Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1912, MAGAZINE, Image 21

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    'eaeeeeaa'jajnjnjajajajaj . . .
The Omaha: Sunday Bee Magazine Page
Copyright. 1911, by American-Examiner. Orrat Britain Ktght Rerrv
Lina Cavalieri
IT li possible to train a child to
beauty and this graining con
1st of two means. On la to
teach the little one habits ot per
' eoual daintiness. The other la to
Imprest upon him or her while very
young, the principles of health.
A third ia to correct any defects
by early attention (o them on your
own part it you are
parent, guardian or
For Instance there
is the child whose
beauty may be
marred by outstand
ing ears. The ears
can be pressed back
against the head by
a compress made at
home and worn at
night, A bandage
easily made
house consists
long, folded
of strong
twisted first
the head
the chi o,
around the
then over the
of the head,
ends of tie
ot muslin
drawn rather
over tne ears ana g1 j
;astnea to one or
me lengthwise strip
. y safety pine.
If you Unci the
ehlM nftert hreath..
Ing with difficulty be probe bly Buf
fers from that growth at tha back
of the nostrils called adenoid. -Take
him to a physician and have
them removed, so preventing a Ions;
train of disasters, mental and
physical, whose signs are ' that '
strained, drooping countenance we
know as an adenoid face. Don't let
any charlatan try to convince yon
that they can be cured In any other
way. The single way to remove
adenoids is by a surgical operation.
Look to the fact that the child's
teeth have a good start. A little
watchfulness will cause the first est
to be drawn in good time for the
second to come In straight and -Strang.
Thtn teach ths littls one
to take pride In their whiteness.
Furnish s pure, fresh powder or
paste, or let her use a powder for 1
one cleansing and a pasts for the
next, end so on, alternating. Teach
her to brush the teeth up end
down, not serosa, and to brush
them Inside ss well ss out, snd
slong ths crowns. Help her to
form ths habit of always rinsing
her mouth with warm wste, or with
warm sslt water, If there be an
acid tendency of the mouth, after
each meal. Teach her that the.
mouth must always be rinsed with
wster Into which a pinch of borax ."
or of bicarbonate of soda has
been dropped, after eating either
fruits, which are acid, or candy,
which soon resolves itself Into acids.
Teach ber that It ia ss necessary
to be pure of mouth as of speech.
Train her to be proud of clean
sails and to be ashamed of gray or
black rimmed ones. Teach her
early to trim her nails and to keep
them spotless, and keep tb reticle
pressed back from them. Teach
them that soiled bands are a dis
grace to a little girl and offensive
In a little boy.
Appealing te the pardonable van-
Wlki'l ill!' '!i;'HIl" I:
. iter fimmw-Uwm Wsmn,. m J , S$
MME. CAVAUERI believes" that it 'U possible to; train ehM to beauty. After an- 'Jf yfl N 6
nouncing her creed, she step by step proves reasonableness. Again the demonstrates ; rffl ' : W&J'M
the superior value of her erie of beauty lessons by telling, 'a detail how to do this train- if jM ''iYjj ' SjkSi'
ing of the beauty of the future. . - . ,' , , . iiRilS&t I ilftll
, :::r wmj Jit
lit iri-J' : liiiMiiiii
in the - AJi, . t J Vi M ' 2 ' V ' '
of a ?.. ffffi - A l( ATClV-- WJr '4X- . 1 N 7. . '
strip tfJr . j 1 A ' f. "ITC- .tf-" i .W.jN, ? 1 - I' '. ,
muslin. : 'I t77J & 1 A;Vi(''it V VTt "
crown i:vi; w. m . ..,lf, v f - -v
strips t-v.-- i,- "i'P iV. ''.v W Xv 1
btaf -J? y vi- --.t' M v: r:v.
Tnun tb eyebrows by twice daily breehing.'" L V r I ftX
Lin. A ltS
4 v III r.
i 17 Of - ?.VVt '
fJ 'I ?a - hlAh
fiiiitlJS) I . . A . . t. a,' V1
r of..:'.'
By Mme.Cayalieri
H. 0. asks me to publish a formula for an
astringent that will reduce the size ot the
large pores In ber face. In the same page
she makes a confession: "I have been
steaming my face a great deal and I thought
perhap It was that which enlarged the
Tou are quite right about the cause of
those enlarged pores, t hav repeatedly
said la my articles on beauty that I waa
opposed to face steaming, eieejit aa a last
resort, when the pores were deeply clogged
with dust The evils of face, steaming are
two. It causes the skla to relax, stretch
and become flabby and eventually to form
wrinkles. And It so relaxes the pore that
tome of them refuse to draw together again,
leaving unsightly holes In the face.
Appl with a piece of medicated gauia
the following:
Camphor water i pint
Glycerin ounce
Borax Yt OKflce
H. L. F. says: "My Tsce I beginning to
got a Utile heavy looking. The cheek mus
cles are beginning to eag. Also my shoulders
' are beginning to grow a little heavy. What
do yon advised Much exercls out of doors
and abstlnenoe from rich foods. A chin band
ot rubber or ot strong muslin worn at night
will help to support the muscles, also pre
vent one of the habits which product ear
glng cheek muscles. Form the tiablt of
holding your head high, with chin a little
uptllted. Tb application of cloth wet In
oo!a water makes the muscles firmer. Many
pat the face with Ice. , Others pats the
tee over t with long upward strokes from
V chin, to forehead. The Ice should be wrapped
In cotton or In a piece of muslin.
H. R. 0. propound these queries:
"First, tow can I whiten my akin! Sec
ond, now can I prevent redness at the tip of
my nose? Third, bow can I make a broad
nose thin? Fourth, bow can I cure block
head r
A red note Is caused usually by excetsive
use of alcohol or by some form of Indiges
tion or Imperfect circulation. Loosening
your clothing wherever It Is tight, whether
It be In collars, garters, belts, gloves or
shoes. Eat plain foods, little meat and
many vegetable and aalids and much fruit.
Drink water very freely.
You wilt Improve the shape of your nose
by gently pulling It, beginning at the bridge,
between tb eyes, and pressing the cushions
of the thumb and first linger against tha
sides ot the nose sad drawing them slowly,
gently, but with arm pressure, to the Up. Dip
a soft complexion brush into green soap,
which you probably know Is a liquid, and
scrub the part affected by blackheads. The
more obatlnate ot them may hare to bo
pressed gently out with the fingers or a
comedone extractor. Afterward apply cold
cream to heal the skla Irritated by the treat
ment J. C. M. writes: "I am deeply Interested
- In your articles. I bar been reading them
Ifrom the very first I am desirous ot a cold
'cream recipe, also one for a lotion to clot
the pores after facial maassge."
This cold cream I a good food for tb
iHn: ,
Oil of aweet almonds, 10 grama
Coeea biftter, 11 gram.
prmactl, 11 grama.
White wax, grama.
Camphor water la an astringent. Thlr
mlKtur, servo the earn purpose:
Camphor wstsr, 1 pint.
Glycerine, y, ounce.
Pulverised borax, J tunc.'
Why a Good Chef Is Worth $10,000 a Year .
Ity that Is In little children, taeh
all that much of ths expression of
the fsce depends upon the ercn
and svnoothnees of the eyebrows,
and anew them how to train them
by twice daily brushing.
Teach her to watch the dainty
movements ot her pet canary and
her favorite kitten and emulate
their table manners. Birds handle
their food delicately, and kitten
seldom fill ' their mouths overfull
The little girl will wsnt to be as
fine aa her pets, aad unconsciously
will develop pretty table manners.
Teach him not to b afraid of
fresh air. Teach blm the contrary
by telling him the story ot "The
Black Hole of Calcutta" and of the
beautiful boy who waa glided to
head, a procession and who died
after hi brief gloryt because his
pore bad been closed by the
gaudy stuff with which he waa be
decked. Bogle stories are permis
sible If they frighten children Into '
care of their health by leaving their
wlndows open two or three Inches
at night and by wearing their
clothes loose. ' - . . (
Don't let the children In your
charge study to the point of eye
strain. Teach them to use the ears
to save the ees. Let them learn
by listening. It was prophesied by
a writer on health that in time the
phonograph that now grinds out
rag time airs to the lessening ot
the standard of popular taste will
have records which tell the classic
short stories of biography, fiction
snd history. Don't allow a child
to oversrudy.' Better a ' well de
veloped, rosy-cheeked little one
who krows no Latin nor higher
mathematics . than- : a squlnty,
nnaflmlc who knows both, but who
doesn't know the way in woods
to the woodchuck's nest nor bow to.
defend himself in a schoolboy fight.
Teach thsra to love the life In
Br an Ex-Chef.
SOME people ar still astonished
when they near that a gassl
. chef draws a salary of $10,000
, a year. It can easily be shows that
a cbst who serve large hotel may
easily be worth this sum or more.
Many New York hotels are paying
from -110.004 to $15,000 a year tor
their sbe.e. -
Tb good chef mut be a natural-'
1st, an economist, a disciplinarian, a
butcher, a hygtetilat. a cberalst. an
artist, a sculptor and an epicure.
, He la a naturalist because of his
Intimate knowledge of sll kinds of
meat animals: birds, both wild and
domestic; flh, crustdrepu aud
bell; of fruits, vegetables, sploe
and condiments. I
He must know In whst season
each kind of food Is st Its best; In
what country or section it la pro-
duced. I
t He must be an natomlst becau-lpHg Brlhthriag. Mounted Infantry
. .1 . k - - . , I . I , .
iktu every win muu joiiifc in lur
tnals. birds and fish which
hand lea.
butter or milk must be kept In seps
rat compart. meats, cheese la anoth
er and meat In another, and extracts,
olive ell and syrup mutt be kept la
a dark, cool place or their delicate
flavor will be Impaired.
' Re must be chemist In order
to understand the nature of food
and the proem of digestion. H
knows that there Is no healthy dl
gmtlon without fermentation, and
tint disordered fermentation will
eause 111 health. Buttermilk wben
taken Into the Stomach will create
an entirely new fermentation. The
lactic acid bacteria preeent la but
t termilk will check the disease- pro
ducing bacteria and restore the
s'omsrh to Its normal condition.
Ia the preparation of certain
antes Including Bordelalte and
piquante, evaporation plays an im
portant part in producing the nec
essary flavor. Others. Including Ber.
naise. Hollandalse and Mayonnaise,
are made by emulsifying the In
gredients. If they are not sealed
at the proper temperature the cook's
work bss gone for nothing.
A respectable soup Is beet mad
by evaporation. The fresh cut vege
tables are placed iu a saucepan, to
which Is added some clarified butter.
The pan la covered hermetically and
placed over a slow fire, which ex
tract tha Jaice snd the stimulat
ing sslts from the vegetables.
Ignorance of the laws of chem
istry Is responsible for the taste
less beef soup so frequently served.
Too Many on One
A Great Athlete
KICKX and Pat bad been at school
were turned out ea parade. Their lyl togttker. but had drifted apart
h, cattle were not exactly of t raoe- n after life. They met one day. and
In some dishes smsll birds. ' "r,- they war only hired me conversation turned on athletic.
" -'Did you vr meet mr brother
X)eanlr aaked Pat "H ha Just woo
' i . -,
- A o - if i
. I'll
such aa quull. have all their bonea.,rom ,oc' Proprl.tors
removed, and this require a spec Is 1
knowledge of anatomy
He must be sa economist, beeaase
on bis ablll'y In this way depends
omnibus merchant.
r -1 .
But of all th ancient mounts, that a 0n mwiaJ In a Marathon rac,-
rlWen y Trooper Blaeher wis th -Bedad." replied Mike, "sure, sad
wort and was awarded th blcuit ,.,., uut did I v t.n .....
k- . - - . 1. . k -1 1 I ... ... ... ..
. piunn oi inf uwi. m By , overwhelming majority- wuneut m uacIg at Ballythomas"
knows that potato, be they ever so ' . ,B0W ot huiit. . lh llM
"Oa-hoed graclousl" gasped th cap- gen la mind.
Uln, (taring at th ancient charger. "Weli.' said Mika. "h' got a gold
Whatev., bar. yea go, th.r. Top.r TrA'VJZ.
8lasbr two cup for wrestling, and a lot uf
-A bora, sir."" replied th trooper badge for boxing and cycling."
,),-,; -Begorra." aald Pat, -he mut b a
I e he's eat a ," aald th HI- Tr' j" 'TJ. . ,
. iV . J . butt
ft .
j-ft.f. V :sJ.ff t.i ft,
, f' t . I ! I J kJ
N jf - ' '- 1. 'XI, ' 'fi ,
t ' k ' I
rbeap, should be peeled with as little
waste as poxalble, A largo bo'el
about fifty bushels a day, aad
the net profit will be Increased
$.1,000 to $4,000 a year by a chef
who ate iioutoo economically as
com ps rod with one who doesn't
Then there are eases where five
duien eggH will answer the purpose
ef ten down, provided they are prop
erly handled by the chef, nud the
no way Impaired.. The
principle sppllrs to milk.
nutter and hundred of sup-
pat through the cooks
eer. -
Trooper Blasbtr agreed.
"What, you know It and yu don't
g-t hlmxshod!" stormed th prsoa la
"Well, sir," rmrkd th trooper,
"you see, he couldn't carry or than
throe tios!" ' ,
They Sank
IT wis a cold nigh: and th boy we.-
sitting around the ft re In th smoking
He mutt be a disciplinarian, be-
rsuae the succea ot the hotel de
pends npou escb man doing bis
work promptly. If a banquet 1
scheduled -for a certain Hour, It ia
Impossible for the chef to be over
seeing every department st tbe
same time. He must have trained of the hotel telling "till" stories,
bis men to do their work promptly, -when t was ln Irtland." ld on
"'irt"""'-! . , - . 1 funny man. "o.y landlady mad. a eak"
Thla kitchen discipline 1 vital, for: , xrlti ,hl, a th ,
If anything is made ready too soon' ' ... .
It. sttrsetlv, nppeeniiice snd flnvor'"'"'' ' ,h ""' "' 09;
are injured. If It is late, the trouble 'Tne landlady had om ducks, so
i equally serious. Each course Is theugnt I would ravens myself by gl
prepared by a different department ':ng It to"
and must be finished on tbe mo-j --Yes," came th chorus, "w l! know
nirnt. so that It may be sent to the! that story. Th durks died."
mem banoueter without Interrnn. I "Oh. ao. they dldn'ir came the reply.
Hon ot. the scheduled time
wrvagl H keep the pawnshop:
He Migged It.
He If I'd known how sarcastic yeil
were I never should hav married)
t, Tou had a chane ta notice it
Didn't I say. "This I so (udlen." when
you proposed to m after four years'
courtahlpt -
p-lo-Date Jokes
Archdeacon I'lsher wis not without
a lltli vanity U respect to his er
mona. and one received a ult hint
from Constable on the subject. Having
preached an eld sermon once, which he
wa not awar that Constable bad .
hoard kafora, a aaked him bow he
liked It.
-Very much indeed, FUher." replied
Constable. -t ,jwa, M ukt ,h..
of j"Thaf whr you'r wrong. Th duck aermoa."
aeni lor . -' "
The cbef In a treat like the;
Plnxa, ot New Tdrk. bas upward of j
a hundred skilled asatftsnts. with ssi
many more unskilled one. Tbe'
aktlled inelnde
i And then ther was a painful sllenc
From Bad to Worse.
Chairman 'at concert) tjidles
UC cooks, roust I xentlemen. Mis Discordant
eecks, fry cooks, paetry eooks, vege-islng "Only Once More."
tsble coxka. Ice e earn makera. eon- sarcastic Critic Thank
feet Ion era. butchers, carvers, salad ' rnr that!
makers, etc. Chairman (coming forward again)
Th. .h.r nn s . k ,,it,.. KiLadlea and gentlemen. Instead ot
cause be must kaow bow to cut uplinln "r,1,7 ?t'!'
Teach her to brush tbe teeth up and down
not acroaa."
th open. If you live all year In
th crowded city, th roofs, at
least, ar available te you. And In
some part of your home, even
though smsll, - you can put up a
crud gymnasium. For Instance, a
horizontal bar, with a mattress
drawn under it for precaution, will
give the little one great fun, be
aide being a developing agent,
roak the children' unplaaant
facial habit In th forming. Show
a little girt hew ugly and eld eh
look by flashing a mirror before
her eyee while aha la frowning.
8 how her that the frown ef concen
tration ia ae ugly as the frown of
anger and train her to solve a
problem with smooth brows. lf
she twists her mouth unpleasantly
when eh talks, tail her of It, and if
. that doeant euro her, call the mir
ror to your aid.
large pieces of meat Into steaks.
cbois, roans, stews, etc
He mast be a hyglenhtt In order)
to uuuF-raaDa ue aisne tone wui
sgree with bis patrons. In compil
ing a mens he avoids bringing dUiie
together that combine btdiy. He
muat understand, to take a simple
Instance, that lobster and Ire cream
together have a destroying influ
ence on the digestive ferments.
In storing foods tbe good cbef
knows that raw fish must not come
in contact with Iron or tin; that
Collapse ot critic
Free Tip for Barbers.
Jones That barber Mm to be do
ing a rushing buslneaa.
Smith Tea: ha has Invented a hair
tonie that smells exactly Ilk petrol.
Jone atui I doe'l es th
Sit It h It tickles th vanity ef hi
patrona They go about tiling at
petrol, and thla th Unpraaaioa
that they own motor-car. i
Jamie, having come Into possestioa f
eoasidarebl wealth through the dea.h ut
relative, was thus addressed by one of
his neighbors:
"Ay, Jam , n .was a smld thine foe
toodness ya tbt ,0ur rlca bm
toouaess fmt ye."
weel." said Jamie. "I'm aae sae sure
aboot that but It was a ziud ihh.r
" D2 fey dee ator ma"
Kver ana
Visiting Curat : Tv Just heea aseik-
lag to your ndgbbor. Mrs. Nuggio. a.
yea oa calling terms won herr'
Jara. Llttledrep: "lea, mm called a.
aw lady, and 1 eallad Ser a oui-naa
id draagletall."
rah, here I a letter from th eld foik."
-What doe It yr
"Come home: year taller la dead."
Hj wife saada no what t aaa!"
Have yen torgivan bar yetr
. .J VP.