Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1912, Image 10

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    THE OMAHA . SUNDAY BEE: . MARCH . 3, 1912.
. - A
rm jmtefflim women
; r Mm rrk ife.. i -r I II;
iV hMwW
AS! HJ': m.
Present the Most; Attractive New-Styles in
s ADDarei tor spring
. You have no idea what a wealth of original .ideas are:shp Win spring 'apparel for -1912 until you see Brandeis Stores as
semblage. ; We'show-distinctive'styles-iB-smtsrsses'and'CMta-for eveiy occasion. ' v
The styles that have -been' approved by
this;Country are shown in .-this, group.... Many ofthose-light
colored, smartly, tailored suits showing extreme' feat
ures for spring are here at-. ..........
This is a group at a special price. We have never opened a
season with such a stunning group of suits at a medium price.
The new colors and fabrics are well represented and
the values are wonderful at
Serge Dresses
Clever as they can be and typi-
cal of the new season. They '11
be immensely popu
larnew lot at ... .
New Coats for Juniors and Misses
Very dressy and practical as well in
our misses' section, Monday, at-p- -
- $7.50, S10 and $12:50 .;.
Pretty New Ideas in Wash' Dresses
for Juniors and Misses -
Charming girlish features for -school,
or dressier wear, at - ' .
$2.98 $3.98 and .$5 V . .
" Have You Seen the Graceful Long Coats for Spring?
They are the; coats "that 'will be worn by the best dressed
women everywhere. - The little spring innovations are charm
ing ..... ..v. . . T.. i.$19, $25, $35
Extreme Noveities in These Afternoon and Evening Frocks.
Made of silks andwool materials the colorings are superb.
The styles are all new . . . ..... .$25, $35, $49
New Walking Skirts
Made of serges' and worsteds
slightly wider in cut splen
didly tailored (j ("g
Newest Moclels"inlWaists for Spring
Th'enew!tfilffonW!8U wiurconwnand'gtmter popularity thin rer
: thl season.. The new styles' are extremely t etching-- ' "
: at; .'. ....... v Uv l- 5.QP'. 87.50. $10 S12.50.
Spring Waists of Real IrUh Lace A greater Tariety of new Ideas than
we bare erer aasembled. The' special -prices are $15. $25. $35
Embroidered Voile and .Lingerie WIU The styles' are'
. partures from last season many novelties '.'
.at . . . . f 3.50. S5.00. 87.50 and $10.00
New Undermnslins
In our newly enlarged section, at
98c, $1.50, $1.98 up to $10
New House Dresses
In our negligee section Second floor, at
; 98c, $1.50, $1.98, $2.98
- New Silk Kimonos
' Dainty and charming patterns large va-
rlety at
. $5r $6.98, $10
Great Sale of French Challies
- 59c to 76c AH Wool Fabrics at 29c Yd. ,
Strictly All Wool French Challies just received.. Here
are borders, Persians, dots, Btripes, floral effecti, neat.' geometrical patterns and
plain grounds with colored borders. These fine challies were cancelled by a New
York house on account of late delivery and sold to us at less than Vi
the regular price, which is usually 75c a yard." Monday on Front
Bargain Square, nt, yard
75 Beautiful Boxed Itobe in all colon, flounce and bordure effects very
special, mala floor, silk aisle, each
. High Class New Dress Goois fir Spring 1912
Complete liner of the scarce whipcords and diagonals, plain and two-tone
effects. We made special preparations for these popular suitings. All
54 to 56 inches' wide, nt," yard ... i V.$l, $1.39, $1.60, 11.95 and $2.75
Very Special -ilAl Imported Cream Ootnma Serge Monday only, at yard ..95V
Nobby Bcouh effect la light and medium ' X SpecUT Tables of fins All "Wool Dras
29e -'m ::
Moaday'iid All Week This Remtrktble
Sale of Embroideries
ahadee, 64 Inch tailor sultluga very
choice Hnes offered Monday Dress
Goods department, main floor, will go on
sale at per yard 81 to $1.50
tiuoda, 41 to 64 Inches wide, Costume
and French serges, also black and white
checks and stripes and cream serges with
pencil stripes, yd, 504, 70 and 08
Regular 85c and $1 Sjotproof Foulards in the favorite shades, all new 1912
printings, 2 tone and 8 tone colorings, monotone and geometrical pat-,
terns, at yard ...59c
All the newest Faris and New York
ideas. Bordure effects in spot
proof foulards, tourist silks, Ratine
: dress silks, etc., yd. 95c to $2.95
Yard wide messalines, peau de
cygnes, Ottomans, etc All 3G
inches wide, at yard ....... .69c
Bordure Foulards Many exclusive
patterns, at yard, $1, $1.35, $1.50 !
and ..' $1.95;
75c Japanese nnd Persian printed
waterproof Habutai Silks, 24' arid
27 inches wide, at yard ....29c-
Hare la iNew lork t i-ateat traxa
"The newest,1 cleverest arid ""most' striking'
early Spring hat that is seen on Broadway.
Made of moist proof maline. Comes in black
with jet Oxford' combination (black over
white), also new changeable silk effects .
large .maline bows 1 SX98 $C
verv BDeoial. at . . . ..... " and -
'27rinch fine,' Sheer Swiss and Batiste Embroidered Flouncings, hemstitched baby
' flouncings, also allovers, waist frontings, wide galloons and insertions; f
' elegarit Baby Irish,. Angleterre, floral, blind relief and new IImP
' combination effects. Worth up to $1.25, at yard v ' "
45-inch Swiss and Batiste Embroidered Skirtings at $1.39 Yard
1-Scalloped and hemstitched borders,; wide band effects, etc.;-choice de-
. ..gigne in BabyJnsh, crochet and filet, also new comDinauon CI
.-'effects; worth up to $? a yard bargain square, at, yard Vlw"
liiin. Embroidered Flotiiiciiiis, kirtings, Cdrsct Covering
Fine Swiss, Xauisbok and Cambrif, els galloons and insertions, big bar-
gaa Uflre piled high with an endless variety of pretty, new O C p
- designs-Worth up to 50c yard, at yard t
of varda medibm nnd I Fine French and German Val.
wide widths of embroidery, edg-;
irigs, insertions and galloons; all
Itirids; np to 8 in. wide; hundreds
of pretty designs to select from.
Many worth 20c yardi ftn
HihCltsj Sprinj-Wtih . Goods-0' M"' F1"f,
Extreme Swiss, English and French fabrics many exclusive itjlea.
Fancy dress linens in snowHake effects . for exclusirs robes. ,
bordered voiles In single dreas lengths, etc, at, rd. 50 to $1.95
Bordered Rosco 8ilks. 41 inches , Effleura and Uessldor Voiles,
superb prlnUnn: many bor
ders; 27-in. wld yard,. 50
and ........ 50
wide,' In1 fire different styles,
" will go on. sale at
yard 50
40-Inch plain weave,. 60c English .Voile, In street and, evening
ahades, specially priced at, yard ..."....'.v........ -25
27-lnch Jacquard Silk and Cotton Novelties, at yard 35
at, 'yard
Laces and Insertions 1ninty
crochet and duny effects, platt '
vals., torchons, curtain cluny,
laces, etc.; manf worth up to
. 12o yard, at, 1
Complete Assortment of New Spring Laces
. .We are showing Allovers, Nettings, Galloons, Bands and Insertions
many in complete sets of widths to match. New shadow effects, Baby
Irish, Irish Crochet, Venetian Point, Point Flandres, Carrickmacross
Maerahie, Vandyke and Gothic effects, etc..
New Knotted SUk and . Beaded .Fringes. Drop Trimmings, Rich Beaded Passsme- (
terles in bands and separable motifs AU' at very special prices.
foiffhU of Pythiaj Hare Arranged
; for a Series of Drills.
odd mxowy lodges activz
iinmi Army TA am WeaMa
, Cars Vatta la ''
the BilHhaara at W !.
tarn a Llasala.
- Nbruk lodsa No. I. KnlsiiU - of
IthUs, tor savaral .Maculay nUftta to
umt will Siva Its uambara a treat la
form of a eaapalltlve Orlll la aena
work, wit a vlaw to SoUdlua op one of
itroBsaat taaow la too wast. A oow
txt vlU b had oa eartala portion of
Go work each khwlay nlsht and a prlio
varoed la too wUmar and from tbaM
winoara a team will be srioctea. -
Taaosdl Order af Odd frtlawa.
Onaoa lodsa Mo. t will baoo roar oaa
i.surt tor tka initiatory orao acxt
TrUlmr mtht. . .
-Htopriaa encanpraont No. t car a
ard party sad oodat ODtarUinmant lat
Trmroday areainc BV H. Bt DC lair. Tbooaa
Matter and Jodse WUtto Boar made
talk on Odd FaUowoklp. HlKh Flra waa
Cita stayad aad waa followed by aa
artter upper.
: gtale lease. No. will have work to
Xh lolUauiry desraa tomorrow alchu
- Heapertaa aocampmeat No. 1 wttl hav
work m tfao GoUoa Bula desno aeU
rnday nil tit.
; Duinebroc tods Na. S( will confer
iha flret decree upoa two oaadtdatea
oaxt Friday.
; rjwuwaroc kodes Ko. S has decktad to
..iianmyo work at eoco oa tbelr new
kail atakttac whtcH will ba located at
Twentr-fUtli aad Lareaworth atreeta.
". IMpnar Rcbakak lodsa Sa Ifl will
(are Mi candldataa tor deaTo work Beat
Wa&Btadar tmttit-
BonaoB lodsw Ka. El nwttd Jonathan
ipdea Ko. laat Fnday are" tin.
Cpnaiier ea ems ol No. s7 rrUl have
work la Ooldew Rtlla dearoo west Frtdar
Kutfe glahokafc lodes WU1 karo dasTo
work next Saturday night
AlDha Hebekah lodn No. at aava a
card party last Friday evening which wa
hi attended.
Beacon lex! re No. l will hava tmm
eandldatea for the Initiatory decree aext
maay aiftil. ,
P. S. O.
Mra Oeors B. Darr waa uwu
prealdent of th P. E. o. eleterhood at
tho annual meeting of thla organization
rnu.y anernoon wan aira, uarr. Th
other re-election were: Mrs. Thomas H.
Matters. He lira. II. ft -
eron. recording secretary, and Mrs. E. IL
rocur, (uara. th new offlocn cboato
wer: .-. u. w. McVe. correapondlnt
aecratary; Mm. A. H. Myer. treaaurer,
Mr, r. C. Itton. chaplain; Mr, w. a,
Harua, ortanlat; Mr. T. M. Olltner.
Mr. Darr and Mra Ihnhnff win k.
delecate to th ctate P. . O convea-
itoa neit June. Mr. F. C. Newcontb
and Mra. H. a Cameron will be alter
inkdara tie Okard.
Oeors A. Ctuter Poat and Women'
Relief Corp. No. a. obasrvad Waahlnc-
ton' and Lincoln' birthdays la Fratern
ity ball Wednesday ermine preaentinr
th foliowins program: Music, . Mln
Amanda 1-bbens; addrea. "Uncoln.'
Comrade M. Z. Fcenan; racitatlon. Iran
Porker; lions. Mlaa Amanda Tebbon; ad-
are "Washington.'' Comrade J. Ed
wards; Son,; Georse Wlndship: address.
"McKlnley," Comrad K. Johnson: reci
tation. Mr. Clark; aoog. Mr. i. McKann;
sons, by Foot nd Corp.
Aaetrat Ordrr af I altea Warkmoa
North Omaha lodir Ko. US will nave a
tela Inflation Wednesday evening. Fifty
candidate will take the decrees.
The degree team dance will be held
Monday. March IS at Metropolitan ball.
. Gate city lodm Ko. M will bare
class of twelve candidate Tuesday even-fit-
Koyal Setshbora Aetlre.
The promotion committee c aba Royal
Xalcbbor of Aaaenea, will meet Frtdar
afternoon la Woodmen balk Fifteenth
and Douglas street, Matters of
than ordinary Importance will be up for
discussion. . "' . -""
Fraternal lalaa of America.
Banner lods No. 11, Fraternal Union
of America, - held ' Its reculer meeting
Thursday erenlng. The lodge will bold an
open meeting next Thursday In th Pax
ton block. . .'' v ' , i
Altar Galld laatraeted.
Th Junior Alter cpulld met at th home
of Miss Flora .Depp. SMI Mertdeth av
enue Saturday. February M, and u In
structed oa hemstitching. The next meet
ing will b beld March t at th home of
Mlas Emily Ltir, ' TM ' North Twenty
eighth tret. , . . . ' r ,
' Wassea's Hetlef rarp. '
U. ft Grant, Women's Relief Conie No,
IN wlU hold' Its" meeting t B right hsll'
oa Tuesday afternoon.
E. F. Johnston,', who 'was arrested yes
terday afternoon, on a chargs -of wife
beating. ' we 'sentenced to sixty day la'
tne county, jsu.yesteraay .under. a itste
mitlmua. Johnston, who has been mar
ried but six months, according to Informa
tion brought tout.ln .the- trial., refused to
let bis wife work aad would not work
hlrosetf. Hi wit secured employment aa
a domwtlc In a good family In thw-clty
and when the. husband found It out he
I alleged to have beaten her unmerci
fully. .' I . . ' . ! -
John W. Battin. attorney tor William
Randolph -Hrant, baa- fld-ln federal
court a demurrer to the twenty.two
ehar-reg. tn the libel suit started her aev
eral years ago by Governor Charles N.
Haskell of Oklahoma. In the answer filed
by the Omaha attorney. ' every charge
made by Governor Haskell Is rfuted
with th statement that the charge I not
of sufficient weight 'to warranueaua
for action. Mr. battin asks the court to
dismiss th case. '
Estimated 60,000 Will Listen to the
Lecturei Before Finish.
Additional Tralaa Will grart Oat
' Maaday . to Spread the Cee
pel at Coed Seed Cora
' Selection. J
.Tulrty-four thousand seven . hundred
and' fifteen person up' to Friday nlsht
had listened to the preaching of 'te-.j
your seed corn" gospel on the tour, special !
seen1 corn train which toured the slate ,
thla week. Manager Perrtsh ef the Com-
merclal club publicity bureau. aay th 1
eaatern Burilngtos train took ear of
7.015 person; th - southern Burlington. ,
,6u persons; the Unloa Pacific, ItM
persona, and the Northweetern,.7. per
ons. Two of th train concluded their
schedule T.rlflay . night, -but the. Union
Pacific nnd -southern Burlington trains
had U day yesterday to swell their total
attendance. . . i .
- Hn- Parrlsh - beHerea ' Saturday's at
tendance and that on the two train that
wlU be run .next 'week .win bring 'thd
total attendance at the ' lectures ' up ts
-The Burlington will "run s train In cea,
tral Nebraska tlv day, starting Monday
from Uncoln. - Four lecture can wrll be
carried and four lecturer will speak at
th same time, .The peakera will be
Prof. C. W. Pucsley. Frank O. OdeU,
Prot .VT.'W. Burr, of the North Platte
experiment station. O. Hull of Alma and
State Superintendent J. E. Delarl.
' The "Omaha" road win send ouf a'apsr
rial for three days, leaving Omaha Mon
day. The speakers will be Prof, f . A.
KieBeslbach.WUIiam Ernst of Tecumseh,
W. F. Jobneon of Harvard, Arthar SV
Anderson of Lincoln and Prof. I U'Zook
of the United States Department ef Agri
culture. . . .
A lecture -ln'a hall at MarqnetU -Moo-day
night baa been added to the schedule.
Persistent Adrertonng
Big Returns.
la the -Road to
From the, A. Gluck & C. New York Stock
.... y - .,...-.' t
i 'These 'are .'good, practical, . np-to-date cloaks many m
winter ' weigh ts. and styles others in the newer ppring styles
and fabrics-tlieyare in all popular colors. and miitures
;biggest cloak' bargain in years. .
Positively : Worth Up to S17.50
98 and $522
Tnesdiy All the' Women's Silk "Waists and Silk Petticoats,
. worth up to $5, at ..$1.50 and $2
Wednesday All the Womeri's Silk, Wool and Wash Dresses,
v worth up'.to10,. at . .....k.. $1, $2 and $5
Thnrsday All.the Women's Dress and Walking Skirts, worth
. inm "... ...$2 and S3.50
day All'the" jVomen's Cotton Petticoats, Saturday All the Children's Cloaks,
Wash Waists, .eW ' ' I nd Dresses.
it Ins
9 I