Desperate Desmond Though Feeling Not the Least Bit Hi, ' Claude is Doctored Against His WilL By Hershfield HCME yxrrw (HO It Mf ClbDC. HS 70 rtsfNTtFY Hi Ail. ,rn TOOT tevww.., .How He Auf&tf . 1-THE nBCOONTTIOir.' Rosamond's saguhThed heart gives . a TMt leap as she sees ia( the convicts her own Claud Eclairs. Shs knows i that lbs alactimaiiona of the unscrupu lous Desmond.' mnd only that h hap pmH to visit tha prison aa ana of th quartet ha would undoubtedly have had to stand hla llfa behind tha ban. . It OBSERVED. With bar heart now filled with hope. Rosamond hurries through tha streets to tha governor's house. Knotting tha Jus tlca of her case, aha does not doubt that tha official will quickly gram an order of release for her heroic lover. But tha crafty Desmond has seen from tha wln ' dow -tha direction taken by Rosamond, and guesses what bar purpose la. III-A CRUEL PLAN. Desmond, having guessed Rosamond' l object, loara no time In preparing to foil tha brave girl. He hastens to tha . Jail, where he la In league with the cor rupt officials, and hurriedly gets tha prison barber to shave Claude's head, so aa to disguise him aa much aa possible. With the rsxor ao eloaa to hla neck the hero doea not dare to protest vigorously. IV-PUTTTNO ON THE BANDAGES. To disguise Claude attll further Des mond Induces the prison hospital at . tendanta to bandage up the prisoner, so that h cannot move hand or foot and cannot apeak. Thua swathed, Claude could not be recognised by the keenest . et a, and Desmond hopes that ha cannot be Identified when the pardon la brought for him. V "HERE'8 THE PARDON!" Urging tha coolies pulling her rlckahaw to run at their top speed, Rosa mond dashes up to the prison gates with tha governor's order for the release ot her unjust Imprisoned hero. 8he hopes that she will not be toe late, and that Claude has not been spirited away to some other prison, where he would be out of her "reach forever. 1. ' I ' VI WHO IS HET Desmond's plan has proven successful so far. for when Rosamond denaads that Convict be relieved ot the bandages round hla face the prison authorities re fuse her request, as being against the rules. And with all tha bandages en even her keen eyes are unable to identify her lover. Tomorrow'! pictures shew bar neat plan. ' . . . - WANT ADS Want ads received at aay time bat o laser proper classification asaet be presented before 13 o'clock m. for the teniae edition and before 7:30 . a, for morning and Honda edi tions. Want ada received after sox-h hears will have their first Insertion aader tba heading "Too Late to t las Jr." CASH RATBsToR WANT ADS. KUIXAA CLAJstUr'ICATI0!if--Oaa insertion 1 H ceat per word aau-a rent per word for each subsequent ' coaeeraure Insertion. Karri laser- Uoa made oa odd dart 1 4 -ceat per . word; fl-oO per line per month v. hew ad la run without chanfa of i eopr. , ' Waal ada for Tha Bee may be left ) at any of the following drag stores ' owe la joar "comer druggist" they . are ail breech off ices tor Tha Bee, " aad roar ad win be iaserted just aa vi promptlr aad oa tha same rata as at .tha main office la Tba Bee building, ';ev catena in aad ramam streets. Albach, W. C, th and Parnaa ; , Haum Drug Co., lad N. IMh Mt. i rienson Fhsrmacy, Benson, Neb. " Uml park fharmacy, wd and Cuvlng. i , tteranek. I. A., la a. Hth at. 4 r)laka-Uradish, au naerntaa Ave. Causban, U., 4.J LMvsnwortk UL Cerinaa. Emil. MM- a. Uth HI. ' i Cllfloa Hill fharmacy, tni Military Ave. , loonsy Pharmacy. XiM . 1Mb at. V crlssey'a fharmacy, K!A and Lake Bta Khier A Co., M Leavenworth at ' t'raytag. i. lilt N. Mth Ml. I j Kreasrr Drug Ce, lad . Mta t. .. n-.oos irug Co.. k'ksrenee. Neb. , ' Ureea a Phanay, park Ave. and Pacific. Ureeaougb A Co., ltfth sad Hickory. ', Uoldman fharm'y, Mth and Lssveiiw'th. ,' Juhsnson Drug Co., Itth and Hpauldlng. ,' Jvnnsoa Pharmacy, nrji) larnam St. ' rlansotfn rark flurm y. ItAil a. Ath Ave. llinterlong Drug Co., list Ave. aad'Par. ; 1 1 ui. t, jaas, sh N. wh at. Huff, A. U, XHi Leavenworth L ' King. H. S., Mtk and k'arnam Its. V Kountse Place Pharmacy, 10 N. Mth. J Isithrop pharmacy, Mth and Hamilton. . Mares. Fred I, all Central rllvd. slunmoulh PharmacySM and Ames Av. ' Patrick Drug Co., leu N. MID It. " aaratoga Drug Co., Mth and Ames Ave , ahaete-'s Cut Price, th and Chlcao. Keller Drug Co., Ill N. Uth ftX' Vachal. P. J.. M Pierce Ml. ' Welloa Pharmacy, ann and Oraae its. i Walnut Hill Pharmacy. Wth aad Cuming, ASXOCXCEMEXT5 Maggatd Van A Storage. Pack, move, sloes and ship H. H. goods. D Hot. B-Zt2k MOVINU picture machines snd supplies. Nebrsska Pllm Co . I'll Farnam Kl. HEAFEY & IIEAFEY, Moved to Mil Farnam. A-M. H. . YOU'LL, always be hanor If veur wed ding ring comas from Brodegaard'a, LU . istn Bt. At the sign oi tne crown. CAND OPTHANKS. WB wlih to thank the Trenr frlenna and netahbors, street railway company, I Itenson kssles, JVebraska Telephone oom psny emjHoy-a for the kindness and sympathy snown us ourlng the sad hw 1 rnavement ot otir father and hiaband. WRH. WIUI.IAM nrNT7.INGlH. V, ARTHUR H1NT7.ISHKU. I. CiiAHUM HCKTZiMOKR. BIRTHS AJD DKATHR. Births P. Q. and Agnes Davis. Vtl Webster, boy; Clyde snd Prances Drew, Mat Burt, twin hoys: Ignats and Llbbie 'Moaksvtti, art Cuming, boy; Albert W. Dpottl, lalt Marey, girl. ' Heaths Joseph Abernalhy. 44 years. 51!) W'aabington street, ififtith umaha; Robert Proctor. 7 years. Dougiaa county hos pital; Isaao Demoralsky, a years Sill California; Mary McCuna.- at years. North Taenty-siith street; B. J. Ureen, 4) years. MS Mouth Twenty-ntath street, Ulan O Tonaell. 7 years, tt South Taen-ty-sevantbj Rose Janda. tears, at. Josephs hossusl; digmund filatb, kl yeara, Brandon. MAIL ORDER BCSIXE8S "MANG1AMEL1 B1UJS. Maoaewii, made In Omaha. Kvery pack age guar. Ask your grocer. Bead us fifty sagiea cutout of packages tor premiums. . T T r , 1 Esiabuabed U Hcyn Studio ssjsss Sena pools; we will give prtc-a and bast styles- itth and Howard Bis.. Omaha. k WITCH led MADE FROM IOMBINUbT -: Mrs. Peck. Ui N. 14th. 'Phone la. lew. AMVHEMENTS Apollo Theater JH1 : Hlfu clsn motion pictures. ALWAIS ; T11K BKKT MUSIC. THE DIAMOND THEATER, Mtk and Lake. The Famous ani Res Picture tor a-uuoay. If lilt 8. YcneziarLr lltb tH. and Motrins Ulustralsd Fa vnritt Triatpr 1S5 - w . vw uvuivi Vinton Comedy and Select Drama. u.MAliA FILM EX. LiigV" . Motion picture naiehlne pod film bargalna. PKOGKESSIVL F1LM"C07 HIT a'arnam. Uovlag picture ''end supp'les. IX)YAL theater. N. S4th and Cald wlau well. Motion pictures, ea . trrtalniac and educational. ANXOlXCtME-Vre 1HULSE&REIPEX, L'NDERTAKERg. a ma t L!M, A-Sat. J. K. Momil. china paint, aa Brsndels Th J. A. GENTLEMAN, blm8r. HU Chicago St. O. Htf. A -CM 7, GKT your tiupol at Bnia4ard'.v CARPENTERS PATTON-BOWMAN -1IAEDWAEE COMPANY ins Farnam St., An ing tool at cot. Y":'"'- ui-pv field and gardea seeds Yeuak. I u e mM ce.. Co. Blurts, la. NOBTHRL'P LETTER DUPLlCATI.Nd CO, M Pastea Hit, circoutr letters, any v.uuiuy; oioern estsotisnea company; es pia-ta af M jluarapn and Xeeetyia, , , o. beed Co. IS J BoU . Kl. ..iMVTKNTO HahaNA CIOAH. Bos M, prepaid, VTi; try ha f dosen; If not satlsrartory money rerunoea uca- IU.1 lni.u VJ., isus rsmam, vmaii. TO LOAN-LOW rate.. In sums to suit. He Bee Bldg. Phona Doua. Ssil 1'11U IXAN CO. MONEY Upholstering, piano lurn. rep, ow Far. HAZKL LEAF PILE CONES-Beat remedy for Itching, bleeding or protrud Ing pi lea, Mc, postpaid; samples free. Sherman A McConneii Drug Co.. Omaha. DOCOLA Printing Co. Tel. Doug. Ml. Twenty per cent less Ihsn Omaha prices HOUR FL'RNISHINO CO. t Twenty -fourth snd I, ts.. south Omshk. H. Cole Htga Ce. D. r). Ills Karnam WATF.R8 PB1NTINO CO. Doug. ! Filters. Filter repairs. 112 So. 14. D. 4714. F.LAATIC atocklngs, supporters and bandages; stock always new, bees use wa sell ao many; trusses fitted: everything guaranteed. W. ! Cleveland lrug Co., tha largest surgical supply house, 14HVU Harney SL 8AFV.Tr BLADF.M sharpened, all kinds. Meyers' News Stand. 1411 Karnam Bt. AUTOMOBILES. DRUMMOND Auto rrualrins: Martin short absorb ent, dava' trial befors you buy. 11th snd HSrney bis. i Auto lamps repaired. Omaha Silver Ce. ONB F.-M-F m. complete with all equip ment; 111 I. open front, l-paesenger; been used aa demonstrator. Price. KM. One tlve passenaer Hambler, good condition,, pxA una Model 41 Overland, POD. MA1U0N AUTOMOBILE CO. iWl-l Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. McINTYltEAUTOCO. cars for the money en the market oak land, Stearns. Knight and K. C. H. Bar gains. In used cars. tn Farnam. BU8IXE8S CHAJiCES. Areklleets. J. P. Cottrell, Sll Caas. Red ofwf. Attoraeya. Uston I.. Ha!',, lawyer. 647 Bran. Bldg. O. W. Shields. Attorney. Z1 B of Trade. , insists aad Teats. OMAHA TF.NT CO. Tel. S3 Douglas. aaama aad Taaleabs. - THE 0NLT WAT. Baggage checked to destination. T caba and touring can. Tel. Douglas Baa Ma aa tasters re. BEMIS OMAHA BAG CO.. Omaha, Nab. Bill rosters. fVWAI-TA BILL POSTING CO1., H UiU-""!-"- HAKNKT. DOUOLA8 KM. Wooden Box A Package Co. U14 N. Uth. Carpealcrs aad Caairaclwrs. Stevenson, cart enter, cont. Both phones. Clears aad Tebaeee. THB Sanitary Crown Pipe. Hi S, Mtb. Chlrspodlala, DR. ROT, IMC Farnam. Douglas Mtf. Clethlaa Maaataetarere, - -. Wear Ideal dress shirts. M. E. Smith Co. Caa Dealera. . WKSTERFIEf.p sells REKDER COAL; 11'Kri At. s, or KA.HUB. LK lose; A-US.- KINDI.INO. M load. H. Proas. W. 1M4. Crvasaertes, Dalrlaa aad ppUss. Fairmont's Dlsdem butler. Always good. DAVID COLK CMtCAMEKT COMPANY. Cerates aad Steel Celllasa. CARTER Sheet Metal Works. Omaha. Daaslna Awadeaalea, Morand'a Clai private lessons every day. Moa.'and Prl, I p. m. Doug, mi Mackle'a Dancing Academy. 1111 Harney. Daily elsss Moiv. Thura.. Bat, evenings CAMKIDMOaraga Co. Reasonable A"0 chat... Parsoiutl stten- tention given. Trucks snd sutos atorsd. Bargnlns In used cars. Ml 8. 11. D Mil. PPKIKVKK makes eld care like new by adding forsdeors. repairing lops, rs palntlng. etc. xh and Leav. D.aia, . FOR BALE At a bargain, two ellghtly used Midland Automobiles. Free land Aute Co.. 12th and Farnam. ' OMAllA MACHINE AVOUKS Autogenous welding, gen'l machine and auto repairing. Pattern making and spe cial machinery designed. L inert die work. re iter a or swings. u e. in nu, u. mil AIITll RADIATORS repaired. Metal sw iv wiMiln KKcelslar t'n . eieX b'sr. RCPAIR1N0, PAINTING. TRIMMING. Murphy Did It automobile and buy a new one or. maybe, you can use Die money In some other ay in either event, bee want ads will do the work. Rales lis cents per word it run only one lime or t cent , per word it run two or more times consecutively. raOHTRKPAIKN AUios. wagons. lew Imv. ' J. I 1 kl.-L l.wi - - - HI-V-WlltlHHm, brakes rellned, wheels trued up, spring weming a epaciaity. all a. UW. Og. BRICK OARAGE for auiamokiW storage. Wa Bt, Msry's Ave. R Fa I aula, run hunt .1,1- . folding type, perfect condition, but toe ?mf, U", my ,rl; e39- Kdgar '1 , m eaiiliscr, afTQ. B18I.VES8 CHAXCF.8 FOR SALB-Biacksmllh shoo: heu power abop In state. Address M. stattniesen. nupenor. Men. ON account ot III health 1 will sen a well-established wall paper and picture business In Hie best city In lows. Arf. dress T Us. Bee. ' ) INVESTED in Little Wonder Oaa Maker will aecure four best counties snd make owner Independent. Call alter nouns 1511 Psrnsm. fa llOTK I. PLAZA needs flrsuWu. Exceptional epportua.ty for aa expert en. ed party. We have rooma and ai established paying business. Call or ad dresaWm. ). Klsher. mgr. 14th A Howard. Ed Rotherv, Ouslness and Real Estate r.tcnans o. t.oom in. Mctgue bHiz. FOR SALfeA drus store In s thriiTlMS lltti town in aouth central JVebraska. Stock will Invoice about t'uu. Business netting owner sbout tl.iul per year. Ueo. A. Arnold. Hoidrese, Neb. FOR SALE Stock of hardware tea. thirds new stock; town ot 2. population: "iriiwr Twenty miles square; practically all fanned;, county seat. . Anthony Hardware Co., St. Anthony. Ida. DA1RT for sale. Phone Harney S14T. , HAZE1.TON The fun.r. IX,,.K,...K Central British Columbia, richer la nat eral resources than any other Ilka area In the world. Destined to bo tha mixhtr ctly of the last great west, seod for free booklet. Address CANADIAN NA TIONAL INVESTORS. CU Paatva Blot. Omaha, Neb. TO -t n &.. .1 . j.-iirjr i l,. ww pee SMOg. lei. Lf. S4,4, A PTRST-CLArta tsll islik ...w., of manufacturing custom coats; win open ahop In city; it good proposition for SHORT ORDER restaurant and on feettonary store; a good chance for right parties; want to see me at once. Write box 156. Henderson, Neb. Mewsnlaa Mewee la Bat. 3 SOUTH iota street. IS-room roomJag bouse: all modern; close ta BCB1XES8 PERSOXAI. Artemlaa WeUa. L. R. NUBEROALL. Pll-M CH Nat'L ED BOWK, veil burli. tteiuoa Ma, u i-- - leeatlets. DR lc!,ERAN. epeolallst In plats work, atlafsriloa or no fee. 4vt Brandels Bldg. bailey, the dentist. City Nat'l. D. rata, Mack A Marti. Id floor Paxton. D. Mai, Tart s dental rooma 111T Doug. D. Cat. Owtewttves. . Omaha secret service det. agency, Inc., bonded. 42- Paxton Blk. D. Ui. A -Oil. L. vV. LONGNKCKER. (17 Karbaoh blk! JAMES ALLAN, Neville Blk. Tyler 11A Ureaaaaahlaa Terry's Dreasmaklnc coiiese. Wth A Far. WANTED Sawing.' B a day. Web. tots. Oraaalsta. , DRVCS at rut prices; freight psid on lia orders; catslogus free. Sherman A McConneii Drug Co., (Una ha. Neb. Mverytblaa twr W esse a. CONKIILT DR. Bt'RKR. 41 Doug. Blk. PIHITAIVJ laundered. Mra Car. iarney Met. Try the BOSTON WET WA81I. Have your family wash brought home ready for drying at lie. Doug. U7I. H-itel Out-of-date garments ex. for new. Keln Bolen, expert corsetlere; oor sets made lo measure, elsaaed A repaired; workmanship guaranteed. US Be. D-1221 Willow plumes, made from your old and new feathers, reasonable. UUS.1L D. Wsl Bvervtblaa KleelrlcaL. Electrlo lighting fix, wholesale and retail. Burgeea-Grandan Co.. 1511 Howard. DfcKl. . Peed Mtlle aad sterwo. Peed, all kinds. Glenroe Mills, 3331 Iiard. riarlets, BENNETTS cut flowers. Douglas 1ST. A. Donaghue, ia Far. D. Mel. A-looi HESS A 8W0B0DA. 141a Farnara St. Stewart's. Florists A Herdsmen. Ill N. M BRANDKI8 FLORIST, Brandela Bldg. L. H E.NDLRSON. 1111 Farnam. D. ltta. "jtATH'S FLORISTS, Boyd Theater Bid. Fenadrles. klcDonsId brass and hronse foundry, alu minum, tin, lead castings. 1491 Jackson. asaraaew.. Rhodes-Montgomery Co Ins. Rsmge Blk. Alfrswrl O ITonnsrlv Fire and Sor. - w vAvvijt nado a nee. w First Nat. Bk. Rldg. Insur- Doug. T71 Ira a aad Wlra Peaelag. Anchor Fence Co.. m N. IT. Tel. Red 114. Laawdrtca, FRENCH Hand Laundry. Tel. H. MM. Guarantee laundry. Fin work.D -771. ' H. Gross. Lorn, wreck's, plb. 11 A PaaL Isacsvewal atsmaxaetsireaa, SWnrfaes macaroni and spaghetti, loe pkg. EXPERT repairing. S. 14th. If etwrcyeies. ERICKSON. Mevlast (raa aad Cleavsttaa. EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co. Moving furniture, packing, fireproof storage. City office, tit 8. 17th. Doue. SH. Ind. B-U4. Twin City Exprese; U14 Howard. Both Tel. Purn. moving; I men.' 11 per hr. W. 1741. Moaasaeass aad laaaaoieaaxei S. T. Bloom A Co., 17th and Cuming 81 a Maase, Ass aad Laaaaaajea- Experlenced rtoHn teacher. Tel. W. am tky. Alice Johnaan. Ms- Brandets The. Bldg. Katharyn Mckolas. Ot-t Brandels Theater Uplletaas. a r. Witta, OlUPf reo'i, til Brand sis. BCSIXESS PERSONALS Patat aad Slaae. PAINT, oil, lead and turpentine are 11 per cent cheaper now than a year ago. Take advantage of this and buy only strictly pure material at Barker Bros. Patnt Co., Hosts Farnam 8L Phone Dougiaa 47M. Paleata. D. Oi Barnell. Paxton Blk- Tel. Red 7117. Wltlard Eudy. UVIu City Nat. Bank Bldg. PheaasTrapaa. Edison phonographs. Bhults Bros. HOI Far. Pkoteajraphera. Rlnehart, photographers, 11th A Farnam Platlaa. OMAHA SILVER CO., 114 8. Itth. . , Plana bora. L. r. VALKENBEHG, Plumbing, W-H7, Prtatiaa. Lew W.EaberTPrinter, rSS!SSi BED BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. PRrVTfNQ gupenor grade. J. K. , -' " Thompson. Web. tl7. HELP WANTED FEMALE Mlscellaaeaasj, EXPERIENCED waitress: report ready for work. Oilman's cafe, IMS Howard St. HELP WANTED MALE Aaeats, lalnaea aad Sallcltur. AOENTS lo sell our perpetual calendar. In - making application send references. John L. Dswes Mfg. Co., Pittsburgh. Pa. WANTED An experienced salesman In city, narvard Milling Co. RALSMAN wanted to sell specialty to hardware trade on com mission. Wabash Manufacturing Co.; Terre Haute, Ind. WANTED Experienced collector. Ap- plyii Baldwin Block. Council Bluffs AOENTS New free 1111 catalogue Just out. . New eaay, quick, profitable sellers. Sample or any article selected sent free. Beacon Mfg. Co, tBI Pope Ave., bL Louie, Mo. AOBNTS-Beat seller yet. Call and I it. t-'l Ramge Bldg. THRICE experienced crew captains and ten experienced canvassers; good salary; Quick promotion; rope fiber wardrobes. f!; something absolutely new. la N. lath. LET the CENTRAL tBINTINO Lyngstsd Printing Co., Kth and Capitol ave. iei. ins, ami ror good printing. BJea-Hall Pig. Co.. lt 8. 14. Ind. A-M. yfel Task aad Celt Calvert Ceespaales. NEBRASKA and Iowa Steel Tank Coxa. pany. Mth and Nicholas. D. ma. Iteaearapkers aad lean lUpartcrsv Myrtle A. Kelley, Tea Bran. The. D. MtX GENERAL etenoeTanhlc work solicited. Envelopes, c per luO, loug. il7. Miss waremme, ws r ax t on bis. Tenia aad Analata OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. Bl Dougiaa Traaka aad Ball Cases, Ptellng A Heinle, IK Farnam St. Vaeaaaa Cleaners. VACUUM CLEANERS Richmond Suc tion Cleaners rented by day. Rental to appi on purchase price If purchased witnia six months RICHMOND BALKS CO., ISM Farnam St. Phone Dougiaa tux. Wis ktaaafaetarera, D. S. Griffith, wig rnfrvU Prenser Blk. Wlaee aad Maeer. WILLOW Sprinss beer. Ilauor. ' dgars. sandwlchas. Alex Jetes, 1303 Douglas. .VIRGIN M DARE wins, ISO a large bot tle. Kieln Lljuor Hours, 121 N. Uth Bu EDUCATIONAL TUTORINO. 1st to tth grsde. H. tti BOYLES COIXEGE DAY. AND NIGHT BCHQOL ALL THE YEAR Cemslete courses la Buslnets. Book keeping. Stenography, Telegraphy. Civil Service or Salsamanahlp. Ibe catalogue la rree lor tue ssamg. can, writs, or phone for tt at once. Address H. B. Boy las. President, Boyles Coilefe, Omaha, Neb. HELP WAXTKD FEMALB A areata aad Baleewesien, - AGENTS Best' seller yet. Call and see It. til Ramge Bldg! FIVU experienced lady canvaasers lo tajte oraera and pass out 'Circulars only; good salary,, euick span waidrobes, II 13 N. Wit. . Paetery and 'i rakes. Oirla to learn hair dressing; prices very reasons ule. Oppenhelm. 2d Fl.. City Nat 1. H ease keepers aad leasaasttca, WANTED-A mlddle-afed lady to as sist with cars of children for room and board. 1711 f ass. Douglas 'X. THE SERVANT GIRL , PROBLEM SOLVED Tbs Bee will run your Domes tie Help Wanted ad FREE until you get the desired reaulta. Bring your ad to The gee otlice or telephone Tyler WANTED House cleaning or window washing or work ot any kind. Har- neysii. W A NTED Womsn with small child for general housework on farm; ststs a Mrs. John 8. Johnson, . P. D. U Under- wooa, is. nAiiitiU-birmncra snansie gin; light, airy place to work. Good wages. kllll-Ml U-l I WANTED A competent nrl in a family of two, U Harney Bt Mrs. W. J, Burgess. WANTED A girl for general housework. Good home te right party. Douglas 013. WANTr-D Competent girl for general housework; good wage. Mrs. J. J. O'Con nor. WD S. 2tk St. Harney Mta. WANTED Girl for general housework: good wagea. Phone Florence 417. WANTED Good girl for general house work. 11 8. Kth St. Phono Harney BM. WANTED Good girl for general house work. Mrs. J. E. Poster, 111 N. talk 8L Harney U84. WANTED A girl or woman to assist la general housework; permanent place to right party. Pnons Harney 4Cf. WANTED-Kxperlenced girl for gen eral housework; roust be of good char acter: jood wages. Phone Harney vm. GIRL for general housework: no wash ing; family or a. Pbon Harney ins. imuADUB s 1 1 to nefi wua senersu noueeworn, nw wmuiis. nwmer iste. HOUSEKEEPER Two in famllr: rwf- erencea required. Good wages.. 'Phona evening to Douaias 474. WANTED Two Birla for aeneral heusa- work; one for second girl and oae for general housework. Dougiaa kt , Clerical and tiff lee. WANTED Men who are QUALIFIED to hold a HIGH GRADE office position to see us. . We have 17 openings today, which must be rilled AT ONCE. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO, - W1S-K City National Bank Bldg. CANO"-H!gh grade positions. CM Bee. SOLICITOR, must be uf good appear ance and good talker; can make H to Is per day. 'Phone Harney la tor Interview. FULL dress suits snd parly dresses for ssle; also for rent. 11 to .! a sight. JOHN PELDMAN, r. 17th. D. 4LO. Paetery aad Trad, Drug store (snaps) Jobs. Knlest. Bee Bldg Electricians PATTON BOWMAN HARDWARE COMPANY - Mil Farnara St. Are selling tools at cost WANTED Experienced sticker man. Beat wagea; steady work. Curtis, Towls Paine Co., Lincoln. Neb. WANTED Experienced assistant lady cashier In large dry goods store: state position formerly heid and give reference and salary expected. Address E AM, Bes. WANTED A good tinner. Inquire Mi Leavenworth. Miscellanea we. AUTO SCHOOL, t OMAHA. I LARGE SHOPS, GUARANTEE, higher qual ity graduatea. More cars snd actual repair work than any three western schools. Let us PROVE It. U.S. A MAN of good appearance to work In a window display. Call at the Howard, :tth and Farnam, Apt. No. t, between U and 1 p. m. Saturday. LOST AXD rXtTn.- PERSONS having loe some article would do well to call up-the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left it a the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and tha company la anxious to restore them lo the rightful owner. Call Doug iaa 48. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANT. LOST -PEARL AND EMERALD BRACELET, SUNDAY. FEB. H. GOOD REWARD FOR ITS RETURN TO fell FARNAM 8T. 'PHONE H. SIM. V REWARD , for arrest of thief and recovery of new single cylinder, lilt model, iiariey David eon motorcycle. No. 1432-B. Victor H. Roos, ma Leavenworth. .- LOST-Heavy gold : locket end chain Tuesday; tinder please return to Florence Marsh, Tbompaon-Beldsn Co.; receive reward. MEDICAL. MBNTALdtaease cured. Ml Barker Blk. DR. RACE, specialist, nervoua and ail chronic disease. ZK3 Harney. Red SMI. DISEASES v CURED Dr. Tarry cures piles. Fistula and ether Rectal dlsesses without a surgical opera tion. A cure guaranteed, no money paid until cured. Write for book on Rectal Diseases, with testlmonlsia, BES BLDG. OMAHA. MONET TO LOAN. Salary aad Chattels. LOANS NEGOTIATED ON REAL ES TATE, FURNITURE. PIANOS. WARE HOUSE RECEIPTS. SALARIES. ETC LOWEST RATES, QUICKEST SERVICE, lAiniiuEn i iau bks is ririai. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. ID PIAXR PAXTON BLDG., 117 & MTH. TELEPHONES DOUGLAS 1411 A A -1411. NATIONAL LOAN COMPANT. ' SOMETHING NEW. It's a place where any person hsvmg steady employment can borrow money aa just a . PERSONAL NOTE. No mortgage security or in dorter re quired. uur rates are sow. . isrms te suxa. SALARY LOANS OUR SPECIALTY. Wa have new and private offices. ALL LOANS MADE QUICKLY AND CONFIDENTIALLY. Call or phone and let us explain. NATIONAL LOAN CO XI PAT. ROOM Cut. 8IXTH FLOOR. I BEE BUILDING. PHONE DOUGLAS MIL OKFEKED FOR REif famished 11 oases. , WEST rsmam. furnished horse: al most new, 1 rooms. -beautifully da -orated, oak and birch finish, and hot wawr heat. will lease. ' JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1KB Famaia St. Uafaraisbed 4 modern rooms, parlor floor. 110 8. gth. S NICE rooms, houaekeeixng. )Mi A. 11th Hetels aad Apartaaenta, Dewey European hotel. Uth A ITarnsav. w ANTED-Chambarauud and scrub girls. Millard Hotel. NICELY FURNISHED BOOMS for gen tlemen. THE CHATHAM. U 8. Mth Bt. OXFORD and Arcade, special wkly rata. Dodge, running hot and cold water; tel ephonea In every room prl:ea the same. - A part meat a Viata.. tt.CO-S large room aparunerd, part mod- era. 1117 Elm St., near Vinton. Phono Harney 435. evenings. j S-ROOM modern flat. Scarge Bio, tit N. Mth St., South Omaha. Uali. aid Kamae Bldg. Both phones. t-HOOM fiat on Sherman Ave. Web. 1XM t-room apartment, new bales, K1S, XI A Ktn Bt. Harney iWa. MODERN -room brick flats, im-U S. Mth St., 117 and 120. Tel. D. 4341. S-R. NEW, HEATED, apartment, 2d floor, close In. shades, laundry, buffet, china closets, ftt till May 1, after. O KEEPS REAL ESTATE CO, 111 Omaha Nati. Doug, or A-lliS. SlX-ROOM modern XJau SO. M. Mtk sis-room modern flat, BIT N. satA St; 111 Five-room modern cottage, ITI N. kXbi til. . Five-room modem cottage. S70 Lake St.; Sin, THOS. W. HAZJSN. 7 M'CAOUB, PHONE DOUGLAS WO. ' 8TEAM-HEATED modern apartment, four rooms, with gas rants In kHanes S12.M, plus heat. N Doubie nai or twelve roosna, mraea th and Hamilton, or would acparate. Six rooma. modern, steam-neatea a para meat, tti li. 14th St-1 eM.plua hoat. Eleven rooma, modem, tit 8. lit a Bt IMl THOS. W, HA2EN, . . - 21)7 M'CAOL'kl HONE IHWOLAS 130s. ' M... 1' 1. a et MSI 1 . W. WHvn, . ., - j. M. f t. A I . , in Rlk.. St to Hue. wurwui ewoMiiir, " e " i iiiniil. uia.s Lowest rates snd easiest terms. Bes others; then see us snd be convinced mat w win save row uiuUKUIILU LOAN CO, H. E. Cor. Mth Doug. St. D. 4ZM. Ind. A-lUa, WANTED FOR U. & ARMY Able bodied unmarried men bate-een tbs ssss of 11 snd Jo; cltliens of ignited States, of good character and temperate haoita, who can speak, read and write the English language. For Information apply to re cruiting orncer. uth and Dougiaa Bta, uraana, r.eo. ; so; tin St., sioux city, la. WON. 10th St, Lincoln. Neb. TELEGRAPH posltlona guaranteed yoa by the Union Pacific and Illinois Cen tral railroads If you gain your training la our scnooi. rracticc on K. tt. wires, ad dress for particulars. H. B. Boy las, Pres. Key lee college, umsha. Nab. t.OM ' RAILWAY - MAIL CLERKS W' ANTED He) month. Omaha examina tions May 4, Coaching free. Write Frank lln InaUtute, Dept. Sl M. Hocheater, N. T. ?TrT HCini Oet Into a Lesrh automobile ensineering la our lorge naming anop. nunareas of aucceaaful graduates. Complete equipment of auto mobiles and machinery. Address NaUonal Auto Training Assn., Gt Brandels Thea ter Bldg, umaha, reo. WANTED Railway mall clerks. t a month. Miort hours. No layoffs: position yours for Hie. otnana examinations slay 4. Thousands of appointments coming. Common education sufficient. "Pull ' un necessary. Candidates i prepared free. Write for sample quest tana Pranktla In tttuts. Dept. 211 M, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED More people to raise poul try with the Ola Trusty incubator. Write tor rree catalogue- M. J, joansoa, viay Center. Neb. WANTED Men to send tor eur Illus trated catalogue, mailed free, showing how we teach the barber trade In short time. Whether or not yon desire to be come a barber, you will be tnteseeted in thia Innovation. You mar have a friend or acaualntance whe will want to learn: you win know who to recommeno. w e neve a novel system. Call or write at once. Moler Barber college, lis S. 14ta bu WANTED Man and wife on t-eere farm: city limits: man must be aa ex perienced truck farmer: none other need apply; good home; good wages. Apply by letter to Mr. Phelps, B .N. Xtb at. Omaha. WANTED Drug clerk Pharmacist, a yourur finale man to taxe charge ot email drug store near Long Pine, Neb, to be opened wltnin tne next v oaya: fair wagee lo start with; also want to buv draa store furniture and fixture and soda water fountain. Aanresa cnain- wlek Lumber Co.. Bmlthwick. S. I. FIVE clean-cut young men aa solic itors and salesmen. Proposition good for 131 ta tat a week, call si riajnge suag. UVE STOCK FOR 8 ALB. Heme aad VeAlale. HORSES and cowe. Mil Cuming St WANTED Ctemoetewt alii for aeaerai housework. German preferred. Apply a7 N. Wh. Phone Red iMa. Mtaceliaai TOUNO women coming to Omaha aa etrangere are Invited te visit the Young Women'e Christian association bulidiag at St. Mary's Ave. aad 17U St, where they will be directed to stilt able hoarding place or otherwise assisted. Look for ear travelers' guxi at taai L'aiea station. FOR SALE Single buggy aarneaa, al most new; single top buggy, almost aew. Phone Webster mv Black mars, wt- Law .Wagner, Wt N. H. nvr h.. Marw In foed: sretshta 1 3SB pounds. Dougiaa 73l.e I.3ST AND FOUXD. LOST Part of mink fur near 2Sdi and Leavenworth ; liberal reward, lira. Bcn adon. US &SMk St. L08T Brtndle and- whit Boataa toy temer. dot ears, screw tail: fed reward If returned ta Budweiaar saloon, W. K. Neaseiuous, lst dougiaa, , . . on furntur. pianos snd III ntlPV real estate at a very I'lUUt" , rsts of tatereat.. Nebraska Loan Co. Doug. 135a. DO Bee Bldg. AIM. MONEY leaned salaried people, women keeping houae and others. . without se curity; eaay payments. Offices in J prln. clpai cities. Tolman, M Omaha Natl Bank Bldg, formerly N. Y. Lite Bldg. DIAMOND LOANS at 1M and 1 per cent. PLATA U. 1414 Dodge St. Tei. Red Ml. OFFERED FOR KKJfT . eard aad lleaaas. I. I-AROB. pleessnt roioi; private; mod ern home; Weet Farnam; best board. Call Harney 4. . . . . O. M. E. hsuls trunks. D, ML A-H1L . DESIRABLE rooma with board, eultable for two: gentlemen preferred; refereooas. ia 8. Join Ave. Paralahed Mawaaa. DESIRABLE fiirnlsbed room: private family. 31 N. Uth St Tel. Webster lEa, "in PARK AVE; strictly modern fur nished rooma la private family. Phone Harney li. A Wl).tf .1,. iulv.1, I.ikII. S 1. t V IWIIi , , close In. St a month. WW S ad 8t. SOUTH WTH ST. Ill Warm, well furnished rooma In. all modern detached houae; seven blocks from court house. Telephone Doiglas 7wd. DOUGLAS. Ma Strlcily modern fur nished room. EXCEEDINGLY warm, pleasant rooms, cloee In. 25 rl Chicago St. nt N. 1TTII ST. Furnished room, mod ern: t block from poetoffice. FURNISHED room In private name; suitable for man and wife; with or with out board. 1411 Pinkney St Web. MM. MODERN rooma Doug. 4SI S1 Dodge. Jim M)n;ii--Oni suite on first floor. tncludtii. kitrhln; ready at onoe: one KUite en second floor; will be vacant March 1: one desirable single room. walking instance, r-aone ncq Mil. FOrV RENT Close-In new sovwo room brick flat strictly first clsss, located at nil a loth St, Phono Douglas rnr.t.' Hoaece aad Cetlagea. 174 S. MTH-t rooma. completely mod ern, ISI.W. Ill e. Sth, rooma, com pletely modern, t. Thos. P. Usil aid ttamge Hlk. D. 74Mt, A-tsH. - t-r. cottage, mod. except heat, fine re pair, s (od location. Phune ilsrney tn. 1 ROOMS snd bath, abort walking dls tsnoe; new, every convenience; perfect service: first or second floor; rent tree to March 1. Phone D WW. t-KOUM, steam heated apartment, Tha Mason, Ust and Mason ats.. Ma. Tele phone Dougiaa U7I. Houses. Ins. Itlngwalt, Brandels Th. Bldg FOR RENT A t-room house, 24(a &u Mary's Ave, H2.M. Phone Red WU Hni.tuia ' all parts of the city. UOUSeS c reiKh Sons A Co, Bee Bids. HOUSE, t rooms, modsrn, tU Cass Stl rent ISO. FOR RENT -room house, modern ex cept furnace. Heal cheap. HI MortA 11th Street Ht.9-S-r.' flat, mi Douglas, ntodera ex cept heat. j t-UW--r . 1701 . CaaAoa, ntodera, hot water heat S&eo-l-r, 111 Madison A vs.. mod era excetit heat 27Jv--r., modern cottage. JW7 Dewey Are, nicely decorated. tM.OO-4-roorn fist 11 Howard' St, modern exc pt best. - tj o-4 rooms, M 8. Uth St, nwdarn except heat le).(n--room modern bungalow, ta Dua dee large yard. tba.ou-l rooms, MS Harney, modem, fine repair. ' Two and three-room apartments la La fayette. Kth Ave and Jackson gt. Includ ing bath, refrigeration, vacuum cleaning, laundry and janitor service. Kent! S3 M snd tKM. GEORGE A COMPAST. Phone D. 7M ar A-17t. S0t-U City Nat Bank Bldg. COTTAC1E. t-r. aad bath, close la. O'KEEPE REAL ESTATE CO, Ml urn. Nat Bank. Doug or A -nil WEST PARNAst New residence. stucco. r N. Mb Ave, 16a. Red XXI. O! PARK AVE.. rooma and barn, l. Carey. 1Mb and Howard. ' FIVE-ROOM cotla., HO per month. ml N. 9th St. Harney 1U. SIX rooma and bath. Strictly modern. Phone Harney J04. PeuraUAed M eaecplasi stMsa TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, wis in ven port. THE MANUEL Two-room apartment Tne Mowers, s-rooaa. private Data, Zist snd Howsrn. Idas park Ave., two rooma ta two or three people, modern bouse en car line, furnished housekeeping, light, heat, eta. Telephone Harney am. nVP hir-l. K 4 hmm tnr lunMbMidn. modem boose, on car line, light beat, tee.' Tel. Harney 8M. ST. MARTS AVE. SMS Two nicely furnished south rosais, ntodera. Taking gaa, complete ror nouaexeeptng. SOUTH KTH, Wt-Mjdera houses.eec.lni rooms. Harney ewe. SOUTH Sea. 111-Twe housekeeslBs; rooms ta modern flat; close in: beat and gss furnished; washing privileges. Rl per month : if ereacea. NEW'LY well furnished front room and kitchenette: quiet, keene-llke: beat,' elec tric lighted; private outside entrance; tsr iMIv vard: cxMrvenlent both eltiea. - - . r Also anotner iront room, very res able. IH N. sttn st. South Omaha, rsuwlenrd Haneea. SErEN-SOOMS, nicely furoianed, Doug- 4831 POPPLETON-l-r. cottage; electric ity; well; basement; large garden. Harney teX. FOR RENT t-room cottage. 3H4 Bristol St, modern except beat' Phono Harney 41. HOUSEHOLD GOODS pecked and for warded; cheap fretrht rates; moving snd storing. Expressmen a Delivery Co. Tel. Dougiaa 3nV. City elite. Ill a. Uth bt. Bee Bldg. HOUSE-SOS Dewey Ave, 7 rooms, modern. Saw er, Stationery Co, IS Far nam Bt- . MOVING, packing and storing of house hold goods and planoe le our business. Omaha Van and Storage Co, fireproof storage, a S. lath, by the viaduct Branch office. MS S. 17th St. Tei. D 4144. A ties. Good men ar hard te get They doa t wander around th streets looking for signs la windows. When you need good help advertise la The Be. Pee want ads are read by keea, energetic rasa wha wish te better their coodl tioa. Rate to per word if rua two or atere times cea secutivwly. .Telephone Tyler low. CENTRAL, all modern, steam heat 1 rooma and bath: t-r flat 334. N. led at. " SS MAPLE ST. t-r new. square, recepUoa halL narlar. dining room, kitcnea on first floor; 3 rooms sad bath oa seqpad. Furalabed Ha, uafumtshed IS. O KP.EPK REAL ESTATE CO. lOt Oav hat. Bk. Bldg. Doug, ar A-1L4 vtl