THE BEE: UMA11A, JvKlDAY. MARCH 1. li12. s Group of. Nebraska Hotel Proprietors Who Met in Omaha J, J Y it s''rs II t; G J eV P Buy Your' aim Klw Save One-Half OUT THEY GO EVERY ONE Since the last day of January we have been offering the public some MIGHTY B'G PIANO BARGAINS from our CLOSED South Omaha store. These Pianos have bsen go ing fast, but not quite fast enough. Now, listen here: We have got to clear them all, out by the last of this week. We positively must have the space. Our spring shipments, will be here soon and our building must undergo repairs by the middle of next, month, so we are going to offer you bargains so low that you cannot possibly deny yourself the oppor tunity of purchasing one of these HIGH GRADE Pianos now. ' You can judge for yourself by looking over a few of the bargains listed below: Etta? upright. as rentes! short time, reduced from l-" i 14 sTT- TH3 HOTKL ZATIOX. men OT.n a ha::d eu.ncii cst Toasfiisa roR aj photoohaph while MEVTINC . -V IX CS!.v:. .'w I'J:.V STATE ORGAN!- WOODMEN OFFICIALS REPORT Heafthy Growth is Shown by Wood men of the World. W0D1D , , SELL . OLD BUILDING Famous' Bohemian Educator Passes Through the City To Set Date This Vwk for Cerea a Uoimloa with Lirlm Cornerstone at the New ' Mraetare. Ths executive council of the Woodmen of the World convened In Omaha Wednes day a board of directors and took under advlaement report! of officials for ihe Ian half year. Among rame of tbe rther business of the organisation to ome to their attention Is the problem of the dlupoMl of the building and property now being .weft as headquarters. . This property consists of the flva story ti iUdlng and tour lots, which was valued at fJM.ow by appralsera who recently .Unrated Its worth. Local business men and real estate dealers have offered a number of propositions to the board, but action will not be taken In this matter i.ntll near tha close of the session.' which will be about Saturday. Aocordlng to tha report of tha or ganisation for the last year. ,. new members were added, bringing the total membership up tb SM.tTt. This number of members carry approximately tSli.70J.4W worth of Insurance. In tha last twelve month! UK claims, amounting to IS .., vera paid. Will hmr Cornerstone. , According to Mr. John T. Tates. the new Woodmen of the Word building will be entirely completed by September 1. at tha very latest. By that time the booka and records of the organisation will have been transferred and everything will be In ship shape order. The council will take up tha matter of setting the day for the cornet stone laying before It convenes, and It Is the Intention make a gala day of It. Tha fcllowlug are the officials of the Woodmen of the World, who are members nf tha council In attendance: 1. C. Boot. John T. Vales. Colonel B. W. Jewell, Dr. Ira W. Porter. Dr. A. D. ioyd, A. H. Harnett. Omsha; W. A. Fraser. Dallas. Tel.; Morris Bheppsrd. Texarkana. Tex.; H. F. rMmral. Colum bus. Miss.; D. K. BradBhaw, Utile Rock, Ark.; J. B. Fltsgerald. Kansas City: K. B. ataxey, Muskogee. Okla.; E. B. liewla. N. -'.: Colonel ' Tenn.: V. D. uampneu. Dr. Franc)'. Count L.ueliow of Kam- ipsch. Bohemia, paued through Omaha yesterday morning, enroute to Lincoln, where this morning ho will address. the st'ulents of the University of Nebraska, delivering a lecture on Bohemia and the people, the purpose . being to create a sentiment looking toward a better under standing of his country. In the evening he wlH'be the guest of honor at a ban quet given by the Klub Komensky, and the following morning he will be tendered a reception by Chancellor Avery' of the university. Count Luetxow ' will come to Omaha Saturday afternoon and will be the gues of the Bohemians of the city at a racep-l tlon to be tendered at tha Rome hotel. . Count Luetxow Is O years of age. speaka Bohemian. English, Oerman and French fluently. He was graduated from Oxford university, England, receiving the degree of doctor of science, and from the University of Prague, having earned the degree of doctor of philosophy. ' He Is a member of the Learned Society of England, tha Bohemian Academy of Arte and Science and the Bohemian Society of Literary and Arte. As n author ha has written many books, including the "His tory of Bohemian Literature, " "Mediae val Town Serlea." and many others. , On his present trip to the United States Count Luetxow arrived In New Tork January , and since then haa spoken to the student body at Tale, Columbia. Mlrhlgan. Harvard, Chicago, Wisconsin and IowaT universities. Iter he will ad-' dress the students of Minnesota, Cornell and Princeton. v The doctor la accompanied by his wife. It was the Intention of the leading Bo hemians of the city to meet him at the 'sot yesterday aaA- en ten am him and Mrs. Luettow for a short time before they proceeded to Lincoln. They arrived an hour earlier than waa expected and consequently were misted by the recep tion committee. Kingston, son. Chatanoocu, Pnrt Huron. Mich.; William Rucss. Clove- included three United Statu miiar. land. O.; R. O. Weils, .Mobile. Ala, neys-Joaeph E. Morrison, district of Arl. sons; William N. Lenders, district of Porto Rico, and Alexander Akermaa. southern' district of Georgia, ana eigh teen contuli. ; Death fraaa raises was prevented by O. W. Cloyd, Plunk, Mo., who healed hie dangerous wound with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Only Sc. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. - Attaraeye Camsala Nominated. WASHINGTON. Feb. M. -Nominations sent to the senate today by President Employe is Caught- Stealing Silk Hose leo Hoffman. ys's old. whose home is on North .Twentieth street, waa ar . r,w theft In the Brandeis morel esterday afternoon ' at S. The police are no searching his home on tle ihcory that he has a quantity of stolen goods there. Hoffman ha been, employed in the j Brandeis (".ores for eight months, and ; was given a position as stock boy In the cloak department. By clever ruses be had -access to tbe receiving room. -to which piaco he u led by his fancy for ailk hose. He was caught in the act of ateallug. BOULEVARD LINK IS DONATED . - ' .- George 4 Co. Offers Twenty Acre of Land to Park Board., FAVORABLE ACTIOS 13 TAKEN Caauailaalaaers Also Deride that Buf falo Ball (hall Vol Be Kxeeated and Appelate Hacressor to - Dead Keeper. ( ) i - i Having decided the fate of Monarch II, the big buffalo bull that gored Keeper Nels p. Anderson to death, the park board has settled down to the problem of establishing an auto boulevard connecting the, various Omaha parks. Monarch 1 1 will not be executed. It having been de cided to commute his sentence to life Im prisonment. Considering the proposition of boule vards the board took up and favorably discussed George ft Co's offer of twenty acres of land suitable for a thoroughfare. Tha land, which is valued at between Os.OM and est,! la contained In a atrip varying In wldtar from U0 to eM feet, ex tends from Rlmwood park north through Dundee and Happy Hollow. This strip Is step toward forming ths connecting links In tha proposed boule vard Joining Miller, Fontanslle, Elmwood and Hanscom parks. The atrip extends from Leavenworth o Hamilton streets, (oadltiea Is paaeel. The only-condition proposed In making the offer la that Improvements la ths extent of tlS.tW be made by the pars; board. The park board haa acted favor ably upon the proposition, recommending that the strip be accepted by the city. The council will act upon the matter later. The land la donated by C. C. and J. E. George, fifteen acres; R. R. Evans, two acres; W. F. Snyder, three acres, tr. N. 8. Mercer also has offered lend for a boulevard through Mercer perk to Thirty-eighth end Nlcholsa and the mat ter haa been . referred to the legal de partment to draw up deeds. Several cttl sena were In attendance s the meeting, seeking minor Improvements' or changea along boulevards. The board appointed Thomas Garbey to succeed Keeper Anderson, who waa killed by the vicious buffalo. Patrick is Slated for Exalted Ruler of the Omaha Elks Robert W. I'atrlck is slated to become exalted ruler of Omaha lodge. No. M. Benevolent Protective Order of Elka. and Dan B. Butler, present ruler, la a can didate to represent Omaha Elks at the grand lodge meeting. The following nominations hsve been mad and ths election ' will be held this evening, and It Is understood that there is no op position to the stale, which; la aa follows: Eulted ruler, Robert W. Patrick; esteemed leading knight, Walter P. Thomas: esteemed loyal knight, George F. West: esteemed lecturing knight, Wil liam K. Baehr; secretary, Isaac W. Miner; treasurer. Charles L. Saunders; tiler. Joe J. Kaspar; trustee, three years. Lea B. Van Camp; representative i to grand lodge, Dan B. Butler; alternate representative to grand lodge, Sidney W. tfmftli. ; END MALPRACTICE CASE AFTER JURY IS SECURED .i Tbe ta.ouo damage action of Mrs, Mar garet Caielly sgamst Dr. A. P. Congdon for alleged malpractice waa settled out of court by the parties' Wednesday aft ernoon after a Jury to try the case had been empanelled. The terma of settle ment are being kept secret by the par ties and their attorneys. Tha court rec ord shows a Judgment entry for the de fendant. . . Chickertng t Son, used for demon atrstlon purposes, was 14 JO; reduced to Vosc t Sou. up'rlcht, walnut rase, a good Investment, . formerly 1400, now Weber Square Grand. Rood practice piano, original iiice 1500, now Kimball upright, slightly. used, waa 1.50, ' now " ,. S140 ilnut rase, $150 $35 $85 Kuruman upright, a rare bargain, for merly $300, now. Ernest Gableuprigbt, walnut rase, was 350, reduced to. Smith Barnes upright. slightly shopworn, was f:5l. DOW Knsbe trprigbt, rosewood ease. In first class condi tion, was 1500, now $170 $130 oak case, $125 4 ease. In $175 to Hospe uprlglit, original! rest 9200, reduced to '-. $170 $75 $240 $260 Strlnway & Sods, slightly used, wis $800, now. . .' Player Piano, rexfuoed from $650 iil, to .'. ... . ' An ,,f in, ahove Manon arw hacked by our personal guarantee. They are the arm of ratao xterree tin.. AID TO VOI B HAPIMMORS; MAKK AX 1M KSTMKNT OF ?KA,. 'iSlSZL'Zf.'T? i but for all of those who are arar to you. It cannot be a qursUoa of "I AN I AKFORI. IT. out "t.AJi I AKFOKI, TO BK WITHOl'T ITT" Vol' MAKK VOI R OWN TKKMS. . We are exclusive renrewenutlves for the maU hlcee Ktelnway anil Pianola Puuiosi: also the eeMxeatsMl Weber. Harclntan. Kmerwon, Steger Hons, McPtiall and the sweet-oned Hchmoller MaeOer pianos. Sold from factory to the home la every state la the laloa. . ' ' ' Orders by snail will receive prompt attention. Write for Illustrated catalogue aad prUe list. New Pianos for Rent for $3.00 Per iVIonth Free Tuning; free Insurance, Free Cartage. If Flajio la Itentrd for tUx MonUis. SGir.10LLER&r.1l)ELLEEl PIAtJO GO. "MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALERS, RETAILERS. I -1311-1313 FARNAM STREET. - ... - - OMAHA, NEBF.ASKA. 4 RYLLIS KENZIE IS TAKEN TO ST. JOSEPH'S HOSPITAL Byllla Kent!, the Sheldon, la., girl waom It la thought was erlmlnally as saulted In the Milliard hotel was removed to St. Joseph's bosrHUl Wednesday sftsr ncon. Dr. T. T. Hsrrls, who Is attending her, says her condition Is unchanged and an operation for peritonitis may be neces. eery- Frank Potter. ho la wanted by the police In connection with tha case, hsa not yet been arrested and bla where abouts are unknown to the officers. PULLMAN DISTRIBUTING GIFTS TO ITS EMPLOYES ' A gift of a month's sslary Is being die- I tiibuted by tfie Pullman company to all i Its employes. The money will go to all I conduotora, porters and other employes . all over the system. i Auction Auction Of High Grade Jewelry AT THK ORPHEUM JEWELERS. 1507 Harney Street SALE STARTS FRIDAY, MARCH 1st AT 2:30 t. M. PIAMONIW. WATCHES, tTT GI,AK8. CHINA ASD JEWKLKV OK ALU KISIW. M. ALL TWO HALV A WAV 8:80 AND T:30 P. Uidlea Cordially Invited. -GOODS AIIK OIAH.INTKKU AH RKPRKSKNTKU. I Warmth and Strength Y. W. C. A. TO HAVE A BIG ' MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN Four thousand names on tbe member ship roll-thls Is fie goil which ths Young Women's! christian association Bopea to reach in Its March member ship campaign. Tlie membership Is now J.S0. bnt over 1.00S expire nett month. Miss Ora E. Johnson membership c rettry. snd Mrs. James McClair. -cbsir-man of ths membership cjmmlttees. S'-c heading the campaign and say that this mill be ths live it it In tlie anoo'ationa history. March It to is the tlmi- set. ' Ths different riubs and departments will rival each etitnr in trying to gain tha Boat new mem)er for the association and a handsome trophy Is to be awarded tha winner. BEACH CAMP OF WOODMEN - TO DECICE0N INSURGENCY Whether Beacii ca,r.p Xo. Id. Modern Woodmen of America, mil loin the Mod ern Woodmen Insurgents against the head camp's rase Increase or-hetMer It wlU stand with the brad camp proist y will be decided at a neetintt of Beacii ramp FrMay rlnl.t in Woodmen ball, l-' and Douglas nntrs. A sencatioral meet ing at expected. While the Insurgents la other ramps have made progress those In Beach camp have had little success, sup. aortera of tbe htad camp being strong In this tributary organization. Tbe last fight la elated for tonight. on a cold day. come from foods that are easily digested and are rich in heat-making elements. For the out-door man or the in-door man, for children to study on, to grow; on,' to play on, there's nothing so nourishing and satisfying as V Shredded. Wheat This 4a the sea sear of tha year when eaatbers feel very much concerned over the frequent colds contracted by - their children, and have abomtant reason for It, aa every euM weakeass the I trass, low ers tbe vitaity an paves, the way for tbe more serious diseases that so often tolasT- Chenjbertain'e Cough Remed a tsjness for ha cures, and is pleasant -a! asfs V uae. For sale by sil ruia:s It is better than porridges ipr children because they have to chew it The crispness of the shreds induces thorough . mastication which -develops' sound teeth and makes digestion perfect It is the best whole wheat bread, because it contains all the rich body-building material an the whole wheat prepared in a digest ible form. Delicious and nourishing when served with hot milk or canned fruits. Shredded Wheat Is The Whole Wheat Maxde onlf by . . THE SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. Si VI . - If. I It's Purity Comes From a Natural Scmxt WHAT MAKES GOOD WHISKEY ? 4 The only proper distillation for fine and high grade whiskey is through thedd-fanhioned process. By the use of the mash tub and distillation through three chambered still. This may be Greek to the average purchaser of whiskey, but it is true never the less. I It is better to have this class of whiskey in your home than to have one made cheaply and sold chiefly on a local reputation. f Clarke's Pure Rye and Old Clarke Bourbon are made precisely the old way, the only right way through the mash tab and three chambered still. It has been distilled since 1856 and the formula is the same today as in that year. It is bottled in bond, 1M proof, , guaranteed by the U. S. Government I 1 i - ! M. , ,. ana js niaue in me nryest WDissiey dis tillery in the world. The demand for straight Pure Whiskey built this distillery. t If you get 'Clarke's you get the best CLAJtlUS BKOS. A CO Faarla, m. sSf DON'T PULL OUT THE GRAY HAIRS; ASM l REMEDY RESTORES COLOR Cures Dandruff, Stops Falling Hair and Makes It : ' Grow. . 'Pull out one grar hair and 111 take Its pises'' Is sn oM ssying. which Is, to a graat sstcnt. true, if no atrpa are takra to stop ths causa. When gray hatra appear K is a sign that Nature needs as sistance It la Nature's esll for help, arar hair. dull. Ufelea hair, or hair that Is falling out. la not neeesaarilr a sign oi adrancing age. for there are thousands of elderlr people with, perfect heada of hair without a single streak, of gray. Whan gray hairs come, or when the hair seems to he lifeless or dead, some good, reliable halr-rsstoring treatment should be resorted to at once. Specialists say that one of the best preparations to use la the etd-fashloned " sage-tea. ' which our frendparenta used. Ths best prepar ation of this kind Is Wyeth's Sage snd Sulphur Hair Remedy, a preparation of domestic sage and sulphur, acientiflcaUy compounded with later discovered hair tonics and stimulants, tha whole mixture being carefully balanced and tested by experts. Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Is clean an-i wholesome snd perfectly harmless. It re freshes dry, perched hair, rercoras dand ruff aad gradually leaiorea faded or grey hair to Ita natural color. Pon t delay another minute. Start using Wyeth's Sage and Sulphar at ones and see what a difference a tew days treat ment will make la your hair. This preparation Is offered to ths pub lic at fifty cents a bottle, aad is recom mended and sold by all druggists. (hermaa at McConnelt Drug Co., Cor. Kth and Dodge. Cor. lth and Harney. Cor. Nth and Farnam, MM North :. St., Loyal Hotel. , The I Thing To Do tt ywo tea you seexstbsok, gmbrsilav. watah or soma other article of Tains, tba ttalnf to do la to follow ths eismpls of many other people aad adTar ttsa wltaout dslar ta tha Lost and Found oolnaia of Tb Boa. That la what moat people do when they lose articles of Talae. Telephone us aad taU roar loss to sil Omaha ta ft ktafla "e? soea, Put It In TheBets t ii