f OMAHA SUNDAY MAECH 3. lfili I RMS 8 TILE t V; H:'i .,.. ... . ' .( -c - ; (x . - 4 IS?0 T M p. -. y l w I X -Av ' "M ;. ,, h:.' m; X Hr . Ill - r. I I I s IV. ItmriM I SV y i' . vt I I ; btaMlt "A Furniihd Root." I tb.D B f. I ' i if '. I Itltl. of tha twmct borlu, which Mr. I 1 , J ' ' ' ' 'V' VAW kc .U Dut .0. Mr. Rlc U . wrtl III ' ' . X II I TnWA I"4" UDd' ,h tail"-'" thlt 'i I ' ' , " v 1 V''J I At Ik. I th stir fan l wrlttB ob brod j I jjj ) B A3IISEXEXTS. BOYD'S lTotdav TO NIGHT . Matla Today- ny Seat 25c Ton:fht g.Sc-5Cc-75c 3 SV? Monday, March 4th 5SM Third and Last American Season of The Passing of the Third Floor Dack A Symbolic Comedy by Jerome K. Jerome. , Prices-Night 50c-$2. Mat. Wed.-25c-$1.5l FORBES- ROBERTSON moms jom mcoxmcK. Tenor At Qic-grnvleii J4E litMt of tht etrlosa mutl- oal oomwUaa will b naila known . to patrons ot tha Brandds thaatar for four day oomaMttctac aunday mattnaa March 1 whn "Lot Oora pa Jt ' will ba ptmantad. At tha ttt wf tha conpanr la that well known tan(U Itoocuad auondlan. Oaorta P. Murphr, la tha tltla role, that of Ocoria Oaoria, an partmn houaa t Janitor. Tha tanaaU ara Hlinc to let Gaorca do moat ararr- thtnj. lncl.ldlng tba Uklnc ot dlaarrca- abla bdrdrna from their (houldera. Tba Woloca of Claorgo and bla trouble maker f mutttuie reaaoa for contlnuoua laui hter and at the flnlch tha playwrtrnt arooothlr atraJahtena out 'ererythlBg. Mr. Mur libra humor, hia broken dl&lact bla mannartam and fartal azpreaalOBa add la the' merriment. Ha la aurrounded by m flnmnutv lruliulln. Ita. O.. . l i .. ; r w a m,vum uuiwn, ADDOH , -. , , . ... - n 4. AlHm taaell Lennon. Jamea DuBola, Ira Irby, Mlnthoroe Worthier, Leona Stepbeoa and fk larsa and baadaomaljr gowned chorus of yomnc womea. Tha book la by Aaron Hoffman baaed oa tha George Moliasui atrawinc and the eonira - by Paul Wait ad Hat U. Ayer. TIK-ra ara atzteea bl( one aumbera aal the production la elaborate. ' loha MeCormlck. tha - foremost living tlsfe tenor, ana born , twenty-six yeare ax Mr. MeCormlck attended a parochial echool and college In Ireland with the In tention of becoming a priest. But being gritted with a voice that found natural expression m the aweet songs of the ISmeraJd Ielea, he soon gained a local reputation as a vocal in. A rear after ka left college ha woa a gold medal for Inning. . Thereupon he changed bla mind bout becoming a priest and decided to vtn honors en the lyric stage. He went to LABdoa and there sang ballade, making enough money to take a thorough course In vocal muaic. Jlia debut In opera took place In Covent Garden, London, In October. lWi, when be sang the role ot Turiddu la "Cavallerla Ruattcana." A lew , daya alter this be aaag the role of tha Duke in Rlgoletto, Mm. Tetraa- ami singing Ollaa. Within a work the young elnger of Atblona waa tha talk of operatic circles In London and ha was Invited to sing ballade before the late Xing Edward VII. lie remained at Covent Oaidea for soma time, appearing la the first tenor pane of -Trevtata." "La ajamnanlbula." "Lucia." "Lakme.' Fauet" "Dob Giovanni." "Madame Imtterfly" and "La Boheme." . In the last Mn Ketlle Melba sang the role of Miml. Mr. MeCormlck a tame came aver tha tiantlc and he waa engaged at the Manhattan Opera house la New Tork. There he sang tha first time la "La Tosca" and again la "The Daughter of tha Retlmnt." Ha baa been singing awing the last season with tba Chicago toaad Opera company and la coming to flnslia for a concert at tha Brandehi theater on Friday evening of this week. .' KeUher the tired business man nor any ther wen or eraraan reuid fsil to profit . y aceing Furbee-Boeertsoa aa the PesT-Ei," tbe 8tranger" sad the ' Friend," three ta ana, the pretagsnlet at derome S. Jeratne's "PaesJna; of . the $ lrtrd Fleer Back." Tba play is divided Into prologue, stay ' and evHegv. In tbe prologue the char actus are Introduced u a cheat, a bully a !irfr. s painted lady, ete. Ia tba play ltf ars reta tne(r wa Batata; wttile la tha epllogua tha characters ara trans formed and Idealised. And all this transformation la wrought by tha "Pasiar- By," who cornea Into tha sordid, un- lllumlnated Uvea ot thee people, afflicted with tha pettiest of vices, for all their garb ot respectability. Ha softens the hard heart of tha (rasping landlady, he gtvea tha dlabonast Jew pride In himself and his race, ba gives fresh love ta the quarreling husband and wife, while, thanks ta his gantla Inspiration, the little slavey Is made ta realise bar owa womanhood. H help each of tba other ledgers to find bis of her better self, all In the same gentle way. Than, 'his mission aoeonv pushed, ba passes out to go to tha other work, leaving tha little slavey sobbing at tha door. This Is a play that Is wholly worth whlls to see.. It can entertain by Its admirable performs nee and It la ex tremely probable that It will do a great deal ot good. Charles Klein's latest dramatic protest against eontemporaneoua ovlla. "The Gamblers,' which, excoriates state's evi dence sad financial chicanery, follow, ing aa all season run at Mailne EUlott'a theater in New Tork will be the offering at Hold's soon. ' The attraction at Boyd's theater Tuesday and Wednesday, March 11 and 11, will be William A. Brady's production of "Over Night." the funny plsy thst amused New Yorkers tor nearly nine months last sea son, part of tha time at tha Hackett theater and tha balance at Mr. Brady's owa theater. The Playhouse. It has also had a successful engagement In Chicago which has been only Just terminated after a three months run. Tha complications arise over tha misadventures that befall two newly married couples oa their honey. mooB trip up the Hudson river. ' B . Miss Lang wtl play the .Girl In a tala production ot Liavld Delasoo's great ursma, "Tba. Girl of tbe Golden West," st tha American this week, beginning with the matinee this afternoon. This nlll ba found far more Interesting than the operatic version 'lately presented It re. for In tha dramatlo version the events sre fir more sequentially and impressively presented. The story of tta love ot Jack Ranee, the gambler sheriff, for the girl, of her love for the road agent. Mck Johnson, and how she wins bla Ufa from Raaca la a gam of poker, Is thrtlllngly tow. (The at axe settings ara among - tha most realistic ever presented, snd the production will be built from plans furntabed by the Belaaco studio, so thst they win perfect In all details. The full strength of tha company with soma Important additions will be used In the cast. The ptky will run all week, with matinees on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, as well aa this afternoon. One af the best bills ever presented ia Omaha will be at tha Orphetua this reek. Mil Camilla Oner, tba grand opera stnjrer, Helen Grantlcy and Rosa Horns, will be the headline attractions. Two Omaha girls will each, present sa I set -of their own, and Little Lbrd Robert, I Um amaiiast ffuedlaa ( ba u ISOB ing and danc for the boy and girls in addition ta these, there ara many other excelhnt features. Mile Camilla Ober will give a repertoire ot popular snd classical songs. Miss Helen Grant- ley will present a dramatic playlet en titled "The Right Hoed.- the story of which dess with Ufa la tha Bwlas Alps. In her support ara twe excellent players. Franklin Ritchie and Alma MacLarea. Little Lord Robert tba smallest comedian la tba world, will give a singing and danc ing act Ths tiny msa Is exactly two feet la height and weighs fifteen pounds. The Hi Bracks, famous European ath letes, who have juet coma to this coun try for a tour of tha Orpheum circuit, will offer an act In rlsley which Is truly . astonishing. Tim Croats, tbe mono logl st sill tell some highly amus ing stories, many ot which have a local flavor. Miss Roma, tba violin virtuoso, will glvs a number at selection. Miss Roma was brought up In Omaha and tor many years wss considered the most promising ot Hans Albert a" students. Corrtgsn and Vivian will do soma novel musical sharp shooting. They produce melody by tba bullets from tba rifles striking resounding metal. , 8am Rica and bis daffyiMls will ba the attraction at tha Krug theater commen cing with the usual Sunday matinee. As sa added attraction Zbyssko, tha great Polish wrestler, has been secured for ths last three days of ths week. Ha will meet comers sad arrangements ara now being made for a match between Mm and ana of tha big heavyweight, a i ostlers which will give tha people ot Omaha aa opportunity to aaa ths giant Pol extend ft ' life Whn cots' i (own thopping atop into For a cup of good eoffe or tea and a light lunch, Tha place ot excel lent cutslne, mod erate ' prices and charm lug atmoepherw COURTNEY'S revest tewth aa4 Dosjglaa himself. "A Furnished Room" I tbe till of th two-act burleeous. which Mr. Rtoa wlU put on. Mr. Rica Is a wall known burlesque comedian, who has as soctatad with him this season such ekrver pertormsr aa Joa Wolf. Mis Blanch Carter and Lulu Bosses, Tha story of a "Furnished Room" deal with tha va garies of aa itinerant musical Profeeeor wba talis la love with ana ot bla pupils, being under tba impression that sh ta heiress ta a vast estate, a wen co nned plot run through tba comedy, but Is frequently punctuated with laughter, aa th satire fare Is written on broad comedy lines. Jacobs snd Jermoo' "Golden Crook" Extravsgansa company which coma to th popular Ueyety thi week, commen cing with today matinee, will ba one of tha leading attraction of th season There ara fifty people la the eompanr by . Billy Arlington, ths "hobo" comedian: Johnaoa and Buckley. City Cmedy Four, . Carrie Thomas, 8lg. Fer rari and Mile. Natalie, Jack Strauss and others. , Th feature, one that stands prominent Is the great Parlslsn novelty "Ths- Ballet." a terplsrhoresn dlvertlss ment by twenty-four very beautiful girls In selecting ths young women for ths "Golden Crook" company, much attention has been paid to their voices. Thousands of dollars hss been expended for the cos tuming snd scenery- Any number of changes are made and tha effect Is pleas ing to the eye. Taken all In all ths "Golden Crook Extravsgansa Company has tha reputation of being on of ths beat shows on tha road. Ladles' matin dalluy, starting tomorrow. GIRLS WHO WORK AT HOME Dlscswteated sad Often Tahsppy, They Ara still Ba Can. grraxnlated. A girl who works at boms. tba New York Post, deserves both eon. gratulatlon snd sympathy congratulation because aba is really fortunate; sympathy because she does not know It, and la often discontented and even unhappy because of tha lot which baa been meted out to her. It la hard for tha borne girl ta wear last year'a dress when her, next door neighbor, who la earning a fair aaiary, has a new one. Whan shs sees her friend's hat of th very newest style she la miserably con scious thst her own I ret rimmed and by no stretch of tha Imagtuatton could it to te new. There la no Baa ia ': I ' 5 V,-; ( ; w saying that clothes ' sre net many Im portant; la ' ths feeling ot a girl they are, and therefore they ara, A lesser trouble Is that after her friends go to work, by degrees she and they begin to have less in common. Their Interests ara so different from hers; whst they do seems to her so much more engrossing thsn whst she does thst by degrees she fells Into the hsblt ot listening only, ot feeling that she hss nothing ta offer which can ap peal to tbem. Thi la the dark side of the life o( tha girl who works at horns, but there Is a bright aids, and, moreover, there are possibilities for Increased bright Bess and Intereet which the home girl should salsa and make tha , moat ot. Granted thst aha wants excitement the excitement of tha Ufa In a town or city office Is not good for her health or for her appearance. If yea have anything to exchange ad vertise It In Th Bee Want Ad columns. AMlSrSMEMTS. AMl'gEMEXTS. AMERICAN THEATER V BtarHag TsTaltaa tilay 1:1s, an Weak Matrass Tana), Thais, Betarday. MISS EVA LACG Weed ward Bteek Osmnaar ta Sewkt Balasr.il Srasaa at Bartf OaMf eras Bays. The Girl of the Golden West A great predaetieei in tear acta. Tressa ted By a osmsaaT at B . 25c AH Our Kitlness 25c Hexl WeekThe Uy Devoted ta Strictly High Oraae Sxtravaarassa sad TasderUle TWICE DAILT MAT. TODAY aadaj Ms Usee Curtain at iO THE THRICE WELCOME SHOW JaVOO al ess sTeSTaaasOaa'al ' UttcrUf, sft-WTWaAaat, TtufflUtUg dTroda7tlom f GOLDEN CROOK VAUDEVILLE T JOHKSTOI & BBCKLET .2. JACI STIOOSE 5? ABLM6T0I & COCHRAN Cin COMEDT FOBS AIUX6TJI, JOHISTO! iTI9IS And ihs Terpsachoree Premiers SIS. FEBBARl A MLIE. IAUUE rathe URII I rr Re I .1 BP! by OoiTpaeee Dear r.e4erc The P.iack Crook may have an swerer for our grand-dada, but me for the newer edition The Golden Crook- It s a sixty smile a min ute show snd you should get hasty hiccoughs . trying to buy "K L, JOHNSON, Mgr. Gayety BTasisgs aaa Bwaasa? aTsflsss lso. gaa, BOe aad Tie. Mate 1 Kn A Sf ay ''' --"-at soe Ckaw gwas " yea like, ba aa saiiklsg LADIES' At Amy Week TICKETS WW Day Matfaem, Baby Carries Garexe la the Lobby; Certified MUk for. the. Asking. 2 COMMENCINO March 12th WEDNESDAY WM. A. BRADY, (Ltd.) Presents A Long Lingering Laugh "OVER NIGHT- By PHILIP H. BARTHOLOMAS Month In Now York. 3 Mentha In Chicago , Prices-25c to $1.50. Seat Sale Thursday Eferr Night :1S. ' Matinee Every Day : 15. All Week. ASTASTOXS TAODBf ILIJI yaoass Pong. 441 Xnd A-14M. WEEK , 6TARTING MATINEE TODAY. Mile. Cinille Ober The Phenomenal Fsiisiaa Star Vocalist. Utile Lord Robert Ad Kewbergcr'g Tiny Wonder maa the Bmallest Comedian fa the World. Height 24 Ins.. Age 23 years. Weight 15 lb. SBssTsaaTsaaTsTB Tin Cronin MuaologmL Corrijin & Vivian Novel Musical Sharp Bhoottngj. Miss Helen Grantlcy And Her Company. In a Dramatic Playlet The Klght Road" Six Bracks Famous European Athletes Rose Rorai Violin Virtuoso Kioetoseope Projecting the latest la Animated Photography Orpheum Concert Orcheslri ISTalented Artists 15 . rrlces Night, 10c, 25c, 60c, 75c; Matinee 10c, best aeato i55e ei ) cept Bat unlay and Sunday. ' ' Mat. Today 1100 Seats 25c TONIGHT -4 DAYS -25c to $1.00 x THE BIG MUSICAL SURPRISE "LET GEORGE DO IT" With ABOmaz P. MUsTjmr aad More Thaa SO TOMB nights Uo Ms, 7 So and HjOO. Wedseaday Mstlnse too aad See. FRIDAY EVENING at 8:18 Tma mcbtoaj. mts srx or rn mABOsr John McCORMACK Celebrated HUSH TENOR, assiflted by MAEIE NAEELLE BxanMornaKsrs zsroast BAUAsiaT. TiItiii T . ti-OO, aad 8am. Soot Beats BtlJl AvaUabta. GEORGE SISXET "SJESS!1 "BUST IZZT" All Week Bsglsxisg Today. aUttaee IMl aright, asSO. Me Beat More Thaa go Oeata. San Rice i" Daffydils WITH AM AXX STAB CAgT The Tremendous Be ream Shew of Borises. us. Twe Big Batra Vsatare Attractions tit UK A am I MLLkT. ALCTA , I am urfMi Hau la at! aad wing danear la I Oriental Terpaschet. saasattoaal tsst actios saa alaaato. ABB SAM RICE'S FAMOUS HAREM CHORDS ef SI Prettv, Little Wiotoni Baffyt fa girl saewa. 7sZZ MM k MATMF 4 a - - -' 1 lPWV P'M0A,C" 1D1500 CLARK CharlesW. Celebrated Baritone . KenarchW R2ST KETHOIIST CHURCH Seats BOc. gl.OO, $1.00 - Oa Bale A. HOSPE CO. Hsnsgement Miaa BlaaKhe Sortmaom. Belmont Quality We have act a atandard of purity and sanitation In our res taurant that must be upheld at ail casts. This standard Is appreciated by tba great number of people who eat bars regularly. Try our Sunday Table d'Hote. 11 A. M. to t P. M-. c and Me. BELMONT RESTAURANT laid BOMB BT. c. b. mu, irmor. WOMAN should know about the wonderful Marrel "Wtirling Spray" SYRINGE Best safest moat COTvenicnt. Cleanses instantly. - If yeer drogaiat caasot eoppty the si as v a i seaa ran p lor tuastreteel boos eesiea. cootatss airecaoae igrsinarve to leates. MAKVEL COMPANY laet 23rd Sere HewYerh A BBB WANT A.U will rent that vacant house, fill thoas vaoant rooma, or eeeare beardsrs ea abort notice, at a very rmall cost to yon He cos vl need.