THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. MAKl'H 1. Wli I 1 I I! il f :-.--ftyyEREp POR RENT , Bmki aad t-ettaces. -'-F.OOM cottup. a.wt-- -i - . - ro-r saw 1 ft- taOuglaa 4220. - .REAL ESTATE. . '.tr"(fl' 7-room house .-r., -i na nsancy gte, Carl Web. tSc. -ivw.u cJtie. gu and water. 1 'aoTSS. RpT-Lodsns -house, 30 rooms, l-S- K. Mth St. ATplj-Wm. K. Chsm 1hrr -Bnuvtis -Theater . Bid.. Tel, FOR RENT A tanre modern residence. '" 1 nerce; U rooma, lurnaoe, electric tight; J toilets; (3 per month. weie.B sis. Aa Burt , k row., all mod.. Ha. A 6. 26th Are., rmi., all mod., C7.5&. "31 S. Mth Awl, I rms. all mod., fi 19B N. S2d,- ms., all mod, fci. .11- X. Sat, f nils, mod. ex. hoat, til 2&i Eraul, g-rmav, mod. ex. neat, tl7.S6. S3 X. Xh. 5 run, mod. ex. heat, II it. 5J1 Cortry,- 4 rn,,- city water, 113.5. 'C AGUE -INVESTMENT CO.. lt Dodge St. Phone Doug. S. tROOM. teniae, modem asgcept heat, newly aecqrated, 8 Corby. Key id door west- Douglas m Mrt and pillccs. ' TcnT NORTH "5TH BTl rfciw,- modern brick More bonding, cement basement, combination light end witches Desinible, (or restuarant. bakery and coafe-.tioncuy. Splendid retail local ity. ERWIN LAND ft INVESTMENT CO. D. 3uS , ;uj brandeis Theater Bldg. ROOM M Eraadets Bldg., Doug. 321S. M'CAGUE BUILDING 15TII DODGE. Attractive -oftloes rents W te $30; serrtc complete. -APPLY OJJAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSN. .., : OFFERED FOR SALB s'ucaWaire. A Detroit Jew! m store, $5. Call any time at' no Georgia Are. .- SOME books, household furniture, for sala Phone Web. mm.' C1TV fHOPKUTV 1'UK SAL.; A Desirable Home 2824 Capitol Ave. Hot; Water Heat; This bouse has reception, hall, telephone robin or dea. -parlor, dining room, kitchen, chiaa- closet, large- pantrs-. all on first floor: four good -bedroom with large closets and bath on second-fieor: attic floored and reiledr crrneoted basement: subdivided for laundry, vegetables and coat The hot water beating plant and plumbing throughout la flrst-cle as house was built l-r a Dknnber for a home. Large lot, 9fX ft., with cement walks, beautiful hige all . around lot and a number! of fruit trees. This would make some business or pro. lesstonai . man aa excellent borne, being within easy walking distance of the busi ness center. Let -us show you ihlt house you will like M. Price, ejco. pari, caen. HASTINGS HEYIiEN. 1614 Harney. St. . KKAL ESTATE rt m.xni i avih lyw ii,K Calilarala. KKAL KSTATK FOR RKXT . Para. a4 Haarh lasea Pong. ttr. The Most Developed f a Place :in California is Around Ontario 1S0-ACRK run 5 mll I rtorencj and rtuith of 'orh"eet of i Intngton. Rem THE BTUOX RKED CO.. m s. nth. RK.AL KSTATK LOA.NS OMAHA property and Nebraska lano. O KKKKrS Rh.AL tTATE CO.. 101 Kew omab Nat'l Hank Building. 2'Leaveitworth St Cottages, i room and bath In" fine, T rooms and bath In ether. Rent pays well on price, besides chance for In crease In grounrd. All specials paid. ROM cash will do, balance monthly. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., lOli; Omaha Xallonal Bank 31dg. Phonos Douglas li. Independent A-'Kl Evenlnjrs Hamey E4J or Harney 5134 v. Jtaelcal laacrameata. EDISON phonograph, M racords oak cabinet: 1-5 cash for quick Phone Webster M83. , 'ft'ypwrlter. RSS.T aa o!irr typewrHer from tie O'lver Typewriter Ce. uosglas Bit. TYPKWH1TERS, ALL MAKES For ra!e or rent; largest stock; best bargains. F. SWAN SON CO., Ull i'arnam 6L, , Omaha. Uul or write. ' . FOR 6AL.K No- 1 Lnderwoud type-TL-rltcr; rei y near new and case and cover. Addteaa K SM, Qinalia , Bee. ' . Misecilaaewae. I'OR 8ALIJ Two scholarships In the Omha Commercial college and one In Hoyles college. . ktusmess urnce, umioi Bee. $1,600 POR FTV'E-KOOM COTTAGE 2720.OIIIO - - Titbin on hlock of Dodae fiL rmr line: has city water, wr, gaa und b&tta; within oft block of th new tret cnu hop which will employ a irreat many people nil tire time. This bouse la alwaa .rented for li per month , Hastings & Ileyden,. 1 lfill Han.e f. 1 $4,500 Nina-room ' alt modern . house, nesr Creighton oollege and high school: south front lot; paved street.- One-hslt block U Harney car line; fine shade trees and high, sightly location. Must be sold at once. , , George & Company, - - M3 City National Rank Bldg. Phones Douglas 756, Independent A-173. FOR HALK Anyone desiring second liand bank fixtures would do well to correspond with or telephone City Na tional hank, Omaha. - - yon sai.H Ser and second-hand earom' and pocket bllUard tables and hnvUitv alleva and accessories bar: fix tures of all kinds: easy payments. The Hrunewlck-llalke-CoUauder Co- - o. wth St. GOOD second-hand meat refrigerator. Henry Olantx, Harvard, Neb. ' - Cosr for store or fumace. Try It45 Harmon A Weeth. - Webster SO. 8AFE&-Overstocked with second-hand aatea, all sixes and makes; bargains. American Buppiyo., U10 Farnam Bu DOOhb. winoows and watnscoatlng. So. Mh. Tel. Douglas 437k , 2R6 ' For HALE Three nool tables. I new cloth, . first-class condition, U. Call Harney m. fmders for sale, cheap- Phone Web. 480 NATIONAL cash r.gliter, sU oierk kevs, complete record for each clerk; registers lc to S99.MI. A bargain. C. Y. Smith. WU Farnam t. - ID SAFES. DERIQHT. 1818 Farnam St. FOR SALE Cheap, for cash; large -double roller top desk. - 1IAST1NG8 4V HETYDgX, MM Harney St. PKRSOMAI 3-DAY BIXMD ltEMKDT. ... , Oladlsh Pharmacy. l:th and Dodge. "lIEBKN. mask sutu to hire. UH How d. Masssge. Rlttenhouse. Old Boston Bid. WB rent aad repair all kinds of sewV Ing machines., lnd. k-VHO. Douglas Wtti. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., . Uth and Harney Sts. Bricklayers PATT0N-B0WMAN 1LAEDWAEE COMPANY. ItU Farnam St., are wiling tools at cost. YOUNO women coming to Omaha aa strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at Seventeenth and St. Mary's Are., where they will be directed to suitable boarding place, or otherwise assisted. Look lor our travelers' aid at the Union station. SWEDISH massage -for rheumatism, tomAch trouble, poor clruculatlon, Kara ten Tonseth only Omaha masseur gradu ate from Sweden. 401 Omaha National Bank Building. Phone Douglas 711. ' LOST HEIR Charles Ijugren. at one . time of Grand Island, last heard of In Ireeley. Colo. Send all Information to M D. Arbogaat, Grand Island, Neb: BKT bracer for men. Food pills, n per box. postpaid. Sherman MeCormell Drug Co.. Grays Nerve Omaha, Neb. t A CQ IfiP atatha salt glow aromatic ALAdSAUri treatment. Mm Allen of Chicago, lot S. nth St.. 1st floor, p. 7ia. Want an Offer EASTERN OWNER in city to dispose of fine i-roora. all modem home, near 0th and Charles cits. Well built, full lot, paving paid. Easy worth I4.W0, but will sacrifice. .Terms can be arranged. In vestigate at once, as owner leaves Man "' , Glover Realty Syndicate, - 1Z14-22 City National Bank Bldg.' ' ' Phone Douglss 3963. i ; $100 Down Near 35th and Grand Avenue , Good t-room cottage, on a nice lot. all fenoad. .Water and electlie light la house. Chicken bouse on rear of lot. il.M buys It. lio down, balance easy payments., SCOTT S; 11 ILL. " ' Both Photiea. . 301 McCague Bldg. .WANTtJj .l,ly I. arm, peters i rust Co. llTt LOANS. Henii-Lar.bri;. 314-13 Biandeis Theater. 60 WANTEDCKy. loans- and warrant. W. Farnam Smith 4t Co. 1 Farnam at MO.Nf.V. to luaiTen Business or r dence properties. tUOOO to liA'.i'.' W. lltOMAJi. Ftfel Nat'l Bank BMg. Jiwi to nf rnaue promptly. K, Aead, W.a.l Blilk.. lith ard Farnam. Wtilch is leoeted M miles east of Lbs Angeles, on three main lines of railroad, the -Santa Fe. ifouthern Pacific, and Salt Lake roads, where-TOU can see at least lu,tM a. Tea m oranges, lenioas and grape trult, from one to 13 years old: K.uut serf s in grapes from -ette to A years old: Woue acres tn jea.-hea, apricota plums an-1 English wa-nuts and apple, mostiy frown without irrigation, from one td 1 the ; years old; s.M acre, of alfalfa, rretn -a tew xnontns to s ears ohi. anu m.un evv erythtng-eise you -can -Think of you can we, around Ontario. A teautifuH piaoe 1 fi 4 ijy 1 v wtt v, ian., RItti up. m tive,eievatirn (mm l.iw to ioo fej-t, . v. . "vj. onaha Nat I Hank a &o-tt. boulevard aix. miiea long.xnitn . - ; : -r-streetcar line In theM-ater. finest niaco .Lo A.N aFarms and uty -property. J. m tneiworm zor-ratslnaT ciurkens and s-i kinds of; .fiaettCliniate. fine sori.v-f1na- schoiis, -enurchea and people. V e nave for sale vacaqt -lots, vacant lani or improved piacea In tllll district. In hnest to be found In Southern California, at the most reasonable prices; &'.fe U now being spent tor the new school build ing. l-or further Information call and talk to our Mr. Heyden. who recently returned I rum there. Hastings & Ileyden, 1(14 Harney St. DON-T WAIT S VL'ARS. BUY CALIFORNIA FULL-HEAR I NO ORCHARDS. . MONET BACK IF NOT SATISFIED. cash nad !er muntn buy dve acres with full bearing trult trees In the famous BIdwell orchards at C'hico. Cj. Payments Include Interest and taxes. Your muney back If not satisfied -upun Inrestigatlon. The ilidwell nrcbarda are the most noted and productive tn the aonderful Sacramento valley ef Califor nia. Its our confidence in this Und that prompts this generous offer. We've peaches, prunes, almonds, apricots and Barllett pears. Buyers' railroad fares, not exceeding (St. will be credited on purchase price. Land adjoins the thriv ing town of Chico (14.000 pop ). ( Refer ence! : Any bank of Chico. American National Hank of San Francisco .i First National Bank of Ban Leandro. bend for valuable information, and tacb BIdwell Orchards. Inc.. Chleo. Oal. LciANa Farms and tity -property, ll. liurnoht Soo,ju3 Fkrnvm TORSAlSroittYcMAXGK 1 handle iradtw-evet sfanere. if you wanu results wrne or call ivan. an Bee, i. lJiu ACKKs Lake t'o.. Oregon, land tor tacant lot in Oaiaha, VY.. Wagner, mil North Mt-enth street. - MILL exchange unpruved 320 acres, 4 mllea northeast of Culberson. Neb., for ta.utu; residence In Omaiia r Lint-oln. if location Is suitable. Box HO, Shelby. Neb. FOR iSALE OR RENT. Pool hail, barber shop In connection do ing good business. Will take team of mares aa part payment. A.. Nit-lson, ate North 1Mb. street. Iowa. TUB easiest way to find a buyer for your twm Is to Insert a small want ad lu the Dea Moines Capital. Largest cir culation tn the state of Iowa. fc.wo, daily. The capital la read br and beitaeea m by the standpatters pf Iowa, who aunply refuse to permit any other paper in toeir tomes. Ra:es, 1 cent a word a day; u li per line per month; count six ordinary aorda to tne Una Andres IMS Moiaes Cspusl. Dea Moines, la. IX& S.LE OK EXCHANGE Two 8-room, strtct' v all modern housea close In, hx-ated at Jot h and Webster Hta M ill trade for acre property near Omaha or gooa vacant lot, rnese nouses are In first-clasa condition, have recently been remodeled, new plumbing, .leatlng and electric lighting have recently been put n; also new flooia, cement walks, newly painted and papered throughout. Rental value $30 per month for earn-house. Price, 4i. each. Chance to make a good deal. 11A8T1NUS HEYDEN,. 114 Harney at. STEAMSHIPS EUlUd'C In comfort; select and limited party sailing June 13 via Medtterratisan: eighth neason.. Miss Anna Z. Roi. Coun cil -Uluflii, lav, li Willow avenue. PRIVATELY conducted eaetera tours! for young women during the summer months; limited number; select. For particulars ca4 Ulna E. M. U., m City Nat'l Bank. WAXTED-tU liKM .. . Here is a Grood Investment Yearly Rental $1,710 .Price 414,500 -Thla property I located within mln Otee walk of the po tor flee and down town district,' constating of three modem, up-to-date flala on car line, east front and paved street. The building are al ways; rented to desirable parties. Figure this for yourself and you will find that It la on of ths best Investments offered In the city for some time. This I not like buying some eld, run-down proierty that "eeue a great oeai or. repair ana in a poor location. This la one of the most deslrabl properties we bar had on our list for some time. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 114 Harney St. . - Dundee Lots . Nonresident nwnee eanli Affe at mk. for southwest corner Ust and Daven port Sta.,' one of the best corner lots in Dundee. ' Look at the lot, then see us. tSOD each for. two tine sightly south front lots, location O, K. t Glover Realty Syndicate, ' rit-a Ctly National Bunk Bldg. Phone Douglas WO. -J0 DOWN, balance tan terma will buy my home at Slil N. 23d. six rooms with large reception hall; mahogany fin ish downstairs, white enamel upsuira. Call owner. W. fwO. " THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast- nff einthinc: In fact anytning you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at lei V nth St., for cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Phone Douglas 12& and wagons will call. - . MAfiAfUT, Swedish movement. Apt. AOOAUJLi t lmt Fannin. O. SM. vibrator and mutator treatment. Mrs. Snyder. bU Bee Bldg. Red sous. SVEDLSH f AflVFTTP treatment. E. Brott. l B. 14th. Id floor. D. KM. HAlKDHESSINa. Manicuring. Sham pooing. bcalp treatments a specialty for ladies ana men. sirs, pierce, ehi rr ttjimt-rl at Wead Bidg-J 11. L lad. : A -lev. Af tJi(4l' Treatment. Mrs. Steele, 1703 Dodge. Oround floor. V AS'TED 3u bald-headed parties tc eon tract with u to grow their hair anew. Price $&; no hair, no pay. ttus Harney St . M. o. H. it. co. HHTLTRr. AND PET STOCK KOOS for hatching from the Brandeis farm. Thoroughbred 8. C. Whit Leg horns. L'UUty stock. tLW a setting or t per K'j. Elhibitlon or show stock. S3 to ji a setting- Write for catalogue. Address A. D. Ursndeis. Omaha. 'a-nson ti. FAVORITE INCUBATORS ui.J brooders mean every egg a chick: est price saved on first batcb: At.daya fr trlsl: catalog free. Leahy Mfg. Co., K lith. TWO full-blood exl French poodle pups for sal cneap, hii uougiaa street. REAL ESTATE AllTkUil OS- TITLE. , ' need Abstract Co , oMeat abstract otDn -., Nebraska. 20 Brsndela Theater. MiAbK & CAMPHr-LL, i;i4 Farnam St. UtlLUaiatV l.FUkATlU.1. Electi le gss fixture. Omaha Silver Co. "ideat Cement Co.. 17th and Cuming. Kucha A Miind. painting, decorating. "nOOFINGS. paints, building papers, !at'.er aoarda, Aroer. Snp Co.. 1 11 Nick a E1.1. attains. F. ti-wmin. Ito N. lth. Cli n raurksii (ua ast-b. FOR SALE By owner, S-roem cottage, has gas. eieetric ' Ught. furnace, -cement vralk around housa, brick walk ia front. -an be bought on easy tenca. Apply of owner, C.rt 2i. 42i tt- :-';. .$1,250 . . FOR KOUNTZE PLACE LOT South front on Emmet at. between isth and aftth. Paving aH paid, verv deslr abl kwatlon. Thla i the last rood lot that can be had In the best built-up dis trict In the addition.. Will make term it necessary. HASTI.-te.S tk HETPEN, 14 Harney St. STOP PAYLN'O REN'f! o cash. M0 monthly, buys t-room. strictly modern, oak finished home, full two stories, near new Omaha I'niverslty, complete every way. Price, (2,500. phone owner. Harney S210. I will eell the choiiest building lot la 'he Hanscom Park district upon the moat favorable terms that could be de sired. If you contemplate building this spring, better tea me soon. Lot locatod north wen corner 33d and artur. Tele phone Harney 1244 or South 431. William 11. Gould. Jr Juiaaeswu. MINNESOTA lupBftVHn riui In KHERBL'RNB and adiolnlna We hare a large number of choice, well im proved farms near good towns and only a short distance - from Mlnnearmlf at HI to W per acre. These farms are sdapted for diversified farming, and In the corn belt. Get a farm where rainfall is abundant and crop failures at un known. -For full particular write Fel lend Realty Company. Ml Palac Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. - Missouri. -t- . J.a -ACRES- CORN LAND, ' HOLT . - ITJUATY, MO. 1.M0-sores, 2Vi mllss Oregon, It, miles Forest City; only 2f miles St. Joseph: sets .Improvements; good condition; high bottom corn land; made soil; four crop pay for land; private slock yard and pas senger platform at railway on farm; gilt edge; worth, mora -money;; bargain; 1130 Per acre: one-third cash; balance long time; . per cent. A. W. Cotten, Oregon. Mo.; ditaited description on application. 120 ACRES. I miles from good town In southern Missouri, buildings and other Improvements. 135 ier acre. This Is only one of several good farms tn good farm Ing district; plenty of rainfall; good cli mate; the land Is good aa Iowa, and will be aa valuable In few years. . Oet more particular. U. . . ffLKtvINQTON,, 103 oee mug. -e - WANTED to rent, March 1. grain or dairy farm, 'this stale. 1V to M acres, on sharesr 3"to ly-vear lesee; no -seed or swamp landa. Write- today. A. Neilsan. ttm N. Hermitage .avenue,. Chicago, Hi. WA.TKlV-TO BUY WANTED To bay old broken watches. M. isthan. 1J H. lllr). St, Jti-hnnd goods." Kleser. luao Center. D. m WANTED TO BORROW WATKlt-ift nf j 'per' ieAt; 'first jnortgage . on property worth (19,000: In come or .i year etin Ba assignea u desired, Addresn Y;a, Use. WAXTED SITl'ATIONS ; C01)RED women desires position as dishwasher. . Webster t430. W ASHINO and (Tuning dose. T.. H. HM. Currain laimdered. Uuarameed. W. IMS. SITUATION, wanted by a oomneteat colored gin ss domestic liaraey 4J60. ot'NO LADY, well educated and ex perienced stenogrwrjher, wishes a position with a reliable firm, with good raterenc. M W, Re. I .? THE VIHIT1NU HELPER will coma to yoiir aid If you bar unexpected com pany for-innch sr dinner. -or. any emer gency where you need help. Doug. 74. TWO Joining lao-acra homMead reiin. aulshmsnts, enter of Irrlgsted tract, close w town, esou ewen. , Aaaress owner, iwx lielirasKa. j , FOR' SALE 440-acre Imnraved Wlnk.M homestesd; jood soli; fin location; II miles from Chadron. Addres Bui M. Chadron, Neb. ll.Mt wtU bay tne east UO-arra home. stead - in Nebraska; partly improved. Writ owner. C XL Hoffman. a.iinhaiL Neb. , . . : HOMt-ISTRAO .Tkl aera rii-h h,M l.d for Hii, filing fee and all. No sand lulu. J. A. Tracy. Kimball. Neb. . BL'Y LAND: also farm moruuM from first hands, Ws can please you. The Welpton Investment Co., Ogellal. Neb. m ACP.ES:. 1W acres tn cultivation. 40 pasture; fenced; fain Improvements; . miles to railroad town: near a-hool. Price, fH.Su per acre. Vi m. Smith. Well- fleet. Neb. 4-BL't:HEL WHEAT LAND, pun -PER ACRE. We have for sale over "BOflA eer t Cheyenne county, Nebraska's choicest tarm land, wnere the crop yleids for U years, including 110- and Jli, averags with the best In the slate. Aifalla aise a leading crop, better soil, waier and climate cannot be found. Write for fuil Information today. Agents wanted every. where. FLND1NGSLAND INVESTMENT CO, Sidney, Neb. BUY direct finm owner. 640 acre, well Improved farm, a per acre. John Jenlk, Lodge Pole. Neb. YOUNG man with exnerlenca and rood habits want position, on farm or dairy, O 363. Omaha Bee. EDUCATED lady, with business abll. Jly 'Atidsotri. r4etc In. ngwapapar - W ANTED By. ' young lady of refine. meat, position a housekeeper: d'f pre- lerreo. Anares r vtl, care Bee. EXPERIENCED .porter waata position. t to. YOUNG man wants steady work on tarm; good worker; references. H, 161, Bee. YOUNG boy about it year, want light outdoor work, small .wages. Uldg. Doug. 1US, ' ; 7I J3randels EXPEHIKNCED young lady wante po sition as cashier in hotel or cafe; beat of reference Phone Hack U14. HAND lalwdry. by piece or dos.. wash ana ironea. sue aoi.; rougn drv, 36c shirt waists: Joo to aoo." Doug. 7W7. YOirNU MAN bookkeeuer and steno grapher: would Hko position; 'good, refer ence. I i'.C Bee. YOUNG lady deelree'poaltlori In office. willing to start with email salarr. Refer ent . JPtiona .Webster-ftfa ... . ..J.T.W LUiK STOCK JVlARhAT OF . WEST Ship your stock to South Omaha Suva mileage and siirinkage. Your oorufign ment receive prompt and careful atten tion. Live (teek t emailsetea Merekaats. Byer Bra at Co. Strong and rwsponalM. WOOD BROS., ZU-3S Exchange Bldg. Great West. Com. Co., Omaha sV Denver'. W. R. SMITH ft BON Juat aaadts sheep. "TA GO. BROS, handle cate, hoaii, sheep Clay. Robinson ft Co.TliSd Exchange Bldg! MUST CELL. 160 acres In Fi'Imora county, nesr Shlckley, Neb.; worth tl& per acre. Price for hort time 310U per acre. 330 acres three mlies from Prokeei Raw Custer county. Nebraska; only kit) iter acre. Oood Improved farm. Heat ansa on the market. WESTERN REAL ESTATE CO.. 411-413 Karbach Block, Omaha, Neb. FOR SALB-Lot 337 Fairfax addition; a snap If Ul.en at onca Inquire iM Sahler. 1XT tor asie cneap; North ' J7ih m South imaht. li. A. lannii. Perry, la Oregon. BEST fruit land In famous frnnoua val- ilcy Orvpon, f. ier sere. Call or grito .r i .. :i . rvruauut VMesun. ioyu it. Oriffilh. PRAIRIE PARK. ' Most artistic and. nnlform residence dla. iriot or omana Few vacant lots left. ia oireeis paved ana parked, Payable 1-1 cash, balance monthly. Will build to suit on same terms nr will ad vance cost of house and build vaifrieir The Paxton Real Estate Co.. an War tik. Persistent Advertising Big Returns. Is the Road to REAL ESTATE ni ft imrri ld rest -ialb urillek Caiaaaaaa. FOR SALEV-Cliolce valley farms In tract of M to lent acres, within 1 to miles from the towns alone the Or.,, l Trunk Pacific Railway in Central Bntun coiumoia. Also bkeen. Valley Fruit Farms in W-acr tracts. Send for free booklet Call or write B. Me) el. District -Sales Agent, tSl Paxton tildg.. Omaha. Neb. Will buy for anyone Uritlxn Colum bia Farm land on uncomnleted nraaj Trunk without mniiMiion excepting' pet. eentags of profita Large returns cer tain. Frank Cawford. U burner street. V'aaoouver.. ce Omana. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed by the ATLANTA. BIRMlNGHAfi ATLAS. TIC RAILROAD. Land adapted te tn widest ram at crops. All the money croc at u plentifully produced, for literature treat ing wita tnis eomicg oouatry. lu mi climate, church and acuaua adraniAaea. writst W. H. LEAHY. DEPT. K. t.enersl Paseeirger- Agent. ATLANTA. UA Wyvaalaif. - . FOR SAI.E-1C4 acres Irrigated land with good water right and well Improved; two mnes from county seat, tk par acre: easy terms. Aaaress r. u. box ill. Tor rington, Wya intcrsutts Co. Better resu'.lg . Ship to usT CL,ir-TO.i com en.. 221 Exchange Bldg. L. E. ROBERTS ft CO.. 23 Exch. Bldg. Cox ft Jones Com. Co.. bunch of hustlers. Farmer L: 8. Com. Co.', dExvh. BlditT Deposit proceeds of shipments In Stock Tarda Nst'l Bank. Only bank at yards. Martin Broa. ft Co.. 203-4 Excli. Bldg. rro.H.4HATTHE CRAIX SIARET WEEKS GRAIN CO.. Consignment solicited. grsin merchants. 7V3 Brandeis. LEGAL NOTICES Miaeeltancaaa. Farmer and land buyers . all over the country are leading Be want ada every day and snapping up every bargain offered. Rate l cents per word If run only one time, le per word If run two or more time cons- eutivejy. Write and mail your ad today to steal Estate depart ment of Tne Omana Baa. Kerults are euro The Best , t Farm Locations re In the mud. sunny southeast: price are wonderfully low; lie an acre up buys tine farming or graslng land; big profits from tru k or . poultry, requiring email capital; fortunes tin apple aad ail other iruiu, pecan nuls. ailafTa, etc: live etoi k. hogs and dairying -shy immense re turn, aiv i out lie, eiixzaroa long win ters or expensive Irrigation to he can- tended witb in the southeast alone- the -tie ui ine souinern rtajiwaw - Mvetm Send for iand prices and free subscrip tion to the : Southern Field. Address Chas. 8. Chase. - W cetera Agent. Room Ji Chemical bldg., St. Loula. Mo. - REAL ESTATE FUli REM. farsas and Sasck '---de. FOB RENT S3t acres of the best In northwest Missouri, all plow land; will rent for 3 years, eash rent; teams and root if wanlsd. Route t. Bog a, Ora ham, Mo. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEBT ' PNG Notice la heteby girtn that the resinar annual meeting of the stock holder of the South Platte Land Com pany will be held at the office of said oompaay at Lincoln, Neb., at 11 o clock a , on the aixth day of March. A. D Wll C. .1I. MORRILL. President. A. a MINOR, Secretary. Tncoln. Keb.. February a. 1913. STOCkHOLDERrTM EETINOT The annual meeting of the stockholders I. tl 1.......... r. . I v. mo . uv.wiua vmi.wnny win ee held at the company efflre tn the Bee Duiioing. trniana, ,-sen.. at 4 o clock p. m. Moidy, Mar-h t, urll for the eleeUoa of a board of directore for the ensuing year and for the tranactioa of auch other buainens a may properly come before tne meeting. By utuer of the president. Ftd-30t. N. P. FE1U t-ereury. A Horrible Death may result from deceased lungs. "Curs coughs and weak, sore lungs with Dr. King's New Discovery. SOc and tl.OOi For sale by Beaton Drug Co, nlv. - RAILWAY TIME CARD. "1 .....s I is mm all m m Spr-W. as s l m Isweul. a Is . s l et sat RAILWAY TIME CAJU) I'KIUX STATION Teath aad Maesw liaiea Psclfle " , - Deaart. - - Arrive Sas Free, 0erlaa4 LHsltea. .1 1 11 as steissl i-klaa A Uv Fast Mall... I aai-' a I sw AilaetMi Kiw..... aievaai OregeB Kirrva .....all S5 sea a I H set Lot L'sutes. ! era a pa Dmw Spertal ....a T:St aat s 11) mm -."aeteaelal stale rseilal all.) mm mlj a asi raaaraSo game - 1 aa mm a a aa mm Onavs-Waaklaataa LlaarUS.. U IS aaa alls ssj Ni.rta rtatte Imml , el ataei a 4 It Oraa l.krtj Local a a s) mm alerts aei tra-wsers SK 41 set S 1 M i'btrags. Rae-ai lalaad ft Psurlflo Rerky Meeatsre Usenet..... .all aw n ja Cfefrcaaa Laeal Painasl bl 8 mm sie-ie mm OkMasa Per susrsaa.,.. a a at aaa s I aa ei rakssa gaeraas S I pas a l:M Set Dra Metaaa Lecal raaaaeav...a an as all 11 aw cjcaNanuaa Uiui ...a si ao, a I as u Ckleaea-Hea Urn le Uaula --a an era e 1st e riw.. '. abaeaas. s 1 IS sea a 4 Ptm Okbahaeia m Teaae aUsreaa.,. I.ea w all t' aaa Rectr Mseslaie Laauw ais u a all aa' AST. Wabash Osjaaa-at. Leela bsraas. a IN,a a 111 as- Mall aa4 ftiaraaa..; .a T:al aaa all:U n Itaabarry Local tlrosl c. SI. a ja) Bat slv.ll aai ai i.iaari s-acaaie t a. c. ft St, Leels gapreas..s In sat a Tw aa K. C ft St. Uala aaaeaa..aU U Baa al:Haaa Chlrs Mllwaattap, am St, Paa OvarlaaS IAaMeS.....,.....e 1:1 mm a 1:11 si rerry fanrai. .. CalaiaOe gaai Celereee larr Local.. I ai aaa su.aa aaa Lbaeagw (ireat W eatera Tels City UatltaS.... m ItU set a f :) eaa Twle-Cltr kaama.....: af:4aaa its.. CUease Kasraaa a I aaa a I II aa tuaaats Ceatrafc chrcase Eaaeaaa ...s T-1S aaa a 1-43 mm Ckueaa Uaitua s a aaa s 1.4 u chtuaga ft ft ewl a western NOHTHSUDNU. kal Kaaiesa-a i ao ass atiaeaapolM-St. Paul iaaalte -a 1 :e aca s I as mm Tela Clly Xiprarn.. ,...s t.e aaa all N sea Siaea City Local a mm a l;H aa. Ulssaaaerla ft Deaata i a l ea aaa a 1 U a TWIS illy Ualte4 B I 44 BB1 i:Sa. .leBisata gaaraaa sil.aa aaa Carrall Leral Ma aa a I N saa Payliahl chleaso........ al-saaei al as am plcaaa Local all at ar: a I aj eaa Laleaso-t-aiaeaae es:BBei s :tl bb CBlcasa ar Id ,.,.s as ll ia Padlk Coaal-Xttara. ..s IS aa a I M pmt Us Aasalas Uauusl ll all at aaa uwlasd Uaauel a Ml aaa iHlu, (artatl local a I aa mm sis as aaa Faat Mall a I X mm a l.a mm triir Haalea. Uass CMy aa ia Il li. Caaaeaaisl lul Daltc...n. tS:e aaa 11. U aaa waaTsuvsu. Los Ms s ISii all M aaa Narlaik Dallaa -a I te aaa si at mm riae-uaealB-.. s r n ata a l:sl mm HaaHasa-aeaanor ............ .S I U aai i.ts pel peaawaae-Maa Sana.,-. a. pat a k.S pa. t aaBce-Lsaser s I II aaa all ret ata Fnaanat-Altlaa - I S) pas II.Um Bartlaglea Stallea- Barllagtaa Daaar ft CSlHarala Pasai Sees Kxareaa Nebraska pelsta Ula.k Hilla Uacla Mall ...... Mertkweat Eaaeaaa ....... Nebraefca gipraaf ... sceortw-rtaitaaaaelh ..... UnealB Local Plattaaaealk-laes Bella. ec-PUIlaaiuatk Cktcaaa saotial Special CktraB giuaea...-- CSicasa Faal ElBraea. Craxos IU I Local I. Loals kapreaa.... k.. cn ft St. Jaevk. Kaaaaa Cr ft SL 3aaeak....S IU aai a 1 11 mm ganaaa IJUy m St. Jeeapa a a.aa paa Webster Statleav Mleawart Paelfte -Teats at Si far. Arrive. ...a l ie sat a I as paa ...a I te paa a I 41 pas ...a l s aaa a I aai ...a 4 IS paa ilia, ..kin aaa alt II saa ...all Tea a l-rlaaa ...a 111 aaa a I N paa ... paa Slats.. I aaa .. a i n aa a m .. an sa paa e I I paa .. a I U aaa all n u ...all Saa DSia .- a I St are il l.. ..a I S) aaa a I aa ! HIS) aca ...a l' aaa ell se aaa sis mm a I aaa -IStb aad Webster (kleeae. St. Paal, Dapart. Arrlra ..kl rw kll Uaaa Mlaaeaaalle ft t Ml pas kit , sas -a a 3 an a i?s pw f.Sm paa k eat . kl.liks sliseae la) sallr, IW sallr ascept SueeAr. tc aa4ay City a Cur Tela Clu KNOX EXPUINS HIS MISSION Address at Panam Intended to Give Seasons for Trip. SEEKS CLOSER IKTERCOimSE Presldcat at the t atted State Waste to Brlag the 'A harries a Nepab lles .Nearer Teugether la ( ' All Tbiags. LAN A MA. Feb. 3-Secretary of State P. C Knox made In Panama today -the first of tils public addresses on his trip to the capitals of Central Ameri, northern South Amerka and the Wect Indiea Thla speech, while delivered before the acting president of Panama. Senor Rodplfo Chlar.l,.was In reality addressed to all the countrlea he will visit and In cluded an explanation of the attitude of the. United States towards South and Central America. Mr. Knox said the president believed the early completion of the canal should mark the beginning or closer relations between the United States and sll Latin America: that the purpose of the United States towards all the American republic was to live In amity and essential harmony; and that the United Ststes desire mors peace, mors prosperity, mors happiness and mors security in their national live. He declared the United States craved neither sovereignty but territory In Latin America. Parsaee at the Visit. Mr. Knox adores In part follows: "The president of ths United Ststes believes thst the early completion of the Panama canal should mark the beginning of closer relations to sll Latin-America, and especially to the Caribbean littoral, as well aa the relations of these coun tries to each other, and Impelled by the thought that this la an auspicious mo ment through better acquaintance to lay the foundations upon which there should rest a broader confidence, s closer sym pathy and more practical reciprocal help fulness, hs cent me hither ss s bearer of s message of good will to our sister American republic. r "We who live on the western hemis phere find ourselves by fore of geogra phy In circumstances which tnsk our situation peeultsr.- and this fundamental fact gives us privilege snd impose! upon us obligations wa would not otherwise have. It was a perception of thla which your own thinker and statesmen bare seen ss clearly ss our own, which prompted the announcement by President Monroe of the great and beneficent policy that now hear his name. When the canal la opened and ths ships of sll countries of the world com sailing through these Caribbean seas, the pe culiarity of our position and special re. quirement will be accentuated snd the wisdom. of that doctrine be confirmed again. Even now It Is a great bond be tween as. Is Us future amplification 1 parcel v It will be a common heritage binding together the nation of tlrls hem isphere with a fore no power can break, and whll It ha in providence been- given to us In the north tp itat snd Interpret, It has never been Invoked to ths detri ment f the people of ths south er oper ated to their hart.- ' Dee t lay at Monroe Daelrlae. "In my Judgment tli Monro doctrine will" reach the' seme of Its beneficence when It 1 regarded by th people of the United State as a reason why w should constantly respond to th needs of those of our Latin-American neighbors who maty .find nscetstty fof our ssltsns Is their progress toward better government, or who may seek our aid to meet 4,nel lust obligation snd thereby. to luaiatain honorable relations to ths family f na- tions. , "II li I paradox that sererancs of the physical ligament that Join th two con tinents of tli 'New World will more closely unit them,.. Culebra is ths old clot In ths artery est Intercourse whose removal will give free and full circula tion throughout th whole organism to I he rlvlfytng currents ot friendship, peace, commerce and prosperity." ,-.- ' T.' fev ".'r A-'-.uV' W r-y y ' v A MME. UNA CAVALIERI The most famous beauty in the world details for Women many of her secrets of beauty and gives helpful hints for retaining beauty dnring the 'windy days of March arid the rainy days of April. No one in all the world has such a grasp on the knowledge of personal -beauty as Mme. Cavajieri. These stories appear ex clusively in .. ; : . The Omaha Sunday Bee . The magazine section of this great paper also con-, tains other special articles of interest to all readers. New Spring Clothes Those chin dresses and hats that will be worn this spring by all the most fashionable social leaders in all the great society centers of the world will be described in the fashionable fashion stories of The, Sunday Bee. Lady Duff Gordan, who writes these interesting f oijluoa stories, knows the last word in women's dress. ' " V ' " " "' ,r ' ( Magazine Features by the highest paid writers in the world are among the i other exclusive novelties that make The Sunday Bee a great newspaper: Be feure to see the magazine section Sunday. .. ." ; .. . . i .t Carpenter's Letter The Carpenter letter, eagerly "read by people of the west, will again discuss some specially important topic. ..''..'.',, ; ' . ' ; .;v . ;- - . Spring Training Camp ; Base ball teams of the big leagues are getting into training for the major league races.' The pink section of The Sunday Bee" will have ail the-news of these. a ml' . 1 : "ii t '.t - ....... various teams. ;nere aiso win pe in xne - - . v Four Sport Pages all the latest sporting dope from every part of the world, including the latest news of the teams and play ers of the Western league, collage athletic dope, and boxing and wrestling stories. " " Colored Comic Pages Little Nemo in the Land of Wonderful Dreams is the most refreshingly funny character series ever pub lished by any paper. These pictures are educational and they broaden the minds of youngsters. They ap pear only in The Omaha Sunday Bee. - The Katzenjammer Kids are in Spain, you know, and the details of their troubles with the foreigners are the funniest imaginable. Seo these little kids and all the other funny comio charac ters in The Sunday Bee. Omaha and the west' have The Bee-reading habit. Omaha and the west rely upon what The Bee prints.' N - ' ' Omaha and the west look ujion The Bee as their of ficial shopping guide. . Y Advertisers use The Bee because it goes into nearly every home in this great city, - To reach the greatest number of people with the greatest purchasing ability, send your message through The Bee. ' - , , Omaha is a City of Bee Readers