THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, MARCH 2. 1912. WANTED MERCHANDISE IN NEARLY ALL LINES AT PRICES SATURDAY WHICH YOU'LL FAIL TO DUPLICATE, QUALITY CONSIDERED Manufacturer's Slock Safe of mm Women's & Children's Garments Marvelous value-giving in nearly all lines quite a number of big shipments sent us by our N. Y. resident buyer, surpassing in bargain worth any garment value tre have ever shown. Sale will begin Saturday and continue till every garment is Bold. Watch our windows and ads. ( , , , FROM NAT GOLDSTON, NEW YORK , 6150 One-Pieoe Dresses Values up to $25.00 Serges, Messalines, Teau de Soie, Foulards, Poplins, nobby styles, in all sizes and colors, as shown in our 16th street windows; in Saturday's sale at one price, choice $5.9a n 1 r Ll A?3MJc) y L:iRL!ADLEvSTCr.M J Final Clearance Winter Stocks in Knit Underwear and Furnish ings With Two Great Muslin Underwear Specials French Coney Fur Coats from Bonis & Co., Skin ner satin lined, made to sell up to $35.00; your choice $9.90 J Long Cloth Coats, in cluding fur lined coats, from Meyer Veesie, N.Y. Values up to $30.00; on I sale, choice $5.00 J Entire Surplus of Coronet Waist Co. Lingerie Waists, Tailored Waists, Madras Waists, in all sizes, embroidery and lace trimmed; regular values up to $2.00; on sale at, choice .I..... 49c Children'! Coat Sale Saturday New Spring Tailored Suits Well worth $20.00, on sale at ...-.. ..$12.50 200 of them, all wool fabrics, in the newest colorings and clever new styles. Don't miss them. , . Values to jp7.50, from Sterne, Hernman & Co., N. Y., in all weights, all sizes 1 to 14 years, on Bale at $1.25 Women'! Waista Lace, chiffon, velvets, messalines, etc, all colors and sizes, values up to $7.50, choice . . . . v $1.9 ChHdrat Wash. XWhutM 100 TUored Snim that Diwi Gingham. -AawolnlMUi 7? ?JI.J Chambraya, tc Umi tU fc $10.00. I DomrUo l to 14 im 8ry. ebole Koom. tier , Ml, cbolc ...08 t ........ S&85 5.00 . New Spring Coats Serges and fancies, all sizes and colors. $15.00 values'; special ... ....$10.00 A Showing of New Tailored Suit Styles second to none in qual ity or assortment. A representative stock from the best mak ers and designers of both Europe fcnd America a showing so broad in its scope that the most particular buyer will be sure to find just what is desired. See the display of new Crown ' Jewel Suits, equal to $35.00 garments shown elsewhere, price is........ f $25.00 Special Announcement ij Monday Thursday Inclusive, March 4 to 7, um wM hold Our Crtat Stmt -Annual Display Laces, Embroideries and Dress Trimmings. 'All are cordially invited. . Special Dinnerware Bargains In Open Stock English Porcelain Saturday 50 100-piece dinner sets to close out at the below prices: 8-lu. Dinner Plates, 6 for 45 -ln. Plate, for 40 I-ln. Pie Plate. S for .-30 4 H-ln. Bauc Dishes, for 20 Boop Coupes, ( for ..... . .40 Covered Dishes, each ....20 8-ln. and li-ln. Platter, at, each 10 "d 20 Sugar, Creamers, Sauce Boats, GAM BEFt InTrw light, complete, ready to put op. opedal 38 Read Hayden's Prices on Groceries Tea tut e two priee. Our aim la to fight the trt and make the prlc for the peepla IS IB. Iwt raslls gaga SIM II bar I.nox Beat 'Em AU or Dla- and C aop """M", 414b. ack beat High Orade Diamond H Family Flour, nothing like IU Per t H at best Rolled Breakfast Oatmeal as ( lba. goad Japaa rtoa, TH my. at "'"".""Z'H , Iba. fancy Japaa bee no, una aaaUty ..... .-.sse t lba. beat white er yellew awrameak at 14b. eana aaaortad aoope TH . jta. caa eoadan seUk ....! OU or Mustard Sardine, eaa ....4 Xb, beat con denied Mince Meat, rt T Mb. cana fancy California a!Ue4 Unen ding Peach, Feara er Apricots, caa t bar lry aoap Orape Nut, pkg. . lore Flaks. pk. He Yeeat Foam. - J Ltt La 8curta aoap, caa a 1 m MYDEN'S 1 lba fancy cooking fife s6a California cooking ralalna lb. ...10 The beat tea sifting, lb. ,...1IH Golden 8entoa coffee, lb. so BM anghmad Vavst Orange. The health leet fruit grown, and rec emmenoed by all doctor thla time of the year. A (Teat blood purifier. Saturday, doe. is, aoa, SSo, Oe Ta Tiateat Tegetable Market la Old Beet. Carrot. Paraalp or Tur- nlpa. lb, SHe FTMh Cabbaa. la, s Fancy Wu erOreea Beaaa, lb. ..SO Fancy Hatoeue MaBhroame. lb. box for 40 Faaey Rip Toautoaa. lb. Freeh Spinach, pa. aoa Frees nan, Carrot er Tarnlpe. per bunch , Freeh Shallot, btmch TH Freah Braaeela Sproata, lb. ...,M Rotabasaa, Turnip, la. H baacba Freeh Badlabee .... .a faacy Caollflower. lb. ..TUa Faaey Oooaaaa- Applea, a. aoa Mar Up 1 Pee pi eel. Ourj price b aam the Beet InT"" crto" or bulk. The aeat ptrMly freak ea ......... ........ 14 A splendid showing of the clever new productions in Spring Millinery The English Walking Hats, the "Gaby" Hat and many other clever new ideas shown in delightful variety as special for Sat urday. Straight Brim Silk Sail ors, Saturday at $2.95 Straight Brim Milan Sail ors, Saturday at $1.98 Flowers, Flower, Flowers . Manufacturers' Sample Lines, all kinds and colors, rallies to $1.00 bunch, Saturday, at, buncb 25 Will Bate Yon Money On AU Kinds of Millinery Here. $2.50 Hand Bags $1.25 A. new line for the spring season just received, in cluding . beautiful, large .'size fancy metal frame bags with tan leather lin ing, $2.50 values, at $1.25 ta.00 Hand Bags Mo Full sjie, tan leather lined, regular $1.00 rallies. In Saturday's sale, 98 Largest Blue and white Enamel Sale erer held In Omaha, Wa juat re ceived larc car toad and e are olna to make you a price that will oertmlnly. be banrauia Beery piece la flret fiiade enatnnl and guaranteed. Thle eale for one aap ealy, Saturday. -o.t. ulu and whit dim pan 14-qc blue and white dleh pana See 17-qk blue and whit diau pena Bee 11-u.c. blue and white dleh pane T 1 and whit water pelln, Mamie see 1. .. .. ana wlilt water pailm aeaiitioea as l-QU blue and whit preeereln- ket tle See 19-qt. klu and whit preferring ket tle 1-qt. blue and whit rice bollere, eoamal covers 66 1H-44L blue and whit rite boilers, eaameled cover ado No. i blue end whit Berlin kettles, enameled covers 4a No. blue and whit Berlin kettles, enameled oovere SO No. blue and white Berlin kattles, nameled cover 6e l-qt. blue and whit aauc pans, Ss 4-qt. blue apd whit suo pan aoo 1-qL blue and white eauce pane, as No. T blue and whit tea kettles. seamless :.S No. S blue end white tea kettles, SS No. blue and whit tea kettlea Sl-sS 1-qt.' blue and white coffee pote, enameled covera as m-it. blue and white coffee pote, - enameled covera SO J-o.t- blu and white coffee pote, enan.led covera , m Saturday Specials ' -ln- Sheei Music At 3 Copies tor 25c "Good Nitht Mr. Moon." ' "You Remind Me of Bom One." "I Want to Fort at" "Whor Too Oolna-r' "I'm Oolrs to Join the Minstrel Band.' "Pleaa Don't Take My Lovln' Man Away." "Somebody Else Will If Tou Don't." "Winter Moon," "Nlfnt . and Day." "I've Been a Lone Tim Looking for a Olrl Like You." Patrick- Say Bpsirtals Tne Song That iteacnea Irish Heart." Classic Irish Bong Folio. -containing 1 popular irlon Soag. chols S At Per Copy. "Alexander," "Every body e Doing ft." "Mr. Dream Man," "Myeter loua Rag." "Beautiful Doll." "Do It Now," "Beautiful lele of Bon.ewhere." "Ocean Roll," "Steamboat Bill." "Down by th Old Mill Stream." "Where th River Shannon Flows." ate, t Aid ta Oeyy by XaU. 505 in 6 months, 100 annually, pretty good investment don't you think t You may not need the garments now but you will nest fall. "Why not 6avo A i i. t a ri 2 uy uiiyinjj now i Women's $1.50 Wool' Vesta or Pants Harvard mills make, in white or gray, slightly soiled; on sale at 49c Ladlea' Oatlng. Flapael Go' $2.00 and $2.60 values, on sale Saturday at 98 Ladles' Muslin I'ndrmklrta $1.!5 to $1.00 values, daintily trimmed with lace and embroid eries 60 " 49 Ladlee Muslin (iowas made to sell to $1.00, cut long and full, t 49 35 Children's SOc Flreced l'derwear Vests and Pants, la all sites, on sale at 19 AVomca's 9U.50 and 13.00 In low Sulla AU wool or silk and wool, all sites, on sale $!.. SI. 45 Women's SI. OO and SI.BO Vntoa Suits Light or heavy weight. great snap Sat., 75 and 49 Women's I'Bdenreeta or rants Sic and (Oc values, la Jersey Ribbed Cotton or Lisle, on sale Saturday 19 and 25 t hlldrea'e ?So VaJoa Salts Winter weights. In aU styles and alies, at 35 lie (tne Coutll and Batlate cor sets, long blps model. Medium or low bust, sties 18-S0, spe cial 49 Warner's Rust Proof R. O. Thomsen's C. B. a la Bptrlte, . V. B., la complete line of Bprlng models, up from SI. 00 SOe fine Lawn Bust Ruffle, lace . trimmed 25 'J WL2 . . t 1 ,'.t V . ll II lJ All til new spring models ta Nemo) Self Reducing corsets, " S3 $3.50 S4 S5 $2.a0 Ladies' New Spring Madras mannleb. Shlrta, pretty bine, white, assorted stripes, Si-tl bust, special S1.43 Complete line of th celebrated K. V 8. boys' blouses In new spring patterns, mad of ging ham, madras, percale, sateeo. etc., at, each 49 If You Heed Furnishings or Underwear You Can't Get Away From the Marvelous Bargain Offerings We're Showing. Such Values Sell Themselves. Men's Sample Suspenders, silk and lisle webs, with fine kid ends, made to sell at 50c, 75c and $1.00; on sale 25c 39c 49c Men's all silk Four-in-IIand Ties, in all the new colors, light, dark and medium; made to sell at 50c to $1.00; on sale at 25c 49c 15c Men's Socks, full seamless, black, tnu and fancy colors, all perfect; on sale 7VsC 25c Men's Socks, best quality, in light, med ium and heavy weight; black, tan and col ors, on sale at ; 12 VsC $1.00 quality Men's Medium Weight Work or Dress Gloves; on sale at .49c $1.00 and $1.50 Colored Shirts, made with or without collars, neat colors, light, dark or medium shade; on sale at. 49c 15c Men's and Boys' Four-ply Collars, all sizes and styles, from 12 to 18; on sale 5c Men's Linen Handkerchiefs, extra quality; on sale 3 for 50c, 2 for 25o and. .... .10c Men's Sample Shirts, all kinds, greatest values ever offered, worth to $3.00; on sale at... 69c Hew Neckwear We have greatly enlarged , and have added several ex tensive iines in Yokes, Chemisettes, Vandyke and fancy collars, etc. See th very special bargains In Saturday's sal priced at ....25. 49 75 and Bed Spread Spe cials Linen Dept. Pull sis hemmed crochet Bed Spreads, worth $1.75 each, at S1.00 Fall sis hemmed crochet Bed Spreads, worth $2.00 each, at S1.25 roll sis hemmed crochet Bel Spreads, worth $1.60 each, at 81.59 Full site scalloped crochet Bed Spreads, worth $3.50 each, at S1.98 Full site scalloped crochet Bel Spreads, worth $4.00 each, at 82.50 Full size scalloped Marseille' Bed Spreads, worth .ou each 83.50 Special Sale Picture Frames Values up to $4.00, in ovals or square, gilts, oak, mahogany or 0Q Circassian walnut. Ofv SPECIAL Ribbon Sale All kinds and widths of Ribbons greatly under priced, at lo to lOo yd. Other Saturday Specials. 50o hair brushes . . . .29c 25o hand brushes ISo 20o tooth brushes 10c 50o hose supporters . .25a 20a hose supporters . .10o Mtn's Hits worth to $t.00, at M5 A huee eeenriiiMWl f shape eu fells, pota " aurf, ea aal aow SV4 Trunk. Ba aae) Suit Cm sam ples at a sarins; of to W These are all la iwl shape be ing only ssbtly maraea. ft. t It. ealaes on sniv el $!. alia pur Hydrofn.ot Peroxide. ife alsa Bay Rum. one to a cuatotner, at ganltol Tooth Fast or powder 1SW Larc ala Pompelaa MaaaaaT Cream, st He sut Sanitol or Pond Bxtrsct Cold Cream jsva JUc or peaaonl'a faoa "JJJ lie Palrn'oiir' 'or Jsp Hoe soap, at two bar for '.V... . On big lot af le a4 lee toilet aoapa, at two bars for tee tic alxe of WlUlan.s. Colcau'a er Specials for Saturday Hennon I SICURI powaer ei . . imt 10c Phirelciana and Surgaooa uep, at tie wool powder puffs, at IS toe . Whit Hoe or Locust Blos som Perfume, at, oa, SS lr. Ulnkles Caacara Tablets for as tl.M Irtesl Malr Bnwhe for SIM 76o Ideal Hair Uruehee for M On lot of Heir Brush at .... 2-qL'Red Rubber Hut Wsler Bottle, at 11.31 No I Fountain Byrlnae, at 11.00 1 Welllntoa N& 2, guarantead for nva yeara, at In Our Domestic Room Clothing Department We have greatly enlarg ed our selling space and doubled amount of stock shown. Matchless Bar gain Offerings In Men's and Boys' Clothing. Men's Suits, values up to $12, on sale at ..$5.00 Man's and Boys' Long Tronaers $1.50 and $2.00 value 08 Boys' Kalcirrbocker Bolts Values up to $5.00, on sal, t ....81.95 82.50 Boys' Overalls, all sixes 4 to 14 years, at 25 t-t HAYDEN'S r BALDRIGE QUITS COMMITTEE Kesipu from ExesatiTe Committee of Commercial Club. WBHS TO BUS P0E C05GEESS ,M lsei ! 0b De Xrt rVrsal It Claaee Did Appew the Kew male a watly A Ped. H. H BaMrupa rsaicned f rem the x tu0T committee of the CowieaerclaJ club tly bwzaaa b tne republic nomlaattoa tor canis of thla die trtet and th dub1 bylawa forbU any member of tb eomnrltte eln politi cs! office. The ml which a provides, howsrer, vss emitted tram tb new eet ef rale motri to U exeontire conunttta hut wtttL by tb bylaws cosnanttee, btr. jrtjs. t t eeXL arm4 tb commit te U retain tb eld rule and accept his reatmatlco. No actio haa yet bees taken, either en the reei-ntion or oa the rule. The new bylaw wer preeeated ea February M and probably tM be eoted paa aeat Tuesday. What the new rule provtd fcv wot kaowa te th seawral nmuuuup ef tb ). as tb caaoatm coaudtu baa sol arusHctioa la th matter. ItkiaottaioaratswttWewa prwrtd GRAIN RECEIPTS DOUBLED for th combination of the publicity bureau, t raffle bureau and commission er's office under n seed, a echeme that .... . 1 U I M hw.mI iMfllk. The ta Urar of th consolidation have OmtJut Show Eemtrkable IacTCUe sha it up. it is staled. Over February of Last Tear. Bank Clearings for Month Show Increase Bank clearins for February raa RMi, M ahead of clearlnsa for February of ltIL Total ckartna for th month wer tT, MJO, compared wHh tEASKO for the carrespondln awntk of mat year. CLOWRY IS CONSTRUCTING NEW APARTMENT BUILDING R. C. Clowry baa ewaawnc conttrac d ef a brick store . aad apartment bet Mine at law-! Cbteaaw street ta east fa.esx He win alsw bwtld apartmetita ta the rear f MtS-M Chicaaw t cost ,). Plans tor tb bulldlii were drawn by Architect r. C. Walllck. Th contract la let to tb BssmnawD-Kybl Oonstnje tlo eompaay. FEBRUARY SHOWS GAIN ' . IN MARRIAGE LICENSES Marrmc License Clark Charles A. Foray MS marrtaae Ucaam last meeuh. aleen mora than were Issued la tb eclieipaaiimg month a year are. BIQ QAIS IS Df THE C0E5 KAfiT leery CUs at tlrala Kaeept Barley Coaaea ta This Market la Larcer laaatltle Than Dtrlsg Same r-erled Last Tear. Omaha's grain market abowed aa enor mous Increas in both receipt! and ship ments for February, as compared with thoee of February of OIL Receipts for th month were E41MO0 bushels of sll kinds of grain, acalnst 2.hw,30e bushels a year ago, while ahlp menta were I ,), aa acatnst 2.7U.0at bnahsle a year as. Comparatlr re ceipts of tb various kind of grate for tb two months wen: RECEIPTS. BUSHELS. Feb.ll!. Feb. Mil. Wheat Mt.ew !7. Cora i.en.a Oata v Uoim a.m Ry i.a t.w ilsrley SUM 281,w Touto 2, Me. an Caaaterfelt Dallara ' buy trouble, but a genuin euarter buys Dr. KlnCa New Life Plln: for conctipa tlon, malaria, headache and Jaundice. For sal by Baaiea Drug C. Building Permits Show an Increase February buildings permit surpassed to amount the records of any previous year tor the same month. Th total num ber of permit Issued numbered at, the relus of the buildings constructed bsing Kit, US. For In same month In 111 sev enty permits wer issued, th amount being tmOS. In DM eweanty-alght per mits wer issued, amounting to tU,82S. Th permits for January thla year fell below those Issued In previous year for th earn month. MARRIES GIRL TO KEEP HER FROM BEHIND BARS In order te avert a Jail sentence en a charge of beta aa Inmate of a disor derly bouse. Clyde Perrigo of Omaha and Lool Miller ef Hoidreg. Neb., wer rarried In police court yesterday by Judge Foster. Th Miller girl waa ar rested la the raid on the Welcome hotel and carted to-JalL Peril go at the time of the arrest was up towa. but true to th instincts of an ardent lover he fol lowed his sweetheart Into court, where he informed tb Judge that be would marry th girl If ah was discharged. Foster told him to get a license and be weald discharge bar. Perrigo palled the necessary paper from hi pocket and the Judge did th rest. ERDMAN MAY BE RETURNED TO PRISON IN COLORADO The wardea of th state penitentiary at Lincoln haa written t Sheriff Meghan, asking him to com and tak away Frank Erdman. la who caa the supreme court ha ordered a new trial. The warden wants hlra taken back to the Douglee county Jail. McBhana say h will not end a deputy after Erdman. la hie opinion It la the duty of the warden to deliver the man to Douglas county, since a sew trial haa been ordered. Th warden still bold a warrant for Erdman'a arrest a a fugitive from lue tic. Th warrant la from th Colorado sut penitentiary at Canon City. Cola, from which Erdman scaped after he hd only partially served a term for burglary. Krdman may be released and arrested on the warrant and taken back to Colo rado. FELLMAN ASKS CHANGE OF VENUE IN UBEL SUIT Rev. B. F. Fellman. pastor ef th Orc Baptist church, who with the Omaha Dally News Is defendant against Judge Lee P- Estetle's . libel damage suit in district court, has filed a motion for a change of venue ta some other district court In Nebraska. Fellman aaacrt h could not get a fair trial la th Douglas county district court -. Seed Corn Gospel Dispels Enmity "Th nd corn campaign of Omaha's publicity bureau haa don more In twe month to awaken a friendly feeling for Omaha among the people of the state than all ether influences for th last twenty years." said Prof. E. W. Bunt ef Syracuse, Neb who 1 In Omaha today. In the last three year Uiers haa been an almost complete rwttlea ef feeling for Omaha, and especially since the seed corn campaign started. "Formerly the people wer auspicious of anything that originated ta Omaha, thinking It started for tb prlvst benefit of the Omaha buatnesa men, but now they realise that Omahaa are willing to go down Into their pockets and do thing for th stele a a whole, without thought of direct benefit." Prof. Hant, formerly professor af Big Hsb In the University ef Nebraska, la a prosperous farmer near Syracuse. Twenty year age his physician said. "Got ea tb oil er go under It." and he got ea th soil, and haa been there ever since. Oppeetanltlea for all la the northwest, whether look ing for business location, farming or pleasure trips. Unexcelled train service via the Boo Lis from St. Paul and MJn nea potts. Address W. R. Barley, D. P. A.. & Fifth St, De Main, la. . CAKE OF DYNAMITE UNCOVERED IN PIERRE PIERRE, 8. D.. March L-8peclaJ. . A workman who waa digging yesterday Bear th alia or the Betta grading camp at the time they did a lot of railway grading la Una city fire year ago this winter struck hi pick Into a pile of pasteboard tuba aad a as kiekfeig I hem around te try t find ot what they were, when another man who knew came Into eight aad hecsa to beg tb man with th pkk to desist, aad at the same time getting farther and farther away. An mvarugaaoa showed that th pick bad ' cut into a cache of MS stick af dyna mite, which had evidently ben buried by tb grading rw for safe keeping anil forgotten whew they left. Th plant was .' within less than tw block of the atatu bouse, and It the dynamite bad aoi been ' frosm thr would have bean a shaking . up which wwoM bar roused th town. RAPID CITY MAN KILLS HIMSELF AT ABERDEEN 'ABERDEEN. 8. D. March L (Special Telegram.) While deapondeut Louts Brown, aged M, a traveling photographer who home at at Rapid City, 8. Dn com mitted suicide hut Bight in Hotel Ryan her by shooting. The key a en i 'is aa wnsin is t&e judteloua and persistant to ef newspaper adrorttawg.