Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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Toariaj Party Eu Thrilling Expcri
ence in Colorado Dugout
flrr Fore lapalts ma Caff,
Sleep la m Stifling tin aad Get
Back la Civilisation Aft '
Mara fl-ratioa.
Snowbound In a Colorado -btixxard tor
Una day, living on scant rations, tying
pieces at rugs about their feet to keep
from freesing. and sleeping thirteen par
acaa la tha room hta -was the experi
ence of D. Sholes, Frank A. Pursy
a ad J. A. C Kennedy. AH hare returned
bora a.
"Wa three Omahana,,w!th W. E. Cal
lahan ana R. E. Moore at Kansas City,
and Mr. Wlx of Lemon, la., with two
sutoe ana two chauffeurs, drore forty
Biles aouth of .Hotly 'last Saturday to
look at a large tract of land," ssyg Mr.
Boole. "W spent tha day coin orer
tha land and started back about S
'clock. Tha wind waa thea Mowing
Wa struck a low, muddy place and
broke the atla of one machine and gut
the other' faat la the mud. We rot a
team from a homesteader four and one
halt miles' away, pulled ens car out of
tha Bind sad hauled the other to the
homesteaders dugout,' a billiard raging
around oa. We got both cart to the dug
out about midnight.
Close to Xatere.
'Tha ranchman" cave" as a email supper,
all h could spare, and took us to a
vacant dugout . a short distance away,
where we spent the night. There was
nothing In the place but a cook stove, a
pile of wood and soma old ruga.. We used
the Wood sparingly .and the. old rage
Were cut into piece and bound around
cur feet to keep them from freesing.'
"Sunday lb bustard raged aU day.
"ft'e walked ta the other dugout for
breakfast which consisted of, a' cup of
coffee and one biscuit for each, thea
walked back ta our own dugout and spent
the day. We found oar way by-following
a "wire fence. '..
"Sunday afternoon the supply of wood
gar out, so wa went back to the ranch
man's place, datermlned t stay .an night
11a Cava us a ,1m le, more to eea and wa
slept In blankets oa tha dirt floor. Thir
teen people slept la one room that sight,
a room Hi feat - ....
' " '. llfllac Sleeping Barters.
'Tha air ta tha room waa something
awful The snow was so heavy oa the
slanting trapdoor entrance that wa had
entered the house by a window aad even
that waa anon anowed shut. W could get
no vehtllatloa. Lack of a!r made us all
k: .
i ''By morning tha snow had stopped. 1
Cot ray shoulders under the entrance
dour nd menaced ta II ft .It. . -
walked ' CO ' another, homesteader's
place and cot a team and wagoa ta haul
us to, a ratfroal - sutloa, twenty-seven
' nUlas away.' Wa had to shovel a road for
tbe team part of the way and wa mad
three miles th first day. W could have
walked It had It not been for tha fact
' that Frank Furay waa so fat be broke
.ttusugh the.orust on th anew. It took
,ua all day Tuesday to oarer the remain,
in iwenty-four BtUes ta tha railroad sta
,tlen. yt paid pt far the aa of the team.
-'Th aalomeWloa, I believe, are still
'lfllig m there-eBrilie prairie."
Schodl Children
: ? Flbck to fiear the
: l t. Good! Seed Gospel
Auaordlng ' (o ' Ed Butler, ' traveling
latent -for the Northwestern, who hsd
chtrl of the aerd corn special over the
(Company Unas, In Nebraska, the trip was
'a' pronounced success and th result!
mill be felt when farroera com to gather
Wtr corn next fall.
Mr. .Butler accompanied tha North,
western train during the ' four' days H
was out and states that tha lecturer
'talked, ta IK persons, nearly all of
whom' were farmers and th children of
farmers. In addition, there wer a large
i number ef school teachers who accom
panied their pupils la several of tha
localities, both towa and country schools
were " dismissed and tha children came
ta the statlona to llatea to the lectures,
la soma Instances, teachers of country
school Brought their pupils la wagons
five ta eight miles.
Ever' a here tha children, paid atoa at.
tsntlon t tha lectures. Almost invaria
bly they brought pads of paper and took
notes oa th talk. Mr. Butler waa told
?that this was for tha purpose of supply
ing than --1th agricultural topics for dis
cussion whan they got back Into their
schools. . la talking with the teachers,
sir. Butler learned that tn about all of
tha towns, and la many of tna country
schools, agriculture la being taught aa
one of the regular branches.
At West Point, Father Reusing, In
charge of tha parochial school, cava all
)of his pupils a half holiday, but Instead
of rwuc home, or engaging In play, all
of them accompanied their Instructor
lo ths train, where they listened ta th
lecturers and took Botes on everything
said relative to com ptantlng aad cut-
tare. At tn same towa and alas at
Hooper, th artnetnale of tna hirh anlwwua
vraught, th entire student body at the
tna institution to tha depots, where
hry became deeply interested , ia tha
talks. ... ' . .
At every place visited, Mr. Butler
found th farmers enthusiastic, and on
account of the campaign that had been
waged, discovered that many of the
farmers bid selected, and a goodly pre.
awrtloa had commenced tasting their cent
tor the coining season. Many of them
Imd fn ftd tliat the germinating percea
lag of the ears waa very Vow aad con
sequently they had bagua t bant around
tor better seed. . .
J i i i . !
The fight, over the will of tha tat
Charles-W, Ziegkr of Columbus in th
Platte euunty circuit. court baa been
transferred ta th United States court
acre upon motion of th attoraera for
ha hetrs, w'.O are the defendants Mlas
beast Lacev. th plaintiff, of Columbus.
Sy that SBo' was promised a boos aad
: Slid COW by 2eictr before he died
lor servlses as a nurse, and when be died
lb -was- Hot feMntsmed tn'tbe will. All
If Kelgier heirs Uva ta Ohio.
Ppexiil Jlistcr-la-Chancery George H.
tHiMtnmst visited the water works plant
eilerday with members of the Water
board, lrmoocting machinery and buod
fcsje. ' Mr. -ThupriTtet ta unwinding the
4ra,Tfc laagie and thla la aaa of
k first moves ,H will g over the
sjAs cf thtf coKpaay aext week. , '
S. E. Carrier
Sixteenth and
1 HaTMr St:
Craan Flwar
City National
Bank Bttildin(
5. E. Corner -Sixteenth
Harney Sts,
I Open FSy "Somewhat Different" Men?s Clothes
and Furnishing Goods Shop, Saturday, March 2
I thought about it long and seriously, then came to the conclusion that Omaha
was large enough and cosmopolitan enough to afford something "tonier" .than it
has in the way of a man's clothes and haberdashery shop. Now I've done my ut
most to supply what was needed. (Be present on opening day.)
But note' this, my prices will be POPULAE; quite low; despite the fact that
the clothes,' hats, furnishings, etc., offered are of the most SUPERB grade procur-!
able. All of this CAN be done. I am GOING to DO it. I want you to SEE the
commencement of the "Brooks' " idea on Saturday, March second.
f Yours for Apparel, George Brooks
There are
just two
kinds of
"The kind '
that wears
and the "
'kind that;
Yet they
both sell
same 7 1 ,
;tS price.
Certainly you would not buy un
guaranteed fiotiery, when for the tame
money you can get th famout "Hole
proof guaranteed againtt hole$ for
$ix months.
You pay no more for "Holeproof,"
but it wean SIX timee at long. Every
box of Holeproof Hosiery contains a
written guarantee.. If any holes ap
pear within six months you present the
guarantee and get NEW hosiery FREE
Holeproof hosiery is as smooth and
soft as silk and it is shaped to fit the
ankle like a glove. Buy them at Ceo.
Brooks New Clothes Shop. V
'iVf W ' niioances Acs formal eaemng M frH'V
' Saturday, March Second ' S)J!jM
Society Brand 11
- Clothes '' ' .
jV4 Th mset HySth ana finmly faatoraaf frJ '
C- J H dotAes SMsfe. Ijr i J I
Ul 'i V V are coraWy rawaasf saf ta amapect i J p
iiii 111! fm'f tin "Ctx Brkt" sAaoy ' Mi a
. Irjiiil utg fHat, anW ofrentasnery. M 41.1
S. . -
a i
Columbia "Cufturn" Shirts
To Reverse the Cull; Merely a Turn Is Necessary
"Dr. Deimarr Linen
Hesh Underwear gives
tone to any shop, and
Geo. Brooks features it
. . , . ' .
The "Dr. Delmal" Underwear keeps - !
the skin nice, clean and dry,' and insures
an active skin and, vigorous body. Non-.
Ventilating Underwear makes the skin
super-sensitive to cold or heat The only
underwear that insures perfect ventilation
is the "Dr. Delmal" brand. All Deimal .
garments bear the Deimal name on a woven
trade mark label. Mind you, everything ,
called "Linen Mesh" is not the genuine
Think of the ad
vantage of having
an extra pair of
cuffs right on the
shirt, out of sight,
yet always ready,
without the bother of
attaching or detaching.
Simply a turn gives
for a SOILED CUFf.
Columbia "Cuf
turn" Shirts at $2
and $1.50, made
plain or plaited,
colors guaranteed.
Geo.' Brooks also
carries a full line of
Columbia Shirts with
out the "Oufturn" fea
ture. The "Cufturn"
, is sure worth seeing.
A superb
of silks,
made up
into neck
wear ol
singular ,
and re
tailing at
from 50c
to $3.00
W; 0. Horn
& Bros.5 ex
treme high
class Cra
vats to be
featured by
Geo. Brooks
The "swellett" of New York haber
dashery "shops" secure their very
SONIEST neckwear from W. O. Horn
& Bros., and Omahans from now on
will be accorded an opportunity to buy
just what the New Yorker buys.
In his arrangements with W. O. Horn
& Bros., Geo. Brooks has a guarantee
that the newer silks and ideas of make
' up shall be in evidence in OMAHA on
the same day they "are introduced in
New York City. !
There isn't a handsomer line of era-:
vats made than the Horn productions
and a full array of the newest things
will be in evidence in George Brooks'
shop on the opening day, March 2d
Every gentleman calling at
our store Saturday, March
2d. will receive absolutely
Free, a "Tite Wad" Bill Book. This souve
nir is a handsome one, and costly, there
fore I must say: "None given to children.'
Geo. Brooks features
the noted "Del park
productions9' in men's
tailored Union Suits.
. . . . i . -
"Delpark Productions" mean a new
era for the man who has suffered discom
fort for years because of ill fitting under,
wear. The "Delpark"' kind is tailored;
both the Union Suits and Pajamas. Every
- garment is made to fit individually; they
are not made like ordinary "stock size:,"
but embody all of the characteristics you .
have always MISSED in many other makes.
See this line at "George Brooks."
Hats! Yes, Brooks' Own Blocks! You'll See 'Em Worn Very Soon!
The Name "George Brooks" on a. Shirt is An Assurance
The fabrics, the styles
are "Ceorfe Brooks' " very
own; the shirts will be
hailed as marvels, at 11.50
to $3.00. '
George Brooks has had an extremely varied experience in "shirts" and is peculiarly able
to judge what MOST men want. -In his own branded line of "Geo-Brobks" shirts he has
given free play to his fancy and the, result is a shirt showing that has never been equaled in
Omaha. Wear a "Geo. Brooks" shirt and know what it is to feel COMFORTABLE and yet
appear STYLISH. A magnificent line of "Geo. Brooks" hirts will be shown on the opening day.
George Brooks" shirts
are special productions o!
The Quaker City Shirt
Nanufacturinf Co. of Nor
ristown and Lansdale, Pa.
of Sixteenth and Harney Sts.
Sac it Opinio Girt Coincil bj
City Attorney line,
artesnser tara Calleettea ef Tllml
; tstlMies la Part a the Dels- at
' ke erf lea aa. Par Be
Waata ta City. ,
City Attorney Joha A. P.iae rendered
written oplnlea lo the council yesterday
at aa adjearned seeelen, ta which be
holes that Dr. R. W. Cmne!t, city health
cose nd istoaer, ia aet aautled Is Um fetS
fee tor vital ststtetklsa swarded aim by
th court from th county.
"Nobody I entitled t thea fees." said
Mr. RUM, "la ray opinion this daty
should, be rendered by ths office of tbe
health commissioner without coaraa.
Should the burdens of tha office become
to anerous, provision should be made for
extra assists nee." ,
City Comptroller Coscrove. who started
the action that resulted la the lltlirattoa.
said that be would take Some step before
Monday, trbea the warrant must be de
llrered. la forestall DeyRit.
According to the opinion o th city at
torney the city haa ni recourse except la
sue Dr. Conneil on bla official boad. Aa
this bead a for only cm, all the moaey
could not be recovered If the outcome at
the salt was favorable lo the city. '
Mr. Rln declares that tbe dedsiott af
tha court la wronc and Conneil Is really
aot entitled to anything tor his services
aa vital statistician. Mr. Cotxrove
wanted to ask the courts for a mandamus
forcinc the health commissioner la pay
tha mooey ta tbe city treasurer, so that
in the event of further lets) proceedings
etrcumstaacea would be more favorable
ta tha city's aide ef th ease, steee It
would be more difficult to set the money
once It I ia th poaseasioa of Dr. Cou
ncil. Mr. Rine advised assinet -this ac
tion, aaytac It would avail nothing.
Mr. Rine ta making a further Investi
gation of the legal phases of the case,
aad told the city council that be Would
make another report In a short time,
advising what course it would' be best to
pursue. li.
If you have anything to exchange ad
vertise it ia n Be Want Ad columne.
Charles L. Pritscher. sr., S3 Charles
street, died Thursday afternoon at the
aga of 7 year. Mrs. Pritscher had beea
actively engaged in the wholesale tobacco
business since lMt and up ta tha time of
his death he was 'connected with th firm
of Liggett dt Meyer of St. Louia. He was
well known, all over Nebraska and east
era Iowa and Kansas, snd ha numbered
thousands vf persons among his ac
quaintances. Mr. Fritscher eetaMlahed the
first cigar factory la Nebraska, ho having
secured permit No. 1 la Ittt. Tbe firm
was known, as Wast Pritscher. He was
born In Saxony. Germany, and cams to
this country ia IBM. He survived by bla
widow and. .four children.. Mrs. U P.
Kroeger, Boise CJty, Idaho, and Charles
L. Jr.; Harry W. and Robert of
Pimeral services will be held from th
family residence Sunday afternooB at 1
o'clock, th Rev. T. H Maekay. rector of
All Saints' church, officiating. The ser
vice at Forest Laws will be la charge
of the Royal Arcanum, of Which .Mr.
Pritscher waa a prominent mam her. . ,
etJU anconscious st o'clock, but It is
aot thought that her akuO is fractured
Mra. Oetsschmana attempted to alight
from the ear while K was moving, hut
"www aeu.
Mrs. Charles H. Getsschmans, &a South
Nineteenth street, fell from a moving
aorthbound Sherman avenue ear at SU
teent a and Howard streets yesterday neon
and received several bad scalp wound.
She was removed to St. Joseph hospital,
where she waa attended by PoAca Sur-
feoa Prppen, who gay Um woman. -WM
The first of the colonist train ef the
season over the Northwesters aad Csjoa
Pacific left Chicago yesterday, hauHog
eight cars. It win reach Omaha today,
whea It will take oa Ova additional ear,
one from Minneapolis and fun- that will
be filled la Omaha, after which It wUl
ennUaa on ta the coast.
The colonist train la asade'ep at tourists
sleepers,, a. diner aad baggage ear aad
will run special. Free phonograph oa;.
certs will gives twice eaUx, -