THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. MARCH 2. 191i 9 ? i .vvr itr i kv ITU V IS22lrARNAM STS SUIT OVERCOAT TO ORDER TO ORDER Can You Beat this Great Offer? Free $8.00 sak Vest Free Witfc every made-to-&easure suit order This Sale Positirely Eais Saturday Erenii;, March 2d. ' 1,000 PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM Order That Spring Suit Now or OUERGOATl AMERICAN CUTTERS AMERICAN TAILORS . A1ERIC4 SALESMEN SATISFACTION GUARANTEED INSPECTION INVJTED . 1 "Builders of Tidy Togs17 1 Hail Orders Solicited wi mew nr rssss axd mxtaim iu OAXJtSltTS MM BT VS. I cJI "BILL AKERS", Manner 3 Eor the , , . . ,1 mm I Hops at Fort Omaha ;tne oft tha largest and most enjoy able affairs of the irwn mi the mlll Ury bop and reception' (Wen by th offlctra and ladle ot Fort Omaha las evening at tha peat gymnasium In oora pliment Is Major and Mra. Carl F. Hart rsann, wbj bava recently arrived at tha pott. 'A color at heme ot deep yellow or orange, the signal cores color, , waa used in decoration. Tha ball-room waa alio elab orately daeorated with American flags, libs pott library waa used aa a supper room and waa attractively decorated with yellow tuljt and rallow daisies. Tellow spaded candle lighted tha room, lieuten ant Leonard presented the guests, la the rjoelvln( nna war Mejbe.and Mitf Ilart roann. Mra. Joan Hoffman Thompson, Jf i. A.i eC Cowan Mr. A. U Gilchrist, Mrs. W. X. Mlouet. Ura.Clrka Lynn. trs. Hartmann wore a haadeem black velvet (own; Mra. Thorn peon, black mar-1 unltelte ojrer black Mlk; Mr. Cowan a light blue allk crepe; Mra. Gilchrist, llcht blue aatla with paart trimmings; Mrs. Michel, black lace sown, and Mrs. Lynn, black French net over black satin. The Invited list from Omaha and. Fort Crook Included: v -Messrs. -and Meodamea J. Van Rensselaer, H. Cox, joraan, Dr. w. O. Henry, Dr.' Young. Char lea Hweet. H, 8. Caldwell. . . C. K. Voel, Captain. Cheneweth, lir. Ilolllster, M. Carina, Henry Doorly, Pr. Rodney Bill 1. Howard, F. W. Thomas, Captain Allen, C..C. Valentin. B. V. Cola. . Mesdames . K. C. Norrls, Kanno, . . Ulendenntng, Younglof, J. Da Camp Hall. Misses Eastman. Martha Dale. Thomas, Anna Jordan,, nisabeth Sweet, Margaret UcSaana, Montgomery, F. H. Davie, Charles i'lckeoa. Wiimoth. ' j! H. Scoble, Jewell. it 8. Collin. Itayward, Henry W. .Yates, Kennedy, -Walter T. rage. Hen Robtdoux. Charles Johannes, Dr. Jenks, Dr. C. A. Hull . K. L. Arthur, Meodame George Voes, Charles Offuli. Ketis Moreen. Knight White. M. :. Van Gleeen. Mlsses Nanoia Pace. KJUaoeth Davis, Anna Crary, Frances Weeatlls, Mary Furay, Knld Valentine. Ulisabetli Ftckena. Messrs. Paul Beaton. C. J. Mctihene. William rlmon. In-. Conk I m. Walter Thomas, Messrs Captain Howell, Lieut. Col. Marsh, lieutenant Scott. Lieutenant Watson. lieutenant UrtlUUi, U. Bannister. Jr.: Lieutenant Lane. 'Captain Martin. Lieuteoaat Belela, ,1 okmel and Mra. Buttler, Colonel and Mra, Allaire. Colonel and Mrs. Bannister, 'Colonel and Mra. Kastman, Valor and Mra. Atkinson. Major arid Mra. Dale. b 'Captain and Mrs. MUlman. Captain and Mrs. Dorsy, .Captain and Mra. Bwltser, captain and Mr. Rtlenhrkk. Captain and Mra. Hornbrook, Captain, and Mrs. Nesbltt, Ueutenant and Mra. Keller, Lieutenant and Mra. Bowman, 'Lieutenant and Mr. Bubb. lieutenant and Mra. Davis, Ueutenant and Mrs. Poet. O.H.S. Parties . Four senior (iris, all member of the Ky Data club, will Journey to Lincoln to rporrow. where ther will attend toe an nual Kappa. Kappa Gamma sorority "for mal" at U university In the evening. The girls who bava been Invited to at tend tba bop are Mlsa Katharine Daven port. Mia Adeiyn Wood and Mlsa Lola HowelL who will be entertained at the KarPa bouse, and Mis Clan fteoner, who w,ill be tba (ueat of Mlsa Helen Boren son. . Tha tidnger Travel club elected Its offtcera for 112 at a meeting held at tha Unlngar art gallery yesterday aftemooo. Those elected ware: President, Florence Lake; rlee president. Bertha El kins; sec retary, Marroettta Carpenter; treasurer, lUlan Johaaoav The aaambershtp oC the club now total thlrty-Ove. ' Tba Loa Loro dub, one of tha senior girls' tocUl dubs, has reorganized for tha Mlsi Edith Hamilton. Laura Zlmmeran, Klltabeth Ralney. remainder ot tha present school year and expects to arrange a series of kentinctont and afternoon partiea to be given on al ternate Friday afternoon during this and next month. The member of the club ir: Mioses Margaret Burke, Beea Heaton, Klale Rogers, The dramatlo committee of tba senior elks haa been appointed and Includes tha to) lowing: Kaz Houlton. chairman. Ada laid Funkhouatr, Utah Renner, Maurice Clark and William Noble. Thie commit tee will confer with Mlsa Ulllan Filch on the cost of holding a else play similar to tha one given laat May by the class of Nil at tha Brandels theater, Mia Fitch will direct the rehearsal if a play ig (Ivan by this year's clan-. . ' Mlsa Hannah "Kopaia "will entertain the member ot tha Ne Notrts club at her koine, nl Kbrth Fortieth street, tomor row aftarnoon.. Those present will be: Mia Dertrude Aiken, Helen Johnson, Km ma Medler, Blanche Busk, Hannah Kopald. Ml Klliabeth flnley, rteien uarvin, lwrothy Weller, LucUe Dennis, A vary enjoyable dancing party ' waa given at Hart hall In Dundee nut even ing, when tha resident alumni of Lea Hlboux club entertained tha active mem ber and their friends. A black and (ray schema ot decorations waa -used. The alumni membora who bad charge of tba affair war Robert Thompson, '10; John 8. Bowen, '09; Clarence Patton, It; Henry Howe. '11; Herbert Ryan. '01; Mas Flo thow, ' ; Cheeter Nleman, '10, and Ches ter Arnold, n. Pleasures Past Mr. Stanley Hart man waa boateaa Thursday afternoon at a bridge party at bar home, when six tables ot player were present Mr. and Mra. Fred Pee res gave a beautifully appointed dinner Wednesday evening at their noma, when twelve guests were present . Mra. Jay D. Foster entertained at a beautifully appointed violet rencheon to day at her home. A mound of violet formed the centerpiece for tha table and covers were placed for twelve. The after noon waa spent playing bridge. Tha first meeting of tha Original Cook ing club waa bald Thursday at tba home of aim. George Print, who la always the first hostess ot tha season. Tba member ot tha stub are: - Meedames . Mesdames Charles X. KounUa, Ward buigees. Luther Kountse, Joseph Barker, M. O. Colpetser, Samuel burns, jr.: John T. ftewart, td.; w. Herbert Wheeler. W. a. Poppleton. George Prina. Mum Klla Ma Brown entertained on ot the Lenten lowing club at her horn Thursday afternoon. The members are sawing for tha children's ward In Clark son hospital. The members of tha club are: Mesdames Glenn C. W harton, Kdwln T. ftwobe, V. D. Hoeford. Metdames ' " T. L. Davie. Samuel Burns, Jr. C r. mllh. Jerome Ma re. Mis Ella Mae Browa Aa enjoyable evening was spent at the noma ot Mr. and Mra. H. W. Hale, til North Twenty-first street, Wednesday. tha occasion being the birthday of both Mra. Hal and Mr. R. V. Griffin. The following wer present: Misses ' Mtsses- Beeele Katxenmeyer. Amy Tavlor, Bernice Banghart. Flossie Thompson. Dollis Katsenmeyer. Messrs. Messrs K. D. Griffin. ' C. Conrrove. D. W. -Campbell. Jones Hoetetter. Mr. aad Mrs. Arthur Droega. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hals. Mirs Wlrmte Farmer. Mlas Edna Parka aad Mia Ktbel Taylor entertained a leap year party at tha heme at Mis Parka, Soma of the latest leap year games wer prayed, after which luncheon waa served. Thosa present were: Misses Edith Pratt Winnie Farmer, Mettle Farmer, Alice Kempf, -Birdie Gllly. Messrs ' Harry Clover. Mike Ranr. iiaroM Roth, Harry Cook. Judge W. W. his thirteenth having Been born In leap year, waa (Ivan a party at bis home last evening by the officers and teachers of tha First Chris tian church Sunday school, ot which he Is superintendent The Judge waa pre- Eva Moble. Lillian Hansen. - Klhel Taylor, Edna Parka. Messrs. ' Relph dorenson, -' Arthur Farmer, Hex Hungate. -Benjamin Burreae. Blabaugh, who celebrated birthday yesterday, he aented with a handsome black leather travelling bag, tha presentation speech being made by Mra. J. H. Itberry. Games and tnusio were tha avenlnf s amu semen ta Mrs. J. ,,M.': Stafford entertained In formally at luncheon Thursday at her horn In , honor of her daughter. Mra. Charles Darin, at McCook, Nab. Cover laid for: Vesdamea '-' Harry Hsrsog, T. B. Boysr, Charles Davits, Fred Kanda,, - i -Kansaa City, Mo.; Edward Bedford. Ml Mesdames Frank Ferdua, . E. K. Bralnard, T. F. Parker, C. A. Mpple. . i J. F.'O'lary, . J. L. Burr, Misses . ' ' Marttna Thode,. ' Bertha Store. -Bernlre Davie. ' Ann Bock, mens Wilcox. Ida Schlpporett, Masters .!. Frank Sands,... John Hertog. . Elisabeth Drags, , Iu Stafford. Vera StafTord. Dorothy Pardun. Marlon 0 Leery. "Mastera-i . . Hugh Stewart''-' Weddings' The wedding of Mis Mildred Carter ot Lincoln to Mr. Paul Luther Ernst of Omaha was celebrated at Holy Trinity church, Lincoln. Rev. S. Mills Hayes of ficiating, kt high noon Wednesday, In tba presence ot tha Immediate relative. The bird I tha daughter of Mrs.. Ida M. Carter of Lincoln, and .waa born In Lincoln, but while coinc to school Bved with her grandparents at Astoria, lit' The gram la tha younger son ot Mr. and Mra. C. J. Ernst ot Omaha, formerly ot Lincoln. C. J. Ernst and family went to Lincoln Wednesday morning In Mr.- Ernst's -private car and returned to Omaha with tba bride and groom Wednesday afternoon. The young couple will reside at 1321 South Tenth ttreet Personal Gossip Mrs. C. Y. Smith la a recent arrival at tha Arlington hotel In Hot Springs. Ark. H. IL Flook, R. & Brelnlg and A. C. A rend are guests of th Eastman hotel In Hot Springs. Ark. Brigadier General Frederick A. Smith and Mra Smith are In Hot Springs, Ark., tor a stay of two or three weeka Mra A. D. Stowttta and Mis Mar gusrlt Stowltt returned Monday from an extended atay in New York and Washington. At the Theaters ATTRACTION! IS OMAHA. Asia ri cast "The Meart ef sTarylaad. sydi. "At urlse." resists f "Tha Flak X4y." Oayetyi Barlesas. ktrugi Orpheuxei Vaudeville. statlaeea today at tha ayety, Snf aad Orphans thaaasra- "At Paariae" at tha Boyd. Tha .villain waa there. He entered ta the first act and ha remained us til th end of tha play. Tha young girl waa there, too. So waa tha military hero, and It waa lucky that th her arrived before tha curtain (ell on tha last act which waa the fifth, for otherwise how could tha (how have gone aa tonight and for all tha ether performancea until after Sunday night? Everybody lust bad to be saved before tha final curtain, a every body waa saved. Tha author was kinder than the people who war enrolled to In terpret hi masterpiece. "At Sunnrlse" la a military melodrama with plot In every corner. The villain gets busy In the opening act at tha did ranch and he keepa klckta' dawgs and hats and affections and every old thing 'round all th time wntll the final act when ha is pushed . entirely out ot the ring and tha military bar free th soa- herolae. Then tha curtain falls and th manager ot th anew goes forth ta tha box office ta aa whether tba remaining performance are Hkely to net sufficient fends ta carry tha troupe ef eight people aad tour dog ta Schuyler. Laewl Kate at tha Staar. If one mar lodge from the arret boa office Interest shown for the Forbes Robertson engagement that great a-tur will receive a magnificent ovetlon when he appears before local playgoers In "The rasalng of trie TTJlrd Floor Bark." Tha play baa never been seen here. The suthor, Jerome K. Jerome, could nave bad no one better fitted for the nart tf the "Pssser-By" than the eminent English actor-manager. There ts something about Mm which attracts, one feeia his per sonality getting wrer tha feat lights, and th maimer la whkh he taike Iu hi Positively the Last Pay Of Hartman's Annual Clearance Sale Final Price Reductions 1 to 1 Oil m w mm 1 awtee.ii MVVUt VUOU 0 with Leather Seat 1 - 5 ' 1 75 Set of 6 Din- . . ing Chairs Solid Qnartatwd Oak. $0.09 Circusiaa Walnut Dresser Re duced to-l"'' - Handsome colonial dealgs. lar re French plate, bevel edge mirror, two largi and twa small drawsra. You can t dupllr tha dreeeer for li In other atoroa; sale price - . X V, at w r ivk-1 h t ,2I.S8 Cireisabi Walwrt ChHioiier, FOR THIS REMARKABLE SET 07 GENU. INZ LEATHER SEAT, QUARTERED OAS DINING CHAIRS You're saving 13 par cent an this wonderwnl bargain. Chair bar wide panel back, broad (haply leather seats. legs are masalve, securely hraced, carvel claw taet. Mad enurol ot (anuiae quartared oak; for this Ml only at th n beatabl prloo above. . RUGS-At Unheard of Priceo sl?ri?'''iaW - i-am-A "TV sk SB SB V - v X ular pnees ra- C -kV r X duoad te SS - ID- ' a -.""iN. V S10M Braesole Rug, Slsa txll ft, close flnu weava new spring selection or ori ental and floral de signs; 130.00 values, for this sale only save, new io ' luxurious 12" MAO Telvst Bug, siaso. Slsa Hall ft seamless, 'luxurious ill, worsted surface, a I. area Quantity of dealr- able patterna, handaoma colorings.... $18.00 Ctnuln Brass Bd i Inch pools sod 6 tillers, satin or brass finish, suaran teed 10 years. Large, one-piece ruga, else txu ft. aeep pile, an guaran teed, fast colorings. tlt.00 values, great reduction I 18 Tha beet opportunity of the 0x11 ft, all wool, hand aoma deslgna and col orings, IJe.00 Value, out to only aala: Ban -y BIB -i fMl Continuous Post $38 Brass Bed Row Cut T 105J fim "9!? Sua. OO China Oaatast, SILOS These cablnete are made at genuine quartered one. Dent-eon aeaign. doubls strength glass. adlustahla a O a I v a i i;l M valaaa, final duello sale price , wnt-eaa aeaign. 5 1414-16-18 DOUGLAS ST. - '.'' it. S104S BUekeara. Sew S1O.0 Large double door daak aompartmant, two small drawera and large lower drawers, French plate mirror, mad ef solid oak. bril liantly polished, at 10" aaa-eaasaaaassaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiainiiaanaaws..ii.i n i 1 SUNDAY DIN U II THIS Hllalt UI lit ir. Larj'a.- W MARKET BASKET PAG y l- -s- - ' ' ' s r . r SATURDAY BUYERS xjij X aj i Its' ",iank A A A SA 1 AAAA Pure Food News For Busy flousewivec- Fresh Dressed Spring Chickens 12Vac Pig Pork Roast , 7c Steer Pot Roast .. Bteer Steak Young Veal Roast Pork Butts ...... Lamb Letts DELIVEBT WAGORS LEAVE AT 11:30 A.M. id. 3 P. M. .6H-7M 10e 100 9 8 Swift Premium D. C. and Armour Star Ham ..14 a4 Swift Premium O. C. and Armour. Star Bacon -lft1 rresh Dressed Chlckesa, 9 tag 111 8 BAB IEYST. Phonu: Bods. 2147 lntA-2144 andS4vt HI! i L. a." 'I f II TaLgr . - gf Ml sr - e m sssssssaaaaaasnaaBBBBaBsssssaswasaassBsSawasBss fyZ-y f. JCAk QjvJ fellow-lodgers In the boarding house where he cornea to stay Is done so . ,, .k.. f I. lltersllv earrl-d away, the Interest ie eo deep. When a laey paints ana insnes . . .. , when an old roan Is In love with a young . . 1 . -rl.hea to fln&t S faOSUS company. It Is no mean tah that one would set oneseu to ri inm attainment of their object. Hut the pley contain these characters, falihfully por trayed, and It Is on them that Forbes Robertson successfully casta his spell of goodness. There Is not a whit of melo drama In tha whole three hours of etiter- . .. - MM. Knf fAeeeful Mnrv tainmeni, n n "-e-- - of truth conquering dishonesty, right overcoating wn. Th bill at tha Orphaum next week will be of unusual local Interest - as two former Omaha glrla will each present aa act ef her own. Mlsa Helen Or ant ley will play "The Right Rood" and Miss Rosa Koma. violin virtuoso, will five a musical performance. Tonight the Gayrt) present a ragtime . , ........ in vhlrh Buf piano pi-vji..i ' . , . -' dexterous ticklers of the Ivory kevboard Will Compete "r lioerm, w wuw .1- fered by the management. This contest will be In addition to the excellent musical performance being given by 'Tlie Qieen of Bohemia" company. Ladies matinee daily. An extra number was put on at the Orpheum yesterday afternoon. Miss Verne Hayee. an Omaha girt, gave several de lightful violin numbers, snowing that she poseeeeed unusual ability aa an enter tainer. Miss Heyea waa enthuetaatirsiiy encored and responded with "Old Ken tucky Home." The young women la a tudent at the L'nlverslty IJcheol of Muaie la Lincoln. "Tha Heart at Maryland." which has been running at the American this week to audienree that have packed the house to tts capacity, will close on Saturday night, a matinee being played oa Satur day afternoon. Beeionlns with Sunday arterwuon Miss Lang will be seea lo toe role of th girl, la The Girl ot the Golden West." Oaukha'a Fax Tsed Caster SATtneBAT-S BAMAXITS One ton of Criifomla fcnglish Walnuts, per lb. sue bunches Kngllsh Violate fi In bunch ''.:i'"-i' 00 boxes Washington Naval Oreugee orange spoon with each 10 Voxee mrwiid' Turkish 'Figa i crowa--per bl ' Home Made Mixed Cer, Gallon cans Preserved Figa Gallon cana California Ripe Otlvee . Gallon cana California Table Fsachas heavy syrup Gallon cana California Table A prloo is lr eyrup S u-lta, tins Hickmotfe Aspsrague extra eualilv uqtroB rou aczoictaar. uass "lyotua" Kentucky Whiskey. yeara old; full quart Guckenheimer Bra; full quart Old Atherton: full quart Monogram WHskey; full quart California Brandy: full Quart Sweet Muscatel very eld, per Sallow Fort wine: per ganoa . . . r e 1 a "N a .e-. , . aaifcvj. yyJC, yeCtrvk VaXA VaSAV &i AN INCREASE IS SHOWN IN POSTOFFICE RECEIPTS Postmaster Wharton haa com pi led a statement of the sroaa receipts of the Omaha posrofflce for the last month, comparing them with tba figures for February. Ml. Aa fnereasa of about ) per cent is shown. Th amount taken ta laat month waa fB.HMS. The receipts for February, 1311. were t.eo) 3, shew ing a difference of Special troueer sale at lierg a, Saturdiy. i Obstruction Special Saturday Rejolir 40e QnA U,er Cike...0UC DALZELL'S 16th BC, Opswalte Posajofflct) Low Gash Prices Yea sat pure, gwodl saaat here tor the iewwat pricea. We stake ll-a rate ta sell always fsr flsurea that give e only e fair profit. We have aa credit aeceania, awke ae aaUeerlea. aad ttraa atunrnata th heavy expense that other markets have to face. Try Bath's once and you will coma hare rasularly. Perk Lelne .....'..letae Perk Bhewlder site Spare rtbe .tut Perk Chope lSa Peru Sieak 11 He Chelea Rib Raaat 10s and ISta Pet Meaat ., Ma, Sa. ta Heave Made Perk Sausage ltlta Home Iteadered Lrd Li He Heme Made Hamburger 10a CmtsJty'a T. C Hani ,...IHe Cudalty-a Hen Baeoa Wi JOS. BATH'S CASH MARKET TsL Seas-. SSSt. UK