25c
Serviceable School Shoes
School shoes f or 'Misses and Children that wear,'
Our school -shoes have the same'style'that'are'found in'
the mother's shoe, and they have tsbat neat appearance
that quality, material and high grade workmanship
gives-to stylish shoes, together with wearing qualities
like iron make them the most serviceable school shoe
on the market. : ' '
.Button and lace, kid, "patent colt, gun metal, cloth
tops and kid tops common sense and dress shoes.
Children's.' 8 to 11 . $1.50
Misses', ill, to 2........ $2.00 nPpYpi
1419 Farnam
8aee the veto I all kiadssf weather. lavalaa.
city. Mr. Patterson has bean acting super- tw. ITL ,
intends ot IhU -division m. C D i laTc..'rlt
8ummv wss nmmotea a.a .. ' rTTLrTrT!'".,"? evxty ! repe-
mi j ii oomOTiria aosaa. asmslsmsilsdfiee
louis aa manager of th southern Hvt-. JOHN L BROWN a 80s, Bask- Ham.
vum. lunier vovsrs tn L aioa Pa
cific, Including th Kansas City-Denver
line, the Northwestern wast ot the river
to Deadwood. Lead, Casper and Lander'
and the Omaha road from Omaha to Sioux
uty ana Norfolk branches. Mr. Patter,
son wss la the employ ot the Pacific
Express for twenty-five years, and when
this' company eras taken over b th.
America be went to the Americas,
stoat bm
F At NAM m
Want a Tonic? Co To Your Doctor
U alcohol atonic? Not Does it make the blood pure? Not Does
it strengthen the nerves? Not Is AVer's SarsapariHa a tonic?
Yesl Does it make the blood pu.e? Yesl Doe it strengthen
the nerves? ' Yesl By asking your doctor you can learn more
about this family medicine. Follow his advke. tifTi'i
Platea 4.. ....aMiri 'vl- Mlssinc Teth apBUed
Extrmctlm clhv (ar.r wtthovt PUte or Bridgw
raiintu luh-r. Xrl-fyi -.M - Serres reanoeed
Crowns 92M Cp SJ J J JJ wttboat paia. Work fmar
oruigowora ...Kwtp a Tear oftia aaaeedl tea f
3 Day
htttitSUH nkTatMBl aafjfj faaMl
fc. waf fcenal eaTltA. ?J w tm tm tW
laag ta.lalejl ttaa Maitt agoMI. lieiaeWa. tetlt,t Oat iCmt las-
HttTing season is approaching
If yoii are think
ing of moving, nV
would 'it "not be
well to i select an
office building
which-is equal-in
everv regoect to
the newest building and better in having developed
. an office building "service "tried and never found
wanting. - ' .
Janitor service, elevator service, repair service, eagioeer-'
ing sarvtce and superintendence all take yea'rs to develop to -give
quick and conrteoas service to an army "of Inhabitant
of sn office building.
Tou will be well taken care of year;afterijear-if'
you select for your permanent office location
Beoas a Reception Room, private of Mo, kw large clooecr. barge
workrooas with two north windowa Ideal f flea for engineer,
architect doceor ec other profsssinsi aian. fieatal per
month.. .......... ........ ..........
lee Thla Is a long aarrow room, Itxltl. havlng
Ugnt. stanui, per month
11-SxM In else, located est the esart-vcloa t akv
llgst, thus having axoslleat natsral light Tb epeee could
be divided so aa to make two very plea sent rsooas. Pnea,
per SBaata ............ ...............
1 hi the aarthwest eornar. bavine foor lane win. '
down A fireproof vault for th protection of valuable papas .
as much In demand and la afforded ta-thla room.' There Is a
total of it, aouar feet of floor apace and aom would ba
equippM with-parUtiona to aUaty good tenant.- The rental
ark la par month ...... ..HOiOS
The Bee BuUding Co.
Bee Business Oflice 17th and Fanum Sts.
Features for 1912
A greater year for a greater paper
The Omaha Bee
All the news that is real news.
Mutt and Jeff
Character creations from the pen of ' Bud
Rsher that have made all the world laugh
and turned many a sad face into a emile.
Looking Backward
This day in Omaha during the history
forming periods of 30, 20 and 10 years ago,
briefly and interestingly reproduced Ifor
Bee readers. K .
The Bee s Wedding Book
A chronicle of marriage anniversaries of
Omaha's own people, simply and entertain
ingly detailed from day to day.
Silk Hat Harry ,
Tad's dog-man Invention who has more
' 1 trouble than anyone, but trouble that is
so funny it makes amusement for every
Bee reader. (
Katzenjammer Kids
These two youngsters who are the source
of Sunday fun for thousands of children,
promise many new tricks and delightful
- for this year.
Nell Brinkley Drawings
Nell Brinkley developed a new idea in pen'
drawings, and her sketches of men and
women caught by Cupid, not only have ar
tistic beauty, but also always teach a lesson.
Sherlocko the Monk N ,
Sherlock Holmes, works sleuth-wonders to
i. - many people, but Monk, the pioture-detec-
tive, is more marvelous in the fun-way
i than Dr. Watson believes Ilolmes to be in
, a serious way.
Daffydils 7 '
, Nothing so amusing has been run in any
. ' westers newspaper in many years as these
- humorous play-on-words lines by Tad.
Desperate Desmond
' A stage villain transferred to pen pictures
and revealed in the most laughable light to
. make every Bee reader roar and hold his
' sides.
Happy Hooligan
Poora old Harrpy; he Is continuously grow
ing more entertaining, and now he is on
the road to new situations to win Smiles
from all followers.
Carpenter's Tavel Letters
No writer of the present day sees events
and situations in such Interesting light as
, Frank J. Carpenter, and none describes
them so graphically. ,
Heart to Heart Talks for Women
By EllA Wheeler Wilcox, Winifred Black,
' Mabel Herbert Urner, Dorothy Dix, Fran
cis Carside, Ada Patersin, and many others
who write for women, what women want
to read. 1
Each week in the Sunday issue
Several big special stories of particular
interest to Omaha, Nebraska and Iowa
, readers.
Comic Section in Colors Sunday
Besides the laughable comic pictures and
the special articles by women for women,
The Bee will record dramatic events of im
portance; present exclusive human interest
stories and give an accurate account of
events of politics, wih -absorbing sidelights
on the two big political parties, their con
ventions and their presidential campaigns.
Complete Telegraphic and Cable News
From all over the civilized world every
' : day in the year.
If you neglect to
Read The Bee daily during 1912
Tou will miss these exclusive features, the
greatest series ever published in a Ne
braska paper. -