10 THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1912. pecial :Everits" at Brandeis The fame of Vn. A. Roger's High Grade JSt'l Silverware is T-i.rU wide. Look at i.iete price: Stores Saturday Every piece to guar gnteed lor 10 jeer wear in ordinary fam ily . Handsome pattern: Great Sale Silverware VALUES THAT HAVE NEVER BEEN EQUALLED. Win. A. Bogers' 1881 Silver at About One-Half Regular Prices. 3 Pattern Grape, Carnation and Greylock Roger 18SI Berry 8;oous. worth Jl.vb at 3B6 RoBcra' Cold Meat Forks; worta S 1.00. at 30 Roger' 18M Tea Spoon, let of worth ll.oo. tor.... 59 ""Roger 181 Deuert Spoon, set ot I worth U5. for 1.19 Roger 1 1 J 1 TJof'e Spoon; t of C wortH' $1.00. tor. 69 IlojenlSJl OraTy Ladle: worth fl; : for .. .W.V.... 59 Roger' 1881 Baby (Spoon; ret, worth 60c at 29tf Roger' 1881 Pickle Forks; worth 7 Sc. t, 39t Roger' 1881 Children' Seta, ateel knife; worth fl; at 694 Rogers' 1881 Salad Set; worth 81.00, at .... .....81.39 Roger' 1881 Fruit Knives. II dwt. with fancy handle. et of f, at. .. .81.39 Roger'. 1811" Orange Spoon, et of 6 worth $2.00, at $1.00 Roger' TMl.'il'dwt, Silver knives and fork, in grape, carnation, greylock or pllir- pattern,. , la t nice, hinge fover box; a - regular $4.00 ralue, at. per dfwen 82.39 SPECIAL SALES 0T CHESTS OP SILVER I Knlve. f rork ' i Teaspoon , f Tbl or . Duserl Spions 1 Iluttnr Knife flur Shell Grae. Carnation or Oreylock pattern. , :-piece Strafford. Oak Cheat, (ova or KoMdaJ pattern, same number ot piece U above; worth is.60. at .. -84.98 Sterllug Sliver Teaspoon, set of all, worth $6.00, tor 83.69 It '.piece Id oak.. or f ma hogany cbeeM worth regular ly $8.00. at $5.98 ' 42-plece Cheat in Grape pattern knlve. fork, (.teaspoon. tablespoons. $ I deteert spoon, butter tpreader. 1 soup ladle, 1 gravy ladle, 1 berry apoon, 1 cold meat fork, 1 sugar shell, 1 butter knife. York Regular $20 va 1 n es, com plete, at $1198 Same as above, in carnation pat tern, regularly worth $16 $8.98 Sterling Silver Coffee - Spoons, . worth 50e, at ..... . . 39c SOLID NICKEL SILVER IN FANCY KOSEDALE PATTERN 6 Tablo Spoons, solid nickel; worth $1.25. special at 794 $ Knives, Forks, fancy hihdle knives snd forks to match, at, $ Tea Spoon, solid nickel; worth reg ularly ?ic. at 494 ( Dessert Spoons, solid nickel; worth $1.00, special at ...... 69 et 81.98 SIX BIG SPECIALS IN OUR JEWELRY DEPARTMENT A new fad Snake Bead ; N e c k 1 ace, special t . 81.00 New pearl, Jet ' and whit tton Ear. rings; worth 7 6c, at 504 New line of imported bar ping, at each. 50c New , line of Opera Chains, liver aria old Mt with II colored stones and pearls: world $1.00, at. Me Pearl with white aad pea 4 worth 10. Beads, fancy eton p ea rl ant; 69c Sterling Silver Earrings, worth up to $1.98, special at , . .... jlVVite toflv.wruJ,, ..pearl find jet drops. 69c Clever and Original Models In Early Hats for Spring For Saturday wo show SO exclusive copies of very ,fine hand blocked black satin bats, faced with white txgsl and trimmed U. Ratine ornaments. flower stick-ups. English fancy feath ers.' Persian bands, eta; every bat different. Made to sell at 818. for. . Very-fine line of the new, untrimmed English Sailors in the new blues, primrose, burnt, black and white; made of very fine Jap straw, at $10 each' 81.50 The New Gaby Hats Are Popular ( One of the most popular Street Hats out. ' Very smartly trimmed with new Mallne bows, at 83.98 n 85.00 A Great Sale of Fancy Linens Hand Drawn and Hand Embroidered , Here are three hundred beautiful hand drawn and hand embroid ered Linen Pieces, including 45-inch and 54-inch Lunch Cloths, to gether with a few 72-inch Table Covers and Dresser Scarfs. They are all pure linen and some have sold for $10.00, not one wortli less than $6.50, Saturday in this great sale, at each rvui a lit j $2.49 Marseilles Bed Sets at $3.98 Excellent quality embroidered, scalloped edge Bed Spread with bol ster to match, large atze. Beautiful patterns, tine heavy Mar. ellle. standard $6.00 set. Saturday at, only ...'.. $3.98 Stunning New Spring Models Women's Ready-to-Wear Apparel Every style is fresh and new.' The accepted models for spring were never so charming. . New Suits Specially Grouped at $25 We present for Saturday the most complete and thoroughly charming array of suits we have ever shown at an early stage in the season. Saturday you may select the suit you wish from scores of models that show the complete range of the new styles. This group comprises many odd and sample spring garments snow- inor individual stvle teatures tne . . ... $25 Candy Specials in Sweetland Assorted CorogViit Kli vanilla, strawberry' and chocolate flavor.. If. st, por lb ....IOC Extra fine Chocolato Dipped Caramels: regular i too kind, at per 1 Q- puunu ..'.'....,'. Pompelan ' Bitter Sweet Chocolates, assorted fruit and nut ceoure worth 4a pound, 9 On at pound 'T i fresh Maple Confections L'ovoanut Balls, vanilla nut klaaes, etc, at. OA, per pound. a. WW Tnrn I a a. till at fort, delirious Cbocolate Cream Propa: , tn. worth itc. at. It.,.'" - A couplets line "of the lat.at St. Patrick Noveltlaa. for tablo decorations, (a- - vers, etc. THREE BIO. BARGAINS IN CUT FLOWERS Regular 50c und 75c Carnations, per dozen . . . . .'. 29 C Beautiful Narcissus; special at, per dozen ............. .49c ' llegular $1.00 Fresh Cut Hoses; at, per dozen ....... 59c BRAND EIS STORES i . . t j r .. v : .. .. new ilglll COIOieu laurics beautifully tailored, at ........ V New Spring Serge Coats $10. 'Pretty they can be and all new Idea. , New Spring Coats at $15, $19. Tine whipcord effect fancy combination colors., , The New Coats for Juniors at $7.50, $10, $12.50 1 1 C? Such pretty little coats tor high" chool '1rl'.nd smaller girl wer never een In Omaha, . - ... ,,v Wo'men'i New Serge Dresses at $6.98." 7 ' Every one a pretty, new tyle practical and ault able tor many occasion. ' . '- " li,: - Those Popular New Silk Dresses Made oVemre meteor nd changeable taffeta for after- You'll Be Delisted With This Showin oi New Waisti for 1912 Spring arrival. 1. W.I.U pf fin. chlfton. I ! clever new 1911 tyle feature ever before, at 08e 81.50 J.f .t 85 W.88 88.08 810.00 I p t0 -8.00 ' Hen' cotton heavy an 1 medium weight hosiery double soles, heeis1 and toes, some linen spliced, split soles worth 26c, at-12HC' Hisses' children's and boys' ribbed school hosiery, garter tops double knee, heel and toes; worth 2oc pair, at, pair ......120 Sale of Hosiery . Women's Cure Silk Boot ' Hosiery, wide lisle garter . tops, lisle,' soles, double heels -and toes, black, tan, , white and fancy.shades; also' Men's ' Pure Silk Hosiery, double soles," rein , forced heels and toes; w-orth QQ 50c, per pair at 6djQ Women's Pure Thread Silk Hosiery All silk, with wide 'silk, hem tops," silk double soles,'1 heels and, toes, fancy silk embroidered boot patterns, also plain silk with wide lisle hem tops, lisle soles, worth regularly $1.00 a pair, Q per pair at Women's cotton and lisle finished, also mercerized silk finished hos . iery; wide hem tops, also fancy lace boot patterns in regular and out sizes; double soles, heels and toes, ptir pair at. 15c 15c All Silk Satin Ribbons at 6c a Yard All Silk Satin Ribbons in all colors, number 40; worth np to J.2V20 a 'yard bargain square, main floor. . I 25c All Silk Taffeta Ribbons at 13c a Yard All Silk Taffeta Ribbons in plain and fancy floral-designs, all colors, widths up to 7 inches; many worth 25c a yard, on Big Bar gain Square. . , . : " Women's New Spring Neckwear SJXf 10c Fine embroidered linen and madras tailored stocks, "ascots, etc.; some hand embroidered in white and colors; embroidered Dutch and sailor collars, embroidered jabots, lace jabots, etc.; all 1 l new spring styles, worth from 25c to 50c, at. IwC Three Big Specials in Knit Underwear Infant's Vests, all and part .'wool; worthuptoC 50c,eachatwwC. Women's fine ribbed lisle snd ' cotton Union Suits, umbrella style, Isce trimmed, also tight knee, Including Mun- A f sing Underwear; at, AUf , ault...... Children's 15c ' "M" Waists, pat taped but- A tons, each at. 7 C vs. 1 1 it The Great Monthly Bargain Event red Cross drug sale ToUot Arttoles. 21c Amolo Kom Cream (..' 11.0 Pompelou use CTm ...Te toe Pepoco Tontlr Paato Sto Lilac Talcum SSo Harmony Tl- um ;jo Rublfoan' ..ITe tie liiamond ' Nail . rolliii IV to Java der Rice row-' le gl.oe) Everyday Ten ts , 3 So Grippe Pills 10 toe Liver Salts e Uenthollne Balm ase Ivory Hap. at . .. ...3Kc ISc tr.. . tiravts' -Tooth Pow. 10c l M Trav . ollnir Cases ... 49c 1 In. : .trulo Team Borax jio Per. oxide,, at Sic Hanltol Tooth Powder .. 7c 14c 75c Rubber Ulovea 2.M fruuta)n Byrlnso tl.t Hot Water Bottle !.U CooiJlnatlon Byrlnso .. tJ. ' Douche atme. Talea Arttele (tc Tale's Kace Powder ite, Yale'a Face Boap , ll.DD Tale'a Blood Tonic ...... . .lj Camera Sale 8 Shibe MTTl.De-' veioper .... sse Ti'lb. Acid Hypo 9c 3 H.x 4 H Plates, dosen 25c S dot. Postals, SOe SM S Post Card al nenoca .... tm.o at . 4x( Beneca. . 7JS l.(r J 14x4 "4 fn eca 14.4 t: o at .. txT 8neca. . I1M ' tuet at . Senna. . . BRANDEIS STORES H 3EEM10 GIVE 10VE EST Time-Honored Cuitom to Be Per actuated by Cooncilmu. FEIPAEES FLO WEST SPEECH gome Ipler aad latereatia; Deelara. J tleaa Ave Lek4 Fee at be CaeMUautate VwaatUa mm Meater Kvcala;. i Prestdeat Louis Berka of U Omaha 2!Jtr ceancU li to be boat to hie follow 3ttactlmea. the major and several cttr .facials hfondajr rrantng at WVoth's res taurant. This will be the third love- ast hld br the preaaitt ceuacU sutca 2- 1. laatattaUoa In' offico. Councilman Jjxwle Bumtettcr whoa prealdent tnaucu 3t4 the etutom. Vwar the close ef his -teras. Coodltr Biwcker, who succeaded lormaMsr, followed the good example 3tat year about this tun, aad bow Jodce p:rk le eoaortac the svecedeat at br 3-a t.-:aaoiori la the chair. All the ' oaacfl banquets have boea held at Vroth'a x Z It has eoaoaie known about the dtr hall 3' .at Praatdeat Barka has heea puUln his qpen trm ea the praparatlea of more thaa oroinajitr flowery spooch. "leuiaihi" at these atralrs have b tww faowus aamoc his coUaasuea, and Jtils year they mra prepsod te bear bha virpajs all tea pravms affects. m As Sit the member, ot too present cotin 2jI exeapt Darla of the Twelfth wsrd. Vre candldstoa for the new eonmlaaioa, 4f the law shall be bald constitutional by 3Qie etaie ouararao coort. aotno spicy and Sitatat)Bs; aciaratlons era looked tor -t the function lieaday evenla:. Ths n ef the tuaatitmlar has not yet haea JtnnramrH. bat a a Waa acoaroel the honor at the two pre- odin bangiwta, aad f otmd we difnculty j& wt"r alx repabilcaiia aad alx. demev Xmu act np to their hisheat beat as aratora ana tovera of I T7wwv n.,- T xt: .1.1 I one ot iGGS TAKE ANOTHER SLUMP Ill PRICES YESTERDAY ... Esc took a drop la Omaha yeaterder a4. are aow seWnc at retail aa lew aa X -Wenta a doaea. Karty ia tha week they -sere qsted at S cents. The wholesale .2.'tfe la S to JS cents a doaeo, depending Ja the aaaouat boaxht Valley. Mrs. John Olrhla Is quits seriously 111. h. W. Gaines sncnt a faw dava at hn. this w..k.. . Mm. K.hlman will anand Ratunlaa Sunday In Omaha. A , MIbb nertrude. lntnm'i.ti i.n j.M In Omaha this week. Mr. and VI r. v n ftrhii.. On. ail a visitors Saturday. Rev. H. P. Oray came home from bla Iowa trip Tuesday evenin. Tnomaa llanfoid will iak .h.r. tha Valley alovator March 1. Mlaa Mar Nlchola aful lira f at vn.L. ols spont Wcdnoaday la Oniahs. Mr. and Mra. Anton Blonqirlst rvtumed ealurdar from a faar da.a' vi i. Omaha, Mlaa KmUy Weaul of Kennsrd, Neb.. Is Vlrltlns her alatera. Mra N w n.in.. Snd Mra. P. M. Bulla, this week. Mr. snd Mra.. W. . bJdr are aolm-lna Mf frmu their sunt. Mra. ilalvlnl 1 npn or Hjinlltoo, K. I, this week. Mlsa Swenker. principal of ArHnstea arhooL araa the (iwst of Mm Pailmaa from Thursday eventii until Kunday. Mrs. Clara Bromon Beats arrive Baiuiv day eveninc fma South Dakota for a short visit with Mrs. Alex Smith and Mra. Broasoa. The regular monthly meetln ef the Women'r Mlaatenary soelety was held at tha horns oC Mra. W. a. Sddy Thursday afternooa. Mun Pearl McLean cave a very eelor- ahla fcenainston for the membera of the iap vear club at the noma ef Mrs. N. W. Oamas Wadnaadar evealn. A terra mimher of the parents and patroas visited tne Valley public school Prlday. Patroas day. The exhibits of work la each room ware exceptlonaUy The membera ef the Junior Ehdver aodety of the Preahytertaa church rave a fjareweil- recaption for Pearl and Robert Rock, at the home ot Mra. lnsram Tues day afternoon. Watasloo. Clarence Ehrhsrdt csms boms Satur day nlsttt. t'avld Rlbert la loadiof a car te ship te O'KcUl this week. . T. A. rtuyoo was hero from Omaha Hwnday oa bwSnees coanected with his farm near Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Kelson J. Bell, who were In California and the weat about a month, returned fiaturday moraine. Oille Tucker went to Omaha Saturday morotn to meet hla wife and child wbe cam la that momios; from Wyniora. Mhw Lacllle park was In Watertoe Wdncaday. ootntns from Council Bluffs this monuiuj te auead the day with Mrs. TeaO. Knclby Crlnk fell ever a small wscoa ea ths sidewalk ta fnaut ef his house last PVIday and severely sprained nis anees. . John Broderlck and family, who have heea In Waterloo this winter, left Thurs day for Pennaylvanl. where they will make their future homo. W. W. Tucker loaded hla car at Wymora this week and atsried tor Waterloo. They expect to move to the farm south of town where W. A. Forbes lives. Mine Uir.le McWhorter, who teaches school at .North liend. came home tiatur day morn luf for a short visit with her parents, Mr. and Mra. McWhorter. Uea Urowcock has sold 117 acres of his farm, the piece on whkh tha house and other -building stand, to James Plnnvy, the consideration twin pa) per acre. O. H. Hlatt loaded hla Roods this week snd shipped to Mills county, lows, where they will make their future home. The family arft Tuesday morntne; for I'ouncll HluffK. their new hums being south of that city soma miles. f. William., who was the florist for J. C. Robinson for a couple of years past and left last rail for England, has been In Waterloo this week, coming out Tuesday from Omaha. ,He expects to re main in tills cvuntry and may so to the Pacific coast. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Park of Kirkwood, III., the latter staler ot M. K. t'lay baugh, stopped at Waterloo last Thurs day on the wav from Colorado to their home. They vtshed Mr. Ciayhaugh and family until Tuesday, leaving that morn ing for Illiools. Mlsa Florence Belle Kiel of Waterloo and Sir. Robert If. Woiferth ot Platta mo.it ri were married at the home of tha bride's slater. Mra. John Sheldon. Weduee dav evening, February SR. Rev. B. Aston offletatlnK. Mlaa Uxsle Weeks was brideamaid and Perry Met beat man. About forty-five Invited guests witnessed the ceremony, moat of whom wce rela tives of the family. Mlsa Clara Wolfarth of Ptaltsmouth and Fred Payne ot Ar lington were out-of-town gueeta. success In every way. The proceeds amounted to 144. To. - Paul Mever, after being absent from Arlington for over a year, returned last I week. Mlsa Vera McV'ey returned home Fri day from an extended visit with friends In Illinois. Henry Plujre went to Pender la.t Wednewlay. ahers he will farm for tne coming aesson. Joseph Bryce moved to . Bloomfleld. Neb.. Wednesday, where he will make hla future home. U C. C.siaea returned 4he flnrt of tha week from a business trip down to ths Republican valley. Mrs. Henrv Mencke of Amherst, Neb., was the suest of her mother. Mrs. Fsit nle McCoy, last week. Fred tie Weber and J. C. Chapman were at Blair Monday on business con nected with the county attorney s office. Dr. McCan came np from Colon Satur day to clow hla affairs here before set tling down permanently In his new home, F. Ihlfry, a reaident of this place, arrived home' Wednesday night from Henilngford. Neb., where he was badly hurt while worVIng on the aster works avsteiu. A heavy water main fcU on him. lie was accompanied home by a brother. Arliagtew. -a' C. Sheeks baa moved to Dodge. Nee. William Wilson was la Blair on Friday. Harvey Hartung of Teibasta was here Tuesday. H. W. Marshall waa a Fremont pilgrim last Ssturday. Mrs. Fred Henermana was ta Fremont hut Saturday. . . Guy Wilson of Blair spent Sunday with Arlington relatives. Mr. and Mrs. William Oatermao were Fremont passengers ajaturday. Prof. L. J. Gtikerwon wan transacting business at Fremont Saturday. Harvey Mamers of Alberta, Canada. Is vtstting relatives and old friends. Mrs. H. U McKlbbin Is confined te her home oq Seventh street by a severe cold. The box social which waa held In dis trict No. M) last Frtda- events; waa a Blair. . William Wilson of Arlington visited friends hers last Friday. William Wilson of Arlington visited friends heri last Friday Martin Jensen of Chadron. Neb., la In the city visiting relatives snd friends. Martin Jensen ef Chadron. Neb, la In the city, visiting relatives and frteoda. The Blair fire department 'Will put en the plav. "It's All In the Pay Streak." on March T, with borne talent. Miss Cecil I.yon. teacher In the South Omaha schools, was a guest ot Miss Ella Hill Saturday and Sunday. Major Oase. Inspector of email arms practice, was In the city cheeking up. the property of the local mllltla company It la week. Rev. Mr. Collins, tste euperlntendent of Sabhath schools ef the Baptist or ganisation, occupied the pulpit ot the Baptist church last Sunday. . Major Gage, Inspector of small arms practice, waa m the city checking np the property of the local militia company this yesr, will move this week to Omahs. where he accepts a better position with the same company. Mr. J. H. flhea of Omaha will be the new manager and will have charge ot both office and lino work. Klkhera. Mra George Grewcock Is seriously K. V. Cspne. a former resident of this city, will move his family back from Beatrice, Neh.. and reside here perma nently. Rev. Mr. CoIIIdk. state superintendent of ftabbath schools of the Baptist wganl xatloe. occupied the pulpit ut the Bap tist church lust Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Stnckrlager snd daughter of Rock Valley, la... visited John Luts and family on Monday, leav ing the next morning (or Los Angeles, Cal. Mra HatUe Foster of Abingdon. Va.. arrived here ea Tuesday, a few hours be fore the death ot her brother. Baker Sheffield, the funeral being held' oa Thursday. . "- Mr. H. a Vincent, manager of the Beil telephone company la Btalr for the last at her home. Mrs. R. J.- Mccormick Is moving Into the hotel this week. ... ' Logan Leigh visited friends In Iowa from Sunday until Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. George Calvert are the proud parents of a daughter. Mrs. C. A. Nounes visited her parents in Omaha Sunday and Monday. The public sale of Holmes A Hnle was well attended. Everything brought good prices. Mrs. Morlne Busch of Howella, Neb., came Tuesday to attend the funeral of her uncle. John Qulnn. Bert Deerson went to Kwlng last week and rented a farm. Charles Hesse has rented the Deerson house. A. V. Harder of fheridan. Wye., Is here vlaitlntr tha J. A, Glffon family. Ha will also visit at bis old home st St. James, Neb. Mr. George Ott and Miss Emma Klcke ere married Wednesday at the bride's home. They will rive on a farm of ths bride's father in Thurston county.. The body of Mrs. W. W. Klllott was brought here for burial Saturday, acoom pn riled by her husband. Rev. W. W. Klllott, who was minister at tne Mecno dist Episcopal church hers several years sgo. John Malek received the aad news Wednesday of the death of his mother at Crete. Neb. He left the same day to at tend the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. H. Homan left Thursday. Mrs. Homaa ta a daughter ef the deceased. Mr. Emil Sachs and Miss Msggle Grew, cock were married at the home of the bride's parents Wednesday by the Rev. Aston of Waterloo. They will live on the Sachs farm. The parents of the groom will move to Elkhorn. vllle. If satisfactory Mr. KrsU snd family will movs there. . a fancy tMrt!im hall Will o..,i,. .vanin, at th Modern Wood men bf America hall In Irvlnglon March t be give rrn Woo visit la Ire I ma tea. John Baton made a snort lows last week Miss Emma Sundell spent a few day last week in Omaha. Roy Brewster died Saturday morning at his old home In Irvlnglon. . - -Mr. and Mra Ray 8tevens visited at the home of her. parents Sundsy. The Willing Workers Aid society met with Mrs. W. & Ness last Wednesday. Mrs. Harris of Iowa has been .visiting hT brother, . E. Richards of Irving ton, -v Miss Maud "Munson returned to her heme Wednesday after a short visit in Kennard. - ; Mrs. C. Saturday, attended. E. Pamp's funeral took place Many friends and relatives L. D. Cortls mother arrived Thursday from her home in South Dakota for a short visit tn Irrlnstoo. . D. C Krats leaves Saturday for Cali fornia te look eves the tend near Marya- - . Millard. Miss Margaret Slert visited tn Omaha Sunday. . Mlsa Alma Lindberg spent Sunday at her home In Elkhorn. Mr. and Mrs. William Von Dohren were Omaha callers Tuesday. Mrs. Popenhsgrn celebrated her birth day anniversary Wednesday. Henry Schuett of Omaha Is visiting with his uncle. Mr, Schroeder. Mr. K. A. Bsldeln ia visiting at Lin coln with her daughter Mrs. Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Schmidt and chil dren visited in Omaha Friday of last week. Mlsa Gladys Baldwin of Omaha came out Sunday to spend the dsy st her home. Carl Frahm snd Hsns Harder returned Sunday evening from Colorado, where they visited last week. Elmer Anderson of Eikhorn visited Sat urday morning with his parents, Mr. and Mra. P. E. Anderson. Miss Mayme Voa Portree accompanied Mlse Nancy Oft to her home st Benning ton, where they both spent Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. David Sibert of Watertoe and Mr. and Mrs. Saffletd and Charles Tex of South Omaha were guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Tex Sunday. SprtaajfleU. Julius Hall ot Plattsmouth was visit ing W. W. Doa Monday. Mm. T. M. Heerock of Lincoln, was a visitor over Sunday at the S. C. Haney home. ' George Facklee Is moving to Blair, where he bought a IWI-scre farm one mile from the city. Commissioner W. ft Ely and family have moved to Springfield'andi occupy tl late residence ef J. B. Presten. Because Edgar O. Jartnan attempted to chastise a minor m the public high way he waa Coed g and costs. Charley Martsn, who rune a medicine wagon from here, was held up In Doug las county near Omaha and robbed of tot. Ths recent cold snsp bss checked the break up of the Platte river and it I hoped now that the bridges may be saved. The men of the Methodist church gave a dinner Thursday evening. Rev. Eatery snd Rev. liaaa of Omaha were the speak, era. Ernest Ruff, peter Anderson, Fred Glees man. Chris Ulessmsn and L A, Bstrs axe Jurors at ths district court thl Beaslatrtem. G. M. Mangold went to Omaha Wednes day. A large number from here went to tb Automobile show last Saturday.. A. 1. Wahlgreen ot Elk City was here transacting business Wednesday. Fred Marthorst bought a team of horse Monday at Samuel Foe's sals for tiii Herm Busch and L. Fitch of Washing, ton were in town Wednesday callutg oo friends. Hr Rruhn has receives order from State Game Warden Miller to enforce the hunting license law. There was a leap year party at the home of Mlsa Mary ohrt. Wednesday evening. About twenty-five were present. Louisa Logemtia and W. Hansen won first honors, while E. Prueas and O. Mangold .received the booby. TWO LEAP YEAR BABIES COME TO OMAHA PARENTS Two eons were born to Omaha parents Thursday, leap year day. John A. and Amanda Pearson, 113 North Twenty ninth street, the former a cement stone contractor, report tha birth of a boy. A son wss slso born te Patrick aad Agnes O'Donnell, 211 Miami street. klaaeel frwsn Hcwd te Heel waa Ben Pool. Threat. Ala, when dragged ever a rough road, but Bucklen's Ar nica Salve healed an his injuries. Sc. For sals by Eestea Drug Co. . . No fcaU are the jne '. " Remember the name McKibhin Three dollars