Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1912, EDITORIAL, Page 14, Image 14

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SSie. Omaha daily Bee
', Entered at Oman poxtoffice aa aecond-
iitta matter.
1 cijio ur 1 ,. .... .
, Sunday Bee. one year
Dairy Be (without Sunday). one years' J"
. Dally Be an Mnaar, on.
. 'Evening Be (with Sunday), per "
'Daily tie (Including Sunday). per n..o
Dally Baa (wttbeut Sunday!. per roo--wc
Address all eomnUinta or Irregularities
I delivery -'"r Circulation Dept
- Femtt by a rait. expreM or POUI eroer.
parable la Tha Bee Publishing cominy.
" only I-ent aianip lecetved I" W"1"
erf amall soraunta. Personal ehee.
-eept oa Omaha and eaatera exchange, not
Omaha The Bra Building.
!, South Omaha JSIS N M.
, Council Bluffa-a Scott St.
linooln-M Uttl sending. ,
Oilcae;o-1M Marquette Building.
Kama CIty-Kellance Building.
New York- West Thiny-ihlrd.
' WssMngton-TS Fourteenth ft.. N- y
:.; Oommualcauons relating la news ana
adllorul matter ahould oa adareaseo,
Omaha Bra. Edltaelal Department
Out of Nebraska, County of Douglas, ss.
Dwtght Williams, circulation inenager
:, f Tba Bee Publishing company, brlnt
'.' duly sworn, says that tha average dally
'rtrculetkm. less spoiled, unused and ra
I turned eoplan, tor, tha womb J senary,
wo JnaJfT nuMum
Circulation Maaager.
t An harrl had In my presence and "orn lo
" barer ma this eth day of February VUi.
j tasaw Notary Public.
hacrlkaaa esavla- tha ally
teasearwrtlr akaald hav Tba
Baa auillad a thesa. aaarraa
win a eheaed ofteo mm t.
'. ajaaeted.
It cam la a-roarlng all right.
Oh, you old-fashioned winter!
These ought to be great dan for
Ananias elaba.
. VI oat anion know how to pro
noane th swoond ayllabl of Jaares.
V1 All via mollycoddle will Uka to
.'.the other aid of tha atreet from
l aow oa.
J , N?r Bind, tby tola their fueaa
who lmagln Colonel Yelaer will atay
aquaicaed." i
! After a Uon-llk entry, March will
:b expected to make good oa tha reat
'.of ta adage . i '"
i . 1 1 " r "
Mexico U atlll reporUfl (6 b In a
, atate of nareat. No mora Ured than
J w are of ita nnreet.
y Dr. Wllar wtlFatay on the firing
line. Ha la neither of the redlining
Bortn resigned, kind. ' '
t- Srerr tln ren ae a bareheaded
man ftow, yoa aaturallr cpnelnde
that hik H ike lag. v
A w Uaaonlo, teap1 I to be
erected In Llncohn a coat of 100,
009. Thla la notlce.for Omaha Maaona
to get buayl "
. "'Speaking of "fretted vault" and
"geallng ahthame," what la the mat
ter with' Trjr man awelllng hi own
aoto of pralaaf . , . '
When the ballot are counted it
will be found that all tho gorernor
bar each "at on te, the Mai
aa th t ot m. - , ,
A a Impertinent reader atka aa
What thla bor acout morement la all
aboat The ideal General Badea
Pwell, of mora.
Th California man. who died In a
bath tub mutt car 'labored under
th delualoa that It waa the crip-
ture that ild, "Cleanltnea U kext
t OodllnaM.'V . V " i
Th Fhilipptnea laat year', bought
U9. 000. 000 worth ot good from
I'acl Sam. ' Fifteen year ago the
Philippine had a ua for 150,000,
00 worth- of America gooda.
Th federal caaua valuation on
'araaka farm property Jut pub-
llahad ihow aa almoat three-fold ln-
creaa In Ua year. Comparlaoa with
I valuation will be odloua.
Did th rumor ot Dr. Wiley' In-
Uatioa to denounce Sacretary Wll-
eoa and reeigd and th on commit-
tiag th president to Vic President
Sherman' renomlnatlon emanate
from th am aouroe? -
Neither doe our t'ongreaamm Vo
beck want any peronalltiela,tbe
eampaiga 'Having got oft easy here
tofore, he would eataraUy prefer an
other feather duater campaign.'' How
about It. Colonel 8tccker? - ,,.
"Under do circumatancea will I be
a. candidate for or accept" another
Bominattoa." It th coloael had
left oat thoee modifying word, "no
circamatancea,'' he might be -able
now aaor ily to explain it away.
Mr. Bryaa Inauu that he haa.aot
mad p hi mind for wham be wiU
b for th democratic nomination.
Bat Brother-th-iaw "Tommy" Allen
ha already orgaalaed a democratic
profreaaiv leago to be for th aame
ma a. ' - ,
Oa the Wron? Tack.
Aa chairman ot th Roosevelt cam
paign committee. Senator pixon of
Montana givea definite form to the
colonel' contest for th nomination
hr issuing an attack upon President
Taft and his administration. In this,
we believe, he la starting out on the
wrong tack. President Taft and Col
onel Roosevelt both have abjured
personalities in defining their own
plans for the nomination contest. If
they can afford to refrain from at
tacking one another, their advocate
certainly can.
One or the other, Taft or Roose
velt, is to be the republican nominee
for president and he win have to go
before the people on the record of
the party the policies J inaugurated
by Roosevelt and pursued further by
Taft. President Taft deservea bettor
at the handa of those republlcana
who do not agree with him now, and
so doea former President Roosevelt,
for the country la not going to for
get that it took Mr. Taft upon Mr.
Roosevelt' recommendation. Every
attack, therefor, 'made by Roose
velt follower upon Taft reflects Jut-t
as much upon Roosevelt . -
Suppoie Once More. ,
" 'Colonel Roosevelt has persuaded
himself that no valid objection to a
third term for president Ilea unless
the term are consecutive and that a
consecutive third term 1 objection
able only because the possession of
th machinery of government glvea
th Encumbent ot th presidential of
fice a tremendous leverage with
which to secure renomlnatlon.
Colonel Roosevelt overlook the
fact that the power and preatlge of
th presidential offlc may be used
for th benefit of another besides the
Incumbent, aa It unquestionably was
used four year ago.
Suppose President Taft were serv
ing hi second term, or was content
with a single term, and eager to
name aa his successor th man who
aa hi predecessor bad helped him.
Suppos President Tatt, desirous ot
having hi policies perpetuated by re
storing Colonel Roosevelt to th
presidential .chair, .and willing i to
swing th big (tick to any length to
satisfy that desire.
Supposing this situation, would
th precedent that" bars a third term
be JnvokabI even though It were not
consecutive third term? Or I It
that the third term I bad only when
th man 'in th Whit House oppose
It, and good when th incumbent
acquiesces and co-operates?
- i Parcel Post and Living Coit
Argument for th parcels post
generally center on th benefit ac
cruing through Improved delivery
MfVle futa th town to th country,
when, as a matter of fact, equally a
great. It not tar greater, advantage
ar possible in th other direction,
from the country to th city. President
Taft baa aald that th whole subject
ot th high cost ot living "I bound
np In this parse) post legislation."
Th point I elaborated by Congress
man David J. Lewis of Maryland In a
speech n th floor of th house.
VI proposition 1 for the govern
ment to Uka over the expres com
pan lea, merge their service into the
Postal department, thus articulating
th farm with th household in town.
He contends that by thla process the
urban householder' living expenses
would be reduced 40 per cent nd th
producer' incom Increased, for
much that now goes to pay for th
tost ot marketing and selling hi
produc would be aaved.
"Th real problem to deal with."
aald B1 F. Yoakum, chairman of th
8U. Louis lc San Francisco railroad,
in discussing this subject, "Is not th
high coat Of living, but th cost of
soiling." And he goea on to show that
It cost ,17.000,000,000 to get laat
year'a farm producta from the pro
ducer to the consumer and that,
therefore, the product netted the
farmer' just 19,000,000,000. Mr.
Lewi make th timely point that
the rallroada must not be blamed for
this, sine they ar In th wholesale
transportation bulns, not retail;
tbey haul ta th bulk and ar aot
prepared to handle, th small ship
ment But with . the parcel poet,
amall shipments -could be mad to
ult th consumer and a great deal
that now goes to wast saved and
utilized. '
mostly tramp, who-are either killed
stealing rides on train or are caught
on the tracks. If the tramp evil could
be lessened by this means, all the
better for th move. President Miller
further points out -tho bodily peril of
trainmen and passengers and the de
struction ot property which the rail
roads suffer at the hands of these
trespasser, who, by resisting train
men, meddling with awitches and
burning ties on rights-of-way imperil
many live aa well as property. It ia
a very reasonable request the rail
road makea. , .
. 1
Color Line Drawn by Lawyers.
Th executive committee ot the
American Bar association raises a
very delicate point in ousting from
membership in the association a dis
tinguished member of the profession
because bis skin happens to be black.
Although lawyer enough to hold the
office of assistant attorney general
of the United State under appoint
ment of Preaident Taft, the partic
ular colored man la to be denied as
sociation with other lawyers. Irre
spective of relative characters or at
tainments, because of racial differ
This 1 an anomalous position for
lawyers to take because it Involve
a principle that would be extremely
difficult to defend in a court ot Jus
tice. A Attorney General Wicker-
sham puts It "It can hardly be con
sidered to uphold the honor of the
profession of the law," and "It cer
tainly doe not tend to promote the
administration of justice." No charge
1 mad agatnat th , man's moral
character or legal attainments; the
objection Is purely upon hi color,
rather, untenable ground, for they
would not think of submitting a ess
to a Jury upon such grounds.
If th American Bar association
were a social organltatlon the situa
tion might be differently consid
ered, bat It I th national organiza
tion of lawyers, whose organlo pur
pose 1 "to advance th science of
jurisprudence, promote the admin
istration ft justice, uphold th honor
ot th profession ot th law and en
courage cordial Intercourse among
tb member of th American bar,"
A person Is eligible to membership
who fulfill certain requirement,
none of which refer to color, and all
of which, it Is understood, are more
than met In this Instance.
The American Bar association has,
in our Judgment, committed an
egregious mistake In permitting a
color question to be raised and an
other mlstak in drawing a color line
when the issue had to be met
Gallery-Play Reform.
Tb outcome of th cases result
ing from th sleuthing activity ot our
reform democratic sheriff la' signif
icant aa Illustrating that there I a
great difference between making a
spectacular raid and presenting evi
dence In court to convict
The undisguised purpose ot the
sheriff Was to show how much more
efficiently he could" enforce the law
against llllctt llqaor selling and the
sodsl vll than had th police. But
hi experience I merely a repetition
of that of the police authorities. The
pollc department ' ha time and
agala gone into tb raiding business,
only to have Ita ardor dampened by
failure to convict, or court rulings
in favor ot so-called clubs. Only In
getting the gallery applause- has our
reform sheriff excelled. In the
meantime he ha been careful to di
rect hi attention only to Omaha
ahuttlng hi eye to more flagrant
violations In other parts ot the
county equally under hi jurisdiction.
Th public I requested to under
stand distinctly that the settlement ot
tho suits tor surgical malpractice
was brought about without the pay-
meat of any money as between plain
tiff and defendant. It would be
mighty interesting, though, to know
exactly what the consideration was
and the precise manner ot its de
The Lincoln static doa by Scalp
tot Frtneh shows him wearing whis
ker, In . striking eostraat to th
smooth ehavea face adormiag th
monument oa oar Omaha High school
ground. Mr. 'French Is due for s
mowa from the cbsmpion of oar
local srt exhibit. , . .
, Tramps a Railroad Problem. '
' President Darius Miller ot th
Burlington railroad has appealed to
the governors of th atate traversed
by hi line for co-operation In re
ducing trespassing oa railroad prop
erty to a minimum. Tho who think
there I no oocaalo for such an ap
peal ahould study th statistics ot
railway casualties. In th year ended
June 30, 111. M57 persons were
killed on th railroad of th United
States, and 5,284 were trespasser, so
classed, by. th etatistldaa. That
waa more than halt ot th entlr
number. During the nam year TO, 92!
person ware Injured and not killed
on th railroad and 6,(14 ot the
wer trespassers. These figure do
not include th number of Industrial
accidents. Between 1102 and 111,
(1,0 SI trespasser met death on
Amerteaa railway.
The figures ar impressive
enough to warrant railroads In call
ing for help from tha state to pre
vent trespassing and to justify state
in going to sny reasonable length to
great th help. Xh tret passers ar
It will b remembered that the
National Progressive league, which
cam forth In response to "th peo
ple's demand," wss hatched in a star
chamber cession of half a doxen men,
which might account for seven gov
ernor taking th vole ot th people
ta their owa mouths.
One woman writes to deny the ac
curacy of the statement that woman's
instinct ia opposed to suffrage, aa
ahown by the indifference of the
majority of the women. One pro
test from several million i not en
tirely convincing, though.
"Th eight of th soldier along
th legation wall silhouetted against
th burning city waa aa impressive
one." No doubt but Peking' pre
gent will have to do better thaa
that to draw a crowd to the Forbid
den City.
Cnaki for the Field.
Chkaso Raeord-Herald.
Both th Taft and Rooasrclt managers
caacede that Cummins will (at some of
Iowa's votes In the convention and that
1 SMiau will hav seme from Wiaooa-
atn. It looks as if tha field war goin
ta b pretty small tm year.
tlam Saintly Hellra.
' Washlnctoo Port.
Ena-lsad Is stirred up war th report
that a rich American Is solns to buy th
famons Waterloo rnsaeum. IV don't
need It. but w are about to mak a
tmilar collection ot relics auraelv. Po
3cIdn Backward
S" " v - y
1 ,- MARCH 2. I i
Thirty rears Ago
Th dump strike is described as In
statu quo. Tha strikers hav rateed thetr
ulUmstura to tLn a day, and work has
been completely stopped. Tha strikers
bald maatlncs. at tba city ball and In
Jeffereon square, and acaln ia tb even
ing at Turner halt
The Omaha Motor Manufacturing com
pany has been Incorporated for 150.03 by
John B. Detwller, Thomas Gibson, J. T.
Hanns. H. U. Hobart. Charles 1L God
frey. 8. J. Howells, George B. Glbeoa and
Bernard Lang e.
Th position ot superintendent of water
aervic for th Omaha Water Works
company Is to b filled by D. H. Goodrich,
formerly manager of the R. O. Dun A Co.
mercantile agency-bar.
Another grand jury has been empaneled
becaus of defects of filings of th but
A fir burned out a boarding housa run
by John Lewis on Capitol avenue be
tween Tenth and Eleventh strdeats.
Vr. Chad wick baa removed his offlc
to 1594 Farnam street.
Four new open street cars are on th
way her to be run on th red line, each
witn a seating capacity of twenty-four,
with a narrow aisle and narrow seats on
each side. .
The cigar makers anion is threatenUu! a
strtk. too.
Th visit to Omaha of R. 8. Hayes, vie
preaident of th Gould system, and A. A.
Talmage, general manager of th Mis
souri Pacific, was to confer with Oeneral
Manager Kimball of th Union Pacific
and Chief Engineer House of th Missouri
I'acmo oa tha matter of secuiina- tar.
mlnals for Omaha, and arrange menu
were made to run Into Omaha on th
Union Pacific tracks from PapllUon.
Twenty Years Ago
Th sports sua all ..If at
new from New Orleans that Bob Flts-
immons nad whipped Peter Mahr la
twlv round anri t h. r.. .v.. .1
wss now open for Pltsslmmons to meat
anybody, even John L. himself, sad It
was said thst "Gentleman Jlnj" Corbatt
would not hav to look tar for a match.
n. iteynoids, ex-suprintendent of
th bridire motor Una ani .
tendent of the esstern division of th
r..norn railroad, with headquarters at
Norfolk, wss registered at th Millard.
Ola Olson, a vouih nf t -. ....
and killed by a Missouri Fwclfl work
train oa in Beit lint near Hamilton
Fifty members nf tha v.k. u.
mandery of th Loyal Legion met at th
Millard hotel, and after short business
meeting sat down to a banquet In com
pllancs to th request of Oeneral O. H.
Dodge, president of the Army of th
Tennessee, a committee, consisting of
Captain H. E. Palmer. Colonel Prltchett
and General C. II. Frederick, waa an.
pointed to asabit In raising subscriptions
for tha statu of General W. T. Sher
man, to be erectMl In W..KI.t '
... . ., .uu. siajur
J. W.- Paddock, president of th Ne-
oraaaa command try, presided.
Ex-Conaressman Iara nr uv.l .
Paston. II says h Is entirely
v v, vomica now ana is watching tha
ma grana siana.
1 John Edward Goodson. at infers old,
die at kla raaldanoa, tat Psoitis Street
Teas Year Ar -v .r-;' ... '
aewrtu B. C'hsndler. ana -t k.
an for many- years on f n most
prominent of Omaha's cltlsens, died at
uoon at nis noma, 9O0 Half-Howard
"treat Mr. Chandlor ram. 1.
17 and was active In business for years,
being on of th original Incorporators
of tb Omaha Horse Railway company.
ira. norce u, uurt returned In her
privsts .car from Hot Springs, Ark.,
where sh had ban for her health.
Mrs. Emma r tiv... ,
tary of the Young Women's Christian as.
aoclatlon, mad sn address at First Con
gregational church on the purpose and
work ot th association.
The manasemsnt of tha r,n(M. ...
announced that It would not Invite th
maaing or riower beds on ths grounds
but would Insist that araaa ha i
- . a.v h instead.
The Field eluh .1 Ir,.... .... ,
. -- -. . . . ,ul in
formation of thl. . ,
Improvements In buildings and grounds.
nicy propoeea 10 put up a dancing pavll.
lion costins a i-aM ...
and new bowling alleys for SUOa
?n ma net of disparagement was ap
plied to th founders of Mormonlsm with
vigor by Rev. Newton D. Mann, pastor
of Unity church, at ths morning aerv
ices. His compliments to Joseph Smith
war couched In tb term, "one of the
tor arcs-conspirator,' and a referred
to tb prophet's revelations ss shear
Miss Lauca. firw. tto.A.t , .
,vr wumans
suffrage before th Omaha Philosophical
club at Its Sunday meeting.
" People and Events
A sudden demand for th goods signals
politicians aboat to jump la to dodg th
hickory limb and nlar th. ,
clothes In safety lockers.
It Senear that tha bwm
court luetic waa a ball m....
youth, and a good one, too. And good ball
piayers are occasionally sent to ths beach.
Chancellor Marion Pitnav r v ,
r. who has lust been appointed to the
1 nuea mates supreme court was s
classmate of Governor Wood row Wllsoa
at mneeton in tna clans ot Vtt, and
tha governor sent bun his wannest con
gratulations. .
It pays to be rood, even if tha itivMmj.
ar irregular. Hospital Nurse Marti N.
aunney at Boston tenderly ministered to
th need of Prof. Henrv V ..,
tb University, ot Vermont during his
ant sicaness and was willed a bunch of
stock valued at tma.
A Brooklyn magistrate boldly defies th
recall, by ruling that a father of seven Is
bound ta take ear rf th f n. 1 1 . j-
tn tha week and give his wife a chanc
to go out and air herself. Thai h.,..
hold holds on supporter ot th policy of
recalling judicial decisions.
Aunt Granny Hafford. a negro woman,
has ust celebrated what so calls her
13th birthday at Btobmlngton. IIL 8ha
was a Slav and as a girl lived in Vir
ginia. She says sh resMmbers seela
Georg Washington oa several sirr ,
occasions, though he haa been dead 111
Mrs. John Miller Morton ot Buffalo, K.
T, candidal for president general. of the
Daughters Of th American Rvnl,lM
has heea In Washington for several days
directing an extort in be hair of th bill
introduced recently by Representative
Nott f New York appropriating ts.
for th publication of revolutionary rec
ords. -
In Other Lands
Basse Sid - Xlght a What is
fl boss. lag Amtmt-s'sVaag
mat rac JfatVaa tb Barta.
Mill taws fa Warships.
Of all th ladasuisa enjoying tb favors
of governments, tha makers ot armor
Plat aad naval equipment alone poaa
a mighty, unmistakable grip, on th cash
boxes , of nation. . . Tba sucoeaalo of
years sandwich th lan with Lbar fat
for other industries. Not sa with sauna
supplies. Theirs Is a process! oa of fat
years, th percectas'a of jute Incnaslag
with oach round. Just saw th atmude
of prosperity in naval bintneaw ta th
highest known. On hundred dread-
naughts hav been built or huildlag tor
tha great and Httla nations ot th world,
with fourteen or fifteen- sthers ta eon-
temptation. Tnlr tetal cost win exceed
tl.O,sM,0Da Great- Britain -ha thirty
dreadnaughts built W huildiag, and lays
down four a year. Germany ha am
ready, five launched and Seven on th
suys. Th United -States has six built
sad six under' wart Franca haa four
ander construction and three contem
plated. Italy la building four, Austria
three sod Russia four. Unofficial reports
credit Japan with a naval program ot
eight sBper-dreodnsughts and eight ar
mored cruisers to be built between lslJ
and 1MB at a total cost ot A.00.
Severs! South American republics show
symptoms of th dread naught fever. Here
tofore developments in naval construction
and design annalgned to th Junk pi 1 as
second and third-raters every warship
ten or more years old. Similar results
are to be expected In th future, so that
th supposedly Invincible battleships snd
cruisers of today will meet the tat of
their predecessor tea years bene. At
th present rat of naval expansion the
powers playing the gam must charge
off th books every year's mUltohs of
unproductive and worthless assets. '
Italy aad Tripoli.
Among th thing Italy will Inherit
from the Turkish realm In Tripoli la a
boundary dispute with Franc. Hitherto
Turkey has constantly claimed that th
southern frontier at Tripoli touches Laka
Tchad and includes all ths famous cara
van route and easee of th central Sa
hara, including Blima, Agade. Aln
Galaka, Borku and TlbestL Th French,
on tn contrary. Insist that th Tripoli tan
territory ends at ths tropic of cancer. At
th present tim th French ar In pos
session of almost all Of th points south
ot ths line they fix as th frontier, ex
cept In Tltwstl and Borku territory. In
most of them they have garrison. Thst
they VIU retire from them Is unbel leva
able, particularly becaus If th Turkish
claim war accepted at Its full extent the
French Congo and Tchad tarrltoriaa
would b cut off from th Niger aad
Mediterranean possessions. On th tbr
hand, th debate over th Utl to some
of th ease about th Tlbestt highlands
may b sharp, and ss It Involves control
of ths great caravan route msy lead to
eee . .
Aa Awakealas la Canada.
Canadlana ar recovering from th ef.
fact of tb knockout drop mixed with
their political drinks during th reciproc
ity campaign last fall. Th em bya
electlon sine th Borden m Inlet ry took
th reins of government, beld In Sas
katchewan, overturned th previous tory
majority and sent a HberBl to Parlia
ment Th second,' held In th Ontario
constituency of South Renfrew, February
a, waa mora Impressive snd significant
than ths chang ot front of th wheat
farmers ot th Aretlo belt George E.
Foster, member of the Borden cabinet.
campaigned In th district and delivered
abject appeals for support "It you elect
Graham (th liberal candidate), he ex
claimed at a pubtlo meeting, "it will be
considered everywhere aa a blow at th
Borden government Let ua show you
what we can do before you strike us such
a blow." Strtk they did, and by ub-
stsnUsl majority, electing Georg Gra
ham, who waa minister ot railways In
tb Lauiier government
A Joaraalletla Scree si.
Th most imposing and versatile Jour
nah.itn armam In London, sdiustabl to
th moods of politics snd whims ot th
nmnriatora. holds down th chief editorial
chair of William Waldorf Aster's Pall
Mall Oasetta. When ths expatriated
American picked upon th P. M. Gasetts
a a hopeful avenue to British title,
h cboss a chief of staff 1. 1 Garvin, an
lnsatlabl fighter for th political ends
ot his paymaster. Mr. Garvin I aa Irlsh
a mam of am with an unusual
record as a screamer. As correspondent
of William, O'Brien united irewna ns
trained his vote to such a pitch that It
waa heard in London and annexed to the
tory publicity buna. For several years
past Garvin's voice has been directed at
rh Aanuith ministry through th laendon
Telegraph six days a weak, th London
Observer oa Sunday, topped with a
monthly roar la th Fortnightly Review.
Th entlr volume of sound and fury Is
now pouring through th Pall Mali
Gasett. purchased with th same brand
r Amrteaa dollars which provoked Gar-
rln's scream against th Irish national
ists In ths last campaign.
ScaadiaaTlaa Cesaaa. .
rw. n in laat canaune In th
thre Scandinavian . nation of Europe
show a nark aeenne in in raw ex w
. tn, nnnalallOB. Thla IB most
pronounced In th case ef Norway where
th percentage of Increase tor tn aecaae
m but .! per cant, against 12 for the
previous decade. Between isw ana in
. increased bv 153.00. Sweden by
Me.M, and tor Dvs years Denmark's
growth Was 1&-.00S. Th population of
.k. t. MAtinvriaa In lxll waa aa follows:
Sweden. i,12S.W; Denmark. tTH.eoa aad
Norway. ..XS.00. Copenhagen, th larg
est Scandinavia city, had with Its sub
urba CsS.OO, and without them asz.eax
Stockholm ha mz,w ana .onsuania
V tlrt
FttBe-ea aad tjalekaeaa.
Springfield Republican.
Governor Wilson says thst President
Taft' choice of a successor ta Justice
Harlan Is eminently fit sad predicts thai
Chancellor Pitney of New Jersey will en
rich tb supreme court No doubt The
preaident has sow discovered how to do
it quietly satisfy himself ot tb fitness
of his maa and then nominate him. That
was Senator Crane's way when governor
of Massachusetts. It rives th best re
sults snd avoids a tot of turmoil.
, A Waste ( sympathy. .
Indiana polls Naws.
. 8a va noma of your sympathy for th
Fillpluos. who ar bow, according to th
afflctal report, uvmg under cowditloos ef
unprecedented prosperity. Tea rexnras
ber how we're had to hustle for a living
ear sine It sxrnck as and lams is th
cost of Briny
Chicago Intes Ocean: Frot Waodrow
Wusob. wa hear, say his hat ha bee
ia the ring soma tlnte with his head In
it Not altogether had for th professor
in politics!
. St Louis Republic: Th remark of aa
eminent Enguah lord concerning Macau
Isy that ha wlahed h might be as cock
ear of anything aa Maca,ulay was of
everything comas trrrsxsttbty to mind la
reading tha latest but not but deliver
ance of Theodore th First.
Pniiadeiphla Record: There la fun ta
th "race IP method of self-government.
Mayor Hiram C. GUI. who was elected
mayor of Statu two years ago and re
called a tew months later, has now by a
vete of lOu ballots ahead of his nearest
competitor carried tb nommating pri
maries for re-election. He waa mayor,
and wasn't mayor, and win be mayor
again all ta a Jiffy. What fan for the
Seattle electorate! What joy, and Jar,
and Justification for Qlll! What bewilder
ment for the outside beholder! -
Springfield Republican: If there sre
sny member ot th Taft cabinet who
propose to resign In order to support the
Roosevelt presidential candidacy their
Identity has not yet been disclosed. Two
ot th cabinet members naturally belong
to th Roosevelt following-Secretary
Fisher of th Interior deportment and
Secretary Stlmson of th War depart
ment Secretary Stimaon waa Mr. Roose
velt's personal candidate for governor of
New York ta me, yet he shows no sign
of deserting his present chief. On th
contrary, he Is booked for an address
before the Chicago Taft club early next
ownta, la which ha will advene ths
reasons for bis belief thst ths president
should be renominated and re-elected.
. St Louis Globe-Democrat: Th colonel
declares that he will abide by th de
cision of ths republican national conven
tion. But where does he draw the line In
changing his mind?
Chicago Record-Herald: T. R. wishes
to know ths identity of tho person who Is
Inclined to criticise him for changing his
mlndWlf hs has changed it Is anybody
answering th challenge?
Chicago Inter-Ocean: The point Is to re
member that taking on or two or an In
definite number of presidential terms la
strictly private matter Into which ths
public has no right to Inquire. If s man
think It won't Injur his health, h has
a right to chang hi mind as often ss hs
wants to.
8t Louis Republic: After this when a
man says hs will under no circumstances
tak another drink It will bs understood
by all th enlightened that he means an
other conservative drink. Grave Injustice
has been don man of great honesty of
purpose through failure on th part ot
their hearer to comprehend thla simple
Are ma a favorite son? asked tb A
visitor to a South Anx-rk-an. .
-No: I nav rust """, Z.,
prestdency. Last year I ja fa
son. This year I am a prodigal son.
Washington Star.
-J always heard that Jehbias wsev an
arrant coward, hot ho is continually
r'".V ia., phuiDBlaes ot alt
tn Moros be beat In battle '' -
"Nonsense, ir ever no mia
. t anvthins but a re
treat." Baltimore American. r , .
-The base ball seam Is drawing oof
That's right" L. v-
"Yes: the hoys around th stove nave
begun preumiaary pracUoe."-v.shlaa-toa
Herald. ,. . " y
BrtsnW-I sea that th aviator who
promt- to fly serosa th Atlantic says
b will make on atop In mWoeean.
unm-.seu, swim w. - -
to stay where be atop.-Cleveian Plain
vcauer. .
"Well, good bye and don't be too bard so
my friend, th company promoter, tie a
don soma good things." '
Yes. I was 1 on of them. London
Paul Revere hsd finished his famous
rid aad given the alarm which sounded
the downfall ot Br hum power .in thla
country. , '
Ha!" h ssfld. with th prophetic In
stlct of sll great saen, "where would this
country have been if I had been arrested
for exceeding th speed limit?' Baltimore
1 am quite ready now, said ths Eral-
went Cttisen who was aboat lo be Inter
viewed; -and. If you please, we will stsai
Into th next room." .
Thla la your ofCes. Isn't It?" queried
th reporter. "Why not here?"
"Because I know there's no dictagraph
concealed In there, and I'm not absolutely
certain about thla roam." Chicago Trib
une. . '
When yoa sit down to a tab!
Sit down hungry as a bear.
And find naught that's pleasing to you
In tb meal spread for you there;
Do not Judge th cooks deficient
Do not such In Just lea do; ,
For th deficit my brother,
Msy bs located In you.
When you read a work of fictien.
Standard or a copyright: .,
If tb thing fails lo impress yon, .
To absorb, or to delight;
Do not blame the luckless writer.
For you know It may be true
Some on elsa may be deficient 1 '
And that soma one may be you.,
When yoa meet a fellow ereatur .
In the treadmill of your life.
And his actions do not suit you
DO not think It cause for strife; - -Just
reflect this fellow creature
May hav soma kicks coming too, .,
For It's also barely posstbl
There's a deficit in you.
Wtmther 'Us your "vitOes." brother, ..
Or a hook that disagrees, , ..
Or a common fellow creature -
That somehow haa failed to pleas.
Do not analyse their failures. ,
You have plenty alee to do
Other things seed your attention
Vis: Tho deficits In you.
-exeaaa.'' ssw-
.,ioi r- a: wni . .',,
t' ft--. w,- " -
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the Standard for parity,
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W. B. OaldweU, wioe-wres. -
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Rate per tJwwsaad, age 1U (otber age ta pruportloa), gS.75.
MortoUty Coat per fl.OOv IsuwraAc Mean Asaotint, Veor 1011, $3.10,
. Peasaaltoiy Books Appointed, 080.
Ik east ta Callt areas. Xnaiaaa, Iowa, Wssoss, Xxaatasus Wesraska, Bortil
Sokata, Oreajaa. e Sakata, Maava, Waahlas-taa, Texas aad
Wyaxeiag. aa prapattag ta aass XUlaoas amd axachigaa, t,
aaa sapahl ef proSaotag the seat claaa of tsss waasad as Stats Measurers
. aa liilliilles s -
. Xiooz uv ova aaooaa, .
Home Office: Brasdeis building, Omaha, Neb.
TeaVptto) Powgla 7021.,,-. - a ? i -