Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1912, Image 1

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The Omaha Daily Bee
Rain or Snow
VOI XLI-NO. 222.
Cliairmaa Underwood of Honso Com
mittee Submit! Two Bills to
Democratic Cancns.
Proposed Measure Extends Present
Law Governing Corporations.
t -
Keeps Within Principles Laid Down
by Supreme Court
Sagar Sokes ale Sabaaltted Weald
nilsatwate Date Standard Tee
and Provides Heavy Daly
Til l.LKTIN.
WASHINGTON. March l.-Tb demo
ci JIM caucus tonight ratified the sugar
bill and the Income tax or axels bill pre
sented today by Democratic Leader Un
derwood With the endorsement of the
ws and means committee. Both bills
now mil be presented to the house.
The National Capital
Frday, Mitrk 1, ISIS.
The Senate.
In session J p. m.
Cutlery and surskeJ Instrument manu
facturers protested to finance eooimtttoe
against house meet tariff Mil.
Kallroad attorneva gaiv their views to
Interstate commerce committee oa pro
poeed Mils of lading reforms.
Senator Hitchcock, speaking on his
resolution ivtardlng Colombia, said the
cession of Psnama from Colombia was
a conspiracy s p proved by the enneu
American Hanking aiesorlatlon repre
sentstivi and others urged enactment of
the Smith sgririiltural extension Mil bo
fore the cgrlrultural committee.
Counsel llanecy Med with the Lorlmer
committee a hrlef contending the senate
Incompetent to again pee upon the title
of Senator Lorlmcrs seat.
The Honse.
xr.t mm
Agricultural appropriation b:ll resumed.
ileoresetiatlvre vf lard companies were
heard In Florida lTvenrlai'c InveMtgatlon.
Keprtsetitall.e 1srk of Florida failed
tn sti effort to the office of so
licitor of the Agteultwral department by
strikim: the salary from the agricultural
appropriation hill.
B.i..niBlk-. Stevens Introduced a Mil
to safeguard the. right .of employes of
WASHING TON", JJarch l.-In resorting
free sugar bill to the democratic caucus
uf the hcttse late today. Chairman Under
vrvd of I he ways snd means committee
ti so submitted a bill which la effect would
provide a Income tax la the United
It was proposed that the present tor
iwiatlon tax be extended lo include 'Indl-
duals and co-partnerships doing ft busi
ngs of XT Oto a year or over." Mr. Under-,
wood raid this practically would accom
pli. h the purpose of an income tax and
i-t the same time comply with the su
preme court decision agsinst th constltu
t lonalUy of sn Income tax. The proposed
ux would be I per cent.
The bill removing the taxes levied at
the customs houses on sugar Imported
into this country, aaid Mr. Underwood,
mill htve the effect of reducing the price
of augur to the consumer about It cents
a pound.
Will t Large Profits.
A sutemtn by Mr. Underwood to the
caucus, tays that In the opinion of the
may and means commute the large
profits nails ,Jby manufacturers and re
finers otjucV have been due to tb cus
turns tut iff and that placing sugar on
the fro Hit would reduce the profit,
ould not destroy the Industry In the
United Stales, but would result In a sav
ing to the American people of fU7.,l
TIk puipo; of the exe'sc bill prJ-
-1 . . . . - . .. . , i -.. .........h
WllllU LV MIC VttUCUP, fir., l liw-l.vm L
said. "Is r,iend the Ut oh dulnx' df--
tivsinMs Ijj individual ana co-partner-1.1
li. Tr.o special tag win accomplish
the" tarn' result xv would havk been
reouifllehi by -ut Income tint" of it
were, within the power of congress lo
enact an income " f rr .as. raising
revenue U concerned, but at the same
timo the bill keep well within tho. prin
ciples laid down hy the supreme court
In lis decision afflrmirg the constitution
ality of . the corporation tax law.
Corporation Tag Sat Altered).
'The UU does not in any ws" alter,
niin ml or repueul ths coriwratlon lax
law as It now stands oil the mints
hooks, but provides tbst every person,
firm or co-partnership shall be subjeot
to pay annually a special excise tax
villi respect to earning on or doing
business by Such persons, equivalent to
t per cent on th entire net Income
over and above Sl.uO received by such
person from all sources during each year
and further provides that In computing
the income of a'.v person there shstl
cot be Included ' th amount received
from gny corporation, Joint stock com
pany or association, or Insurance com-
' i-any If the special excla tax of 1 per
cent now Imposed by law has been paid
by such corporations or stock company
- or Insurance company or association.
, "hi other words, the Income derived
from dividend of a corporation on which
the lax Is now levied ny law will not be
subject to a further or additional tax.
but Incomes derived from other eoorces
of business than those named In th eor
poratlen tax act will be subject to a tax
of 1 per cent, where the net income ex
ceeds J&.OM annually."
. Th statement further says:
" the bills bocem laws they
Will -have repealed a burden of taxation
now borne by the American people on a
food product that all Bnurt consume, of
fHH.euc.OCn and will have substituted In
place thereof taxes which probably will
aggregate between tMMO.Vii and W.OM.WO
that will be collected from persons with
an Income of mora tlian COO." -
The sugar Ull submitted to tho caucus
would eliminate the much discussed Dutch
standard test and contains the following
I Sugars, tank bottoms, svrups of cam
juice, melada. concentrated melada, con
crete and concentrated molasae. maple
sugar, mapl syrup, refined syrups, glu
cose or grape sugar, and can sugar,
shall be admitted fre of duty.
, "Saccharin, S cents per pound duty.
"Sugar candy and all confectionery not
Specially provided for In this art or ta
tho first section of th act cited for
amendment, valued at tt cents per pound
or less. a'.d sugars after being refined,
when tinctured, colored or In any way
adulterated, t cents pur pound; valued at
more than i cents per pound, a prr-o-ntum
sd valorem. Tne weight and ths
value ut the Immediate coverings other
thsn the outer packing rasa or other cov
ering shall be Included In th dutiable
weight and tho value of the merchandise."
The Weather
For Nebraska Unsettled weather and
ejvow; rising temperature,
or Iowa UnsUi4 weather, with ris
ing tesnperatur.
Taanvasw at Omaha Yesterday.
U i a. tn 11
fwT ) "N J ? "
c 1 . "
jTfej c a. m it
ImW . F Mm i
i; J p. m . s
L Ik m K
p 4 p. m a
Land Salesman Says
He Saw Proof of
Wright Report
WASU1XQTOX. March t-Thoma K.
Will, a salesman of Florida everglade
land, told th bout committee on agri
culture expenditures today that "a clerk
In th government printing office showed
hint a proof of th suppressed Wright
report on the everglades In. February,
Via No consideration passed, Will 'said.
for seeing the proof.' 1-ater he and E. C.
Howe, another Florida land salesman,
wcr shown an agricultural department
circular, aucsllonliig th value of th
everglade land.
Will said Hose In hut presence at th
department, denounced tho circular aa
untrue and misleading, and threatened to
take the matter to Bcrtry Wilson,
when C. O. Elliott, chief of the drainage
division.' defended th clrculsr. "Whep
Howe got before th secretary he had
little to sav," Will said. -
Will told of calling on Becratgry Wil
son a second tlm to ' urge th early
publication of th Wright report.;
"I told them fellow I wouldn't da ft
thing -for 'them until-they quit fighting
among themselves," Will quoted th sec
retary aa saying a bo wrought his flat
down on th table. -
Will aaid be understood ths secretary to
mean that K was. beoaus of political
light In Florida fiat he was holding
up th Wright report..
. -1 I
Women Break' s'' ; ,
Win'dowfS'in;Hbnle: "
of Premier Astmith
LONDON." Sarvh f.-Tii""euffragett
mad asversi. violent .detaonstratiow fbi
evening In various part of Lofiaog. One
woman fired a revolves, .shot through th
wintiow of th colonial office, but Hurt ao
enr. Thrca other women atoned th win
dow of th official realdaoc of Premier
Attqultp, breaking three of them.
Among, th fifty or sixty persons ar
rested vi as Mrs. Fankhurst. svsral shop
windows la Piccadilly were smashed by
women and score or snor of window
were stiaUt.-ea In stote In the etrand,
tho llaymarfcet. Oxford Circus and Bond
street. A massive .window, of tb Cans
dlan Pacific railroad office at Charing
Cross was shattered.
Tit women wreckers were scattered
over a wtds are. The special pelic re
serves at Scotland Yard hav been called
out to deal with them
Agents of British Unions Say They
Hsto Sothint Farther to Dis
cuss with Operators,
Will Ask Instnictions at Week-End
Local Keetinp.
Miners . in Only One Colliery in
wales Xemain at Work.
Not More Than Twice hwAe Same Place
Lawyers Are Called
Curse to Business
CHICAGO. March "lT-r'lssolutlon plan
of th Standard Oil and American To
bacco companies were characterised a
sham, judicial review of conomlo ques
tion an absurdity and lawyer wens pre
sented aa a curs to business by speakers
at th third conference of the Western
Economic society, which was begun here
today. ...'
Tb Sherman act, it origin, interpreta
tion and effect was th main them dis
cussed. Harrison 8. SmaHy, professor of po
Iftlcal oonoBiy of , th University et
Michigan, declared: , .
Th delay Inseparable front Judicial
proceedings rob Industrial legislation of
much of Its value." - -
Oeorgs W. Simmon of St, Louis said:
"If I were to attempt to define i.
Sherman law briefly. I would say that
It was strictly ft lawyers' law-conceived
by lawyers, framed by lawyers and en- j
acted by lawyer, so that th common :
bustners man could not posalbly know
how to conduct bt boa! noes without era
Okaying a lawyer to interpret the law for
"If there I any on thing tliat Is a
aura to th bus loss of th country to
day. It Is that wo hav toe many law
yers. In ut hurt fttaslen of congress
there were at lawyer and less thaa
fifty business men. w hav a big. bust
nea ranlxatioq, called th United
State of America; why not hav for it ft
business administration? -
"Th Ehermao act," h said, "most b
modified into ft definite, plsla and com
prehensive law suitable to modem con
ditions, which wHI encourage th .ex
pansion of legitimate enterprise and win
be enforced to th letter from th day of
Several Haadred Steamer Held l
at Varlows Port by Fact abort.
i ago Mlalssas Wag SHU
la Probable.
LONDON,-Marsh t-Prenuor' Aaqulth
today Invited th miners' executiv com
mittee to meet tho coal owner, but th
men declined, saying they had nothing
lo discuss. They hsd. they sahl, placed
their schedule of minimum rate on the
table and they would maintain that po
sition uojll otherwise instructed by th
Ths miners' delrgstes at now returning
to their respective districts and will sub
mit th whole position In th cost dis
pute to their constituent at week-end
meetings and ask instructions from
them aa to how they ar to deal with
th new proposal of th government. '
Even should the men approve of th
submission of th schedule- of minimum
rates of wage to discussion as proposed
by th government the strike could not be
arrested for a week.
Th ahortag of coal has hsd already
disastrous effect on commerce. The
miner every here ar quitting work In
th best holiday humcr and there I no
disposition anywher for noting.
Premier Aaqulih in the . Houss of
Common thia evening said that th
coal owner In practically th whole of
England and In the north of Wale had
accepted the propoaala of th government.
The premier hoped to b aule to make
further atatement to th house on
Only Owe Mia Werklag. .
With the exception of ft few small col-
lerlea situated In Isolated districts, all
th coal mines of tint country are Idle
this morning. Home of those pieces whet
w ork II still going on. notably In Warwick
shire, where MMM men are employed, the
miners will Join the strikers tomorrow. .
The, ouly mine in th country wher
the men have decided. to. remain at work
i. ft .little one' In northern i Wales, aiid
lt .vi . . y - . ' '
f lives ins .nunitig. is cgrnea on unoer, pot
lie. protection: '. ' ; '
.Aa official jelurn Issued this morning
estlmatrg th number of strikers who
hsve already laid daw their tools gi
LVCJ.W,.. . v - . ,.
In most of the dfafrlcts Pfe' men'-ftre
taking advantage uf tho stiike ta enjoy
ft hONdsr and no trouble. IS Sntldphtrd.
The grsat'est dsnger: snot , I in South
Wales, whet a the most detfti mined spirit
prtvall, and wher llur union fund ar
sjly sufficient to proviile strlk pay t
th xoen for a short time. The railways
throughout Wales issued notices today
that their train rcrvtc would be cur
tailed, and other "rVayj n Great
Britain will follow tills example tomor
row. ' ' , . . .
Conferences Ar Ressased.
Th miners' federation resumed Its con
ference this morning and on of th
members expressed the "opinion that th
negotiation with til owners would be
suooesslully terminated In th course of
next week. i
Public, opinion generally endorses ths
government' decision to pass ft minimum
wage' bill unless th remainder of th
owners agree . to that principle, which
ha already been consented to by W per
cent of the employer.
Tb conference of the miner' federa
tion adjourned after delegating ' to th
executiv committee full power to con
tlnq th negotiations with tb owner
and to summon th conference to meet
again when it shall b necessary.
Several hundred steamers ar held up
t the various ports through lack of coal,
but the larg Transatlantic line (ssert
they ar well ptovided with fuel.
French Mlaer May Strike.
PARIS. March ).-The French Miners-
union meeting at Anxin telegraphed today
to th British Miners' Federation - con
gratulations on th coal strike, adding:
In a few dhy th French miner will
strike." ,., ' !
There Is so present indication' of a gen
eral strike In France, although many min
ers In the north are In favor ot It-
.V5S4 ... .
From th St. Louis Olob-Dmocrst.
Says United Statu (rovenmani- Con
spirtd to Despoil Colombia.
Nebeoswa Seaatar tbarae ' Canal
' frlp Was Aclred-1y ,rrv
.. and iFraid - a'a'(ilaxea
; RoMvlt lor .Work.: .,
MrxNEAPOUS, March t F. L Vaa
aault, apcial examiner of th Interstate
Commerce cemn ilea Ion, today ' ooocmoed
the bearing of a protest brought by fruit
growers and coratatsskm men of Mlnne
sMs, Iowa, Kebraska. and west era Mbv
sotirl against th prapostd rat of T
crate per hand rwd pounds oa shipments
of apple from th Missouri Valley to th
Twin Cities. Representatives of the rail
way Involved who were on th stand
today ear 1 red that the incrsas was nee
sssary because the roada had to make
provtston for storing the apple at St Jo
seph. Mo. Mr. V assault returns to Waab
tustoa tonlcat' ,
Gov.' Stubbs Says
Taft's Name -Will
Not Be Presented
. , .
XSW YORht. March . I. Uovernor
Stubbs called on Mr. Rooiovelt today to
talk ever the campaign. .Tli .governor
again declared that President 'Tsfl's
nemo would Dot be presented at the Chi
cago convention. He said h Intended to
take the stomp for Colonel Roosevelt.
Alexander H. Bevell of Chicago, chair
man of tb national Roosevelt commit
tee, cays that Senator pixea is to hv
sole charge of the political matters of
the campaign.' while Mr. Newberry and
th eomtnitte wftl .look after the busi
ness snd financial end. Senator Dixon
will snake hi headquarter at Washing
ton, where K Is expected a general Roose
velt committee will be organised next
. Just what part Colonel Roosevelt will
take la the campaiga for nomination has
not been learned.
WA8UlXGTOX,t March l Tb, senate
today adopted ft resolution calling eh
President Taft'to' submit to all th cor
respondsnce with Colombia dealing with
th acquisition of th Panama, canal
ion by th United Ststes. Th resolution
as- offered by Senator Hitchcock of
Nebraska, who urged It gdoptlon la a
speech in which : he charged former
President Itoossvt It with partlclpatioa In
a conspiracy t foment the revolution by
which Panama waa lost to Colombia and
the canal sons baram th property ef
tut country. Thsre waa no division on
th vote of adoption.
"The conspiracy which resulted In ths
dismemberment of th Colombian republic
occurred In the United State with tlio
approval of th highest United Stales
officials, and th spoliation waa largely
In th Interest of a combination of In
fluential capitalists who controlled, the
French Panama Canal company,' de
clared senator Hitchcock In hi speech.
Mr. Hitchcock was speaking in support
ot his resolution cslltng upon the presi
dent for the complete correspondence with
k. I. I. miw-iHa ll h th .in,t
I From this, hs ssld. he expected the people
would know "wether we are honest and
Just,, and wtether the time ha not com
when we should act the. part of decency,
it not generosity towards Colombia."
Th senator assailed . ths Washington
government's course and referred to what
he said waa a blunt declaration ot ex-
President Roosevelt. In a speech rs-
csotly delivered tn California, that ho
took the canal gone." ,
. , Want th Record,
"it I net possible." he said, "to lock
up In official achlve the sensational and
disgraceful record of our treatment of
Colombia, our breach of solemn treaty.
our Instigation of an Insurrection, our
spoliation of a weak sister republic r'
It was too 11 to restore Panama to
Colombia, he declared, because the
United States title to the Panama canaf
and through ths Influence of the United
State the existence of the Panama, re
public wars settled for all time by Inter
national agree Biest. He believed, bow-
ever, that Jostle would not be done until
th canal controversy had been reopened
and Colombia' claims against this gov
ernment for damege bad been settled
by diplomatic arrangement or through
Senator Hitchcock referred to the pend
ing arbitration treaty as likely to lead
to entanglements with Great Britain and
said h would like lo know why "some
of these associations that ar spending
Andrew Carnegie' money and some of
these orator talking for arbitration un
der hi pay do not advocate arbitration
of this claim of our sister republic"
Attacked by Masked
Man in Her Home
-H tAaADENA, Cat , March J.-Th polk
are searching today for a masked man
who enured th home of Mr. Jack Cud-
any. divorced, wlfs of th on of th iat
Chicago millionaire) packer, and who es
caped after pursuing her from her owg
residence almost Into thst of a neighbor.
Mr. L'udaliy told the officers today that
th intruder entered her home, rushed
past her woman companion snd lsd
her. Mr. Cudaliy. who Is athletic, strug
gled toward her fiont door snd escaped
Into tli yard. Th man followed her
closs te th next hois wher shs raa
creaming for help.
Person who went te her aid saw ft
man Jump ever a back fence. An overcoat
from which the name ef both th maker
and owner had been cut was found in an
ash bsrrel In the rear of the houss.
r. . .... .
Wisconsin Senator. Says E Will
Stay in Contest to End.
M Will Rat Make Aa? CssiMa.
.tloa aad lis pert to Be' near
a Ike rlrfhg Lie
Mr. Cudahy Is a daughter ot General
John C. Cowln of Omaha.
KANSAS CITT. March- Tu-Tbe Public
UtWtlee commission ot St. Joseph, Mo.,
was enjoined by the federal court her
today to prevent the enforcement of ft
reduction of rate ef the Bell Telephone
company of that .city ordered by tlie
Commies toe, to take place February .
- dudgea Walter H Sanborn. A. 8. Van
Valkenburg and Jbha C. Pollock sat la
the hearing, which was an appeal by
th telephone company for a temporary
lajuncttoa to tak th place ef a tem
porary restraining order la force since
February x,
Woodrow Wilson at
Des Moines Tonight
DKS MOINES, la., March l.-Accoes-paru4
by a party of leadlisg Iowa demo
crats who are ta Join him at Grlnncll.
Governor Wllsoa arrived her shortly be
fore 7 o'clock tonight for an address at
the Coliseum. Democrats are gathered
from all parte of th state.
Following a abort talk to the students
ef Highland park college Saturday morn
ing, the New Jersey executiv win go te
Davenport wher be will deliver aa ad
dress, nd thence to Trenton. N, J.
Beirut Bombardment
May Result in Rising
Against Christians
BEIRUT, Syria. March t.-Martlal taw,
which was put Into fore by the mili
tary authorities Immediately after th re
cent bombardment of this city by Italian
warship, hs had a salutary effect and
th city la now quiet, although consider-
sbls apprehension Is felt In regard to
the pent up bitter feeling ot the Mos
lems against the Christian.
Conditions In the country, especially in
th vicinity of this city, ar very un
settled. It Is questionable whether the
Turkish government can continue to hold
tn check the unruly element among the
Moslems, tho majority- of whom are
armed. The presence of some foreign war
ships would undoubtedly hsve ft wonder
ful moral effect.
The bombardment hy th Italians
caused considerable dsmsg to private
property, many residences suffering, be
sides business house like the Ottoman.
Herman and falonlkl bank, and th cus
tom house.
Millard Hall is
Destroyed by Fire
MINNEAPOLIS. Minn., March L Fir
of unknown cause, which started early
this morning on the second floor ot the
building practically destroyed HUlard
hail, the medical and dental building ef
the University ot Minnesota. The esti
mated tors Is feu. Th structure was
partly destroyed hy fire two years ago
and rebuilt.
The Missouri supreme court today de
nied the write of ouster, aaked by th
state against the Missouri Pacific Iron
Mountain and Wabash railroad, th Pa
cific repress company and th Anierlcaa
Refrigerator Transit company.
The stale sought to have the fran
chises of tne companies revoked, alleg
ing thst the Missouri Pacific held stock
in the other com pi rues and becanrc ihe
Wabash was a parallel and competkig
line. The court held that It Is not
unlawful for one railroad to hold stock In
another company when It dors not
Undertake to control the other corpora
tion and that th Wabash doe not
parallel the Missouri Pacific, because It
operates through ft different territory.
MADISON, Wia. March L-A'I shall
continue In ih contest as a candidal
for, . wsll-dstuiss principle and for
definite program of legislation, which.
once enacted Into law, will break th hold
of privilege on Ih industrial life of the
people aud fre them from the burden
Imposed by thousand of million of fic
titious cspltallsstlon."
This I th gist of a statement under
Is own signature, addressed to "pro
gressives' and mad publlo today by
Senator Robert M. La Foliette. Tb lat
ter I an appeal for delegate and leaves
no room for doubt but that he will stay
I In th contest -to tb end.
I Mr. La- Foliette reiterated that ha will
not "halt or turn aaid to find th easy
way," i and that be hi "steadfastly re
fuging to mak combination" H als
Indicated that after ft brief rest be would
"be back on the firing line.' directing
bis own campaign. Hs denies thst hi
health Is broken.
I Foliette Cheered la twice ays.
CHICAGO, March 1. Addressing ft
Iprogrtsslv meeting here today Oifford
Plncnot. declared that the leadership of
the progrecsiYe had passed from Senator
La .Foliette to Theodore Roosevelt and
asked the supporter of th Wisconsin
senator to Join in the Roosevelt move
ment. ...
Th mention of La Foliette name
brough prolonged cheering front the
audience. Plnchot said be was sorry that
the ethic of publlo (peaking prohibited
him from Joining ia the applause.
Mr. Plnchot said In part:
"I am here to do all I can for th
nomination of Theodore Roosevelt for
'Never before have the issue been so
clear cut. OB on aide we hav th men
who do not bellev all the people are
caps Me et self-government and are
afraid to say so; oa the other, the mea
who believe tint - people are capable of
self-government aad are not afraid to
say so.
Governor Hiram W. Johnson of Cali
fornia also spoke. The governor de
scribed at length the prugresstvs fight
which he led 1a California,
"Ths fight ws bad In California is the
fight that faces th entire country,' he
aid. "The opportunity for the people
to get Into power bow I given us." He
A Judge la a public servant the same
any other man who I elected by the
people. There I no good reason why
they should not be eubject to the will of
the people."
Governor Johnson did not mention Sen
ator La Foliette' name, but paid him a
high tribute. He reiterated, Mr.
Plnchot' statements regarding Roose
velt being th logical loader ot the progressive.
Head of Chinese Eepnblic Says Hi
is Pilled with Sorrow Orti
Seal Cause is Hot Known to Besi
dents of Foreign Legations.
Distant Shooting Heard, in Evening
' by Missionaries.
Service aa Itailrsad te Ttea Tsia la
terrapted by Matleaeers Who
Left the Capital Thar.
- day Night. , . .
PEKINO. March L-Yoaa Shi Kal thti
evening issued a not addressed to the
foreign missionaries, merchants and other
resident of the capital, saying:
-Tb disturbance la the capital era
quit unexpected by me , and has filled
me with, aorrow. . On of my chief duties
la ta preservs order In th capital, and
In this I have been uniformly successful.
Unto you who ar stranger In Mrang
land I wish particularly to convey my
sincere regret for the occurrence, . Every
iur of precaution haa now been
takea to prevent ft recurrence.
In the vicinity of th legation svery
thlng ha been quiet tonlghu. but ft- big
fir broke out near the aorth gat and
some distant shooting era beard. - -
A body ot LMS mutlnou troop com
mandeered ft train this morning and de
parted tor Ho-Han.
. Vaaa feapected.
Owing to the real causa f th rloti
being unknown opinion are divided In
the foreign quarter as to th outlook.
Some of the most- optlmlstio eon elder thst
new situation, haa been created In or
der to provide Yuan Shi Kal with aa
sxcuse for not proceeding to Nanking at
th request ot. th republicans. Conse
quently It la thought that tb disorder If
not, likely , to spread.
It I believed that Yuea Shi Kal ha
lost some of hi control. None of th
troop except the Manehu ar to be de
pended on, and they svldently ear only
to dsfend the Imperial gad forbidden
Throughout th day tooting ot store
and residences baa been going en tn va
rious parte ef th city and there have
been severs aklrmlshesNn th outsklrts.
Th , majority ot th snuaneera, how
aver, had left the central districts before
morning, i '
.The, looters captured ta th act ef car
rying off property war executed on the
pot by leysj soldiers, awrsral nflment
I whom r patrol! lag the streets.
The tsmndlary fire whlah were started
last night have all been sxtlngulshed or
have died cut. Tb loss is etimattrd ap
proxlsnatsly at tU.M0.Ot. ' i
Tb auniker' ot oasusJtlss that hv
occurred anonf th elvltlao . and th
Soulier la not known, but It I believed
that the loss f lit ha beea heavy,
. Mediae Ale BsUlrwsd.
' TIEN T8IN, March' l.-The Chines
troop at Feng Tat, village twenty-two
mile out from Peking, oa th Peking
Tien Tain railroad, mutinied shortly after
midnight thia morning. Thar waa much
heavy firing In th nativa quarter.
The foreign community, composed en
tirely of railway employe and thai
families, retired to the British military
post nearby, . wher !M soldier of th
Somerset Infantry ar stationed to guard
the railway tin.
Dispatches from Peking declar that
the situation thsre today Is very serious.
No reinforcements of foreign troop for
th legation guard ar required at pres
ent, however.
By boob today It became evident that
mutinous Chine soldier were causing
trouble along th Una of th railroad be
tween the capital and this city. Th
morning train, which left Peking at 30
o'clock, had act yet reached Feng- Tal
(twenty-two mile) at U.J o'clock, and
aa English officer with detachment ot
Sumerset Infantry was .sent In ft light
locomotive to ascertain the whereabouts
of the train and tf necessary escort U oo
It way.-
The telegraph tine toward th capital
are badly crippled. ; Railway mea believe
Feng Tal wa. looted during the night.
All train service toward Peking ha been
suspended. -
A train from Peking has arrived here
two hour behind acheduie time. No
European passenger were on board. An
other train which left Peking last night
WINNIPEG, Mas.. March ".-Western
Canada was stirred today by the declara
tion in I be Manitoba legislature of Wil
liam Molloy, a liberal member from La
Verandrye. that he would support a reso
luttoa looking to tb separation of west
ern Canada from the eastern part of the
Dominion, which he charged with injuring!
and showing hostility forth wester sec
tion by Its defeat of American reciprocity.
HI remarks wen loudly app lauded among
liberal member
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