4' TILE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY. MABCtf 1, 1912. .-rTjme and Tide Wait for No Man-Not ..'iven Jeff a . iBy 'W Fisher; f j t f i J v. r j r t e as9 rmti on cVv-4t fidlre" OUT 1 THE BA"Y ; HUNTING. 4NIP6. le OT ft.' SCIENTIFIC nCTMOO , WtH-U I . NU. Pr-f THi HoNoR60. rAI rNO.OCB TTX.0 n THIS . tneiKte. x-s Tte 6st 5Ni?e snooreR) w .oax. rv wr .ts.np u,t ST l0l-TH6 vie-MMMt-r -r 'Tioa ri out --. , . . . t rVOU JCC TKT SB CAtiTe.N? K . .; . i I i i4fr ;'' , . : ( 1 ' . " . '.; f sj f- . . . .. - . . . . HARRISON BUMPS WRESTLERS Iiiaei Permit (or lUhmont-PederMB Bout Under Proteit . lE7Si ,T0 LAB01 DAtKlTCI A Oh OMlHtut la' Ctk- " . V "v'"'" aiuM-. i CrflAUO.' HL. rb. .-Mrr Hairrt oa Hrto.tMtajr lanwd pmalt fT tb iwlla( lulck krtMn Mfthaumt ud Pdnri vhMti k.4cbdalt4 la Uk pike fytdky l(ht. TH mayor ipmifl bit ptfkonklt d laolraaur, il Urol kcm tlw twA ( tti prmlt:' ' ' -, "IhuoA kccaun tlx dtr ceuaoll law not rl' Am yewvr U (um th kpsUeky lWL"": ' At 'At- uma 'tbsV'ttia' myr Mnt ' i fUaliif IMttr W Chltf of Polle Mo "I km MturnfOt hrwlth uplctlan of lh N Eiittm AthlktM luk far parnjltr for k wrMtllni bout bttWMn rwUnmi knd Mkhmsut. to k kM MkrohL "I. km O. K.-ln thli pumlt Iwiiw un r'uUnc oritlMnof, I km kdvtMd by tlw Uw drpkrtmnC tkkra Art R0 rslid (rovtMli on whkji 1 rould rtui.lt. Par orllr. K4 I uw kowar to do o, I woald kbwIuMr Aim to Hum k permit to kn fwitMtoB which "pulUd off nek k wrwtllnt- inktoh u thkt mIwmb OMeh knd Hkckorachmldt on Lkbor day. wbn woak kXero tb natoii, en of Uw eoa tootanu w not only In nh physical kokdlttoa that vur kiw onnoctod wltk kin know b would bt unaMo to offer skulM rodotuioo. much mm toka too InJUktlrk Ja k VKioUlkd kTMUIac matoh but kla wan drinking cbanmcM wim vMton t hla training quanr."t ' SmdkeTiouseOwner'. ; Takes' Possession Tkk "SisoiwiicuK,", hcttor knuin at tbt haadquartara of th Omaha Haaa Ball duB knd ownrd by 1 Rourko knd Dt J. ttourka, baa boon boucht by Chore Graham, form arty a oaoocd baatmin, on thfOmah,tam ks4 tut ytar a nim btrot tha I Uotnes HopofuU. Ho tool poktaaalon ct tba itora toCky. Tha fckto bail hckdouartart will not ba chasjad. Rourkt wtU hava it! ofSco la ta raar of th ator aa la th past. Ta "8ntokhoua" will b rati th kaadqukrtera of every baa kail toaa la th city, profusion!, raol-prcfjillvnt and Buttsur. Coorga aar tha , toy aaa aav hla Mora -tor a. nutting laci any tlaw thy want It, Grkhkm wtU kit play toafiM baa bail lh!a yaar.- bat U1 b Wltk th 8iwi Trtimph ball ttUL High School Trims Association Five Tb MMor baakat renftrk kf th Omaha Iltkh' achool trounctd tlw aophomor quintet at th local "T" (ymnaalum Thuraday kflrnon In a rathor on-tdd oontMt tottM tun nf S ta 14 ; Maloolm Baldrtsa.'th hiiaky cn(rfor 4aw wnlaia, faarantd lro4lla p total of It point by hi own Individual f fforia, and had b mad th thr twa-Mor h would ha been tha only point .maker for hla team. Hi knot basket from dif ficult poatuon about tha Soar and al waya kept hi ppoaata tuaaalna; aa to wlwr th laathar wlad ar wa gon( to land. ' , A a pranlnttnary to Uw big fan with tb Lincoln Hick schoof flv. which will b playsd wltk th ncular Omaha ohool bartet team Saturday aln at th) "Y sTmnaalum, tha aaolor aunttat wyijpawt th frwhinan At for th 111 enwa harn. plonhlp of th adboot '-,' 4 ' rollowlnd la . th lineup of ThVaSay afternoon (anw: 'Wenlora, - - Jenkio ...R. V. Over U T. Haldria C, Muemann.. K Q. Blltlnaer. Col. H. O. R. aVwhamovae. r!!'."!!!'.!wiiua Koua Q. Baumana K........ Kortoa Hubatiiulea. Adr fur Wilson at 'loft fur- ward., field anale. Baldnae, ; Norton. I; liaumann, 1; cvol. I; Koass, 1: ntch, 1. Kre throw, Baumaan. 4; Baldrtae. L Krfere. Uurkenroad of Touaa Men' Christian association: scorer. Rawson Whit of Omaha Hlrh school: time. keor, Ulaka. Tim of halrss, II minutes, roaaaaaht Has Sfw Oraaslsaa. STOCKHOLM, Hwsden. Feb 3k.-Th crown prtncee of Mweden. who I dsuKhtsr nf ttis luks of Connauht. gov srnor itsjeral of Canada, five, birth to a son this awning. Both mother and child art doing well. Th -ervwa prince and prlnrssa now ha- litre roasand on daughtw. . r ' . .,. Hoppe Beats Cline at Balk Line Billiards PHlUADrXPHIA. Fes. S.-WIIII Hoops tonight. won but l.60-point lit balk luw blliurd match with Harry Clin. Hopp won th afternoon gun too to XA Hla high run waa M and hla average -?. Clint's high run waa CI and hi average II 1-17. In th night gam Clin eonld put together only sw while Hopp wag aosumulallng h! W polntk Hnpp' high, run waa M and hla average 11 10-nv CUns s high run waa IT and hla average n i-!i , ... ; , , Y..M. C. A WILL HOLD BIG v GYMNASTIC MEET f RIDAY The local T" asssxaatlon will hold 1U annual gymnastic championship eontsst Friday Tnlng, beginning at I o'cJoca. U baa barn, arranged, b th. commit) la charge to kl-ow any member of ths' aso- Eillon i'.at. klthsWfaJ-Hkialets if I w,af ?" Tli?eIU n flv different vat. aids bona, horlsontal bar, parallsl bars, fly lag lings and tumbling. Th scoring will b mad oa tb -reguMr five, three kad one point baala. r , Th commltte In charge. Joha M. Big ler, chairman, H. at. Frost. Albert Hedk lund, W. a nosslg and . 'Mlchr. off era th following prises : ,', (lold Medal High polotVmaa la four dlfrsreat events. ' ! Wlver Medal tierond high point man In fc'iir different events, HI boon HadgosKor first, Second and Uilid plans in sach vnt )' atewsBor Ooldsbara Abaadoaed. 7 PHILADELPHIA. Pa., Feb.. -The steamer Ueldabora, ' which grounded on Hramlywlne shoal In Iviswsrs bay ye, toedsy, naa been bwdoaee. to Its-fSm. and II probablv will go lo pieces In short order. It it Is not nieanwhils awalteatd up la th qulckaead of th shoal, HURON CLAIMS BASKET. -, 'BALL CHAMPIONSHIP . HUROX, 6, D reb. a.-(SwaL)-Tn ta twsnty-ti o. la favor of Huron, wa th ooore auui In last night' gaaw of bulut ball, he.- DHTOa Absrdeea XjtxsJ aad Huraa ccluj wta. T!ila g'.rsa Huron th eta'.a c!.arr.?l.-sj;p. It waa (as of tha iwiftrtl uj ia' scjte ret?:: the roughest ta.T. ever i aye J ca a Huroa floor, and v.aa ;;ntia y a Uvg crowd. M-.t". -li-.'a v.ero cJi.-X twv of them en -i-.r Tij local l rem nude Its wlnrjfc- ii '...e mal; cf n.r.e baskets fram h fUld ar.it four tree hro. The ten potcta ros Abi-Kecn wrre by tossing tH taJiD on t.ee i a-d two ti:d bRiHtti. Tie- ,-a::o we rtfereed kg Coach, Cwl ct U ilorairCu Ml Jaaa. ,' " mjZX TO HAVE GYMNASTIC MEET WITH fclAI.Y ENTRIES ' . The second aainau cycraaUc ctampioo ship will b fceld fs th Omaha Tumj Man Chnatlaa asocuulon at I clock on thl niec ' - , Th following entries hi'.'s been receded to data: l Firbc-g. . H. e:g!tr. I. II. Flen, X. T. Ireland. Gcrte L. WKt ssor, A. W. i)woer, Arth ar UedeJtud. Oeorg Eaornxuid. H. X. Knot. o. Roa Slg. & O. Miller. James Noble aad C. C. WaigeL It let sxpsotsd that at toast twenty sntrtes win b rooelved before ctestta; at noon today. " ;- Johk M. lg lev won th champldasMp last yaar knd 1 catered again tkla year. Once Wori for Pirates .' A FIRST BALL GAME IS PLAYED Youngster 'Dmiiori of Athletioi Loiei Exhikition Geateit. . j . 8A5 AJTIONIO TAXES THE H050ES lg Men Croae Horn rial la Open Is laalaa, of Whasa raar Hall . ' fram Pklladelpkl Vto ' Itors' Rally FIU. RAN ANTONIO, "Tk.. rb;"-Tn youngster division of th Philadelphia American ago team waa beaten today, I to 1 by th San Antonio team or th Tolas league In their tint exhibition gam of tha year, cor R.H.B. San Antonio 401IM-M I Phtladelpaia i...,IIIIUMV .i Baitertes: lfcUranger. Nelll and Smith; Qlpe, Salmon, Brown aad Egan. I' Cl.Bn'KLANDrf Tek. M.-Twelv mrs ber af ba OVirstaad-teanyof U Amert h ail 4 ara Mua ballsrk V"' 'leav ,0" traWrpVfor- W Hpnjnif Bacftte'ln th eohtlli fttey' will be, updr lha Isadsr ahlp Of Manager Davis... .(. , , Tha hnmadlat desttnalloh of th turn la Mobil, wheac thsy will leave for New Orleans on Mareh II, retumtng to Clersland on Jrprir H. V ' a "' Bevaral additional players will jola at Mobile. ' aUV-ll ,.l"3i'.'-.Vi ( ', v i .,. s ,v n-. , . j . . ,,. .. I it i . Katah k yewtnoaed. Tie. wren :mg natch acseduled for to Blget between Bui llokuf -and Cbartea saust of i,ieveiaa aa tut awaatbec sm. ir: Eab Adams, farms. wr!d" seri . voned to rVJ Clsrk wka he nailed Jealousy Shown Dy'' -Two Aviation Clubs A LEANT. N. TH Feb. aV-EWdsnoe of apparent Jealouaty between th Aero Club of Amartoa and th Aeronautical society cropped o tit today at ateglilattvs hearing on Mil to llcsas aviators - ifFni.'rrsif vx--t a?;.l fjtu, iwpreawaUng.-.lh elub. favored- a bill which provides for licensing aviator by th secretary of stata, while Tboasaa A. Hill of New York, acting president f the Aeronautic, society, aad' also Leo Pleven, advocated a msasur to bays license Issued by k eommuwloa appointed by tha governor, air. Wood said th commission plaa "would open, lip a very WW gat for graft."' ana declared that the function of th,ero. dub as a member of th Inter national" body Df ctabs which regulates th snort w4ts qualify aviators ta order to minimise danger from accidents. Mr. Hill Intimated that the Asm dub waa trying to arrogate to ltaslf tb right t control tha licensing at aviators, which ha Insisted should got be vested la any elub. i t "Ton ar going to aea mors flying this summer," b addedC "aad If" you ; could i sons of th ramshackle macMnee rhat'-go up-toa would (toad -eskto 'a horror. The ar dangerou trass.'' RICHIE OUT OF GAME BECAUSE 6F BROKEN NOSE Th chances af ti Pirates to win tb ehamptorahlp at tha Inter-clty bas ket ball leagu bar been lessened con siderably by th Injury to Rlckl In Tuesdays gam with Cratghton. Richie waa tur' n a oolllstaa wltk Baktoraoa of th CrelghtOB team, and was Toreed to retire from th gam. At first tt was thought he had suffered a fracture of tha Beam, but It later developed that hit aoa was broken i la threw different plane, ma&lng tt bnposslbli for him ta play again this see aria. Richie was th star sun for the Pirates, and his less will be deeply telt.. ' , - FRENCH KNOCKS OUT . BRITON AT MONTE CARLO 4 MONTE CARLO, Feb. Di-Georgea Car- peaUer, the rraea welterweight ckam- pHmv . today, met and knocked out Jim gaUrvasu ta Bnailah boxer aad former nuddlewwlght ehsnplon, a fth world In th saccad round of a fght for th naddlwlght duunpionablp of Europe. Tha tea test waa tar a pan of PV. . ' i Kara. wi,e oecarea aw a eaJ7 ta osjver for tlw ptusburgh Pirate Ola year the kind of altchlnc that rave them the j wr!a"a sapramary la axa. , Adavaa is- J a bis aootract ttat hk Is fit ami souad. an set t pitch ncbt Mi'.s the training work with gusts. BaeehCars Defeat aMuffa Biab. The Wr-e'slor ftva defeated th CeunHI RUrrfs 'HTrh rrnool Tsieday Bight at the . . . k maa im hf W tk 11 fen , . - -- seor. TICta4'" had excellent team wont au..ifwga in in,. Kxoetsiara- I Oouec9 Blurrs. tH.to n.vie. ka'L.fl Hvsrn'th tT-tn l0.!R.O.. NeU Pakl ... . C.iC Bargeas ir :tyr , we.cn .....RPUr tt ar-i ' 1 U.,k.la Hum e I Jo Morsa I- Frea throws. Hsssn. Cous- al giurts fssssetsy asarTts a grwe vtrwwa. Uysnutk ft Jo afsraa With the Bowlers Tha Brodegaart CTownS took two out of" thro tram th fit. Janiea. ' Angelsbsrg had high gams bf 2 and high total of Hi for ths Crowns. Scannel had high game of 0, and 1. May no had high total of IN tor St. James. Thursday. Jstter Gold Top against Drelhus. Candy com pany. Score; . BROUEOAARO CROWNS. ' 1st.. Id. Id. Total. Moron 171 1st r. 1M MS C. Prlmeau, ... j .J54 SI Toss .........15 'lit 111 M7 H. Prlmoaif ..i...-.'.i.ul" m ' las - Aagsisberg ,.......ale 'Ml I Totals . u 151 " ST. JAMES. 1 1st. . Id. D. Mayao 1U Hastsr Its J. llavno 171 aoannel H...,....gli) Weymullar .,....... m let 1(1 11) lv ' 11 U7 Id. Totsl. lit . .41 1U 121 ! h) ll Hi l,J7 . Total 197 Ttl 111 Y, O. W.'a Law Thswa. la the Metropolitan league tha. Drum mers took three In a row from the Wood men of th World team. Aebla of th Drum snore rolled high stagle of Ml aad high total of SO. 8cor;. , ,. DRUMMERS. .. , Aebln ii M ' baustlan .....w..lt ' lM'i Straw , p) , , S.. Total. i tm 1M So lid '' 3S3 Totals 43 !.! MS 4 W. O. W.'B. ' 1st :d. M. TotaL Jacubslck 1S ' 13 43 tnglemaa l 1 1M t PadnMky W W lti iK Totals .S3 ' 4 m tm Marrlsene's Leaawa, B1STKKJI TAlLrORH. 1st. , Jd. Id. Total. McMartln ...........:.I70 ita '111 5U A. Bowers fI- ' yn-'lM' 6 Zlmmy liJ 174 tie MI Lamb ...... ......U7 - lsnT - its um bowers, W IN SI 17e 2 Tsui m m tm iim . ' REI08. , , - 1st. M. Sd. Toul. Wiley ..... ...B:i" 1M 1.11 . me Leyendwkar i. ..(M IS 1H ? Haynish . let 170 m Williams 1M m 144 410 Berger 1M 1 lW Ml. " Totalg .;, IM ' I.4M Handle. 47 47 47 141 Totals BT7 ' Bl CJ i.Stl BT0R3 OU SAXON BRAV- 1st. Id. kl. Totsl. FrUscher 158 14 171 ill Hansen 11 U3 - 1st .IK Ojeni o Ifl Sue 201 Ut Stuns Ui 14i la 138 Cochran 17a Ul JU iSi Totkto M "in 9L'4 WROTH' SPECIALS. 1L 2l Id. Totsl. Weeks :. Ml 154 l' ? 8 Hsll .remit- KSS 15 .471 Hammond 174 171 14 Ms Kopeaick 1M 1M Sn ' e46 Durke - U 171 S Us Total 73 5 . rt t.tn tft1w p II IS II 4S Total w n ' m : SO C0N5IE 'UACX'8 WTT.T.TAHT SEC 05D BASEHM. .. . ... . : K : l 7 t M ' "'-j ' ! X . 1 ii ""41 .t . --j ! "v-v -."' 1" - J , W - ' . 1 Lain OS ' rilign Si nr m ,JF.99tJ CoMmi.' sronderf ul .aeerod 'bare-' maa of the champton Philadelphia Atk VJca, who baa signed up tor 1311 PLAK BLOW AT STANDARD OIL Wten-Pierc CompanT to 8earch ' Conntry fpr Evideace. , CHARGE 5TILL VIOLATES . LAW Veaag Pierce 'Waa la Be Deposed aad Plae Takea bg. gtewart, Aa. eerdlag ta Depaaltlsa af - Oeorge w. Mayer. ' .- .'. ST. LOl'IH. Feb.' .-Plans for a satlon- wtdo Investigstlon In search of evidence to prove the-catntlott of lha Water- Price Oil company that th Standard OH company la atliruT tha law and per petuating an Illegal trust in defiance of th supreme -court af toe .United States were outlined late today by Hamuel W, Fordid, jr. af . counsel for th Waters Plero Oil coajpsny. ., . Th Invsetlgatlon w I U extend lota many tatas at tlw eanolusloa of th hearing now . under way before Special. Com mis. loner Jesse-McDonald In the lltlgatloa by whlrh tb Waters-Pierce oompany Is sttpraptlng to present' tha Standard OU company from gaining control of tne Waters-Piercs coqipsny directorate. The Waters-Pierce attorneys at th con clusion of tho Bt. Louis hearing Will tkk deposition In Texas. Louisiana, Tennes see, New Tork and Illinois. Held Still Illegal Trust. Thsy will follow ail th ramifications of tb standard Oil - company In those state and dig up any Information tend ing to show that tha Standard has broken faith with 'national and state gov ernment and still Is operating a an illegal trust, through ' th subsidiary companws Into 'which It has been di vided. ' - :.'" Though th Standard was ousted from Texas, attorneys for th Watert-Plerce company ssy they ran prove that It la still operating there under the nama of the Magnolia Petroleum company; , which has headquarters at Dallas and reflnerW at Cersfcana and Beaurooutr' ' Th Standard Oil "ompi1!''s 1 property In -Texas was aold bytbo stata under aa order at ouster December 18, OM. Clay Arthur Pierce, president at Uw Watera-Ptore Oil -company, and son of H. Clay Pterc,' on at Its founders, was lab deposed -sod bis place tail en by Robert W. Stewart of Chicago, general counsel af tha Standard OU company. It waa testified dais afternoon by Oeorge W. Mayer In a deposition. Mayer, formerly manager of th Stand ard Oil company of Indiana, to Kansas City, waa to be vice president, be said, and Charles U. Adams, secretary-treasurer of the Wate-Pterr company, and known as th Standard Oil's "watchdog" la tb corporation,', was to be retained. CURRENT HOG ESTIMATES SHORT OF ACTUAL RECEIPTS CINCINNATI, O.. Feb. a-Mpecial Telegram Pries Current says there has been considerable decrease In the market tupply of hues the last week, due In part to conditio na which have Interfered with movement of stock. Indicated totsl western slaughtering totalled about etXMM head, compared with nttoi head two weeks ago. For. a cor responding tim last year tb figure was IM.tM head. With reports now In hsnd from a considerable number af place from which regular returns during th season have not been received, end after cartful revision of Indications. It Is ap parent that current estimates havsJallen thort of th number that full returns will show. February has ons more dsy this year than lest, which feature has a bearing in. comparison for season totals it appears possible final returns will show about U.O.M hogs for four months. Oa this basis there would be an Increase of XJet m hogs for th season, a gain of 17 per rent In numbers. , prominent place compar as follows from November 1 to Februery : - "Ittl-I! Cnicago .ls. Ksasas city LJTi.a South Omaha s..a t- Louis 1.M5VW St. Joseph ! Indianapolis gWa MllmauhM, 141.40 llnrlrcaU fTS.ae) Ottumws, la. .wee Cedar Rapid, to. .... Jli. iMoux City. la. .-.'...;. St. Psui. Minn. - rW ClAejsnd..U. St. tr-ll. Zaa 9m 7i.e raws ! 4 4i. -5.0 it m in.m 31 W r'Tlae-kev ca Siinress la judicious sad persist eot a afXi-eriUruig. la the l at aesipaiiii Membership Eoll- ? . of . Hebrew Society -is Growing Rapidly Th membership roll of - th Youns Men's Hebrew association reached Ml al tha meeting last night, whea eighty -six new namea wen added to tlw list. Over Ml boosters of ths organisation were present In th vestry room of Tempi, lsrsel when this announcement was ma lie and it added much fuel to Mw flam of enthusiasm over the Infant organisation. A board of governors consisting of th following were elected to nominat a slat of officers for th coming year: Rabbi Frederick Cehn. H. H Brandeis, William - Holtsmaa. Ssm Kats, Meysr Klein, Harry Lspidus.. Dr. M. jOordoo. 8. 8, Harda, Martin Hugarman. IJyman Katskas, Joseph- KulaaoUkjr, Max Levi,' Mania Rosenblatt, Morris . Rosenbloom ' and Henry Monsky. ., Taa.eftlasr of th association will, be chosen from to board of govynors, snd, tne .names seiecteu will . o .announces some time before next Wednesday. '' , CORNELL LOSES MOKEY.SN V ' ATHLETICS DURING YEAR -' j , ITH1CA. N. T., Feb. .-The snnual statemeut of tha Cornell Athletic counell just Issued shows that Cornell rsn 'be hind last year on Its athletics and 'had t resort to a sinking fund to meet th expense. Foot ball and bsa kaO were th only sports that mad money. - ' Th crew lost IU.0M, and the track con tlngent I7.W . ,.,.,' Foot ball profits wer ts.otn and base ball, n.oac Total disbursements for the yeer were fli.W. , . 0VEK 400 SHIPS 1,2000 T05S 1 2argest teamabip Cs paay la tha World. Atlantic Service to XrOTOOB M AST VR AJsutnka Uan-h T, lo. A. M. rna I-tnecra March 1. 1 P. II. eoraf. WsUerse Mar. II. II AM. Kaissrto Aag. Tie. Mar. so, 1A.M. -ilamhurg oirect. 2d cabin only. (.RULES rrke Bewbam-aaartcaa Uns erttl salel ftau CreWes 11 rear TWO IBEALCRBISES , AROiiND TEE WORLI ' uun -cxcuBsioag ABB BtDB TBVlrS. t)ptlaat j 14 OATa IB JAP-IB ours I 17 BAT Uf IBD1A or. It, 1I1B I 1-ak. ST, 1IU. N, Ye. :r-c! sen mrw By the m ra now each icwr caui tie pars I VIlTltBll II !!" liblvsHevwe Tonal $6t0 SUMMER CRC1SE. To the IAB7B OF TBLB BTX BTIBBT SUB. -Kight aeilgntful ermet during gaaa. Jaiy aad Aagast, from Bsabarg to Ber sray. Berth Cape, apitabergea, Xcelaad, etc "Juration i u u days. Cest $6150 tii sp S eueao-MBe ItiiO-rr-MN- ngrs.it - feaCiS "Vi'-TGRIA LChTf ri-iMit rty-un" ffhH ter eonslel el ear crH HAME32G-AMEiCAI !M W. BVsadolpk St, ' B ClJs-sga. a local agt, M twjnstt ou. M l.