10 THE BEE; OMAHA. TUESDAY, . MARCH ;5. 1912. 6RAK AHD PRODUCE MAMTi:?-. r. HEW . YORK' STOCK MARKET iTroeat SihisUt. iaWitat "SCas Aa tltipated last July. - IS SHOWS IS COBB Vresenl Condition MarKct Sag gee to Xeaecrvallve AOIta aa Baylag i bide, W hile Caaa Viltcl Are Strang. OMAHA March 4, ttU. , Tli present ait-atlon in wWM H what v. a. expected early In January, when avr.ni, brt receipt were expected . to wiTun and tbe bull interests -were tooa--i.k for an Improved earn demand from interior mills, to decrease u.t .btavy stocks at nrtnarv ooinla. he immediate cvu of .strength U na uln due 10 the ciaune of vary lew term i.-ecrie- and bc-llec earn demand. -Tiler in strength enough in the . prossnt situa tion to make a fighting uaiket !l caution ire taken on the aveus. Th corn market baa a very steady ad vance right In tna taut of kjj rnavy re reilU and each values have been leading th advance rather than tba futures., The present position of- tna aiarkot aucecta eiinsetrvative action oa tna buying sloe. while cash values are so strong litiat tha declines are very alight and snort lived. v neat or-enwi wltn a good, una tone. 1-ut knM beyaa profit-taking, and as cash teica wer rathor slow tna market goon tit . Ceuh wueat .was iwf ; lower. - - . V The corn int.-kit snowed farther rrtr;ii early today and values advanced -' ? early conunlsalon bouaa buying. 4a-!t & urn waa strung . and sample b ought 4C advance. primary wheat noetpts were tav.ttt bo. impments were Tis.M bu.. against aax.:uu lati jeer of Clave bu. and aaip uniit., of "JX.HM bu. ' lT.a:r corn receipt were 747,et bo. B-ul Khipmenu were I7,M bu, against iicaiou last, year or aw,w au. ana saip mante of edl.treu bu. Clee.-ancr were Jet. Ma) bu. of oars, none tt'. -oaia a:ut wlitat and flour iual to l.l.fce to. Liverpool rlcsid Hd higher to ltd lower on neat and tifHd blgner aa corn. Ilia following tssh saiee were reported: 'Wheat: Xo. ; bard. 1 oar. l.ii; 1 oar, t:.f. Corn: No. 1 white, 1 ear. tic; No. 4 wi.ius, 1 car, 440; No. I color, 1 oar, 4Vc; .No. color, i oar, of:; No, t yl .,, 1 car. asiao; 1 car.- tee; cart, V0; -a. 4 yellow, 1 car. 44c; 1 car. W; I cars, 4c; 1 car, ; cars, Otoe; 4 ears. .'V: t care, ::. No. ml led. 1 car. Mo; i ear. Uc; 1 car, eVtec;- No. mlaed.-l car, (to; 1 car. ti'ic; ne frgoa, I cars, tc; t oar, 0'c, 1 car, t'.o; 1 oar, 9H I ar. inc. Oau. No. 1 wnlte, W can, iliec; No. wblta, i cm, Uc;'no grade, 1 car, lc. - - . , OMba. Task. rrtere. WHEAT-fJo. I hard. .Vtl.o4: Ko.. hard. II. Mo. 4 bard. wpBtl.W. 'OR.N-No. 1 wmta, ,, No. 4 hRe.:M444c;ia. I colas, tirHe; Ke. S yeiMw, curlic:, No.-4 yellow, txt U; So. i. stjs0i 'o, 4, CWMo; ne trade. iiUMHia ....... GA'i'S Xo. J aklte, UVtito: ataBdard, HSIilc; No. 1 white. l"jalHc; No. .4 Khlte, Hol'c; No., I. yellow,. UtJaitiAi Ha! 4 ytllow, sKlc. 1 ' . BAKLBr-alaltlng. VejMJ; Jfo. 1 feed. Ivjraac; heavier feed. gec. . VK-No. J. .mjwse;. No. t, NOUe. . , ( v ariaf Reawlpta. . i , ......... T"heat Cam. Oata Claoago ,.41 . ,1M . . U 'Mlnneaaolia ...Xi omaha '. II ' d" ' M ;iulutb ... ... r;af MaNKET tHlCAQO OaUtX AND moVtllOKI . ' . ; . .i i ... - reataree ml Ike Trodlas a ad Ctaetag , rrtoesj aa. Board at? Tra4e. . . -CHIOAOO. Mareh 4, Owners at wneat bhowed dlsoouragement today awing to toe smallneas of the visible supply dee crease. Largely In consequence the close aaa at a net decline of He to V. Final trades left.eora t4o down, oata HtiSo and keg eraducta leaa eapenslee than fortr-etghr hours be lose. Helling out aa the part of laet week's buysra waa the order ef the rtey. lu the. exoerKloa that . winter . killing iad been reported In same section and that there waa talk of drouth losses hav ing occurred m California, the bulk of news proved unfavorable to hoMera. It v,-as noted that foreign esehangea made iittle response to bullish enthusiasm here. This did not apply .o B Buenos Ayrea, but tnare were forecasta of larger arrivals at that port from the interior. A fracuoaei ally at the close afforded Just a Ihlte at sonshlne to the friends of higher quota, tiaas, though -tits final 'tone aesmsd ratber unsteady. .If net positively asrv. oua. During the arssKm May ranged from l So to (l ets, with last salsa at I104 wI.WHj. loss of H9So net. Owing la unsettled weather corn opened wtth a bulge up to tbe highest point, yet .teached on the crop, but general sailing 'to realise profits ensued. May fluctuated betwrea 11c and Ttc, dosing sasy at 7iHo. I just Ho under Maturdajr, night Cash grades were weeCtT. No. t yellow waa Mooted at OVMe for carlo! a, I It was a narrow martlet In oats. May ranged from Who to UMeUc. with the itioee Ho down at HHc evea. , I Provisions were weak and la the and exhibited a decline all around, pork )s a.He and the rest of tbe list fcatc . The lesaing mi urea closed as tottows! Urtlciei Open! Htgh. Low. Clo.. g,! I VN'hsatl I May.l4H4) 1 M, i juiy.-wi'.WwBe-ej! J ept.il MU May.fnsTJi n I suly.mMTl i pt.7isri ' 'a I Oau. I ' May.s!M?HI, BHI July.ievril 4 I )at.4tr 4nl 4itl I . May. H (UN. ttfj aept-l n ss I is ss ga Iltd. I ..l-i May.f I4t I 45 I Joii.e-H . opt.jinHt! s t Hlbs. i nay. s sihi 1 V1 KKl KM. . "ivi t-w n - Tl" I Tiul T1U r SS eVil 4l)U as s 14 s I M I an.! IT! . July.leVli'tavlalsaiJ J eVepct t IS f t ri KSSM S IS etHl US M4 t43H s: f ttJ lie" I at FlOUrV-4luJet': winter, patents atSM ;. w later straigbta, H.-eH , spring i;lenta, .H1 'eorlng strsnata. kg 'V4 r, baJtera, i.tia. M B-No. t sue. i BAULalV faed or mlitng, Trfete: fair to arnolce malting.' tLlaaf i.Ti. . riritlrswrtngMay., 4ii.14.f); , clever, 'gltjos aJ. . riujv l.-i ION 9-Mesa pork. new. u.; aid.) IUJ7H; mrd. la tierces. p , sbort j-ibs, loose, evaj1, ' Totai clearances -of wheat and floor were equal, to lTMug be. Prlavary re ipta were 4T7,e bu- eompared with fct. ba. tbe cei reepuading -oar a year ago. Thevtatbte auppiy of wheat la tbe UnMee) FtAtea decreased as. a bu. tor tbe week. Tae amount af breaoatutf oa ocean pa, aage Incnaaed ttMast bu. Eatimatod re ceipts for.toeaarrew: Wheat. 41 care; corn. 4M cava; aata, U ears; bogs. Jfc.ut head, . , t rites go Cash Prices Wheat: No. I red.' ll.eJHVi eSS; No. J red. Msjobtl .; jfi. 1 bard. sl aMssyl eVt: o. 1 bard. .t! No 1 aortnera. 41 Manjl: KoTTt Bortbera, H.4el.U; No. I norttiera. tl.at l , No. soring, u ejel.e;; n0, , spring, tac . No. 4 soring. Hi! tt, velvet caaa. JCodfO eT: duruss. oil 9L t'ora; 1 eM,jJV: No.. walls, grH msc: No. veMew.-ser; Ke. 4.-H No. 4 whue. sMsdMc.-Ne. 4 yellow, He-- Oats: No 1 white, iesaavwc: No. 1 white. iiWJntc; No. 4 wblta, av Uc: atanaasd. atec. Bra, Ne t. hie. Barter. ScffiJ Bead. T'fflothy. U.eyHJk. clover, ii4.g.r', W -' TT E k Firm; creaaartea, - tJtc; aVerlea, OtvJTe. . . ' KUlcVeasT; rereists. . t.a caeea:,at B ark. rasa tacauded, SfurVuti arduaary ftrbte. tic; firsta,- Be. ' - , . CliiaE-eeaiy: . eaeHaa, TnrrHc; twins. li; . roong Americas, . ITkB HSc; Vmg home, nv.4M.Sc 7 POTATOE-troag; receiMa, ltt cars: Wlsceuln. (1 emi.ll. aiit.iIin and Mia- n.isei-M. pul'LTRT-eHeady: torten live 'Me: i iseuu. iJfc; nanina, nw, lee; m I aawi. ... , q.,o(, n . -y . . avw VEAJe-eteady, at itfllc . U m peel Cra la aarwet. ' tl'EKPOrU " March ' 4-WHEAT -M. BOlninal. 'Futures. e;ulet; March. "... IM: May. Isesd: J air, istsd. n!N--Oiit Amerksi willed, new. b : s JSd: American Tnlle-i. Old. quiet at w iHH Ajaertcaa auacd, aew siin dried. YORK eiEXKatAl.. Qaetatleas of the Day . aa .Varteaa - (eaimodlttra. . XEW YORK, March 4.rijOUR-teady; aprmg patents, hxJebi !3; winter straignta, U.r:M.: winter astits. hi.aonMJO: spring clears,-K3auH.5: winter eltras, No.'l. iW;. winter extras. No. 2. SS.aitS.V. KartKiS slralghts. UJ0t.. Rye flour, steady: fair; to good. Ki4i4.5; choice to ranry, a.iPM.B, . - TORN14 EA1-Seey: ' fine white and yWlow. Jl.6iiri.70; : ourae, -ll.SCM.; kiln dried. tSTJ... ' . RTE Qulel: No. Vc. e l. ' B'frala ilARLKT-eXeady; malting. IliSfl.a, c L f.. Buffalo. WHEAT Market Irregular: No. ! red, 0?. .elevator, export basis and tl.GTP, f. 0. b., afloat:-No. i northern fruhrth. 119. 1. - o. ' b.. abloat. Futures market easier under, liquidation prompted by disappoint ing cables, liberal 'World's exports aad a email decrase In the visible supply, ctoa trer SV net losrer. , Mav.j U.ll-le 11.47. closed, tl ; July cloVed. 1 ff?V Receipts, r&Otn bushels; shipments, US.7 busheim. . OORN-Market eaay: No. t. 7W4c. ele vator, domestic basts - to arrive and ex port. 7J4C. f..o. b, afloat, rut urea mar ket waa nominal. Receipts, V37i bushels; shipments. IU.M4 bushels. OATS-Market steady. Futures market waa nominal.-Rrreipu. 4t.7t bushels. HAY-Flrm; orlgie. I1.S; No. 1, l.li: No. J. tl.lvtn.;.Na I. tl.OT.. HOPS Dull: 'state common to choke, UU.tHtmc; M nominal. Pacific coast, 111, 4Mtic', 19(0. nominal. , II I U aW-Uulst - hemlock - firata . S67c: seconds, M4i2n; thirds, tl,7Se; rejects, 1&e. PKOVISIONB-Pom. steady; mesa, iii.w W.U); .famUy. Jl.il.e;j short clears. eTT.iu<ea. Be.,f. steady: mess. 'Jll'-a U SO; family, IOfffjlJ at; beef hams, tr. Cut meate, quiet; pickled, bellies. to it pounos, sp.is; ptcaie nanw, siv.ia. Lard, eaay; .mlddlewset prime, h).14e.; refined . firm: . continent. hVtS: Hnuth America, h W; compound, K.mfrjT.la. TAlJiOW-rtlulst:. prime city.hbds.. 4c; special. 4Hc; country. I DLiibiyiw7, i iuuw. creamery speclsis, sic; extras, JSHc; firsts, ave3e: "state dairy tubs, finest, sear: good to prime. HtfJRHci.ccmmon to fair. t3(c;' process epaotals,' ?;; extras. xiy.: nrms. awsi ... , CHEK8H Wteadv; receipts, a pkga. aula, wluile milk, held speclsis, white, lie; sklma. 7Uflc. - - - RUGS Firm; receipts, 15,hW easee; fresh gathered extras, Jbno; first. Uc; seconds, UVr2tcs wsidern gathered whites, Mate. POl'l.THYi-lh-eaaeJ etearty: . western ehk-keiu, -1391st; fowls.. HJ; lie; turkeys. IHT41C. -e ; .V; f. Leate Oeatevwl Market T. LOinS.' March 4.-WHKAT-Csli, nrm: trsrit, . no. i .no. i ii.v-Tii.'a; .no. 1 hasd, llOMMHani.. CORN-Hlgher:' l rack.. No. t, l$98H; No.' I Wts.-a3Hc, .... . OATS-Weak: .track,; Xe.,1, BHtt- Ko. 1 wJilta, H9e. . trioaine pncee or ruturee: ' W 11 ISA T Lower; May. .; July, ftH.0 mme. -. v i. : , CORN Lower; May, Tc; juiy, inc OATS-Iwer: May, Usi. July, 4l4e. RVK-l'iichnga, tJe, . -FlX)l!sWHteadr: red winter patents. Ka4.lt;. extra fancy and straights,, Rde (t4h: hard winter clears. 'gtS(r3.3t. pekii nmotny, sie.avaju.w. , i . CXlRrfMBALe-thta. , , . , - BRAN-rirm; sacked east track, file. HAY Firm; timothy. ei.gMX.et; prai rie. Ul.enrlilet, ...... PROVIHIOKS-Perk. .unchanged:, job bing. II Ml. Lard, unchanged, prfme steam, pMiWs.MS. I'ry salt meats, unohgnged; hoisd extra shorts, MS; clear ribs, m ti short- clears, .Hcai.' Racen.. unchanged; boxed extra shorts, B ; clear ribs, t.; short oieaia, M 4.' PHITLTKV - Firm: chickens, isue; springs, lea; i turkey, 14c;. ducks, 16c; ieeso.lc.' , PUTTKR-Firin. &8c. ' ' X GO 8-Lower; Vrc ' ' ....... i . , .Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls.,.. l.o s,K Wheat, bu , M.tn Crnvsii. ..... sn.tm Oata, bu.. JT.JM . , U.s) Kaasas;tty Oraia aad Fisi astaaa. KANSA CtTT. , March 4-WHFATv. ussn,. qnenangen ; no. - s aara, si.n VyBBO,, MUVnaUIKaTUi ' rfl. HeaJAa. M.W1 1H. No..l.t1'r'LAl; No. J red, tl.llS) M Ne. 1 teaevse. COkN-eadv to ja ' higher: No. " 1 ml led. etM4irNo. 4mjq; No. 1-4M fl .hlu ssalJ,dU; Va S . kkUe. V'HHiT-Way. tl.tsfrl.ejl bid; July, trsWtae bid, . COHN-Mey, TTS,7iHo eld; uly, TtAjo i ; OAT Unchanged; No. t while, 1340' NVI'NK. r mixed. H4ISc RftVeStMta.. - ' HAV iHeady: 'ohoke timothy, . mMf fl.M: choice prairie, tt4.9otfls.4a. ' BUTTK B Creamery, rci first. Itcj seconds, He; packing stock. BHitc KtKISLxtras, Xltto; firsts, Uteo; gee enda,.lsc. , ... . 4 Reeelpta Shipments. M.dM , Hi One 46.00) ai.tng S. U.eet ' ' ' M.0U Wheat, bu... Cern,i bu...... Oats, bu , Visible tapply af Crala. '- NEW,-YORK. March 4. The visible sup ply af grain In the United Btatea Satur day.. March, aa compiled by the New York Produce exchange, waa as follows: Wheat, r , bu.: decrease. eHeao be. Wheat In bond. 1 1.11 Org bu.: Increase. 1.116. tat bu.. Cora. 14.JM.au bu.: Increase.' Ml . J bu. Oata, llaaxettrbu:; Increase, T4.tO u. oats la bond. 1 xatoo bu.; Increase, tet.nnt So. Rye. . 1.M M bu., .decrease, 44.4 bu. Barley, MU.Ool bu : decreaee. u.vst ha Barley In bond. Ma bu.: de crease. tt -bo. The visible eupply of wheat In Canada last, oatarday aas Jf, IT! 04 hushsla, , aa , Increase . of ' l.tttM bushels. t ........ . . . r mmmmmm . v , , Mlaaoapatle wratajMarket. . ' MrNNRAFOUj,Mareh i WHEAT May. U.74(l.na: July. U.MVSl eM.- cash. No . 1. hard. B'tMi;, No. r BorthsrnJ tl.Mti; N,-1 northern. HUH; No. J, FLAX-fete. r - BARLEY-ccfl . ' 1 e 4 - " CORN-No. t yellow. ' ' OAT-No.'t white, KlOSJtls f i i . BTB-No.-t. CMc. , t .y bran in 'if lb, sacks. tv - FLOUR-l'Irst pi tents.- fcaJa)' sec ond, patents. MssH.ia); first clears, r.f tilsecooo'clsarx.. Uhajn. .j .. : , .. .... , Fhllaeelehle Fredawe'Market. " ' FHILArELPIUA.'Marck-4.-BUTTBR-Market stsada-. fair demand; - western ereamery spaclkl. Ma: western. creamery extra. !.: nearby prints, extra, be. , L; 1,'lS SAe eeta ItlSKee. . he,...!. vanla ere'olher neerby- flrest,' f. c. r. rr caaei pearau'irabia urreM receipts. r...tv per ss; asstern, firsts, f. o.. ti.M per case; westtrn firsts, current re eelpts, -f.-.. Pehr per'Veae.. . v, CHEKSts-Marksl firm;. New York full ereama., fanc.v ItHcL w .York fuU ereama fair ta good, l?llc. 1 . .... i . .. : n, ' ' Mllweeeteeebttla .Market. . MILWAUKKR March t-WHtAT-No. 1 .oertbem... Ilrllgl.li No. 9 northern. n.tshfvt.HVsL No, I hafd Inter, It.tofjl tt; Max. Il sil W. iily. 'We. - --aXmN-NoU-yellowfCHo; No.' I white. mra No.l.Sc;;Mr. UWc;-Jnly. ;nt . OAT-etarOrd. lj,6(. . . BARLEY-Malting, l ju)l.la. ' ' -j ' ' a. A. - i i Fewrta JtVarfcel. i FEORIA. MareJi-CORK t'nehangedf so. yeoow, vowvc;. .o. s yellow, me; Ka'l mlTed ec; No. 4" mixed, tiOttc; sample. asw: QATSeXeeflr; -No 1. white.. Bc; stsa aar. Uc. Ne. t white. J.c. . , . ? - " '"Oavwha BayihVarket, . . . OMAHA Marrh"-4.-HAY-No.I. tl.m. No. 1. . Ill i: coarse. !.: packing ateok. rtofiliet: .alfalfa. .Ileus., fltrew;. Wheat. K.i; r nd oata. i:.Sop4 id - ' Klglav-Bhftee Market.' ELGIN. III.. March 4.-BirTTER-l at aer. output for tlerwaak.-mt lb. .- - -v- ..-. . . PC 0eaaMarhet. ; NEW TGRJC March 4. DRT- OOODS-i gtapie areas. goods mills have withdrawn their Unas; having been sold np to the middle-of the year. The -largest cotton blanket agency has advanced prices and elk orders for delivery after August J. wUI be taken at vsle. (sttoa goods a whole-rule firm. Jaebera are doing a fair .business.' In all dapartmewta. Tarns sre- firm. . burlaps has advanced sharply en account .of the. strike conditions at Dundee. t - . . , . . . - ' . aaaw Maewet. N1tWTORK March t-mrOAR Raw. nominal: muscovado, t test, 4.11c: een Irlfucal. tt teat. 41 j: molasses. be issc, -rrflne4.iileu - - -. . Upward Movement Setaned in Spite i of UnfaYortble Conditioiit. STBJXI S1TUATI055 IGNORED Tradlsg far Session Alsaeet Largest -'of Aay Oar la.Se-verat Week " Reading aad Steel' Are ' . Features. 'NEW YORK. "Msrch 4.' In the face of eondltloha and factors to which the widest stretch of imagination could hardly at. tachjtbe slightest degree of optimism, the stock market today resumed the upward movement Inaugurated In the final days of the preceding week. Operators chose to Ignore the British coal strike situation, oven though the world at large seems to regard It aa epoch making, and apparently were no more mindful or the conditions attending mat same Industry at borne, which come up for further discussion tomorrow. Little or no heed waa paid to the delay In the settlement of the labor troubles in new Ena-land or to the fsrt that tbe western railroads are suffering from the effects of an unuausllv severe winter. . Too annual report of tha Lackawanna Steel company, showing a decrease in net Income for 1111 of almost lz.7ijo.0O9. evi dently counted for naught, or may have been partly offset by a hardening of price at Pittsburgh, a As is generally the esse under similar technical conditions, the extent of the short interest remaining at this time Is altogether problematical. I'ndoubtedly It has been much reduced by the ' recent trend of prices, but according to all trust worthy accounts It continues with formid able proportions In the leading stock. - Trading for the session was almost t is largest of any Nlay In several weeks. Irrespective of frequent spells of dullness. In the active list Reading and United States Steel were the features, but the movement again took' In some high-class specialties, such as Beers-Roebuck, whose earnings continue most promising, and General Electric, of which there were again rumors of an Increased dividend. Not all peels It les participated In the rise, as was demonstrated In the relative heaviness of American Tobacco and one of Its subsidiaries, American Bnuff, . London availed Itself . of . the .higher range here to unload a goodly amount of stocks, variously estimated at from J9.00O to a.tn shares, mostly steel. The local money market was firm, with H ml ted offerings. Western and New Eng land banks msde fairly large advances en commercial paper. . Of the severe! railroad report sub mitted that of the Chicago, Milwaukee st St. Paul was notable for It January gross decrease of U,uu A big reduction In expense pulled tbe net loss dowa to about SAW. . Bond were - slightly- Irregular. Total rJss. par .value. . amounted to t?.M,M nlted btatea governments unchanged oa call. , , Number af ssle and leaiTtng quotation a stocks today war aa follows: galea Itiga. tew. Caws. AllHvOaltswa Sf4 .., AvMlsasutel Onceer AMerlcas Asrteslturel inerhaa geet eaar.,.. marlcaa CSa ,. tnertcss C. A F AsMTtass Catloa oil Aemnrea ". m L phi.. tel. las, aersrlltae. Amerteee UHwl aawrktee. Lonaaotlre ... Aswrkea g A R km. A fX. s4 la . Steel .Fnuaertea,..., Aw. giisan kenning.. amanees T. A T , aaverteaa Tseaeee , AmerWaa Toeecee Sr4.. Awertcss Weeks' Assesses alslag Cs Altklan Ateklsas l Atlsslte Cssel Use aantstoea A Oale IMhlsiieai ue M.SM I. STS US ies WW t,M s II 4 u S n . Ml 1 n . ni w let ws tS wt sus revj m n let litis tuti II i H 1 ltlh K1H US sit 4 Mi lets ist urw lus lai 4 tt I.eM MS MS US 1.M isvs IMS Mr let IHU isiii lets Hoe ins ins ml; leal lsU Mts WrH treeklra . kasM TT. ,t.1e S TS M Ckaadlas raclfle .-setral laalser CVnteal Leal See s(4 rwilral el He leraei... Oaaaseaks A Okie, Oi lease .A Alles. Ok-aee 0. W.. see... ISM i.us ins twk tns l.tss I'V li4 its BBS S.X Ht WS i ITS MS" Testis I ' mi im. ti CltKass 0. w. en....... l.tts) MS MS N Cklease A X. W IMS IMS IMS Ohleaea. M. A -St. P.... I.1W ISHa MIS 11 csibs osar i.ae m . as s c . c. a. a tt. l. : u CotsieOs F. A I..... MS M. -M-. US Otoeaee. A'Seirthsrs .... 41- Caesellealel Oas I. SOS IKS IMS IMS Con rrasaou MS 14S leS "i telaoare A HsaaM 1st ! m 1S Dearer A hMe graaSs.... ...... nS D A k. U. SM . 4l Distillers' . ansrltlss .... Mel M S W (ne txeoe , sis "S S grls'Ut I.MS Wh U US gets M .yr MS 41 JS S Oeearal gle4rM ' 4. MS 1MI lliuj let .) Orau .Neelaiea sfl 4.4M ISIS 1S MS Greet hensers Oca ells., MS ITS ITS S tuia4-iMial-.. -,...,. M 117 IMS ItT- lBlarSsras Met. I SM US S irS later. MM. SI. I.MS HH ITS I7 mtersaitenal Harrsasr.. aw lerts ier irr latar-atsnBe Bf4 Interoaileaal - rassr Islernsuesal ruha. leva Central Kssats cur ta. K c s. sM....; Lanleae tat .7 Lshlsk Valler letevllle m IvkMriiie.., Miss A St. Uels at . M. P. A 1... U... Mieaaerl. K. A T M . K. A T. M Mlaieell raelTM Nalleaal hlwaU Nalleaal ' UaS N. R. ft el M. M pit., Nee.Tark Cuilrsl. N v n a w Ntrnut A ' Wester....., Nerta aswrleaa Neruers PaellM-.. ....i., raelrM Mall saaaaylvaala , Feople's was n MS ::::: M- 4JS S 1ST I US lS let let'i Law Ml P . C. C. A sx..u.... Piiisaarck Oeal ri.il will Car ViillBUS PklkM fr.... Kalieay srvei - esviag., a.- iuuiia.tea ' ReaJlnB .' Reratme' steel .-' RasBHIc Keel M n. k l,Uii4 OS. RectMeUM O PM t. t. A a F..M. sis si. LeaM W St L Ik W.' art." sasaarheU S.-.A I... seathers PMltle aeatkera hallway '. a. .HalleaT Teasnin ear ., Teua A Kcl. .. T. SV. U A T . at. u .w-el4... tlalea PaiStK ...... Vales feiaw af! talleaetiataa llaaur tatted, States Rvkser.. CilteS suim stasi...., r A naM SIS - ee UVab .Ceaeer ......v I.MS Va -raraliaa Csesilfel - 1M Waaaak !M I. I, MS IM IMS S S it M MS ...'i t.M 11 IS Ill's l"S .... sea ai aa ar .... ' MS IMS MS 1S .... tm ns iS 7S .... 4.M UIS 'S 1S ss a ns n .... IMS 1US IBS IMS ste iMa eH ms . MS IMS 114 MS n MS 'i.'s "lis 'iis MS 14iS Ml MS M MS It IM ' lets ms it. IBS MS Ul IM- 7 . 4.1M 11 . ITS 17 . true IMS ins 1US . I.MS lS lS . I.JM WW M' ni, na MS S as ns ....... a I MS lies wss IMS L7M MS 3 M MS na its ns lea as n - ms et S sm tsi MS tm ii i: MS TSS 71 IN US US us "S . MM ICiti IMS MS 1M Si's US . im :is :S its . 1M 47 M' 44S IM.aM cs u us MN tail leait Mt, as t us US M us ' us Westers Marries! vreaiSsSaeaa XMebM ... MS WeaterB tales -V Ml Wheellae i. I.Sal TeUI salM tar Iks tat. 4JS.M4 Maim T US "is" MS 5S i Sew .Ysark Money MarVet. . NEW TORK.v March 4,-MONET-Oa call, steady, :'JS per cent: ruling rate. Kt ner .csnt: closing old. At per rent: offered at JS per cent. Time loans,' firm; stxly'daye. 71 per cent: nmv oavs. afiis 'per cent: six months.-ISeWS per . ERIMB MERCANTILE PAFER-4SJ1S OTfmiJNO WANOaV-Ftrsa. with actoal business In honkers' Mils at tVlett forUty-day all la and at RITaa for de mand: commercial bills, KtlH BLVCR-Bar jV: Mextcaa dollars. Ce.- .' . BOMPS-liovernmeni, sxeaoyi rauraao. Irregular. tnoelng qimaiieae oa twaaoa ivaay wave aa follow: - - . A-eeT. Is. ie...KSlste. M. M. ISa.. IJH ga saatM HWSJaeas M rrs V. M. rag ten, aa ISa Mi aa ssasse m IL c. kv.is ta C. A aa. rag J1ISL. A See. M 1ML... Ml, as eaasaa J'NU A N. sat. aa ... Ainavcasl. at Is..: XM. ( I T. w a. Si asaw. Sa. aa. waj es ana aa . V A T. as. 4a.. ill Ma. rarlnc. W T:V AM Teaecao V- RR. et M Se M Se-ea t C, g. js.... sv aaaaeer A 0a. 4Ss-. M a - aa as AicBiaea as. 4S.... MSN. T. X. H. A H ft'ssa. a. ... pa sv. m ic- M.cv. as lervy. it. mc as.. M r L let 44. MS ee cv. ej. ... an Baa A Okas ea-i.... MSNO. Pacmc. 4s. Mv. Vf) 4 ytt .... ........ gel gsga j aj . . ... t . Se a W. sua iO A U' tttm. ii '"! ',u neb. Tt. ev. aa.-. MHraaa. ev. Ha BU. S l-assl Oa. la..... IMS ea eae. 4a. nw Oa. Lsataer Ma.... i'l aallas saa. 4a lr et K. 1. M ...lit A U A A P. ba M M, UBSB.-W. leaai aaja...via as) saa. ae. m ea.raf la. a w. I. I l. ta.. lis rkeaxa A A ISa.. " ee m M 14 M ri C av A 1- ... NSA 4V-4 4s. S C. M. I 1 F. t S C R. 1 P. c. 4a. SB rlt to Cole, ia ta Oale. Mil 4a C A A r. Aa-4Se o. jtt h. e. aa.... D. A R. 0. ta..,.. ea ret. Is Dlellaarv ta ...... rsne a I ee sea. 4a .... le ev. 4a, aer. A. s Sanaa B Oes. Else. ev. aa... lit Can. let lef. As. later. Met est BIS. a0Oere4. b80l PetC. trwel. 4"-.., MS e ev. 4a. ........ T1S aa let ret. ev MSaa. RaTlwae ta...".. TiS s. sea M U.Blea .ratine av... rs ee ev. 4a, , MS let A ref. 4s. M V. . Rnssav ea.. MVC. A gleal M M... T4SVa-Csr. Oveai. la.. M Wabaaa let is. TIS Se let A es. 4s.... MSWaaura MA 4s...... T7SWasL. glea. ev. aa.. IM Wis. Oatral aa. MSMa. rsc ev. Is..... USrsaasai Si MS IM 7, MSI, M MS IMS IMS MOS 17S . ms , MS . Ml MIS ' Leaden ftlaark EarKet, LONDON. March 4. American securi ties opened assy and about unchanged today. The' continent sold during the first hour and the list declined under the lead of Caaadlan Pacific At noon the market was easy And price ranged from unchanged to 1 lower than Sat urday's New York closing. ; London cloMng stock quotations: . , ...rrt-Ulolsvl!le A Keas..!MS TT 7 llMe . Kaa. A T . V aSSNew Tent Central. Ill's Tu.Vartelt Wastes. HIS IMS se N M IMSOatarle A Wssasm.. ITS OklaltMSrBOBer'vaala S ,. s TS .. MS ea aeeauat Seal r ABaenaa Atrklaea ... At St4 ... Bsltlaiere A CaaaSlaa Parlfle ..tOSRaa klaes ... CHiMseaks A Okie. 74aRaa4lBf , l. Great Waatara. Mttgaetaem Ry ... I'M.. Mil. A t. P.IIS e 'l De Bases 1SSmitharn Farms Deavar A Rle a.... KSl'alea raclfle . Sa SI4 4e pf4 Erie 4 nsl. . Meal ea let p'f US 4e r 4e 11 yrg Weksah ...IS .1S ... MS ... STS ,..I1IS in.. Rratal Troak S ee s4 llllaels Central ,...lMs SILVER Bar. quiet at fid per ounja, MONKY SStPi per cent. -' The rate of discount In the open market for short Mils Is :H per cent; for tiros months' bills, :Sjl 7-1 per cent Hoe tea gteck Market. BOSTON, March 4. -Closing quotations en stocks wr as follows: i . AllooM :V,Moak IT Aaal. Cooper M Nevass Can vJS A. Z. U A A UaiNlslMlas Mloaa ....T. A A C. C. A A M. TUMertk Bstts 3 ai. anseea.... aza.ana uiae v cu. a Hecla 4M OM Deaualea MS iMtsaalal M oaceala .... etes. Haags O. C... UQulBrr ... naat BvtU a si.... Ilallaaaea ... rranklls U Sueertor ... niraai Ce. msaserler A tV M.... IS orsasy ia. MSraaiaraeK ... aa . Mean ranaaea .... Ttu. A A R. A M... MS ibis noraiie casser. tth ee srs m Kerr Uke Tal'tall Cos. .... MS Lais reaver IT t'tas Oasear Cs ITS la sails leaser 3S Wlaess .. T Miami Oreer ...... tlkWelreriaa 114H . u-eiiMsne.. . f.UI ... 11 .. lis OMAHA LITE STOCK MAMETij CtUIe Selling lavrrel tt ta Ad- Ttace of Tea Cent. , HOGS SELL ITTX CT2TTS EIGEEB. Desirable teal - Sheegi , Brlag Tei . Cents Mere The a Lavat Week, . Whilst Fat Leanbe Are a . Little (trawser. , I ... SB . m m a sr. ia Mia !m in - s rr... in ... m IT M SM . u. im;... is I M t ... 4 3 l ... 4 3 71 114 . .. S 1 17 m m m M JM IS n ik m xty. M. a ... at U. rs ... a .!U.a A a SOUTH OMAHA. March 4. 1111. . Retimate Uiavlav I V IN I M) Same day last week... t,ST 4.3J7 U.in fame day 3 weeks aro &,. - 7,M 141 same day I weeks ago AMI ll.Jrt 1 017 Ksme day 4 weeks ago Mm l.S7t lMM same day last rear.... a.4t 4.KH Tbe following 'table show the' receipt of cattle, hog and eheep , at South Omaha for the rear to date, a compared with laet year; f - . int l!i. Inc. Deo. Cam i7i.M irirr t.xi Hog 117,r3 4W ta H4.IIT abeep SAMt Bl.Ut .1U - The following tabls gtowA ms sngs of prices paid for hog At Soath Omaha for the last few days wtth comparlsoaa Data 1SU. HU.ll"...il.ie.iiKel. Feb. . 1 1 4S 1 04, I to, i ttj .e 4 tt) t Feb. MlttrsT4l;tlt; til 4 t! 1 1 et Feb. K. Ihti I M I Mi til Tt -Feb. I. tivd I ati 4 Hi 1 15i 4 taj 1 Feb. 2J. 4Slt e ltt 4, K. 7t t tt Feb. S I t UHtl t t IM 1 4 31 4 7 t u Feb. 3. t S ..'...I...T ...J 4 S ...Tl M'ch l.)f IvMtKl A if; tr ----, lef M'rh 1.1 1 S J ; I JM 1 43 4 tl t 4 MK - i a ,auaauea.,ai a tan "'V "'I M en 4.1 jlljtitjj rwtym ana aieposiieon ot uv v eieca at the Union stock yards (or ths twenty four hours ending tt t p. an. yesterday ; ILECEIPTTS. . i ;. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. HT'l New York Mialag Iteeka. NF.W TORK. March t.-Cloelns nueta- tisns oa mining stock wsre: - . Ansa MS eLeaavlIM CM. .... M eenisaVHik. Can. ... Cklst. I One, Taanel stsok.. II Meakaa M Sa kanss : ll'Oatarle -...n.ii..l.o.lal Oas. Csl A VI U Osklr IM Iron Sllrw tM enjtanear IM .- Ceadltlea of the Treaaary, WASillNOTON.. March. 4-Jkt- the be ginning or busineas today the condition of the United State treasury ,ws:- Working balanre In " treasury, office. pSl.lM.IMl. In htnk nd Phllldplht tress, urj. iJ.Kl.er. Total balance in general fund aa I ltf.tll.7a. Ordinafy receipts Saturday rare tUetlM with ordlhsry dis bursement of tv.kffl.171. aellclt to data '..ils fiscal year Is- ll,7.ra, as against a deficit of UStl.tO, AI this time last year. Theae figure exclude Pan- am cangl and public debt transactions, . i Bank Clearings, OMAHA.' Mareh 4,-Bank clsatinar for toaay war it.7ti. iss.li and, far the coc- respondlng day .last year 4ttt,ta.ia. . . OMAHA GENERAL MARKET.' ' '. ' i , . i B( BUTTKR-Na 1. 1-lh. cartons, 31c: No. L In It-lb. tuba, mo; No. 1 act packing, 11. ... p-i tfj CHKBSE-lmported Swls. tie; Amerl in ttwias. Ijc; block fwlss. ,11c; twin, hie: daisies Sic: trlbleta..- Fvj: "youh Americans. He; blue label brlok, Uc; Urn bergsr. Mb... 30c; 1-lb., .Itc. .,-,-,rkj . rvMJLTRY-Broilere, tt4.t per, do.; springs, lac: nsns, isr; ocxs,,isc: nucxs, ikAaac. areeaa lie! lurkevan.- AlrannS per do.. II . Allv. broilers. Wvtc;:heh. llUcr aIA mnatsrS' - a nd ataflr. -e ie: . cid durka, full feathered. Ilo; gerea; full Teatn sred. Mc: turkey. 14c; guinea fowls.. 3i each;' pigeon, per do., etc? homers,-per dog.. tlH; qub..No...i,.el-M);iNo.4J. it.-- . . ' . v . ' ; FISH (fresh . frosen) - pickerti, . tc. white, Itc; plk. 7c. trout. -Ifc:;-lark grapples, lNlilc; tlpanlsh mackerel, .Tc; eel.. Itc; haddocks, Itc: flounders, itc-, green catriah. lie: roeahad, tl eaeh; shhd rot, per pair, Mc: salmon, lie: halibut, Itc; ysllow perch, to; buffalo, te;-bullheads. He." - - -. .- - BtSrF Ct,T FIlltAS KIDS. 0. .1, lie; No. 1 Do; No, l.i USA ..Loin, No.iL ItSc; Na t, lISo; No. i, lie. . Chucks. Na L tc; Nol 8. "So; No. I. 7c. Round. No, l.HOHc; Ivo. l.ltci'NO. Hit).' Plt. Ren Kb,. 1. 4f: No. t fic: No. J. tc. aFRITiTA AdoIab: . Rxtra. fancy nsvia. nee bbl . K.B0: Jonathan.'. Oer "bbl. U.l; fancy WlneAsp. . per bL. . M.; fancy Missouri Pippin, per bbl., . M. 74; fBcv Osnoa. per bbl., HOt; Idaho Jonathan, extrg fancy, per bos, ti.it: Washington Uplt sen berg, per box, 'tket-. Washington R. ' Beauty, Pr " box, . U .; Wsshington ntymati winesaps, per oox; f t. Bananas: Fancy select, per bunch, tg.S4KM; Jumbo, per bunch, C 7tr3 75. Cranberrlea: Wlsconsio fancy, per bbU B.7i; per box. f3.it. Dates: Anchor brand, new, 1-lb. pkga in toxee. per box. t;.; Dromedary, brand, new. 9t 1-lb. pkga In boxes. par . box. ta.. -Figs: California, per case of .11 No. It pkga.. tsc; per esse of M No. 12 egs., ti.it; per esse of Mt Ne, t pkge., tt: bulk,. In li-lb. and tft-lb. boxes, per lb., Ite; New- Turkish, a-crown In sa-lb.. boxes, per Jh., . licit t-crown -In AVIs. boxes, per lb-. Uc; 7-orown la Wrlb. boxes, -per lb.,' lie. Grape fruit: Florida. It sue, per crate 16.5; tt else. ET crate.. M.; S-t4-t4 sires, per crate, te. Urapes: Malaga, grapea In bbl.. tc.stsa4.te. t-emona: Llmoneira Selected brand, extra fane. 300-JM else, per box, M.W; Lorn Llmoneira, fancy. fcaVtet Ms, per box. te.: in and 4W Mass,- hoc psr box less.. Orange: California X'lmell brand., navels, extra fancy, t-laVlt-l,a-AA-114-a Mass, . per, box. tS.t: extra choice. ll sixes, ; per box. Ut: . Kle tusnt brand, llaloS-lTt-lUO-tlt- sixes. Per box. V6A Cabbage: Wisconsin, per lb.. -S. Carrots: per lb.. JV.' Celery: CslKornla Jumbo, per do.. tl.tt:'Friaa: In tli rough, t and I do., per . caaa, MM. Cucumbers: Hat house.- fee doa.. tt Eag plant: Fancy Florldsl per.dv., tXaa. Oarhc: K'ttra fancy, whit si per lb., lie. Lettuce: ' Extra rancy lear.i per oox,. 41c. Onions: California, white. healing. per lb.. 7r: WlsronMn.-ysllow Oinhs, Per lb.. XSc: Ken tiione. per io.. vc: Bpaniasa, ee crate. 11 l. J Parsley.- Fandr south ern, per loa. bunche. So 75c . Farsnlpa: Per lb.. !'lc Potatoes: MinneeMe, Early Ohio, per hit. tl.." 'Wisconsin whits stOCK. ' Vr' oir.. ST.sw.- -rtuiaioacBw: n seeks, per lb.. 1H. Tomstoes: Florida. Mr A-bskt.'crate. .(: Cuhajwotr A-bskL carrier. CU Turnips: Per lb., JSC MISCF.UJMiinoi'al Aintonos: ... larra aaaa. er Itw-isue; In sack lota, lo lea PMnuii;.- Bai In sack, lota -ner irx. rue: roasted, les than sack lots, per lb.. e; raw. per Ih. t. Pecan: , La) 'ge PV lb. 17e: In aa'k lore, ic assa wsinuts: Kear eron. uu. California. Der la.. ' 17: l sack Jots, lc leea.- -Cider: New Ne. ha are per u-l oi se; oer esl. V.N 'e.- Nsar Tork-Nott s "per ai: U-bW.. tt: er' at-gel J bbl.; ht jt Monee: New. f4 rrame.' ttB." Krmrt' Per IS-gat k.,7t: oer. a-gal. ajef. tUS- . - - . a , . 1 v . . . ' Metal BLarket. . a vrw "TORK. March '4. METALS Standard copper, firm: spot, til lt1 I: Vlsrch. April. May, June' and-eStly, M 14S . london market,, easj ; apot, tM Is td: future. Its td. Arrh-aJ re noneal at New Terk . today. 1 JTt ton Custom house return showed export of 1MB tons so tar tnt Boon to. .laui cop aar.. n.14 7S--ele1roLvllc..tll.itaIVii: casting. lltTSltLtv.-' Tin. spot market firm. t !: - March. tV.aH4tt; April. MTaWrtttt: May. KJaagaiM: June, Ml ttrqrilit; July. ttl.S64l.7i. Lon don market, nnn: spot. il4 ion: futbree: Clat Ms. . Lead.. tedj : t4.9t.l. New York, and tl.kVet a.' Kast St. Louie. Ten don. IIbUbv. Spelter, steady; K7H.IA New York, and fesz-eitJATt, Esat St. LoulA LaveideB. ill Ms.. Antimony., quiet;, Cook eon s. t!7A Iron. Cleveland . warrants, eta 7d la London. Locally tron wax qu'et; No. 1 foundry nonhera. ;tl4.n IS.; Ne. 1 n4.aal47t:.No.i-t-outhera and Na 1 saJtbern.twtX.tli.75-e!iJt. - a.. . y I . ' . - jBTee)T. Mkraie-t. ''r' , ST. LOll-T ilarch. A-Wlreatly; territory, and ,weS"es mediums.- Italic. Hod ncliuiiis;-ii;c;.fiiiia1lo, j C. M. & S(. P. Ry.. I tnion racuio Ry. it c. A N.-w., east.... t C. A N.-W.. west... 17 i. m. a u.. a Q.. east... I" U aV.O - aaal C. R. I. 2 P.. Ol C. R. LAP- weet Illinois Central Ry. C. O. W. Hy tl , east a li l 13 1 1 14 e,. i Totat receipts ttfi - DLSPOSI-ilON. i Omaha Packing Co. Swift A Co Cudahy Packing Co. Armour A Co ehwartg 4V Co....... Murphy. Sinclair W. B. VaraTsuit Co., HIU et Bon F. B. Oael J. B. Root A Co..... J. H. Bulla U--F."fttir.......-...:.7.. tr ie Wolf ....11 - Mccreary A Kellogg...., it, . Werthelmer A Degen... '1 Mo. t Kan -Csl. Co.,.., It Clin A CewM..'...;... 't'" Other .buyer... CAttlsJ Hog a. gheep. t3l ... ttej eg ..... ( ::: El ... M . It ' sen 4M l.o 1.1IS 1 1. IK ten 2.M4 .Totals ..ittt .T4,k7.. t.AW , CATTLE Receipt .or catu were very light, even for a Mnndgy, beth-t, mallar thsn Jtt week's light .ruri had lee thaa half As larg as Monday. two week ago. Buyer, all seemed td esnt txef stser hd wer put out Ih Ih f irds In i rei sea son In the morning, so thlt ths Wg bulk of the .offanngs chsrlten". Itandt .In . A Very short time at prior that weTe right ground Itc 'higher, lt.wbuld gppear tnat the, medium oat,tl really , shoeed mors tdN-tnce than the best tMer which wer Slower to niove tt satlldtlory price. . Cow nd . heifers Were Wry tcttv and they sold loo or, more .Mthsr. than last erevVx -cioee. - The movement WSs very tcilve and -practically everything In sight chanson htnJs In a very- short time. .ThertaWOr only. sbout Aooseh lolds of feeder And stock cattle In tht yard, hut In spit of that .the. tact that .they were S high .at thesckwe of.laat week they If anything Utile atronter again to, . iueUt1ea'ori 'cattle: ' flood to choice et.trs.K.lerl.7i; fair. to good beef steer, sa.evoe.no; common . to . lair oeei steterm -Meiei oe:-sooo-ie neice neifera. li nouaLOa: Bood to choice oowt. 14. ,Kei la: ntr to' gooa cows, atsj4.fB; common te iauu eowa.lt.'ftlM.iS; . good - to choice sticksra and feerters, tf.Wtrt; fair to sTood -atecksrs . and .feeders, M.i"ahB.Sec: oommoa to fair stock r,i1 feeders, Kv SATS; . stock . natters, . s.4.i vsai calve. B.W'tO; bullA . etc-. B.79 ttJt..- BEEF STEERS. ' I ,. . Av.. is, Ht.-, Av. re. il....; sn ik iiu u M..t tm I la il mi 4 a If.. ."...;.... MB S Be IB.... ....... lit B IB it Ml I M I ....ll I Tl S. !..'.".. '."1747 1 M ' I.;..-..".....IMI I Tl !......... 4T4 I M 41.. I.. BJ t M tt... I.. ........ I I U II... 9 Hi 4 a :.. it hi a t... . M Is, II.., el MT 4 M I.. r....-::.i.-.iM , i e II...........1VH aw - aa.... n iui ik . ii.... 11 HI a aa' as.... . a I a !.... . MS I M !.... . M4 I 14 , I.... . Ill I al . I.... . MS .4 M ' , I.... .Ml 4 IS 11.,..; . Ml IM ; 11. . . an ' 1 ... 3 . IM M .'i.. Iii-le U.. a ..ilea a m a.,,.. .11U I IS a.4 1 M V ' H M4 4 M ' ' 4 MT I a i mi- 4 a - - i.i ....ins i ta l!!.... v.. . 4 1 1141 I r:-:T,Wik.. t .. l I. ,.! I t il. Ml a m a. ia m li?T....,. M 4 II 171 I 91 1 -., .an ' ,,. . ha a u m.i u..'...:....mt i u n 4 Xrl a i 41. X3 M ni tl 4i.;r... 14 K a M 74..... . It.. I ie) Plan, ii .. tss ll.S I M 4 M ) . .... w J . .! M I M .743 II IS IN I M CI ... 4M tlT tt 4 M ... 4 1a ...CS M 4 41 ...at ... ... ... tM ... M - I M SOUTH POTATO GET LAND State Giv 60,143 Acrei for Trttt i Blaek Hill, f ,, SHEFP Parkers order for tat sheep and lamb were large and urgent enougH to cause a trong to higher mrrkot Ih spite of the tact that supply figures wer beeiifc. The demand from ail, quarters had nlentv of life from the start, good sheep selling at advancea of generally a dime, while lamos were quotes merely strong. Bulk cleared In very fair seavson, medium to common cJaeaee moving con siderably below the fuli-Mnlxb grades, a trade feature that has been more or lea pronounced all through ,111 prcsen, sea son, r and conslMed largely. of lamb and ewe, try (hlpmeai wer equally scarce. The Lenten bearuthneaai. was entirely absent In both branches of the market. I however, and , high-grade fed wester .lambs brought a much as It 40. in-between offering ranged froth t dovraward.- The comlltteaaajif sheep trad "waa best reflected by ewe sales, toppy Colorsdoa reaching M M early In the session. If aaylhlng. the demaad for matured mut tons had a more creditable tone then the call for lambs, a preference that enabled sellers to unload easily and, quickly. There were, ao wether or yearling! of consequence. on. eele - , ni- Feeder found a small, uncertain outlet, a order and offerings suitable for coun try shipments were-equally aiArce. ..The actual feeder- purchase lent week waa much smaller tnan-ihe official total in dlcaies. aa a trainload of through stock I included' In reported aggregate. .' Quotations oa sheep and lambs: . Good to choice lambs, HtDtW; lair to. good lambs, to.fee4.uo, good . to choice year lings. t.vs.aT; fair to wxd yearlings. t4.w4lJ. ijO; good to rtiolce wetretrrs, H W 4.tv; fair to good wethers, tl.s&t4.B; good to choice ewe. tl lM4.; fair to 'good ewe. Xa leAil.Jii.. hevreeentatlv sa.ea No. - .-., IM fed ewes IM fed ewe.. AV. ...Ill U fei Pr. .414 4 It 4 W 4 ii TS" 4 i i. its f 19 I w It f " IS 4 ts 4 It 4 S IN IIS .4 K 4W l-t 4tt t. 4 4a0 I4 CBtCAOO L1VM STOCK MARKET Demaad far. Cattle fltreag Hogs Higher gheep gtrady.--- - CHICAOO. -March- -A-CATTLB-Re-celpts, S).tOI head; market wrong; bv, ffc.urrjl.S6; Texas, steer, Hitt-'); west era steers. M lvtf" W; Mocker and fred ara M IinrM.". . cows and heifers. AI;alv. sAatWATI. , , - .- -HOGB-Recetpta. U.m hud: market W lc up; light. Bytcw: mixro. se av-ea no; heavv. t.A6t: rough. ... it; pigs. Htrb.; bulk of sales, M.tfj Si. SHEKP AND LAM Bft Receipts, -sots) head: market steady: native, fl.2S4.tt; western. B 7t4J4 TO. yearling. tt.WiW.7i: lambs, naUve, western. li.OOfJ l.li. tat ted ewe. .v.. . ...... fed ewe in tod Umb ,.. a fed lambs m ted lamb t fed yearling Ul fed Umb., lit fed lamb , 1 spring larrrbe.-.. ......... 154 ted yearling ewe: IM fed wethers, yearling. led ewe -, Is mo fed lambs, cull lit fed lamb HI fed ewe..'. Ill ted wet in fed lamb.... Ill fed lamb tM'fed eea. ....... allied we 7Ifd ewes.t...... ttlted wether.-.....!.'.... 41 ted yearlings wether. Ml ted ease....;.: N yearling ewe. U7 ted lamb. . ..Ill ,.it ....let ....111 ::::5; .... it .... it . .... 71 ......... Tl 114 Ill ........ T 75 " T.... tt ..114 .. M .106 ..1J .. it ,.ua t m , i:m 4 a mt 4M , Iiu I M .....lei i m , Ill 4 Be lie: 1 m ll.r.rfi.. Ua I M llli I as , It T la , ISM I 11 IMS I Tl 111 4 71 ,iM 111 171 4 M IMS 4 M IM4. I M IMa I M 1M1 I M IBM I I Ill I U IKTT a . 4 a tit IM I . 4M 4 a . 4 n ii a aa an ES s DM BU lb! '14.. ttS 141 .174 4 11..'..!.,... 414 IM . TM 4 1 in- -VllV'-V.--... .! I U .MM tl .i:b i m .ins t a ' ito tli i..;. in i I'M I M 1 .IBM 4 1 lava I M laaa a 1.., is: i. iaa 1 M t-AleVM, A ...... I a.-.-, XI II , MS 4 71 , . JM I M I I a.... 4M M H la ... 114. 1 71 x.,. 4 at i a I::.. t i i ' ..-.. i , I...... i.....; A.... i , i.;... I. IM TM IM-TM 11 f Is lie t m Ml ns t m IM I M ill 1 Ti ms. 1 a . ..JS.IN STOCK ERS AND f CltOailUa. u.. sT4 in a I....A an s aa , ie e a aa t.;....... at t . M tm ia , I.;II...'M4 III M.... Tel 111'. u Tli M. . " rc sm alllj:..!!". ta a H Ms is. .v:...-...-.nM i- -- rr'rr. 1 HCXrH Toe) aegs struca tne sa.ee man on a trade-that ruled generally a nickel klgher. Ths advance Waa caused directly by a limited supply Which la tufa pro duced a, -strong. eneUtlv demand. rUiipper n speculators set the ' pane, buying between tt and 4 per dent of tne receipt, All weights shared equally la the. Improvement aaA the - yards were cleared easily before 11 cluck, bulk rM Ing la aeoood hands early sa le a. m. The na waa estimated at a smart sixty Uauia and It Included a .very reeaectable crop of stpoog weight butcaler BJ beery hogai a thee clasei w-are becoming more plentiful each day. Vols tendency, aa well a proepectB of Ught henuiag When the weather warms a p. Indicate much asnaJler rereipta.' eiter the mm two "or three weeks. Naturally packer are not un rrieeoy io-a hJSSer .eonngmsrkM lor botB hog and product, an. aimed that la. Justified by- preeamt- heavy- atocka of syroduct. Bulk of today' offering Ishded .within a spread of KM hey hosra-seHlng at or near the extreme top, wnire baacoa sversgos . ranged -ferr-n M.H dear war. There ras- practically no burliicas doae ander.the.tAe Brl---, - - iKPfsemalatlva sales: j-.' - -Na. . AV.ISTa. Pr. Xa. r" r. ax. s. Su..7.r.rt ... M m..,'.'.ut 1 n, m.. ,i74 ' ie ' "....;. -,,u H....J-1' ta " n.;...T . a n.:.'...-iM" u Mt ...tn m...-i'- ' - ....:.,:. ' a Z IBS' ... SM T4......-T14 aas aa......J1. M I T4... - Kaaaaa City tie Staek Market. . KANSAS CITY, March t-ATTLK- Racalnta. 4 OA head: including l.tot aouth. erna Market steady to lie n inner; mock- era and feeder weak: dresaeed neei ana export steer. m"Ti.u: jair to gooo M aana.71: western steers, t, Sntt7.6; stock- era .iul - faedsra. M.K4M.4I1: southern steers, tfxJ!m.l: southern cows, tit tie; bulls, KtOtfu.W; native cow A .- H008-ReoslptA lOf) head.' Market lOftlsa hlgier: bulk of sale. fAatatiAw; sx4iaHlB: nacker and butcher. M 464,4.10; llghu. M.U3.E;. Pigs, 6.it ta . SHEBP AND LA M BS Receipt. t.W hsad. Market lOttflsc higher: lam he, le 21 !.: ysarilngs. V.: wethers, K 4iM: lu U.iOAI.'al; Blockers And leea ers, tS Wag-LM. paESLTJEHT ' SIGHS OSSEK laaaeedlalely Ual Will Be reelected by Stale tMflelala frasa HaraOF aad Slwax Natleswl Pwreata. WASHINGTON. March To provide 'or carrying out an JT which South Dakota school land wiu Be exchanged for national foreet Mn or u.u.1 area and value. President Tafl ha. trtgned a procUmaUon which noaslble for the stal. to select Immedt tely 0.1tt acre of land from the Harney and floux national forests. ' - This will permit of Indemnity selection by the state In place of school 1 tanas, tying alone and within the boundarte of the Black Hill national foreet which will become part of the forest, A board of three on which Supervisor Paul Kell eter of the Black Hill national forest ha represented the Department of Agrt cultur and K. F. Brinker. commlseionar of the department of chooI and public lands of the stale of South Dakota, has represented the state wtth ISeth Bullock a the third member, has made A care ful study to learn tbe value both at the school lands and of the areas not re linquished by the government. Field pant bv gathered data for every sec tion Involved with the result tht the Ilea areas are known to be a fair exchange for the school lands to which the state reUnquisbea It claim This exchange Is the first fruit of s plan Inaugurated by the forest aervlc several year ago. and laid before the governors of varlotia western states, with a vtew to aetUIng the vexed question of school land within national forests. An agreement similar to that with the state of South Dakota baa been entered Into with Idaho, and negotiations with other states are pending. The consolidation of area Into compact bodies will enable both the slatea and the forest aervlc to n ag their reapectlra holding more, ad vantageously than would otherwise be possible, and enable the state to obtain better return, for the benefit of lta schools. . a" - Under the term of the proclamation all election by the state of South Dakota must be filed within ninety day from the data of the proclamation or from the approval of tha official plan of survey of any uneurveyed land covered . by tha . gi cement- aT Leale Live StDek ' MerkaH. cetpts, ltd) head. Including SO Texana. Markets lOHVao hlrher: native shipping and export steers, 17. Writ 60: dressed beet and butcher steers. 16 euvjl.ta; steer under 1000 pound. ti.r I5: Blockers and feed ers. Sl.ZBloM; cows sou uri.ri , - ' i iiO cennera E.Bh-4.B: bulls. t&SOtftUV: calves, 16.0Wlt.O8; Texas and Indian steers. fctctn 00; cows and nenera, avvugouv. HOOS-RecelpU. 11.700 head. Market steady; lights, ta. 5014.7 ; mlxed snd butcher. Kahl.av, good heavy, m.ivvt SHEEP ANLI LASSS- nocaapia. e.e head. Market strong; native mutton, RaOtM.M; - cull and bucka, 7i.itt.X; (tockers, C-OWJtOt ' St, iessepat IN ttaeU Market. ' ST. JOSEPH, Mo., March A-CATTLB Receipts. r head; market WtJIto bliriet-; ueeeeT UJOtatS: cow aad heifer, AM) glo; calves. K75r;.7a. ' HOOd Recelnpta It head; market Laaiuc higher; top, M50. bulk of sale, M. vV.n av-r, t luna ratea ' Ms f. 1 1 r. r. ... . ... . head; market ttlec higher; smb. ts-tt - . , Staek la' :7Bt. " 1 Raeeinta af live stock at the five Brln- cipal western markets yesterday: 4,eiuei nose, on v. South OmariA .... St. Joseph Kanvaa City St. Louis . Chicago 3.W B.BUU v : . g,hi tow t.n l.X U.7(Q 5 JX) -ftoM it. 00 . Total , ; J3.76 ' Ttttn is. aa i a , 13 'tn- ft." .tax ...i JO....II -; " ; lie -- Coffee Market, : vtrtxr TORN Marcn't-OOFFEE F"u- turea market opened 'Steady at A dot-line ef t to t point under scattertng liquida tion and tn aympalhy-wlth easier Euro pean cable. There . seemed to ' be ' no change in the Bra sllma Mtuatkyn and tier world' visible supply aiatsvneni snoai rather a larger dec rtaae for -tne mem n of February than expected on rsaturoay. but -the -market met 'little support. and prior during the Buddie of the dAy.aoia sbout M to u point net lower oa the act ive month. L ter trrere waa a ravnr-uo covering or trad aupport and the eloae waa needy at 'last peters, i to 7 points neT- tovcer Sale. 4So7i trags.. March. UlOc; April.- MX: ' May.. It lie: June. ItlSe: July, liac: August. IA; IVptem bereitMc; October, November and .De cember. iMIe; January, and Febroary, UJ!eyT'i ' " - - Havre waa Vi to Va franc lower. Ham burg was SH pfennig lower. Rto. un changed to WJTe: i-auitoa. unchanged; 4s. W;.7s.tt7(. Recevpta at the two Bra xlUan ports. 7S. bag, against 1 Mat hag bsm year. Jondlahy -receipt. t hags, against i. laet year. Ilain Waa re ported In all dla-.rlets.of Sao fWo To day'a . special . Santos cable reported 4s onckangeal .this .nvorritng. let 8m Paulo receipts of , b4t. ralnt .0Wth prv day. -The world . vislMe srpplv atatenaent showed a decreaae of. .At rialnat .-Yor February laat veer? msStng the worir vnume aa jf Febroary 1; K.SHS.J1T bag, against 15.34,- iwt bags last year. - Spor cTiffee." quiet;' Rio -No. t, lli-lc; Sanies No. 4. lefyc. Mild, quiet, lltHSc, swta InM . - CHERRY CREEK INDIANS . SAY THEY SEE GHOSTS PIERRE. S. D.. March A-(Speclal.) Sevaral daj-a ago Francis C. Cloud, an Indian at Cherry Creek, about Mt mUea Borthwatt of here, committed suicide hy hooting himself. Edward Swan, ths weuibei of the Indian coaincll at Cherry creek, took charge of the case and sum mon sd a coroner's jury, consisting of Frank H. Looking, a las Yellow Owl. Peter Bearstepa, Philip Bltukmeon. Douglas Bhootoff and James Ox. After aa InvsstlgaUon they declared that death waa e If -Inflicted on accouat of dspood ency caused by A ruling of the Indian ooundl that ha make a different dis tribution of the effect of a deceased brother thaa the one which he had at tempted to make. Since tha time of the suicide a number of the Indian About. Ctierry crak claim to see ghosts about and tn the houses, and some of thus ar la A condition bordering on terror on Bo count of theae alleged visitations. , . Eva perms eal Apples aad Dried Frails NEW YORK. March 4. EVAPORATED APPLES Quiet, but Prices sre steady. with light offerings: on the spot, fancy. l-9tiV: choice, Sfi9c: prink, I4tiitc.- LiKlfcLi rKU ri a tTunes. steady, but demand leea active; quotations range from iac to 12c for Callforniaa an to KM and IHc to Uc for Oregon. Apri cots, quiet and steady; choice HHfflSSc; extra choice, LSlSc: fancy, Iteusc Peaches, inactive,' but price steady: choice. loS4ri,c; extra choice. liellHc; fancy, uwuc ttaisms, dull and about steady; loose muscatels, otrtSc; choice to fancy seeded, tstt'ljc: seedless, tfTSc; London Uyers, .t9wLa. . Tarweattae aad hasla. . SAVANNAH." March t-TTRPENTINB Firm, at 47c; taalea. Wt bhla: receipts. tt bbl.; aatpcaenta, iu bbia.; stock, bbis. ROSIN Firm: rale, sa bus.: reoeiots. 1.01 bbhv: (hlpment. IKS bout.; stock. M et bbuTT B. tfc.at: V. M.4TH: g. M 7IS- F. t&.it: G and H. Ps.ii; L M.M: K. r.t: M. r-; N. tSJ: WO, WW, K.ib-. Mitchell Woman Tries to KiU Child" and Cuts OwiLThroat- MITCHELL, D- March 4.-fpecll.) ' But for the timely interference ol her husband. Mr A Joseph Matsoa of Brook ings won Id have killed her little son. gd t years, upon which she made aa . attack. For aoro unknown reason th mother Attacked her little son with , cuapldor, atrlklng him ever the hsad re peatedly while the lad aaado svery effort to avoid th blow that she rained down en him. His scream Attracted the atten tion of th father, who was outdoors, nd whn be tried to gain an entrance to the house found that the door had been locked and resisted hi afiorta to get it until h brok la the treat door. HI . entrance . to thhouae frelgluened the mother from her cruel treatment and she ran upstair and locked herself In. her room, where she remained about fifteen minutes. When she came downstair hsr . husband saw that aha . had rat her throat, th windpipe being plainly visible. Sh was hurried over to tbe hospital and given Into the band of th surgeorai and the wound waa dressed. Sh I getting along very well. For sons Urn Mrs. Matsoa has Buffered from melancholia and It I believed that her mind became unbalanced for the moment that led to the attack of her little tna. Th little fellow la getting along la very good fahap. - . . - Cvtloa Market. NEW YORK. Mareh A-COTTOX-Ppot closed quiet; middling uplands, it 36c; middling gulf. 16 vc; sales, tan bales. Future closed steaay; aerca. TO: April. trt.Br; May. le.Jac: June, le.Jle; July, August and September. st.Mc; Oc tober. tt.43c; November. MkMc; Decem ber, i. vc; January, iv.mc i Th key to Mcoesa ia huslnesa i th persistent and JodlctotM na of Bewspaper advertising., 7 " -' ' rC"--rt V; -:,' a- 'k.2(-.' a. tV . ! , .'" ' -l - NOTICE! ... .... .... . rt , Holders of -' ""',"' : . OM-UU ' STREET RAILWAY FIRST, COXSOUnATED 58,. , " .- liter Majr lat. 181-1. s . - ' ".. -'""will leara of (omettitag to their advantage by commoBicaUiis aith . - Bl'RR. BRIVKER at CD IavrsUnewt Bowtls, OatMirva'(atiOBVal Baak BiiikUsf, ' - Omaba, XU T ' -" '--."-,," v