Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1912, Image 1

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    ! FART OKE. .
I ruid U. TO TUt.
Sunday Bee
Rain or Snow
VOL. XLI-XO. 37.
I Gravity of Situation in Southern
Republic Causes President to
Issue Proclamation.
Coming-and Going in Omaha
I Decision Reached After Special
- Meeting of the Cabinet
i Utterance 'is Not Kecoguition of
Revolutionary Movement
'American Citizens Told to Refrain
from Crossing Line.
IMolallens at Laws Will Bo Rlcer-
ouely Prosecuted ts Statement
Issued la ane of l'rcs
' latent Tatt.
, WASHINGTON March:.-The arlvlty
of tb sltuaiion.ln Mexico caused Presi-
'Uent Tart today to Issue a proclamation
virtually warning American ctttsens to re-
'fraffl from entering that country (and
tiebse bow resident titer to leave When
k' moitlon threaten to become intoler.
Fbi, - . ,..
The decision to Issue such warning
v. as reached at a special meeting of tbe
' The proclamttloa augmented by s
l;lKratn addressed by th Htata depart
ment to AmbasatAor Wilson In the City
of Mexico. The smbasador.wns Instructed
to Inform Americans In peril there to
withdraw across the border1, leaving- their
effects In the care of the nearest lotted
State consul.
Copies of ths telegram were sent alsolo
onaular agents.
The presidents utterance, it wss sx
plained, was In no sense a recognition of
the revoluttlonary movement In the sis
ter requbtlc to the south. Neither waa It
to be looked upon as a declaration of
neutrality. It was declared the utterance
was solely a warning to Americans to
avoid anything that might savor of par
tisanship In the existing state of affairs.
Test of Procreation,
The proclamation, which Is Interpreted
further as an expression of this country's
Intention to avoid .by every' possible
means any chanee of Intervention, Is as
IOI10W1!- " ' "
...... I . .ii. Aimt I rh.nM Slid
.OCIDt fismuri iv um .i.w-i -
established government exists III tertaln
portions of Mexico sad.
"Whereas, I'nder thes conditions It
to ths duty of all persons within the
Jurisdiction ot in inn
train from tbe commission ot acta pro
hibited by ths law thereto relating and
subversive of the tranquility of a country
with which the tnlted States Is at peace,
"Whereas. The laws of the United
States prohibit under such circumstances
all persons within and subject to their
Jurisdiction from taking part contrary to
said laws In any such disturbance ad
versely to such established government
"Whereas, By express enactment If two
or more persons oonsplre to commit an
offense against the United States sny set
of one conspirator to effect the object
of such conspiracy renders all the
conspirators liable to floe and Imprison
ment, and.
"Wneieas, There Is reawm to believe
that clUSens of tbe United Btates and
others within their Jurisdiction fall to
apprehend ths meaning and operation ot
the applicable laws of ths United States
as authoritatively interpreted and may be
misled Into participation In transactions.
i . . " . ; ' a. .
s . . ,
eescuhthe -V-.;
VtJB. aOl J'i'll"
Former Senator, from Indiana .Will
Support Colonel's Can- -didacj.
Waeelaatea Hewdqaartere Moved to
V Large Salt', at Room la ,
- Oewalewa Office Stalld. ,
WASHIQTOf, March t-The acquisi
tion ot former Henator Beverldcs of Indi
ana to -the . Itoosevdt forces, wasi an
nounced here today. . ' i . ,
The colonel's, headquarters were moved
today In a large suit of offices occupying
the entire front -of a. 'downtown office
building. . Senator Dixon , signs I tied . bis
advent as manager of the .ex-president's
candidacy ,bjr securing enough, space' tor
th full "expansion of the campaign fores.
Senator Ilx M announced he would take
charge of tKe campaign Monday." '
; "There Is -no question- In jsn'y man's
mtnd.o - he', said In a -statement-today,
"that an oierwtislmlnf preootiderance of
th republican voters of the aaileh are
for the nomination of. Colonel tjoasvelt. ,
Ttiy" URcve'that' if HooseVelr l, now
nated he will be triumphantly elected In
November and'tney are tearful of a politi
cal calamity To' The' -republtcaa psrtjr
should Mr.. Taft. be; nominated. -The. re
publican party owe th nomination for
th pretduent -to no man. '.."..'
-'Th only hope of .those .repuhllcVna
who art against the nomination ot Colonel
Rooseveiri to secure' by hs use ot ted'
eral patroravge In-thssbuth th contnl.of
delegates from skeleton poMUcal organisa
tions in these Mates and the' suffocation
ot the Veal. sentiment ot the. republican,
voters. In certain northern ststes In the
election of delega teat " ' ' '
"DetaiTed" im or ibitrlbn; from "every -con;
gresslonal district In the great republican
states ot the Mlsslssrpplvalley.-irke Ohio,
Illinois and Mlcblgan,.g1ves ery possible
assurance of practn-aliy solid Roosevelt
delegation f rom.'tnoe states, .while from
the statea-iylng west ot th Mississippi,
with scarcely a single exception, the
Roosevelt sntlment"ls Irresistible."-. -. .
t'eloael Oeales Mestwrt.
OYSTER BAT. March , l-A report
reached Oyster Bay today; that Colonel
Roosevelt had 'assured , two members ot
President Tsft's .'cabinet that' be would
not accept , the presidential ..nomlustloo
are violations of said laws and i this year. Secretaries stlmson and Meyer,
will render them liable to th I according to the atory, were said to have
The -National . Capital
.Satarday, Merek 8, 1I2. '
- -i .. The Senate.
' Consideration of agricultural appropria
tion bill resumed.-
Rulea committee to determine whether
congress shall Investigate stiiks condi
tions In Lawrence.
The House.
.Met al 1 p. m., when Senator Brlstow.
wss expected to conclude his speech en
the Stephenson elvctlon case.
- Interstate commerce committee resumed
hearing on' uniform bill of lading legisla
tion, f .j '
Bank Robber Slain ' '
; By Posse of Police
Near Montreal
severe penalties provided for such viola- reached this understanding with Colonel
Now. Therefore, In recognition ot the
laws governing s.d controlling In such
matters, as well as In discharge ot the
obligations ot th United States toward
a friendly county and aa a measure of
precaution and to tbe 'end that ctusens
of the United States and all outers within
their Jurisdiction may be deterred from
subjecting themselves to legal forfeitures
and penalties,
Mast Comply veStsi Las. , '
l William Howard Tart, president e
the United States of America, do hereby
admonish all such dtlsens and other per
sons to abstain tram every violation ot
the laws hereinbefore referred to and do
hereby warn uietn that all violations ot
such laws will se rigorously prossculed,
and 1 do hereof enjoin upon all officers
(Continued on Second Page.)
The Weather
FOR KKIlR-VSKA-f-now; slowly rising
KDK lulvA-.-r3i slowly rising tem
per at lira.
Tessaeratasw at aasaha Yesterday.
...... 11
, IS
, i4
, H
"They never did . so," said Colonel
Roosevelt today. "They never did so, be
cause they could not." ' -
Both Mr. Stlmson and Mr. Meyer hav
seen the colonel within the last few-Weeks
and both said the colonel saw copies ot a
letter, whtck k. wrote-to aa Intimate
friend several' weeks ago. 4a. this letter
he explained why; at that time he could
mak no definite statement aa to his
position. ' , .
"a sn...
a la m. ......
t a. sa. ...
1 w a.m. ......
11 a. m
fk - P. m'.'.'Z
Kimmel Case is :
Given to'the Jury
ST. LOUIS, March t-Tb fcUmmel mys
tery and lnurance jcae went t the Jury
shortly before noon today after, United
State. Dlffrle -Judas' Clisilas F, Amldon
had delivered his Instract'.objs. '
On of the. moet.lmportaat-of the Instructions-waa
"that certain dlssstsrs In
life" might so rhinxe.jt person that-tils
friends of earlier' day would not recog
nise him. '. f - , .
This was a refereoo to th testimony
that If the claimant. Andrew J. White Is
George A. Ktmmel, h has u ad ergons re
markable physical change since bis dhv
appearance in IMS. The .Judge said tbe
kurden of 111 proof rested on the plain
tiff, the TSoelver of a defunct bank of
Mies. Mich 'to show that' KJmmei. is
- MONTREAL. Canada. March t-One of
ftv robbers' who brsk Into- a branch ot
th Royal bank early today .at Montreal
West, a 'Junction ot th Canadian Pacific
railroad, flea ml lea, west jt th city
was killed la a runaing flatt with cltl-ttn-
Rasidents of the neighborhood got
th alarm before tbe gang had obtained
any loot. Attar aa exchange of (hot the
other -tour robbers escaped leavjng th
body of their companion. -
TustTuwt burls Who -ot say arbe-
awy out their escape V th fact thatl
they were equipped with now shoes .nil
their pursuers war hindered by th deep
snow. Tbe dead man has not been Identl
fled. V ' ' ' ' ' .
Th attempted robbery wss ths Naoat
daring la the history of Canada. A rail'
way watchman saw" the men crawl
through window Into th bank. Hs not!
fled ths polios who surrounded th build'
ljuj." Th bandits were called upon to sur
render. -Suddenly there was a terrifto dy
namite explosion and th bank was com
pletely wrecked.' In lb confusion th
robbers got sway, but were cornered later
ha shack-In th outskirts ot the city...
Th chief ot police and hi men entered
th building end engaged in a duel with
the men One robber waa killed outright
and two more fell badly wounded, but
later escaped with their companions.
Charles Fltspatrick, son . of the chief of
police. ' was seriously hurt.
u'SURIAL of battleship
CotsparatlTW f-e-rml Reeard.
lMi UN. 11. vm.
Hiaheat veeterday . M S7 M i
Ixweet ye-fleruer U !7
Mean temperatur....... It c - 13 s
predpitatioa . .
Temperature and)feclp1UUoB depar
tures from the sirmai;
'ormai temperature 3
iH-ficiencr for the day u
Total defkiency aloe March L ti
Normal rainfall Winch
Kicei-a tor tbe day Jl mcb
Total rainfall ttnee March L... .Sbineb
-.jtc-es since March 1 -2 in h
ji--fictenev for cor. period. l!i. .C Inch
snfjilsn-r tat car. Beried. lata, . JK imeh.- ,
WA8H1XGTON." March t-Tb official
burial at sea. of th old battleship Main,
originally sctledaled tor Monday next has
been postponed until March ta, oa acooent
ot unexpected difficulty experienced in
35 , removing the . cofferdam around th
,rr Railway Msiil rterka.
WAKlXJTO.f ." t. C. March JWSne
cial Te1rara.)-J. E. eimmoos 'of Her
snos, Leroy tiodfrey of Rapid City. A.
V. Boe spy el Pierre." T. E. - DrUe of
Carthage, A. E. Cmwmlnr of Alexandria,
S. D.. bar been-appointed railway, taall
Pastor Charged ;
With Perjury and
j His Home Burned
FORT WORTH, Tex., March Z-k few
hours after Rev. J. Frank Korrls, pastor
ot the First Baptist church, had been in
dicted on th charge ot -perjury, his
noma burned down last night It cam
as a mydtertoua sequel to an equally
mysterious chain of events in which th
saloon fighting minister has figured.
Th . most startling development cam
hut , night whan - accused of perjury,
N orris was charged with having written
letters ' to , himself m which b , was
threatened with death If n did not leave
Notri first attracted . attention here
by campaigns for enforcement ot prohibi
tion laws. Then Morris declared aa at
tempt haJ been made to aaaasslnata him.
This wss followed by the destruction of
the First Baptist church by fir. Nsrris
reported a second attempt had bc.n mad
an his nts after this, and k traveled
with awbeflyguard. Then he exhibited
the warning letters which last BidSat th
grand Jury dec V red N orris wrote to hinv
salt N orris' charges attracted great
deal ot attention to his church work.
Woodrow Wilson
. Leaves for the East
- (From a Staff Correspondent.)
. DES MOINES. la , March X.- Special
Telegram.) Governor Vt'oodrow Wilson
returned eastward at noon today after
having delivered an addresa this .morn
ing at Highland Park college and con
ferring with bis friends here. He took
occasion .also to call on . Governor Car.
roll formally. In regard to woman sut-'
frsge, he said: . ,
'V2, am not prepared to say whether I
am for or against women suffrage, My
mind Is open on this question. There is
much to be said oa both sides, nod I
bav not made up my mind definitely
which Is better,' to leave It to the: men
to solve the questions which confront
as or to Invito women Into ths discission
sod to ths work of solving th proMems-"
Taektea Memo Baned,
TAVkTOK. a D.. March l-fSpocial.)-.
The horn of Mrs. Roe Beverly, during
t9 absence from tbe city of th fajrdly,
waa burned to the ground Frfcte; mora
ine Tbe loss is IS. about naif Insured,
Supreme Court Denies Writ of Man
damus Asked by W. LBaufhn
of Omaha.
There Mlaht Be tjeestlen Aboat
Recall reatarv, bat This Will
Not Attest th Rest of
1 f he Lave. ,
, , , "
LINCOLN. Neb., March t -(Special
Telegram.) Th supreme court today .up
held th Omaha commission law for city
government. '
-This Is th cas brought by Wllmat L.
Baughn. Jr.. of Omaha, who sought to
mandamus City Treasurer Vrs to accept
a filing tea tooths office of city comp
troller. Ura ntused th fee, "and Baughn
brought suit through bis sttorney, lead or
Zleglar. Th law waa defended by City
Attorney Bine and Attorney wonn r.
Bromt, th latur baring arawn tn
law, a passed, by th iegisiatur. Th
writ of mandsmu was denied.
Ma formal opinion was tendered, but In
aa atsi prwnounoemsnt th supreme court
snstaHed. tbw law, The -ly aat wot
ssvsred m th fsalsioa 1 that relating tp
ths recall peovisioa. which wss raissd in
an Intervenlhg brief filed by O. A. Kret
singer of Beatrice. .
,Th court said thsrs might be a qua
tlsn a to th vslldlty ot this provision,
bat It would not affect th general pro
vision of th law.
Sixty-Four Delegates Chosen, but Ko
Test Vote Taken at Des Moines.
Stand Is) Mir wrfth Meaey In Hand
Walttait for Oeelsdoa.
Members ot th ell council and candi
dates who are In - dead earnest about
their campaigns gathered early at O
elty halt yesterday and stood with flv
dollar bills In their bands ready to of
fer them aa filing fee for electlv of
flosa It news cam that th commission
form had not been sustained.
Several took advantage of a posslbl
advers decision and tendered their fee
yesterday. City Treasurer L'r had
promised la cas th new form was
knocked out by th supreme court to
remain In his office until midnight Inst
night, accepting fees. This was the last
day for filings under the old system.
. When Dm Butler announced that th
court had sustained the commission form,
there was an audible sigh from ths score
or more in waiting, wnetner it was m
relief or foreboding could not be ascer
tained, i , .
As soon as th candidate compre
hended that there would be no Immediate
upheaval among themselves they rushed
to th elty clerk' office to file their pe
titions for commissi onershlp nominations.
Th entire socialist ticket filed,, as did
else) Councilman W. 8. Sheldon.
Th socialist slat, alt of whom pre
sented properly signed petitions, follows:
Bugent Steer, SHt Woolworth; H. J.
Morrow, MIS Decatur; Peter Metarene,'
so North Central boulevard.: Thor Jor
gensen. Oil Meson; F. A. Harriett. 114
North Fifteenth street; L. W. Morsman,
M. D.. Six South Nineteenth street; Clar
ence C. Vaughan, tot South Twentieth
street. , ,
Reporte tram Sixth District In Iowa
Dkew that lx at Sevew Cetan
Ilea Tfcrra Hav Selected
Taft Ucleaatee, j
(Kroia a Staff Correspondent)
I) EH MOINES. March I. -(Special Tet
srara.) The republican county, oonven
tlon of Polk county, today selected sixty
four delegates to tbe state and district
conventions, end the action waa unani
mous for a delegation that will be for
Cummins for president.'
Th convention was well attended and
harmonloua. Short resolution wer pre
sented and adopted favoring the can
didacy of Cummins There was no teat
Vol to determine whether any wer op
posed. Senator Cummins appeared and spoke
briefly to 'the convention, discussing the
general problems of government and as
sarting that It wilt be In ths future as
In the psst bis highest ambition to seres
the people well. The delegates ar all
hi warm personal friends.
It was reported from th Sixth district
today that every county baa. bed -caucuses
'and eta inh' svn counties! win
at the county convention select delegates
tor Taft
PRESTON, la., March !.-(Bpeoial Tele-tram.)-Tb
Union county . democratic
convention today select sd nine delegst
tu tbe state convention at Burlington In
structed for Woodrow Wilson for presl
Storm Extends from the Rocky
Mountains to Region of the
" Great Lakes.
Depth et Snares Over Kansas
ncbraska, Wysals aad State
CaH ta lha Mississippi
Man Who Says He is
From Savannah, Mo.,
Robbed of Big Sum J
TAMPA, fie., March l-Declarlng he
lost or had been robbed of SKKuoa which
he had drawn from a hank In Savannah,
Mo., i. E. Eaxmann, said to be a promi
nent merchaat f that place, eras found
her today daxed and apparently unable
to recall what bsd happened to htm. Ha
says be started from his home to go to
Hot Springs, Art., and that be fell or
waa slugged In Ksnaas City and that be
knows nothing ot what happened since
that time. - - -
Eaxmann was located by T. E. Bryan.
a friend ot the merchant's family. Ex-
mann told bis-story-in rambling words
and little ot a definite nature could be
Attained from him.
After his injury in Ksnaas City he
says he remembers nothing clearly. His
stay in tbe hospital be associates with
brutal treatment by someone be thinks
attendant. He next recalls
traveling, probably kg a freight ear, and
being aompelled to sign some kind of a
paper by a persoa be cannot place.
SAVANNAH. Mo March 1-Tlie name meeting ot th pre-coaveotion period and
of J. E. Eaxmann. reported to be a na- I the speakera are expected to ound the
tlv of this city and to have been found t keynotes of tbe prsgusslve wing of tbe
in daxed condition in Tampa. Fla.. is I party. This mean, of course, that no
unknown .to old resident, of this city.
Th prominent merchants of the city
were all well and at their accustomed
places of busts tada
A snowstorm covering th wldast area
ot any that has visited th centra wast,
was taneral yesterday from Minnesota
and Aha Dakotsa on ths north to Okla
homa oa the south and from th moun
tains sast to th lakes.
Light (now began to faH before daylight
In Omaha and during th day about four
or tlv I none fell. Th snow (topped
lata In th afternoon.
Temperatures over ths storm-stricken
region rang trom sero ta Wyoming ta M
to sf decrees above sera. Asross erasure
Kansas, Nebraska and throughout Wyom
ing th snow I drifting, but aot badly, la
other localities there Is so llttl wtnd. (hat
"calm" la reported.
, As a result at lb realm" traias ranch
UK Oaaaaa up t neon war raotleallr aw
time! Over ,1b ntlr territory whk tb
storm cover th anew la from three t
eight laches dp. aa fin aa flour and a
kght as feathers, Just th kind to' be
aught up by th wind and esrtied along
Into drift. ...
Owing to th llgtaUMM ot th snow. It did
aot Impede (treat railway traffic to any
silent, sweeper wer constantly run
ning over Uis tracks and ths (now wss
saslly pushed asld. , '
' Issw lha SCnat.
Trainmen and others coming In from
th seat report they struck tb storm
soon after' crossing th Mississippi river
and that from ther en th snow. was
general and from thro to four lncba in
depth, being heaviest In th north part
of the state. '
Tbe Omaha train from gL Paul and Mia-
neapoila found snow ail th way through.
but nothing In th natur ot a bilssard.
When th train left th Twin Cities at
o clock Friday night. It had bam
snowing for several . hour and had at
tained a depth of three Inches. At SMua
City th fresh mow was sight Inches m
depth and Mill snowing at t o'clock. Re
ports to ths Northwestern general of flees
report' now all the. way from Lander,
Wye.. Through Wyoming It is from six
to eight Inches deep and In Nebraska,
from three ta six. i
On th Burlington snow was tailing
ovor th entire distance from Billings on
th northern line to Omaha, At ths tims
when the agents sent In their report. It
had reached a depth of from four to eight
Inches and waa still snowing. On th
southern line across Nebraska, snow
was general tram Denver to th Missouri
river, varying In depth from two lo sight
inch, th heeAleal being la the wtstern
part ot th stale.
There waa ana all along tb main Mae
of th Union Pacific from Old en. Utah.
Through portions of western Wyoming. It
began snowing Friday afternoon and
yesterday, bad reached a depth of tea
to twelve Inches. At ths hour of the re
port. It wafstlll snowing.
Tb Missouri Pacific reported a heavy
fall of snow along Its river line, aggre
gating six to eight Inches all tb way
Ltrom Omaha to Atchison Kan., and al
most as much along lha branches In
Ncbraska and Kansas. A report from
slong tbe southern Una told of six Inches I
of snow ta Oklahoma.
Hard an Lis Stock.
Wyoming ranchmen In town report the
livestock situation in many parts ot that
state rapidly approaching the danger
line. They say that when they left home
early thla week, a goodly portion of the
rang Was covered with enow to a depth
of from six lo eighteen Inches. With the
three lo eight Inches that baa sine fallen.
it makes It Imposslbis tor either sheep
or cattl to pick anything off tb wtnd
swept plain except sag brush. ;
Through the northern and western parts
of the state, the ranchmen In town predict
that th sheep losses will be close to at
per cent of th entire flocks, while the
cattle and horse losses will be very heavy.
In almost all portions of th state, the
hay put up last season has been ted out
and It ht about tmpoasibi to secure more.
In many places hay and grains have
been hauled twenty to thirty miles. Hsy
has now gone to K$ per ton and corn
is sold st S cents per pound and little
to be had. '
Fowt of Saeae la West.
SIDNBT. Neb.. March i. (Special Tee-
Harmon men need apply tor an oppor- J eermm. Anoiner ., oa " acre
tunity to speak. The banquet will be held "ocsiimj ine m ..k, nor ta
in the Auditorium and the ticket will be bound trains oa the Burlington railroad
th usual price, ti per plat.
Robber Shot After
Looting Bank Says
Comes from Bluffs
AURORA, Colo., March 1 -HI III showing
facial dlscoloratlons received Thursday
night In an attempted holdup of a pugil
ist here, Dwlght Day of Council Bluffs,
la., who registered aa "Oroldt Day. Cin
cinnati!. O ," I in the county hospital
preparing for the amputation ot his left
arm. His shoulder was snatterea oy a
charge of shot received In escaping after
successfully looting the - Aurora State
bank her this morning. He secured SMS,
but this was recovered when hs wss ar
Shortly after S o'clock ley shambled
up to the cashier's cage of the bank at
Aurora where Assistant Cashier Webn
had Just spread his cash and st the point
of pistol compelled the cashier to hnd
over his revolver. II then filled hi
pockets and backing out, - released the
spring lock, imprisoning the cannier. II
was pursued by a cltlsen Into an aban
doned powder mill where Day waa shot
In th arm. Her th nolle captured him.
Bryan Managers Get
Chary About Speakers
(From a Buff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. March l-tSpecialJ- Man
agers of the Bryan birthday banquet
March IS, are not yet ready to five out
th list of those who will respond to
toasts. One thing, however. Is i
termlned. there will be no Nebrasksm
In the list, as those In charge ef the
affair decided to Uke no chances of
sny designing persons smuggling a po
litical bomb Into the meeting end touch
ing it off when the fesst was the mer-
I rlest. - - i
' Mr. Brysn's friends realised that the
political situation In Nebraska, from a
democratic point ot view, is fraught
with Just such possibilities and several
prominent members ot the party are
suspected of being mors than willing to
pull oft some stunt. If given a chance.
Hence only outsiders will be permitted
to Ulk while the lucal contingent can
eat and bteu.
The sicakera' list Is not made ap. It Is
said, but several democrats of national
prominence are certain to be among tbem.
it will be a matter ot interest to see who
ot the many democratic candidates will
be present, or rather which of tbem will
absent themselves. The forethought af
thus managing tbe affair Is again mani
fest by the advance announcement that
th absence of any candidate "will not
be Uken as an unfriendly act as It Is
known that circumstances will prevent
all from attending." Just the same it
wllNbe interesting to note th absentees.
Friends ot Mr. Bryan assert tb banquet
will be the great progressive democratic
Cound of Ministers Sends Out Call
for All Available Men In
Adjacent Ports.
Situation in the Capital of China
Becomes Serious.
Mutineers attach palace
Portion of Residence of Father sf
Dowager Empress Boned,
Headless Bodies Lying in Streets of1
Many Parts of City.
Whtrh Left Peklaw Tb. ra
dar Barn Part at tily and Kill
S amber l Reese a Cathelt
PEKING. March S.-A serious
deecence of disorder occul ted today when
a detachment of artillery headed by a
band marched to the peine . of Duke
Kuel-Ilslanf, father ef tb empress dow
ager, and shelled dowa th gate. They
looted a large amount of property aad
burned a portion ot th palace.
Many mlealonarte hav been slaugh
tered by th mutineer in Pao-Tlng-Fu.
according to a report received her today.
It I thought probable, however, In well
Inform sd circles that only an ar two have
ben killed. It la believed they ar Romaa
Tb foreign minister here after a con
ference hav decided . to bring Into Pe
king all the available foreign, troops sta
tioned la adjacent ports In Chine. A
tores of L3 of various aattonalltle will
arrive here tomorrow. .
Although last .night partis of soldiers
belonging to the army commanded by
Chang Hual Chin wer engaged them
selves In looting, today they fought th
looters la th euiaklrU of . th city.
Prisoners, thry .took war summarily de
capitated and maay hsadleas bodies are
lying ta th streets In various parts of th
elty. ,
In th distant part of th West City
CAMlderabl tssubss sssasiwt. What
streets d shops wer teeted and many
houses wer sot on fire.
Th civilian population has armed and
fortified Private Dremlsea while hsirt.
cads were erected la tb street for pur
pose ot defense.
v' Pa Ttagr Fa Levied. e
Tbe mutineers who left Peking for Poo-
Ting Fu yesterday and whom Yuan Shi
Kol ordered to be arrested or killed by
th garrison of that city hav been Joined
by many of th soldiers there. They hav
looted a great part of Paa-Tlng Fa and
burned large areas of th city.
rang Tsl twenty-two miles from
Peking, on ths railroad to Tien Tsla was
looted by another gang ot mutineers to
day. British troops guarding ths railroad
thtr protected the women and children.
but In mutineer burned the railway
utlon and held up a train, robbing many
of ths Chines passengers.
. Tung Ping Fu. where th American
troops ar guarding th railroad to Chin
Wang Too. also waa tooted today.
It is evident that all th soldiers. of
ths northern Chinee army ar in agree
ment In the pillaging movement. They
are under the belief that tbe coming of
the republican delegates from Nankins;
to Yuan Bhl Kal means tbe dismissal
of ths northern troops from the ervlct.
Th delegste telegraphed today to Gen
eral LI Yuen Hang, commander ot the
republican troops at Nanking and vice
president of the republic to bring a re
publican army to Peking to restore order.
Yuan Shi Ksl today promised Id pardon
all returning mutineers, but has aot yet
received any . response.
Tbe populace has been notified thatf
all persons found In th streets tonight
after S o'clock will be shot.
Tb soldiers of ths Imperial guard and
those belonging to - Chang Hbaa Cbi'a
army are now nominally In control of
Peking. It remains to be seen, whether
they ar much better than th muti
neers. Bilaaliea at Saratov Serlaaa.
Tbe situation at Bwatow Is becoming
more senous every day. Th Interior of
the province Is in a stats of eomnlat
anarchy. General Ling with BOO troops
from Walcbow has arrived in the city
t suppress the disorders and another
(Continued oa Second Page.)
Continued on Second Page.)
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