EDITORIAL PAGES ELEVEH TO TWESTT. THE Omaha Daily Bee Looking Backward This Day in Omaha YOK (XLI-NO. '.. 221 OMAHA," SATURDAY " MOKXING, MARCH 2, 1012. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. MAY PROBE FLORENCE PAYING Jnhoji P. Brown Takes Armful of Evidence to Grand Jury. - HO KOEX DtDICTXErTS ARE IH Graa Jar State Wat Seas Tree Bill Mar Br Kt'perteel Satar day Some at These Mar Be Seaaatlaaal. Chargea against rwmbn at the Flor ence dty council and other city officials war made before the Douglas county rud Jury by Joshua r. Brown of Flor ence yesterday. Brown 1 an adherent of Mayor John 8. Paul of Florence, who stands alone against the council and the other officials. The matter over which the mayor and the other official are at war Is toe now famous Florence paving esse, one phase of which now Is pending fti the supreme court - Paul, Brown and another Florence maa, who la on Paul's side ot the controversy, appeared to-testify before the grand Jury. After the Inquisitors had disposed of some police routine matter and had examined a witness or two in regard to the South Omaha eurruption charges Paul went Into the grand Jury room. Paul waa armed with a bundle containing many copies of the Florence Tribune and several letters and wrl'.ten documents of some sort or ether. He was before the grand Jury for bout an hour. His examination was completed shortly before noon. Mayor Paul and the other Florence men were lnstractei to return for examination in the afternoon. Try ta OerelTe the Press. Major Paul and those associated with him nsade every effort to thwart the ef forts of newspaper men to learn the nature of the matter under Investigation. Paul represented himself to the reporters as a South Omaha man and Browa posed a dtlsen of Calhoun. Detail regarding the charges the Paul fsctloa baa made against the ether side cannot be learned, nor can It be ascer tained what action they hope to have the grand Jury take. This much la known: that the testimony la calculated to prove Improper conduct of the Paul opponents In connection with the paving matter and possibly In relation to other matter. As a result of testimony given by Brown the (rand Jury haa Issued sub. poena for several other Florence men with a view to having Brown' story either corroborated or refuted. Ceases Mash Mtlsmtlea. The Florence paving fight commenced bout three year ago, when M. Foil was given a contract for paving la the town. Paul opposed the Contract at the time nd ever since ha fought the proposi tion. Law suit after law suit haa been started until the matter now Is so thor oughly entangled that even the lawyer have difficulty In undent as ding It ( The question of the validity of the act tinder which the paving originally wa ordered now haa reached the supreme court and a decision Is being awaited. Following a supreme court ruling on one pha of the dispute th city conned two weeks ago adopted a concurrent res olution ordering the, city clerk to re fund to taxpayer taxes they paid when Ins paring wa charged to owner of butting property. Th major, who has favored taxing th entire city for the paving If anyone Is taxed, refused to con cur. A week ago the council adopted a plain resolution ordering the treasurer to refund. 80 stands the situation today. ' Agala at noon the grand Jury failed to return any Indictment. Several grand Jurors said soma true bills will be pre sented tomorrow. Bom of them may be sensational. Whether the grand Jury will continue Us probing or take a races for a week or two will be determined by the grand Jurors today. With a view of locating and plugging an alleged "leak," through which In formation regarding th deliberation ot the grand Jury Is supposed to have been obtained, the grand Jurors questioned a representative of-a newspaper Jnst be fore the noon recess was taken. Big Price is Paid for Some Fat Cattle O. H. Allen of Cass county, topped the market at South Omaha yesterday with a load f cows and heifers from hi feed yards. Tne average weight of the ship ment was 1.027 pounds and th price was to. So, which wa paid by the buyers of Armour Co. This la the highest pries obtained for a full load la a long time. Allea topped the market last year with a similar shipment sod attributes his success to silos, of which he has a nuro mer upon his ranches in Caas county. lie 1s on of the biggest feeders In eastern Nebraska and annually ships K cars of cattle In and out of the local market His dealer are Byera Bros. KEK AST) RELIGION FOBWAED MOVEMENT EXFEBT COMING. i WARREN L. BURGER, Leader of the Men and Religion Move , to Speak in Omaha t Dr. Warren I Burger of Dayton, O., known as the conservation expert of the men and religion movement will be In Omaha Sunday and will speak several times. The following Is the program ot his stay In Omaha: Sunday morning he will preach In the First Presbyterian church. Sunday afternoon at I o'clock he will address the committee ot one hundred in the Young Men's Christian Associa tion bulldlngj At 4 o'clock ha will speak to all of the local church committeemen of the city. This meeting will be held In the Toung Men' Christian association auditorium. In the evening there will be a union meeting of the north side churches held In the North Prasbytarlaa church. Th 4 o'clock meeting on 8unday after noon takes the place ot th regular Toung Men' Christian association meeting and la open to all men. 1 Evidence is Found Against Thespian After a diligent search through news paper fiids and correspondence of George Neal,.CM Harney street, Postofflc In spector Randall and United States Attor ney Howell hive unearthed enough evi dence to warrant prosecution of the the atrical teacher on a charge of using the mall to defraud. Meal wa arrested, upeg the complaint of J.'Lk "Wyman, I7 North' Twanty-asv- enth street, who charged hlra with ob taining money under false pretenses, and wiien arrested!! wa about to escape. W. A. Jackson wa arrested also as an accomplice, but he will be released by the federal authorities. Neal's schema wa to Interest stage- struck boys snd girls In a snow he wa organising and after getting sum from them for costumes and other theatrical paraphernalia, he would disappear. It Is alleged that he used the newspaper and mails 4 secure victims. Cavalry Commander Will Have a Hearing Lieutenant Colonel Henry J. Goldman, commanding the Twelfth cavalry, eta tloned at Fort Robinson, will be here next' week to appear before a (pedal re tiring board to ahow cause why he should not be relieved from military service. The special retiring board Is composed of officer In th Department of the Mis suorl and Commanding General Smith haa been made president , of the body. General Smith has received exhaustive details of the Goldman case from Wash ington, but ha decline to make known th nature of the proceeding. WOMAN ACCUSES ANOTHER OF CAUSING SEPARATION Mrs. Christina Bertelsea of Omaha, de serted by her husband, Christ Bertelaen, nine years ago. found what she thinks Is a due to his whereabouts yesterday when she read newspaper reports that Mrs. M. U Stoughtea or Rapid City, 8. !.. Is In Omaha to find four children whom ah placed In the Child Savlnc Institute some earssv. "It waa sa account of her that I had to get divorce," said Mrs. Bertelaen to County Clerk Frank Dewey. "If It hadn't been for her I wouldn't hare loot my hus band. I got a divorce from him about a year ago and he was ordered to pay me HI a month alimony, bat I never could collect it because I couldn't find where ha was. Her husband was dead and her children in the Institute when my hus band left ma." . PHIL ARMOUR PRESENTED WITH FINE CHEST OF SILVER M. W. Armour, manager of window dis play adverttslmi at The Bennett com pany store, was given a pleasant surprise and a handsome chest of silver Wednes day night by the department manager at th store. A couple of weeks ago Ar mour put one across on his friends when ha quietly Journeyed to Lincoln and was married without taking any of them lnt his confidence. Wednesday night It waa arranged that Mr. and Mrs. Henry N Peters should call at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Armour to keep them at the house, until the arrival of the plotters. who consisted of the department manag ers. Henry J. Kleser, manager of the book department, mad th presenta tion speech. - BALORIGE WILL SPEAK AT . LINCOLN NEXT WEEK Howard H. Baldrige win go to Lincola next wek to address the Nebraska Swed- tsh-Aaserlcan league, which holds Its Sa naa! basxrurt Wednesday evenbur. The other speakers of toe evening win QoTcraor Chester H. AMrlch and C P. Petersen of Lincoln. Visitors from H ever the stats wffl be present at the haa- by th owe of Pi KtaTa Bear tasuoemx. 44 and SL Far aess ar Bea- tB Drug Co This Store Closes Every. Saturday Evening at Nine O'clock. Unique Silverware Sale AQ Wm. A. Rogers High A HOC Grade Silverware OC ' This sale Is composed entirely of Win. A. Rogers famous "1881" hjgh snide silverware and la for Saturday only. You've never known such pricing: All fancy pieces, choii-e 4o. 1 pooiia. ptr Mt of x 4&c Itetwert tpton per at of three 4" J Table spoons, per $wt pt two ,...4St:l Butter knife or uaf ahell ....4tc? Medium jtlze knlvea, set of three, 41c I Medium . fork, set of thret 4ta Chi Ids' 3 -piece aets ....4c 48c rvT7l ma S. & H. Green Trading Stamps Given With All Purchases at This Store. Shop During the Day if Possible. A Great Umbrella Sale C9 AQAny Umbrella i0 AQ p.tJ in Stock Satd'y Prepare for spring showers by attending ' ' tli ts unprecedented umbrella sale Saturday. Th choice) of the stock at $2.49 Include finest quality umbrellas with sold or silver bandies and silk and linen or all silk covering a well as the various style of wooden handle. Kinds for men nd women. ; Remember, only $2.49 for your choice. The New in Suits and Coats JI M mMOiJ, :.H'!$H Reftertiac correctly tlie style at a brilliant spring The scope ot our preparations at tills date Is entirely without precedent In the length and breadth of Omaha. Not only have we been Instruments! In advancing the erring style sea son In Omaha by our early showings but WE HAVE HADE EARLY BUYING POPl'LAR by the liberality of our early offerings. A point worth noting Is that no matter how fine or clever a model may be. Its success Is determined by the fit and quality. This store stands unequalled In the quality, fit. tailoring and character ot the garments It places at your disposal. Investigate for your own satisfaction and because we ask It SI ITS, 19.50 apwarda; COATS, ftXOO and ap. Th in-between-aon tuitt toe have been offering at $8. 75 are rapidly moving out. Made of good serge and mixture in many different coloring. Value up to $23. 50, at . . $8.75 Flats tailored Women's Tailored Waitts at Interesting Prices Tailored waists of par Irish llaea, have soft cuffs, Saturday, $1.50 new eon. each, this sea- all Si UTS, $1.25 Pure, llnea waist In plain and plaited shirt styles; also beauti ful eyelet embroidered designs; four pretty models to choose from. ....$2.75 Some Children's Wearables Specially Priced A boat 40 children's coats, for ages to It years; values from tt.ti to 1 10.00, while they last each. Choice of blue, red, tan and srey. Oalldraa' arawer lafftas, to close, see. X.UU to ooata, ate I to 4 years, made-of bearskin, vel vet and kersey cloth; values from :.6 to 1.5. to close. DM OhlMraa's sweaters ase 1 to 4 years, to close, o ages i to 10 ) ears, to close. Tee. A Sale of Corsets The price is not great but the qual ity is sufficiently good to warrant buy ing more than one. Regular 75c Cortet Specially Priced for Saturday Only at . . 49c They are made along the linos of some of the Ivr-tot JiMiHA4t.i. ar.rir.cr mrvfolsi And will nrnVA miit .' a a 1. - 9 A serviceable lor nouse wear; even ior sireei wear. 1 All length with the new low bust and medium skirt. Made of good coutll and batlit and equipped with extra quality hose supporter. . - , . Regular. 7Se values, Saturday, 49c. ft 1,000 Pairs Men's New Shoes in a Big Sale Saturday A Special Purchaie, Made by Our Shoe Buyer Who Unow in the East, Ruthed to U by the Fattett Exprett $3.50 Values for Only $2.45 And please consider when reading this announce ment that every pair ts new-new In style and con taining only the best leathers and workmanship. There are good, comfortable ttyltr, of tturdy leather, for the working man; and new tnappy lat and leather for the young man who muit have only the mot fathionable mode an r $3.50 value for only $2.4) Here's what yon will flnd-la aiaes and widths Gun metal shoe with the latest high toes, la blucher laos styles. -Three different style et 1 bnr calf and velonr calf leathers. -Heavy elk shoes with heavy sole and ballast tongues; made to witn stand the roughest usage. There will also he some rare bargains for women and rhUdrea la the shoe department, Saturday. Final Prices on Men's Suits and Overcoats Saturday All the odds and ends of our men's and young men's suits and overcoats are marked for final clearance Saturday. Up to $25 Values, $12.50. Up to $18 Values, $8.50 If you come early you will find some suits of a weight suit able for spring wear-in styles that have been good sellers with both men and young men. Odds aad ends from oar mew's Uvaser stock are alio nnder-prlcel for Saturday only-Cp to $6.00 values $a.Ot up to $3.S9 Taluea, 1.CS, 331-3 Per Cent Discount Oa-aJI Bore veseea ton AffM to IT. Aaeerf 71 lays' saris fc mmm nf aprwur mmthtm, rev sure J fa IS yews, SJrcsaTWsnaf aWae at t A earns (sweisj arte tftt.SS. A slssrssse of boytr kaiakeraeeke aato-II.M and ll.Ia value. Saturday., soi "So values, Saturday, So. Beftr See Maes w4ss, wltti 'Sn without collars, specially priced at ef. 25 Per Cent Discount On All Boy. Winter . Baitai Ages IT. Candy Specials . Fresh Fluffeta chocolates, worth 50o the lb., Saturday, 29c, Chocolate dipped cara mels, worth ,40c the. lb., Saturday, StOe. Fresh salted peannta, worth tOc the lb., Saturday? ISc Carnations at 39c 5,000 extra large and beautiful carnaf tiont, worth 75c and $1.00 the ' dozen, to Co, Saturday, for 39c American Beauty Roses, 10c ea. Saturday Pure Food Store News BOWBLB ITisTPI OW B KILlIig . nOA SATVBBAT. Bennett e beat coffee and 2 stamps, lb. Me I lha Bennett's best coffee and v stamp for 1.00 Assorted teas and 7i tamps, the lb,,,. Tea sittings and 14 stamps, th lb.,..15o Specials in Bat. ter and Eggs oi.tr. Capitol vssmsry batter finest made In 1 lb. bricks of guar anteed weight.. so Fresh eosntry hatter, th lb ase Fresh country ass's, th doaen for. ..loo "Pride of Bennett's" flour special offer of a aaok at 1M e-lo. can Bennett's Cap itol baalna; powder and 100 stsjnpa tl.00 All ktaAs ef reawtable aad flews seeds aekaca for as Snldefe chile sauce and 14 st'pa, hot-. He Full cream cheeea and 1 stamps, the lb... Me Virginia Swiss cheese and IS stun ps, lb., Sse I cans Evergreen corn snd 10 stsmps SOe Walkafa hot tamalea and It stamp, can, la Large jar strawberry or raspberry jam and 1 lampe for ...sse) Quart can Franco-Amer ican soaps. Assorted, for SOe S-ls. roll "rrsm!eSB set ts rime for ess Van Camp's spaghetti and IS atampe can. lea I pkga. Bennett's Capi tol mincemeat and 14 stamps, for... .....Mo 24a can ' Beauty Oreen asparae'ua for lee Sour pickles and lu stamps, quart ....It Lars can Mulder pork and beans snd 20 stamps, for SOe Galllard'a olive oil and to stamps, bottle.. 4c bottle olive stuffed with olives or ain.onda. for ,...ao Horseradish and I at'ps, th bottle for 10 f can hrlmps aad 10 stamps for ..see 4-lb. pkg. Dewey Cleans er and Compound, aa Lara slse. finest dual ity Queen olives II 00 bottle ( tie bot M IFIiUITO AND ma a Finest quality selected and guaranteed or anges, shipped direct to ns from Redlands, Cal., per doten, ISc, 20c, SSe, 80c and SSc No. 1 large fancy English walnuts, regularly told at 20c the lb.. Friday, z lbs. for....20o S stalks fanoy celery for ISc 2 bunches hot house radishes. ...Be Fancy date, t lbs. for 2flc Good cooking apples, the peck 2Sc Fresh black walnuts, the peck 20c MEAT SPECIALS -1 ,r1 POT ROAST, 8V3C, 7'2C PORK SHOULDER 7C PORK BUTTS 10c HINDQUARTERS MUT TON ORLAMB...7V2C 3 lbs. LAMB CHOPS 25c LAMB LEGS 9' -C 3 lbs. SHOULDER ' STEAK 25c 3 lbs. HAMBURGER 25c 4 lbs. CORNED BEEF for ..25c CHICKENS 9VnC lOVjlbs. LEAF LARD $1 VEAL ROAST 10c VEAL CHOPS 10c BOILING BEEF ...5VsC PC RE PORK 8 A CH A Q R LEASt'BACOJl' ". If Solid Golden Oak Hall Tree Like the il-luitration-regularly sold at 75c each, speci ally priced for Saturday only, at For Men Some Saturday Bargains in Fine Furnishings Mwi'a 11.04 fin silk and linn coat Shirts with sort oollara, tl.lS. tOo silk knit four-in-hand tie In spring style, gtc. lOo suspenders, In new web c. Ito ootton hose, S pair for 24c. Th famous Hhawknlt hose every pair guaranteed--lie th pair. Hats and Caps Complete lines of th new rap for spring wear are varloualy priced at EtUc, He and 41.04 each. One big lot of men' 41.44 soft hsts on sals (Saturday at II. SI. 39c zsn VeX Toilet Goods Ytm Cm 5ov 25 Vr Cent ar Mora an lear Toast Gowda anef Drug Saaefrie If You Bay 7 asm af Bmutt't SOe Java rice pow der 30c Woodbury's lie facial cream .....la l be Asurea and 1a Trefle powder ... Packer1 iio tar oap, cake 14 lc Pbco tooth past; at ...... ...;? 2(o naniioi nw powoer 'w Pond s ISc van ishing cream at sse 5c Go .sa ri. er face p'wd'r, IBs J argon's 14c violet glycerin soap Ts lto largs powder puff at 10 Ho Imported Castile t!oap 10 iic Lus trite nail enam el at 14 Colgate' and Mennen'a Z4o talcum loo 41 bottle Plnaud'a Rau de Qutuln hair tonio for at 1 Ideal Hair Brushes at .' To Up to 14c whisk broom at 1 . Bennett' lie vegeta ble pill He T&c guaranteed, 8-o.t. rten croaa syringes lis lb. borax.. fountain a' DESPONDENT WOMAN DRINKS CARBOLIC ACID air. E. H. Freeman, aged 34 year, drank two ounce of carsouo add yesterday while In a fit of despondency at her home. 1112 J seksoo street- Bhe was attended by ! Police Burgeon Pepper and taken to 8t Joseph's hospital, where ah is reported to be In a dying condition. Mrs. Free man ha been In 111 health for some time. This morning she went out for a walk and returned shortly before noon. She was alone la her home wbea she took the deadly add, but her groans attracted the attention of people livteg la th upstair rooms ot th sous and they notified th pone, " . LYSLE I. ABBOTT SUCCEEDS SUNDERLAND AS SPOKESMAN Iosla L Abbott ha succeeded Ralph Sunderland aa chairman of th publicity committee of th Cttiaens union. He rent out yesterday morning a letter writ ten by VT. F. Baxter ta the officer ef Boilermakers' union Xa. t, la wale Mr. Baxter corrects a wrsng report be made to am auaroe' erdon. It iiuin the aoO- psaa. aad Umaaja a n iifitikai at terms Mr. Baxter vol th Idea, that the aatsa Taes Jsd ta Ua rasswt. wUck Mr. Basts- WOEN BEGF0R LAZY MEN Associated Ch&ritic Ecporti Caiet of the Kind Are Tooiid. CALL AT - STORES AID HOMES laveetlsatloa Iteveale Sad State at Affair Chartttea 'asks 'that All Case Be Beferred te) The foe. Aetlaa. Believing that on woman or an ac- ganlxatloa of women has been "working" tha public for donations In order to up port idle and "undesirable" men th As sociated Charities ar notifying dtlsen to refer beggars to th shanties' office. Reports have reached tha office of th chaiitle saying that a - good-looking has appeared at several somss aad also at several store and represent. trig that she had a Urge . family and eould trot get work asked for help. One month ago a women named Kelly waa arrested aad given tea days ta JaU for tbos mlaiepitatntlng th facta. She haa served her firoe aad I at hsrga Since ah haa been eat of 111 a woaau ta br Una aaaa Bra, Betty r aar w in. a baa appeared aa sev- isia glvta; bar asi aid bss been solicited been able to secure th address of th beggar. She appeared at a grocery store and secured 414 worth of groceries. 'W will send them around." said th clerk. "No, I live but short distance and m take them," protested th woman. , Nevertheless th groceries -Were sent around, and the woman could not be lo cated nor had sh aver lived at such aa address. Instead half-drunken and brawl ing men were found. The charities be lieve these men may bar more than one woman begging for them. Thia woman usually appears at a home at meal time or near bedtime, when th family I loth to turn away a beggar, and sh I usu ally successful In securing a generous donation. JUDGE MUNGER WHIPSAWED IN TWO RAILROAD CASES U sited States Attorney Howell has re ceived nottficarJoa from Clerk Jordan of tha circuit court ef appeal at M. Louis that tha court of appeals ha sustained a decision mad by Judge T. C. Hunger againat the rtwrilngtsa, and reversed him la another againat th seme company. Both nasi came a her la January, Bll, tha dairca beatf Ttoasuoa of the twenty- law h regard te (hipping advumg 1 th Bead ta DRE REFDSESJUING FEES Will Hot Beceire Honey Paid Under Old Form of OoTeranient, GIVES EEAS05 FOB jtEFUSTSa Ueelslee sa Cemmlaslaa reras Is B- pee-ted by iaiarder, So Ho Will kits -ft bleb Hal I I Held. Today I the hut day for candidate to file under the old form of government. Should the commission form be knocked out by th supreme court, candidates who have tendered their filing fee to the city and been refused would be candidates of tbeir party, according to law. Severs! candidate, fearing that the validity, of tha commission form, will not be sus tained, have taken advantage of this provlatos snd are offering their filing fees ta the dty treasurer. Council men M. F. Funkhoueer, Iuis Burmeeter, Goodly F. Brurker snd Thomas McGovern formally tendered tbeir fillng fees yesterday morning and were re fused. Along with the refusal City Treas urer I re gav rsch applicant th follow ing written antic: i here.. . ---.? yeu lender wf te i.tUta fe lor the reaana that no looser an eisrilve off. To dty ef Osjaxae uas heretwUc advpled Chapter U "f the sea- Mew law el B43. asm sesng s liila 2ta. US. tfhjch si.islsi JSC tba mission form of government In the dty of Omaha. By tnla act It is provroeo o the only offlcera ef tha dty to be elected shall b the commissioner provided for therein. This act supersede th law rela tive to metropolitan close In so far aa tt relate to the election of officers. I there fore am required to refuse this filing fe for the reason that there I no provision of law authorising me to accept the same A decision on the commission form teat sutt I aspect ed this morning. Th supreme court has signified that its opin ion will be announced then, although to written opinion I to follow later. Under the commission form the last day of filing Is March SS. Alien Now Working for Gymnasium Fund Having secured pledges of 04,404 for a tbrw-yesr sustaining fund for tha Uni versity of Omaha. Charles A. Alden. financial secretary of th university. I now out for 4tt.t44 more to complete the new gymnast um and fit It up for tem porary class rooms, which ar greatly SUFFRAGISTS TO SELL PAPERS ON THE STREETS It la very probabl that th Omaha Suffrage society will enliven th down town district during th spring months by doing th newsboy stunt aad selling "Th Woman's Journal." th national suffrage weekly paper, on th streets. Mrs. W. B. Bhafer. th president of tha society, will be bead new woman and will ask for volunteer assistant from the suffrage membership at the next meeting Wednesday afternoon at the Toung Women's Christian association. Th aim 1 to gain money for suffrage snd to convert "satis" to Its principle. So that these spices may b.th best w select Met you th ttne. can bay. nest stock th Mr. Aldea has written letters to a large number of business men. asking them to j give such amounts as they can. Ha aa f be hopes to find 11 seen who will sub scribe tl emca. , As socea a ta S!.M for th gymna- . alum la rsnsed th university will -tin Ha campaign for a H.4W4 perman aat esfl&wmrsit futat, t world oners, grind and Pack it aurselves. w is mat get fall est value in a Ton . lOemiYm Or tend 10c for fall-sue sackaga any kind. AU toe 1 on s bptcy iiiis, tree. Tonf awo-, m smm, ta