i i Desperate Desmond It's Hard to Catch: the Villain Asleep, bat Claude Eclaire Does the Trick This Time By Hershfield H. " jyPi HIM AT CVCnT , Com or in TWO tL aWXSrmm IquHT.I-. XKfl J AMUiwiMlJH ' - - II ! . , , V ntrHT- v xSJTLlHt I.-CONYICT NO. . ' ' Armed with. pardon for her lover, who . to unjustly detained In to Chlnest prison. Roramond it confronted with convict W. At Deamond's order the prisoner ha been bandaged that recognition to Unpo Ibl. and the cruel Attendants positively refuse te let the convict face be area. So Rosamnnd Is baffled for the time. H.-THU DEATH WATCH. Outside the room in which Claude I bound up as tightly as a mummy sits Desmond to keep watch on the door. Th scoundrel hope that Claude will soon suffocate In the wrappings. , But even now Claude does aot live up the . struggle. . He manages to roll off the bed. and hope that he may roll across some . helpful fx tend. III.-LUCKT NAIL. As Claude, hampered though ha Is. manages to roll along the floor toward the door, the end of the bandage catches oa a nail which soma care less Chinese carpenter has left sticking up from the floor. Then as our here continues bis roll . the long bandage begins to unravel and Claude haa hope of freeing himself H. after all. ' IV. THE SLEEPING SENTINEL Finally Clauds reaches th door at hit room, and now filled with hope, he rolls on. like the deep and blue ocean. Ia th room Desmond sits snoring In the chair. , For once the wily scoundrel Is likely to be caught napping, although It doe not ' look aa if our hers, bound as he Is, could harm even a man sound asleep. . V.-IN THE COILS. Claude, hearing the regular breathing of Dcsmcnd, knows that there la some on asleep In the room, and hope by rolling around him to awaken the sleeper and obtain aid. Little does he know that he might t well expect aid from a rattle-, snake. Claude winds and winds the ban-' dag arouund the chair without Immediate result VI. THE AWAKENING. "Claude!" Desmond!" the recognition. 1 mutual, aa Desmond wakes and Claud gets the bandages off bis eyes. The villain, la bow securedly bound to th chair with U very bandage that bad been used to tie Claude, while our hero is almost free again. It was a bad sleep for Desmond. Tomorrow we ehall sea the result of It WANT ADS Want ad received at any time but to la sure prop classification must be presented before) 13 o'clock ni. for dm erenang edition and before 7:80 a. in. for Morning and Sunday ed lions. Want aUs received alter such hoar will have their first insertion aader the beading "Too Lata to Classify." CASH RATEslOR WANT AIM. UEGl LAK CLASSIFICATION One Insertion 1 3a cent per word and cent per word for each subsequent ronwcwtlv Insertion. Kara inser tion made oa odd day lH-ccwt per word; SI.BO per line per month when ad ia rua wilhowt c hangs of copy. , Want ad for The Be nay be left at any of the following drug stores - is your rorner oruggixt trier r all branch office tor The Bee, and your ad will be Inserted Jast as promptly and on the same rat as at lb mala otftr in in ttee nuiiaing, Meventeenth and r'arnaru street. Albach, W. C . Mih and Farnam. Kauai Drug Co.. tail N. 1Mb St Benson Pharmacy, Hanson.. Neb. Hamli Para Pharmacy, aid and Coming Beranek. 8 A., Has a. Ml It t Blake-Bradlsh, ae aaermaa Ave. tauhau. C. ll., till Leavenworth It Ceriuaa, Emit, UH- aV, Uth lit. Clifton liiil Pharmacy, UU atilliary AV. cwh Pbarmeuy. tot a. lath Bt Crlsasy pharmacy, 'th and Lake ilk .hlrr at Co., uu teavenworth at Freytag. i. J lilt M. th Bt Freger Drug Co, 14 N. Uth St. llvfcoce Drug Co., Florence, Neb. UrMi a Pazrui'y, park Ave. and Had fie. unuwifh Si Co., luri and Hukury. Uotumaa Pharm'y, Pith and Leaves w'th. Juhaneun Drug Co., 24th and Spsuldlug. aomuKio Pharmacy, ae r amain at itaius Park Pbars y.kua th Ave. Hioterloog Drug Co., UN Ave. and Far. ttolst, J, 44 N. iaih St tv Hull, A. U, awn Leavenworth Bt Kin. M. M , Mi and Faraam Mis. ' ' Koumss Piece Pharmacy, rat! N. Mth. Latlirop pharmacy, Mth and Hamilton. Uiru, Fred L., Mil Central Blvd. Monmouth Pharmacy, ski and Ames AV. Patrick Drug Co., IMS N. Mth Bt Saratoga Drug Co.. Mth and Ames Ave. hasic- s Cut pries, Mth and Calcag. seller Drug Co., til N. th Bt , Vai'tial, P. J.. H Pwre HI. V. alios pharmscy. aw aad Orae Bta Walnut Hill Pharuiacy. WIS aad Cumin. ANNOUNCEMENTS . GKT youi diamonds at Brodegaard'a lil TIL' Held and garden seeds. Tounk- f UhLemuu, Heed Co., Co. Bluffs, I NORTHRUP LKTTKR DL'PLICATlNO CO., Paxton Blk, circular letters, any quantity; oieesi ssiaousneo compaojri ex perts of Multlgraph and Neostyle. Neb. Aeed Co. IXSJ Jooee. Both phones. DBATHI AND Vt'NKMAI. NOTIVK. rRITrV'HKR-Chartee'Ly, died February . Illj, aged 7 year. Funeral Hunday at I p. m. from family reeideoce, 1221 Charlea street Interment purest Lawn cemetery. Friends Invited. H A KANeXtN-Amtlda O.. years. I months and m days; beloved wife f IxHila Hakaneun. Died Feb. 3, iwt Funeral Buaday afteraooa at i o'clock, from family reatdesce. alt . Krh Ave. Interment Forest Lawa ceaMtery. Friends lavitea. , WITABCHELK-Belvlne Clara, aged tl years, H montiis, a days, February tt. Funeral from family residence 221t lyeavenavnh street, gunday. la p. m., to Kt Peter's chun a. J p. at. lotsrmeat Uoiy Bepulcher cemetery. - UAIL OROKR BCSINESS ilAXGIAilELI BltOS. gJ Macaroni, made In Omaha. Kvery pack age guar. Ak yo grocer. Band us fifty regies cut out of package for premiums. taeaabed ars. FID T-Totrn Qytirlirt m "J WtUVAktf MUvre.mer.i.r Sena pcoto; we will give prices and beat wyiea, lth and Howard Bra.. Omaha. bWITCHEd MADK FROM COMBINtTS Mra. Peck. 1U N. Mth. .'Fnoa H leO. AMCBEMENTS Apollo Theater T:J, 111., class motion picturea Iht LfcHT Ml'IIIC. en worth. ALWAIi THS DIAMOND THEAT&R, M A Lake. The Famous Uera ftei Picture for Bunday. Vcnezia 1211 8. Uth Bt Moving suture aad Illustrated aorujs. Favorite Theater Comedy and Select Drama. Utk and Via ton U.OAMA FILM EX. lii,V l"tln pioture machine and film bargain. PROGRESSIVE TLMC07 Ml i'ainam. Meting picture marhtnae knd ausn'lee. LOi AL hfa1'' N h " Cam rj. "ell. Motion lectures, eo- tertslntng end eoucationat AN.VOCNCEJUCSTS J. A. GENTLEMAN, embalmer. WH Chicago St. D. I N DfcH TAKKR MM. A-tm HULSE & REIPEN, VKDKRTAKCRS. WELCOME THETEKNASHOP Things beautiful. Favors, club prise. - Omaha s tadoaive 1 1 Store. K. C ZIMMEKiR, l ia Farnam 81. Omaha. TOL LL aiways be happy If your wed- u ring comes I into Drodecaard . tU "o "ji. Ai inm aijnt e the crowa. MECHANICAL EQCIPMENT CO r. 1. OFV-CrtalAV, suceesaor to Allen v. rjy ia. oeuero In --yMt, thai is aiaa.HAnit:Ai.; eantrartors" eootp meat a spacmity; caao only: ptumbme supster. WHOLfcgALS. RETAIL. ut ferities. Omaha, Neb. Maggard Van A btorage. Pack, move, store and ship 11. H. good. D ls. B-MW. MOVING picture machines and supplies, Nebraska Film Co.. Ilt Farnam Bt ILEAFEY & HEAFEY, T5jf 4 Moved to Mil Farnam. A-XXi. H. BOITDBN. the pump man. Web. ISM? KL l,ONTENTO HAUANA ClOAR. Bog Mt prepaid. C TS; try half aosea; kt not sstlifactory money refunded. UlvA TON ORL'O CO.. WOJ Farnam. Omaha. TO LOAN-LOW rata, la ums te ult. MO Be Bldg. PheBa Deu. M tTNION IX)AN CO. MONEY UpheUtrnng, piano turn. rep. tM Far. DUIIOLA8 Printing Co. Tel. Doug. Ml. Taenty par cent less than Omaha prtot. HONS FL'RNiHlllNO CO. Twenty-fourth and LBts., Booth Omaha, a. H. Cole Bign Co. D fTW. Ult Fa WATKKR PR1NTIVO OT). Doug. II PI ' Fillers, Filter repairs, Ul de. U. D. 1U4. AI7TOMOBIXB8. DRUMMOND Auto reoalrlna: Martia shock absorb ent days' trial before you buy, Uth an narney oie Auto lamps repaired. Omaha Hllver C. OMB B-M-F at. ooaioiete with U MUlp- menti 1111. open front t-paseenger; been used as demonstrator. Fries, lido. One five- passenger Membler, good eoodltloa, uk one Model M Overland, HOk MARION AUTOMOBILE CO. 1M1- Fsrnaat Bt Omaha. Nee. MelNTYREAUTOCO. HAVkl the best ear for the money on the market Oak land, Btaaras. Kauj ht and R. O. M. Mar I Kim a used ears, sas Far nam. Co. Reasonable r A H rl'Dn V Qareir v.u.iivii charge Persooal attea- lentlon given. Trucks ana auioa stored. Bargains In used cars. Wl 8. Is. O ailt FFIUFFKR makes old ears liks new by adding toredoore. repairing lops, re- painting, etc.. th ana teav. u. tea. FOR ALa-At a bargain, two slightly used Midland Automobiles, f reelaan Auto Co., Dia and Farnam. OMAHA MACHINE WORKS Autoaeaou weldlna. aen't machine and auto repairing. Pattern making and spe cial machinery deeignea. klipsrt dls work. pattern drawings. Ms a. ntn at., u. sail. AITTO KAD1ATOHB repaired. Metal AU piaung. Kxcalsior Co., tW Far. Murphy Did It REPAIRING, FA1NT1NU, TRIMMING, Why not sell your old ,autotneblle and buy a new see sr. aaeyh. yea aa ws the money In some other way ia either event Be want ada will da the work. Kate It cents per word it rua only on time or I cent per word If run two or mure utivtly. FKOST EEPA1RS AUtO. WMOM. lM LafmV. W. i. LA PAait Aula hlAWUaimilhtnar bnkn rUnol, whwls inwd up, aprmg wpiuiiii mmpmrnny. ui 0. iaB. V. B7IV, tini. k' 11 a sTaTTs? 77Z .. svti storsge. Mat Bt Mary'e Ave. Hbu auto, runabout style, rear seat of folding type, perfect condition, but too small for ay use. Price, $jk AMgar Dally. Palmar, Kea, BVBIKESS CHANCES FOR aALK-Baackasalth shoe: bast power shop la state. Address M. it Mstlhlesen. Superior. Neb. ON account of III health I will sell a well-established well paper and picture business In the beat city In loo a. Ad dress T Ui. Be. A lNVkSTh.0 la Little Wonder Oaa Maker wtll secure four beat counties and make ewaer Independent Call afternoons 1)11 Farnam. HOTEL PLAZA neeAa flrst-clua nls Exceptional opportuouy tor aa experi enced party. We have rooms and as established paving business. Call or ad. areas wm. i. nsner. mgr. ltth m Howard. FOR 8AL A im, atora in a thHvins. Httle town In south central Nebraska. Block will invoice about glum Business netting owner about U.:s per year. Geo. a. ArDois, noioresre. neo. FOR BAl-mock of herdware. tea. thirds new stack; town of lis) population; territory twenty milea square; practically all (armed.; county seat. Bt. Anthony Herdware Co.. St. Anthony, Ida. DA1RT for sale. Phone Harney 1147. HAZtLTON The future Plltshura-h r Central British Columbia, richer la nat ural reeeureee than any other like area in the world. Destined to be the mialitr c.ty of the last great west .Send fee free booklet Address CANADIAN NA TIONAL INVESTORS, an Pnxtaa Bldg, Onittna. Neb. TO get la a OANGCcTAD. r out of business call e M Bee Bldg. Tet U ttn. A FIRT-CLASS tailor with unrinva of maautacturtng custom coats; will open snop in city: 11 gcua proposition for merchant tailors. Address F So. Hee. BHOHT ORDER reelsurant and son. fectKMiary More: a good chance for right pantos; want to see me at one. Write poa xjo, nenoerS'tri. jveo. keeasima Aiaaae lew aeua. XS SOfTH lth street. 10-room rooming a awui, cteee ea.- BCSIXIS3 PERSONAL M E. MorriU. ehlna paint, aa Brandeai Th UAZEL LEAP PIUJ COKEel-Beat retiiror for ttcsleg. hieeding er proti-ud-u-s pi); Jc poetpaud: aanples free. BuerCAS McCeaaea Drug Co. Osaaha. Ajrwwlaa Uetfca, ft VTBEROALU VSi-Xi City Safl tU ROWS, wait bortng. Benson tai. Aewnilecia. J T Cot'rell. KU Cass. Red saw. asslip aad Teats. OMAHA TENT CO. TeL SB Dougiaa. BCSINESS PERSONALS Atlorkeye.) Listen L. Hail, Lawyer, M7 Bran. Bldg. O. W. Shields. Attorney. 107 B of Trade. agasHra aad Ta ales be. Tin) ONLT WAT. Baggag checked to destination. Taxi cabe and touring ears. TeL Douglas at Baa Msaveiae tares. BEM18 OMAHA BAG CO.. Omaha. Neb. BUI Faster. r-iXrAITi BILL P08T1NO CO., VJtoiM HARNEY. DOUGLAS 1H Boa and raekauye Msuaafaertaror. Baa J Package Co. Ult K. Ws. , . Cnaaaaaera aad Cwatraaioss. gtevenson. cirrenter, eont Both phone Cigar aad Tebaooo. , TUB Banrtary Crown Pipe. 11 . Ittb. . ChlswpadllBt. DR. ROT. 1MB Farnam. Douglas I Clothing Maaafaataswr. Wear Ideal dress shirts. M. E. imlth C. teal Dealers, WEFTErtFIELD sell RIEDEP. COALl FURNACB or RANGE. D. MM: A-1M. KINDLING. M load. H. Prose, W. Met. treasaerlesv Dale lea aad applies, Fairmont" Diadem batter. Alwaye good. DAVID COLE CKEAMKKT COM PANT. Cora lee aad Heel CoMiauja, . CARTER Sheet Metal Works. Omaha. Daaeia Aeadesslee. 1 , . Morands private lessons every day. Clssses Mon. and Frt., 1p.m. Doug. Set al scale a Dancina Academy. Ult Harney. Daily classes Mon.. Thurs., bat, evenings DR. McLFRAN. specialist In Dial work. Satisfaction er no tea. ess nranoeia bio. Bailey, the dentiet. Cliy Nat'l. D. trnV Mh A Maoh. ad floor Paatoa. D. leak Tafi e dental rooms, 1M7 Doug. D. KM. DeUetlvea, L. W. LONONECKEB. MT Karbach Bite. JAMES AUwtN. NevUI Blk. Tyler llsl Omaha Heoret kerv, S paxton blk. Q UI alraaseaaklauj, Terry' Dressmaking eolleg. Wth Far. rVABTED Bowing, tl a day.- Web. MHk D mata ta. DRfOg at eut arlcee: freight paid oa tl e roe re; catalogue free, gheranaa McCennell Drug Co.. pmana, wen. Teeythlag lee Waaaes. CONSULT DR. BURKK. il Daug. Blk. CURTAINS laundereel. Mr. Car. Out-of-date garments eg. for now. . Ms. Eeetva Boiea. ex Dart eorastlere: eor- aels mad ta meaeure, cleaned A repaired; orkmansmp guaranteed. w Bee, u-ara. Willow olumea. made from your old and new feathers, reaeunabie, 11 R. U. D. Hil Kvervthlaa CleetneaL Elertrt fighting fix,, wholesale and retail Burgess uranosn to., tell tiowara. ar.sn. raw ntUla aad Maw. Peed, all kinds. Olenco Mllla tm Isard. Fleets. BENXETT'g cut flower. Douglas BT. A. Donaghue. MOT Far. D. W01. A-tan HKS8 AV BWOBOOA. liU Farnam at Stewart's. Florists A Seedsmen. H K. It BRANDEIB FLORIST. Brandele Bldg. L. HENDEH8QN. U Farnam. D. ml BATH'S FLOHloTS, Boyd Theater Bid. PessdrMs, McDonald erase and brona foundry, 'u- rmnum, lia. load castlnga. lew Jackson. laaaraa. Alfred C. Kennedy, SJ First Ka. Bk. Hid. Doag. nx a nee. M ! troa aad Wlr reawtag. Aaebor Fence Co.. M N. IT. TeL Bad 114 FRENCH Hand Laundry. Tel. H. Guarantee laiundry. Fine work.D. WTk Lasskee. II. Oroaa. lAim. wreck', plb. tl A Paul. at MaaatasMaewra. Skinner's macaroni and paghettt We pkg. Meteeeyelee. Expert repairing. Brlcken. B B. lttk. alewtssn teea aad Oeeuaasua. rxPRESSiMEVS Deiivery Co. Marina furniture, packing, fireproof storage. City moo, rt n. ma. kqmu. est. ana. s- Twta City Express; IP4 Howard. Both Taj. Fura. snovutg; 1 1 , 11 per hr. W. trtk aad 1 J. T. Btowm A Co.. mh and Ctrmrng St ntawls. Art aad Laaawac. Experienced violin teeeher. Tel. W. Alice Johnson. K- Brsndets The. Bldg. Katharya Nlckoiaa. 4-a Braadels Theater DtilrUe B T. Worn. fltOne rep'g. 41 Braodehu . Fatal aadl laaa, PAIXT. oik lead aad torpeatlae are u ?w cent cheaper now thaa a year agu. ike advantage of this ar4 buy oaly atnetly pure materiel at Barker Broa. Paint Cev. ttBUj lama Bt Paaae Deugtse 7i. psMsaearrapa. Binoaart pkotMrepliers. rath A Psreaxa riatiaa- ' OMAHA SILVER CO, tH & Uth. BUSINESS PERSONALS D. O. Barnell, Patents. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red TUT. Whutrd Eody, aVW city Nat Bank BMg. Edison phonographa Shulti Bros. 1M Far. Phonographs bought, sold, exchanged; recoroe. Am. Phono. Kx.. anx t urning et. I'lasabcre. L. F. VALKENBERG. Plumnlng. W-aB. Frt at lag. Lew W.Kaber, Printer, T"Z BED BIJXJ. ENTRArtCB OS fOURI. PRINTING fliiperlor grade. ' J. E. Thorn peon. Web. U. LET the CENTRAL PRINTING CO. do your work. HIT Douglaa Tel. D. I7M. Lyngstsd Prlnlln Co.. Ith and Canitol Ava Tel. Ind. t for good priatlng. Bios-Hall Pig. Co., lot 8. H. Ind. A-2i Steel Taalt aad Calvert Caatpaalea, NEBRASKA 1 low Steel Tank Conv pany. leik and Nicholas. D. am kteaoaraphera aad t aart Mepertera. Myrtle A. Kel'ley. TM Brew. Tba D Kit CI' V L D 1 1 .iMin.pnhU .nrl nllelterf Envelopes, fc per ! Doug, situ Miss warenime. a raxton oix. . Tallortag. Ann Bt.f .lr mntm -iMka H ru.M at. teraUon, repair. 04 C y Nat Bk. Ii.Tels. , , . Teats aad Asvalag. OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. M Douglaa Vraakus nag Sail Frellng A gtemla, IM Farnam ti 1 Vaeaea Ctoawera. . , . VACWM CLE A N ERS-Blehmoml Sue tlon Cleaiiere rented by day. Rental to apply an parens prlee If purchased within six months. RICHMOND Al.fcB CO., Utn Fsmsm Mt. Phone Douglas IU1 Wig Maaaiaoiarere. D. B. OriffKh. 'wig mfr., U Blk. ; , ; W las aad LUnere, . WrT-ryW Swrtngi boar. Huo. cigar. sandtrlebe, A lea Jstee. UM Douglaa. VIB0IN1A DARB wraa, Ka a largo hot- K.elo uuar Houea, M N. ista ax. tl. IWVCATipNAti TUTORING, let to sth grade H. Met BOYLES COLLEGE , DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL f ALL THE YEAR 1 Complete course In Business, Book keeping. Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Hervtoa r asleamanshlp. The catalogue Is fro for the samr.g.. Call, writ or Bhone for It at once. Address M. B. oylos, Presldeut Boy lee College. Oaaaba, Nee. , . - , HBLi W AXTED -rSMAIJi Agoata aad' SaJswa. . AGENTft Best seller yet Call and Me It. JJl Ramge Bldg. ' FIVU experienced lady canvasser to tax oroer ano pass out ctrouisrs oty; good salary; apkk uan wardryoea. At att N. IMh. , . Cleeieai aad Ulfle. ' ' ARB TOU QCALIFfBD? Stenographer, lumper experience, MS; bookkeeper and trnographer, to ast aa ass't manager, ws; tsiwgraahr, law as perleeice, tae-PB. CO-OHERATIVB FErFRKMCr: ta ieu-l City Nstloaal Bank Bldg. STENOGRAPHER. Joung lady or man with lumber experience: give g. experi- enoa and ealary expected la I wet letter. Addreea B tHvPf. Heaee keepers aad iMasasOea. , THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee will rua your Domes tic Help Wanted ad PKF.E until yeu get ths desired results, Bnag yew sd I las Bee eHlte or telephone Tyler yws. WAXTED-Uuuss eleaniBX er winduw waebing or work of any kind. Har ney J?t WANTED Woman with email ahlld tor general houeework oa farm; slats sieges. Mr, jona a. eoansea. as. . v. , i.auer- wood, is. ; WANTED Experienced light, airy placs to work. Millard Hotel. mangle girl: Uood wagea. WANTEXe-A girl for general houeework. Good bom Is right party. Douglaa gaat WANTED-Comoeient girt for general houeework. good wage. Mm. J. J. O Con nor, lie: a. t Bt narney esse. WANT t.i Girl lor general housework. good wages. Phone Florence 41T. Vt A.NTUMvd girl lor general house work, lie a. ath 8t. Phone Harney set WANTED Good girl for general house work. Mrs. J. K. Foster. aU M. IsU St Harney 1JM. . . WANTED-A girl or wemaa I assist la general housework; aermaasat place te right party. Phone Harney 3. WANTED A good housekeeper: ewe who can ma a email hotel; write er phone Fred IHeepel. Millard. Neb. WANTED A middle-aged lady te as sist with cere ot rhHdrea for room ana IxartL i:i( cos. Phosw Douglaa liH tor more Information. Trv the B08TON WET WASH. Have your family wash brought hoot? ready for drying et Tic Doug. t7l. B-aiA WANTFO-A rW-l to Wl Blnaey. WANTED An uperlenoed auree girl at esvee: refereacea ewaatred. C. a. Spena. MIDI Ave. Harwey MA OIRL for geoexai housework: no wash ing: family of A Phone Harney gut. RELIABLE girl to help with geaesai boaeework: so washing. Harney m. . HOC8EKEEPEB Two he taaaUy; ref erences requtred. Good wage. 'Phoo eveelng to Dooarlaa U - WANTED Two xv is tor general house- on for second gin ana aa tor iou(s ai. wavtud Cosaaetaat xlrt for aeaeral houeework. Uermaa pFcferred. Apply ? N. tMh. Ptian Red k WANTEO-Al with avud rati Captain Nattman, . u and Fort Crook-. House HELP WAXTKD FEMAL8 Msssekrsgrrs aad faeaseatlce. AV experienced second maid. Apply 313 Davenport Mt Attewellaaowaa, . TOUNG women coming to Omaha aa stranger are Invited to visit ths Young Women's Christian association building at St Mary a Av. and Uth St.. where they will be directed to eultaMo boarding piac or therwtsasslsted. Look for our travelers' guide t tin. L'nlon station. EXPERIENCED waitress: report ready for work. Oilmen's cafe. UOg Howard at HELP WANTED HALK Agents, Seaeasaea anal Suilcltura. eiururN i o jk sure ana reaay seuer. e-nergeiio men max nig money, tie ln dependent. Write ua for a sample. Free. WANTED A well known concern wants a representative with sufficient ability to soil on straight commission, to handle a labor-saving factory system sold to manufacturers. C. MT. Bee. The Coulter Company, Lompoe, Cal. BA LEHMAN wanted to cell eoeclalty to nam are trao oa commission, waoasn Manufacturing Co.. Terr Haute, Ind. EXPERT ahe man. Thos. KUpatnck A Co. . " WANTED Exoerienced collector. Ap ply M Baldwin Block. Council Bluff. AGENTS-Best seller yet Call and I It CI Ram Bid. THREE experienced crew oaptaina and ten experienced canvassers: good salary; quick promotion! rope fiber wardrobes. U; something absolutely new. ta N. 16th. tlericai aad Vlfle. FOR a position see ua. The largest and beet In the west WEBTER.N RBF, BOND ArBTN, TM Omaha National Bank Bidg. "CANO" High grad poeitlona N Bea SOLICITOR, must be ot (ood appaar- nce and good talker; can snake V to IS per day. mono uaraey Is (or interview. LOANS NEGOTIATED OK REAL ES- aa . .a mi a . k. iifltliLi Tl A tali!!! 1X1 i D af FULL dree euits and party dressss lor I , , , . J ,r- h i'.'r- "rTi", .".'r Hhlal- altsek tnm rnnl i (A II i s Mifethl I WMUCIM IWj Ta a A r t7F- rl ., litv., hfeldm7nu li? ftS Vtl liJ'St7i "WI I'XZi W Ml'ST secure competent partle ror RELIABLE CHED1T CO., LOST AND FOUX fEHHOHa having lost some article would do well to call up the offioe ot the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Hallway company to ascertain whether they salt It in the street cars. Many article each day are turned tn and th company la anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug las te. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAIL WAT COM PAN If. LOST- PEARL AND EMERALD BRACELET, SUNDAY. TER ta, GOOD REWARD FOR ITS RETURN TO 3U e AltNAM BT. 'PHONE H. J154. OFFERED FOR RENT ' tafuralaked Keoass. modern room, parlor floor, 156 8. Kth. I NICE rooms, housekeeping, 1112 S. 11th Hotole aad Apartmewte. Dea ey European hotel. Uth A Farnam. . and , scrub AS REWARD for arrest of thief and recovery of new single cylinder, isiz model. Marlev imvia son motorcycle. No. laa-B. victor a. Roos, T70t Leavenworth. , LOST Heavy gold locket and chain Tuesday; tinder please return to Florence tsr.h, J hompeun-Belden Co.; receive re- wara. LOST Young Boston null terrlor with ddres on collar plate. Return to W. Brandes, KH Worthlngton P)sx for ro- wara. SIEDICAIa MENTAL disejutea cured. Ml Barker Blk. DR. RACK, specialist, nervous and all enronio uiseass. ua narney. naa iase. CURED RECTAL DISEASES Dr. Tsrrr cure nlles. Fistula and other Rectal diseases without a surgical opera tion. A cur guaranteed, n money paid until cured. Write for book oa Rectal Diseases, with testimonial. BEE BLDG. OMAHA. LADIES guarantee resMu'ie. D1 War Block. Ledlea' guar, remedies, H War Blk. MOXKY TO LOAN. salary aad Caattossv the following poaltlona this week: Credit man. tl,Mo-l.M; cashier. Isu; stenog rapher, lumner np ; stenographer, whoieaal. Mb: stenographer, out ot oity. Bw; hotel clerk. NL b. snd r ; elgar salesman, fie-flia. ALU THEtE rutu- TIONH sr with reliable omana firms. CO-OPCRATiVB KKrEKKNt H Cth, Iffls-U City National Bank Bldg. Faetory aad Trade. Drug store (enapa) lobe. K hint Bee Bldg WANTKD Ftnertenoed etk'Xer mj Best wane; steady work. Curtis, Towie APsIn C Uneoln, Neb. WAKTED-Exuerienced aasisisnt lady eashler In large dry aooda store; stats position formeilv held arid give referenoe and salary expect eq. Aoorees g. wo, pee. Altoftaaaa. XT O " . t TO BCHOOU 1 OMAHA, Uw " A tAK'itt BHora, .il. CUABANlTtK, higher oual gr graduate. Mora car aad actual repair work than any three western acnoois, in ua pkovb, it. A MAN of good appearance to work In a window dieoiay. Call at th Howard. Mth and Farnam, Apt. Mu. 4 between U and 1 p. m. Saturday. WANTED Married man for stock rasen. Address I ma car or Be. WANTED FOR U. a. ARM Y Able- bodied unmarried ntew tsrtsea th ges ot II and n; clUasna of united Flatea. of good charaoter and temperate habits, who can apeak, read and write the English language, For tn forma tlon apply to re cruiting officer. 11th and Douglaa Bts., Omaha. Neb.; gOT 4th Bt., Ssoux City, la.; Uu N. 10th St., Unosln. Neb. TELEGRAPH Dosttione guarantsed you by th Union Pacific and Illinois Cen tral railroads If roa gala your training In our achoot Practio on A. It wl.-e. Ad areas for particular, kf. B. Boy lee. Proa Boy lee touege, umua, iv so. 1W RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS WANTED IM month. Omaha exa mi na il one May A Coaching fro. Write Frank Ua Institute, Dept. 11 M. . Kochssur. N. Y. CTnnl ISf A Tl Get Into a Learn autawMbu engineering la our large training shop. Hundreds of succeeefui graduates. Complet equipment of auto mobsiea and machinery. Address Nstioasl Auto Training Assn, s3l Brand sis Thea- Bidg.. Oman, isea. W' ANTED Railway naail clerks. XM a month. Snort hours. No layoffs; poeitio yours for life. Omaha examinations May t Thouaanda of appointments coming. Common education sufficient "Pull" ua- eaaary. Candidal ee prepared free. Write for eamol aueettona, I ranXKn in stitute. Dept. at M. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED More peopl to raise poul try with the Ota Trusty looubetor. Write tor free catalog trs. M. M. Joaiieoa, Cly Centtr. Neb. WANTED Man and ante oa i-ecre farm: -city limits: man must be aa ex periewoed truck farmer: none other need apply: good basse: good wage. Apply by letter u Mr. Pbclue. nga N. 3Mh St oma ha. HOTEL CLERK, prefer rnkldl aged tan ; Ma, a. and r. Apply at once. CO-OPE31AT1VB REFERENCE CO.. WU-lt dty National Bank Bldg. WAITED Drug clerk raannacist; a young slagle man to taks charge of small drug store near Long Pine, Neb, to be aiened srtthia the next It days; fair wagea to at art w.th; alu wast to buy drug bt ore furniture snd fi-xttrres and soda wstsr fountain. AfVlreee Smith wick Lumber Co.. Bmlthwick. S. D. FIVE clesa-cut young men as solic itors and sa-eamac Propoeinoa good for OS te X a weak. Call 13, Ramg Bldg. UVK STOCK FOR BALE. FOR tVALE-Slnai bwsxry barnes. al most new; emn top oir, Phoo weeeter Ki. Black mare. v.t 1.WS .Wasner. M N. la. ONE bay mare, hi foal, weight LSI pewndSL Douglaa Tan ID FLOOR PAXTON BLDG., HI S. MTH. TELEPHONa-S DOUGLAS Mil Is -A-Mli, OET IT of Bias Snow. C L &, il Star Loan Co.. eat Hut ton Blk. II to lus, wiisout security, ra a'Ht you. . CHATTEL LOANS-Luweet rate aad sssiest terms. See others; than so u ami be convinced that we will save you money. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO., N. hi. Cor. Mth Doug. Bt D. aw. Ind. A-U. MONEY loaned salaried people, worn keeping house end others, without se curity; easy payments, unices la (T pnn cll due. Toimsu, Ml Omaha Natl Bank Bldg., formerly X. Y. Lits Bldg. DIAMOND LOANS at 2 and I per cent FLAT A U, tail Dodge at Tet Bed etlA OFFERED FOR RENT WANTED Chambermaid pine. Millard Hotel. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for gen tlemen. THS CHATHAM. 11 8. Uth Bt OXFORD and Arcade, special wkly rate. Dodge, running hot and sold water; tel ephones In every room prlos th sum. Apartsaeata sva Plata, St So I large room apartment part mod-' era. 191T Elm St. near Vistoa. Phan Harney 4M, evenings. I-ROOM modern Cat Bcargo Bldg, 111 N. Mth St, South Omaha. Hail, U Kamge Bldg. Both phones. SIX-ROOM APARTMENT VACANT MARCH 1. Modern' throughout, hardwood finish, dec lights, Fitid club district, H. PETERS TRUST CO. 12I Farnam St. 6-room apartment new brick, $8. KM . th St Harney 28K. a-BOOM fiat on Bhermaa Ave. Web. lUt MODERN fr-room prick Hate, laW-tl 8. 10th St.. 117 and . Tel. D. Otl. 6-R. NEW, HEATED, apartment lid floor, close In, shades, laundry, buffet, china closets, iS till May I, MO after. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO, MM Omaiia Nat'L Doug, or A-1161 SIX-ROOM modern Hat, &a N. xeU Bt; 111. Bix-room modern flat, SIT N. Hut Sti Hvo-room modern cottage, 3NJ N. BHh; . II. Five-room modern . cottage, i?st Lake St.; Hi. THOB. W. HAZEN, . . 2W M CAGUE, ' PHONE DOl'OLAS HOD. STEAM-HEATED mooern apartment, four rooms, with gaa rang la kitchen; I11M, plus heat Doubie flat of twelve rooms, corner Mth and Hamilton, or would separate. six rooms, modem, steam-heated apaeas merit m N. Mth St.: Uu, plus heat Eleven rooms, mod era, ill 4. Uth BU tgO. THOB. W. HAZEN, ' 10T afdAOUK. PHONE DOUGLAS 13)0. FOR RENT Cloee-ln new seven room brick fist, strictly first class, located at Hit B. Itth St., Phone Douglas S70 t-ROOM. steam heated apartment Th Mason, list and ktaaou bt,, ie. Tale phone Douglas 1171. Haass aad Cttage. 174 ft. STH-1 rooms, completely mod ern, I3TJ. 171 ej. anh. I rooms, com pletely modern. IS. Thos. F. Hall, ial Harnge Blk. D. Tag. A-M04. SIX ROOM aottaae heat. Call Harney suept Mveursl aad M ssa. LARGE, pleasant room: private ern home: West Farnam; best board. Call Harney . O. M. E. hauls trunks. D. I1L A-M1L D1IKAH1.E rooms with board, suitable for two; gentlemen preierrea; reieraooss. ia s. BJtn AV. i SMI HARNET Nicely furnished sworn, with home cooking, sultsble tor two gen tlemen, reasonable, easy walking dis tance. ' W !?. 2KTII ST. Suite ot rooms, also single rooms, with excellent table board; convenient to three car line; walking distances k'aratsheat Mawsas. DESIRABLE' furnished room: private family. ! N. Wh Bt Tel Webster am. Sf JONES Front room for two; bogrd If desired. nVK laree warm room fumlehed com-. plete for housekeeping, strictly mooern. as free for cooking, only gtsn, Fin for two girls. Laundry privileges. HI S. Pith St.e - ; A nice, clean room, private family. close In. lb a montn. suae a. zm ct. SOUTH JeTH ST.-U Warm, wejll furnlahed rooms In all modem detached heuae: seven blocks from court nous. Telephone Douglas TH. s lu;gi.as. SaawstrtcUy mod am far- nlsbed room. ' lit N. KTH ST. Furnished room. atoaV em; 1 block from poatotticav , PI'RNISHED room In private home: ssltabes for man snd wife; with or with out board. 11 Pinkney Bt Web. TA. MODERN rooms. Doog. aB KM Dodge. mv- iuhr.iv On. -ul,. nn lint fUie.e Including kitchen: ready at one; one -ulie on second floor: will be vacant March I: one desirable single - room. naming gmsnir. niwe nr-a Fevealaaieel Mvaeekswa-an saeasas, - TWO nicely furnlahed housekeeping rooms. ; Davenport ONE I-AitOK warm room furnished completely for housekeeping: strictly modem, gas free for cooking; only .! nn for two girls: lea miry privileges, itt South Stth St ; THE MANUEL Two-room assu-lmeat. Gt Th Howard, l-rooxti. private bain. pi Zlst no nowaro. . ...... ... iha mmu ia tsra ae three people, .nodem house aa car 11a. furnished housekeeping, tight heat, etc Telephone Harney --xi nvp. (urnljhed room lor housekeeping; modern house, on car line, light heat Ice. TeL Harney 3?t. SOUTH zVrH. ivC-MJdcrn hoiiti keetiing rooms. Harney NEtvi.T well furnished front room aad kitchenette; ejulet home-like; neat, elec tric lignted; private ouuld entrance; Urge shady yard: convenient both dtle. Also nother front room, xery rea able. 1Mb X. Stth St. South Omaha. ST. 'MARY'S AVE.. Ceo-Two Blcelv furnished south rooroa, modern, oooklng gas. eomplete for housekeeping LOKT AND FOCND. IXaST Pair of sa-tnee-aes a itus Thursday, wear Park Ave. and Poppletoa. Finder pleas 'pen Mamey SBi, Varaaeaed Heaaea. SETEX-ROOMS, nicety furnished. Doug las 147. i-r. cottage, mod. except heat fin re pair, good location. Phn Harney PSW. Houeee. Ins. Hlngwalt. Brandel Th. Bldg. FOR RENT A r-room house, 2401 St Msry's Ave.. HI 88, Phone Red WL Houses In all pan of the dty. Cretan Bon ft Co., Be Bldg. HOUSE. rooms, modern, 1x21 Cass Bt: rent go. Mil CUAR1.KS ST., i-room cottage, with bath, gaa, range, large attio and cellar: H block to Harney car line: cool and hdy place In eumtner. ind. B-MOO. Inquire XSS Charle St. US CHICAGO ST, I rooms, modern; large yard and barn; let. 124 N. Mth St, rooms; M. ' . KB N. 23d St.. M rooms; lea . , UM N. Wth St.. I rooms tliSA RINGWALT BROS.. Brandel Theater Bldg NEW 10-room brick house, hot water heat. K31 Harney St. Inquire T. J. O'Brien. H. last, D. Ult -room house, aaodern ex it I cheap. 2kl North FOR RENT eept furnace, Uth Street I-ROOM MOOERN HtiuSE. Four bedrooms, den on first Door, hot sir furnace; 1 Mock to two oar. BET Marcy Bt . PETERS TRUST CO., . . ' Ha Farnam St COTTAGE. -r. and bath, cloea In. , O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., mi Oat Nat Bank. Doug, or A-!l&i" WEST FARNAM New - residence, stucco, (II M. Bth Ave., to. Red BrIT. FIVE-ROOM cottage, tl per MU N. Bth St. Harney let. - SIX room and bath. Phone Harney zest. strictly modem. H-4-r., mod. ex. heat 41 Q N. Uth Ave. AS-a-r., mod.' ex. heat jm Jf. ad St ui moo., narawood nmsn, not water heat very chotc, Mason Bt. USl-r, all mod.. 1E4 8. ath 8t --r, ail mod, cloee In. Ml 8. Sth St i g-r-. mod. ex. heat 1T34 Ontario Bt !i.3o-e-r, mod. ex. heat, Corby. . llC-A-r, mod. ex. heat, AVI Sahler St tl-4-r., mod. ex. heat H N. th St . IX S-r. mod. ex. beat, MI if. astb. IH-e-r, mod. ex. heat fU N. 47th Ave. BIKnVBTX I s lABtiC,in. ta Be Bldg. D. 4754: A-V.b. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Decked and for warded; cheap fretx-bt rates; moving and storing. Bxpnsswjen Delivery Co. Tt Doagias aM, city omce, Zla at lita t. Bee Bldg. HOUSE mi Dewey Ave.. 1 rooms. mooern- Muyer Stationery Co, till Far nam at MOVING, packing and storm of house- ' head goods and pianos ia our business. Omaha Van and Storage Co, fireproof storsge, M 8. lath, by ths viaduct Branch since, axt s. ntn st Tet D 413. A Good men ax hard to get - Ttooy don t wander around th streets looking for sign ' la windows. . . When yoa need good help advents In Th Be. Pee want wis an read by keea. energetic men who wish to better then- condi tion. Rate 1c per word If run two or mors time con eccutively. Telephone Tyler 1'eW. -ROOM, nfc-elv furnished. D. J4T7. WEST Far nans, furnished house; al most new. t rooms, beautifully decorated, oak and birch flnlth. and hot water heat will lease. JOHN W. ROBBINS. UK Farnam St See MAPLE ST. T-r.. new. euuare. reoeotlen haD. mHnr dining rsom. kitchen en first floor: 1 room and bath an second. Furnlahed 3e. unfurnished IS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO, HWOm. Nat Bk. Bldg. Doog. A.rjjj. -ROOM bouse, modern except heat, aewiy deoarated. Sat Corby., tin Id door west Douglaa ZSt