Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1912, EDITORIAL, Page 15, Image 15

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See t Friat it.
. alee. tinM krttUitBt.
, w. llHkWi for oeagtear-adv.
aTelnmld a, le Charles a. atcOon
;d, deputy to City Comptroller Coagrovo,
,IU at hit home, threatened with pneu
monia. - .,(.! .
Tafaty-Sls; Sow.U ate Bscs Owe
. Norman. iit Chicago; and Homer
Kir, mi Cotta-.' have-' filed 'their ..peti
tion for the nomination In the commm
sloner race. There arc now thlrty-Hi
candidates who hare Jjjed and ISM he
hate taken out petition. f'-v;
Idceaae Xaspeeter I Beperta License
Inspector F. A. Schneider, tamed 1J 11
osnsee In February and collected 11.11 la
Thl la tOO ihort of the collection for
the- tame ,. month, a year sgo. autth
January .collection thla yeah 94. MT. war
larier than In any prevloua month jaf
any year.- V ,
atra. Wslss tun Suib-Mre, Zeril
vVlsa. who waa Injured In a' fall from" a
street car a year ago. lot her 110. 03 per
sonal damag ault against tba atraet rail
way company before Judge let 8. Kitelle
In the law dlvlalon of the district court
when the Jury brought m a verdict for
the defendant.
To Decide am Saalcna The atatlonery
committee of the Omaha Hlfh arhooi
aenlor claa ha been appointed by Preel
dent Edwin Laadale and' Include the
following: Milton Petersen, chairman;
Anna Russell, aUrgaret Burke. Helen
Potue and Alfred Adam. Thla eommlttee
will bar charge of the designs for claa
Invitation and commencement program
Bngmaa IMaad Bead ta Baa Sam P.
Kngman. aged year, waa found dead
in hi bed at SS Lake etreet yesterday,
by one of nis friends who called at
hi house In accordance with an arrenge
; ment mad yesterday. The body waa
taken In charge ot by O. W. Obee. the
i undertaker. It waa evidently a caae ot
heart disease and the eorener will not bold
an Inquest. As autopsy will be held
this afternoon. '
Betel XeePar riaea The Welcome
hotel, Vta Capitol avenue, waa raided by
Officer Thraaher and Swagger Thursday
night -and Max Havla was arrested,
charged with running a disorderly house.
But one other Inmate waa arrested,
llarla was fined M and casta fey Judge
Foster. -Th judge also recommended to
the county attorney that . the place he
closed, owing to the number of complaint
received against It. ," "
Pharmacy Students
Receive Sheepskins.
TTie class ot 1IS of the Creighton .Col
leg of Pharmacy held Its graduating ex
ercise (art evening In the college audi
torium. Forty-seven students ( received
dlnjonuteT which Were presented by 'Rev.
, Father, Eugene- J. . Magevney, .-preatdsnt . of
th Creighton . university. . This class,
which Is th largest la the history. ot the
school, passed the recent Slat Board of
Examination' with an average or 19 per
The principal address of th evening
waa made by John A. Menaewttx, pro
fessor' hv the Creighton. School af :Ut.
H spoke highly of the' record mad by
the class and told the graduates' H i t
now up to .them to achieve a' success tn
life. He told them what an' ce)lnt
profession pharmaoy la and aald that be
has. little doubt that vry member. of
the class wtll be a credit to Oralghton.
Charles Ft. Sherman, former member' ot
th Wet-Board of Examining Pharma
cists, mad a short, talk, commenting on
the good record madby the class snd
said lie ' hofcea " tb i" member . make' " a
eavlaW records hi Hlfe.-Peul L. Marfan,
dean of the'Crelghlen "ochool of Law,
gave a. toast to the outgoing class. Frafak
Koss ofFtomont jnade ' aahort addreet
MOTHEll,.r.C)W;wLL-TO D0,;
'- ;.Tr?'-:r - );,
Mrs. Wlllianfil ,Stoughtea'-of South
Dakota I looking tor her four 'children,
whom she placed In. the Child BeVIng In
stitute. following the death of hrhV
band eight year ago. tlaving drawn, No.
S at the"rnt Rosebud -land " openlf.1.
Mr. atoughton.l now able to cars ipr
the children whom destitution forced her
to give" up. - For a1 while b helped sup
port themrbut-fliuMly neraga was ra
dudd " until" aha barely could car fdr
herself and a baby, born after ; bar
husband's death. Her. oldest daughter,
Myttle. now is M'.'her' son. .Harold. II;
lva. :,Albert.'l. and the 'youngest boy.
Kllle.-.- "- ."-; '
Mrs. giougbtoa wlU ask th Child Sav
ing Instltutehejp her reoover th children.
r "-1 , !" i ' 'r ; ; -i
Special trouaar kali at Berg", Saturday.
Kayor Trtinor SaT "He. Will Be
. Found Supporting Ticket
Psstal SaTlaaa Bask 111 Opea to
, ReeelTa Deaaalta Tar 5etb
i j Oassa and Frrasoaf II lab
, 'SehaeJa to De-
v'"I have alwaM auppoitcd th party
ticket and I shall do so la the present
csmoslSTL" said Mayor Tra-Uior yesterday
arternoen tn discussing the recrnt primary
results.. Stories that the mayor would
pkc obstacle la the way of August
stiller, republican candidate for mayor,
were denied by the mayor. He aald bo
had alwaya been subject to the will of
the voter and would now take oft his
coat and go to work to elect the regular
The meeting of the canvassing board,
t 1 which City Clerk Good and City
freaaurer John dllln assisted with th
mayor did not change the results ot the
election. , The canvassing eommlttee re
fused to count the names ot those who
were written In. Men who were nomi
nated on the ticket by being written In
have not yet decided to contest the
decteloa. It la probable, however, that
a mandamus compelling the clerk to count
all the named on the ballot will be Bought
from toe court.
A new issue may crop up that affects
th recent adverse decision ot Judge
Kennedy on the term extension clause. It
la understood that attorney have been
consulted a to Uw advisability of using
the matter to the. supremo court. Those
who are wise, however, advise against
such action.
In the meantime the candidate on the
respective tickets are actively engaged la
making frtenda and voter. Auguat Miller,
republican candidate for mayor, la cir
culating among republlcana and non
partisan. Many democrats have an
nounced their Intention ot aupportlng th
little ooonetlmaa, whoa platform and
campaign - slogan Is ."honesty and ef
Whether' the clttaen s ticket will nomi
nate Miller to bead their ticket can only
be. guessed at, but a large number of
those engaged in the dtlsen's movement
are out for Miller.
Postal Baak Opeaa Today.
Poet matter lw Ktter and his assistant,
C W. Miller, opened the South Omaha
Postal Be vi ruts bank, for bualnee at (
o'clock thla morning. A. & Conn and
Perry Met. Wheeler' were the first de
positors. For ths time, at least. Assistant
Postmaster Miller will' be la charge of th
banking department., . '
Postmaster Etter In opening the new
department realises.. a 'hop that ha
stirred within him sines th Inaugurating
of, postal saving banks In the United
State. During th last year and a half
ha baa worked strenuously for the estab
lishment ot the bank .which opens today
for business. ' ".''-
Bine the announcement that the Post-
office deportment bad - designated eSouth
Omaha aa a postal savings station a great
many people have called to make deposits
In the bank. Some of the prospective de
positor are striving for the honor of
making the fleet depoajt and other are
just anxloua to put their money under the' V'nete Sam,.-..
Postmaster Etter said yestsrday that
Se expected the (tout!! Omaha Postal 8av
Inge bank t be one of the most flourish
ing la th country bees use of the great
number ot salaried men and wage earn
er In h city. Hs look especially t
the foreign elemen t to take advantage of
th gover meet bnk,
Later Poet roaster Ktter will try to en
courage' the arhooi children ot the city
to become depositors.'.
The Uv Mock National bank baa al
ready received notice "of It appointment
aa United Slate Government Postal Sav
ing Depoeitory No. 5fc0. It Is probable
that the other hanks ot South Omaha will
also be designated a depositories, ths
policy of the government being to divide
the. deposits ef the postal bank equally
between local national .banks. . .
: All ' aloe Men Irged to Attend.
At the last meeting ot ' the South
Omaha' 'Central Labor" Union' a resolu
tion waa adopted urging all tha union
men of the city to attend the debate
at the 'High school auditorium Friday,
sfltrch l betrveen "the Fremont and
South Omaha High schools. Th ques
tion, to. be. 'debated if.. "Resolved. That
the demand of organised labor tor th
closed shop 'should receive the support of
public ' opinfon." Th local team will
uphold 'tne union cause.
-tatereat la 'Debate.
Interest in high school circles In South
Omaha- la -now centering In the debate
which 1 held Friday evening In the
high achool auditorium between tba home
team and , Fremont High achool team oa
toe' "Cloeed Shop" queetlon.
Reports from Fremont slats that th
am team whteh won th district cham
pionship last year will represent Fremont
. a
I ,,. . 1 as
ij.. ' F
Tctals - U T ta IMS
1st. "M. 3d. Tot.
Toman 11 )M 1 Ml
Chadd 1M . lii 30S i'i
Rriccs i-ji is: m or
r-ltsaerald Ifl 1st 1 W7
Hun - ii t; r.
w nc ses tw
Roosevelt Campaign Manager Givei
Out Etstement First Act
Postmaster In Cnarg of Bank.
pVdlD Gr.iT) P3D?
Neither can you build
up your nerves with
'alcoholic remedies.
To be Self-Reliant,
nerves must have a
food-tonic that nour
ishes and builds up
the entire system.
is the World's Standard
Body-Builder and
all omvoowrt
High srhool. !to of. South '.Omaha'
team were on last year' successful team
and so a lively, contest Is expected.
A keen .Interest has been shown by the
union ot Omaha and South Omaha In
tha debate and several ot them have
passed resolutions to attend
A musical program will also be given
in connection' with -the 'debate:'
Selections High svhertl orchestra.
Vocal Polo Mi s Insure Peterson.
Trio-Mlsa Myrtlu.Rp,. John and Lloyd
ftjemifvr. .. . .-.
Vocal Solo-Erie Keefer. . '
Th. liiH nm Br ft. hi P A . Dul nf
Omaha High arhooi. . Prof.Mturke - of
Bellevue and J. 8. Ajl-ms. so Cmsh at
torney. '.v v r ,':
- -Growth af Mglc-.lty,-In
song snd story and eloquent' phras
tha story of th growth of th Magic City
waa told last night at th pioneer party of
the South Omaha - Pioneer Historical
association. The affair Was given at ths
Presbyterian, parlors, which .Were taxed
to. their limit to scat th !0 guests who
were present.' ' .' '. '." '
Women of - the ascsorlstlon . attended
carefully to the wants of the Inner man.
while the Olris' Glee club, under the di
rection of Ml Eunice.. trisor, sang chorus
songs which wers'appUudedtO the echo.
The pioneer ' quartet, - composed of
Messrs. 'PUth'erland. Csfiey.' Kotsiim end
Smith, delighted tha gucnVby the har
monious rendition of old s6r1gi. .Ths quar
tet members- have Sung-tofetriSr tor the
last twenty-flvs, years' ' i :'''.
The toaals were limited to fire minutes
each. ' The following (s the program;
Helectloti Ptoneee . huiwle .. tvmmrm
Sutherland. "Carlej. ,Rotselll nd .Smith).
Song-Miss F.nMr.s Ojtla' chftrus. . J
rteoin; siuw isiorence-iitter.
Seleclien MlaM irtlMIM- MHaadamea V.
P.-Baker knfl Art-tioae and Messra.
BkerTr)ll''aJldU4. '
Readinjr-MSiit-r.Iilsrie Ourtl. t
Vocal SdloMKs Uelna Davis. '
AVlectlon llea' rtU.H.l' IM,.m..
Brsften.. W"heleTi IVfler abd Rosselle).
Reading Miss Ottllfrfne Rowley:
yocai boio 'niser.'' ,
Selectlon-Plonley.oiWrtet. ''
v ' ' ' '.ToAoTa.'- " . '
Invocatlon-Rav.. H. V. .Wheeler. .
Introduction B.. T. . Farnsworth.
South Omaha Mayor p. V. frelnor.
Pioneer Courts udo . Howard Ken.
aatr Asseres Lark of Pasltlve
Leadership lla lajared Party and
Pvwdored tadllea of ael.
red Bewllderasrat.
f Filll-Rruc MoTilllnngh,
Jurlea Jude A I . SiitloN
Harly Medicine-Dr. Wliilam Berry,
of . me . real itev. i.
aauriani. , ' . . .
Ploneete-JoeeDh J. Bren. . .
Houghing It-fe O. Marfleld. '
Ksrly Dsys-Dald Anderson.,.
- - 'Magle city (ieeelp. -
Atlas Cafe;' for turkeV dinner, Sunday.
08 N. nth. , .. .. '
R. A O: correta . the ' keel ma.l nrl
loo. to 0.09. John Mvnn A 0.-
The -Hrbokahs' will' ilvs a cam un.
Friday. nlghuat-the .odd. Fellows', halt
Ssturdny st' Flynn'S: Dadles': whita tall.
ored waist, tl 3 1 C , lira vein..
John Ffybn Ca : '
The-Royal-Achates iwill meet -In the
Modem rVoodmen hutlfflfts'-evet-v-flnn and
third Heturday nlglns ot thetihotith.
"sTurdSV SMeefkl: Jdlea'' jhrrtailclolh
skirts.' iS.M values,', Kdturdsy. price U.W.
John' .Co.. ,J
Phone' pill- Soth,--In4. F-IMs for a
case of Jslter Oold Tb. Pmntpt delivery
to-sny 4rt of the citv?- WlUUm Jetter.
The oftlOir of thejjetre team, South
Omaha .qrovd No. Woodmen Circle,
k-rt yestefday for Itehawka, Neb., to as
sist at-a-claas Initiation. . , ...... ,
Alia Cafe, Sunday 'turkey dinner 11 Ml
tm N. lh. .. , : . .
All member or Cpehurch' lodge No. 1
Degree of Honor, ere re-iuehted to attend
the funeral of Mrs. IjOreen oh Saturday
afternoon at I o'clock from hsr 1st
residence,. Nineteenth and S streets.
Maurice E. Vangrwltc'. MS 6 street,
ass robbed of a quantity of etock clothing
at his store Wednesday night. Vsnaru-
vltoh la unable to estimate the- extent
of his loss. The thieves gained entry
to the store through a neighboring vacant
Family Sunday turkey dinner, Atlas
caie, . mid.
Methodists and their friends met yester
oay evening at r.m t cioca at the Bap
tist church. Twenty-fifth and H atresia.
Bishop Nuelsen. (Aanoellor Pulmer. and
Cnarlea strtder of Lincoln addressed tha
audience en timely subjects. The Ne
braska Weateyan quartot furnished tba
music. ,
Atlss Cafe Sunday turkey dinners fain
oua. N. Mta, ,
; . 1st. 2d.
Utraw m m
Hall , IU 1M
Hemleben , tT7 10.
Kennedy M lt
Uplnakl IK 1-
Roth ....
US til
- 1st: td.
12 1U
la) IT
U. HI 117
Nolan Ill rw
Sherwood 1M
Id. Tot
ij e
147 7
17 666
fK iTl
3M Ml
Id. Tot.
177 . 497
lt Ml
111 KJ)
'14 417
'1M Vb
Total M e M 149
Handicap ,S B
Total '................. tn M K 13K
, v .. ' . ;tst: M. Jd. Tot
Straw IIS lai ' Iki OS
Hall til 14 1M . M
Hemleben Ill 1 , 171 ill
Kennedy 1C m 1M 6D
Leplnskl ' 177 Ul 171 eC
Totals Ms
- - ',s 1st.
Xolaa 14
Roth .......... 174
Thomas ..v..- J.. 11
Sherwood ....-a7
Total ..
. SM
. Totals- U) - adj m
lt M. Id.
Hammond . IK M )
CISTbaara . 13 1 114
Oreena TM . 1ST 11
Msnetot ' -lat IS n
Cooiey-:-.. rm 'in
: 474
- 4S
3aV H-M iai
"NEW YORK. March l.-The Roosevelt
campaign assumed definite form tonight,
with the appointment of the men who are
ta assume active management. - Senator
Joseph M. Uxon of Montana is ta be the
man at the helm. 'His official title Is
chairman ot the executive committee of
the national Roosevelt eommlttee.
Mr. Ulxon's first otfldal art waa to
give out a statement attacking the ad
ministration of President Taft.
The appointment were announced after
an all-day conference between Colonel
Roosevelt and a halt doscn of his lead
ing supporters. Alexander H. Revell of
Chicago, who was temporary chairman of
the national committee formed several
weeks ago. will serve as permanent chair
man and K. W. 81ms of Chicago, former
United Ststes district attorney, will be
secretary. .
An administrative committee Is to be
formed, with Truman H. Newberry of
Detroit, ex-secretary ot the navy as
Will Saprrvlee Campalga.
The executive committee la to have
general supervision over the campaign,
senator tMxoa' associates on the com
mittee are Frank Knox, chairman ot the
republican central committee ot Michi
gan: William L. Ward, republican na
tional committeeman from New Tork;
Walter U Brown, chairman of th re
publican central committee: Cecil I.yona.
Texas, national committeeman., and Sen
ator William Fiyna of Pittsburgh. '
Senator Dixon will have headquarter at
Washington, Mr. Knox will be In charge
In Chicago and Mr. Ward In New Tork,
while Mr. Lyon will look after the cam
paign In the couth.
Mr, Newberry's, administrative commit
tee Is to havs charge of tha aualneas aide
of the campaign. It will open and main
tain headquarter and tiverses the col
lection ot fund.
Senator Dixon's statement follows:
"For more than fifty years the repub
lican party, responding (lo (ho demand
of a majority ot tba voters of thla coun
try, ha controlled the poUcle of the na
tion. Thl exteaordlnary leas of dele
gated power, from the people haa only
followed the response. ot Its leader to
the Intelligent demand ot political growth
and progress. . A political party can only
retain newer when lte leadership can com
ma da rota ot confidence from th peo
ple themselves... . v .' ' . .
Four yaera'afo by mora than 1.000,000
majority the. republican party was again
mand a vote of confidence from the peo-
vember we must again aubVnlt our claim
for stewardship to the people.
The lack of pool tlv leadership during
the last thro, year ha turned a rs pub
lics n majority i of sixty la tn house of
repreeentattvee into an adverse demo
cratic majority of seventy; haa changed a
two-third vot In the aanata-into bare
political control of that body awl tempor
rarlly ha loot. control of a dosen repub
lican states of ths north and west Th
lack of leedershlp. ot statesmanship, has
produced a . condition . of business be
wilderment which has halted th pros
perity of'th wool country. There can
be no cure for thl Industrial stagnation
unless we substltuts a policy ot progrs
sir and eons tractive legislation which
shall meet modern conditions wllh mod
ern laws. These alarmlag conditions chal
lenge the sober attaatlon ot every repub
lican who hope for' success in the com
ing presidential election. ,
"Tneae r th thing that havs caused
nation-wide movement tor the nomlna
tloa of Theodore Roosevelt a tha repub
lican candidate for president. To over
whelming demand of th masse of th
republtcsn voter, for him to resume the
leadership ot bis party can only result In
hi nomination by the national conven
tion.. The rank and file of the republican
voter havs one before followed him to
victory and ar now convinced that hi
leadership la abaolutely necessary to sua-
oss la November. -
"No man In direct touch with political
oondltlona In all parte ot the country can
doubt the existence of the overwhelming
sentiment of tn people themselves for
his nomination. During tha last thirty
day It ha begun to dawn upon the lead
er of the republican party that while
powerful concentrated interests can some
times dictate convention control In tha
matter of political nomination, these
am Interest ar powerless to control
the action at tne people themselves st
th ballot box. ,-
literally hundred ot test votes of po
litical sentiment In both, the great par
tis havs recently been 'made by repu
table newspaper and other agencies and
In every section of th country, with the
ttngl exception ef the financial district
In the lower and Of Manhattan Island,
they have all told one unanimous story.
Leads la straw BaUet.
In more than MM votes so tested.
Colonel Roosevelt haa led in the ballot
big by an averag ratio of more than
t to 1 over Mr. Taft and by a dear ma
jority over all the candidates combined,
both republican and democratic While
these unofficial test of presidential pref
erence cannot be mathematically com
puted, none can longer doubt tbe over
whelming sentiment among th voter of
tba country, whs, by their ballot In No
vember will determine th political char,
actor of the next sd ministration. In po
litical circles It Is ns longer a question of
doobenbat In every Mate where th re
publican voter under presidential prefer
ence election law, can express their
real choice of a presldentrsj candidate.
Colonel Roosevelt will have every single
delegate from those states to tbe republi
can national convention.
"The only hope left to those republicans
who ar opposed to th nomination of
Colonel Roosevelt Is to control, through
the prostitution, of federal patronage is
the democrat! s state ot the couth where
no republican electoral rote M possible,
the delegates' from those states, together
with delegates' from some states east ot
the AUegbeney. mountains, where del-
You Know
the Quality Clothes
Sold at This Store
Those of yon who have resided in this city since 1887 will bear wit-
ness that this store has always stood foremost in the ranks 1 of good '
. clothes merchants.
. Whatever ideas are representative of true advancement in men's
and young1 men's clothes yon will find incorporated in the clothes sold
at this store.
The best clothes are sold here at prices as low as are consistent with .
good fabrics, good workmanship, good style and good fit. The new
spring 1912 models created f or ns by six of the world's best tailor shops
are especially smart and lively the new styles are novel the new fab
rics are beautiful the new oolorings are fascinating just step in to
morrow and ask the salesman to show you these new suits and overcoats. .
Are Waiting
For Heads
Living op to our great hat reputation again this season, even "go
ing it one better." If you want to see a perfectly complete exhibit of all
the authoritative naw hat styles for spring 1912, come to our hat store
new colors, new styles. ' . . ,'
$1.50, $2.00, $3.00 iid a pirticalir
strong showing of Stetson's $3.50 line
Omaha ' Largttt and But Equipped Clothing Stort
gate to the national convention are
named tn convention largely controlled
by political bosses. The republican rotors
ot th great virile republican states of
th north and west do not propoaa that
their candidate for president shall bs
named by such methods.
"Never In the history of American poll.
tic has a mors flu rant prostitution of
federal patronage been witnessed than
when recently In a certain southern stats
a batch of tan federal office was put up
at auction lot future delivery to the high.
eat bidder In delegate to th national re
publican convention. The open acknowl
edgment that political patronage ha
been and la being withheld from duly
elected and accredited republican senators
and representatives la congress, who
would not pledgo personal allegiance to
the re nominal Ion of a presidential candi
date, haa caused thoughtful men to in
quire whether bribery by th direct use
of money ta any leas reprehensible than
bribery by appointment to office,
"Responding to the overwhelming sentl
ment of the republican voters, th na
tional organisation that baa been created
for the presentation ot Colonel Roose
velt's candidacy confidently believes that
he will be nominated at Chicago the
standard bearer of the republican party
and overwhelmingly elected In Norem-
Speclal trouser sale at Barg e. Saturday
The ferojlou attack of rheumatism,
tba fever and headache; tha tendency ta
spread from Joint to heart, all proclaim
It an Infectloua germ disease, a not very
distant relative of Consumption, tha doc
tors aay.
Th atreogthenlng, germ-neutralising
Oaomulalon, so helpful in th common
forma of tuberculosis, I recommended
to rheunatlcs. who cannot avoid re
peated attack while their enfeebled
bodies ar hothouses for disease germ a
There' a big balance of germ -ex pall
ing atrength to your credit when Oao
mulalon hss finished Its perfect work.
' Sample Bottle Free by Mail
That those who are seeking health and
strength for themselves, children, rela
tives or friends may experience th life
giving properties of thl exclusive Nor
way gold medal exonlxed cod liver oil
medicinal food emulsion as well aa to
know Oxomulslon superiority In being
most palatable and eaay to lata a gen
erous t-os. bottle will be sent by mall to
those who send addressee by postcard or
letter to Oaomulalon, (41 Pearl St. N. T.
Moteer Urar'a Sweat reweos be CklMna. a
OanaSj MM tar fWertskaaas. HuaterSai. M
nnesejh. TeeUlas DUrnvt bmt aa resale!
tee BeweU sad DesUvr Wanes Tke break s
eeiei Is M aoen. TWr sr aa sMaaant te ute
teste CklMraa Ilka Ckew- one .e MMUa
tee fcr evtberf tar tt year Tkef sever falL
SoM kr DrairJata. Sc. Saawle sjalles KRXa
aeeraae, AIM a Onaaea, Is Ray M. T.
Severe Cold? Co To Your Doctor
You could not please us better than to ask your doctor about
AVer's Cherry Pectoral for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis.
Thousands of families always keep it in the home The approval
of their phrsidan and tbe experience of many years have given
them great confidence in this cough medicine. jJjJrfiZ
Th OKR1KR trestmeiff for the Drink Habit can bs used with absolute cow.
ftdenc. It destroy all deelr for whisky, beer or ether loohollo stimulants.
Thousands have successful!) ussd It and bar boon restored to lives of tobrtsty
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