Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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    fHB BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, MARCH 2. 11)1-'.
9 P. M.
So the
window -
Spring Furnishings Await Your Inspection
- And what a splendid showing we've prepared.
For the man who takes pride in the appearance
of his small wearables this spring line of ours
will prove most attractive. '
Swell Shirt, $1.00 up
Rich Neckiotar, 50c up
A 11 tht New Collar, 15c,
two for 25c
Spring Underwear, 50c up
Union Suit, $1.00 up
Night Robe, 50c up
Pajamas, $1.00 up .
" Other thing tig f at teuton'
ably priced. '
Crawford Shoes for Spring
To Hum. who've worn these celebrated shoes no other
hint la necessary then to say the Spring Btylee are here.
To thoie who haren't worn them we can promlee a- anre
enourh footwear enrpriae both, when firat ther aee them
and afterward when their wearing qualltlee ire called In
to piaj. . . , . .
Better $2.50
other store
Boys Shots
We're standing pat
on our claim to aell
better ahoee (or
boys than other
atorea aell at aame
prlcea. , . '
$1.50 up
The fast approaching spring time is
heralded by our splendid showing of
If youV chanced to pass our magnificent store during the week you've been reminded
of Spring, no doubt. Our windows began to take ou a Spring time air last Tuesday and
now a look at our 19 big displays makes you forget the lateness of winter and causes you
to realize that spring is actually at hand. Intermingled with bright flowers and rich
green foliage are spring wearables of every correct mode and color, AVhile large, the
showing is limited to a small percentage of t he styles ready for your inspection nnd ap
proval in our store. We honestly believe you'll pronounce it the most complete showing
you've ever seen aud the garments, at their respective prices, the best you've ever ex
amined. "We invite you to look them over, t o try on as many as you like. You'll not be
harassed into buying. Come in.
Blue Serge is the most popular suit fabric
and True Blue the best blue serge
The popularity of Blue Serge aeema to never wane. There are many reasons. The popular-
Hy of True Bluea la easily explained. ' They're the beat made. Absolutely fadeless, finely
woven, of good weight and the Garments are shape retaining. Cost small when you consider
their high auallty 10.00 to $35.00.
Look at the Spring Suits of fancy weave -we've
gathered together for your choosing
Every popular fabric and every color that a good dreaaer would consider. Every model that
, , the atyle makers endorse. Extreme English models for ultra fashionable, fellows, moderately
extreme atyles for fellows who want to follow a "middle-of-the-road" atyle policy and con
servative cuts for men who prefer dignity above all else in clothea matters 110.00 to $83.00.
A good top or rain coat is almost
an essential item of dress these days
A. heavy overcoat ia cumbersome and it' a too chilly, to go about wearing no coat at all. The
probability of rain moat any time makes water-proof coat desirable almost necessary.
. Whether you want a coat for dress or general utility ours will please you $10.00 to $23.00.
Remember, the boy would like, to dress
up in a new Spring Suit, too
The selection of a nifty, durable suit la an eaay matter at thla store and tba paying for It
. almost aa easy aa the selecting. Wise parents who have not.yet learned the true merit of
, ' Klng-Bwaneon'e clothea for boys would do well to see the new If 11 atyles $2,00 to $10.00.
Our Spring Hats
Are Attracting Attention
And why not! They're most varied in style
rung and most excellent in quality. Scratch
ims, Cloths, Beavers, Velours, Felts and Derbies.
Our hat men are at your service.
Kington, $2.50
Stetsons, $3.50
Berwick, $3.00
Others from $1.50 up
"Din nt
the best
at each
February Statement Shows Much
Money Paid Oat by State
Holt Ceaaty Backs Oat ef Agreeanent
far Structure .teiw Niobrara aa
Matte le Tleg't'e Tersalaet
Values at Hearing.
(Prom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. March l.-8paclal.)-The
February statement of State Treasurer
Ueorf shows there Is a considerable de
crease In tbe amount of cash in the gen
eral fund as compared with the balance
carried over from January, in spite of re
ceipts of IZlt.".M during the month. Thle
Is due to the payment of general fund
warrants which hare been reentered tot
lack of funds to pay them previous to
February, the balance now bring 117.
t.. against 1131.303.31 at the beginning
of the month.
.The temporary school fund shows a de
cided Increase, owing to the payment of
interest on bonds and' lease money on
school lands. Tha school fund la also
carrying tut an. B of university warrants.
General fund warrants have all been
paid, though unless remittances ' from
county treasurers came In mora rapidly
than expected the treasurer will be forced
te take them up with school Investment
funds. There Is enough of this cash la
sight, however, te guard against the war
rants being allowed to go Into the hands
of the general nubile. ,
' Ask Aid tor- Bridge.
A delegation of Boyd Bounty ' citizens
headed by Attorney Dickson appeared
before the Board of Irrigation today to
aee what could be done about the state
aid bridge contemplated over the Nio
brara river south of Butte In Boyd
bhumv. The river st this point la theJ
Una between Holt and Boyd counties and
both counties applied, through the proper
authorities, for state aid for a bridge.
By the time Engineer Price had prepared
the plans tbe personnel' of the Holt
county board had changed and the new
board decided It dm not want a bridge
at-the point selected, and really did not
care to hare one at aU. Boyd county
now wants te knew If there la any way
by which Holt county can be. compelled
te comply with the original plan and
appropriate Ha share' for' the elate aid
bridge. 'The Board of Irrigation Informed
the delegation that if they wanted the
bridge the two counties must get to
gether, aa there were plenty of other ap
plicant! tor all tbe funds at tbe disposal
of tha board and they did "not feel dis
posed to force aid on any county, even
If they had the authority to do so. which
they did net hare. Toe Boyd county
men were therefore Informed It there was
any litigation it would have to be be
tween the counties' themselves. . ,
War Halt Basked Oat.
One peculiar feature oeroes up In con
nection with tbe Union Padfle right-of-way
.and-the ratio of actual .value te
railroad valuation by reason ef severance
cost. --The Union Pacine . right-of-way
Is claimed by tha company to be
feet wide, while ether roads have 'orgy
m feet. The eta le held a that to multiply
the vslue or feet by the same figures
aa the narrower right-of-way . Irt order
to ascertain the severance value would
be wrong, ss the damages, or. cost of
sevsranee - would be the aame .actual
amount whether tbe atrip taken was
one foot or e feet and ts determined
by the fact of segratlon rather than the
amount taken, r On the entire rtght?of
way of the .Union Pacific the difference
In the multiple claimed by. tbe. company
and the- state .Would be a? substantial
Sum. . ..-;..( . .
Henry Seymour, secretary of the Board
of Assessments Is In Seward attending
a district meeting of the county -assessors.
. . :
Keeplag leal la Reserve,,
gome time ago the Board of Public
Lands and Buildings - authorised the
Whltebrcaat Coal company, whlcvh has
ths contract for supplying stste Institu
tions with coal te deliver a thirty days'
supply of fuel at each of the Institutions.
The coal has been delivered to practically
all Institutions and the' remainder wlH
be supplied In a few days. It -Is intended
to keep this supply In reserve snd to
deliver regularly the amount needed at
each place. - Beth the state' snd. ths
contractor f tared a strike when the
miners' scale expires April -Wand If It
should occur there might be trouble ob
taining coal. ., . i
The heads of various state Institutions
are- now sending In estimates of what
will be needed during the next quarter
to enable the Board of PubHe Lands and
Buildings to set intelligently , en con
tracts, for. the quarter. . . .
Cesaplalat' freea ' University Plane.
Residents ef University 'place have
complained to the railway commission
because the Rock Island Railroad com
pany does not maintain an express office
at Its' local depot in that town. The com
mission has referred tha complaint te the
railroad officials to ascertain what the
company has te say en the questtoa.
.Word received from H. C. Lindsay,
clerk of the supreme court, that he ar
rived two ,daya late at St- Petersburg,
fie.. The delay was due to a" severe
storm encountered by tbe boat on which
re. made the trip down the coast. Among
Mr. Lindsay's other accomplishments ts
musical ability! Hs Is naturally Inohsed
to be cheerful and te stag, but en arrival
ths only melody, which seemed te fit. his
case waa the song, "Cej, now Sick I'm
Feeling Now."
- , Welcaeae ta Nebteueaa.
Count Francis Luetsow, distinguished
Bohemian, educator, addressed the stu
dents of the state wstwrally this morn
ing la Memorial bait The attendance
The delegation assigns two reasons tor was-the largest -that has graced the hall
Holt county backing oat of the. original jrrnce the Mg foot ball' rally hut falL The
agreement One Is that Holt county I coont was hoarse as a result ef exposure
people tear that tr tne snags, is duiit
aauch trade from Holt county win go to
Butte, which ts aesrwr than, towns in
Holt county.' The Boyd 'county anew
also profess to see In the deal the hand
at tbe ridga trust, which Is alleged to
be opposed te any bridge project which
brings tbe state engineer Into tbe con
tract letting. Two prominent attorneys,
one formerly a resident ef Holt county
and ths other owe still living there,
are anestioaed aa having a band an the
affair as representatives of the bridge
trust. -. -
Osaafca Teralaal Talaea.
The railway rommlsnon was bevy
today hearing the railroad company's
testimony ea the value ef the Omaha
tannins! property of the Untoa Pacific.
te a more severe climate than -he has
been accustomed te- and he spoke with
some dttftculty. Just before the exercises
hs received the feoowtng cablegram from
members of; the Bohemian National
Council at Prague; ' ..,.
Qur congratulatlone te yow on your
great American eucceesvs. Greetings ail
Chancellor Avery Introduced the speaker
as tbe most distinguished maa ef Europe
who had ever graced thle platform."
Count Luetsow outlined tbe Iseig gad hard
struggle ef Ms native land tor civil and
religious Uberty and the pingi ass made
toward Hs attainment. He also spoke ef
the work of the great Bohemian educa
tors, among them Commenlua, te whom
the American common school system owes
so much. Ha also spoke feelingly of the
congenial home so many of his country
men had found la the United States and
ef the sympathy which this country had
always extended to a people straggling
for their liberties. . , .
, laaaraaee Opinion.
The supreme court, la tbe ease of Ida
La.. Haas against the Mutual Life Insur
ance company ef New York decided an
Important point of Insurance law whsn
It reversed the findings of the lower court
and sent the case back for another hear
ing. In effect the court holds that the
Nebraska lew, and not the law of ths
home ' state of tbe Insurance eompnay,
governs la policies Issued to residents of
this state. Ths New Tork law provides
for the, forfeiture of a policy for non
payment of premiums, but the plaintiff
asserted there was accumulated reserve
sufficient to pay ths premiums from the
time ths Insured ceased psyment until
his desth and that this automatically
continued the policy In force. The su
preme court upholds the plaintiffs con
tention as te the law and that - is a fact
for- tha jury te decide whether there was
sufficient accumulated reserve to pay the
premiums up to ths tlms the policyholder
died.- ' ' :
' Bxpect Bnseper Wheat Crap.
Grain and farm machinery men who
have been keeping In touch with condi
tions are freely predicting a bumper crop
c: wieet Oils year. They point out that
in the first place there was a large acre
age of fall sown grain. It wss sown under
favorable conditions and got a good start
before winter set In' and since then for
the greater part of the time It has been
protected by a blanket of snow which
In addition to preventing damsgs by
freezing and thawing will In melting leve
ample moisture In the ground to give It a
fine start In the spring.
gaes te Get Uaagfcter.
. R. O. Robot ham has sued out a writ of
habeas corpus to obtain possession of his
4-year-old daughter Nina. His wife took
the child and went to her parent's home
and. refuses "to return- and the father
wants tha. custody of- the child. Ths
hearing is sat for March 14. Ths parties
are In the northern portion of Lancaster
CENTRAL CITT. March L-tSpeclaL)-
That Central City Is to have free delivery
of mall by carrier now seems to be but
a matter of a few daya Postal Inspector
Under was here yesterday afternoon,
and after a conference with the mayor a
few business men announced that tbe town
waa entitled to thla pervlae ea the basis of
its poetofftce receipts, as soon aa It com
piled with ths requirements of the depart
ment. First, however, the town must have
continuous sidewalks and good crossings.
Then all the streets must be named and
numbered and tbe houses numbered. So
at tha next meeting of the city council
the proposition of arranging for the num
bering ef the bouses will be taken up and
will Id all likelihood be ordered at once
so that the dty may derive the advan
tage of the dry delivery.
Hash Leekard Gives Bead.
CENTRAL CITT. Jfebv, March 1-
( Special.) Hugh Lockard, whose pre
liminary hearing before Judge Peterson
oa the charge of being Implicated In the
ucattle thefts at Clerks, and also In re
ceiving stolen property, was set for yes
terday, appeared at tbe appointed hour
and waived preliminary examination and
waa bound ever to the district court,
which convenes la AprtL He was re
leased en baa to appear tor trial at the
first day of the term.
E. J. MoYana and ML Learned Call
on Bailrotd Commission.
Aeeased Maa at Llacela Makee Plea
ef aelf-Dereaee . People ef Beth
any beaaaad Redactions ef
' lateraraa,
(From a Staff Correspondent.) '
LINCOLN. March Special Tele
gram.) E. J. McVann of the Omaha
Commercial club, and M. L. Learned, at
torney for Omaha lumber firms, were in
the city todsy to call on the railway
commissioners. They were looking over
records and gathering fact to present
to the commission March i:, when the
hearing ts taken up of the Omaha-Lincoln
lumber rata cases. Omaha dealers com
plain that the in snd out rates on south
ern lumber favor Lincoln as against
Omaha. ...
Treaaarer's Office Clears..
Ths state treasurer's office was closed
this afternoon out of respect te former
Treasurer Mortensen, whose funeral was
being held in his old borne at Ord. -Harris
Takes the gtaad.
John F. Harris, who Is on trial for tbe
killing of David McKry in Lincoln last
July, was a witness today In his own
behalf. He testified that hs was afraid
of McKay and tried to avoid a row with
him. and that the fight, which resulted
In McFay's death, was started by the
latter. Other witnesses were put on by
the defense to show that McFay started
the fight Tha case was given to the
jury just before adjournment.
Brlkaay Makes Dessaade. '
The people of Bethany have filed with
the railway ootmuisston a definite stste
ment of what they want at tha hands of
the Omaha-Lincoln A Beatrice Interurban
road. Briefly, It is six one-way tickets
for cents, half-tare for children under
12 years, that trunks and baggage be
carried free, that a freight, express snd
merchandise service be established, and
further, that discriminations between
points be abolished.'
Hastings Chamber
of Commerce Banquet
HA8rnNG& Neb., March l.-8peclal -
OrapMc svldencs of the results attend
ing tha efforts of the Hastings Chamber
activity waa displayed tonight at the
close of the organisation's first annual
On a large screen over the speaker's
table titers wsa projected a series of pic
tures showing the new six-story hotel,
ths construction of which will be started
early in the spring. The first waa aq
exterior view and following were the
separate plana fit the six floors.
The display followed the speech of Pres
ident J. N. Clarke and was msde to show
one of the things that had been accom
plished by the orgxnliatton since Us
formstlon a year agu.
The banquet was held In Fraternity
hall and was attended by over Ml mem
bers. Senator G. W. Tibbets presided as
toastmaster and addresses were made as
"Our City." Mayor C. J. Miles.
"Our Retsll Merchants," H. B. Stein.
"Our Wholesale Merchants," U. J.
"Our Manufactures," P. O. Wallace.
"The t.'kurt-h aa a Business Asset,"
Rev. A. A. Hrooka.
"Our Booster Traveling Men." W. C.
"The Work of a Chamber of Com
merce," Secretary S. Wlutten of me
Lincoln Commercial club.
President's address. J. N. Clarke.
will follow the election, the voting on
bonds, etc. .This la the greatest proposi
tion that haa been placed before the peo
ple of this section In its history and If
It la realised will give this city and sec
tion aa Impetus beyond the dreams of Its
early settlers. Messrs. DeRemer, Olsen
end Baud berg of Denver are back of ths
big propoattloa. -
Supporters of Taf t
Will Meet Tuesday
HASTLVQS, Neb., March !.-8oeclaL)-
Arrangements have been made for a spe
cial meeting of tbe board of trustees of
Hastings college In this city on March
11 to consider the troubles that have
arisen in connection with the college management.
The purpose In calling the meeting Is to
secure a thorough Investigation of the
causes of the present crisis and If possible
such e solution of th edlfflcultles as may
enable th ecoottnuance of the Institution
as the synod teal college of the state
The board Is composed of about twenty
members, over half of whom reside out
side of Hastings. hWaetver action the
synod may eventually take will probably
depend largely on the finding of this
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN', March l.-8peciaL-The
dats of the meeting of tbe executive com
mittee of the Taft league has not been
definitely derided, but probably It will
I be Tuesdsy of next week. Frank Currlc
the secretary, .was of the opinion recent
politics! developments rendered It advls
sbls to have a consultation o ft he friends
of Mr. Taft. As ths petitions must be
filed not later tlian the 1Mb of this month
It Is necessary to finish up the pre
liminary work o ft he campaign.
Henry Oerdes of Richardson county has
filed ss a democratic candidate ton, ths
state senate from tha First district. Mr.
Oerdes bss seen service In the legislature
In previous sessions.
Clarence E. Herman Is not satisfied
with his democratic filing for railway
commissioner and bas added a populist
petition to his list.
CENTRAL CITT. March 1. 8peclal.)-
The two rival fair associations in Mer
rick county have at hut reached an agree
ment, that la if the proposition endorsed
by tba organisation which convened here
Monday Is acceptable to the members of
the Clarke Agricultural association.
If this agreement goes through the
fair as to be held this year at Clarke, snd
the board of directors will decide where
it shall be held next year, ' - ,
OrCOOK. Neb.. March L-(8pedal.-McCook
and the country surrounding oa
the west and north Tlfursday afternoon
entered upon a movement In the irriga
tion field, which If successfully carried
to a conclusion will place this dty aud
section on ths map In capital and golden
letters. At a mass meeting held In tbe
courthouse the Initial steps were quite
unanimously taken to form an Irrigation
district, comprising the land In Red Wil
low county went and north of thla dty,
covering about 35.WD acres. The project
proposed includes a reservoir on the
Frenchman river at a point between six
and seven miles southeast of Imperial In
Chase county, capable of storing tO.M
acre feet of water. From this reeervoir
the water will be ditched Into Red Willow
county and distributed over the proposed
district. The petition will be presented
before the county commissioners as soon
as the required number of freeholders In
the proposed district bare signed it. Then
TORK. Neb., March l.-tsuedal Tele
gram.) Tbe second tlsv'a session of the
state social 1st convention convened this
morning, ths first buslnsss taken up be
ing the matter of financing tha party
paper. The dues of all membets was
raised from It cents to S cents per an
num, 10 oenta to go to the support ef
their paper. -Presidential
electors were chossa as
Klectors-at-uu-ge F. W. Bell, Pender;
John Canright, North Platte. -
First Distrlct-J. B. Baker, Havelock..
Second LMstrlct-J. T. Brtllhart, Omaha.
Third Dlatrkt-J. W. Bwlhart. Fremont
Fourth District B. F. Wat too, Geneva.
Fifth District-Thomas Bristow, Su
Sixth Distrlct-F. H. Signor, Plbel.
W. J. Warren ef North Platte was
named by a delegation from the Sixth
district as congressmsn. '
Tha state ticket: For governor, Clyde
J. Wright. Lincoln; lieutenant governor.
V. T. Jefferies. Basset t; secretary ef
state. William C. Elliott. Alma; auditor
of publio accounts, EL C. Austin. Have
lock; state treasurer. J. W. Van Aden.
Fremont; superintendent . of public . . In
struction, Mrs. Alice J. Millie. Omaha;
attorney general. Henry Adee, Steel City;
commissioner of public lands and build
ings, George L. Phelps, Red Cloud; rall
aay commissioner, E. D. Moody. Wy
mote; United States senator, John C.
Chase, Lincoln.
draft for lltOOS for ths town water bonds.
The vtllsga will advertise for bids and
Install the plant thla spring. .
TKCUMrtEH, Neb., March l.-fHpedal.l ,
O. A. Dunlsp ef the Intormeuntaln
Bridge and Construction company says
ths bugs tank and tower, tor uss lit
Tscumseh'a Improved water service, will
be shipped from Chicago not .later than
March W. This tank, which win be
erected on tha Dodd property on the
hill, will be of ISO.) gallons capacity, or
a. OS gallons mors than the present stand-
pipe. ' Ths large pomp and electric motor,
to ba added to the water service, will be
shipped from Chicago witliln a few days.
The company expects to get Its steam
ditcher at work on the afreets heie
within the next two weeks. . '
LOUISVILLE. Nsb., March L-(SpedaL)
-The residence of C. E. Noyea, a farmer
living one and one-half miles east ef
town burned lo the ground last night.
Mr. Noyes and his mother were home at
tbe time and with the assistance of sev
eral neighbors saved about all ef the
household effects on tbe first floor. The
house was valued at about RH and In
sured. State Treasurer W. E. George baa sent
to Vlllsge Treasurer George Frwter a
CHADRON, Neb., March l.-(Speclal.)-
Chadron haa been selected aa tha plate
for the meeting of ths Women's Club o(
the sixth district, sessions, tu be hill
April IS and 11. next It Is expected Mrs.
Gist of Ftattsmouth. presided of the
state association, and other noted per
sona will be present. Mrs. J. 3. Paul of
St. Paul, vice president of ths Big Sixth,
will preside.
OGALLALA. Neb.. March L-(8pec!al
Telegram.l-The Jury In the Angletnas
murder esse brought in a verdict of man
slaughter.' Ths penalty Is one to ten
yean In the penitentiary. Judge OrinssS
has not yet prone unoed sentence.
Bavrnaa Baak Caaaaea Haada. .
RAVENNA, Neb., March I -(Special
-Tha control of the Cltlaens' State bank
of this place changed hands today, pass
ing from A. T. Shellenberger, who has
been cashier and general manager of the
bank for many years, te Joan R. Bon
son of Pleasanton and F. J. Coatea of
Grand Island. Mr. Bon son has been cash
ier of the Farmers" 81 ate bank of Pleas-'
aaton and will have charge of tbe bank
ing business here, devoting his entire
time to It. A. K. Fraxlm. who haa aeeu
assistant cashier of the bank for a num
ber of yean, will continue la the sar..