Looking Backward This Day in Omaha Wtfitt Twenty Tea Yean a HMhM rn cash km The Omaha Daily Bee WEATHER FORECAST. Generally Fair VOL. XLI-NO. 223. OMAHA, MONDAY MORXIXG, MARCH 4, 1912-TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. CHINESE TBOOPS LOOT TIEN TSLN Pew Police Loyal While Soldiers Set Fixe to Houses and Murder and Rob. BREAK INTO POTATO MUTT Destroy Vast Amount of Valuable Machinery. Most GERMAN PHYSICIAN IS KILLED Mutineers Murder Sim While He Seeks to Aid Friends. BRITISH TROOPS ARE OK GUARD Soldiers Lined f at Feaa-Tal with Leaded Gaae Bald Fifteen Hundred Chlneae at ' Bay, TIEN TSIN. March i-Rlotlng of a serious nature took placs here last night Th outbreak had been feared and pre cautions vera taken as far as possible to prevent residents front harm. Between 9 and! o'clock the soldiers mutlned, set (Ire to a number of buildings and then began looting from housa to house. Their vera Joined by the rabble. Shops and hanks In all th Important streets were looted, and some of them were wrecked. In order to Intimidate the popular th soldiers kept up a continual gun fire. The rattle of musketry could be heard throughout the night.' Only a few police remained loyal and they were outnum bered and powerless to suppress the dis orders. No fewer than fourteen fires were rag ing simultaneously In various parts of the city. The soldiers broke Into the Pely ang mint, which wss set on fire. Ma vhlnery to the value of many thousands of dollars was destroyed. Tha looters en tered tha silver stores, wrenching off the Iron shutters and even making holes In the walla. The mint was looted of every thing portable and the ground was strewn with empty cartridge clips and cases, Ceraaaa Doctor Shot. Th German consul dispatched guard to protest German residents la the city, Jfj composed chiefly of the esajlneerlng staff of the Tien-Tsln-pubow railway. A Oer- , man doctor named Schreeter, wax entered the city to assist German friends, was shot dead by looting soldiers. Foreigners generally, however, were not molested. A company of the Somerset regiment ws sent to the British station .at-mldnlght to protect th property. Tha damage done cannot be estimated. The city was quiet this morning, although hundreds of carts laden- with household belongings and loot were leaving for other parts. Further disturbances are expected. British Troosw Ready. An Associated Press correspondent, while proceeding from Peking to Tien Taln today, witnessed a critical Incident ?, Fegg-TaUwhtokjiaa Ja th hands at tne mutineers, jbe train punea in Be tween Hne of troops of th Somerset regiment, wh ware crouching with guns loaded and bayonets fixed. On hundred yards away groups of Chinese soldiers were sulkily discussing tha action of the Britishers, tl was explained that th Chinas had stopped the train and had threatened not to let any pass. They were given one hour by the British com mander to vacate their positions. Just about that time 70 of tha Enirlsklllln fuslleers arrived and began to detrain a quarter of a mile away. The Chinese, who numbered l.MS, did not move until the Enniskllllns marched up and took their position. Then ' they scurried away In all direction as the train continued on to Tien Tsln. Peking Mlsslaaarlee Bare. BOSTON. March L-Assurances of the safety' of the foreign missionaries sta tioned at Peking came today In a cable gram to th headquarters of th Ameri can Board of Commissioners of Foreign Sllsslons. The cablegram read: "All Peking missionaries and mission buildings safe." PIONEER OMAHA ATTORNEY DIES SUDDENLY AT HIS HOME. GEORGE E. FRITCHETT. OMAHA LAWYER DIES SUDDEN George E. Pritcbett Passes Away Shortly After a Bad Fall. BREAKS ARM AND SHOULDER Was Civil War Veteran, V. . Dis trict Attorney far ebmakn and ' Farmer City Attaraeyi Cam la Omaha la J 870. George E. Prltchett, ex-fnlted States district sttorney for Nebraska, veteran of the civil .war. Nebraska pioneer and well known lawyer, died at bis noma, H24 Case street, Sunday morning at 1 o'clock. He retired Saturday night at his usual hour. Shortly after he had entered his bedroom his housekeeper heard a thud and entering, found him on tha floor with a fractured shoulder and upper right arm. ' ' Doctors Lake and Rich were called and they set the ehoulder, saying he was "get-( ting along nicely." At I o'clock he died of heart failure George E. Prltchett as born In L'tica, N. Y., May If. 1841, and was educated In j the law at Itobsrt college of Geneva. N. T. Although admitted to the bar at Ro- Chester In lui h postponed the practice of his profession snd enlisted In th army, servtnug In the One Hundred and Twenty-sixth New York Infantry until the spring of InS, when he began active practice of th law. , In 187 Mr..rttchett cme to Omaha and had lived her contlnuouly rtnoe. In tha early '70s he was city attorney for Omaha and In UXI was elected a member of the legislature. Graver Cleveland, upon assuming office, the first, time he was siectef president,. aPiuto f4 iUra J.'i(H;el States JTalrU't sttorney fur Nebraska. Mr. Prltchett Is survived by three chil dren: Mrs. John L. Kennedy. Georba H. Prltchett and Harold L. Prltchett of th Western Automobile aupply company. A atsirr. Mrs. Sophia Talmadge. lira at Worcester, Mass. Mrs. Pritcbett died sev eral years ago. She was th daughter of A. J. Hanscom. Mrs. Pritcbett' sister. Miss Virginia C. Hanscom Is expected from New York Tuesday morning. Her brother, Jumea D. Hanscom, I en route from Cleveland to California and cannot be resettled having left Cleveland Sunday morning. Funeral arrangements have not been made, further than that Interment will be on Tuesday or Wednesday. TARIFF DEBATES TO GROW LIVELY Democratic Free Sugar Bill Will raw Fire from Friends of American Producers. SIXTY MILLION CUT TOO GREAT Reduction in Revenue Will . Combatted Strenuously. HOUSE TO PASS MEASURES Progressive Republicans Opposed to Sugar Flan. . DEMOCRATS KOI OF ONE MIND Minority Leader la Kraate far BUI, bat Many Draaaerata la Vaaer Chamber ! ot Follow II I at. Parochial School Will Be Constructed Knox Fails to Notice Slight Arrangements are belngnade for the erection of a parochial school for St. I Bridget's parish. The school- will prob I ably be built adjoining the priest's house at Twenty-elxth snd a streets. South , Omaha, and work starts soon, j 81. Bridget's Is the oldest church In the I - m. ( .- ..j aini u hhib icii uie neea liartu o nocks ' paro,hi" thi- t "vv"w school at Twenty-third and Q streets Is the only Catholic school In the city at SAX JOSE. Cost. Rica. March 1-Th.!t. preHnt tinM. ,llhoub American secretary f state. ' Philander j 8t. Mary parish contemplate the erec C. Knox, had quite as cordial recep-ltlon of a building. The parents In the tion here as at Colon and Panama. lHjnorth tnd of toutn Omsha cannot send Panama speech, which was published thelr cniMren to thUj Khaal, ,t trM ttM " " ana younger ones, because of th distance. ine norainf iwpers uevoieo pages to tne details of Mr. Knox's visit. All the edi torials were couched In friendly lan gurge. Two slight earth shocks occurred during the night, but they did no damage and most of the American visitors. Including the secretary, were not conscious- of them. A great crowd marched In Na tional park last night, opposite the resi dence occupied by th secretary, and the national band Serenaded the visitors, al ternating between the Star Spangled Ban ner and the Costa Rica national hymn. Secretary Knox appeared on the balcony, where be was enthusiastically greeted. WASHINGTON, March t-The liveliest of the tariff revision fights In the present session of congress will break this week when the democratic free sugar bill and tbe Income or wine tax bill, which gnes with it to make up the SW.WO.0W a year that would be lost In sugar duties, prob ably will go through the house and to de feat In tha senate. ; The passage of the bill In the house seems to be assured by the democratic majority which ratified them In caucus. In the caucus, the progressive republi cans will oppose putting sugar on the free list, and many democrats view with alarm the loss of so much revenue, with only a measure, beset with the possibility of a trial of its constitutionality as the only offset. Senator Martin, the democratic leaner in the senate akd a few others have en dorsed the houdo bills without qualifica tion. Many other democrats, howover. de cline to discuss them. There have been no formal conferences In the' senate over the measures. Klaht aa Free Sasar. Senator Brlstow, speaking as one pro. restive, declared that none of his col leagues favored free sugar, but all did favor an Income tax. He aald It would be unfair to American safer producers, who had grown under stimulus of duty, to remove all their protection by a sing Is legislative act. The progresstv republicans, who bold the balance of power on party questions In th senate, have evinced no disposition to seek common ground with the demo crats to push tariff revision legislation, although there have been some personal consultations. Thowntry of th free sugar bill to th senat will make three tariff revision measures pending there." the steel and chemical bills are the other. All of these will be adversely reported by th senats finance committee. Th regular republican will concede the possibility 0f NMIt of en)v (wft tariff revision measursa-a wooc bin. and, aVottoft bill NeKh.r of these measure ha yet come from the house war and means committee and tha republican concession la based on the fact that th tariff board already ha reported on wool and will soon report on th cotton schedule. Treat lee (aese la Tarsday. The pending arbitration treaties with England and Prance will com up on the executive day of Tuesday. Senators who have been supporting their ratification unamended say they will pass th senate by the necessary two-thirds vote. Those opposed I the trestles claim the constitutional treaty-making powers of th senat will be Invaded. It Is said to be unlikely that th senate will amend the treaties, but probably will pass Sen ator Lodge resolution of ratification, which provide no special agreements to arbitrate questions under the treaties shall be made without the concurrence of the senate. Other amendments are pending and long debate la In prospect. The senate may meet at noon on Tues- A Foot Note v f XL j asms Si!' if & J I ml 3 W2IIS h mm iv mmmmwm. mmmm jf ' ill Ai - 1 From the New York Herald. - "DOPE" INQUffiY AT PRISON Governor Aldrich Holds Long- Con ference with Warden. PROTECTIVE MEASURES TAKER Life Terse Ceavlet at Head of Hs pltal Paalshed and Traatlra De af Prlvllegra May 4. (hYom a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. March ..-(Special Telegram.) Discovery that convicts of the state penitentiary had been dealing extensively in various forms of "dope" lor om tlm past led to a long conference today b tween Warden Delahunty and Governor Aldrich. Following this the latter Issued a state ment in which he said: "In the matter of getting drugs Into the penitentiary, 1 desire to say that Warden Delahunty Is facing tha same situation that every prison official has to fear In the entire country and will always have to rsoe. There Is nothing new or startling In the discovery and w ar very thankful that on channel at leaat baa been discovered to a certainty and It goes without saying that this particular channel will not aaaln opened for the transmission of drug into the k Nebraska penitentiary Adopt Plaa of Artloa. Warden Delahunty and myself have rone over the entire matter and are Coolies Captured by Federal Launch in Thrilling Chase SAX FRANCISCO, March S.-Twenty one contraband Chines wer captured la Oakland creek tonight when the launch. Miming Star, from Knsenade, Lower Cal ifornia, was overhauled by a custom's launch, eomroaml.td byljnnilgrntlon ,ln abactor Thouias Crawfoi d. STRIKE HEARING CAUSES Mil in Berber Refuses "Blood Money" Collection for Expenses. LlPSON TELLS OF VIOLENCE Member ml Lawreae Strike Caas. ssltte Testifies ( killlas af Wessaa and af laeffea- Sevenfsen'.r ' alt Byntaadrr. day instead of 1 o'clock to expedite con- i agreed as to what ought to be done and The Weather Grand Island Man Expires in Omaha Dr. Henry D. Poydea of Grand Inland, ona of th best knows practitioners In that section of the state, died Of Brlght'a disease in Clarkson Memorial hospital Sunday afternoon alJn o'clock. He was iS years old and had been confined in tbe hospital for two months. Tha body ha been taken to Grand Island, where funeral services will be conducted Wednesday. Eesldea his wife. Dr. Povden la survived by a daughter, Mlaa Rath. Hoyden, who live at the 1 parental home. -. , I- FOB NEBRASKA Fair. FOR IOWA-Fair In west portion. Yeaterday. ' De(. M I Tesspeswtara at lis I Vtt w IE M wlW Hoar. S a. m... a. a... ? a. m... a. m... a. m... N a. m... 11 a. m 14 13 m 11 I p. m 1 f p. m 3S t P. m tl 4 p. m a p. m a 1 7 p. m 36 CoeaaatratiT Lsral StecaraV. VIZ ML UM. Bo). Illgbest yeetenlay tl J ai 43 lowest yestenUy . S M 43 3 feaa temperature ...... 13 xt S4 lTeuptiaUoa T . .US Temperature and precipitation depart ures from th aarnal: Normal temperature uerKiencr tor tfte aav Total aefleieticy siacs March 1 9 Auraai aenciecy m inek Dedctrw y for the day M inch j olal rarnrau since March I..J5W inches since aurca 1 .w en inches EDWIN BANCROFT FOOTE LEAVES FORTUNE TO CHARITY NEW HAVUN, Conn.. March .-Under the will of Edwin Bancroft Foot, founder of tbe Foote Boys' club here and a gener ous contributor to local charities, the New Haven hospital, the Home of Desti tute Mea and Women and the Good Will Farm for Boys, n Maine, will each re ceive 40.00. according to announcement here today by tha executors. Six New York societies which strive to Improve the condition of the poor will each receive taM. The residue of the estate, valued at fl.M,ee, also goes to charity. PNEUMONIA KILLS 1,400 IN CHICAGO IN TWO MONTHS Uenvteney for cor. period 1SI1..11 as ii-h .Defkneacy for cor. period Jl.aia) iaches CHICAGO, March x. Pneumonia, ae- 3 'cot dine to a bulletin hnxd by tha dry health department today, caused Met deatba In Chicago In January and February- Deaths due to tubercaloets In the same period totalled M. Scarlet fever In that period was the moat prevalent of the contaeioue diseases. .... . sideratton and, although the discussion may take up two or more days, it will ftlll be on the legislative day of Tuesday. The proposed investigation of tha money trust, the Florida everglade, the Lawrence strike, the proposed abolition of tbe commerce court and several other question are taking up the time of the house. ' BRISK WORK IN WORTH DAKOTA Glffard Placket aad Frank Km ta lister Casspalsa. GRAND FORKS. N. D.. March 1-Wlttl the arrival of Qlfford Pine hot tomorrow and Frank Knox Tuesday, a whirlwind campaign of Roosevelt and La Follette force I to be begun In North Dakota to continue until th presidential pref erential primary on March 19. Mr. Plnchot la to apend several day In mak ing addresses and Mr. Knox Is to remain In the state In the Interest of Colonel Roosevelt until the primary. An attempt also Is to be made to get Mr. Roosevelt to make a number of addresses here be fore March IS. The La Follette forces also are planning a strenuous two weeks- campaign and Louis D. Brsndels of Boston probably will make a number of addresses In th state before th primaries. AGED MAN FROZEN TO DEATH NEAR SIOUX FALLS, S. D. SIOCX FALLS, a D.. March l-6pe- cisl r Eluding the vigilance of members of the household, Halver Kyhus, aged TT, living with his son, Torger Kyhus, about tea mile north of Sioux Falls, wandered away doling the night and died of expo sure. ' He wss mentally weak and an ef fort had been made to watch him. He was heard to break a window In hi room, but before member of th family could reach the room be had fled, half-clad. Into the cold aad darkness. Immediate search waa made for him, but It was sev eral hours before be was found la a field frosen to death. Free Lee Leader Feaad Dead. CHICAGO, March . Frank Lewis, one of the leaders in the "Cplrlt Fruit" cult st Webster Lake. In Lake county, wss found deed, sested In a chair In his har- m shoo wan tne tire in hie Mm still burning today. At the death of Jacob Bleihart. several years ago. Lewis, with a woman strung herself Ulster Vlreinia Moore, assumed control of the coWny, the members of which professed to be lieve In free love teachings. Lewts death was due to apoplexy, I want to say In behalf of th warden. that he I anxious and more than willing to co-operate with anyone to the end that this nefarious practice be stopped. He la constsntly on the alert to put this traffic down and has bees doing all within hi power to accompllih It and from a careful Investigation, made, I am satisfied that the use of dope hs at the present lima been reduced to a minimum. And I also wsnt to say for myself a chief executive of the stats and also In behalf of Warden Delahunty that wa welcome any reliable Information at any time that will aid or assist him in making condi tions better at this penal Institution. May Bar Wassea Teachers. "la this connection It I proper for me to remark tha I am seriously considering the advisability of dispensing with women teachers In the Sunday school causes at tha penitentiary. Many prisna men be lieve that It' is impracticable to have women mingle as teachers with this class of men. I am not fully advised a to what ought to be done, and I sbsH make careful investigation and try to profit by tha experience of men who hav been at the head of penal inatltutiona and ascer tain as far aa I coa what ought to be done In this regard." Tbe governor also ordered that Trusties Crawford and Tooman, woo war dis covered In the act of taking th morphine from convict named Bums, who had only recently been releasee) from th state penitentiary, would hereafter be cut from their privileges. Darter rrieaae Pnalslted. x Doctor Dtnsmore. serving a life sen tence In the penitentiary and who has been at th head of the hospital for some Urn past will hereafter be compelled to eedve a a commit prisoner and will not handle drug la any fashion whatsoever. Drunken guards will be released, from the employ of the state and efficient mea will he hired to take their places. A care ful watch will be kept upon tbe man and tha atat executive will co-operate with the warden la making a rigoroaa at tempt to suppress the traffic. Prison association officials who have been especially Interested In th Investi gation snd who accompanied ex -Convict Barns to the prison late Friday night when the teat was made, were Rev. L F. Roach. 4aator of C Paul s Methodist church of this city; ex-State Superin tendent J. L. McBrten. Bert Wilson, bead of the Mea and Religion Forward snero ment, and Judge Lincoln Frost, formerly of th district beach. Chinese, wl.o leiped Into the mud of th oretk. lost themselves In a wilderness of abandoned and rotting whaling ships, and escaped In a covered wagon. With every reason to expect a foggy night, th Morning Star slipped In through Golden Oats shortly after dark, and ran Into a breese, which was driving fog and clouds out to sea. Hugging the north shore of Ban Francisco bay. It crept past Angst Island In th thsdow of th Berke ley hills. The coughing of Its exhaust caught Ihe ear of th Immigrant lookout, and a launch was started to head It off. The Morning Star took to Its heels. With no further reason for hiding, it ran Into a great sweep of moonlit water and headed straight across the paths of Oakland and San Francisco ferry boats, for the creek, which Is ths es tuary In th Inner harbor. Here It struck a mile of smooth water In which the government Munch overhauled It relentlessly. It surrendered within fifty yards of the covered wagon waiting to spirit away the Chinese. The Morning Star, which 1 a forty foot gasoline launch, we manned by two Italians and two Americans, On t ths latter jumped overboard when the smug gler saw tliat capture waa Inevitable and escaped. Th other three never relaxed In their efforts to get the Chinese scattered under the coal bunkers and along the wharf. The Inspectors spent an hour dragging the Chines from biding places In th mud. Tippler's Comedy is Resented at Y.M.C.A. George Fllsgerald mot a few friend down town Saturday night. He likewise met a few new bartenders. When the saloons closed at S o'clock he waa well under way on a stormy cruise. He ended up at the Young Men's ChrtattaB associa tion building at 1:30 a. m. and there created a seen by standing In front of the counter snd ordered several spiritu ous, malt and vinous concoctions. When Informed that he wss in the wrong pew he instructed Ihe desk man to order a cab a h wanted to see th sights. The cab which the desk man ordered carried FUsgeraid to the Hotel de Haver, where be still remains la bliss ful slumber awaiting th arrival of Judge Foster this morning. WA8H1XOTON, March t-At lh con clusion for Saturday of aa unusual hear ing before the house committee on rule and bills proposing n investigation of conditions relating to th strike of textile worker at Lawrence, Mass., Representa tives Victor Berger of Wisconsin aad Robert McCartney of the dtlsens' com mittee of Lawrence almost rams to blow snd wr separated by Jepressntatlv Wilson of Illinois. The rules committee bed adjourned the hearing to be resumed on Monday, neces sitating the stay In Washington of woman and children from the Lawrence woolen mills, wh had been sent tiers to glv testimony concerning strlks conditions. "Who I going to pay th expenses of these people?" asked Representative Berger, th socialist member of the house, as tha committee waa about to adjourn. Celleetlea Takea. Representatlv Henry, chairman of th committee, declared nothing could be done by tha committee In advanc of an In vestigation on such a matter, whereupon Representatlv Wilson of Pennsylvania suggssted thst a collection be taken to defray th expenses. Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor, was tbe first to contribute and Representative Berger held the bat. Sev eral Lawrence young women collected the contributions which came from men and women In the committee room. When Lewis S, Cox. th postmaster of Law. renee. contributed a dollsr. Representa tive Berger protested. "Give him bsrk his money," said Berger to Miss Josephine Lisa, who had collected it. "We don't want any blood money." - McCartney, who waa standing nearby. Immediately protested against Berger's Insinuation, and for several minutes the committee room waa In confusion. As Mlse Lisa gave hack the money Representative Wilson of Illinois, a mem ber of the rule committee. Intervened between Berger and McCartney, who were almost on the verge of combat. HI In terference in the squabble ended the con troversy and McCartney and Cox left the MILD WEATHER, PROMISE MADE BY CHIEF FORECASTER WASHINGTON. March l-There Is nothing to Indicate that a cold wave will mt the country this week, aarordlng to the wekly bulletin of the weather bureau Issued tonight. "There will be." says the builettn, "a general though gradual reaction ts nor mal temperatures over the regioa east of the Rocky mountains on Tuesday and Wednesday and moderate temperatures thereafter until tha close of tbe week. A dlsturaanca that now covers the west and southwest will advanc slowly eastward and cause a continuation f un settled weather, with rains la southern and snow and rain in middle and north ers states east of the Rocky mountains during tbe next several days. Ths next disturbance to cross the country will ap pear In the far west Thursday or Friday and prevail over th middle west at the end of the week. "Moderate weather and wind conditions will prevail over the transatlantic steam ship route the coming week." This was the climax to aa exciting ses sion of the committee In which tbe Law rence strike conditions were revealed from several rival souroaa In a room crowde wirn spectators, I Samuel Upson, a member of th Lawrence I strike committee, testified on the witness : stand. Llpson told of the police grabbing j th children and throwing them Into the patrol wagon and of shouting at and i dubbing tha mothers of the children when the police and militia prevented the send ing away of children. upson reierrea to tne swing oc John j Barney, who was bayonetted by the I militia as hs stood Inoffensively, the wit ness said. In front of his own home. He-! said Ramey was not a striker and that it was known he was not even a sympa-1 thiser. "The police started this trouble." he said. "We were not striking against tbe polios or th militia. They started to mak us move faster when we gathered In groups on tbe street and they en forced their arguments with the bayo nets." Referring to the killing of a woman striker, Anna I-aplzo. Llpson ws? eies- I t toned: , "Who killed herr' -td Chairman Henry. i "Our witnesses," said Llpson. "swear ! they saw Policeman Benolt shoot and i tbe woman fall, bat the police ten a j different story." Weren't two strike leaders. Ettor and BUSiNESS MEN TO CONSULTON LAWS . President Sanctions Call of Con tention of Delegates from Ra tion's Commercial Bodies. KANT DtTOATIONS SEHT OUT Thousand Industrial Bodies Asked to Send Representatives. FOLLOWS OUT FLAK IN MESSAGE Gives Government Chance to Con suit Over Law Enforcement FOE THE EXPANSION OF TRADE Caagrrsa Saaald Have Medlass ta Furnish First Hand lafarasatlaa f Official Kalare About Baslaess World. WASHINGTON. March l-Presldrnt Tuft ha takea the Initiative In the mvoe ment to bring business men of th coun try into touch with the government for advice and counsel la th administration of laws, tha enactment of new statute and the dovelopment of commerce. Virtually, th president proposes a na tloa board of trade broadly representa tlv of tha commercial and Industrial or ganisations and of such character as tha govhrnment may properly recognise by a charter from congress. As ona of th first step In th plan. Secretary Kegel of the Department of Comment and Labor, by direction of tha president,. has called a convention of dele gate from conuntrclal organisations In aU part of the country to meet la Wash in si un on April IS for discussion and to plaa tha organisation. Invitations al ready have been sent to l.oW local chant bars of commerce, board of trade and other commercial bodies. Responses to th announcement of th teatavle plan -hav been such that President Tart la convinced the tlm Is rip for putting th proposal to tha test of practical experi ment. ' Th president first renom mended such a plan In a message to congress last De cember In which he suggested that offW dais of th Department of Commerce ad Labor and member of appropriat eon greslonal committee might be mad member ex officio of such aa associa tion. In a statement made publlo today President Taft outline th purpose of such an organisation. Oppartaalty ta Caasalt, It would glv to th govern nwnt the opportunity to consult with th business world on all propositions of tradej suprem acy. It would afford co-operation la the expansion of commerce at bom and abroad and would provide a means by which government offlnera charged with th enforcement of laws could become acquainted with th complexities whins su round their administration, in th huaV ; aes. world. Further thaa thst nongresa In framing new uatuts affecting trad . and commerce would hav first hand ad vice of an official nature. In some respect th plan would not be unlike th German government system of eo-operetloa with boerde of trade throughout the German states, although many of th features of that system prob ably would not be applicable here. The president's statement announcing the launching of the plaa wa la part aa followa: "Jt la not my intention to defln th purpose of such an organisation or la- deed any matter to anticipate the scope of tha discussion upon which such dsl gutss may conclude to enter; but It ap pear to me to be obvious that such an organisation must b Instrumental la a vary large field to aid and assist th executive and legislative branches of tha govarnnwnt In domestic and foreign trade. Aid ta Eieeatlve. 'For illustration, such a organisation property represented at th seat of gov. eminent could be of Incalucuable as sistance la advising th executive branch of government with respect to the method and rule to bo adopted In the administration of existing law. It could be of like aasistanca in giving advice In regard to proposed legislation and lu counselling representatives of tbe leglsla tlvs branch when asked to aubmlt recom mendation upon bills Introduced and pending before committees. 'Such an organisation would be In th best possible position to suggest Held for new Inquiry at home and abroad, tha methods by which such Inquiries should be pursued and tha mean by which the result can be most advantageously brought to tha attention of our merchants snd manufacturers; and It la eat to as sume that If such an organisation la created lu chief activities will b de veloped la th light of our own experience. it may not be necessary that we adopt a course in all respects patterned on the system of any other commercial or Industrial country, but It is obvious that by soms means immediate relations between ths government activities and the commercial and Industrial' forces of tCuntlnued on Second Pag.) tContlnued on Second Page.) Getting positions becomes a faimple mat ter if you are qualified for (lie work and rise the right means. A Bee want ad is very effica- cious in putting men or women into the best positions. Under the heading "Situations Wanted," your ad will v find thousands of read ers. If any firm is look ing for an employee your message will soon reach -.it. Try a Bee want ad. It Ohts but a few cents and returns dollars to you. Phone Tyler 1000