L ! THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. MARCH 2. 1912. SLOAN TALKS, FOR FARMERS Defends Keasen Board u Ne:eaiy to Check Advene Decrees. GRIDf EXPOSES DEMO SHAMS Mark.HfnilM FToaress at Eeaa t mmr Xathlas; Bat Kn-wse Take A war froes Reawalleaae "a ..,' Clve to Democrat. (from a Staff Correspondent) WASHINGTON. Hareb L-tSpedal Tela tram.) Conrressmsn Sloan of Nebraska, a member of ttia commUtee oa expend! turn In the Depertmeat of Agriculture, which InreMlrated the Bureau of Chem istry of which Dr. Wiley l the head, made a moat vtrorous defense of the Reinsen board today on the floor of the house. The speech wss In wr to one delivered br Bepresentatlve Mom of In diana wherein the latter scored the Itero aen board uamerrifutly end lauded Dr. Wiley to the sales. While Mr. Sloan avoided any crltklsm of Dr. Wiley he took, the opponunlty to pay a (towlnc tribute to hrererary Wilton and declared that the nems.'n referee Urd waa legally constituted and that It waa a desirable and necessary body in the administration of pure fond law. Reft-iTins to the aloes' statement that aany feared the derisions of the chem istry bureau, Mr. Sloan stated that they ' ware feared by farmers Inlured by the adverse sleschlnf decree of the chemists. "The farmers." as declared, "do not appreciate belns charncd as donestera: having prepared (round and sown seed, risked the winter's frecse. the chinch buss' attack, the ranters of the heaslan fly, the druulli and the flood and un favorable harvest Mine, rata taking lis toll. They resent being requlrtd to pay 'tribute te a board of chemistry." He said further In part: ;The gentleman from Indiana says the otily class which fear the pure food law Is the. crooks. Yet they do fear the Bureau ef Chemistry and It dominance by any as man. whether he bear the nam of Wiley. Doollttle, McCaba, Due ls, or aay other name bandied In our resent examination. ; They resent the classification as "crooks "Tne.ta en Italic w have held shows, that one dement In the Bureau of Chem istry Insisted that tt should be active In keeping harmful substances out uf drag, medicines, food preparations, and the like. The Dther element Insisted that It energies should be devoted to larger and mere debatable question of food purity In the net of benaoate of soda, autphar dioxide, flour bleaching, eta The secre tary of agriculture favored the former and submitted 'certain great question to the referee beard, f am inclined to think that the house, desiring to treat fairly the consumer and producer, WIN say that the secretary was right." Urrea flare Ueaaswratsk Congressman Ureen of Iowa declared today that It waa time the attention of toe country waa challenged to the prac tical workings of the so-called democratic program of economy. ' "a examination of the action of the democratic reformers on various measure will show that they are cutting appro priation t be used Where republicaas are la the majority, but aro making large Increases la democ ratio communities. "On Saturday, YrWry IT, they passed th omnibus war claims Mil providing for the payment of t claims, moat of which were for property In the eoath destroyed during the civ war. At th same time there seems to b abeouitelr a elnuaoe to get action at this session aa the gen eral omnibus claim MM which eoatatn handreda If BOt. thousands of Just oases favorably passed upon by th swot of claim of comparatively recent origin trots claimants la all part of th country. , . l-avtaa Bapoadltwaoo. "Another oaae la aoiat is the proposal to bay km acres of land at AasUstoa, Ala,, for a maneuver ground for tb army, and they authorised it sal actios of a comsrtssksn of three to to down there and survey It with a view te Ha purchase. 1 - "Stltt aaother example la th passage of the kill to mako rrt Oglethorpe la Tens is 1 1 a tx-tgaa Boot It I estimated that at will oost aearly ,, to carry out the pursue of the Fort Oglethorpe WIL Twer also propose t tax ever 1,00 soras aaar Tullhoma, Ten a., for another "Yet la the teas of these proposed ex tssuaon the Kay bill recommended the ebaneonsxeat oa the grooad that the; were unnecessary, of a score or more of estabnahea aoeta fully equipped for maneuveriag and other military exer cises. By far the greater portion of th posts urged for abandonment were In re publican states, and all these aewly pro posed suttees are la democratio states. Tb. dssascratle bos at of economy seams ta ha merely a aiapositio to bar in goverament make a contribution ta the democratio campaign fund, aad t think It at Ume the people understood H." Iaakotaaa Ulseattsfleel. , , 1. M. riackler of Gregory, 8. D.. and E. G. Bar mi m of Winner ro still work ing for a change in the boundaries of the Chamberlain land district, so that the new lands to bo opened In Mellette and Ben nett counties April will bo induced In the Gregory district. "The department baa already decided aralnxt oa on the proposition.'' said Mr. Harkter today, "but w believe wo can have It reopened. If necessary we In tend to: carry the matter to President Taft. At the time of the opening of binds in Tripp county the new claims were taken out of the Chamberlain dis trict and put Into the Gregory district. because Gregory was much nearer and more easily reached by railway. The same thing le true In the present case and ws feel there I eve more reason for changing the boundaries now thaa there was then. "I want to say," added Mr. Hackler, "that the Rosebud country I for Tart, first, last and all the Ume. Out of about 8.0N) vote th republicans will have prob ably ,. We believe that President Taft has given th country a progress! v administration: that be la sat, saas and sincere. We are developing a new coun try, m which outside capital I needed and feel that we are more hxery ta b able to Interest Investors order Taft than under Roosevelt." Halarr Loaves fa West. Attorney E. J. Halner of Lincoln, who was hearu by the committee on agrlcul lure yesterday in support of crsemery In terests and against manufacturer of oleomargarine, left for th west toalght As counsel for ths Fairmont creamery, Mr. Halner cams to the capital primarily 0 business with the Interstate Commerce commission, where be le preparing a sbo- tlon for rehearing In the case of the rear mont Creamery company against the Chiraxo. twirllngten Qulncy railroad, rereniiv decided hr the commission In favor of the railroad. The decision ! ef fect" raise the rat on cream ran frees Crete to Concordia, Ken, 11 cent ean. Breekearlda la Wasttlaartoa. Ralph V. Breekenrldge of Qmaha f rte ed la Waaalneie sdr- W meet tb committee oa Insurance of the American Bar association, of which h 1 caalr aua. Daring hi stay In th capital he will take up with th members of ths Ha beas delrgatloa the question of secur ing for ths Sanies indiaaa In -Nebraska osrtaln anaultle alleged to a due them. W. r. Ourlay a Omaha arstVsd la ths city today on visit to his wife mother, who has been 111 for' seat tine, Mr. Ourltr having been her mother for tb hut saonta. Mr. Otwis aaaf that ha would nrge upon th house committee on public lands during his stay In Washing- ten the Importance of passing the Kiev kald hill which agxilaes horoeeteed n tries saad by Peraea who were owner of more than la) acres of load aader tb Klnkald act, Th lprtaMnt of th In terior at on time. held that these ntne Wer legal, but later reversed the ruling and It I for th purpose of legalising the en trie that th bul at to traduced. Mr. Uurlsy represent soros of th entry- a. Off WrwealaaT Let waa. , - Xlimbert of the Wyomliuf aalagatlaa have baea aotlflsd that at their request a 4,a) acres of aaricuKural land en th Wlad Hirer reservatlcn, la wester Wrnenltss. r is oftared iar al oa tan year, leases. Those lands, ta as food any in the entire stale, aad ar ai re dy nadar ditch. The India ar not a We to cultivate th full aanaaat at Issas tar th present b-rtg attest praeet, and ta order to bars there awsxaa baresa wW oSor fh age far oale or lease. Water will b (ural shed free th first rear t hath leeeee ant purshasera, Th salsa ssaa will ho bf Mai ad MRS. aad wHh th till will a fall Batftta nssr right Th tea prbw wtil be flaad at saau par or far th first year, wtlk a sTsuhaal snore threwgVewt th tin raat sarlod. Partleular asay bo oxHalaed from Us usrtntendent a ps Wind River agency, Wind Rlvar, Wr., or from ta baraaa of Indian affairs at Washlaftoo. t ear Artie wa C. Pt , ' -Congrsasntaa Lsaocat today received a petition algae! bf terty farsoers hi th vsstntty f helteo aad Weed Klver, ara ng th paasags af a bill to settle th dis pute over the width ad th Untan Padfl right --way, Th ttU was biirsawuid by Osnarsaarnaa Xerrts oarlr la Janaarrad a fur u refers nos to th Judiciary conv mttte was given a hsawtisg, at wMch W. A. rrlnca, attorney tar th farmers, and Attorney Umale for lb Vniea Padfa) mad statement . tor and against th pasaag of th MIL sir. Karris said to day that a report on th bill might be made the oommittee by the latter part of next week. Congressman Ubsoh went to teal timer thM artemeea to speak at a heaquet bold by th keeal ergaaisaUea of th Tra velars' rrotectrv saeociatioo, of which he ta a member. ... Matter of latereet to Weed. A deleattlea of Iowa iaea. sonalattna of Clifford Thsmss. asembor of the Htsts ruuiwsy eontmission: Attorooy Oenerel 'George Ceeeea aad Dwlght at Levis, as sistant counsel tor the railway eenunle- rXTIaTTsI an VASaTaVat, Sd rieor xtoOrorer aw so aad 10 Toaf save 9.00 or anon oa rvrry purrnaa here, bex-ausr w aara a theaaaad ttolaara a month rent brlnj oa aecoad . fltxar. Thia eaormoa saving la rent Kara toward makin- thr xuuu of CaM (tor worthy of tb aaxac bf which it at kaanav 1 ft r, 1 Saturday Sale 300 Spring Dresses. Space will not per mit to give detailed description of them. All real $18 valuee, 40 styles, 'lii differ ent materials that are C desirable for early 8printr......OO. 200 new Spring Coats, in serges and fan cy mixtures, including tke.new spring reversible serge coat, in all shades; also 150 new spring 'suits, including white serges, lined with peau de cygne or satin, tailored in the height j-f f of fashion, Saturday p I 3 M ftpring Bam pie Trtnrroed Hata. They are ekle oeaurtea, in two graax lets .... (e xUack Sailor Hat at ....... slon, aro In the city to appear before the Interstate Commerce commission in the hearings on express rsteeT M. B. Ely of Davenport. Ia.. 1 her oa legal business la the supreme court and at the Interstate Commerce commission. Congressman Martin of South Dakota has named Leroy H. Lehman of Sturgis ss principal to West Point. Graver C. Young of Dead wood has been appointed first alternate. The Postoffleo department he turned down ths request of the Western Seed and Irrigation company of Fremont and other companies for a third mall delivery In the afternoon, saying the amount of mail carried does net warrant the service. C. W. Kaley of Red Cloud was in the city today on hie way borne from Panama aad Iho West Indie. Civil service examinations will be held March M for rural carriers at North Platte, Moore field and WaltallL Neb. CIYIL JOBS 0UT0F POLITICS Chhinnaa of Federal Commission Answer Questions of Lee. WOIX FOB CASH IDA TES IS ISSUE K AetlWIee II rewired, While nes tles of Propriety ef Work I Itl aaately la Referred to . Prewldrat Taft. WABH1NQTON. March L Th question f whether federal office Solders will be permitted to do political work for Presi dent Taft or Colonel Roosevelt in th campaign for the republican nomination ha been brought before th Civil Seni le commission. Edward U. Le of Indianapolis, former chairman of th republican state central oommittte of Indiana, who I now re ported to bo active In Colonel Roosevelt's candidacy, called for 4 ruling In a tele gram which he addressed to Chairman John M. Black. Le asks the commission to say If some federal offer holder will b al lowed to aid In th campaign for Colonel Roosevelt If others ar permitted to work for President Taft; ho want to know what punishment will be administered to thee who may violets th Inhibition against political activity and aska if federal of flea holder will bo disturbed In his ofric if he refuse to take part ia the contest. Walls th republican national oommir iea wa meeting In Washington last De cember, Lee Issued a statement declaring that President Taft could not carry In diana. Later ho wa defeated for ra-elec. flea a chairman of th Indiana Mat central ( committee. Copts of the correspondsno between Le end fhalrmaa Black were made putaw Ma her tonight. Le s tetegrsm wa as follows: 'Tor certain reason many federal of fice holder aader the dvll service In In diana ar now active In pontic fur th purpoo of securing delegate for Mr. Taft to the Chicago convention. Many at these prefer Colonel Roosevelt a tit republican nominee. Throe seat leas Asked. "If some federal afflc bolder ar per. mltted to work for President Taft will other be permitted te work for Colonel Kooeevr.ll. If no federal of flee holder can take part In this contest, but under ths rtvtl service lew mut remain neutral, what t th punlstrment for their taking Part? . "Many of toee.. working for Mr. Taft wet wrtsh to ee eo, hut are led te bellev taay must, la case aay federal office holder rfoM to laka part In tli contest wilt ho be disturbed In his oftlc because he doe refuse . . , "As answer to the question I ear nestly desired, because rt la Important, net only front the point of view of a souars deal, awt hun from a clear under standing of what the strll service law requires under all th ctrcumsunos stated and whether it I to be enforced.' No I as ore per Activity aJ tewed. Chairman Btack's reply to th thro direct questions feiiowi: "Th eo mm! set a I not aware that soma federal officeholder ere permitted to work for any candidate. Th oommlssion exorcises rt Jurledlctjon wttk atrtet Im partiality, Inquire hits th actlvlttea of esenaetlUv employs violating the act aad rule without regard to their noHclcai affiliation aad make suck mommeada- ttaa a th nature of the cess demands, ItrssmUvs of BotttleaJ earuiderailooa. The ooaoluahja I obvious that th com mission cannot permit any person ever wheat w baa iartedletloa to be Improperly active ta political affairs. with reference ta the punishment to be inflicted upon a person foaad to bar been politically active In violation of the dvll aervtce act and rules. It I to be ob served that that punishment will depend apoa the nature and degree of tb activ ity and will extend ta enrol eel nrooecu- tkta. separation from the service or ls discipline a th ease may eeera to re quire and th law and rule prescribe. "Ia reply to th inquiry whether a fed eral officeholder will be dietarhod la hie office tsraiioo Ji refused to take aa active pert In the campaign, your atten tion t lavttsd to the executive order of February K WO, revising th dvll service rule relating to removals and reduction. That rule apoile to persona la the com petitive some and. of course, ha no appUratloa to federal officer who ap pointment ar made by th president Tour attontloa I also Invited to the ex ecutive order of February Is, showing th puatshmeat to be Inflicted upon rural carrier who taka aa active part In pontics I Bianage merit or In political cam- PeUllea! Aid 5et meejniswd, Chalrmaa Black s direct reply to th three ejuesttene Is preceded by an ex planation af the provisions of the dvll service art rotating to the political con duct at thoa la th service. He quotes sections watch specif)' that ao person In the service ht V rider obligation to con tribute to any political fund or give political service aad that th employe will not be remored fcr refusing to do so. further? prgTMaoao cf the act, which prowl that no person la th service asay as hie official authority to influence political aetiaa, ar may be subject to execTlaunatiea for religious or political reasons are also quoted. The ebairsnaa's reply then continues: "It la the commissi oa's duty to oa kat th prostslenB of th strll servtss act and ruse are strictly euorceu a mi a) esnasoj-s vary legitimate and available awe as to seeure the prosecution of per sono who axay violet them. It Juris dicrlom, bovrever. Is limited aad sx tends to th -mveatlgatioa of an acts af al leged improper political aetrrtty con trary to the ctvn service law. euca acts ombracinc. smong other, the of tm- per aoiltlcal activity oa the part ef competitive ctaaatfled emptoyeo of the VnJted ntates aad unclsawifled laborers. a won a vtotetlene of the statute la any particular, a for Instance, th provlstoa that aa person la tb asulu of the reveramenl shall solicit i Utlcal cwnMaatleaa at ai brdldxBaT encwrssd by aa otacer er ploy of the Coated Stataa ta th dls aharge of official ehstsaa. Thar to sswtbar daaa of case Uat Sale Starts at 8 O'clock (0) rkm ' Brotlkers Sale Starts Saturday Morning at 8 O'Clock 318-320 South 16th. St.' Wonderful Sale Saturday COATS Sb.:.$5. 0.0 Our Entire Stock of This great specialty store will wind up the winter season with a sale that will be talked of for some time to come. Think of it! Our entire ' stock of Coats, sold from 319.50 to $39.5(1 at &5.00. This mav seem ridiculous to a great many people to sell at such a mere trifle -beautiful coats practical styles that will be good for early spring or next fall, but it means a clean sweep of every garment in our store, a .policy that we strictly adhere to no matter how great. the loss may, be.". ..' aaaSsasaBasxaaaBB Don't Miss this Sale. All colors and sixes to choose from. Cwtssold at $19.50, $25, $29.75, $35, $39.50, at Great Closing Out Sale of Plush and Velour Coats Beautiful models made of genuine sealette , plush or velour with, Skin ner satin linings Coats sold at $35.00, $39.50, $45, $50 and Our Entire Fall and Winter Stock of Tailored Suits All practical styles that will be good tor spring wear; Suits that sold from $25.00 to $45.00 on sale Saturday, at . . . . . . $59.50, 11. Saturday 'SALE STARTS SATURDAY HORNING AT 8 O'CLOCK U doe not oeate within th riedlerii of the eommleelon; namslir, ease of alleged political aonrtty on - the part of of ficials outside of the competitive classi fied eervtoe, but within th departmental or eseeutle eirtl eerelee, dee la red hr axMttttv order. This class I prop rlr uhiet I lb constderatlor. of th president or the head 1 of departnenta. Inaopendeat of floe aad comnuasloo un der which person aoncamed serve, "Th oeensUastua nareover upon, the direction of the president. Investigates any eases of alleged Improper political aetlrtty, taaludlng thoaa of presidential appoint, reportlr.g te him th results of such lDTtlontlea, hut haotnc aa power to enforce Its cooctuakaa, that reetlng with Um prealdesL "It will occur, of course, that In pur suing Its Settee th ootnnUsslon mar find, Ineoived In (emmon wrong doing, those not In lta jurisdiction, hot whoso acta cannot ho separated from thooe who are within It JurUdlotloo; In each case the Invest tgsttun would be puriuod to th end. Tou will see from what has already been aald that the oommtaelsn's authority la Investigate your eosa plaint depend upon the kind of position held aad tb nature ef the activity alleged. Na person la tb executive dvll eervtoe I permit ted to use hie official authority or In cur oo la political matter and na per son in compstltlrs classified servics can tak aa acllv part la political mtkags aisnt or political eampatgne. Wbenever H la charged, with offer of proof, that any person la th executive dvll servlc ha violated the first clause of Section 1 of Jlul I, or, whenever It I charged, with like erfer of proof, that any persons In th aompetltlv classified snrvtoo ha violated th aesond olauea of Section 1 of Rul t. If la th oommlsalon' duly te tnvaatlgau th oaae aad oak anon recommendation ss th fact asay appear to warrant" If yoa hare anything ta cxesaur ad rsrtlse U la Th Be Want Ad oolusuav Revolver Flashed to Force Payment, Says Poor Debter Her nerves shattered and her physical health permanently Impaired by th action of a collector tor tb C. F. Adam company, according to the allege tlona of her petition, Mr. Louis 'Burgs, wife of an employ of th Omaha Cold Storage compear, started aa action for H.IM damage s gainst th Adam company In district court yesterday. Th story Mrs. Burgs relate In her petition la Inisubstanc aa follow: Sh bought from th Adams company two quilt for fi, the purchase being mad on th instalment plan, ah to pay 1! rent a month. When her haby died the expenses attendant upon sick ness and death drained th family fund and sir. Burg boram delinquent In her payments. Lynn W. GrabUI. a collector for the company, came to th house and demanded all payment due. When she explained the cause of her delinquency Ufa bill grow wrathy, declared there waa nothing In what h had told of the dead haby and demanded that ah return the quilt at one. She I said ah would and moved to do ao, whereupon Grablll drew a revolver, pointed tt at her, and ordered her trt atop, at the same time threatening her. Sh cried for help to relatives la the boue and Orablll went away. Mrs. Burg allege that at th time of th alleged Improper conduct of Orablll she wa III and, nervous aa ah waa. his aettona greatly Injured her. A laCCra Cells pes Of stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels le moot surely prevented with Electric Bit ters, tb safe regulator. 10c for sale hy Beaton Drug Co. Key to the SltuaUoo-Bes Advertising. INSPECTION INVITED . today and Saturday To the hundreds of Furniture pieces assembled on our main floor that will be placed on sale Monday morning. Doors Open at 8:30. These goods consist of suites, sam ple pieces and drop numbers that we desire to close out. Not one article but is priced at much less than actual cost, some in fact at half,' others at a fourth cost. Come, look, select such articles as you need, and be on hand promptly at 8:30 Monday for the wonderful bar gains this sale offers. No goods in this sale will be sold or orders taken before Monday at 8:30. " , Orchard & Wilhelm CARPET CO. -Si KAYDEN'S: IIAYDEfl'S Home is what we make it . , ... r Just a place1 to go when we can't' . go elsewhere'- or a place we ; really love to be hate to leave. V I V It's up to the home maker to say which it shall be If that piano corner is not filled you are certainly missing one of the best. bets on making your home happier ia ao longer considered a luxury; It's recognized by moat a a Becessitr; one of the moat Important part of home , furnishing, and Can be so easily supplied, so easily paid for that to delay its par chase is really useless You have the opportunity to se lect here from the world's best makes -the products of some twenty different makers shown side by side. We cuke terms of payment to soil the cjaireaienee of purchaser and guarantee satisfaction Oar specials ia new aad used pianos offer bnyers matchless saving opportnnities v here's a few yon onght to see Wheat at Co. . 845.00 Kimball I75.0O Singer ....... S95.0O Caaip Co. . $98.00 Perk Sow ..98.00 Chi earring ..125.00 Also a few tawd Flayer Planoe at greatly rrdarrd arirra. Srtueffer (aardV : -8140.0O South at Baraea (weed) at ........ 8150.OO Price at Teept (awed) at ........ S175.0O Warn. Kaaba.. $175.00 I1AYDEN'S: -VeU- I 4r "Or IIAYDETl'S Comic Section i ts aaeaajf a-ss With Happy HooHgcm. Lktk Nemo, tkt Katztnfajtoner Kid.M end t whole interesting family