Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE BEE: 'OMAHA. SATUB DAY; " MARCH 2. -1912.
These -Things arc of Vital Impor
tance to YOU in Buying a Suit
First, you want a perfect fit without it the high
est priced suit made is a failure. , ' " ,' ' '
Up-to-date style is a cardinal featur then come
the fabric, the color and pattern which please ' you
"Sampeck" clothes combine all these things and
more they have a distinet individuality that is noth
ing more than the personality of their famous designer
stitched into every line and curve.
Snch clothe Intensify jow character by bringing out the
many little point which axe often hidden by tll-fittln clothe.
Resolve bow to ice theae Sam pecks tomorrow 'twill be a
pleasure to show them to you.
$15 to $35
1518-20 F amain Street.
i ahal cttr after proceeding a
short distance.' oo account of firing being
hard la th w.nuy or, in p
Tklaaa, Worst fa Over. j
'LOXDON. wireh The British For
eign office received' a dlapasr this mora.
;g from Mr Jo an JonJaa.' BrUI min
ister at Peking. JndrcJing that 4h eul
break la IVldng o a sosradw ehar
scter. and Intimating such a laveraaia
viw of the stouojea that the graw fear
eagenoored by' too ttt' dispatches re
vived her ha beew 'eratly allayed.
Mr Jotu cables that Thau Mir Kal has
notified lb foriulgtl legation that only
twe regiments aiatieoe la Peking ar
cuncemed la the'iauUny, and that h Is
confident he will W
altuatlon. I "
Th British mlafcsler adds that th dam
a.o la act near a at first
reported. H did aot rafer In aay way
re tlx Mowltr of relnforoeenenla, ao
the British I" not oonum
llai th dlsnawh f mar troop t
Peking- ' ' ; '' '
Th British governjnent WBstdua that
Sir John Jordsn'c rprt Is's favwabl
that it eliminate -ati rmnssdlnt seoos
sity for lnirnatlonalaetln.llaf to
th occupation by tofelf n two
Peking. ,- ' " ' "v """ " ''
.Tb amolderlhi fires m many district
at th dw r this gveBlng twing tshd
ovsr by. throngs oT' ths' poor. .'N freak
tin bav occurred today, but there has
been som funherrootlng. ' -
Tree! BresnBktt flty.
' ooia attachment f th old styl tur
hansd, troop bav bee brought to th
Uiytoday. and It la Mllabiy reported
that Yuan Shi Kal la bringing back also
Uw Menchu troope. wh were ousted rs
oently from th fy beeaue tf u be
lieved ther wwa a daosarou element.
Yuan M Kal.. H ta alleged, ha been
endeavoring to retain th support of tk
oldlers at Peking by nermann- hi body
guard 1 dw a, they .Pleaaed. ,but only
a .mill body f men now rnaln loyal
t hlmf . . . ' V , i . '
Th delesatea from Nankin ecaped
yesterday from th burnleaj wsldeaoe
where they wer ruMta of lb city. Tby
ar now staying at bott In th kg
tlcn quarter, '
The tret hav bea thronged all
day. bat all shops ar dosed. Ijmg tine
at cans root in u to bring valuables lot
th legatloa guartr
Space being limited In tb legatloa
quarter, wily tow t th better class
Chinee ar permitted to tak refug
there. Maay Chrlspana, kowover. v
being barbsrd la th mission oompound.
, Tb trains departing for Tien Tela ar
crowded wltM fugitives.
. Tb number of killed during lst
night's (Uaturbanc Is probably anger
le. The oblsct of th rioters evidently
was loot and nut slaughter, and the con
tinued firing apparently was designed to
Intimidate the peopi.
ruirinn March 1. Robert Hnlaam.
T yaaxs old, widely known a generation
ago aa fotiy WD, uieu m want ncrv
last nlsht For many years h was famed
aa a pony express rider and Indian
flgher throughout th west.
u ... th. darlns rider who carried
Ih new f Abraham Llncoln'a electlos
as president through a country Beast ny
knatiia Indiana It wa thla ride which
brought hi greatest fame.
Whoa th whit settler at t-oia springs
www threatened with raasascrs In
Hal earn rod through th Plut country
In Nebraska and brought aid. Twice on
that trip he shot his way through th In
dian line. '
Later th veteran held a commission as
sraat . under Oeneral Nelsoa A. Miles,
rwonai William F. Codr was Mslsam's
chief -vf aosou st thst tlma
Colonel Cody itarted a subscription to
car tor Hsltam Isst summer, when It
becam known that th former pony ex
press rider had sunerea a paralytic
stroke. . '
Itsry af Batch err TaU br Party
Iteaeklag Baa rvajaetec). .
. SAW FRANCWCO. Cat. starch I
innging Ih tint word ct th maasacr
ot hjht peraen conn eel ed with Chris
tian missions by tan Ileal Chines out
law but October, twenty-four mission
worker arrtva bar en tb liner Chin
from tb provlnc ot Dhensi In Central
China. .. . - .
The victim of th i laughter were:
tieorgw Alatrmnd.- ! year lt lira
Ttiebarg Beck nan; Bel ma Bock men. 13
years eld; Ruth Beck man: Ilulda Berg-
ttran, E years ld; Ooar Bwrgstrom. 10
years eld; Hilda Mdaoa. M year old;
Ueorg Vanta. teaober at lb mlaslan
erhuel at ma ru.
Tbs story of th mssaer was told by I'hllip Veison. lather of Hilda Nel
soa. .
la recounting th outrages of th CW-
nee Mr. Nelson dwelt on th remarkable
rscsp Of Richard Beckman. who, after
seeing bis wile and daughter clubbed to
s death, waded into a lake with his g-year-uig
Oaurtter Is bis arms and In th gark
bos etcapeU. ,
TImis wer about forty person as-
oiited with th Bcandlnavlaa mission
eutiened ia th city f PI nohow at th
lime of the massacre," said Mr. Kelson.
' October IS w itarted for 81aa Fu to
attend a meeting of tb mlssioas there.
Accompanied by any wit gad dsugbler
Hilda aa other missionaries, w arrived
at Han Fa three gays later. Hilda west
ot V tbs atlssioa In tbs southern suburbs
la coarse of Mr. Beckman, while wo re.
u-xised at another station.. Ob October
j; lis band vt aaaiaudera recponslble for
thv aiasKSf ras started oa their career of
. murder ' - ,
, "' The mlaaioe, was one of th first plsccs
Iveted, - Tl gste vers stormed at I
ocracic ia i nw moriiHia. ins laous wsg
bsrrigaded.and the bandits went Oa tbd(
way slier setting firs t tb outer walla
"The women and children then hid ia
at odlbuSdlng, while Beckman, with
liia btUs daughter sosght refu$ la tb
bexhe. To of tha marsaders returned.
kicked 1 th doer C tb outbuilding and
Wiled alt tbee who bad bidden there.
''from a conversation overbear. Beck,
msa learned that b and bis baky daugh.
ter wer ttw only one left alive, and
beaters soon commenced to work thrsugb
l be bnatws-la Jaeanh, of hint. To eecsp
' Ir waded to tlt muidl of . rbsilow
pond where be was hidden by the dark
ness. Later he msd his wy U a mh
"ti in saotbsr rrt st" tb city, j
" if bodies ot tha slaughtered children
and tradkprs, fconlMy -aretllated. Isy
a hers they bad fallen for three gays."
WAHIIIN'OTOK. March 1. Elbrldge
ir.nwv .vMinaei for Senator Lorlmar. to
day filed with th Lortmer Inveatlg stint
itmmiet a brief in aunnori ok in con
tention thst under tn legal ruis o res
ait tiuiicaiik It Is Incompetent for ths sen
ate to again pass on the title of ths
Illtnel senator to his seat in tn senate,
having one already declared blm en
titled to t.
... - .r.-H '.. .
' ' r" ' Kdwsr D. rara. ''
FAIRBLKV. Neb.. March L-8peclal.)
'-ltd ward I. Brswn, a proromeat Jsfteav
son coanty farmai" and-pioneer passed
away at his horn' Aire mile south of
Fslrbsry yesterday after a short Illness
from rheumatism. ' Mr. Brown, during
th thirty-six years residence In this
county, was a prominent factor In ths
affair ot th county. Key twenty year
he wss director ot Behoof district No. ,
was county treasurer 'for two terms;
was present treasurer of th Jfferso
County Farasrs' Institute and 4 truatts
of th Baptist church ot this city. H Is
survived by a widow and six children.
Tb funeral service will b held from tb
Baptist church Saturday. .
. Mrs. HI rasa ritUsa.
. TECUM HEH., Neb., March l.-f5pclal.)
Mrs. Julia mttam, wife of Hiram Fit-
tam. died at the family home, five mils
north of Adams, at sa oa Wdndy.
Mrs. ptttam had been 111 for tbrs or tour
weeka. Beside th husband tbs dsceassd
Is survived br saves cklktrea. all t
whom wer st her bedside at th time of
death. Mrs. Plttam waa aged W years.
For a great many year th Plttam fam
ily resided a mil and a half west of It
Mary In this county. Th funeral will
b held at th horn gaturday.
F. St. MwrtsBssa.
Frsdtricfc Martin ua Mortcnasn. aged
3. died ymterdsy morning st st the
Methodist kospltsl after a few woekr Ul-
nesa. Ha was ins son oc sir. ana jars. ia.i
Mwtsnsen snd Is survived by a wit and
thre children. H employed with
ih Omaha Furnltur and Csrpet com
pany. Ths fnneral will he held from
th rosMenc sf his psreata, a IT locator
strMt. Sunday, it I p. m. Burial will
be tu Sprlngwell cwmelery. '
Msarr Andrww.
ACBURS, Neb., March WBscial.r-
Hnry Andrew, st' old timer ot Browa
vlll. died at hit bom yeelefday evening.
He was almost cighty-tfare isara old
at th thn et his gestb. He located la
Browavtllo la tb late fifties and reared
a larg family. He acquired oasldsrsbls
property tn th early gay. Tb run era!
will b tsmsnow and interment In Wal
nut Hill esmetery.
krs. tllaaMth Heath.
M s. Ellssbeth Ilesth. aged yeark
died st her home, la North Tenth strsst.
yesterday morning of pneumonia. h bad
Uvsd In Omsba fur th mat fifteen years.
coming hers from Msueurt Th funeral
will be held Bunday aftemeoa from
Crosby's undertaking room at I o'clock.
and Interment will be In Frt lawn
ltd ward. Jarvta Fsrtier.
QCIXCT. U... March L-Edward Jarrls
Parker. prassSent of tb 8tat Savings
Lean and Trust company, th largest fl
nanrlat Institution tn Illinois outstd ot
Chicago,, died today st hit bom here.
(, Uewrg Craeamltk.
FOUiTOXH Engltnd. Warch " 1.
GeOTe Grossmith, sr., on of th best
known actors and public entertainers,
died here today tn his sixty-fifth year.
State Dairy Commissioner to Compel
. , Sale ia Bottle Only.
city Ceaacll at Des Molaes Draaaogs
Safety Appllaaers em Cl Malaga
Wber Slaay Acrlgeats
Hav Oecarred.
Combine Poiti Notice of Advance of
Pive Per Cent
Ferllag la I.awreaee that Aetlea
H ill Bad , Textile Strike
Cblldrea'a Forty Starta
for Waeklagtoa.
BOSTO.V. Maal.. March l.-The Ameri
can Woolen company today notified its
sgents lh all of tu tlilrty-thre mills In
New England and New York, stste to
advance waxes f per cent. Th order af
fects shout tt.000 operatives.
Ths notices, which were posted In all
His mills of th company shortly before
noon, rssd:
In all mills of this company, a new
schedul of wsges will be put Into ef
fect March i lfll. Involving Increases la
the rates now paid by th hour and th
"The wage will be readjusted accord
ing to classes and occupation, but In
every csss th increase will amount to
st lea at t per cent." ...
Th sctlon ot ths American 'Woolen
company Is sipected to hav far-reaching
effect In ths woolen Industry of the
country. It Is expected by mill men here
that many ot ths Independent mills also
will decide to advanc wages. There also
is a strong feeling in Boston textile cir
cle that th action ot th American
Woolen company, Arlington mills and
Viwooo mill In Lawrence in posting
notices of a wags advanc will contribute
materially to a speedy ending ot ths
strtks In thst city. Which has been In
progress fifty days.
" Cerftoa Mills' Alan Aot,;' '
LAWRKN'CE, Msss., March L Notices
of sn advancs In wsgesr March 4 were
posted In all th cottoa nlles-of th Pa
cific corporation this sfternoon. The Pa
otfie mills la Lawrence- employ more
than a. 000 operatives and, with th plant
at lMvr, N. H la one of the largest
cotton concerns In th country. Th
amaunt of the advance waa not give.
Th posting of notice today In th Ar
lington cotton and worsted mills, which
employ (.tot hand, announcing a wag
lacrsass of at least I per osnt to tak ef
fect next Monday, waa regarded as PQ
important step toward th speedy aet
tlement of the great teitlle strike, which
Involves nearly ,om persons.
Ths feeling was general In Lawrence
that many of th other mill hard would
make similar eoneasaloea to th opera
tives Th Arlington mills ar not con
nected with th American Woolen com
May Ead th Strike.
A Scarcity of strikers doing picket duty
wss apparent during th hour preceding
th time for beginning work. There ap
peared to be a slight Increase in th num
ber of people entering th vsrlous mill
A party of children who hav worked
In th mill and who had been roueied
to appear before a congressional com
mittee la Washington tomorrow left this
city at i:ll a. m. today. Ths delegattoa
Included only thirteen minors, four of
whom were girls
Among the children, all ot whom have
been employed In ths mills, was Car
mails Peell. li years old. who about a
year ago while at work lost a part of
her ecajp when her hair caught la the
vTwkr Reject Preposition.
Ths executive commute ot th Indus
trial Worksrs of th World, which was In
session for aa htur thla afternoon voted
to recommend that the strikers ret us an
advance of I per cent Mas usaiing
probably will be called to consider today's
Th geaenal strike commute of th
Industrtsl Workers voted to Insist on
their original demands, namely, a wage
increase, f 1 per cent, doubt pay for
overtime work, the abolition ot ths pre
mium system snd no discrimination
against strikers. Ths commute voted
further to Insist that J. J. Ettor sad
tiiovannlttl, strtks leaders, now la Jail,
b released.
A committee of th strikers went to
Boston to meet the mill owner.
Mew Railway Malt lerka. -
WA8H1M3TON. 'Karen L-rSpecial Tel-egram.-$.
W. gllvey f Franklin. C. a
Nhranbsrg of Blair. W. 1. Cawtesel ot
York: C. E. Gardner of Omaha. W. &
Uampbere of Kearney. H. R. W 11 eon ot
Pllger, C. B. Carter e Aurora,'!.' J.' Wra
beta of Leigh. W. E Lam ot Omaha and
I O. Beret ot Valley. Neb., hare been
sppetn ted railway mall clerks.
- sit' .' srrtis., , SeiMt.
New vokk ......Geent..,.,.. L Twaaaa.
NtWVOHK New Ter.. ...... relrte.
NCW TORS ........Latuw stataa
Mtw TWS..r..,,M..MW.M.v...Wrsaai
sew TOR Si ...Blra
jtsw Tona..,
jsovTwvmito Ki. ( aimw.
Harry Rsed has filed for nomination on
th republican ticket for county assessor.
Henry 8. McDonald, republican, baa filed
for tbe aomtnalloa ot county commis
sioner from ths First district, bow repre
sented by Fete Klsasssr.
Mis Edna M. Deyo, dsnshtsr ef Del
bert Dwy. and Mr. Ray 8hlpt7. both of
Florenee. were married by Rsv. Charles
W. SavMg at his residence Friday a
Tb bride' father. Mr. Peteort Deyo, and
her siner, Mrs. Bet tie Deyo, accompanied
Ts Weddlaaw at MMMk.
M'OOOK. Neb, March 1 (Special.l-
Ceorg Bckhart and Mary Brwnlnc. bota
of this city, were married her Wednes
day. A traditional Ruceiaa celebration
followed last Bight.
Floyd A. Lafferiy and Maud Peart
Macy. both ef Marion this county, wer
married by 'County Jutlg Cotfer Feb-
rusry 23.
(From a Uff Correspondent)
DES MOlXCa. Is.. March l.-(SpecisJ
TeirgranU-Becaus of flllhy conditions
found in several milk stations . In Dos
Molncs, W. B. Barney, stste dairy and
food commissioner, probably will Issue
sn order' Mar 1 prohibiting the sale of
milk in Des Moines except from bottle.
Tbe department has Just completed a
sanitary Inspection of 944 stone selling
milk. Th inspectors found dirty condi
tions existing in a number of store that
deal In milk in bulk form. Thee stores
were ordered to clean up Immediately
under penalty of prosecution.
Orger Safety Crossing.
Ths Des Moines council passed a reso
lution Introduced by Councilman John
MscV'Icsr urging ths board of railroad
commissioners to order th Immediate In
stallation of a block signal system ar
other safety appliances at ths Fifteenth
street railroad crossing.
A resolution calling attention to tbs
two disastrous wrecks which occurred at
the Fifteenth street crossing in ths last
month, especially th wreck of February
J7. In which forty persons were Injured-
Determined to contest every inch ot
ground with opponents of Champ Clark
for ths democratic presidential nomina
tion, the Polk County Clark club, the
first Iowa Clark organisation, was organ
ised at a meeting of th speaker's sup
porters. C. O. Holly wss mads chairman.
Csldep Rate Criticised.
Rev. J. W. Graves, pastor of the Cal
vary Baptist church, a prominent social
worker, la a statement today severely
criticised ths "golden rule" system as
adopted by th Des Moines police depart
ment. Rev. Mr. Oraves believes that ths
drunken man should be arrested and not
sent home. He asserts that tha "golden
nils" most thing of th family as well as
Ih msn.
Is Cases af Trtrhlaosle,
clal,)-8li cases of trichinosis, a rathsr
rare disss, caused by sating pork In
fected with th germs ot trichina, hav
developed at Stat Center, a small town
west of here. Four of ths esses ar In
on family, and th diner 'two persons
sick were at th Eggers home helping to
make summer saussgs, of which all ate
heartily two weeka ago. The sick ars
Mrs August Esgers, who Is not expected
to live; her husband, August Eggera; hi
sister. Miss Augusta Eager; Mc. and
Mrs Kggers' daughter, Martha; Mr. Kg
geiW nephew, Fred Eitgers, sged 11, and
Arthur Humbert, aged IX. All are con
fined to their beds.
Atlutlo Paper Cfcaagi Same.
ATLANTIC. Is.. March WSpeclsJ.)
Fred L. Robinson of Colfax and E. li
Lewis of Cheyenne, Wyo., hav pur
chased th Mseaenger newspaper equip
ment her and will isaus ths first num
kvs? pf, ths -AtlantJe, jldvsrtlaer bat JTriday,
March, 1 BotB meit are wall 'know in
ths newspaper field of Iowa, Mr. Robin-
son having, published pansrs In t'otfsx,
Charlton and Oeceole and. Mr. Lewis
being for eighteen month'' editor and
manager of tbs old Messenger her while
Senator Jiruco oWnag ths plaat. Tits new
publication will be sn independent demo
cratic paper and will b Issued twtc a
week. ..i . . . i
KANSAS CITY, Mo., March I.-With
ths object of drawing a new contract
to govern wage and ganeral working
oondltlon representstlvs of th locals
of the United Mine Worker of America
in Missouri. Kansas, Oklahoma and
Arksnsa and of th Infarcts ts South
western Coal Operators' association be
tas confers rices today.
Ths agrment between th workers
and the operator calls for a new eon-
tract every two year. Th present
contract expires March H. Tbs mines
ere to remain In operation sixty day
after thkt data provided tb conference
ha not reached Sn agrseenent
Delegate today said tber was metl
likelihood of a contract between capital
acd labor In the mine of tb southwest
being arranged until after tb central
conference to be held In Indianapolis.
CLEVELAND, a. March .-Attachment
on th property ot E. H. Gaynor
st Bandusky, O., and John T. Reagsa
at Lorain, O., were served today by
th special government Investigators
wh yesterday searched th Natieoal
Bank ot Commerce of Lorain for a lock
box said to contain a part of tb p,an.u
which R. H. Oaynofa brother. Colonel
John F. Gay nor and Captain Benjamin
D. Oren fraudulently obtained from
tb government a th Savannah harbor
contract prior to 1897.
The Investigators today admitted that
they found money and securities In the
Lorain bank In the name ot William T.
and Edward It. tie y nor. brother ot
Colonel John F. Oayaer, althouah In a
smaller amount than they bad expected.
Gomez Will Join
Rebels in Juarez
" Within Few Days
EL PASO. Tex., Feb. 3,-After a con
ference In Juares today between leaders
of th rebels hoMmg th captured city
and lhr diegatea who arrived from
San Antonio, said to represent Emtio
Vaacjues Gome,, who has been pro
claimed president by the rebels,
noun cement eras made that Gomel would
bo In Juarel In thre or four days
Altheuajh the Mexlca.1 rolling Mock
rushed to El Paso yesterday was still In
th American yards, the Insurrectos con
tinued plena for an advance south,
which they declared would be made by
rail. .
A new manifesto, addressed to Governor
Abrsra Gonzales ot tha state of Chihua
hua and signed by th "revolutionists of
the north," mads its appearance today.
It called upon Gonzales of ths Trembling
Knees" to resign, declaring that he, like
President Madcro, waa a traitor to his
WASHINGTON. Feb. 2S.-The United
State will not prohibit legltlmat ex
portation. Including munitions of war,
from El Paso, Tex., Into th rebel town
of Juares. Mex. This conclusion was
reached today at conferences among offi
cials ot ths Department of state. Justice
and Treasury.
Reduction Made in
Government Deficit
WASHINGTON. March l.-Increased ac
tivity. In commerce, due to the approach
of spring, has reduced the deficit of th
federal government to BO.STD.OCo. A month
ago the deficit was fS.X0.0M, while a year
ago it was t3.tM.000. Treasury officials
ar relying largely on big returns from
ths corporation taxes, which will lis paid
during June to turn tbe deficit Into a sur
plus for the current fiscal year.
The balance mad a splendid showing.
tb receipts exceed! ns a th disbursements
by 11,788,000. From ail source during th
month ta3.lS.uM cam Into th treasury,
while g.lC.OOO went out During January,
on tha other hand, th disbursements
overstepped receipts by SM0.3M and for
February a year ago, receipts succeeded
disbursement by only tSet.OM. Govern
ment official war psrtlcularly grati
fied over the February earnings from
customs, which smounted to 33S.Q0O, a
compared with 4.U,OUO for Jsunsry. In
ternal revenue return also showed im
provements; C3. 12.000 being received dur
ing February, against t2.0ll.00 tor Jsnu
ary. Ths total amount In the general fund
when the treasury opened Its doors to
day wss fin.we.oco: month ago it wa
SlU.tl4.0M. Th working balance in treas
ury offices the actual cash In th gov
ernment' pocket book ia M0 3H.OOO, a
compared with IM.451.Oid at ths close of
January. Today'a balances showed that
ths government holds tl.K,iO0O In ths
trust funds pledged for the redemption
of notes and certificate, against tl.3.
9&tot In January. Th total cash In tb
treasury Is fLttO.3t.0Oti , ......
Ths Panama canal drew tltSt.OOt' from
ths treasury during February? maKlng a
total ot t3,:. for thsf cVrellt fiscal
year. 1 There now remains only tO.CS.OOt
of th to0.000,0W realised from Panama
eaaal bonds Issued last Jun
' . ..
What FerelBB Mekere Are Delsg la
- the Prwdaetloa of Ccrtala
Consldsrahl Interest I being shown In
th tinting of concrete when It Is used
for reaidentlsl purposes. Undoubtedly the
work can b don successfully with oer.
tain colors, Concret can b tinted green,
tor Instance, by tb us of or oral urn oxtds.
la proportions of approximately t to I
per cent ot th weight of ths otmsnt used.
A yellow or buff tint can be obtained
by th us of French ochra In the per
etntsg of 4 to 10. according to th shad
deal red. Red Is obtained by th use of
red oxide of Iron, that manufactured In
Germany or France preferred. A' pure
whit concret can be msd by ths use, of
one part Portland cement and two parts
marble screening, tough bard marble pre
ferred, the screenings to psm through a
No. t screen and be collected on a No.
screen. It should be mlxed"fairly, wet
so that It wilt run Into U s molds. The
mulda should be slightly rocked and Jarred,
so as to expel the air bubble. .For some
characters of work, ths 'concrete can be
mads aot quite so wet; bt of shout the-l
consistency usedrby brick masons in Iy-4
lug brick, sijd pressed Jn. the -mold. As
soon as the concrete Is bard,, say In three
or four days) Ik should, bo.xubbed .well
srith a fine.terraxzd polishing stone. -This
will give the appearance ot a white pol
ished surface. Although 'th cement itself
will not haws been polished, each particle
of marbkVwni pretcntg polished surface.
London Record.
atldlbc..Permlta. sl-
Stors 'Brewing compshy,'1Ml8-6 Sherman
svenuo, hrtrk Iciouse, -tlt.0tr J. A, 3tfci-21(-2lf. J'talt and 3aNtfth
Twenty-second an Sirr Pratt, -frs Si dwel
lings, each 't.i cost ttfO; A. R- Watcher.
3ul North Thirtieth, frsm dwelling.
J. M. Walsche. a South Twenty-fourth,
frame dwelling, UiCO, W. H. Kussell, M0
south Twenty-third, alteration and re
pairs, IU.000; B. C. Uensanson,' ' tSt
Franklin, brick dwellins. S2.0U0: R..C.
Clowry, 1KU-2 Chicago, brick stors sAd
apartments. Xj9.; R. c dowry, rear,
UW-1 Chloaso. apartments f-O.MO. .
It you have snytning o exchange sd
vertlee .It In Jh Be Want Ad columns.
Special trouaer sal at Berg s, -Saturday.
May b "promoted by those who'
gsntly.cleanse tbe system, now and
.then when in need of a laxative
remedy, by taktof the ever refresh-
jrtf.whotesome ami truly Denenoai
Syrup of Res and Elixir of Senna,
which1 U the brily'family laxative ,
generally approved by the most ,
eminent physicians, because it acts
in" a iratural, strerrenini' way.
and warm and tones" up the in-'
temal organs without weakening
tbem. " . -. ."
. It ia eaually beneficial for the
i very young.and the middle aged, as
it is always efficient ana iree irom
all harmful incredients. To get
its beneficial effects always buy
the' genuine, bearing the name of
the ftomrarrralifornla Fig. Syrup
Co. plainly printed on the front
of every package. '
Drag Preparations
of Quality , . :
We are exclusive agents
in Omaha for the celebra
ted DE MAR drug- sun
drieSi These preparations
are all made from the best
formulas by expert chem
ists and are all sold under
an absolute sruarantee.
Your money back if ' not
satisfactory. A few special
prices for Saturday. '
rs t
is ...
SOc'-Jlg.Mar'tBerlzolii' and
Almond. Lotion ...... SV
. , Ideal tor rough 'sklh.'rha
peg naaaa. or lace. excel'
v-.lent for after 'sbavfnf.
. D Mar's -Cora 'uro . ,'25c
Tciuche ihf spot affords
immedlKtavrelfeC ' and rV
moaeawtba' coru'n ' thre
dya. . ,!. ' i.
a6c.',:j)g. ,Mr. t glycerine
oap-..... . . f 14c
25c lie Mag 1 9.0th ipowder,
at 14c
25c De Atar'g tooth past,
at .....' .........14o
25c Da Mar' talcum pow
der, la trefle odor . . . .15c
v De Mar traveling packet,
bandy and compact. Just to
thine to Jake on week ends.
"Contain 1 'cik " of ' ioai),
toots 'powder, ! taleum pow
a'cI ' rTeart. tooth
brush, prorrhylactie style,
' heartaoie tablet and lfver
pill.- Tr)' etrtfrw outfit, ft.
" The nom of Mary Garden
Chocolate,' SSc'V pound;- f
poirndg. 7c. 4, '
'Follow the Beaton Path"
. Tosniam and 15th?.
Straight to
the Spot
g.y;v -tHsl -
"Tou'll find Hllter oVd 'stand
ard different .
" tt itss a smooth, mellow, "oil v
rich flsvor. Th result of purity,
and are.
For those of discriminating
testes here's a treat. .
T-year-ela, Bottlsg la oag
10-yrM, Bottled Frost Bsrrsl.
We pay express ou four quarts.
Hiller Liquor Co.
130 rSBgaJg BT, OKAXaV. '
sotg rfas. '. prompt yaHttvarr-'
th tat IMr,
A large, shaggy. ruch-aavked penoa
ram Into a haoergashery la Wsshing
tua ang askeg ths clerk a bore young
person, wha war a very high collar end
ass murk mteresteg la th polish oa Ua
Bails fur b shlrC
Ths clerk passed out two; one pick
and ne blue.
Which ot these 1 best?" asked tbe
Tbe clerk reward, examined his nails
snd said: "Ob, It's just a matter vt
"But wMch kind would yu get tt ya
use s-berin' on ot eroT'
"Personally I should prefer the blue
oae." answered the salesman, drumming
en tho counter and yawning aaaifa.
"That ao?" ask mA th .1.., hmimu.
"All rlsht. I'll lake the Hnk one. Here! I
wrap 'er up." Saturday Kvoalog Posu
Blrtk Bad Dtstka '" j
Tk following birth and deaths kav
bestt recorded i
Mrths-Joha end Anna Sherman." 114
South Tentn. boy: John A. and A ma Ma
Pearseej. 113 North Twenty -art nth. boy;
Patrick aod Agaea O'DoaonU. tilt Miami,
Deaths Mr. Reaa A. Field, St yesrs,
lltnnearwHii: Oeonre Hendea. . Albion.
Neb : Georve aehinerster. CT. MU
Marths: Robert Proctor. T. lVMJiLas
t'onntr hcspiul: Writs Croebler. s. ev
enteeath and IWuirtas: JoSa Klnck, M.
Forueth and Poppattset aveausb
. nrtvata naperv and
Jewels or burglars tass ""
Poor ludgmsnt In aot plaelag
th.m In a Bf. Deposit boa In
.,l vaults, safs - t.i
times, would be nearer th truth.
if PRESBNTt If not, from IS
will maks thm
W Hen Pianos
5 In Oak 5 In Mahogany Cases
Ue Sell Saturday Only
Tbcs PUaoa are Cnanurtocd for S3 year. Latest cases,
foil plate, dart mask desks,. Ivory Uys, wort $390, oar price
S187. AKES OSE HOME 1. per weVk pay for k.
Fm Dy, Fr Stool. Tnt Scarf. VOL' TRT IT 25 TEAR&
1513-15 Douglas St.
upwards yearly
Rent your Bate Dplt B.
ker todsy.
Omaha Safe Deposit Co.
(tt Level KatrBB t TBBltB
114 Faraaas Street.
AstCSKslENTS. ' ,
BOYD r9r nJS'
Prtoss Wight. SAo, boo, TSoj lists,
AST Beat .
March 4, a, , BUS. Wsd.-
Baeetag ef tk Ckhrg Blear Beak
moss; SO. kUO
With Countess Rossi, bam bldmaa. Chaav
Drew. Chorus of Uoheutisna.- Last Two.
Times Today. ,
Laales Bias BUtla Brcry Wk Bay.
as. aad WX, -Tha OoMsa- Orook"
Btarias Veday Sigg Bigkt sVtV
Best gsata See, ,
Aad Itm Bails Ftlltn
Friday right Big Wrestling Match
Oscar tSaaem va. Frank Lyons
Best two fall aut ef thre..
Owiy obs -BBono iti.iE.-
tor the sinature of K. W. OROTK.
t'aee) tb World wrer to Car a CM in
On Isy. Sc.
Muet he good It th suit I to be tint rise. Ws buy only sll wool goods
of first auallty and from th west the, world. The -denims ar
new, uet-dst. sii-1 wo sell but oaa suit. X ch pallera, thug gssurliig
uk patrons sclusivu styles. , . . , . ,
Our Specialty is a Fine Suit to Order for $35
Mast from extra uality nssterlahs, by oar bjant workman . Goad bsinek
suite to oraes. it.. liaUafatUow. gviarwtloed. . .,. , . -. -.a,
MacCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co.
Wl SO BOtmg grrTBBTrTat t. Ftva gteps Bomth eg Bar. " '
Last Two Class -
Mat, SO SI JO. Bright. SO to BS.
4 Bay Com. bub. Ma. Th SCuieat
Bneoess, "LET OXOBOB DO TT."
American Theater
TUrkt, Stata Ths, Thsws. Bat.
MISS BTA 1VAB sad tk -
vooswits grocx ooscpajtt. ts
Beat Wk. Slrl ot tk Soldra Wk
tjKVWtwwiiv IK.144H
; - MATIXEB TODAY. B:1S ....
Note: Early Curtain Saturday ,
'Night 8:15 Sharp.- 1