Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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A Complete Showing of Spring Suits Is
Ready an! Waiting for You to Choose From
: Tba advance models have already created a great deal or favorable
comment, impressing more forcibly than ever the fact, that this atore U
last becoming the leading Wearing Apparel establishment la Omaha, and
the best dressed women are recognizing tnla store as the one place where
the highest cpasa. most distinctively styled garments can be secured at a
. proportionately moderate cost
Designers of suits this season have retained the skirt with plain
lines the plain tailored Jackets are St Inches in length, while maay ot
the fancy coats are 29-in.
What a wealth ot materials there Is. too. surely one's fancy may be
well nigh llmltleea this spring. Whipcords seem most favored and come
either plain or In two-ton combinations, then there are fancy Tweeds.
Clay Worsteds. Plain or Wide Wale Serges, in every color one could wish
for gray. In several shades, navy, Copenhagen, leather, brown, Cham
pagne, white, black and fancy novelties.
Some models have fancy collars of all-wool White Bedford Cord,
others ot real lace, while the new Eponge Is much used, and a very clever
trimming It is.
1 Junior Sixes 13, IS and 17
Prices, $17.50 S19.75-S22.50-S25.O0.
Hlses from S2 to 40 for Women.
. Prices, S22.5O-S25.0O-S29.75 S32.50-S33 p to $43.
Wft TOttw fvWICT
ova sr
til Xodel. aa.Mi
1518-20 rarnim Street
Leader of British Suffragette Given
-. Months' Tm. J
t" 1
PmIiuHt Attack an Carers meat
Offices aad bepa Mae to At
tmt Atteatlea te Tnelr , .-
Cnaae. , .
LONDON. March t.-Mr. Bmmeline
Pankhuret. Mrs TukesV and ears. Mar
hall. the Una leaders ot last evening's
Window smashing .campaign by welch the
suffrsgetteaueoaedod In, terrorising the
Ixmooa treaVamen. ware today sentenced
each to twe moatlu imprisonment. '
. They were the (hit three ot the Ut
women w$o wore smiled In the course
of the street demonstrations and who are
te be arraigned at the Bow street polke
court chiefly en charges et causing wil
ful daroese to atone to Bond street. Fto
radlily. fceat street. 'Oafort street; the
l.ayroerhet and the Strand, as wed as
I ether busy shopping streets.
' The attorney tor the prosecution an
nounced rn' court today that the' total
damage done by the suftragettee la their
stone threwfisr manlfeeteUofie was eetl
mated at tsm and oh behalf ot the
government he stated that time had new
arrived when the eonrideratlou which had
.beta hitherto shows In connection with
suffragette raMs could so longer ha air
fore been preeeut In the polloe oeurt at
suffragette prassniaicns was dtliei -to.
. day. Tha benehee ware occupied by eym-
pet hilars with the etorekeapera whaee
premises had suffered daeaags. The, sen
tences et did are: leaden wefwrfottved
with applsuse. '
t (aye Me Win Da It Again.
. On tha delivery tot the sentence by the
magistrate, Mrs. Itakhurst declared that
he Intended to go farther when she earns
out ot prison sod that the suffragette
were prepared te go to the fulleet limit
te show the government that women were
going te secure the vote.
Sentences ranging from a fortnight te
twe months, were pronounced on a
bar of prisoners, but moat ot the woman
were committed tor trial at the London
sessions, se the damage committed by
each exceeded ta. About thirty
ware dealt with today, the remainder be-
big adjourned.
Weaaea Break Maay Windows,
. Because the ooal miners had been sble
to gala government recognition at their
grievajicee by threatening the buatneee
'of the country, the suffragists late Frt
dey also sntsred upon s policy ot
mane co te trade.
They carried It out suddenly and with
an ardor that reaulted la heavy financial
tosses, brought conateniaUoa to
rbaata of the moat proa parous shopping
dlatrlct ot the dty aad paralysed oust
eeee. Before the polloe were able to mua-
. Mr their forcee and reetraln tha women.
treats were severed with shattered plate
glass from the ehew wladowe of stereo.
It wss a. window-breaking expedition
solely end a thoroughly organised one.
Hundreds of windows la maay ot the
most famous shops ot the world aad ear
- oral goverameat offices and eluba ware
wrecked by the suffragettes. Tea damage
Win aggregate many thousands et pounds,
but le largely covered by Insurance.
Weaaea Dragged to Stallone.
One hundred' and fifteen
dragged to the police stations by polios
or excited and Indignant merchants.
Jisny others escaped. All those arreeted
were released this morning en ball,
coupled with a promise la retrain from
further window wrecking,
' Some shepkeepere who aaw the atom
' coming were able te etoae their shutters
sad .barricade their dears. The trouble
centered about Trafalgar Square, ranged
along the Strand eastward and westward
aad Hegent street. Piccadilly aad Oe
(ord a treats, where are situated the faa-
-hnabio Jewelry and dry goods nausea.
; ' atrs. Psakhnrnt Lends.
' aire. Emetine Paakhuret, the eeteraa et
, many a suffragette battle, struck the
Bret blew. Is aa automobile, accom
panied by Mrs. Marshall and Mrs. Tukea.
ehe drove tp te the premier" residence te
fawning -street at o'clock. 3"e three
Women leaped from the "ht and
drew -out. aioeeS eouceeied m-theJr annffa.
Four.wlndows.craiid la before the polios
could reach the women. The trio were
arreted, but 'while being led to tbesta-j
tlon arranged te heave mlsetlee through
the windows of the Colonial otfiee,
i Pindemenltisj brake out la ' the shop
ping dlsutce at the seme time. .Taxleabe
ere ' the favorite .vehicles of approach
ased by the suffragettes, and barge aum-
- hers of Innocent looking women were
helped out of them by porters, acatleood
in front Of stores.- There was no hearts-,
tfon an the- part at the worn in. who at
once attacked tha ahew windows, with
bricks or rammers. Tbs sjerprtss of the
sorters was as great that a aaajortty of
the miscreants were able to leae th
salt-tat m the crowds before the guardian
df tb shops eoold eailcC tbeir -Senaaa
aad restrain Hum., The
lowed them cheering or hooting.
Pellee Heloleea Before Stares.
The pellee were wholly nabi to deal
with' such a wholesale and widespread
outbreak and at least nine-tenths of the
wladow-eltechlng army eecaped. The
air wss filled with sounds ot police whls
llea. yells, the slamming of blind aad
shrleka of frightened shoppers, punctu
ated new and then with cries of "Vote
(or women. "
Whenever a window was shattered
tbwe the crowd surged, whlls the em
ployee ot the shop rushed to the street
to prevent the an protect ad good from
being stolen. Not even Ue eotaniishmente
of undertakers were apared.'
Se systematically and quickly was the
work accomplished that H waa well over
before, police leaiirvaa eouiu be called
out. Hundreds or extra woiwemsn wara
on duly tonight prelecting the dsmsged
buildings. While thousands of sightseers
tramped ths streets to view the havos
wrought by ths women.
The suffragette leaders Declare it .is
their purpose to continue their campaign
of window breaking until, like tne coat
miners, they fores the government te
taks up their claims for suffrage is or
der te protect buslneea Interest.
trivia Pankbnret Predicts Victory.
ANN ARBOR. Mich, March t-'Thl
1 ths beginning ot the end." said Mtaa
grlrlA Pankhurst today, when Informed
el ths sentence Imposed upon her mother,
Mrs. Emmellne Psnkhurst. leader of ine
auirragetta demonstrations in ixmaon
yesterday. t
'My mother and tne otners win go to
Jall.ut women the sooner win nave tne
Mn. Window amsahlns hits ths ng
llahmaa In hie pocketboek and he win
be stirred to notion., i "" - f '
i . (Continued from Pint Psgt.)
(Continued from First Page.)
Ltymen'i Body at Ses Moines Hakes
Attack ob Councilman, .
earal ef Arbltentiea ta Settle
Vut Scale Dlapate with Dee
Welaes Caraaea Will Be
Demaaded by Men.
of the Cnlted Btatas charged aim tne
txscutlon'ot such lews ths uimoet dili
gence in preventing vletarten thereof
and In brlnaiag ta irlsl and punishment
ear offenders against the asms, and. fi
nally, I do hereby give notice that ail
persons owing allegtaaoe to the United
tatea who may lake part In tha disturb
ances now existing la Mexico, unless In
the necessary defease ot their persons
or property or who aall otherwise engage
In act subversive et the tranquility of
that country will do se St their peril and
it they eaa la no wles obtain any pro
tection from the government ot the United
8tstes sgalnst the appropriate legal opn-
lueaeea at their acta. Insofar as such
oensequenoee are In accord with equitable
Justice and humanity aad the enlightened
principles ot Inlernaltoual tew." . .
laotrwetloao ta Cancels,
The Instructions to Ambssssdor Wilson
which were duplicated to the United
States consuls. foUowsi
"Referring to recent tslegrephle corro-
asoodenco you are new Instructed la your
dtec return to la form Americans that the
embasay deeme It It duty to advtoe them
te withdraw from any particular localities
where ooodttloaa or prospects et lawle
naas so threaten personal aataty as to
make withdrawal the part ot common
prsdence. specifying localities. If any
from which withdrawal may at any time
seem advisable aad stating that In many
such cases consuls may take such charge
et abandoned effects aa may be poaelblc
under the circumstances. ,
The department la sending a copy ot
tale telegram to all consular officers In
Mexico merely for their Informatlea and
for the Informatlea ot Asaertcans la their
body of l.vta) troops Is on the way there.
The action of tbs ministers In calling
In foreign troops to Peking was decided
on st a meeting convened pertly as a
result of a communication from Tang
8hao Tl. asking the powers to tske
measures to prevent further bloodshed
and lose of property In Peking. Tang
Shas Tl's communication Is regarded aa
unofficial, but the foreign ministers were
eatlsfled that action waa aeceaaary. The
foreign troops will be mounted and will
patrol the dty during the day time.
Chang Huaa Chlh'a soldiers have killed
many Isnooent persons passing along the
streets ef Peking, carrying parcels. They
were mostly panic-at rickan people, fleeing
from the dty with their own effects.
WASHINGTON. March 1 -There are
now 10,000 foreign troops ot various na
tionalities In that part of China bordering
the Oulf of Pechlll and lying between
Peking and Chin Wang Tao. The greater
part of theee forces are disposed along
the line of railway that connects Peking
with ths sea, the majority being
Tien Tain, or three hours by rail of the
If the International force In, China Is ts
bo streng htsnud as a result of eventa In
Peking, probably the first reinforcements
must coma from Japan and from tha Rus
sian' garrlaons In- northern Manchuria.
The War department Stands ready to see
that the United States Is fairly repre
sented In any augmented force.
The American troops, like the last ro-
.Intbrcement for Chins, Ututt coane from
the Phlllpptnee. The big army transport.
Sheridan. Is' new" lying at Manila, about
to , embark the Pburteenih cavalry for
home. Either title regiment or one of In
fantry, II le believed, could be dispatched
to Chin Wang Tao at twenty-four hours
(From a Staff Correspondent.!
DE3 MOINE.S. le.. 11 arch tr-i8peelal
Telegram.) A sentalion waa exploded la
local political circles today when the lay
men's Civic union made public a report
which had been prepared, giving resells
of an Investigation Into the records of
various caadilates for city office. The
union made a serious attack upon only
one of the Candida tee. Councilman Zeil
Roe, and this attack re la tea to his record
in office prior to hie election to the
council. He le accused of Jugglery ot Ms
books sad failure to make proper re
ports as Justice of the peace, end the
statement declares that he Is still In
debted to the county la a Urge sum.
Carmen Wonld Arbitrate.
A board of arbitration to settle the wage
scale dispute between the street railway
compsny and ths street car men will be
demanded by the union, following the ac
tion of the union In rejecting tha propo
sitions submitted by the company. The
entire membership of the union voted
against tits acceptance ot the proposal
made by the company through General
Manager Harris an.
The eettiement ot the difficulty by a
board of arbitration will be taken up at
ones snd ths men will ask the company
to agree to the submission ot the dispute
to a board. Some time sgo, when Gen
eral Manager Hanigan refuaed .the de
mands for an increase ot X per cent in
the wage scale, be declared in his state
ment that If the matter went to arbitra
tion he would Insist thst the present
ecsle be lowered.
Vaa Law te Caadldate.
Senator c. IL Vaa Law ef Marshall
town today made official announcement
of his candldsry for tba republican nom
ination tor lieutenant governor.
The consecration of Bishop-elect Austin
Dowliag to the new diocese ot Dee Motnee
wiH take place In the Cathedral of 88.
Peter and Paul In Providence. It. I.. April
IJ, according . to an announcement here
today. Ths ceremonies will bo ot -aa
elaborate character.
Bishop Matthew Harktns of the diocese
of Providence sill be the . consecrating
bishop. Archbishop Keen of Dubuque
will participate In the ceremonies.
Jarr I aable la Agree.
After having beea out fifty-two hours
the Jury in the case of Mrs. Anna Kllduff.
charged with the murder of her husband
last October, reported Its Inability to
agree tonight snd was discharged. It Is
reported the Jurors stood seven for acquit
tal and five for conviction on second de
gree murder. ;...-
The killing wss alleged to have-been
the result ot a family quarrel. The trial
occupied mors than two weeks.
Mataa City Eaalca Plaed.
MASON CITT. I.. March l-Speclal.)-Judge
Joseph J. Clark of . the district
court, upon a plea of guilty, fined the
Eagles lodgs of this city Km for violating
the liquor laws of the state. They were
Indicted by the recent grand Jury, and as
most ef the liquor defendenta have done,
enured the plea as given shove. It Is
now quite probable that the ' building
rented by them for lodge rooms will be
assessed the ItiM mulct tax which has
already been levied against some twenty
pieces of property here and at Clear Lake.
Iowa laewa Ketee.
BELMOND The country home of P.
J. Albers. five mile north of here was
completely destroyed by fire yesterday
evening and two sick children of the
farm were rescued only after a daring
neighbor had rushed into the burning
houae, picked them out of bed end car
ried them out. Mr. Alberta was away
irom home when the fire atarted. The
loaa la tiouO. partly insured.
BANCROFT Mrs. Louts -Neren. the
wife of a farmer, committed euidde by
ahootlng herself this forenoon. When
the husband returned at noon he found
the body. Temporary Insanity, caused
by poor health, hi euppoeed to have been
the caaae. , .
IOWA CITV-A total of fl.lOS ems
given to churchea of Iowa City by the
late F. X. Rlttenmeyer, the oldest real
dent of Iowa, who died recently at the
age of Wl years.
Mrs. McHugh's
Estate Exceeds Six
Hundred Thousand
IDA GROVE, la.. March -te?ertBl
Telegram.) The estate ot the late Mrs.
Alex McHugh will exoeed PHaXftM In value.
Her will, which wss tiled today In dis
trict ewart, leave S,a- tw-her brother.
James Andrew Simons; .000 ta J. H.
Myers of Sioux City snd tide each to
Jonah Brown and William Hilker. All
the remainder she leaves to D. H. H Cel
tics at Battle Creek, a banker who since
Mr. McHugh's death .has been special
administrator 'of to estate with her. A
codicil of the will leaves 110.000 to Robert
Leroy Hoover, son by her first husbead.
The codicil waa executed pursuant to a
contract entered September 1. . Wl, be
tween Mrs. MciTugh and her son, by
which he agreed to accept the sum in Ilea
of any Interest he might have In the
estate. Tha will le witnessed by George
Hubbard, county treasurer, and Robert
Linton, banker. It la said here that
Hoover will contest the wilt on the
ground be did not re lira the slse of the
WASHINGTON. March i-The "wets"
and ths "dry a" clashed again today be
fore the senate subcommittee.
. A delegation of California wine pro
ducers protested against proposed legis
lation to prohibit the ehipment ot liquors
Into "dry states."
Representative Webb of North Carolina,
contended that no cltlsen had an Inherent
right to manufacture and sell whisky and
that congress hsd full power to exclude.
If It saw tit, any liquors from Interstate
traffic. The committee took no action.
NEW HAVEN, Conn.. March t-Under
the will ot Edwin Bancroft roots founder
ot the Foots Boys' dub here and a gner
oua contributor to local charitlee. the
ew Haven hospital, the Horns ot Desti
tute Men and Women and the Good
Farm for Boys. In Mama, will each re
ceive fSaOOo. according ta announcement
here today by the exetiutuis. Biz New
York societies which strive to Improve
the condition ef ths poor will each receive
IX.OMi Ths residue ot the estate, valued
at tl.00e,OK, sjm goes to charity.
Tbs key to success la business Is the
persistent sod judicious ss ot newspaper
Quality Laundry
Handles all bundles care
fully and promptly.
Your linen is given indi
vidual attention. Each gar
ment laundered for your
- Work is all personally
supervised by expert oper
ators. Sanitarily returned.
Shirts in covers; collars in
bands; soft collars and ties
in holders. -
Both Phones.
Wagons Everywhere.
Screams of Women
Disturb Murder Trial
dtUCAOO, March L-The closing mln
a tee of the argument ot ceuneel for the
men charged with the murder ot Mrs.
Edmoad Kaufman were punctuated by
exalted ecrcame from the wives ot two
ot the defendants, who sxclslmed:
"Oh, Ood. don't hang theml" The
court room waa thrown Into an uproar.
Women cried In sympathy with tha over
wrought wives. Weeping and still bye
terlcal, Mrs, George Bahenaai and aire.
John Mtaeey were led from the room,
while the prisoners and their codeend
ant. William R. Channel 1. also sobbed.
The mother of Hsbaosu stsggered to her
feet and walled, "Oh, save my boy; save
my bey!" wbea the younger
The cess will go to the jury Monday.
, (Continued from first Page.) .
from four to sight hours, necessitating
the use ot the snow plow.
If this country does net get any more
moisture until May It. the precipitation
le sufficient ts stsrt an the crops that
will be sewed ta this country.
Xew settlers are arriving daily from
eastern Nebraska and Western Iowa.
Over Ate acres hare been contracted
te break and pat into flax.
lll'ROK. B. D March 1-Pret. John
gjaarda. a ached principal, who waa
hurt by a taU from a trapes but night.
Is bettered to be fatally hart. He m a
wed kaewa South Dakota educator. He
came here from Letnars. Ia. T
Twa Sates Makawel al Meaan, S. D.
6I0VX FAIXaV S- B . March !-8e-ctai.)
Blowing two safes to pieces and
securing about MS worth of rings and
ether Jewelry, a small sum sf matter and
about IPS worth .of . checks, unknown
yecrmeei made their escape from tha vil
lage of Means, aad aa a trace et them
has bean towed. In saaktag their escape
use taxieebs merely walked along I has been foaad near the Milwaukee rail-
the streets, cracking or smashing arte- road track maay muee eoata of tba scene
dews with ham men, whist crowds tot-lot the robbery,
Motion of Packers
Denied by Court
CHICAGO. March 1-Vnlted States' Dis
trict J ud k a Carpenter today denied a
motion of the defense In the packers trial
to Introduce evidence showing that the
profits of the companies reported by the
defendants wss not exorbitant In the
periods covered.
Get Rid of
Piles at Home
Try This Homo Treatmrat Abso
lutely Ireo.
Xo matter how long you have been suf
fering or bow bad you think your ease
K send st enoe for a free trial of the
wonderful Pyramid Pile Remedy. Thou
sands afflicted as badly or worse than
you trace their quick recovery to the day
they began using this mervelovisly suc
cessful remedy.
Pyramid Pile Remedy givee Instant.
blamed relief. Pain disappears. Inflam
mation and swelling subside, and you are
able to work again as comfortably as
though you bad never been afflicted at
alL It may save the expense snd danger
of a surgical operation.
Just send la the coupon below with
your same and eddrees on a slip of paper
tor the free trial treatment. It will
show rou conclusively what Pyramid
Pile Remedy win do. Then you eaa get
the regular package for as cents at any
drug store. Don't suffer another aeed-
laoa minute. Write new.
Free Pile Remedy
Oirt eat thia aowpea aad mall tha
maJtxB co. ess rynuaia
lag, starehaTi, Kbafc, wttk year fan
-Ti and adduce ea a alts at paper.
A aaaapae ad aha great PyiaaaMi VUe
by mall, rut la plain wrapper.
to Two Tears
To Pay For Vhat We Buy!
"N interest -no extra charge no payments while sick or out of
work. Why, George, this is just our opportunity to turn Hard Times
into Good Times;, we'll furnish our entire house from Hartman's!
"i . HARTMAN'S confidential easy paying plan can be taken advantage of by any
honest person--Yon YonrryeifrhbqfrrYonr' Family Your Relatives Anybody. We
- vlM no baits, no inflated prices to alIo.uV of misleading reductions. TVe charge ono"
price to eveiybodythe. price marked on each article by a plain' figure price tag.
' Onra is the tndst liberal, successful and satisfactory confidential system of extended
II payments ever devised. A very little down, then, small monthly payments, to suit
your convenienece, will supply all your Home Furnishing Needs.
f Hartman's CcmFnfiitked gffZ3& $QQ
pieic nomc ci ivuurns. home. ?s a month. '
Thh 2-Inch Post
Brass Bed, $15.95
Massive Colonial
Baae measure 41 inches, beautiful
a a all front, two email and two
large drawera with braae draw
r'Ulla, colonial anaped mirror aet
n broad colonial frame, eupported
op stands ras in oaa,
beautifully hand
pollahed. Prt
' Guaranteed Tea Yeews.
A two-inch continuous post Bragg Bed, with heavy fillers, large had
mssslTS, heavy rollers. Every Bed I-uaraatcod for tea years. Sold at
price that has never been equaled lor a guaranteed brass bed. All Msea,
aatla or blight nnlsh.
Combination Book Cat
Made throughout ot aolld oak, hat
a glaas door front, eet with double
etrangth glass, and It has four ad
justable ahelvea, The entire case
is beautifully head pollahed. This
value at our 10. 75
special price of . ...V We f
Best Bug
Values in
A Spleidid' Showing of Bugs
. in ,&n the Hew , Oriental
and Domestic Patterns.
Colonial Extension
Built throughout of highest grade eolid oak.
handsomeiy polished, iare top, eupported
br heavy column resting on a broad base
eppported by fur heavy (ft W
tar Ted Claw dealga f eet. Jk 2
golden oak. Price . .
Imperial Monarch Brussels Rug
Itert spring designs. In till foot Bias, heavy. The rugs are known the world
evtr for their great durability, the extra eoft em-face aad PYf) QC
pA 1 easts
their long wearing cue It Ilea, made without attar
Mission Rocker
A aplendM -solid oak MkMrien
RecavM-, finished early Eaglleh.
Maaaive frame, extra bread bank
and largo comfortable Beat, ap
helatered rn Imperial stbat f
f abrteord over full eeljf A HS
of steel springs, XorlV