THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY. MABCH 4, 1912. Desperate Desmond Cigarettes Prove the Undoing of Our Hero, mV xney Do lor auny Anoiner. By Hershfield ! H st ! ' LLCJ UJ lOt OLM1J OUVUKi. s S .HM..,.....OTW . i ii i i i i ii i i i inn I mil i i im I I i i 1 1 -t ir-rmnr i n-" r " i!:: I. THE VVfKR HAND. Claude. ra4 io stripes and with shares head, haa at hurt managed la Mad Desmond sersrwly to Bts chair, and th bour of triumph ia at hand (or tb Mag sbueei hero. U doe not seem ao aey task to escape, even now. w Claud la liaedbapped by the costume he I wearing and lb aoqualaunc of th Clilnex with iiia features. 1I.-A READT DISGUISE. With Desmmd helplessly bound. Claud gets tbe brUllaot Idee of taking tha vM kli'i clothes, aad tkua bliieratlns all Ma heroic efaaractariatloa. Ia the villain's makeup Claud la mor Uksly t b aa sleted by lb rrupt Chines tbaa I b hindered by Item. Deemood la furious, but tiia prawau arall aothlaf with tb dtraalMd Oauda. HL-LiaHTlNO THE CIGARETTE. Ome outside Ih room, Claud brthirki htrietlf that Desmond ImartaM has a cigarette between hi lit. All his lilt our hero haa ba opposed I ti I ait of cigarette rok(Bg. which lie baa area en slave ao many youth: but on this occa aloa b facie It iwinrr for the sake of Rosamond I aa any means to effect an IV.-DBCOGFn. , ' ruor C'aud: He never guessed that er diaarr cigarettes would prat too Inalptd fur the depraved taate of tha rluaia and tuat tb eitaretta ha attempted to eaoke as trussed with tb doadiy Cbioea bfiuiTL A few puffs and Claud la bdp !iH utor the influent of tb drus. and ,uil aa Tietorr waa ia alhu ' T. -BRINO HIM HERE." From his nconfortaM place, bound to Ih chair, Desmond area thnmcn tha door tb alSBOst ancooarlous form of Claude beiuc carried up the steps, anl. overjoyed bt the riht, he orders the Chuaea to take his clothes off Claodc Tb hero Ii ID be hurried ta the boe pital and acsht baadsred e that bis MentiTicatloa puld b hnpoasfblc. VL-ROS HOKE'S DEFEAT. One mora Rosamond la In tb prison hospital with the soran-Wi order for the rr tease of her lover, wirjuatlr confined there. AaaUi Conrlet h enwrappad in bandasee that ah casnot bo positive at bis Weatiflcatloa. CUude. too. la acsin la the earn position as be Sure he rolled to freedom. How tb lovers baffle De nttmd appears tomorrow. WANT ADS Wajst ada received at aay tlaaw bat to bwaar proper ciasaifkstluB stwat b pvwwted brfora IX 'clock a, for . ib esenlBf exlitloa aad brfurw 7:XO p. m. I'r bWTBia m rwadar M ttoam. Hut ads reeatead ailer boars UI hat Umst fin Ifweruaa adev la hra ding "Tow Lata ta tUsoifT." CAbH IIATFjToh WAXT AJ. KKOlLAK CL4SS1 'ICAT1US Oaa InaerUaa 1M cwat per word aad 1 irat per word fir each aahaeqaeat ronaerwtlve laaerttoa. Karh laarr flea suet o add dafl t Hw per i IJM per line per aaowtn ad a raa without chansa of A X tX' K C K M E .VT MAIL OKIIFJI HIVIXKM MANG1AM1XI BHOS. luaiKl made hi Ossaba. Kvare park- ae sue.' Aek rout aroaar. aaaa ua nity (! cut otit of r' kases tor premium. ft c . J fcwabbsbed at Hcyn Studio '.urr asaa aaeto: wa win live iya. In and Hvward bta. snllCUKll MAUH FHOal WKWJWa Mrs. rev. lUt S. hta. t-aoae a Ml El. HABAhA CIUAK. buz ia. prepaid. fE ft: try ha f doaen. if not atiiTexlory n'iay refunded TOK liHI O CO . raniaffi. Oroa. M. K. MuinlL cblua paint ta Brsnuels TB ACTOMOBILEB. DRUMMOND Avu repalrias: Marea sbock absorb ent. a 4aa ttlal before you buy. UU an narney F L" Aula ttvuip repaliea. Omaha ajlvor Co. ONE E-Ii-r . coniiileu with nrrf Mil ntjan front, t-oassenaer used as demoanratur. Price, fiot. On five paaaenser Mambior. (ood evBdltlea, IbA On blodel il Overland. IM. MAK10N AUIVMOIilLE CO. tm-l rarnani Jit. Omaha. Kb. McLNTVliE AUTO CO. ears fr tha swsey aa tb saarket-Oau-laud, ataaraa. Koht and R. C M. br (eli In ued tnis am finao. rrc. V" " r.IW. nejav. fareooai attea. trnlioa slven. Trucks ard aulas stored. Marcatns In oeed rare. 501 M. It D HIL AMI RKilKXTS Apollo Theater S0T- lli$rf etsas motlna pivlurra. Ai.lVAI'd Tun kbeT MbalC. I: THK IjliiioNO THICATKli. M a Le. The Fentuue Oem Bei pletere fur Munday. Vc in: s urn neztar:'' m. bluviiia I Ittuatratei lata aad Favorite Theater v Cawiedy aad Heloet Urama. Motion fraur machiM awl fliai wAi-tWaVaV lUi (iniie. Monaf Bfcrtur .ad eufptea. lilVAI. llMalar. N. Hb aad t4 LU"IU Weil. Moiion aaeturea. aa teriitniaa and aavostiunai. IKMMl.ff "rilJai "iKHVlCK. Renlera f aiovlna pkturea. AsenlS for pnwere. rUliaoa. b1ailiiraih nuutuaos. ml faraem It.. Omaha, Neb. Ah'.XOl'HCKwKTTTw Pr-KIFTKIl makes old cara Ilka aew by addloa; (oreeVuere. repalnac laps, ra- paintinc e. Mb and ieav- U A POR iAl.E-At a barsaia. to alisnliy oaed siidlaad AutomoUiaa. rraalaad Auto U, Itib and Karnam. OMAHA MACHINE WOHKS Autoiraou weldlna, Ren'l narhlae aad auto repetrtnf. Pattara makln aad aue ral machinery deauiiMid. kipert die work. Hatter urawlnaa. til at Itta at., D. iW. A I Trn HAVuToli repaired. Meiai nyj AyJ platins fcaceleior Cq tlai rar. hjchaikTsoT PAJNTINU. TKIMMI.SH. old tbiraaadiau. DR. ROT. U Pamaoi. Poeaiiaa tel. CaMbtaat MaasUaetaeara. Wear Ideal drees shirts. U. E- Smith Co Caal Dealers. WEgTERPIEI.D sells REEDEP. COAL; rt'HKALK ar RASGK. l. 1M: A-laU. K1.VUUX.U. aa load. H. Oroee. W. HM. tVreaaaersea, Ualriea aad aappltea. Psirmont's Diadem bmter. Always oed. DAVIO COLIC CHUAMcKT CUMfAlif. Carasaa aad ateel leUaaaa- CARTER Bheet Metal Works. Omaha Ossdag Aeaaeaata. Mackle'a tnrlng A'-edemr. 11 Harney. Daily elaaeie Mua.. Tkura.. Hat, evenlnna. Iteatlaia. DR. MrLERAK. spsclallsl In plate work. ai lata ct Ion ar n fee, aa Brandeia Biaa. bailev. tl.e dentist. IV y Nat'L D. Oat ilul a Macb. Id rkwr Paxtoa. lan a D. laai. !4 entai rooms. 1117 Doug. U. rat Oatealleaa, U WJXOKrKJIJKrbab Blk. JAMB aXLaW. Neville Blk.JTylar IL "Omaha f-cret nerv, ta Paitoa blk. D.ll Ureasaialaaa, Terry's preeemsklna eofloae. Mtb A far. WATBI-llewln. V " a day. Web, aa Murphy Did It Uraasleta. DRl'OS at out prkes; freight paid on 'lis orders: catalouu free, aherman Mrt'onnell Drug t o., umana, r-o. Why nut arfl your auuwaebii aid buy a new ana ar, aaaybe, yew aan use Ilia money la aome ether way in either event bee want ada will da the work. Kate It aeot par Word if run aaly ana time or I eeni Per ward if rue taa of asere tiieee oona.amtveiy. UAH AUK for autoawtaiea ar aa at Msry Ar. J. A. 0 EXTLKMAN. 'il1. ewibaimar. mi ChUage at. D. 1.B-ki FutjwT itEi'Aiiib AM,'ei rrr" W. 1. LA I Ad K-Auto LiackunliMnsi brake raliaad. abeel trued up. spring weldinc speiially. ait A inh. !. !. UHlCai storaae. REO anto. runabout style, rear eeiU of friKtns type, perlect eon'tltlim. but f small for my use. Pnct, $3. riOfur I "ally. Palmer. KU "TiEW Hudson t-saeaenaer tourlfig car SI a treat aacrlftre. Artttreee I afi, lie KKW - ' nawf Hudaon roedater. leaa than factory cost. Address Si ea HUIaSE k HEH'EX, f ka'a-. L'M'KRTAKKI'.a. HEAFEY& HELVFEV, it. Moved la Mil rarnaav A- WELCOME THETEKNA SHOP Thtnaa fteavtlfai. r'avara. elub prtaea. croaha'a Ka-luaive Uitl toie. K. alMMKHaiK. IKS I'm r ram m. Omaha. KOIt KALK-i-maaeneer. U,UI M Oidanioni rebuilt. rtittted - and iiarenKed: price, pre; also T-'t!r Aui,wrat demonetrattna; ear. rtr iiiwilve pitre. Phone Dauf. E. Kurd. 24lt Karnam M. ' a ils al ,. I). Ul al.VrMS t-HANIT.ll VOL' IX alweve be happy if your aed dlna etna ewmea from arpdegaard a. ILi el. hth at. Al lb siga of the crows. PIIliK'1 rn saads. Te.nk. "'e.aiaa need Co., to. Blulfa, la. KORlilKi:P tKTTER Dr'pMCA fifkij "ti.. a pailoa Uik etmular letter, any auaatity; oldeat eatabilaaed eoaiuaay; a perta of MullisTaph ane Keoatyle. Neb, need fa eunee. Hoth phenaa. Maaaaid Van a nioiage. fata, mov tore end ehto H. II goout D lei. u i: AaoV'lNte pt. lure u Xebrsi(a Pitta Co. ai-ii.nea and supplies. I'll rejuu M IxjVliK.S'. the lump man. Web. 1 Vneatr (er cent leas tiuo umana uiiwa HOME PURNIKHINU CO. I'wenn luunh and U ma.. eVtuth Omalia it H Cole elan Co. U I7. L.I. farnani WilhM MIINTINU id. "pa.i tlW Filler, t 'liter repairs. Ill no. 14 U. lit MONEY TO IAAN-LUW rate. In sum to mil. U bee ilIJa I NK)! LOAN CO. Uphoiieri, piana fura. rep, apt Par. DotoiA PtlntlnaCe- IA LKH.f"viT vVRITE VVE'LtiUV Cash for Stocks MOXET TO LOA.V. ' M:ning ateeurtlles I urnpanv. aVBlag, jjmaha,Keb. Doug. z ti KT .r diafiKBde at RrodeswanrsT" WELCOME THE TEKNA SHOP Thlnts Beautiful. rors. dab pnxee. doila and doll rittlnr. Omaba'a Eacteatve otft Ittore. E. C. W Pa mam w. Omaaa. MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT tX)MPAXY. F. J. OPPERUAV. tamew lo Ailea P. Ely A Co. dealers In everything tliei la MECHANK'au eontrsctors equip ment a aparmitr: CAHH OM.V: plums ln supsxwe: W HOLKriA UE. RETAIL. Hi tivualaa. Omaha. Neb. HAZEL LEAP PILE COX t-lle.l remedy far Itching. Weeding ar protrud ing piles. lUtu pastpaidi saaphw free, anerwiaa A MeCoanail Drug Co.. Omaaa. Mechanical Equipment Co. V. i. OPPERMAX. ta Allan P. I' Ca . oraiers la vrythiog that U MlaCHANfTAk: eantraotars eouio- sperwity: cash nalv: ptambing WHOLESALE, KJETAU. I1J LangUa. Omaha. Neb. IIAV.k.l.lilN-1 h. fuluia Plttsbursk f Central Brt ti ah ' olumPia. richer la "at. aral reaouicea lhaa any other like area in the world. Deatlned lo be the angnty etly of the last great neat. Head for free booklet Aft.lreal CANADIAN N A. rioNAL IN VEerohi. tn Paatoa Blag, Omaha. Neb: POR CALB-BwkemlUi ab-jp: I power abop In s.ata. Address at. Matlhleaen, guetrlor. Neb. IL ON account of III health I WIU aell a weil-establiahed Wall paper and picture buemeaa in the best ally la Iowa. An dreas r t. ttee. tad INVESTED la Little Wonder Oas Miner will secure four bast counties and make ewaer Independent. Call afternoon ml Pa mem. HOTEL PLAZA needs flret-ciasa emla Eireptlonsl opportualy for aa expert emed party. Vie hate Ti rooma and at eatabliihed paving bualness. Call or ad Vm. J. FUl tr. mr. lith A Itoerard. PtiR "AI.IC toli of hardware Iw. thirds aew atock: tuna af LSoe pupulatloa; territory twenty mike eiuaje: practically all fanned, county neat. Hi. Aniboay Hsrdwere Co.. Ht Ant'iony. Ida. TO get In or oat of buaiDeH eah an OtN'OKirTAD. eat Be Rldg Tel. D. SOT. KHtlltT OI1TIKI1 reel au rant and con fectionary store; a good chance for right parties, want to aee me at race. Urlte fv-i 1S. Hr-nderstm. Neb. . Rotbery. Huslnnas and Ileal Etats Pi. hjnae Co. Room lit, M ague Hl lg. DAIRY for sale. Tnone Harney 147. " A I fcTh N? AlvVl t )N K CCT ION ! Tharedav. March '. IHt, I P. m. House hold furniture, cigar fixtures, pool tablxa. and a bw of rruafwlianeoua ar-tlv-lee must be eold. aothmg rewerved. C H Linn. 1711 North Jtlh. Omaha. BL'tUXEKA PIRHOXAL ArlaaUa Veelea. R. NrHEROAI.U Wll-H City Nat'l ED Rt)V K. well boring. Benson Mi. Areblleets. J. P. CottrelL M Caee. Red f Aetalaaa aad Tease. i OMAHA TFNT CO. Tel. IK Doirlaa. Atloeweya. liston L. Hi". tArer. ful Pran Bids i,. vV. Hoieida. Attorney, ai, b el Trade. aaupaae aad lalirele, THE ONLT WAT. Baggage dK-ked iu dvetiuation. Taxi mi and louring carr. Tel. oeuglaa bo Maa Maawtaeiwrer. REM!. OMAHA RAO CO.. Omaha. Nib MIU Paetera. UJLaild HAKNET. lOCOLASat Aea aad rwabaca btaaefaaHwrvrs. Wooden Box A Parkas Ca HI 4 V. !. Caeeaaeeas, end tamteaaaars. . Steven aoa. can enter, oont Both Phone Clears aad t TBS aaaltarr Crewa Pip. Hi A Jatk. bverylUmg tor aa. COX SL'LT PR. Bt'RK g. 41 Doug. Blk. " WHV PAT A Hit PBIOK KOH Tul k hl'HINU HATt When yeu can gather up your own ma terials, perhaps add a Utile new. and have II made lata a stunning hat at ver little coat? . Mus Pepper will lake Ciarce of It fnr you s Iso clean or d your feathers and riowere, clean and reblork your straw hei and furnlah any new material needed, hi I Hit PEPPER, tH Ho. Seth Htreet. Phone It. . r'ITI?T f Vi laundered. Mr. ' ttiody. Harney car- Out-f-oata garments ea. for aew. . . asA Evelyn Males, expert eoraellere: eor eta made to measure, olaaned A repaired: worhmaneinp guaranteed, ha Bee. D-Mht. J Willow plumes, mad from your old and new leathera. reasonable. 1st! S II. D. WqI TRT Ibe HoiTON.WET WAHII. Hav your family wash brought home ready for drying at Jot Doug. Km, B-toU. bvervtaiaa aaeatrlaat. B ectrl Ilghtlnc fix., wholaaale and retail. Burg eae-U raa den Co., 111 Howard. D-4S1. i aad afaeae. HlhIr.S Pf KM)XAI.3 i'kvsagraysa. Eolson ilKinaraph!. c'huBs Bros. 1!A Par. Phonocrapba bougot. sold, exchanged; recoide. Am. Pliono. r:x. 'Arti Cuming St. HELP WANTED MALK' VtXO"-H igh grade l-pallUMlx. gW T.C. MOXET TO LOAX numbers. P. VAl.KF.NriKlttl. P'.LT,ag. W- FULL tlrees s:,;s anu tarti di eases lor ale- alts, f.i,- i. ni 1 1 a . i -..i j JOHN r KLDMA.N. 'J V l:ih D . A bleel task aad laliert le NEBRASKA ami Iowa Steel Tin. Com papy. 14tb ani Nichols. D. Ie. bleaesrephrre aad taart Meparterw. Myrtle A. Keller, TI Bran, The. D. jBB, GENERAL sUfnotcrapMc work aoUcltsd. KnVeopea. Sue per ley.. Doug. bit;. . Maa Werehime. t4 Paxtoa B.a. Tallerlws Anna 8lnek. eulta. cloaks, dresses, al teration, repair. Zti-4 fy Nst Bk. D feat OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. IK Douglas. Iran we aad aalt ta Prcllng A Bteinl. 1M Parnam St. 'Vaeaasa t leaner. VACITM CLEAN ERS-Rlchmoml Suc tion Cleaners re n led bv day. Rental to apply on purchase price If purchased within als. memos. RICUMoND SALES CO.. Ikus Parnam St Phone Douglas sit. racier y aad 1 cades. Drug 'tore tsaat sl Jobd Kp'.r' C dg At lave Urn era a. WAXTED-Marrted ranch. Address V III maa for stock car of be. TLLbijKAlIi positions guaranteed yeu by the I'nioa Pacific and llllnote Cea tral railroads if yoa gain your training la our sci drees boy lea College, Omaha. Neb. salary aad t-aa.tels. M0XEYi) LOAX on )ust a pcrs-mal note to any person having steady employ meat LOWEST KATES. REST TERMS. KEMEMBEK If you work, your credit 1 rbod Se others first, then see us. Loans made at auoe. NATIONAL LOAX CWn ROOM tf. SIXTH FLOOR. BEE BITIJ.1NG. PHONE DOI'Glli till. OwbtiltD FUR ttiiM Aaaruaeats aad Plata. I-ROOM modern flat Scarsa Bids., Mi X. ietb fit. Mouth Onaha. HaiL 4B Kamgs Bldg. Both phone. -RoOM modern flat, close In. Wright A Laabury. M 8. leth fit. Pohn Doug la li- AT Ma art Karnam: strictly modern S-rooen flat, t Harney am rioom apanment, A Mb St. Harney a new anck, xt MODERN s-room flat In Uanaoom Park dlnnct. Wright A Laabury, M & Kth .St. Pbeiie Doug. 1st. rnool. Practice on B. It w..ts. Au--4 "'.,' lor paruculara. H. a bayiea. Plea, j i'lOIlC V . s College. Omaha. Nefc. W " U.S. ALIO SCHOOL i OMAHA. I LAMOE dHUPA, rw- nac lty graauatta. atur cara i i hai i Anja an furnttuw eel ale at a vary low af later. Nebraska Louq ComjiaDy. Bea Bids. A -IS. and actual repaj- work man any three j easiest teem, eaa athars; than asa as western avheui. Let ua PKOVK U. laud be convinced that we will save raa . . : . - . . i money. HoCeLHOLii LOAN CO, K. E. A MAN of good appearance le work la jCor Mh 4 ,. ,! ,. mg. aU. ieeni eey-l. -ll at ll. nwwai, itth and Farnam. Apt. hi. A net wees U and 1 p. m. daiuraay. 4-ROOM fiat on t Herman Ar. Web. S7M i I-ROOM, steam heated aparunent, Tb Hasan, list and btaaoa a la.. . ptisai Deuglaa leTl. im A MTH ATEAttnyctiva, large -roam flat, aeosod floor of nracticaily new brick, strictly modem, clean, ia beat coa- ratea aad ,dltlo Phone Harney n4 STEAM HEATED atodern apartmentT Wis aaafaetaiwea. D. A Orlffltb, wig mfr., U Prenger Blk. WANTED POM V. B. AKMT-Abie-kodied unmarried men ltren th ages of U and &; duaens of untied Stales, of Bent a I to ' (aM coanatter end temperst baluts, wbe laturuage. For uifurmatioa appiy lo re cruiting officer. 12t a and Dougias Bta. Omaha. Neb.; et7 tb BL, Sious City, ia.; m h. lib St., Untala. Keh. Wlaca aud Llauare. WILLOW Springs beer, liquor, titers, sandwiches. Alsx Jelea, 1M Douglaa. VIRGINIA DARB wine. Bio a large bot tle K em Uquor llouae, ta M. Utb bt EDl'CATlOXAt TUTOR 1 NO. 1st f Mb grade II. Met BOYLES CdlJLEGE DAY AND NTGnT SCHOOL ALL TILE YEAR ' Complete courses la Business. Book keeping, Stenography. Telegraphy. Civil Service or aeleamanihlp. The catalogue Is free for Ibe aaklng. Call, writs or phone for It st once. Address H. B. rioylee. President, Boyle College) Omaha. Neb. STOP KEAD! Learn automobile engineering m our large uauuag abep. Huuoreda of succaaaiut giaduatea. Complete aiiuipaaeat of auie mobtlea and machinery. Address National Aula Training Assn, SRI Brandt is Thea ter Bldg. oiieftia. Neb. WANTED Railway nail clerhs. b a month, nnart hours. No layotis; poaiuoa yours for life, oiuaua exaaunauwaa May 4. Vnoussnds of avtfotnttueats cunu Cammca education eutlieieut. "Pud ' ua neceaeary. canuidatee prepared free, Wriw lor eempte queetloua. eianada In stitute. Dept. at M. Itocticet-r. '. I. MONEY loaned salaried people, wwmea keepins bouse and others, without s eurity; easy payments. Of Ocas la T prbx ctpai citlea. Tim man. aS Omaha Nali su.nk bldg , formerly !. T. LjIo Bldg. DIAMOND LOAha at tfi aad 1 per cant. FLA 1 AL', MM Deds ah. Tel. Red Ml. OtTKfUCO PUR BKXT LARGE, em home: Harney Maasae. pleasant row: private a mi Parnam, beat board, call four rooms, with gas rang tn kitchen : au-ex. atas neat. Deuba flat of U room, earner Mth and Hamiitaa. or would separate. i ranms, modern, steam heated apart ment. tl N. Hth St: toe, plus heat. Elevaa reams, sawders, all A Lit St., THOg w. HAZEN. 3W MOAOt'B. "PHONE DOCOLAS ISM modern flat, KSL N. Mth flat, 17 K. Mth St.; O. M. E. baula trunke D. CL A-M1L DtfelHABLE rooms alia board, auiubi for two: gentlemen preXerrea. rafereacea. in a. th Av. ROOM aad board la private family far two. 3 t aidweil. OOOD board and warm family; ivterence. H. JOK, private HBU WATTED tlerlenl aad Olfiee. STENOGRAPHER, rouiuf lady er man with lumber experience; give age.- experi ence and salary expected ta first letcer. Address B . Bee. UEN'KKAL atetiograptiec work aollclted. Pnvelupea adilreeaed fie- per HA Iwug. (Ii. Misa VVareblme. SO Pax ton Hlk. Heeeekeepers aad L em eat tea. THE SERVANT OIRI. PROBLEM SOLVED The Has will run your I tie Help Wanted ad FREE until you get . ,. . . . , . the desired result. Bring your sd ta las Peed, all bind. Olencoe Mill. xM Ixard. )M ot,, tie.hone Tyler MS. sTIaetata. A. Donaghue. hW Far. P. IH A-WM HElM A SWORODA. 1411 Farnam at. I WANTED A good housakaeuer'. one who can run a small hotel; write or pttoa Pled Dlesfel. Millard. Neb. L HENDbkUON. 14i Param.D. IXi BATH'S FLOH18TA Boyd Theater bide r aan dries. McDonald bras an krons fundry, alu minum, tin. lead oaalinga. lei .ackaon. laaaraaaa. Alfred a Kenedy, SlZ"- nee. Be) First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 771 . leaa aad Wire enela. Anchor Fence Co.. 107 N. IT. Tel. Red tli baxaadrtea. Ouarante laundry. Fine work D. H7t . beuabet. Groaa. Dim, wreck's. ilb. SI A Paul. kaaaeaai Maaaaalarera. itiinrer's macaroni and spaghetti. He pkg. Malareyclea. Expert repairing Krtrkson. fl A Utb. Maa las, biarase aad cleaaias. XPRESIMEN'S Delivery Co.-Movlng fuiiiiture, pacatng, ftreproot storage. City nfiic. im a. liu. Ijouii. at. ino. B-m. Tola City Expieea; lilt Howard. Bota Tel. para, moving. I mea, II per nr. W. rs. Meaasaeals aad Maaeaieaaaa. J. F. rdoom Co, lith and Cuming gta Malllaraphere, TRI-CITT Drpi.lCATINO CO.. 7M On Nail Hidg. Envelope add re seed. Mail ing Hai lurnji-aed. LKmg. laje. Sataapaihy. A lice 1 ohnaon. Ms- Brandeia The. Blag. Katner) n Mckvias. J4-4 tJranaels Theater Wptlaiaaa. B P. XV urn, fitting A rep'g. 4Q Brandeia ratal aad baas. PAINT, ail. lesd end turpentine are It per cent cheaper now then a year ago. Take advantage ot th a ana buy only strictly pure uialerial al Marker broa. Paint Co., lfcahe f araam fcu l-aoue Duuglae 47M Pbataaraphera. Rlnebart. eewtntrrapiiers. ltb A Parnam Plstlas. OMAHA SILVER CO, tit A Mtb. Paaeata. D O Marnetl. Paxtoa Blk. Tel Red 7117. u, i laid bua, liJw City Nat. bank Bldg. Prlallas. r.TC TfaVvas Dnnt.e TeleBhOTM acw ii,uuci,imin, Doua.WU BEB BLIKi. EflTKASCE 17t COURT. PELNTLNO Superior grade. J. S. Ihompeon. Web. fl7. LET the CENTRAL PRINTI.VO CO. da yoar work. HIT Douglaa Tel. D. gat. Lragetad Printing Co., Mth and Capital Ave. Tel, lad. MA far good pruning Bias-Hail Pt. Co, Hi A IA Did. A-t WANTED A girl to aaast with house work. l'Jl Dlnney. WANTED An experienced nurse girl at once: references required. C. U. Span. IKS S tat Ave. Harney atll WAXTED-A good Bohemian or Oer man girl. 407 So. t h. Phone H. MM. WANTEr-lrl"for general housework; good wasee; small family. Mil 1 lodge. WANTtiliAn exiierienced care taker at once at the Creeb. Douglas MU.- M24 Harney. WANTED Ulrl for general houaeaork. Ill H. rth St.; Tel. Han ey IM. WANTED An experienced nurse girl; referen-'ea required. Mrs. E. E. Btinea, in . rd Av. Tel. Harney 121 V CATHOLIC girl for general housework; one who can bake bread. 1KM Military Ave. Tel. Weheter UI4. WANTED Voie people to poul try with the Olu Trusty incubator. Write (or free cautlogu, M M. Jsansaa. Clay Canter. Neb I WANTED Maa aud wife ea b-acre farm; dty limits: maa must be an ex perienced truck tartner; none other need kpp'y: good home; good wages. Apply by letter ta Mr. Phelps, ami ft. Mth St, Omaha. WA.NTED-Men to prepare for poeitiono now waiting al top wages; learn the bar ber trade: few weeks qualifies: no dull see eon, no strikes; casn every Saturday aigbti an army of graduate depending upon us for help. Call or write. Moier Barber College. 11 A 14th Ht al a.AM heated rooms wit good bom rooking. Be S. Hb hit., Harney KM. BKAITIPL'L suite of rooms, eaeetmnt board. West Parnam. Call Harney eV TME MADISON. Ftrvt-claas table board, ateam heated, newly burnished roorn. hat water at ail Uraes. elaaa baths: apart! rata by week or moata. Tbe Madisaw. Zlat aad Chicago. FaralsmeA DESIRABLE furntahed room: priest family. Mil N. 3Hb St TeL Webster ay;, SU JONES Front roam for two; if deaUed. board l.b RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS WANTED m month. Omaha examlna tloas May A tjeactun free. Write Frank lin Institute, Dept. Alb M. Mucbesuar, N. T. WANTED Man af good appearanos fur special work in our new BL'alXEaa DE PARTMENT; nuui having bank experi ence preferred. Csll or write Assistant Cashier. City National Rank. Ornaha. WANTED Railway mall eterks, Se month. No layoffs. Omaha examination May 4th. Thoueaad appointment com ing. Common education sufficient. Coach ing free. Write for sample iiueetlona. rrsnkua-lnetitute. Deal. XM N, Hoc heeler, h. T.. TOU are wanted for government posi tion, ha montb; send portal for list of positions open. Franklin Institute. Dept. Ill N. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED a good laundryman to take charge of the laundry ot tne moustnai srheol. Must have good references, slng.e man preferred. C. B. Manuel. SupL, Kear ney, Neb. UVE STOCK FOB BALE. Mareea aad beblalee. Black mare. t 1.40 ."Wagner. MK.K WANTED Young girl for housework; two In fsmily. Phone Harney Wli. loill fcitNT girl iur general house work. No wanning. IP Blnney St THIS Pish llkea to awlm In th nw and lune piano. Phone Web. IMS. ROOM and home cooking, very reason able. Jai Ho. Central Boulevard St. Mlaoetlaaeaae. TOT'NO women coining to Omaha as Xrangers are Invited le visit th Young W omens Christian association bulldlug at at. Mary's Ave. and Utb -u, where they will be directed to suliauls boarding places r otherwise assisted. Look (er our travelers' gutoe st U Colon station. for work, (ttlni LU wi rate. 1UN llovsrd fl. U1RL tor general housework. 2th ft. 'Phone Harney ITJf. HKLP WANTED MALK WANTED An experienced windmill man lo travel In Nebraska: give refer encta and experience. Address Wood mans Manufacturing Company, Freeport. 1U. SOLICITOR, must be ot good appear ance and good tauker: can make Hub per day, 'Phone Harney ia for Inter Think This Over General Agent Wanted For the State of Nebraska for th STRAL'B IMPROVED SAX IT ART POWEL RACK CO. A device mveuieu lor th purpcae af complying Willi (be laws of Nebraska pertaining to the Individual towel. En dorsed by sanitary experts and in general use throughout the I ailed States. Wa cannot supply the demand. General agent must come well recommended aa a live wire. Liberal contract and big eommbraloa. Pot further particulars write or wire T. W. Geary. General Manager. Dm. 17th ft.. Denver. Colo. WANTED Salesman ta retail our unluue, new wall map of Nebraska with UW census; every township named; every sectloa of land sbowa: is KxeS Inches: retail price 13. Good salesmen clear tie to IU per day. w rite today, enclosing 40 cents for salesman a sample. Th Ken yon Co., map maker. Dea Mot nee. la. HfUCWsI mares, work harrassa. for uwnoDij .,, n n. a. wb. mi. VOKT AXO fX)l'KU. FOUND AT LAST Screen Doors and windows made up and Installed com plete. Order now before th spring rush. Otnuha Window Screen Co. g?4 N. Mth At Basement. Doug. 4SH. W ar maker af Ferry aatsat metal comers for windows and doors. ybtuHiM having tuat some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluff Street Hallway company to a ace rt in whether they left II la tbe street car. Many articles each day ar turned In and the company ta anxious ta restore them la to rigntfui owner. Call Deug al . OMAMA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. X REWARD for arrest of thief and isoovtt af sew single cylinder. 1MI model. Harley Da vid eo a motorcycle. No, 14S-B. Victor M. Rooa, !. Leaven worth. LOST-Ladlea" gold watch, between MIS We hater Ave. and Mth and Fort. Re ward. Call Webster in. MEDICAL. DR. RACE, specialist, serious and all cbrorrlc disease, an Harney. Red av DISEASES CURED Dr. Tarry cures piles. Fistula aad ether Rectal diseases without a eurgkmi opera Man. A cure guaranteed, a aiosny past until cured. Write for book on Rectal Diseases, with teaximonlala BLK BLDO. OMAHA. Ladies' guaranteed remedies, e Ware bik. MONEY TO iAMX. Salary aal Chattela. LOANS NEGOTIATED 0! REAL FS TATE. Ft-RNITCRE, PIANOS. W'ARA HOCSB RECEIPTS. SALARIES, ETC LOWEirr RATEA .UK'K tST Ert VICM, CONFIDENTIAL. SEE VS FIReiT. RELIABLE CREDIT CO m FLOOR PAXTON BLDO, 117 S. MTTf. TELEPHONal DOUGLAS 14U A A-MU. GET IT af Mam Shaw. C L. B, at Star Leaa Co., eat raxtoa Blk, a is tha without aseurtty, la a-rsl yeu. LARGE front room, with alcove, for gentlemen. Phone Harney 173s. HA N. rrH-T large and one small, elegantly luralsbed. eteryibing modera. rent reasonable. Phone Dougiae l7tH MOeiT deeiiable part of dty, two rooms furnished or unrurntnne. ua a. sist. MoDEJLN furnished rooms, 1712 Devea- port Hi. Ha PARK AVE Two roams ta two or three people, modern boose on car Una, furnished housekeeping, light, beat, ate. Telephone Harney ZAC SMI Pmkney, warm room, nw, asodera muse. Phone Webster Av. SOUTH arm BT.-ell Warm, wail furnished rooms In all modern detached house; seven blocks from court house. Telephone Douglaa TPQA ill N. 17TH ST. Furnlrhed room, mad era: 1 block from poetefttce. NICELY furnished rooms, centrally lo cated : moderate ratea. liougiaa bat HOCTH MTH ST -el L W arm, wail furnished roe-ns In all modern deeaohed house; seven blocks from court bouse. Telephone Douglas 7yJ. fU FARNAM ST. Twe at rely furnished roe me : moeern; well aeaied; magie or ensuite. Phone Harney I74L FOR RENT Large, deaa. modera front parlor, nice and warm. i N. let a St. A. UST rr.. PK One elegantly fur nished room, modern, private home; In stantaneoua gaa heater In bath room; hot water heat; block from car. Harney Mil THKhK large lurnianed or unfurnished rooma. single or rneulte. Webster aWA iaj7 DODGE Owe suite aa Uret floor Including kitchen; read at once; one uiie on second floor; will bo vacant March I: one desirabl single room, aaiking dUtance. Pnone Red M7S. 14U1 JACKSON ST.-Sleeplng rooms, transient or permanent. Douglaa tot. Faratsbed Maaaehssatas staaai. ON" R LARGB warm room fumlabM completely for houaekaeptng; strictly muuem. ss nwi ew.ii, eni, . e. fine for two stria; laundry privileges. SU bouth Mib St TWO nicely furnlahed foor. modera brhk flac Harney bbd. Mlt on first Mason. ONE room, fumiahed for housekeeping or Bleeping; cheap rent. 4M A 1Mb St. THEMANUEL Two-room apartment, 3. Tb Howard. Vraaaa, private bath, las. tlat and Howard. OCTH vfH, M Mjdera baneekeeping rooms. Harney 4S04. . raralabed Kaeaie. SEVEN-BOOMA atcaly forn ashed. Dewg. iaa 1447. 1-ROOM. nicely furnlehed. D. M77. WEST Fsrnam. furnished hoasa; al most new, I rooms, beautifully decorated, oak and birch finish, aad hot water heat, will leas. JOHN W. BOBBINS. Mat Farnam St WEST Farnam, nkdy furnlahed bouse; a lm net new. g rooma, beautifully deco rated, oak and birch finish and hot water beat; will leaa. JOHN W. ROBBINS. WM Farnam St HLX ROOM 3c; Hi. mx-raom us. Plve-rooea modem cottage. 3703 N. Mth; Five-room modern cottage. KB Lake St.; f THO. VT. HAZEN, W7 M'CAGUE. 'PHONb? DOUGIAS Ute). PERFECT, splendidly arranged flat, rooma and bath, one floor, list and Far nam. Tel. Harney 771. 4-ROOM apartment, new modern brl.k. steam heat, short walking distance, gas stove, refrigerator, cupboard, wardrobe, btlnda, leui nary, fine Janitor service. Douglaa baa. Maasea aad let i gee. (74 S. MTH I rooms, completely mod era. tC bt 13 . smb. g rooma, earn, stately modem. MS. Thoa P. Hail. bik. D. 7M. A-44M. b-r. pair, oottaga. mod. except heat, fine re good location. Phone Harney tut. Houeee, Ins. KlngasJI. Brsndels Th. Bldg. Houses r J.'ir' ?u, . lew01 "W' auMMu- Cass at-i FOR HEN T e-room bouse, modera ex lMhrttree oaeap. auii Norm w Ed. FARNAM - New residence, tucea. W. ,l0 Ave., aa . f J? fi-trJw.wou baoked and tor wiudedi cheap freight rates; moving and taring; Espreaaroen a DeUvery CoT Tel. t- City oiiice. aia a. lVih bt, r0 O I fief. HOl'SB-MU Dewey. Ava. J rooms." modem Moyer atatiuasry Co, Mis trip. MOVING, packing and storing of housa- ' " tod" ami pianos is our business. Omaha Van and Storage Co., Creproof . torage. A Ifch, by the trlsducL brancli f office. a 8. lith St. Tel. D tin. A lsSU. V Good men are hard to set. They don I waaoer around Ih streets Itoeiuiig for lg in wtnaows. W be you need rood help ' advertise in 1 be Bee. See want ads ar read by keen, aergetio mea who wib to better their conol tioa. Ratea I per word if run two or more times con secutively. Telephone Tyler lib. MAPLE ST. oc. aquara, reception hall, parior. dming room, kitchen en Mrs. iiuoe- g rooms snd hath on second; rent, K3 ,..MKrB m ESTATE CO.. It Om. Nst. Bk. Bldg. Doug, or A-zUt a-nuus oottage, modem, close in. t A letb SC. Le Tel. DouglaTSs. -Ie'm,KHl!;''J1n'hP- '-room heus. near mth and Ptnkncy Sts. Call Web, em. FOUR-ROOM anim ... . Harney taa. B-3471 " . J"L "KT-LodglDC house, a) rooms. ff-4?- Apply Wm. N. Cham D Jl Bfkadela Theater Bldg, Tel. V RENT-A large modem realdetice. comer 11th and Pierce: 11 room, furnace, Sougt. ,T"': to"U; " 10nlh- cpe,bK.dvo:n-"dbr--w- -ROOM eottage, gas and water, near. Sonth Central Blvd. luL phone Doug, am eiiyrAr,E of ' rooms and bath. In Aou'tTheS I S - JtOOM I flat, M floor. HI North Mth. J-room flat, Al floor. x North Mth. b-room house at leis North i;th. ; house at la North 17th. -roooa flat, H floor, 107 North Mth. tt C-.-!ii:D1CK- ATTORN AX, fall Farnam Street. CENTRAL, all modern, steam beat. 7 room and bath; b-r. flat. t N. ad St. . IU,I new 7-room houae, all mod ant, gaa, electricity and furnace; ! Bristol; wee location: look It over. Call owner. Hsraey Mr. g. rc. Huntley. Mb-d-r. mod. ex. heat, Hm Spnurua Su Mi -r c. W. and aas. 2AB a ih moo. ex. beat, im N. Skh Ave. a- ex. Oeel, All N. Xtd. ail mod., bard wood (im&ii i,t water beat, very choice. Sum btaaoa. an mod.. UM & ath. all mod, ciea In. MM A Mtb. -o-r, mea. , beat. L.H On carlo. 4 modern low parlor floor. 1M s, stb. Ke-b-r, mod., ex. heat, Bag BabTer; I NICE rooms, uu A Uta bafaralaavra liassn PARK AVE. lea. unfurnished room for housekeeping, modern house, iagbt. he te!-phore, cooking gaa. Harney S Hotels aad Assart mem m. Dearer European betel, ttth A Fx ream. Dodg. ruanins hot aad eold water: tel ephones In every roam prsces the same. OXFORD snd Arcade, special erkiy rate. WANTED cn.mbermeld rh-ls. Millard Hotel. and scrub NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for gen tlemen. THE CHATHAM. 11 8. Utb Bt- - -r, mod. ex, heat. e N. ,tn. S-x-r, mod. ex. beat, bill N. Mth. H -r, mod. ex. heat, u N. 47th Are. MliiKEi f a itriBfcNS. I-ROOM boose. N. Mth St. D. xst FOR RENT Clo In, 7-room one-story iu,W N. Z!d St; modern except heat. (2 3): t-rrxve all modern. 114 N. gd. r; t-room tlat. SB. Tel. Red cSM. Btaeea aad IMtieaa. TCAorE bctldino rni a dodge. Attractive office rents M te CM; service complete. APPLY OMAHA LOAN AND RUILDINO ASSN. K South Utb HU with leiermeot, xu. U4 and 11 South Utb Street.