Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 01, 1912, Page 6, Image 6
TILL BEE: OMAHA. FJUDAV. MAKCH 1, 1912. the Omaha Daily Bee ITjCKPEl BT EDWARD ROSEWATER VICTOR ROSEWATER. EDITOR. KGB BCILPIXO. FARKAM AND I7TH. launi At Oiusja paetAfflcA A SCAOOd- eiass SAAttrr. Sunday Be. AM year -- tMuraay Alee. ADA TAT . . - - MltuJ blMlk.l MINif MAS IlAtlT Bee and Sinter. one year JA. DKUVIREO BT CARRIER. Evening Baa (with Sunder), per bia....:: IjaIIt Bee tliKwl.ig Sunday), per . M DAiU BA twihom Sunday), pw mo.... Atfdreee All compuunla or lrre7ulATltles 1a AeUvery to City CireutatloB OepU FBMITTANCBa. Rsratt by draft. eaprAse or peotAl order. rrete (a TIia Bee Jubllshlns; company. Cmiy i-cast stamps received in payment of email aceatiata. Personal checka. ax rent as Oimhi And AAtnt aicAahia, not AACtptee. opticts. OmAfca-ThA Baa Bonding. Couth OmahA ml N fit. OtvasU BlAfte 11 "o St. Teoln UttlA Rolldlnit. nm. IMS Mereuetta Building.. Kaasae City Reliaoca Buiidtr.g. New YHt-M Wm Tr.h-ty-tr.lrd. VsMmnoa Froneonfi M w. r- Ceaantualeatione relating to newe am editorial matter should be Addressed OmAhA Be, Editorial rerarrment. JAJiUAKT CIRCULATION. 49,728 . r.w,fnnrllL pwlght' WUtlams. circulation mAneger AT Tea baa puBuenuig wratwnr, ly SWATH. SAVS UlAt thA AVATUA OAtly nrctlUttAK. kBSt ASOIlAA. unuaed and re- titreeA coptes, tor tbA nwU o( January, 1U WBS ...... DWKJHT WILLIAMS. ClrculAtloa Manager. Subscribed fa tar prAABOcAAnd sworn before aw um ko amy " " tseel.1 . unvi ' Notary Public. Why Hot Vote First? Kmineat jurists tell us that there is no essential difference between tiie construction of eonitltational law and the construction of statutory law. Every law suit, every criminal prosecution, ere 17 bill ia eqaitr turna on the construction of either constitutional or statutory Uw. In Nebraska, and in many other states, all decisions of trial courts are appealable, and moat of them ln TolTing anything worth fighting over are appealed. If another and final appeal la to go to a vote of tha people on the ques tion whether supreme court decis ion shall stand or be reversed, why not vote first, and save time? to SeWAtadkACS leevTBB AA Attr AAAAAASHIr ABOBM Ta Baa aaaUled e these. Adareaa will ba aas as attest aa rA. Major B. B. Xay is bow at liberty to prefix bis title with an X-ray. What would Cobb cooaty, Georgia, do If Ty'a batting average should sud denly slump? - Soma auparclUout ertUo wants to know who bays Dickens' works now, Oh, the people. Italy aniMMd Tripoli the other day and it hardly get a slag; eead ths front page "see. The Greeks vset te shy their cas tors, but bow ths modeTB gladiators throw their hats. ' Onr grand Jury, of coarse, does sot propose to get the Utile grafter and let ths big .adjutant General AtBsworta ap pear aot to have been tha only per son rsliewd by bis ratlremMt From bow on nothing in the caleS' dar will distinguish ths present year from ths wthers that do not leap. .. Mr. Bryan says be is ready bo sup port a "true" democrat for president. Now watch the counter eits alias ap. President Taft will hare ths ad vantage of not baring to exesss his suest of renomlnatlon by any change of arlnd. , Thoss Joalous doctors ought to gbt en by doing something themsetree (that wonld bring ths sams amount of free advertising. 1 i Perhaps Health Coraamlsalonsr Con nell might be willing to compromise with City Comptroller Cosgrove by splitting ths sUrfereaea. Akrahsjn Lincoln would conclude that his tiwablos did not was with death If be could but know all ths things that are being said la ' bis name. Prof. Millener declares that the water supply la Omaha contains too .much alum and too much lima. Let's I - tub him for ths Water board and get I it flaed right With Joeepnus Daniels la charge of ths democratic publicity campaign. tbs country is assured of all tha Old tims political thunder, as far as that part of It goes. ' The prospect of eight feet of paper to be cross-marked by each voter in Omaha at the April primary would Indicate that this is a fertile field tfor short ballot agitatioa. ', it anast bave made the Harvester teoDle awful mad when President Taft abrogated that Russian treaty and Interterad with Its sale of har vesters oa the steppes of Russia. LouhrrlUs is said to bo IB the clutches of a spinal meningitis epi demic We are willing to wager there Is nothing tbs matter with the backbone of Louisville's leading cltt- 1 ten. Oua of oar improvement clubs has , resoluted against all "slates" la the '' forthcoming conunissioa plan siec- jion- Them's oar scBtlnMuts, too. We also are against all slates, except our own. , Senator Bacoa thinks the demo crats ought to postpone their na tional convection te give mors time to see whom ths republicans will nominate. Tea, put oft the Inevitable as Urns as possible. The bouse committee oa steel in- , vestigatioB reports that it may not be possible to state ths tree Intention of acquiring the Teanesse Coal and Iron company. Why, did not Mor ' gan. Gary and Perkins say that the . purpose wsa to prevent s panic? Why lie so incredulous? A Confession of Weakness. In putting It forward ss a serious proposition that ths democratic na tional convention be postponed sev eral weeks, 8enstor Bacon, and those mho have endorsed his plan, make a confession of weakness. Ths democrats bars for years reg ularly fUed tbs time for naming their ticket subsequent to ths time selected by the republicans, the ex cuse being that ths party la power should lead off. Ths real reason, of course. Is that ths democrats want to be In advance possession ot full Information as to tbs identity ot the republican standard bearers, sad the contents ot the republican platform In order to govern themselves accord ingly. For once, 8enator Bacon openly proclaims this purpose, here tofore hidden, and discloses It ss bis opinion that the democrats will need two or three weeks after ths repub lican nomination to take stock, and find oat where they are at, This does not support very strongly tho loud claims ot assured and easy victory mads by other democrats. Unwarranted. Thinking to gala political advan tage, ths two democratic members of tbs canvassing board In South Omaha are refusing to count and certify tbs votes cast by writing In names on ths ballots in the recent primary for offices for which no filings had bees made.. This action strikes ss ss not only foolish, but anwarranted. Whether one regards this method of making nominations with fsvor or disfavor it is plainly permitted by ths wording of the taw unless distorted into a meaning not conveyed by ths ordi nary use of words. Ths Ibw re quires that la prlnUng tha ballot blank lines be inserted under each office heading la number equal to the places to be filled, and it would be manifestly absurd to require these blank; unes if the names writ tea on them,; and voted for, are to bs. dis regarded. As a matter of fact, a year age several members of ths legislature were nominated In precisely this wsy, no flings being made Id certain counties, aad the blank llnea were ntlUsed aBd the votes canvassed, as a matter of course. If that precedent holds good, tho refusal to canvass In South Omaha is untenable. ' ! The World-Herald seems to bars abandoned Its promised handout to the taxpayers of I27,000 s year la net profits from the water works over and above sll operating expenses snd Interest charges, as suddenly aa It found It Wonder who It was that put ths W.-H. mathematician in soJ bsd. Lightning Change. Soma of the captious friends of Colonel Roosevelt who become Im patient at those who think the col onel should aot have projected his candidacy and should not seek a presidential nomination this year, by harking back Just a few months, may find that Colonel Roosevelt himself, bad vry strong feelings sgalast ths wisdom and advisability of his nomi nation, for he wrote to bis friend snd champion, Editor Moore ot Pitts burgh: I WAtilg ncard my nomlnAtlon as noth ing short of a national CAhunliy. It CoJooel Roosevelt, himself, felt this strongly on the subject, cer tainly others ars entitled to their milder feelings bow aad should not be blamed If they succeed in finding no reason for changing their views because Colonel Roosevelt baa changed his. Steady Hand Heeded. A sane head and a steady hand are needed to deal with the textile work ers strike at Lawrence, Mass. It Is evident the contending forces art getting further apart every day. Ran cor aad atupidity, but bo spirit of mutual Interest, have characterised the strike from the first. The em ployers had aa advantage duo to the fact that the strike was under the conduct of the I ads Atrial Workers ot the World, aa organisation not noted for Its sanity or sense of Justice, but the employers seem to have lost that advantage by outdoing the leaders of ths strike la drastic methods. Now, to Judge from the tone ot Maasachu- setts aewspapera, popular oplaloa has veered entirely from the aids of the employer to that of the striker, with the breach widening all the time. So it is well enough, perhaps, that the situation has been called to the attention of congress for investiga tion. This climax was reached when the officious colonel in charge ot the stats troops refused permission lo strikers to send their children out of the danger sose to relatives or fries da, where the children might be protected and the strikers relieved from' that much ot a hardea while engaged ia this straggle. Of course, aa the employers doubtless perceived, this would enable the strikers the better to cope with the odds against them and prolong the contest, but the employers seem to nave sown the wind and reaped the whirlwind in actuating this high-handed interfer ence by the militia. The federal gov ernment evidently so views the case, for it is reported to have provided for the relief ot the colonel In charge. If the labor bureau institutes an Inquiry into the textile situation It will undoubtedly result ia good, for it will be conducted upon so broad a bar. Is, surely, as to disclose all the conditions leading up to the strike, which is. after all, the important thing. If some of the conditions the strikers represent really obtain, then It is time for publicity and improvement The Battle of the Bosses, Ia the Chicago city primaries the Hearst-Harrison machine seems to hare defeated the Roger C. Sullivan machine, beating the former demo cratic boas even la his own ward. To use the words of Mayor Harrison, the most impressive lesson ot It all Is the drubbing administered to Roger C. Sullivan." Hearst's Examiner modestly ad mits that it and the mayor Inflicted a stunning defeat" oa Sullivan and his gang and redeemed Chicago, politically. Others, ot course, may take different views, for some men figure la this triumph who are not generally classed aa either purity re formers or ideal politicians. So it remains to be seen whether Chicago will be a cleaner and better city under one set of democratic bosses than it was under the other bosses. Booking Backward 1 lih Da v inOmfliTn rCOkUTlXD r ROM BEB flLf 1 1 r MARCH 1. 1 1 Out In Idaho Mr. Bryan publicly declares thst he has not yet decided whom he favors for the democratic nomination. Why aot be frank and truthful, Mr. Bryan? Does any one believe that "Dick" MetcalfeNwould come out openly for Wood row Wilson without first knowing that hs was Mr. Bryan's choice? Our Congreasmaa Lo beck's effort to stand la with ths speaker by favor ing Champ Clark for president threat ens to get his wires crossed st boms In spite ot ths lavish distribution ot free garden seeds. Be careful, Charles Otto. Ths boas of the boy scouts holds bp our owa Buffalo Bill as ths type tor the beys to aim at in striving aftor their Ideal. It is pleasing to know that we are credited with hav ing the best eld scout ot them all. TBA Dw PaapIa." BprlasflAld Keeubllrsa. Never in all tlx years of Uia republic wsia "the paopIa" so deAT to pnAtdeiUlAl sapl rants se st this moment which Is tho outward and visible dsn of aa Inward rrnlag for vet Warn the Load RAAtat Ftttabursb MapAtch. Now It Is assorted that If the anthracite miners set nore par Uia publlo will have to pay a hlsher price for anthracite eoaL But that does not create such a eenAA- tloa since the ion-Aurrr1n ultimaU eonaumer has learned from eaperlencA that he will have te pay the uttermost farthing In any event . - " I KAAAlAAl MAAAr At HAAtA. PhllAdelphia Bulletin. Aeeontlna to poaIaI reports, the inter. national money order huatnesa In . New York City haa shown a decreaaA ot snort lhan as,BOS,(lO slnco the postal Aavinss banks were opened there. The figures srt alfnltlcant In view of tha larse for- Ign-bom population, which maoA large aaa of the money order system to send funds abroad. It rwra tA AAvertlae. Weanlncton Herald, fievea presidential headquarters in the AAtionAl oapHAl art btiay night and tey supplying publicity for their respective cAndldAtAB. Even aspirants for ths alA-h. office la tho sift ot tha people find that It peri to sdvortlAA. Of course H doe There Is ns way ta reach the peoplA except through the news- papers, snd ths typewriters la the vsrtoue offices are working overtime supplying matArlAl to Impress ths publlo mind. And the publicity which Mmaa candi dates opeaJy SAAk Ia tbA helpful Agent needed by every merchant who hAa goods te sell. Thirty Years Ago March cajsa la Uka a lamb. The Woansa's Chrlatiaa TemperAnoe nmon soadaI temperance m eating at the Baptist church presented a program with theiA parUetpants: Mrs. Btirraugbs, Idas StATAM. Mas Lawton, afisa Carrie Stewart, Was WUsotv Mr. Stevens, Mr. Warren and Rev. Ingram. The oamptlmentary reoeption tendered by Uia Standard dub te Mr. Job Brustel aad bride came off with great eclat, snd sixty couples present The B. M. grading strike Acquires InereAStnf proportion the men dectti Ing te accept SLA) a day as a compro mise, and forming a parade with a band marched through the streets te Uia num ber of COB A number of the so-called leaders were arreeted. ' Soma one broke lYsak Currier's street showcase snd stole several valu- a Me photographs from It The desk In the county clerk's office vacated by i. B. J. Ryan, is sow AO- cupled by Mr. John Taylor. A petition It being circulated te change tht curb tine ef Dodge street so as ta leave only forty feet to be paved. O. A-'Llndquest, the tailor, haa moved to 1S6 Farnam street where he It fitted up In Uia most modArn sty! The wells of ths new Grand Central hotel have reached the cornlCA in many places, and scons ot men are at work putting on tho caps. MastAr MechAnle Congdon and Super intendent Stevens arrived in a special oar from Grand Island, when they had been examining ths shops. Twenty Tears Ago Mr. and Mrs. George C. BAsaett UT North Nineteenth street save a "hard times" party emulative ot Uia early days ot Omaha, whan John O. Baxa placed the blighting mark ot hit disapproval upon tha city. It was voted a unique and dlA tlnct hit The bard times Idea was con sistently carried out Among those pres ent were Mr.' and Mrs. Shan Mr. aad Mra. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Will Brown, Mr. and Mrs. H. Bamum, Mr. and Mra. r. K. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. C McKenns, Mr. aad Mrs. H. A. Heakell, Mr. Aad Mra, M. Counaman, Mrs. E. Angetl, Mrs. Adam Mra Thompson, Mrs. J. Oeiuwn. Mlas It Blaksley, Miss Addle Blaktley, Miss Grace Basset t, Mr. Arthur AngetL I It was anaouneed that unleAS all signs failed the heads ef a number of county employes would drop into the official waate basket In a month. Marked for the slaughter were J. J. Mahonay, super intendent of the poor farm; Mike Leahy. engineer at ths court house: Oscar Stevens, clerk ot the Board of County commissioners. . ...... Mrs. W. 8- Seavty returned from Hot prints. Ark,, much Improved In heel to. Will Crary gavs a high five pertr to a few Mends at his handsome bachelor headquarters In Halcyon Heights hotel Among those present wen Mr, And Mra. Boor, Mr. and Mra Blgelow. Mr. and Mrs. WsUon, Mr. and Mrs. Grave Mr. snd Mrs. Besumont Miss Blgelow, Mlas uebaroa and other Tea Years Ago A note received from Her. r. 1. Mc Carthy, whs was dowa about Gibraltar, JB a storm' twenty-four hours. was aot aioa a mlnut Great tailor. My Jersey sea legs sustained their reputa tion.': Prof. Frank A. - Fitspstrick. formerly superintAotlent of the Omaha public chol was la ths elty as the represen tative of the Amerloae Book oompany. Mrs. Henry Jones and . daughter. Mrs. . R. Barnacle, left for Denver to be absent a eouplo'of week They were ts Join Mrs. Harry Barnaca and all re turn te OmAhA together. Felix J. MoShAne and H. Far Keely spent the dey with their parents snd re turned to tht university at Lincoln. Tha third muaioale of the Lenten serlet was given at ths Unlnger Art sal. lery. The apocIa! attraction was tht singing of Mrs. James Lawrence Blair of St. Louis, who created a splendid im- prttttoa with her superb soprano vole, her AhArmlng manner ef Impreeelon And Interpretation, and her delineation ot ex cellent schooling. The accompaniments for Mrs. Blair were artistically played by Mlsa Caroline Sheet March cam ta with a roar. Stormy oondltlens wen general ever tha coun try, and Omaha got Its share. Ths Eye And Hand club met at tL South Eighteenth street And elected these officer , President A. H. Kobersteln: vlea president A. Weinberg; secretary. Russell Smith: treasurer. J. Zadlna, Ex. ecutlve committee: T. C Muella, an. McUuirA and Mrs. Russell Smith. famhias sonros. WaAhlngtoa Post: Tha spear ttiat knows ae brother aaa a familiar look aa It fleshes aloft as ot old. Louisville Courier-Journal: The dlk. dlk. Uw bull elephant the whale-beaded stork, the rhluoCATOS and sundry dentsens of the junglA now hAvt the mugh oa the American voter. Chicago Inter-Ocean: . Hen and there are poaalbty newspapers that are aot en- ihualastio ever Mr. Roosevelt, but even they should aot forget that he le the best en In the world for first page copy. , New York Sun: For 1bA genuine rule of tbA peopU" subaUtutA "tha genuine rule At Theodore Rooeevelf and you have AS accurate sutaraeat of one of tbA pfln eiplee for which be has stood and for which be now stands and slwars win en deavor to reduce to Action. gt Paul Dispatch: The eonseasiaa of the republican poUUetaaa who bave been interviewed oa Colonel Roosevelt's aa snuncement seems to be that he la the right man far ths piac if ha gets It, but If ba fails President Taft really, is en titled t a second term. St Louis Republic: Tbs late Senator Do! liver of leva was a tree biiii eaalii. aad Ma opinion wsa that the extorttoeatA tariff, with tts attendant corruptions, was at the root sf sB aalegovenunect. He pledged hie lite ta Use eitirpetloa of the evIL Mr. Roosevelt, the vising hope of the Breaent-day prusicaslvwa. haa never heard of the tariff and never refers to It! Look at the Books taveatbratiaas by BAmoeratla Quill sac ee A aO as Tlald the Beeaad Farty Capital. People and Events Sea hat tha force of example does. Militant suffragettes In New Tork art "Stripping te the' buff" by discarding their corset Bam ball will ba Improved next season when the majority of toe Weacherltes b given the power to recall tbs decision! of the umpire. A series of political upbrAvAi.v runnlnr IntA the heart of June will bring close to the rest of mankind Tom Edison's limit of four hours sleep In twenty-four. A small bunch of Chicago people report dropping Ht.OOJ In "pecan orchsrds" In Florid at which they didn't get a r-tsk It Is calculated tha "touch" st good for Ova yesvA ef goMbrlcklesa dream Rutherford B. Have son ot Ruther ford & Have former president of the United Slates, bae matriculated as s stu dent culture and dairying at Cornell. Mr. Hayes has a big farm near Asuevllla, N. C. Aa organisation of democratic Innocents Away from home, temporarily quartered hi cons hp and knows aa tha "Tell-L's-How-to-VotA club.' hopes ta escape the pitfalls ot pontics snd obtain salvation by relying oa ths daily advice of W. J. Bryan. Fatherly correction tones up the system of kids. High living and right thisVlng often carries an editor away beyond tha allottee spaa of three score and ten. George Sheppard, aa editorial writer on the New Tork Times ta Henry J. Raymond'! time, t dead at the age of M. It la a curious ooincldence that John Blgelow, who was Mr. BheppArd't Immediate re edeucaaur la the Times, died restaur at tha sga of M. A Waahlngtoa genius fun of poetic fire And things tunas his harp to Uia music ot the times aad offers aa a substitute for the "boon dawg sang" a package of jingling vanes at which thai la the opener: : Go tell ydur Aont Sophia (4 the lucky state of Ohio: Her favorite son ia ma ing a run. And he'll la because he's a Oyer; A, Maurice Low, WAahlngtea Awedtnt reviews ta Harper Weekly the mcepttoa. progress and farcical rs aults of Uia InveaUgatlona ef government Affairs ABdertakAn by the democratic majority la Uia bouse of repreaentativee and preeenta a Bear view ot shattered party hope la part, be ssys: When Uia democrats obtained control ef the bouse last year they wan obsessed with toe Idea that millions were to made, poHUcally speaking. If they could gee a wok at the book The mother lode ef repubooaa rascality was still rich le high-grade or aad it only needed picks snd shovels In the hands f Ood-fearing democrats to bring these " uie surfs oa to the glory of aenocraey and the discomfiture of re publicanism. Bt once there was a stam- peoA for this new Klondike No Aggea benlnd when politic at tort una might be won by a lucky strike. Ths democrats wen 'seised with a mad pas sion for investigating. I forget bow many ( invest lgatlnc committees wert at work at one tint but tht number at aot material. Everything high and low was te be pro bad. All the stag and lnlqulUea thst hsd accumulated for ths last soueea years wen to be dragged out ot their hiding places and put oa public exhibition. Then was to be such an AiiectivA house-cleaning that fac tories would have to run overtime to supply vacuum cleaners, and with the demand for whitewash tbA price would rlsA and another complication would be Added to the high cost of living. Many -raw ina ninis ot What would hsnn.n "A noose side of tha eanltni th. democrats wrapped themselves in an air oi mystery as easily aa tha hero of . French detective story nuts on a wi And tht Inevitable blouse and deflea the detection of his wife and seven children, while several million Americana waited with Ill-concealed Impatience for the plot to thicken and ths villlans te be brought to justice. The investlgaUona have an far trivia. Tha most Important that ef Uia spedAi committee to Investigate the steal trust, has spent a good deal of ths public money and has afforded an ODOOriuallv for Mr. Roosevelt to oxptaln why be al- owea mo united States Steel Corpora tion to absorb ths TtnBeaae CnaJ Inn company, which added nothing to ths sum of human knowledge Aad en abled Mr. Carnegie te enjoy himself m htt own pecnllar way la talking about himself, which Is ons of his favorite top ics, and his early struggles, which Is en tertaining but ae longer new. Alt that Mr. Carnegie told the oommlttAe has long been known, so that It can hardly be said that the committee with the assist ance of Mr. CAroegte, discovered unsus pected sources of Information. Other witnesses have been equally as discursive snd equally as tntlghttaung; nor has the committee always shown Intelligence In seeking for knowledge. For lnstsnoa, a WAAk or se ago tha committee devoted sevtrai boots listening to Louis D. Bran dels, a Boston lawyer. Mr. BrandeM' simply repeated what Impartial and trained government Investigators long ago , made publlo and Whose statsments arsj necessarily more authoritative than the) men nearaay Belief or aa outsider. In fact much ot Uia Unit ot the committee has been wastedf and very little ef It haa been put to profitable use. Ths ens sen satlonal splsoda thst has corns out of aa Investigation that haa dragged along for montha was a shsrp difference ef opinion Among soma of tha democratic wiambcra ot tht committee as to ths mnnner B which tht Investigation should be con ducted, which led Representative Martin Littleton, a democatlo member of the committee, to turn the house, ot repre aentativee Into a laundry and wash some of ths party linen In public. Then it a certain seriousness connected with ths eteel Inevstlgstlen, but tht work of some of the other committees has been simply farcical. Then was. for Instance, an attempt to create a gnat scandal bt cauAA a portrait of a former ssontary of state had been charged to ths secret serv ice fund of the Bute department instead Jf the contingent fund. Admittedly this was an improper transaction and It may altq be conceded that tht investigation revealed a good deal of laxneas la the xystem of bookkeeping m the State de partment but that is tht worst thst can as said. Then was sn sttempt mads At -Irst to defame by Inference Uw memory f Uia lata 8e.-retary Hay, but that was ipeedlly dropped becauss even the most ardent lnveetlgator saw tha danger ef .rylng to asperse a man whose IdeAla wen as high as thoss ot John Ilsy: A .ning thst very properly ought to have jeen Investigated privately and a practice Jiat should not be permitted to continue, jAcausA government funds, like Caesar's 1fe, must be above suspicion, wsa ex- esnea m puoiio ana diawb up Into a jubble and then, lika all bubbles, burst J ore recently tht "trail" led to the ex .endltun of an Appropriation for tho uake Champlain celebration, when the of- Jclal representatives at thA United Slates. Jraat Britain, France aad Canada wen Jie guests of the net leu. When a private adlvMuai entertains hi friends be does jot furnish them with an Itemised ao- oount ot the coat of the Jood and the sines and the flowen and It seems hardly -n keeping with International good man ners that British or French or Canadian quests Invited to alt at the table of the Jolted Ststes should have It forced upon Jiem what their entertainment cost. Thle duty be "poUtlc" but It ts the sort of politics that hss cost the demorcets men -nan one tlecttoa. Then there was a farcical Investigation jf the "Dick to Dick," letter. The reader erRI remember thAt letter of course, tor .1 created a ripple on the surface of journalism at the Ume. By that letter atr. BAllinger, the former secretary of the Ulterior, waa to bo convicted ot having oetrayeg Alaska, and tha president waa .0 be amlrched because his brother was .nvolvad la tha shady transaction. Ob VNMialy ths alleged letter waa either a iorgery or sever existed except la the jDeginatlon of a dishonest person; tf each a letter had beta received by Mr. BAllinger and by htm left la tha offldAl .ilea of ths Interior department te re main there as a permanent record ot his dishonesty he ought to have been locked up, but ia aa insane asylum and not a jail, for it waa proof tnat ba seeded a guardian. Yet thA committee gravely "in vestigated" and only reluctantly dropped the quest long after every unprejudiced person had beea convtaced ot the attar falsity ot the charge. Not content with having piled fiasco upon fiasco and learning bo wisdom from 1 past experience. thA democrats ars now agitating the moat atupandoua kavcetiga- ' tion of alL "The money trust" Is to be Uw basis of a eoBgrtAsioaal Inquiry. Just what the money trust is ae ens precisely knows, but that It exists certain persons are convinced, snd. that being ths cast, iit must of course ba invest lasted An Investigation of that character can only be a repetition of Uw loose sort ot "evidence" that thA steel commlttAC baa listened te with such evident rehab. Boms oda win Utl the committee that soma one told him that he knew a men whose note the bank refused to discount because "the interests'' wanted te put him out ef business. "Can you prove your assertion aa inconvenient republlcaa member ef the committee will ask. "No, I can't prove it" the witness will reply, "but I believe it" That la tha sort of "evidence" the committee may expect to bring out and one may well ask whether there an aot more valuable things te which the house of represerjtatlvee can turn Its atten tion. With tha passMa of the democrats far ravesUgating then has been a food deal of surprise la Washlnctotf that one legi timate subject of Inquiry has Bet bean 'si en up. When war was declared against Spain congress mads a lamp ap propriation ef M.K.M to be ax ponded At Uia discretion ot Uw president for military purposes. It baa tlways beea understood that a considerable balance of this appropriation remalaed In the treasury when Mr. Roosevelt came into tha presidency, and that this money was used for purposes In no wise connected wttn the war. This Impression may be wrong, but it ta firmly believed to be correct by a great many wall Informed persons In Washington, and K la curious that the committee on expenditures in the treasury depsrtznent hss not asked for an aoaounUng of Uw fund. A careful examination of the expenditures cksrged to this appropriation might perhaps be a gnat deal mora ueeful and reveal many mora Interesting things than tht acrutlny ot expense bills In connection with the entertainment of official vlsl- tora, the guests of the nation. Varle Saab aa m Salesaaan. Philadelphia Record. Business Is always a little dull in gold- winter, at the beginning of the new year when then hi a sort of at op page to taks a survey of possibilities snd probabllitie Tet then was nothing liks stagnation in eon sequence ot unstable condition The foreign commerce of the United States in January waa larger than In any put January. Imports wen vslued at SitV 667.7a and exports at 3M,aM,7i. Not a bsd beginning for lilt Beware el the DlAtasrraph. Detroit Free Pre? Tbs security of secret places for plot- Unas, has departed. Nowhere can men come together stealthily and eonsptn against their fellows with Impunity. The waIIa hare been given can. In sober truth. Whta night It turned Into day by electricity and when then hi no mora obscurity when whispered words can es cape detection, it is fast coming to be herder to live by crime than by honaat ways. CHEERY CHAFF. Jll U1AIX. J. ro be quite frank, doctor. SWwsVgA. s been eating her heart i ' m.a unthM-To ba oulte frank, doctor. the poor gu-1 haa beea eating her heart Doctor Ah. that's very to prudent Til have to order a change of diet Boston Transcript. ' .. atr Editor-rm. rr ( gtms (the reporter Yes, sir. City Editor "Oo down ts the hotel sad interview that masnata and set has de nial of Uw Interview at toe same time. Scoot now!" Judge, i , , , Distracted pArent-Hushaby baby! Baby-O'WAB! Edlaoa says we sleep too, much. New Tork Bun. ComtdUn-trtd the ghost walk? goabrette No, it waa an aviation com edy, and ghost flew after Uw first week. Judge. Business Msa (explalnlngV-When they say "money is easy." they mean stmply thst ths supply is greater than the de- ""his" Wife Goodness! I shouldn't think, such a thing possible.-Phlladelphia Press. "Opera singers an unusually brave In1 one respect." "What Is thatr "No matter what they do they an Al ways ready to face the music"-Baltimore American. It seems such an spproprists match-1 that of Mlas Packing ham and young Sugarbeet." . . , . i Ta Their tethers wen Indicted by1 ths same grand jury. 1 bcllcvA,"-Chicago Rsoord-Hsrsld. Wlnkleby gased st the new triplets I with fstberly pride, but not a little ap prehension In his eye. .nevertheless. "What are you thinking, dearr asked Mrs. Wlnkleby. softly. . "Nothing, dear nothing," he said, fal terlngly. "only don't you think it would be wiser for us hereafter to build up our ' little family on the Installment planT" Harper's Weekly. 4 ' X XT TEE AMIABLE MAS. , Llpplnoott't MaaTAilne. -I've never found that apeech profane has . won a friend tor me. I've never found it paid me much to cuss. And while I know a lot of words of sheer profsnity I've never found they've helped me in a muss. And so It is no mortal lives who's ever, heard me swear. Not even such a lUtls word ss "Sty!" When things go wrong and seem te be' completely past repair I simply bang my foeman en the ey my I've never found it paid te meet trouble with a frown- It doesn't pay to corrugate one's face. Frawne only nerve to drag a fellow's I troubled spirit down. And fill his mind with notions mean I snd base. 1 And hence It Is tny pallid brow ofl wrlnklee all is free, J Nor gives aa outward sign ef Inward, Whan some ons comes along by day or' nltbt to pester me I simply smllt and kick blm down the 1 stairs, 1 don't believe It Aver pays te lose one's! temper o'er The little slings and arrows of this life. ' I don't believe an Angry shout or loud I and blatant roar Will ever ease a fellow of his strife. It's better far to go your wsy with fresh I and happy mien. As though yen dwelled beneath a flag 1 of truce. And when tlw hosts of Trouble shall ap pear upon the scene Take off your coat and thrash 'em like UW deuce! : t o Absolutely Puro V Used and praised by the most competent and careful pas try cooks the world over The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar made from grapes MIA 1 Usod by tho Woalthlost Within Roach of tho Poorest 300 CUPS TO THE POUND. ONE TEaISPOONTUL MAKES TWO CUPS. Published toy Uie Growers of India Tea t Eradicates Wrinkles H31 MAMA (MM v atBABBJs BBB Jl 111 BB Beautifies The Sim THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH TNI OMIT CREAM IN TMI WORLD tVITrl A - GOLD MEDAL eid at SOe, 7Se, f tOO ALL DIALUB 1