Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 04, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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    fHK BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY. MARCH 4. 1912.
tJtarea aad Office.
FOR REN'T-tSoon. modern store bulld
g. Well located In DrosDerous eountv
seat town of t.uwt In Iowa. For full in
formation, write P. ft Box M. Ottumwa.
S 'ORS at Uvt Harney street.
Offlca or salesroom at Uth anal Harney
. M tioor at Lit Harney: new.
M floor at IsMt-l Harney; new.
Basement at ljuH-M Harney; new.
Off tea at 151? Farnam street; second
Store at Hit Harwr street.
Uli Farnani Street.
STORE at 230s Cumins street.
Store at 2!0t Cumins atreet.
tore at Si North 34th atreeL
Store at S23 North 24th atreet.
Store at K? North Uth atreet.
Star at tat North 26th. South Omaha.
Office room, second floor, Wright
Lasbury. 5 8. lth St. Phone D. 152.
A STEEL range, a gas range and fur
niture for sale. SelO Amee Ave.
FOR SALE Bookcase, dining room
table, kitchen cabinet, two bed room seta
etc., at a baric am. Webster 3679.
STEEL. RANGE, braas and Iron beds,
leather couch, round table, buffet, car
pets, rugs, china cabinet, mission buffet
slso library table, gas range, sewing ma
rhine, chiffonier, kitchen cAbinet, organ
and other furniture cheap. XB N. 24th.
Jeaslenl laalraaaeata.
PIANO for sale, C9 Davenport, Harney
' FINE upright piano, big bargain; owner
Iravlng Ity. 201$ Davenport.
Tyae cliere.
RENT an Oliver typewriter from ths
O'.lver Typewriter Co. Douglas Sit.
TYPEWRITERS for rent at the low
est figure ever quoted; three months, fa.
central Typewriter exchange, 14W7 Far
nam. Doug. St.
aala or rent: largest stock: beat bargain
H. F. 8WANSON CO.. Ull Farnam bt,
omaha. Call or write.
FOR SALE No. 4 Underwood type
writer: very near new end case and cover.
Addreea K 350. Omaha Bee.
FOR BALE Two scholarships In ths
Omsba Commercial college and one in
"nvtes college. Business office. Omaha
Doors, windows, wainscoting. Tel. D. ;S.
FOR 8A1.E-K-H. P. Jewell engine;
tu-H. P. boiler. Bluff City Laundry,
Council Bluffs, la.
POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures
bought, sold. Levy. 1 N, So- Omaha.
1 AMIHJ Inverted gss lamps with
iy-ldil o cryaiai reflector globes and
self-lighter delivered for JOHN
SON LAMP CO., 2I sMOth: D. A-144S.
FOR SALE New and second-hand
rarom and pocket billiard tables and
bowling alleys and acceaeoriss;. bar fix
tures of all kinds; easy payments. Ths
Brunswlcg-Balke-Collaoder Co., 401 - si.
10th St.
GOOD second-hand meat refrigerator.
Henry Giants. Harvard. Neb.
Coal for stova or furnace. Try It
Harmon Weeih. Webster t.
8AFK8 Overstocked with second-hand
sates, all sises and makes; bargaaaa
American Supply Co.. 1110 Farnam St
FOR SALE Three pool tables, new
cloth, flrst-claa condition, 1260. Call
Harney Ms.
Cinders for sale, cheap. Phone Web.
jtDAFEaTlDrrHToHT, lilt Farnam St.
HOME -CANNED fruit for aale. Peauhes,
cherries, pears and plums, mat Harney.
"FOR HaTe Anyone desiring second
hand bank fixtures would do well to
correspond with or telephone City na
tional bank, Omaha.
FOR SALE Three pool tables, new
cloth; first class 'condition; $2S0. Call Har
ney W8.
FOR 8Al.E-8tewrt range, nearly new.
II. A. Bpetb, 30o Ave. B., Council Bluifa.
Qladleh Pharmacy, 121b. and Dodge.
LIEBEN, mask suits to hire. 1514 How'd.
alataage. Rltienhouae. 308 Old Boston Bid.
WE "rim ndrepeir all kinds of sew
ins machines. I no. A-111 Douglas lata
' M-.UILAblvA ClCLE CO.,
lath and Harney at
vniiNa women coming to uvwhs
strangers are invited to visit the Young
Women a Christian association building at
Seventeenth and St. Mary's Ave., wnere
they will be directed to suitable beaming
places, or otnerwise aesiaieo. uwm
our travelers' aid at ths Union station.
SWEDISH massage lot rheumatism,
ttomsch trouble, poor clruculatlon. Kan
ten Tonseth, graduate from Sweden. 40.
Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Doug. 7116.
130x150. Corner on paved street, good Im
provements; close to business center:
rental Income: fltt per month. Win bring
M per cent on Investment; must be sold;
good reasons for selling; a bargain for
home and investment.
BEST fruit land in famous t'mpqua val
ley Orearon, tios per acre. Cail or write
tav E. sia N. Poruanu, Oregon. Lloyd H.
I will fl mr 9-room taoiiM for St.MlL
The iV-room cottars Is void. A1k havt?
room cottar, modern xcft ht. for
C.5.. JN down. Also a 4-room cottage
tor ll.iHk M down. Lots Zactrtf Win at.,
o (rude, worth HOG, tJStX
Phone Douglas 4KSI. Kll Frederick St.
W yaw. tan.
FOR 8AI.K MO acres Irrigated land
with good water right and well improved:
two muea from county SMt las per acre,
easy terras Audioes P. O. Box 114, Tor
nugtoaw Wyo.
AT BARGAIN. 3-roora house, easy pay
ments. Canadian office. 11) So. Uth St.
FOR t.a-1-lj By owner, s-room cottage.
has gaa, electric bght. furnace, cement
walks around house, brick walk in froot.
Can be bought on easy tarma. Apply of
owner. 471 K. 4tt SL
Most artistic and uniform residence dis
trict of Omaha Few vacant hits left,
n.XO to V MM. Streets paved and parked.
Payable l-st cash, balance monthly. Will
build to suit on same terms or will ad
vance cost of house and build roureetf.
The Paxtoa Real Estate Co.. sot Ware ttt.
OCR LETTER duplicating work Is un
excelled. A trial will convince you. Both
phones. W estern Duplicating co- ew nee.
I will sell the choicest baUdieg lot ta
ths Hanscom Park district upon the
most favors bis terms that could be de
sired. If you contemplate building this
spring, better ssa me soon. Lot located
northwest corner Bd and Arbor. Tele
phone Harney M or South iff. vMUiaai
11. uouia. jr
BUT from owner, &-room bungalow for
u n niDALL Poppleton Ave. Harney SW.
Right in town, on Upper Broadway. H
tnlle from car line; good walks extending
away out past It: 7-room house, good
n. ham- some fruit: about acres fine
rich garden land, balanos good tor fruit
or pasture; land slopes east and protected
on north and west by hills. An elegant
place for small greenhouse or hot beds
and early garden stuff, or will mske you
a good home and be profitable to cut Into
lots in a few years.
Is Pearl St. Council Bluffs.
Bargains in Acre Property
a arrea. IU miles north of Florence.
good 7-room house, new barn and chicken
house, well, cistern and running spring
on the place, all klnda of bearing fruit,
oansistlng of apples, plums, peaches,
pears, currants, blackberrlea grapes and
asparagus, about ten acres altogether In
fruit. Prtoa 8.wu.
w eeraa one mils west of Benson, very
good Improvements and considerable fruit.
Here la a nice signtiy locauon. z-nce
4 acres in sarpy county, aooux i mne
from South Omaha limits. Improvements
not very good, but good piece of land. It
belongs to sn estate and cad be bought
at tits per acre.
t acres Just south of Albright, good -room
house, bam. chicken ' house and
other buildlnars. I-ots of fruit snd Is
certainlv a number one place. Owner a
non-resident snd Just advised us to cut
the price to ,S0J, really about one-halt
Its vslue. Think of It, 5 acres right In
town for R.5O0.
t acres, north of Avery, about ten min
utes' walking distance from street car.
Has nice new Improvements that would
cost to build almost what the whole
thing can be bought for. The owner
must move on a homestead this month
and needs the money, price CO).
I acres, south 30th Bt, ons mile from
city limits; good s-room house, bam and
ohlrken house, nice level land, nice view,
a genuine snap at EMuo.
O'Neil's Real Estate & Ins.
Tel. Tyler 1094. lnd. A -JMJ. Bo. 191; F-11K.
lMe Famam Street.
515 North 24th Street, South Omaha. Neb.
BrltUk lolaaaaia.
FOR BALE-Oisios valley farms In
tracts of 160 to 40 acres, within 1 to 3
miles from the towns slong the Grand
Trunk Pacific Railway In Central Britien
Columbia. Also Skeena Vailey Fruit
Farms in lo-acre tracts. Bend for Has
booklet. Call or write rJ. Mevel, District
sales Agent, all 1'axton Ulug., Omasa,
REIJNOI'IBHMENT-Must sell aulrk.
the best ISO-acre relinquishment In the
valley, at miles from good new town,
pries 30. Write W. K. iteinklng. Hasty,
"uj do t p L tiatha, salt glow aromatic
JlJlOOAU Ij treatment. Mme. Allen
cf Chhako. li 8. 17th St.. 1st floor. D. Wsi.
I hereby give notice that I will not be
reeponatbie lor any debts contracted by
tuy wile. Ida Witutruck.
(Signed) J. K. WITTflTBt-CK.
THE 8AL.VAilOr. ARM If solicits cast
off clothing; In tact anything you do not
need. We collect, repair and sell at Mi
J." uth Bt. Ur cost of collection, to tne
worthy poor. Phone Douglas aL!s and
wagons will calL
Vr 4 OCJ r- t Swedish movement A
MAOOAUiii i Farnam. O.
Ital massage. Anna Fisher, 401 Ware hlk.
HAIKDHs.Sal.VO, Msuicuring, Sham
pooing. Scalp treatment! a apeclalty lor
ladies and gentlemen. Mra Pierce, fKl
farnam. 11 . cum, lnd. A-14M.
t A JJ A f1 1' Treatment Mrs. Steele,
iVI fliTOAUlJ i;oj Dodge, Grouad floor.
BEST bracer for men. Gray s Nerve
Food pills. $1 per box, postpaid. Sherman
at McConneli Drug Co., Omaha. Neb.
EGGS for hatching from the Brandels
Virm 1 norouahbred B. C. White Lxf
horns. Utility stock. I1.S0 a setting or
M per 100. Exhibition or show stock U to
Is a setting. Write for catalogue- Addi eea
A. D. oianoeia, umana. iei. oeoeuo viv.
BUFF ORP1NOTO.N salting eggs tor
sale from imported and prise winning
a.ock. tl.ail per aetang uf It. Phone Web
ster liia.
WHITE LEGHORN cockerels, tl apiece.
4004 Fort St. Webster lvli.
ROSE comb Rliode Island tested eggs
far hatcbuia. Per la. lis i. m-
Web. im.
and brooders u us every eag a cniC;
cost price saved on first batch; says
free trial; catalog tree, uur ie.
1 S. Uth.
TWO full-blooded French poodle pups
for sale cheap. 11 Doug, as street.
nulls spits puwea r-bone Webeter
KTs. 46s Ji. 14th Ave.
AUSl AC'kB US' VllLsi.
Reed Abstract Co.. oldest abstract office
In Nebiaska. JS Branaej i neater.
.A1JS u CAMPpi-. 1" r iva.u Be
MtiLU st' iJ "0A'10..
Electile gas fixtures. Omaha Silver Co.
Ideal Cement Co.. 17th and
e'uens. Sin ac o.ina. iMintiiu. decorating.
ROOFINGS, paints, building papers,
plaster boards. Amer. gup Co.. U0 Nlch a
W ELI. Oleaiu. F. Oiossman. ltos N. lata.
A BARGAIN For sale, cheap, new 4
room modern cottage, on monthly pay
ments. Telephone Doug. 8S4.
Traversed by the
n 1 OOA
Lands adapted to me wioest range at
ei-ooa. Ail tue money crap oi tne souia
pieuUfully produced. For literature treat-
lag Wlin mis cuimut w mviH
ciunate, thurch aua acnoui auvaiuaassj
. 11. LtAHi. vcri. a,
taeaeral passenger Agsot
lass, .
TUB ess! est way to find a buyer for
your trxm is to inaert a email want ad
III toe VI mwu myiim. . - w. -
ruij.tifia in toe state u. awera, uaa'.
iba Capital Is read by and believed u
u the sian upatters of lows, woo simp.
elUM to poiuat s y inner imiei la uieu
lumes., 1 ceul. a woia a uaj; l.A
per iiao pr moam; cooat six oruiuar
wwras le uie uue, Audieaa
capua. Lm Monies. Is-
Farm era and land buyers
all over the country are
reading Bee waat ads every
day and anappin- an every
bargain ottered.
Rates Its coats per word
II run only ana time, I per
aard it rua two or mora
times consecutively.
Write and mail your sd
tcday to steal Estate depart
ment of The Omnna nea,
atesults era sura
Faraa a ad ataacai Iliads.
Ms-ACRE farm miles northwest of
Florence and north of Irving ton. Rent
Doug. W. SU S- 17th.
TWO farms for rent. These farms are
good tillable land, well improved, contain
ing It acres and 120 acres. J. T. Collins,
Council Bluffs, la. Phone Black 4U.
OMAHA property and Nebraska lands.
Wis New Omaha Nat l Bank Bullulng.
WANTED City loans, Peters Trust Co.
WANTED Cltv loans and warrants.
W. Farnam Smith a Co.. 1XV Farnam St
u IK IcY to loan on buatnees or resi
dence properties, tl.ftw to Svu.iml. W. U.
THOMAS, Ail First Nat I Bank Bldg.
iius to us.ustt made promptly, f.
Wesd. Wead Bldg.. lsth and Farnam.
' Omaha Nst'l Bank
LOANA-Farnis and city property.
H. Dumont Son. Iu3 Farnam bt.
Sentiment in Wheat u More Bulliih
Ihu Two Weeks Ago.
However, Conservative Traders Ad.
viae t aatlaa, as Valaee Are Very
Hlga as las. pared Tkeee
f a Vear Age.
OMAHA. March t. IMi
Sentiment In wheat is more bullish now
thaa It was oa the upturn two weeks ag
Ctosa observers of the market aay that
wide tlunctustlons are to be expected.
The small farm reserves are eipectea
to Increase the buying power and keep
the trend of the market higher.
Wilh crop Stares yet to be heard from
and receipts at all primary markets de
creasing there seems to be little com
forting news for the short sellers.
Witn corn values all above the Tat
level and the highest In over two years,
sentiment continue bullish and market
conditions are working into a healthy post
tion. However, conservative traders ad
vise caution as values arc very nigh
compared to a year ago.
Wheat started a bit weaa wm " "
14c; dressed. l4c: chickens, alive. 14c:
dressed, lac; springs, alive, HV. dreased,
VEAL-8tesdy. 7611c.
POTATOES-Kteaoy; receipts, Si cars;
Wisconsin, tl; Michigan and Min
nesota. Sl.4avl.10.
Mlaaeapalla Grata Market.
$l MilSi: July, tl.OSSttl.WV.: cah.
No. t bant, tl OSS; No. 1 northern. II S
jl : No. t northern. tl.KHfLs7, No.
S. Jl.wstil v
BARI.EY-Iarejgl B.
Ct)RN-No. vellcw. tgtiStijC.
OATS-. No, 3 white. fcsJtOV-
RYK-No. J. STi4c.
KLW'R-Hw patents, sec
ond patents, It 4i4.: first clears, tiWtl
17; second dears, K.' 9017.
Killing Cattle Fifteen to Quarter
Higher for Week.
Fat Skews) Ahoat Steady (or the
Week, While Fat Laasbs Show
m Little Weaker Haste
f Prices.
80CTII OMAHA, March S. 1912-
Praria Market.
PEORIA. March t-CORN-Hlgher; No.
J white. Sc: No. yellow, Sr; No. 4 yel
low, tec; No. S mixed, ttc; No. 4 mixed.
Sc: sample. WtASc.
OATS-lllgher: No. i white, UVjc;
standard. c; No. a white, Uc.
aelatleas of the nay sa Varleas
NEW YORK. Marrh S.-FICR-Flrm:
sjrliig palenta. IS.M(s.a; winter straights.
Recetnls were:
Otficial Monday ....
Otttt-ia! Tuesday....
t'flclsl Weuneadav
I Official Thursday .
wuiciai rnaay
Estimate Saturday ,
weaker Liverpool cables . J kuJn j l4.Sti4.4S: winter patmla. H M.m; spring
sews and specustlve operation "
eerrame the eaiiy seUIng and a further
advance was registered. Cash wheat
was SulSc higher.
Thera was nothing III the aews to stop
the advance In corn, everyone was on
the buying side nnd new htgh marks
were established. Cash corn was HoSc
higher. ,
Primary wheat receipts were 4.00 bu.
and slilpmenu were bu.. sgainst
receipts last year of bu. and ship
ments of H4.00S bu.
Primary corn receipts were .4t,o bu.
and shipments were t bu.. agslnst
recetpu last vear of ITi.Oue bu. and ship
ments of tri.ors) bu.
clears, H i4 ti; winter extras. No. 1. P. 70
4t.M; winter extras. No. 2, St'S t:
Kansas straights. tl.7iH "O. Rye flour,
steady; fair to good, t4.M4.K, choice to
fancy. t5.ivut.&
CtR X M E A I Firm : fine while and yel
low. tl.1.7; coarse, tl.S6t?l.i. kiln
dried. IJ.74.
RYE-Otnet; No. i, e. c. I. f.. Buffalo.
BAULKY Steady; malting, ll.rtjl tt, c.
L f . Buffalo.
WHEAT-etpot market, firm: No. t red.
tl.ixiv elevator, export basis to arrive,
and tl.W f. o. b. afloat: No. t northern
Duluth. II. B f. o. b. afloat. Futures mar.
ket opened sllshtly lower under tiquioa
Cattle. Hoss. 6neCi.
.. 4.J97 Halt
... u?
... 4.1Sj
... 4.J5v!
... 1.2
... Its)
ll..: MUl
at the close of the week, restoring prac
tically all of the earlier declines, and
current values average generally steady,
with quotstfons last aturdsy.
Medium to poor lambs were slowest
sale at mid-week and these classes. If
anything, are now aelting a shade lower
than at last creek's clcse. Strictly rood
corn-feds nade a top of I.! yesterda.
while half-finished varieties are moving
from tS.a downward. A few shorn lambs
have been coming that sellers placed at
Sr.004ia.3u, while western Nebraska wheat
feds found an outlet at IVaOfeto.s;. have been selling with a fair de
gree of freedom throughout, attractive
grades closing at SS.frait.l. Wethers and
yearling were scarce as a rule, toppy
wethers bringing tt.t on Thursday, while
yearlings are nuotabie up to .2a. The
feeder trade has been poorly te-ted, as
both supply and demand have been smalt.
Week's buy on country account,
quotations on flheeni snd T.ambs
Imb: Good In choice", v33d. fair
to good, to 2MivWD. YeariinKs: Good to
clmtce, ,M!tjn Jo: lair to good. U t'.g.". 0.
Wethers: Good to rhoM, Wiifts.: fswr
to good. t7:.v'cn4 2d. Ewcs Good to choice.
10: fair to good, tr,.M1.7a.
Six days this week.. IS. 4 7t.l! 47.633
Same davs l.-t week .lt.tM 7.4M
Same days 3 weeks ago l.-? 10C. 4u,1j
Same days 3 weeks ago IS.JSt t7.SSi M JU
Suite da s 4 aeeka ago Jt'.M 71. i; 44,730
same days last year.. !. . " Demand for Cattle aad Shrew Steady
The following, table snows tne ranae w I
n.l. , I ..... k , u I. for' r niiPTx.
the last few da) a. with comparisons. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Msreh r-CATTT.S
; ' Receipts, 00 hed. liirluiilng no snulli-
Date. lMf. llU.;l:tf.liM..:li-.ll)7.1ll'. trn,. nlke, ,,,..
Feb. Xt. e sl "4 S , u I t Hi 04 southern steers. J"ic,73; wiutliei n coiS
Keb. !i i 6ki a is, s ii! t (C: 1 1 is ami helfe-e. t:t S.iS: nntive cows and
Feb. 26.1 1 t sti 2.i I 241 4 11, TM I heifers. t3.:;aj0; slorkors and feeders.
Feb. atl. t Oltti
Clearances were tM.DM bu. of corn, 7.000 , tlutl, due to easier Llvenool rablea, but
4irv. CITY
I10-1J Brandela Theater Bldg
bu. of oats and wheat and flour enual to
9N) M1 bu.
Uverpcol closed Wd lower on wheat
and i higher oa corn. .
The following rash sales were reported:
WHEAT No. t herd. 1 car '-.
ear at tl.OtV. no grads. 1 car at ; No.
3 mlved. 1 .ar at tl.tCW.
'I mSU-Mn 9 whllM. CSTS St tit; NO.
.OA Net. Bern Is-Carlberg Co.. yellow, 1 car at eVsc: No. 4 yellow, t cars
at KHjc, 1 car at wc; r.o. a m.
at "., 1 car at V. a cars at ttc: No.
4 mixed. I car at alec: 1 car at Oic. a
cars at tSci no grade. I tar ati K.
OATS-Standar. 1 car at -tc: No. I
while. 4 cars at tlV: No. while, a cars
at UHc; no grade. 1 car at He.
Osa aha l ash Prices.
WHKAT-No. I hard. ?l1.0f.: No. a
hard. Il.oitr1.0l; No. 4 hard. .till.0-.'W.
CORN-No. t white. 7c; N. 4
white. IMtc; No. 3 color, asdrfatt; No.
a yeuow. iwwv: No. 4 yellow, atriaw;
No. t tbfnsi-.-; No. 4, wc; o graoc.
''SaTS-No. 1 while, mow: standard
Mratc: No. a white, 4101 V-: No, 4
white, Mttsmr: No. S yellow, iilttVuHeC;
No. 4 yellow, sotHc.
BA RLEY Malting. No. 1 feed.
7TrBe;, heavier feed. ftsjOoc.
HYE-No, t. Sltra-c; No. t toeHc.
tarlot Receipts.
Wheat. Corn. Oaia
.11 2i7 U.
For farm lanu eastern Nebraska or
Iowa: a business bloca at Lincoln, value
tHo, under lease till m; ii monthly;
Your farm cash rent does not oring in
this smount iiiontmy. It it did you w.iuid
have 400 acres rented at K per acre, pay
able monthly. That on Income basis
would equal ours; aa yours don't, better
trads and get our income to you montni).
L. A. tlKVINE. aut Karbach, Omaha.
FOR EXCHANGE 1W acte or Irrigated
land, near town, in southern Idaho.
Fine general merchandise stuck and
butluinir In new and arowinr town. Ad-
drees, tircen Front More. Wenneli. IdsTio.
FIN B Kimuall organ for sale or ex
change. 30K N. Hith
1 nandie trades everywnere. if you want
results csll Dean. t!7 Bee Hills'. D. Wot,
aft ACRES 1 ke Co.. fore.) land ior va-
cant lot In Omaha. W. W agner. sDl N. Wth
Chltago ....
Omaha ......
.. a
Full BALE Uk Mr.NT.
Pool hall, barber shop In connection do
ing good bumness. ' Will Uks tsam of
mares as rt payment. A. Nielaun, ill
-North loth street.
FUR EXCHANOE Oood eighty acres
in Polk county, Nebraska for W.M) resi
oence or suburban acreage. Adarean, sat
Llitle Bldg., Lincoln. Neb. '
EUROPE In comfort; select and limited
party sailing Juns 13 via Mediterranean;
eighth seeson. Miss Anna . Ross, coun
cil Blufts, la., 1? Willow avenue.
PRIVATELY conducted eastern tours
for young women during the summer
months; limited number: select. For
particulars caU Miss E. M. O . b02 City
Ast I Bank.
WANTED It. 14S) at per cent: first
origans on property worth tl.0; in
come of 11.00 a year will be assigned if
desired. Address Y TH. Bes.
Highest price; clths: hd. gda D. 7I; BI9W
WANTED-) or 70-11. P. engine: 60-K.
W. direct current generalor. Bluff City
Laundry, Council bluffs. Is
WANTED lo buy old broken watches.
M. .Nathan. V H. 13th HI.
I WILL buy mixed stock m erchaiaiiee
and stars room lease In Nebraska or Kan
ass lowrj. Address Box IW, Corning, la.
td-hand goods. Kieser. Hi Center. D. I
HAND laundry, by piece or dox., wash
and Ironed, 60s aos.; rough dry, o Doug.
7D07. . .
WANTED Work by the week, or bun
dle wsshlng. Uli Webster.
AN ALL ROUND cook eants position
In hotel. Hairy Woods. 4M N. lith.
WaSHIO anu ironing done. T., H. S4JU.
W ANTED By young lady of reliae
ment. position aa housekeeper; dty pro
terred. Address Y III, care Bee.
A RELIABLE colored woman wants
work by the day or week, mono an.
TOl'NO lady desires position in oiflce.
willing to stsrt with small salary. Refer
ences. Phono Webster 2u7,
an exnerlenceo iaiiimr
work. Pnone Webster 4M.
,ea wants uay
Flrst-elaas. practical nurse. H asla, A-i74
ILKr.DU MAN, too
psst live yeara reepo
eeei.isjs yearly, win
. at .... k. Un.
In BnEHnURNE and adjoining counties.
W a nave a large number oi cttoiuv, weu tm
piavea iaiu . a. "-' luO.
nnn ni.iu i fm irtun afiniiaainriia mi -
as! to ass par a era. vnaae laima are
ail spied lor diversified xarnung. and m
tue corn belt, uei a aarm woere raiuiaii
abuuuant ami crup laiiurea are un-
aaown. a or tuii paiucmaia writ a si
ihi iteaity Cowpaay. sat a-aiaca suug.
juiniusaiiwiis, Minn.
Bundle weening at iU. . 24tn. "iyier laot.
"siTCATlONwanted by llrst-class furni
ture salesman. No objection to leaving
Cltv. Address O 4S1, Bee.
TWO joining HW-acre homeetead relln-
qidshmeuts, e-nlei oi irrigated tract, weae
la town, saw wi n ammsee awoea. aoa
., a.,4. , alonu
tlng will buy the beat KO-acro home
stead m isebrasaa; paruy improves.
wr.te owner, c M
Boyd rountV, ta acres, well improved:
mile north of Spencer; .0 cash, oaiance
t per cent. Price, t . ti acres, miss weet
Bristow; well unproved, price, sea, aisw
oiuu. balance a per cent. Will take city
property as pan payment. Bargaine.
J. J. 1 fNIK, jj Waie But.. Oinana. Neb.
One section deeded, one rellarialjhed.
tht miles from good town on main line
Builington; not acres under throe-wire and 0 acrea broke. Better than
acres oi good hay land. Very best pas
ture. Will sell and rellnquisn one sec
tion for tsX). Worth tin,. Write M
44. Omaha Dally Bee. at once.
HOMESTEAD 30 acres rich farm laoC
tor tlTs. filing teas and ail. Na sand aula
J A. Tracy. Kimball. Neb.
BUY LAND; also farm mortgages fro
first bands. Wa can please you. The
Welpton Investment Co.. Ogallaia. Neb.
na acrfJ): 120 acres In cultivation, at
pasture: fenced; fair improvements; i
mlies to raiiroad town; near achorx.
Pnre, 127 30 per acre. W in. South. Weli-
fleet. Neb.
Vacant lot on the southeast comer of
17th and Laird. The owner paid 7I0 for
ft a years ago. Hake your offer. Only
SJM cash, balance monthly.
BUT direct bom owner. 4 acres, well
Improved farm, xzx par acre, aona a-esaa.
Lodge Pole. Neb.
nririn u nR u Chevenne county. Neb.,
level, dark loam, gramma grass all over
ii sure si en of fertility: cneap: win
trade hi for Omaha, clear.
tnorougniy experienced,
responsible for credits of
-ouaeuer change; sa.
Lock Box so, Omaua, Neb.
Fee I a res ef the Tradtag aad tioslas
Prices aa Board t Trade.
CHICAOO. March 1-Whest lodav
closed strong at the top price oi tne
week. There were reports that sup
plies In Minnesota and the lskotss did
not rxcied so ier cent of normal. Lat-st
trading showed-an advance of -fVc to
SH,c net. Corn finished 'jrle to I'v
1!-C UP; OSIB Wlin iuiii " -
hog producia liStitaV Increase In coat. ..,! . firm ho d on wheat
during the Isst half of the .ley. Strenitth
of corn eounieu in mnu ....
upward but with many speculators tne
most decisive fsetor was a current estl
irate that the three lesdlng Pring whest
atates had been reduced lo begimrty half
rations. Slay rangen " JilV"
with the wlndup Nir higher at IIMV
Buying forca In corn developed rapidly
on news of snow storms wei.
market agsln snored a new high point
record for tha season. Mar fluctuated
between 7U-SO and nWIHe, !
strong 'Hlc over last night at 71So.
Cash grsdes were In fair demand. No.
t yellow was not quoted.
There was a good general demand fi r
oats, t'pper and lower levels for May
"ere KSfi snd M'sc, the first named
llgtires the top so fsr on the crop, lst
sales at Mc showed a gain of AC com
pared with yesterday.
Hog products rose shan'ly conse
oueiiee of assertions that three Packers
conlrol tha greater part of ,h
on hand In Ctilcsgo. At thecloae pork
had been cnaiseu up ";r'r
higher; lard, lotlc. and libs. I.'t-"o.
The lesdlng futures cioeeo mm mi".-
Aiucis, open, i iiis"-i 'jUM- ICloasTies y
Whckt, I, ,J
May.;i e-i--ii .-v
tOWal 194H!l"s-t
S7S.I KiS.liV
Si 71tl
7r-4! TI4I
I tl'al
LI 40 15
Oats. I :
July. s)
&).. ii
Kepi. 1 06 I It 42ai It Ofi I 1 tint I W
Ird. I I
1 t 321 45
.,i. s Udi 57 "41
Kept'l (-!( 7S I iWtal
Ma'v.l 43 t0
t 42-41 Ititll
7 I aa
s7Si76 I
a 7i
rallied aharply on renewed buying,
prompted by firm continental markets
and rep-irte of a better cash demand in
northwest, dosing (e net higher. Msy.
tl.wiVtJI-071.. closed tl.0;e: July, closed. Receipts, 20,400 bushels, shipments,
i-nnv-Sruit markeh firm: No. I corn.
71c, elevator, domestic basis to arrive, and
export. 7l'o f. o. b. afloat. Futures mar
ket was nominal. Receipts, H.x ousneie,
slilpments, t,7M bushels.
OATS Spot market, steady: standard
white, tone In elevator; No. a, tic; Nos. x
and 4. tc: natural white and whits
clipped. toMBo on track. Futures mar
ket was nominal. Receipts, i.sw ousneis.
shipments. t,720 busheta
HAY-yulet; prime, ti.xi; ivo. i, i.
1.3S; No. ai ir120; No. a,
HOI'S-Dull; state common lo cnotca,
lull. 40Hi.Mc: imo. nominal. Pacific coast,
mil, 42ti4c; HiO, nominal.
HIDES Firm; hemlta-k firsts. S54Sr7e;
seconds. Hilc; thirds, tltjMc; rejecls, Isc.
PluivlsioNSPork. steady: mess,
ti 17.50: family, lltsoti ll.W; aliort clears,
H7.S0iilK.oi. lle-f. steady; mess, Sia.tMfr
11.50: family, ti ocet nanip, -i.r
fia.m. Cut meats, quiet: pickled bellies,
HI lo 14 IHMinda, t 7; pickl JO name, iu
lrd. firm: mlddlewest prime, sa.wirs i;
refined firm; continent, 4..; Houlh
America. W.SO; comianinil, .l7ti7.lJi.
TALIAIW Unlet, prim city nnaa., nr;
sperisi, tuc: country. 6iisc
lit- 1 1 an eieceipia, e.urf pngaaj process,
specials. rti27Sc; exlra, fciitc.
t MfciKrire iteceipis, pegs. ; Tnarxri
firm; stste, whole milk, held. sieclsls.
a Lite, 1m; daisies, fall and earner, best,
iciuih ReeelDts. 11920 cases: market un
changed: fresh gathered, extras. 2.ity2c;
first, mc; seconns. iv-rc; western gain-
end. whites. 24.12.-.
It)t:i.rKTi Aiive, steanv: western
chickens. 12c; fowls, liSti!-; t'irkeys.
IHc; dressed, quiet; western chickens, 1X0
lie; fowls, HtilDc; turkeys, 124j'21c.
g. l.eals tleeersl Market.
ST 111 in ft. March a.-WIIBAT-t:aah.
higher: track No. a red, 102'it; No. a hard,
.1 .1,2 witl. 114.
C'UHri ingner; traca o, a, sac; no, g
white. t74itr;o.
OATS-Hlgner; track No. J, tSVtc; No. I
white, Hie
RYE Nominal, OSc.
Closing prices ef futures:
WHEAT-iillcher; Msy, fl.otv,; July,
i DUN-lllsher; May, Tl'sc; July, nur..
OATS-lllgher; May. Itr: July, 4SHu
flock iiaid ateaiiy; hard winter pat
ents, $4.aue4.7n; exlra fancy and straight,
t)uri4 S: hsrd winter clears. t3 JuOa.tO.
SEED-Tlmothy. 110.0041 12.50.
BRAN-Steady; sacked east track, I1.S7
til a
HAY Firm: timothy, I7I.O0H J..0Ji pralris,
113 nai moo
PRoVIHlONS-Pnrk, unchanged; Job.
bing. tl 25. Ijtrd. unchanged: prime
ateam. ts.47wm.siu. Dry aa.l meata.
changed; boxed extra shorts, tc; clear
ribs, alac: abort clears. Ho. itscon. un-
changed; boxed extra short, Vmc; clsar
ribs, s'sc: snort clears, sac.
POULTRY Firm; chickens, lute;
springs, 14c; turkeys, ttc ducks1, Uc;
geese, ic.
BUTTER Firm at IttfSc
EOUS-Steady at 3 He.
iteceipta Shipments.
M. St. P
Mlaaourl Pacific ,
Union Pacific
C. A N. W., east.-...
C. N. W., west......
C. Mt. P. M. O ,
C. B. ft O., east
C. B. V , west
C. H. 1. A P., east
C. H. 1, A P., west....
Illinois Central
O. W
Total receipts
Flour, bbls...,
Wheat bu...,
Corn, bu ,
Oats, bu
... aa.wn
... &,'n
... 24.000
Feb. 2T. t CWl B I t 14 4 IV, t 77. t W
Feb. 2S. t loi s I 3B 4 U I Jtl 1 11
Feb. . s, .....l ....I 4 3 1
Mch l.l 14.! fa 471 tWi
M'ch a.l I 7 S toll
t 17. 4 12 t tt i t I 11 atsjwt; bulla. t-77a.t: calves. MJOet
a.w; eestem steers, to.votii.A; aesic.a
cows. tn.jii,V2S.
Hi HIS Receipts, X0 !vtd: market
strong to Sc highee: hulk of sales. tt2
S740; heavy. ts.45; packet ami
butchers, aj.S9.i; tights, KiXrtr.I3: pus.
MIEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, it
head; market steady; muttons. gl.Vii4.7;
lamlw. t7" -Oif I 00; fed wethers snd year
lings, HOOtfrVIii; fed awea, I2.uutf4.40.
4 th Oi
Sill 6 441
Receiins and disnosillcdi of live stock
at the Union stock yanla for Hie twenty
tour hours ending at a p. m. yesterday:
Hogs. Bhtep. li ri
. t
. t
, 2
. 4
, 17
, a
, K
. at
. t
, t
, i
, t
Cattle. Hogs.
a. im
ttiHl a oral ttiw
tao I a to
fftitt Is7a
Ship your stock to south Oman a. aavc
mileage and snniiiuiga iwur uoneiao
menta recciva prompt, and careful auu-
Btacat lasmlMUoa jaereaaBia.
Byers Bros at Co. Strong and rssponslbla
WOOD BROS., 2a4-2 Eschangs Bldg.
Gieat WtaL Com. Co.. Omaha A Denver.
W. R. SMITH A SON last handle sheep.
"taGO BHOsThanula cattle, hogs, sheep,
"clay, Robineon A VoJw Exchange Bldg,
"interstate Co. Better reauita. 8h ipjoua
"cT7li"TON Com Co.. 222 Exchange Bldg.
L. E. ROBERTS A CO.. 13 Exoh. BlOg
Cox A Jones Com. Co.. bunch of huatlera
"Farmers I- 8. Com. Co., i Exch. Bldg
Deposit proceeds of ship enu In Stock
Yards Nat l Bank. Only bank at yards.
'Martin Bros. A Co.. 2tV4 Exch. Bldg.
WEEKS GRAIN CO., grain mere Hants.
Consignments solicited. M Brandela.
FIjOUR Market firm; wlnfer patens.
uV&w; ""iwr straights,;
itnlng patents. M.; wring straigata,
..a ..: bakers. atsti4.0.
Bil-FeioC'or mlxnng. 70Mc; fair
to cnoloe malting, Ulatri.fl.
8KEIs-limouiy. tu.oowlt.60; clover,
!J:m s. k . usiru:
oZTZX: "LaTi" tierceshon riui,
Tol Swrances of wheat and flour
a era equal lo WU.OoO bushels. Primary
rptV were buriiela eampajed
with A6 0IS) bushets tha correal ronding day
a year ago. Eatimated receipts for Mon
y: Wheat. Ii cara, coin, lai cars; oau.
cars; bogs. M ow head.
Chicago Cash Pricea-Wheat: No 1 red,
tLlVui.c; No, a red. li.wttfel.Ot; No.
1 haTd ll3WI.0; No. a hard, tl.oi1.04;
No. 1 northern. tLllt1.14. o. I northern,
ti al.i2: No. a northern,; No.
a spring, ai.02tll.lo; No. a spring asc4.itl.tto;
lo. t apnng, sAiptl.a.; velvet chalt. Kcjr
fl.W; durum. eiiLU Corn: No. 2. .(a
tswc- No. a white. 7Hc; No. a yellow.
"iSs-V: No. 1. 4tc; No. t white. v,l
toW: NO. 4 yeuow. waw-a. - -white.
UMtomc: No. a white. fco3tjc;
Na 1 white. 40 Isc; aiiu-, .rtw -itya
AO. 2, sac. Barley: ?ci..
Timothy seed: !L0Ol4je. Clover seed:
1B?'TT!ER-8teady; creameries, 263c;
dairies, iewa
EOi8-irm; receipts. 1 93 cases; at
mark, cases Included, Z1b22c; ordinary
firsts. Sc. first a. 23c
CHEE-Steady: dalstea. 17lieiTHe:
twinA lw17c; young Americas, 17llf
lTUc; long norns. ii-tn
TbUL.KY-irreguiar; turkeys, ally.
Kaaaaa City tirala aad Provisions.
Caah. Vtlc higher; No. t bard. tl OZtasi
tl.KK,; No. a, tleim.07; No. 3 red, tl.oott
lii.aivt; no. J, sniwtr.
CORN-V4trlc hlgner; No. t mixed. au,9
S9Hc; No. 1, ttc; No. a white, to;oVic;
NO. S, tMC.
OATS Unchanged to tto higher; No.
white, UVn-lHc, No. a mixed, t2s51c
HAY Nominally steady: choice tim
othy, tao.0otiai.s0; choice prairie, 14.sotf
Cirsiinr pricca or rutiirea:
WHEAT May. fl.02S: July, S3!i9SJ0.
CORN May. TISc; July, "oisc
BUTTER creamery. 22c: ursts. Mc:
sei-unda, 22c; pain nig stock. 22vt2So.
KOOei Easy: Hc; llrata, aitc; sec
onds, lie, .
itecetpta. nnipmenTs.
, CT.WO 7M00
23.000 13,000
lha key to success in onainsaa la
Judicious and persutent uaa at agsri
Notice Is eiereby g.ven that tha annual
meeting of tha slocahoidera of The Mis
souri pacific Railway Company will be
held at the general ox flee of the company
In the city of St. Louis, Missouri, on
Tuesday. March 12th, lsli. at nine o'clock
a. m.. for tha election of thirteen direc
tor for the ensuing year aad for the
transaction of such other business aa
may come before said meeting. Tha an
nual meeting of tha directors win be held
at the same o fries on the same day at
It o'clock noon. Tbe transfer books will
ba cioeed on Tuesday. February tth BI2.
at three o'clock p. m., and will be re
. -4 m, UMlnMifaii Maeeh IXta 1.1 1
Ripiey. Zsa at ten cVlork a. m -
By R. F. BUSH, PTcaldeni.
A. H. CA1XF. Seen Mary .
Kw Torh. Jaai rj at. atO. IflaUS
The aantaai meeting of the stock holders
of Tbe Bee Publishing company will be
held at the company a affica ta tha Bee
bunding, Omaha. Keo.. at t o'e.ock p. m.,
Monday. March 4, BU, for tha election
at a board of directors for tne ensuina
vear and far ths transaction of such other
aasln 1 1 aa may properly come iwiore
Uie mealing.
by order of the pr-a Ident.
rtd-JCt. N. P. FEIU e retary
INO Notice is hereby given that tha
reguiar annual meeting of the atock
holders of the South Platte Land Com
pany will be bead at tbe offica of said
company at Lincoln. Nea, at U aciock
a. m. oa lha sixth day of Marco, A. Lk.
C. H. MORRItX. PresMest.
A. tk MINOR.
UacaJs. Ma. Fatsruasy s.
Wheat, bu. ,
Corn, bu.
Oats, bu. ...
Philadelphia Prudwee Market.
Steady; western creamery special, nc; ex
tra, Jlc; nearby prints, exlra Jac.
EtK.S Weak, and tOc per case lower
Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free
cases, ?.: per case; current receipts, free
caea. M.iti per case: western firsts, free
cases, t8-lat per case; current receipts, tree
esses, ,.! per case.
t'HEESE Firm: New Tork full creams.
fancy, ljc; fair lo good, 17titlllc
Mllsraake tVlrala Market.
1 northern, tl.lHtil.L'H: No. 2 northern,
tl (Wil.liiW: No. a hard winter. Il.02iil.04;
Mav. tllMV: July. tHUc.
CORN-No. a yellow. 17c; No. t white.
t: No. a. Mc: Msy. 71Sc; July, .lc.
OATS-Stsndard, Mc.
BARLEY Malting p a 1.2.
Omaha Packing Co
Swift A 17
Cudahy Packing Co
Armour A to ,
timer buyers
Total aa a,
CATTLE There were no cauls her of
anv coiieetiuence, the week being prac
tically barren of supplies. For the week
receipts, owing to the light run at the
beginning, consequent on tne heavy storm
of last Suudsy, havs been very light.
Ths quality has been shout on an average
wilh recent weeks, wnten meana mat
while some nrettv good rati Is have been
coming the great bunk of the arrivals has
consisted of shortfed and halt-fat beevea,
with a liberal sprinkling of cow atulf and
a very few feeders.
Tha market an heel steers anoweo oe-
claed Improvement early In the week,
when receipts were so light, but on Thurs
clay, when all the markets were mors
liberally supplied there waa a general
upward tendency and from that time on
until the close tha market had 0 weaker
tone, still, at the close of the week kill
ing cattle, cows and heifer and steers
are around iwuaai nigner man isat
week's close. As a matter, of fact, the
leaa desirable kinds have shown leas ad
vance than others. It would be well fur
the country lo thoroughly understand
that the advance has been the direct out
come of light receipts and that thera Is a
feeling that the demand for the product
Is nut sufficiently urgent to maintain a
very strung market In ths tac of Urge
The supply of feeders throughout tha
week has been very light, while the de
mand haa been quite brisk for a few good
feeders. Prices while firm every day en
the better grades srs very littles higher,
If snv. than a week ai. but It niu.l be
remembered that that kind of cattle are
high all tha time. Common stocksr have
on tinned about steady an tne weea.
Quotations on cauls: ikxkI to cholcs
beef steers, tMtyI.7t; fair to good beef
steers. ts.on; common to fair new
steers, IS.40wH.00; good to choice heifers.
Io.uiuli.00; good to choice cows, H-ikut to:
lair to aood cow a. H.Outit.TS: common to
lair cows, t2.7StH.ot; good to choice
atorkers and feeders, sVettt.isJ.10; fair to
ennri atorkers and leeoers. t4.7iejra.we
oommon to fair stocksra and feeders, 14.00 stick belter a, t sow, is; veal
calves, t2.Miaj7.iO; bulla, stags, etc., aj.7na
HOOS Hog prices went upward With a
rush, the trade In bulk ruling Ion lie
Higher. An excited demand, caused by
no aonarenl reason, ami koen competition
were ina two laciora mainiy reaponsibls
tor the advance. The market waa an
erratic affair, nowever, and the Improve
ment quoted does not embrace either high
or low business, borne were made
that were no better man so higher, while
sellers frequently put over a load or
two at figure as much aa 20a above
those In lore yestsiday. At one tlm
in lbs session ths demand waa so vigor
ous thsi holders almost reverted to
"blind man' selling methods any old
price was asked so long as It seemed high
enough, regardless oi weight or quality.
lowaid the close, two or I tree of the
larger buera retired from th trade and
valuea weakened, closing tvtih a pan oi
u-.e advance lost.
Receipts amounted to about 1000 head
and ciearunc of thl total was mad
in very aood SuaaoiL Packers btiuant
bulk, something like 10 per cent of the
run moving on snipping ana speculative
Prim butcher and best heavy hog on
ssle brought pi 16. as compared alth yes
terday a lop of, wnue bseon weight
rangod from aval downward. Medium
butchers cleared at Uie middle anraaul.
selling largely at n wliu JO.
Liberal receipts ounug tne warn havs
met with a broad, healthy pocking de
mand throughout And prices have 1m
piuved considerably as a result. Cur
rent trade shows net gains of JoSc over
li.e market at last week t clot.
t.apieat-uUtliV sales -
I. Ae.
in im
44 Ill
Chicago l.lve Stock Market.
CHICAHO. March ;.-CATTLE-R-eeiptJ.
Mt head; market siesdy: beeves, 1
ttiSMfttt: Texas steer. tl.S0ui.St; west
ern steers. tiOOtiT.OO; atockers and fee-l-era.
HtouiJO; cowa and belfera, IMitr
AtS; calves. tt-7Klft.r0
HOteS Reeeipta. 20.000 head; market .Vt
up; light. IK.aMsk.riii; mixed, piiT-fts..;
heavv, pi.2ivil.iai; rough, tt.3f.rM3a; pigs,
H'lieirfn; bulk of salea to fsn.6n.
SHEEP AND LA M BS Receipt. .
head: market steady; native. t7i.2MH.a7;
waatarn. Ubl 9ul yearling. tt.iMilS.7.7:
latnba, native, K30V7.00; western, .U1
HI, Leala Lira (lack Market.
ST, LOllS. Mo.. March t-CATTl.F-.
Receltna. 400 head: no Texana: market
steady: nstlve beef steers, R7tfS0, mas
and heifers. t3.lBtis.7s; stoesers sno ieeo
ers. t-I TWiTire; Texan and Indian steam.
77.n!7.0u; rows and belfera. f2.00,
calvea In carload lots. t7.oor;.fA
1 tkls-Heceints. Ifl head: marxn
at rung; plgand llghta. !5.aS4 ; mlxeil
nd butcher, K.tttii.aB; gooa oeavy.
SHEEP AND l,AMB!-rieceipt. aw
heail; market; natlv muttons.
t3.7iii4.7i; lambs, 7i.7t.
Llvrrpaal Grala Market.
UVtatPtXiU March 2. WHEAT Spot,
nominal; futurea weak: March, 7s llttd;
Msy. 7s Pad; July, 7a SSd.
corn Moot, oulet: American mixed.
new, t 3rvd: American mixe.1. old. ta
lid: American mixed, kiln dried, fm td
futures, firm; March. s fad; May, t
' f alt on Market.
tures, closed quiet and steady; closing
bins: Marcn iv.vec; April. iu.ic; stay,
10.23c; June, 10; July. 10 33c: August
aad Heotember, 10-Jlc; uctnoer. lO.Jic:
November, W.aV; December, 10.43c; Janu
ary, ststc: Spot. Cl'ised quiet, five points
lower; middling uplands, 10.36c; middling
auir. issue: no saiee.
Spot, dun; prices 2 points lower; Ameri
can middling, fair. f.ilc; good middling.
a lie: middling. s.sOc; low middling, kijc:
good ordinary, afid; ordinary. 4 d. The
sales of tha day were k.000 bales, of
which SO were for speculation and export
and included ' c American. Receipts,
kVtO bslea. Including s, amencaa.
gwsra Market.
NEW TORK. March 2. SUGAR Raw,
nomiral; muscovado, SO test, t.lic; centri
fugai. St test. 4.47c; molaasea sugar. S3
test. 2.K. Refined, steady: cubes. 14k;
flna sranulatsd. t-ttc: powdered, ejoc
Key to the aitualloo Bee Advertixliig.
a in
a at
ta iat
17 is
7 ta
u irai
n tie
M 41
4 r
M 1H
si n
S7 tl
44 1
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It. Joseph Live Stack Market.
ST. JOSEPH, Mo.. March 1 CATTI.H
Henslpls. 100 heed: market steady ;
steer. tiaOHS 25: cows and neitora, aa.ww
1M: calves.
H(H1S-Recelita, I.OW Head; mantel
higher: top, IK 4b; bulk of ealra. tt H.e.
SIIEKP AND LAMII!4-Non; market
unchanged; lambs, ft.7c4rt.4a,
steek la Knt,
rlpal western markets yesterday:
South Omaha 100 . luOO
HI. Joeeph 1 I'"
Kansas City H
Ht. Ixiuls , l.aiO be)
Chicago am ao.ow
Total! 1.4M tl.M 17,600
BUTTER Ho. l. Mb. carton, too: No.
L la to-lb. tub, Wc; No. 2. ac; packing.
CHEKSH-lmported Iwltsa, ate; Ameri
can Swiss, lie. block Swiss. He; twins.
20c; dalslee, ft; triplets, sec; young
Americans, uc; oiue lauei ants, uc, u in
serter, -lb.. tool l ib,. lc.
I tU', tOmejttO per do :
springs, Uc; bens, 14c; cocka luo; ducka,
lstiaic; geese, lie; turkeys, tar; pigeons,
per dua., fl.20. Alive, broiler, 2c; bene,
hue: old rooatars and atsas. &c: old
ducka full feathered, Uc; tee.e, full feath
ered, loc; turkeys, itc; guinea towia, isc
each; pigeons, per doa., sue; homsrs. per
dot., lies; squaiaa. No. 1, lw; No. f,
FISH-tfresli froienl Pickerel, ri; wnue.
IOit; pike, 7c; trout, ki taia ciapplea,
Uigrltu: Spanish mackerel ;i; eel, Mc;
haddocks, Uc; floundsrs, Uc; green cat
fiah, loci roe ah ad, fl such; shad roe, per
pair, toe; saimou, 12c; halibut, loc; yellow
pervh, Ic; buffalo. So; builbeads, 11 c.
bbr.F tui rnn-ts-iuM, rio. i, uc;
No. i. 13c; No. A 10. Lolna, No. I,
ISVtc; No. a. H.c; No. 2, 14c. Chucks, No.
1, sc: No. 2. iV, No. , 7ttC Ruunus, No.
1, Icevc; No. t, loc, No. t, sc. Plates,
No. I. sa,c; No. t. 4'4c: No. a. tc.
PRUITS-Apples: Extra fancy Ben
Davis, per buL, fa.!; Jonathan, per bbl
tt.iio; lancy Wlneaapa, ier bbl.,;
inncy silnsourl Pippins, per bbl., tt.n;
u.n. y llanos, per bbl., HOu; Idaho
Jonathan, extra fancy, per box.;
Viaanuigton hpltsenuerg, per box, 32. .Vt;
Maahlnston R Beauty, per box, a-.S;
Wsalilnaton Styman Wineeape, per pox,
iio, itunanaa: Fancy nect, per bunch.
tf.2(tilM; Jumbo, per punch, ftTBtfAi.
Cranberriea: Wlsctmaln fsncy, per bbl.,; per box, 13.7a. Dates- Anchor
biand, new, i 1-ln. pkgs. In boxes, per
six, t2&; Dromedary brand, new, :B
1-1 1. pkga In boxes, per box. 13.00.
Figs: California, per case of 11 Nu.
12 pkgs., tve; p.r case of M No. U
pkga, t2.S0; per case of Mo No. I pkes..
t?.oo; bulk, lu 27-ib. and to-lb. boxes,
per lb., loc; New Turkinh, o-crown In
alb. boxes, psr IU., itc; t-crnen in
sib. - boxes, par lb.. Itc; In
JD-lb boxee, per lb., 17c. Grape Fruit:
Florida, Hi alio, por crate, t-.iu; 46 sixe,
per crate, t.oo; HO-I4-i4 s.sea. per crste,
st.oO. Uraprs: Maiaga gi-apea in bills.,
.itta.oo Lemona: Llinonmra Selected
brand, extra lancy, 300-isO nes. per box.
Vital; Loma Lliuoneira, fancy, .IjO-sso slxr.
per box, 7:iv; 2w and 4i s.aes, per
box Its, oranneii. Cmifutuiu Camc'iia
brand. Navels, exlra fancy, ee-liS-lOo-l"-Mi-2i-;o
sitiis, per box, tij; extra
choice, all sues, per box, tcai; ie-
phanl brana, ijif-ino-i.ieji'.'-.iie-io sizas.
per 4iox, tU'iO. Cabuage: Wlscouhln. per
!h., . Carrots: Per lb., f',c Celery:
Cullfnrnla Jumbo, per d'u., !'..: Flonda,
In tne rough, and I out., per case,
I4.jb. Cucumber: Hot house, per dox,
ti.oo. Egg Plant: Fancy FlorlJx, per dos..
ti uo. Extia fancy, while, per lb.,
12c. Lettuce: l.xtra fancy per dos.,
lac. onions: Callloinia. wlute. boiling,
per 11'.. 7c; Wiecoruiu, yellow Globe, per
lo., ac; red Globe, per lb., 4c; Spanish,
per crate, 17.00. Paisley: Fancy e-jiitli-eit),
ter dox. bunches, auriTSc. Parsnips:
per lb., 2tc. Potatoea: tllnncaota harl
Ohio, per bu.. tl'; Wisconsin whlt-i
Itock, per bu.. tti. K'ttabagaa: la
sacks, per lb., iHc. Tomatom: kioritta,
ta r f-bsk. crate, tr'.OO; Cuban, per 0-hsa.
carrier, taw. Turnips: rt-f ;a. 2Sc.
MISCELLANKOUS Almonrls: Tarivt
gona. per lb.. lnc: in sack lota, la leas.
Peanutu: Roablcd, in sack iota, Hr
lb., 7c; roasted, less than sack lots,
per lb, tc; raw. per lb., tc. Torsos:
lrge, pey lb.. 17c: In xe!c lots, lc le..
Walnuts: New orop, l;l. California,
per lb.. I7e: In sack lots, lc less. Oder:
New Nehawka, wr la-gaL t.bL. ti.i:
per "-!. bbl.. .'; Now York M.rtt s.
per It-yal. H bbl.. 32-70; per 20-gal. bb'..
cat. Honey: rw, M frames, t'277,
Krout: Per It-gaL ket T-Ti, per -tftL
keg, BJB.
Evaporated Apples and Dried Fralta
APPLES 4julet and steady: on tbe spuu
fancy. totlvc; choice. .c; prime.
7-v 1s'.
DRIED FRUITS Prunes, steadier, cspe-
s H E E P Earl mated receipts of sheep I dally for the larger sixes: quotation
and lambs amounted to about 1000 head, i ranire from c to lie for Californias up
but supply figures were deceptive aa far j lo 20-40 and sTe to tic for Oracon.
aa actual market offerings were eon- Apricots, quiet, but prices srs steady:
earned. Tbe run consisted entirely of a choice, 14,HlMv-: extra choice. Uijlc;
tralnload of Colorado lambs consigned i fancy. Petixl7ie, Peaches, firm with
through to an eastern point, so thst the
trade remained empty ana nominally
During th week receipts have been
reasonably large, but poorly distributed
owing to blockaded railroads on early
daya Fed lamb and fed ewea consti
tuted the big bulk of the total, and the
demand, especially for lamb, acted rather
rather uncertain from start to finish.
Moderate losaea were scored at mid-week,
but easier trend waa seldom credited to
tha proverbially beariah Influence of tha
Lenten season. A a matter of fact, th
unequal distribution of offerings, a
shown fan the table of receipts, probably
em tha bur sn figur In nosing an
erratic trad. Soma react! oa cieviapcd
llgbt offeringa; choice, KHvtjloV:; extra
choice. UttUtec: fancy. IIVill. Raisina.
dull and d- minairy unchanged: loose mus
catels, M47c: choice to fancy, seeded,
4at7ac: seedless, stride; London layer.
UtvOLIt. ,
Waal Market.
BT. ions. Ma. March t WOOI
gteady; territory and western mediums,
asUlac; fine mediums, katflic; fine). 10t21ac(
Omaha Hay Marker.
OMAHA. Marrh i HAT No. 1. SiM;
No. i. HS.M; roars. tlltO; packing stock.
aiiaiix. tiaist straw; v a sol
i7.ia a.
I r ettrflflto: al
itUt; rys aad