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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1912)
t If THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY. MARCH 2. 1912. ff Something Mu& Have Happened After the Reunion By "Bud" Fisfer ihC . ; . .we- xv W -v.rpieCT &nk in Te vcw.t.u. row: WVTM aV J 1 r 5o LOri. OLD "(. . 1U. a. GtE YOU A&MM bet bm X. t ewe v . w.juv. 4ooo fete, oU mn,and aoco lvc to voj r r rT" tri 1 66 r I " Xn& lrrr' ' I XTTHOOT fLTt) OH. MUll( To! see C.OCAC POk HrJ i - VtYMrtr, I TtTr . rV. -I ALUMKI WANTJEAGER KEPI Omaha Kebrukan Ask EejenU to ! ; ie-elect Popular Xaugtr. BOOST FOB. 6AXX HUE DT FAIL Petition Been ml CMtml as SehecV ale Peed Ball with Oretgfcton mm t. '. Offer to Mt tivfwl to v j t U Crw. ' Omaha alnaai of th irslvmlty at Na twka took actiaa at tha annual ( inf la tha aolvaraltr alak fMM feat WH aakinc tha aaard at rasaau ta ntala Cart a Eacw a aianaar ot athlattea at tha Cornhoakar chool tor aaetbar yaw, and raqoaatlac tha beard ot ath letic control ta aehatful a toot hall gam with Crrfsfaton In Omaha Bast fail. . Officara for tha vMUlnc yaar arv i aiortea, tha unanlmeua' choice for taca atrtee aaa for the board at director belnf 4a (olio: . freiMant. Frank H. 'Woodland; rice rlonl. Jamae E. 1UI1: aarratary. Ann Thamaa; traaairar, Ralph 1L Ralnn; dl iwrtora. Clmtant Oiaea. Rabbi rrxlrrtrk Oh. Charle S. Koitar, i. tMaa Jtiaftr ltd W, U. Whaeltr. ' Th rota to bare th resent retain lUaacer Eaaor la U areaant aoeltlon wa anaalnjoam Judce Charlaa Feetor lamented faaotatlea la which ft a doclared that the aloauri ot Omaha thouaiit "Doc" Eacar to be tha beat manna ar Omaha ever bad aad that It a beUerad M ratanlion (aaant e maab th future at Cornhaaaer aporw that J It would be fatal to Nehraaka, athleU tlaaaca to let hka fa. Tha aaoUoaeot of tha meatliul wa t the effect that Cooeh Ewald Itlehn (koald bar on plot control of aU tatarooilaglaU aorta, but that anar Kar ooouid be the worklac fere tkroufh which aU bualn ebould be earrlad on. Moat of the aatln waa taken ua by dieroaaloa ever aakinc th Mebraaka board a brine tb Comhaakar foot bail deren to Omaha for me. Ttieiw wa Embryo Giants Now Working Out at Marlin Springs . :1 . I f T -r -T (DATES FOR OMAHA BOILERS Secretary lugtry OWes Out Satei When They Soil at ducago. LOCHS STAST . MAECH ' TWELVE Loral Taaala Shaatrro Wilt Reetola oa Procraat for Oao Week at . Group of Ktw Tork Olant rounratara and "faoultr.", phoUxraphed at Marlin prlnca. Tat. durln- the early aprlnj tratninc trip workout. From left to rurht, Jacobeen out flakier: Jeff Teareau, plteheri . Luby, outfleldrr; HolleweU. Hthtflrldrr; lUrry Dvor (brother ot Joah), outflrldar; Qua Cardella, Infleldar; Tborapaon, Inflelder; Johnny McOraw, manaser; Hilton Stock. Inflrldrr; ArUe Latham, coach; WUbert RotHaaon. ooack, and Hank droll, Inflelder. (Iron, Buca and Teareau are looked upon a meat likely candidate for reular bertha. Suae, ordinarily an Inflelder, waa th champion home-run hitter of the north weat, and HcOrBw, It I aald, plana to lie Ma buttlnc eirorujth m th outfJald where Jack Murray fell down toward the latter part of the 111 aeaaon and in the world'a aerie. Groo I being; primed for econd baae, to bo available as a uc ceaaor to Captain Larry Doyle, who ,l believed to be enjoylnj the tut of hit year a a star. Tearoau, who wet the Eutera .Jeaau en fire laet year, would make a valuable addition to MoOraw a none too Ma attchlnr'aieff, accord ln( to mrny fat lew era of the team. - Eector Will Play.. :.. With Omalia Five VirtU Hector. Omaha High ichcol a tar all around athlete, probably will be seen In U locil echool quintet' Hneup In their lama atalnat th pedy Lincoln Hick school baaket baU flipper, which will be pulled oft tail evening at the local T' (ymaaatum. Me went wi reach abort preliminary prartltw with atrc tontlmwt In favor of -slaytnf 1 Crettbtoa. A few of tha aUaaaol wa oa Bosod to Creightoa. but wtahod to play Xellevao. Athletle, mlatlon with Crelgb taa were severed five years ago. Th rote la play .OMghtea U prefareaoa t Bella vu wah ovorwhelailnt. Smokehouse Ownqr;--Takes,Possession The nwkekouaa," bettor knows a tee baadqaartar ef the Oaaaha Baa BaU dab aad ewned by Pa Rourk and Dav J. Rourk. baa been, bought by Ooarge terahass. form arty a second baarmaa an the Omaha team and laat year a Mn bar ot tko Dea Motaa Hopefuls. K take posaoaoloa of the alar today. Th baa ball headquarters will not b changed. Rourk will have M sffle la th rear of the More M In th past. Tha "8mokthww" wUI be mada the Inadonarter f every baa bail taaa la th city, profeaaianal, semi-prof eaelii rial and amateur, Oeorge say th boy aaa have hie store for a meeting place any time they want It. Graham will not otar leagu baas baB this year, but wttl be wltk Ui Store Triumph ball teaav Tha gam has attracted conldr4 st- teallo mnf local floor (port fot towers and will undoubtedly b on of th bast unllbtlon of the basket game that will be Blayed her this eeaseD, Tha local lada trimmed th Capital City achool five at th Llneoln "T" gymnasium early m Ua imw by a score of B) to SL The Official for the game, Branaoa, rafered) and Hutohlaaoa, utnplra, ar both LlaoolB men. This same pair, will also etftalat la th stats high school baaket ball wuraament. which will a held at th University of Nebraska grymnaalum Friday aad dalurday of next week under tha direction of Earl O. Eager, the Com buskers' athletl manager. Mike Fromm Throws Logan's, Cra6k Artist ' "HARLAN. la, March Ltpeotsi.Wt took Mlko f-roaam of llirtan. champion US-pound arrosUor of low. . Just elerea alnute aad -Wilrtf-flv eerorxl U ret the first fan a TlUlam Bpenc. the Wft- paund wrasttar of Logaa. The eeoand I cam la ssva minute. The first fall waa the result of a bar lock aad drotch bold aad the erond' an ovper lock and head hold. Bpenco aever auceeeded la awttiac rroasm la aaager, but i remsj a th other band was th agrressor stoat of th time. la the preluniaaries Yen Teradl of Hartaa tee ted Flcken of Klrkaua to atralgM falle. About M persent wit. aeoeod tha- bout. ' O. Pi lleward wa referee aad C. II. Luecke.' tloickceper. Mike rroaiJB wilt meet and hereby chat kigv Lee McCord of Tork. Neb., or any other man ef hi weight for the cbaaa- peaashtp af Kearsska and Iowa. CLYDE JARMQAN TRADED TO PES HOIKES FOR THREE MEN ' WICHITA. Kan . March L-Clyde Jarml- gaa, for tw years a member ot the BitcbiBB; staff of t:.a Wichita-Pueblo team, wa tad&y traded te We Melaa tor Pitchers Here be and Plrmpte i Soortatop Plakertoa. Jarnlgaa bad prac tically refused to t to Wichita this XAXSAg CITT, Feb. 3.-Joe Cnap. catcher, who played with the Topek Westora ssecua team las-t year, was etcaed today for the Bee-tea Katloaais by Manat-er John Kites. Crwp bad a tryoiat with th M. Lout AaietVaas early laat Sits sen, bat tatvr'wm sent to Tepeaa. ' , " " Manacer' Kllng asneuaasd 1 tonight he would leave for the east tomorrow. Kilns win go by way ef eft. Loots and Cnlrasa la the base- of snaklnc a few trades. Eynn and Johnson Will Fight Mj 24 sULT LA KB CITY, I'tah. March 1.- Jlm Flynn and Jack Johnson will meat m a twenty-round bout for the heavy. weight championship of the world at or near b? add over, Utah, en July St, This wa sa noun c4 today by persons finan cially Interested In the veatura with Pro- Jack Curly. Creighton Seniors ; Swamp Excelsiors Th Creightoa Seniors swamped th Es calators In a gam of basket ball at th Touag Men' Chrlstlsa association Thurs day evening by a aror of M to t Th Meniere scored a( will, the Excelsiors be ing unable te score a slntl field go, until three minute before the end of th second half. Torrey and Feetner wsrt the Individual stars for the Seniors, uu, th entire team put up a nice exhltfltlo' of team work. Pa hi and Moran playeu the best game for the Kxoelslora. . Ths lineup: ,' , , Renlorar. - . Exoelslore. Despain May Sell : Ehman and Fox LINCOLN. March 1--Prldnt Despain of th Lincoln Western league- base ball club ha announced that negotiations ar under way for the sale of Pitcher "Butf" ipiman, purchased from Denver laat sea n to a ftoutbern leagu club. Catcher e'llkle Clarke. oM to Danvtll hut year, uut. who rarused to report and aoached . a ,L'oivrsty of .Mlnnssota. has ball asm. will . probably a-o ta .a Thrao-I leaaue or Central aaoelatln elnb. Pltoaar Joha Fox may be sold to a Trl. Btts leagus club.; ;', , ... L.F Moran R.F - tialsey C....- Vahl R.O. n Oorham O'Connor R.F. Torrer L.F Feetner ...-., Miller ..,,.. O'Cannor Lanpbler -i... R-0 LOi.... Dlnee Uokia froth field:, fahi. Oernam, rest. arr Ruasum Its. Torrey tl. O'Con ner, Laaptnsr. OoeJs from tree throw: Moran.-1; Pshl. t; Torrey.. I Hear bv halves: First hslf-elenlers. II; Bseel alors, 1 Second half Seniors, 2s; Escel aiura. 1 Lragth ef halve: Fifteen and twenty minutes. Halerce: watssr oi Omaha Young tlvn. rMen' Christian aaeocU. If you have anything to exchangs ad vertise It la The He Want Ad columns. (KOTO TO E56LA5S AFTEB LOST . GOLT TITLE. CELLAR LEAGUE BOWLERS SURROUND BANQUET BOARD Th member. of the Cellsr or Met ropolitan bowling league held their an nual banquet laat ntcht at Ortmsn' New England bakery, ill North Sixteenth street. Over MB Louies aassmbed around the festive board and made the bantfuet i ence'ra .that It'wlll not be forgotten tor many day a da., ,r.rtuent of th league, as toaatnuater, A 11 the star bowlers In the league , and many ether bowlers were called on for ipeeches or stories. Mayor DshUaaa waa among th guests end gave a abort talk. In which he advocated bowling as a -healthy game for young business men. Ths banquet did end until the "we m hour of th morning." VII ,1! -si Among the Bowlers. In th Commercial leaaue th Drelbua Candy company won twa out of three from the Jetter' Uold Tovs. Ths tiold Tope rolled high total of r.ll, and Coch ran had high single of SS and high total of 8M. Ollbreath was hich for the Gold Tope with a' singe ot 38 tad total of Uk Thecore: JKTTER'd C1LP T0I3. imi. zu. aa. 11 lllnrlrhs Stmw Uadensrhwager' tliibreath terp . in . f 'i : isr 1M li m l 1U Total. IT , etf 1M Ml M? Ill SI s 1SJ Ht Totals .... su 8l Kt S.7U Tousea .... Straw .... Dolati .... rayntah . Cochran ' Totals D Rill Ufa t'ANDT CO. J M. at. Total. , K.J it:" lot ..... it? w . i: Morrtaoa Lesiar, OMAHA FIE1JJ CLUB. I . lt. So. I Hughea , tiousTheety Kl tv acuta 1M 11 171 ll I7 K! IM 171 .it: sc tti . . lit Ml Sit if Chamber Bkenqr ,.- Totals.... Orott dark Robertaoa . BMgele .. Kohn Totale.. ..... ba 1M ..... Til ELK. lt. ie 7 m i lil 147 1st 1W m Id. ToUI. 171 i4i n 1S1 &S7 m t? t,m M. 144 Ml 14 171 1 . ToUI ITS 4S4 121 Xtl 144 4 m U7 CM . m T7J W7 KEARNEY NORMAL WINS ... FROM. YORK COLLEGE KEARVET. Nab.. March L-Spcll.- Osa of th surprlaea of h season wa th climax to th Tork College-Normal basest ball gams t th Normal laat evening, when.,. with a lead of seven paints at the close, of tha first halt tha score being t to H the Normal boys by tha subatltutloa of Wlocball at for ward, climbed up and won the game with baaket by Wlnchell a the time keep er blew their whistles, closing the juw, the scors being SMB. Th gam closed the basket ball season at the achool. Be tween tha halves the Second Normal team defeated the K. M. A. by the score ot 2s to M. Following la the lineup for th main vent: . , , Kearney. poeltlon Tork. Burman forward War Shield forward (c) Decold Doasett (c).. ...... center Roger Baldredae ........ .guard uoweia Selver ..guard , Huffman Wlacbail ....guard ...... METHODISTS WIN FROM THE PRESBYTERIANS An featerootlng game of baaket ball wa played Thursday vnbig at tke Walnut Hill Methodist church by the Creaoeat five of tha church dafeaUag. the First United Presbyter! a flv to th tun af 11 te 4. The first half ended In favor of the visiting team. ta 4 but the Metho dist boys earn back wltk a great de termination la the eond half and took It points and did not allow their oppo nents a point. The lineup: Prmhetartsna. " ' CTeceOtS. Douglaa RO.'R-O... Mulr !..!..!R.U.L.. Carnal .......L.O tH.t. Dougtaa Carnal v '. Russell . Referee Players Leave for . ' . Southern Quarters CHICAGO, March 1. Three veterans 'of Ik Chicago American league club wer absent when the player left Chicago to night on board a special train for Waco, Tax., to begin Spring training. The pertyj Including players, aewspaper mm and guests of President ComUktr. numbered forty-three. ' " ' ' . .'" .; Las Tannehlll. on of th veteran, was unable to make the trip beckuae of a sprained ankle. He will Join th team within a couple of week. Pat Dougherty, another veteran, has retired from th game. Matty Mclntyra, outfielder, has not signed tor the 111 season. ' Four re cruits, Rath. Mayor, Carney and Oenest, wsre among the player who went south tonight. Th squid I ached uled to reach Waco Saturday mornms. 1 Manager Callahan and three pitcher already ar at' the Texas resort! The player will put In about two week of practice before starting northward to play exhibition game. CINCINNATI, March l.-8even veteran of the Cincinnati National league baa ball club left her tonight for Columbus, da., to tout the pitcher and recruit who have been practicing there for a week under the direction of Manager O'Day. Of to two holdouts of the team. John Bate and Richard lloblltxell, Bat algned his contract today and President August Herrmann said a satisfactory agreement would be reached with Hob lltssn. who was on of the party who left for the training camp. LDEN TALKS FOR SLATE TO HELP UNION SUCCEED New Leagues May, Be Given Protection CINCINNATI, O., March 1. A new deal la baa ball whereby the bow Columbian and possibly tha United State leagues will com under the protection of the agreement la Intimated In a itory published ta tha Cincinnati Times-Star to day. The story, which ts aald to b semi official, states that Chairman August Herrmann ot th National baas ball com- mlastoo would present tha matter to that body for official eonetderatloo. Thomae . Williams . Dowllns ....C.iC... Tisthouser LF. R.F paxton RFlUF Adams Kennedy. Length of halves: !i and M minutes. Field goals: Douglas, Rnaii .21. Tlstheueer !, Adam it). Paxtosv Fro throw; Paxtea l. A4- "" ' Jo Wllawa Sold to .Dwvwapawt, PAVENPORT, ' la.. March 1. Th Davenport elab ot the Three I league to day announced to purcaase rrom ine ex. Louie Americans of First Baseman Joe Wilson. McFarland Pounds Devlin in Cleveland CLEVELAND, O., March 1 Tommy Devlin of Philadelphia waa clearly out classed by Packer McFarland of Chicago tonight. McFarland bitting Devlin when and where he pleased. In the fourth round the fight waa stopped, saving Devlin from a knockout. The fight waa scheduled te go ten rounds. The men weighed la at IS pounds. A Meeting called by the apeaker com. mltte of ta Cltlasns union' was held In th Plymouth Congregational church but' night, the 'principal apeaker- being Oolonet .Cunningham, chairman of- the executevaivemmrttee, of th arcantaatlon. Ooloiwl .Cunningham s talk waa principally aloacllnea. .explanatory , of ibe : organi sation ol thw union and It purposes. -Th piypoeee.. were, daaignaled as , bains -pur ai)f stnipi ior sivmg m cuy gsoej gov ernmenl under lb commission plan. -. According to. lb speaker,, th persona th anion will, favor (or commissioner have not yet been, selected, but .will ,be agreed upon within, ten day. Th story of friction In ths committee was denied and it waa asserted that th member ar worxmg m penect uarraony. 'Charle A. Alden. financial aecretary of the L'nNeralty of Omaha and a member of th executive committee of the anion said he Mi-lad the churches ar willing to throw open their door to meeting ot this kind. He predicted that the time U not far dlatant when board of education wut eeetbe wiadom of permitting th holding ot public meetings la th school houses. ..' . Mr. Alden. saw much good In th com mission form of government a proposed for th city of Omaha If good and capable men are elected. Otherwise, there will be no chang In conditions. He aald th union' method of .selection has been denounced In some quarters as a slate. adding that no political, party ever won S victory 'unless a slat was made and the slste candidates given undivided sup port-' ' : .. ... ' National Ceag Rail at Right. MILWAUKEE. Wis.. March lAspeclal Telegram.-Secrrtary Abo, Langtry to- nlnht announced the achedul tor tit American bowling congress which place In Chicago, beginning Sunday, tub schedule provides that tha " five-men vent ar rolled at night, with the doubles and single In th forenoon, fol lowing th appearance of the earn bowler in th five-men .contest. Six team are represented from Omaha. The schedule followsi - . .-r March IS. Evenlnr-Five-men teams: Pete Loch'. W. A. itaier. captain. March 11 Forenoon Doubles, above team: afternoon, singles of same team. March It. Evrnlng-Flve-men teanw: Martin Tigera. F. M. Leptnsbl, captain: Old Haxoo Braus. W. F. Weber, captsln: Met. M. ft. Huntington;- uw,- run Wslenx. March It. Forenoon until 1Z p. m.. doubles of Omaha teams. March M, Afternoon t'nttl I p. m.. m- divlduale of teams which- rolled In five-men- events preceding night. - Man-a is jetter a uora i ops, e. u, Biixga. captsln. " ' March 3U, Forenoonr-Doubles of Jttters; stet neon, ilnglea. .. , BEEL-MAHMOUT WRESTLE ,v AT THE BOYD ON MARCH 9 Good preliminaries will be staged tor the Mahmout-Beell match, which wll be wrestled t Boyd s theater, Msrch . Manager Phelps say he la receiving all kind of Inquiries concerning ths match, as both, men are .top-not chars. . , . , . Key to th Situation Be Advertising. atTKTKER SHOE COMPANY. 1st. M. 3d. Total. Neale ... Ttl tut 141 M -r.-..r is va ' in - AU Fred Herreahoff. American golfer, woo I Wrekre" ltt W M 494 Hartley K7 IK in M7 Got! ' HI ill S3S w.a Invade Eng aj.d within th asxl tea week It fir In loo British . national i amateur cnamDeotbhlB and attempt to Tsurkl Oaaetaawea 5raaat. .1 amateur chair. peon. hips and attempt to 1 Totals M sit : VAIiYVILLE. ki. Xlsnrh l -TarS nonce lost by tide country ALPHA CAMP NO. ('' -omuteteiv outrMmsS Nerth- Hu IlltiM ml Enaiaad oas- ' 1st. 20. e-tim X rl WJlieur aer tenlsht In wsi Harold Hilton or ugiaaei cap- onrh , J4i b crucial tn.k.-t ll game ef th--tured the America a title lasi I c, Prlmeaa - 171 H bfaeaa by ttuuns I' corn set by a t a. 9 eeere. Tne first half eras fa ai'wei Cava, bat th e-inertw e dittea ef tbe ,.rcre and the eacelient tram wvrk of the winders an.ywcd lae --.w . .w mii i a va I HemsbofT ptayed In I Hilton and tos only . mat'h that bad been seen la a aai Iteumaaseut in ycara. the final against Heatoa . srftaaaa.ceoaest Unttt II. i-namu . . 171 VW is: m it' a x,9 L Jd. Total. 1 S9S 15 4M MS 1 "1ST 441 THEBHJEDY .rORSORESMPULCERS Th combinstioa 'ol healthful vegeUble ingredients ol which a S. S. is eontposed. makes it an especially desirabl and effective remedy in the treat ment oj sores and ulcers of every kind. Since sa imports condition ot the blood is responsible ior the trouble, a medicine that can puriiy the blood is the only hope of s successful cure; snd it should be a median that sot only cleanses the circulation, but one that at the same time restores the blood to iUnmnaLrich-nnrriUvOTditioti. 8. & S is last tach a femedy. It is made entirely ol healing; cleansing vegetable properties, extracted from na ture g roots, Aerba aaa Mrics oi me lorest ana neias. -i oa sang occn rtcognixed as the greatest of all blood purifier possessing the qualitier neoesfiary to remove every imtmrity ia the blood. - When S. S. 8. has pnrifiet" the cirailatioB, and strengthened and enriched it,-sores and ulcers heal Teat! ily aad surely, beceose they are bo longer led and kept open by a contitrax dtschxrgs into them oi imtatinr disease-laden matter from the blood. S8.f brings about a healthy condition of the flesh by supplying- it with net noarishino; blood and makes a permanent and lasting; core. Book ipaSort and Ulcers and any medical advice mailed tree to au wno wrnie. 5v Our Lease Is Soon Up BEASOtf for going- out is High.' Kents. " .'. WARNING Don't wait too long, come ' ". " ' . early SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH A SECOND TOR SPRING CLOTHES." . "Society Brand" Clothes For young men and men who stay young. Choice of any two or three piece Suit, Ov ercoat, Rain Coat or Slipon, in their make . ' . in the House ONE DAY ONLY AT : r "OPPOSITE HA YD EN'S. IBS SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLAiTTA, GA. SaSyg.g M Oftw lYn fP I Vorth Makes it V V . jTS One-Half I Wft. 13 u jy S40,oo Yon aave $10X)0 to J15.00, or more, on ev ery garment. Why not buy your Easter Suit,etanow? PANTS at 95c" $2.25 , $3.50 and , $4-50 sold up to $8.50.; OUR LOSS YOUR GAIN. : : 107 SO." SIXTEENTH ST. it " ' Iowa wi norm - '' b6oSE-T. A'. Ptirlntow;3 frmeTfy'' of this city and well known In business err cle here, has died In Pueblo, Cole, .where he went some years ago. lie la a brother of C. C. Purlnton. formerly proprietor of the Boone Bank Book company here. - BOON E Mrs. Blanch BmUh-Moran, of California, formerly Af tola city, has jutt passed away. Word waa received ia Boon yesterday te this effect. Mrs. Moran whll her wa popular and prominent, and graduated from th Boone hlgu school In the year Mot . CRE8TON-0ut of th 1st delegates to the republican' county convention to be held here March . aevsnty-mn of them have been selected, and seventy-four f these are Tart delegate. This means Union county will ssnd a solid Taft dele gation to th state convention at Cedar Itaplds. April M, CHESTON-fleorge Bracken of this city who was knocked down in Lea Moines re cently and had his skull fractured is still In a critical condition In a hospital of that city. His assailant Will McAfee Is still being held In tail there pending the out come of Bracken' Injury. Bracken I a baker of this city. CENTER VILLhVJame and -William Hendon, Indicted for arson and conspir acy, pleaded guilty to the latter charge while on trial here yesterday afternoon and were sentenced to three years In the penitentiary. Tliey were Indicted Jointly , with Croft, the state alleging that they tired a large grain elevator tor the pur pose ot collecting 116, worth of Insur