Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 01, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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    ' THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 1912.
Four New Departments tor Ladies
For years this store lias been so successful in sup
plying the younger generation with the very best in
wearing apparel, that is only natural that the mothers
.'f these young folks, and in many cases, the young
folks of a few years ago (now mothers themselves)
should v ant to secure these distinctive things for their
own wear so, new departments are being gradually
added.- .
Wt ::I!ct that you'll hunt In vain for a more gtttracUve
assortment ai tM very nominal figure.
jo collars of lir.ea td lawn, daintily trimmed wlta ex
" qnUite late an4 embroidery, 50l.
. Collar eaa Cnff SU, th rullnj fvorit for the approaching
season. wM pointed collar! of beautiful sneer lawn, wlto. lac
r Inscrtioa. cuff a to match, 501.
A delightful showing of clover little Jabott some all lace,
otliora of hand embroidered linen, 50g.
LADIES' LISLE HOSE 35c; 3 Pun, S1.00
Th:. is a aplendid Talue. fine game Hale with garter top and
' Sir U heol. the best wearing, shapeliest boae aold at the
Are described In few words ttejTs the beet gloree made of
reather, baud aewed If you prefer. Tan, black and white, Jl.&O.
Juat received from Gage. Vail and K.daon Keith. This la the
la st department to be added and we think the many eJerer hat
lathis Initial ihowlng will give tbla new department a ery auo
cciafu! Inauguration See them. t '
Remember, too, that thli aeaaon w will be able to fit wo
men op to tUe 40, In Suite, Drosses and CoaU.
Chief of Police Day Decide! Upon
Policy for Police Department,
General sfaaaaer Harris stefesee
te Caaeede Dreudl f axea aad
Tkrr Mast Xo Decide
Ipsa nrbttratiea.
Cabinet Board Prohibit! Iti Subititu-
tion for Sugar.
r snassxeeesana
Actloa Kede CeatTerereir Ware
' Was Starve Ovoe 'one .I"""
'i ; Age Br. Wlleg Write
r--. Vne'atie trntnien.
'WASHINOTON. Fib. vote ef
i te 1 the board ef cabin offteor
lawa. It la necessary to aotlfir tin boar!
of tha number of aero eeea Intend
to Irrigate and th ssmotmt of water that
la to be required, that the beard mar
adjudicate any claim which might on
fllct. There are ebaot l.K euoa eeraona
ef record la the office ef the board and
It la astlmsted that at lat 1.XW of them
are actual nam of water. Theae are
excluslv of thoaa en the federal Irriga
tion project. '
(Continued from Flrat Fags.)
tFrom a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES. Feb. 2.-Bpcial Tele
gram.) The golden rule plan, used at stal
er the police of Clare la ml. O., ha
bee adopted by the Dee Moines police
department at tha Instigation of Chief of
Police Day. No longer will every drunk
who la ae unfortunate as to wander about
the atreata be crabbed by the law and
carted off to the city bait lie. Instead.
the law will escort the Intoxicated one
to his home. No longer will Intoxication
looked upon as a crime, but rather
ae an unfortunate occurrence, and the
fallen one will be booetad to his feat and
helped oa his way. Similar treatment
will be given ether vlolatore or misdemeanors.
Young woman arrested for street walk
ing will not be taken to the matrons'
ward. They Will be permitted to go home
to their parents. This system will be
gives a thorough trial hare.
Haertgaa Again Be rases.
Whether to demand an arbitration of
their demands for higher wages is up to
the members ef the street man's union.
The executive committee ef the union
met with General Manse er Harrigan ot
the city railway. He again refused to
make any concession to the union de
mand. Members of the union win decide
the arbitration question at a special
meeting tomorrow.
Meier m grate Missions.
The receipt of a gift of i,ee) tor the
stale mission funds front Mrs. Delilah
King of Allerton was announced this
morning by Hie State Missionary society
of the Iowa Christian convention today.
This addition to the mission fund will be
taken as tbs "Ira and bell ten King" fund
(or evangel la) Ic work In Iowa. The en
dow men of this fund is new fta.ON i
interest on which la used for Mate mis
sion work.
Karate Bseaeata la lews.
The elate ef Iowa will probably be
W.e richer aa the result ef the death
of Edward Vorhess of Clarke county.
Attorneys are before the elate executive
oeunoll today making plane for the money
derived from his estate te enchant to the
Ursea. and the mandamus ealLresull
charged with the enforeemsnt of ,Th. .uprem, court held that the real
rood law way en - -----' nertv at Interest had received no legal
eaoenanne in rrj"-. .
aaalnst the use of
t. iuretarv of Aartoulture Wilson
and Secretary of Commerce and labor
Nagel confirmed the decision, that food
containing saccharine waa adulterated.
Secretary ol the Treasury Macvsagn ws
notice of the Intention Of tne state w
cancel the lease,
Ada, I rat Wlas Pall.
Ousts Lona necker egalnst Edwin
Long necker Is of Interest oa account ef
the aarsonsl tv of the enaraeiers, tne
. ,,, i ii em mni ----
sentad. One monlh'a grace will be given ,,., i-ai- Inenerker. a
maauracturera to arrmngs ir u.
tion ot saccharine. I
Baeellaa Taereaahtr laveettejaled.
Tk. AmiMcm aettlea a controversy ei
nearly four rears' steading. Secret arr ef
Agnculture Wilson by direct! oa ef former
Freeidsnt Rooeevelt referred the questlea
of ths nee ef aaoraartne In food t th
Bemsea board of edentlOe eaperu for
their investlgaUoa aad report. After
three year of eiperlments this ksard
reperted that th addition of saccharine
be food aa a substitute for sugar "must
ae regarded aa a substitution Involving
g redaction In the food value of the
sweetened product, and hence a rsdue.
tion la Its quality." '
,A decision than waa made that th us
of saccharine would be prohibited after
July 1. 1L On appeal from the menu
facturera, bowvr, th lime wa e
tsnded. .
Secretary of the Treasury McAeegh
signed the original decision prohibiting
the use of saccharine, but further htar
mee aridantlv convinced blm that Its
, jr. . .
I 11
fi iirfiitittliiSiiaanaaneaaaaaaaBsneaBal
dealer, and MrCuthceon Shanhsn, ce
ment contrsclors. J lie loss wss -."
IiOONET. A. Purtnton. formerly of
this ritv and well known In business cir
cles here, has died In Pueblo. Colo., where
ha went anma veara saro. lie Is a brotner
of C. C. Purlnton. formerly, proprietor, of
the Boone Bsnk Book company here.
HOONE Mrs. Blanch gmlth-Moran, of
California, formerly of this city, has Jim
paved away. Word was received lo Boone
yesterday lo this eltjct. Mrs. Moran
while here was popular and prominent,
and graduated from the Boons high
school In the year im.
BOONE-Frits Bulla, a local teamster.
Is recovering from Injuries received the
other dsy In a peculiar msnner. He went
to his stable to harness his horses snd
found one of them down. In getting the
animal to his feet the horse mede a lungs
and crushed against bollg and broke all
ths bones In his legs. .
CKNTEKVIU.E-ismes and William
Hendon. Indicted for arson and conspir
acy, pleaded guilty to 4he latter charge
while on trial here yesterday afternoon
and were sentenced to tliree years In the
penitentiary. They were Indicted Jointly
with Croft, the stste alleging that they
fired a Urge grain eleVstfir for the pur
pose of collecting worth ot Insur
ance, ..... . -,
Awful Conditions Said to Prevail in
Famine District,
Hosseleae Jele la Regie Devas
tated by Rebels Will Be With- .
' eits Feed Vat II Sew
Crea is Grows.
WASHINGTON. Feb. .-Startllng aW
Irgatlqna of .cannibalism among starving
Persians are contained In I 'Iters from
Teheran to the Persian-American Educa
tional society hers from Dr. Susan I.
Moody, formerly of Chicago. he. declares
fathers are rating then- children and chil
dren are eating each other in northwest
ern Persia. In Aha vicinity of Hamad an.
where famine has followed the sacking
of twenty-five towns and villages by the
reheL of -Salar Ed Dowlep, brother
of the deposed ehah. Forty thousand peo
ple are starving. It is declared, and the
society rise started a relief fund. "The
American National Red Cross also will
to asked for assistance.
Until new trope have been grown and
harvested there will be no opportunity
for the homeless people to help them
selves. .The people of Teheran, Dr. Moody
saya, have been raising' money to relieve
the dress' and have forwarded 5,50 to
buy food.
Salar Ed Dowleh. who led tha rebels,
has been placed In official position as
governor at Tabric In the Russian sphere
of influence In northern Persia. Recently
the Persian government signified its will
ingness to grant him abont Sll.OOS a year
and restore to hlra the PW.U confiscated
by order of W, Morgan 6huster, wnne ne
waa treasurer-general of Persia. This was
conditioned on his living abroad.
Persons trouuioa witn partial paralysis
are often very much benefited by mas
saging the affected parte thoroughly
when applying Chamberlain' liniment
This liniment also relieves rueumauc
pains. For sale by all druggists.
If you have anything to exchange ad
vertise It In Th Bee Want Ad columns.
rear admiral en the retired list of th
ITnltad MlsteS navy, who resides In
Pinnsylvanla. HI brother. Ouatav Long
rerker aued him tor WMfl aa due him
la a partnership deal, servlot being ob
tained k era en account of an attachment
. . 1 , . 4 L,
lavBMi an rant aetata vwmv -
adalral la Lancaster County. It
si'.eaed the plaintiff, who was a mining
engineer, was to furnish the eipertenoe
and the admiral the money with which',
to go Into a mining venture. Ths d
n Iral put up some money and lbs scheme,
he alleges, waa then abandoned a un
profitable. Later the brother alleges
he took It up again and put In a con
siderable amount of hi own nooev,
which waa lost and be want the ad
miral to reimburse him on th strength
of th arrangement that h waa to
furnish th capital for h enterprise.
The defense wss that th agreement enlr
applied to the project which failed and
we abandoned and did not axtend to the
revival ef the project without hi eon
atnt. Tb admiral won In the lower
oeurt and the supreme court sustain
the verdict. , ,
List at Opinions.
Following are the opinion:
The t. K. Annsby company against
Raymond Broa.. Clarke county. Oa
motion for rehearing, motion overruled.
IOWA CITY, Is., Feb. 9X-apeclal.r-
The lows, basket ball team left for the
north Thursday morning en a three-game
trip the turning point ef which will be
the contest with Minnesota at Mlnne-
apotla on Friday night. Captain Schmidt,
Sallander. Gardner. Berry. Maiden. Leo
and Henna, together with Coach Htewart
and Manager Kellogg are making the
trip. I
The fact that flallaader, the crack for
ward, la making tha trip wrenftheiia the
Iowa team considerable. With blm Hi
the game the Iowa line-up will be (lord-;
ner and Sellandsr. forwards: Captain
Schmidt, center; Maiden and Berry,
This sggregatloa should be able to win
worn all the teams whltb will be shea oa
the trip axbspt Minnesota. ' '
.This will be the final trip of the year
the Jews team. , The eon wlU
with the gamd with Carletoa at
Sprthflsld on Saturday evening. The
oaptabj lor next year will be eaoesn- In.
medlatsty after this , ooaleet aad w.ll
probably be Berry,, the aggressive guard.
Berry la a Junior, Mtheueb lierlng hi
flrat year oa th teem. .There are no two-
year man available, Schmidt and oaUaa
der being three-year men and the rest
flrat year players. Oerdaerta a nether
tar U
.... la . varv small quantities, nee wee"
allowed, so that he dlsssnted from th
'opinion rendered today. .
I Or. Wller's OalaUa.
The argument that It may be used In
. small ananUtlea." said Dr. Wiley, la th
brief submitted. "Is ths eld familiar on jp rt
which adulterator and Iboee who seek oray against Chicago,
te adulterate have used from ths vry . neepoiia omana '"
ZZirS thin. ",lt on XZXU Judg.
taiurtouB substance In small quantities . , d,alrlc. court for affirmed
W cannot with an Justice exclude the Costs msde In district court after rend!-
other. The argument ot sn-u quanuu- . rt", pl.Tn7,fi R,
1M iDRNimir mv i' ' - ti-i i k I ,iiKwitlna.
fuundaUoa aad ft most dangerous. No Thomas sgalnst dhee. Affirmed. Rose,
d. us roticeaeton to tn inter- j. Heese. c. 1 .. tooa as pan,
esta seeking to mnmm n .. -.-and
mlsbrand food products osold be
mad. I urge the Importance ef refusing
lu any way te condone the use of sac
charins la foods." ,
Reversed and re-
Lettun. J . not
Hrvutt ubew rooo iw
Ingncker. At-
Baver asalnit Bayer.
manded. gedgwlck, J.
Longnscktr against
ftpHs Harnaa. J.
Hill against feecr. AUirmed. Barnes.
J. Letton, J . not sitting.
Peterson against Purlnton. Affirm.
Th. nraMi A- klerchanu Irrlaatlon
'miduuv aealnat Hill. Affirmed, xlsjner. J
aaho Seaatar Says Reaeevelt He-. janj WUI1 American Transfer com'
, . fased ta Raeessssead It. pan) . Rust, i.
! a . mala e ral.. Green, aaralnst Cowl
lu"uu' . Judgment of district court reversed and
bura toaay looa 10 taaa a esw" ation dismissed at relator ooeis. raw
grocers for having congratulated Preei- 1.
1 . u ubuimmi .k j Hess asalnat The Mutust Life Ineor
sew " ' ltan company of New York. Reversed
tfee pure feed aad drug lew. , . ..mull, Letton. J. I lamer, J not
' , - President Roosevelt la a letter to me,
said the senator, "refused to recommend
that law in his message to congress. I
grew the law. It waa not the house
ateasure that wss enacted: It was th
aenat bill adopted ta conference."
Mr. Hey barn crltletsm came In
bearing before the aeneie xnanufactarerg
following are ruling en netlsn
Btors Brewing company against Haa-
a-n 1 Kwru lm4
The J. K. Armsby company against
Rarmond-Broa -Clarke company. Ovar-
Kssraese, Trensrer company
the Chlcagb, Burlington A nulney nau,, u am Pull nv tha foTMt law to ,maS Mnmnant. vrruld.
permit of rea-onab veriaLH. or "t.i- j ,5 N
eraocee" ta the net weights printed oo lZmock, overruled
package labels. Dr. Harvey W. Wiley Neman Valley Drainage District No.
sppcoed ,h. amendment a. r-al l"... District Ne,
hi iaw. rv - against Hlfglna wemuea.
u- .a Retail Grocers' association ad- Nemah Valley Drainege District K. I
tOsntlnued from First Page.)
right of the American pruducr TTV1
reasonable profit: The difference betsfeen
the foreign -producer"' figures- and those
of the American producer, which I 'want
to see used so tha measure of protection
for the American, la the difference be
tween what each expects to get tor his
goeds, allowing for a fair competitive
profit tor himself. I have already said
this In another form, but It will bear re
peating, as It is a point on which so many
people speak apparently without under
standing, or at least, without considera
The second answer Is that congress Is
never aa Indlfferint to th will or th
welfare of, our people as to cut to the
quick In such matters., .We are as far
from ths bald Ideal of free trade ga from
that a flhe Chinese well. Each hse had
Ha day and gone Its wef. t la every
3 tiers, recognised now har.the 'foreigner
jhA, goiag to b orvfd jc-jse en our
markets. His only function la that of a
restraining Influence. .We consider what
he might do If we let him have Us way,
In order to keep the. demands of. our
manufacturer for protection Sown within
bounds which will be Just to the consum
ing publlo aa well ae ta themselves'-
MASON CITY. la.. Feb. t-8pclBl.r-
A wall that oaa be beard tea Rules
sgalnst the wind la going up front prop-
any owner In thl city .who have bad
the mulct tax meaifl against their
property. Title was ordered through the
officiale ot the county an an property
where the tenant had been either con
victed or plead guilty to selling Intoxicat
ing liquors. So tar slxtssa landlords
have been notified that the tax bad been
nt and th ether are being noti
fied aa rapidly aa they can be reached.
It I stated that there are thirty-two In
alt The law providee tor aa miss mint
ot I. Tale assessment baa now b
levied against property held la the name
ef Mattie culver, Mrs. Viola B. Dtokaoft.
H. X. Welle. Oeerg W. Brett. Edward
Banning, St. Paul Kansas city Short
Una. H. J. Knepp, O. W. Set sell. Ceiestls
Brewer. M. H. Evan. George Price, L
W. Keen and C. T. Osl. At Clear Lake
Harriet Backet aad & V. Clagett'g prop
erty waa Against ail thai prop
erty three month tag waa levied.
ousting to gu. It fct prsbaele It
litigation will arise, although th law la
Plata that the mm or must do this.
DAVENPORT. Is.. Feb. a-Oovenor
Wood row Wilson win be the gueat of
honor at a banquet given by the greater
Davenport commute Baiureay night.
He hag accepted the knits tion.
seated H.
. , u.muitill. Overruled.
Ooff egalnst euprerae Lodge ef neysi
Achates. Motion of appellant for rehear
ing overruled. Motion of Intervener tor
reneertag overruled.
Moreneuse against Klkbera Drainage
district. Overruled.
! ntom a Btaff Cerrespondent.)
! LINCOLN. Feb. aWSpsclaLr-On ot
rJie oldeet b-rtgation and power projects;
la the tea to has finally come before the
Eoortl of irrsration ta have Rs . rights
determined and adjudicated. Tbie is tb
Kearney Water and Electric Fewer com
pany. Th bearing has been act for April
g While tb company has been la ex
istence ai'd doing business for assay
years Ha rights have never bean ostlBltely
passed open and this at now sgM TTke
matter btvoItj the sending eat by the
Irritation board of about M registered
letters te parties owning realty oa the
vsierwoa maw naw mmj ea im- pert.
vaived, sixl ea whom aetice must beitewwrortg.
Three PJaraeel by Baealtae Kapleataa
CLEAR. ULKAV law. Fee. KSpectal)
-Mrs. WlU lam McQuiaeaa. the wife ot a
farmer. Uvtog near hers wss dangerously
ssrned, and two other snombera at
household received serious boms, wnea
Mrs. MctMnm poured gasoltaa tnt
boiler ot hot water that was oa ths j
kltcnea Steve. The (asotlne OTpleded j
setting the woman dress en Ore. While
trying to put out tb flames, UcQulaeaa
aad his daughter were both badly borned.
I lie, Wwwnnii itf wnu I
VI sell Ml MiVafaitM I wnvwa.
lug ol iuuefiuui xeujiie.
wUHJLD wAxtib it rit ..IJli IVLtL
Tea Many Mea aad Waaaea af Ta
gs y Are Ploddiaa; Alaag All
Oat of Sorts, bat Nat Sick
They Caa Be Benefited.
The hustle and worry and strain of mod
era lite has produced a modern aliment.
This modern ailment Is nervous debility
snd during the last ten years tt has
swept over the country like wildfire.
Today a large percentage of the popula
tion, particularly city dwellers, are af
flicted with nervous debility or a "run
down" condition aa It Is called.
The chief symptoms of this modern com
plaint are lack ot vltabtty and energy.
nervousness snd stomach trouble, weak
back, poor circulation, constipation gnd
Old fashioned remedies tailing, a modern
tonic was Introduced In Kurope to over
come thl trouble. The medicine waa aa
tiuiantaneous success and a similar tonic
s now meeting with tremendous success
In this country. The tonic Is causa ion
Vita and It builds up rundown people In
a few weeks time. -
Are you a victim of thl miserable run
down, half-tick, tired -all-the-Uma condi
tion? Are you nervous and despondent?
Do you lack energy and ambition? IX so.
you have nervous debUlty and the wisest
possible thlyg you can do Is to let Tons
Vita build yon up and bring hack your
health and strength as It has don for
thousands ot others. Tou will be astonished
bow quickly tbla great modem tonic will
make you feel aa though made over.
Le' flaubarb Laxative, the assistant
remedy, la used In cases ef chronic con
stipation. Rhubarb 1 th finest ot all
natural laxatives. Other drugs strain and
weaken the Intestines, the rhubarb
strengthens them. Lee's Rhubarb Laxa
tive la an Ideal family medicine and
should be given te children in preference
to all other. The taste la pleasant.
Sherman MoConnell Drug Co., 1Mb
and Dodge; Owl Drug Co.. Itth and Har
ney: Harvard Pharmacy. 2tth aad Far
nam, and Loyal Pharmacy, MR-Ot N. Mta
St.. have the agency tor these two greet
medicines In Omaha and will refund your
money if you are not completely satis
fied with them. .
PARIS, Feb. .-An extraordinary series
of automobile crimes which bag been ter
rorising France Is believed to hare been
terminated by the arrest of two an
archists, on of them- a Belgian, after a
dee Derate attempt last night to assassinate
a rich lawyer at Pentotse, In the Depart
ami ot the Stn-et-Olee, -while-trying to
rob his reatdsneet He succeeded, however,
In beatlag them off and causing their
treat, -i t '
Th Criminals have been using a myo-
terfous automobile In their operation.
Tny recently shot down and robbed
beak messenger In the streets of Parts
and escaped. Tuesday last they killed a
patrolman In front of the 'St. Lass re
tsrtnlnug by shooting Mm' from their
automobile. ? ' "
PERRT. la.. Feb. at The candidacy of
C. Durant Janes, mayor of Psrry, for the
aubernatoiial nomination on the prohibi
tion ticket, wee formally aanounosa nere
today. Mr. Jones has been for several
rears a prominent leader In th eprohlbt-
tton n
. mum
Almost Went Crazy. Burned and
.Itched. Could Not Sleep. Used
Cuticura Soap and Ointment. In
3 Months Sores Disappeared.
Davenport, Wash. " What I was a child
t had some Mills round ores ea my sack
and under my arms. I never shall forget
new 4 suneree wim wh
sores, la the winusf they
were set so bed but at the
sunuaar I would almost go
crasy. When I wss warm
they would start te bum
and Itch, and U was all I
coukt do not to scratch
them. I could not sleep
and omstiaMS I could ot
sat, because it Itched so
bed that 1 had te get eut
aaA walk around. '
. "Then I baud at tbs Cuttcar Soap and
Ointment a thought I would give them a
trial. I got bs a caks of cuticura sosp so a
box of Cuticura Ointment. At aigot 1 would
baths with hot wster and Cuticura Soap aad
then put ea corns Cuticura Okttmsat, and la
the mornlsf I would do tbs lamae thing, laid
that every night and morning for three
am lb, tbsa I feuad that the ores had dis
appeared. Just a esoa as I darted to us
Cutmira Sosp aad Omtmsnt the Itching aad
burs log stepped and I could law et Bight.
I never use say Mker sea for my children,
and I think that DO mother boukt ." (Digged)
lira. C D. Marriott, Jans , 11L
For treating poor annexions, red, rough
beads, and dry. thai and telling hair, (Mllcura
Soap snd Cutkurs CmMassnt have besa th
world's fsrorue for more tbsa a generetloa.
rMd everywhere. BeaniM ef each mailed free,
with 12-pare book. Address "CuUcura,"
Dept. T. Boston. Tender-tsced nam should
share with Cuticura Soap Sharing Stick.
If you-hav anything lo exchange ad-4
rartlse It in Th Bee want Ad columns.
Iawa Rewre It
NEW SHAROX-Wednesdav flames de
strewed the Interior of the Games- bulld-
orcussrd by R. P. Doe. Imgliniant
YALD1V1A. Chile. Feb. 3.-Tse brew
ery belonging to Aawaadter Broa.. th
largest la south America, waa destroyed
by tire today. Estimated less sMWM.
11 LBS CVSUEkf Ala.
Tour druggist win refund asesej Jt
PAZO OINTMENT falls to ears say ease
et Ilea inc. Buss. Steading or Pearaalag
PUse sa lo M dam. ass-
aroTxxaxrra ot ocsaat BraaaTa"a,
TH Irrigation board bj also aeadlng out txMsi!
Blanks tor usual reports te an water Jfi'iuJes
ef water lights under sh thampton...
and sower devela
cat aw BUI no..
The Pure Product of
Nevtur.' Sprinea. You will
tt Omtm m Artataf Ur
MtM. IM irweU
uUklwt. will iva t Mttai
trwXaft. TrUMI$ tf leWBM
MlIU OleVgaaL -linuv.
HlMtllMtlC. VfVf, WMS
Fait to Nttmm litvti: Stwrt Irattk. r-)ii-
ttoa. tittifiriK. Irrcuiar Pttlt. "la, rallM
juifeiwa, xe. WMttorfyi Mccttm. mmy -
taNMblgg" rarwdl .nr I to U y.torl tet
M Tn nrtrUnat, 7 aa-lwUstt. WriU for
Vtm Trkal. Bk mm4 B-rka6i. Cmnm tnm wM
.!, AfMl-M DR. FKANKUN HILeWi. W-f-
F'lTfiart. iBdtlatia. 7 U Til Mam minn.
Our Experience
Is Your Guarantee
Whatever prie you
pay, when you buy a
Violin from us you get
the most value for your'
money.' All our Violins
are bought by an expert,
who lias had years of
experience, and nowhere
else does experience
count for so much.
"Whether the instrv
ment is for a beginner
or a skilled musician,
Hospe's reputation and
experience is your safest
Moderate prices
reliable instruments.
A. Ilospe Co.
(SriII iKtreadit Dept.)
1513 Douglas St.
s 1 I I
Aik Yonr Grocer
to Send Yom a
Case f Blatx,
er order direct
froa itistrsbixting'poiid.
i sags
rbsae. nsaglis
lumber Six
at Six O'clock
temrea Vnloa Statioa, Omaha,
at P. M arrives l aloa 8tv
' ttoa. Chicago, at 8 A. M. via
St. Paul
A trail of quality carries
steel Etaadard alceDcrs, coachca
aad . chair care dtg-nji
rq nipped baffet library car
aaexcelrrd dining ear aewvsrc
solid eerctrle Hghsed. TW
traiar deserves roar natroaafa.
Your Mew
Spring Hat
Eventually Yoa'll
Boy it Here
Two othen
Chicago at,
T:S0 P. M. ,
fine tralas
:42 A. M. a
1612 Farnam Street
Served oulcsly In a clean, well
ventilated dining room at prices
that add te the enjoyment ot the
soeal. are some of the reasons why
so msar Susy bus loess people eat
151 BOMa ST. '
a a. aaUt mo.
If my ad
Yancel ideas
are worth
anything I
will soon
know it!
The opening ol.
my Clothes. Hat
and Furnishing
Goods Shop oc
curs Saturday,
March 2.
No music, just
hand shakes, good
wishes, peeps at
new stocks, and
from the start. 4
Friday's "Ads"
in all papers will
show my aggres
siveness, and will
give an idea of
the "smart" lines ,
f goods carried
in my shop.
"Society Brand Clothes"
and Smart Furnishings.,
S. E. Cor. 16th & Harney,
Ground floor of City
National Bank" Building.
.' '!,!
You can injoy a mal
better in a roomy cat
la Omaha's largest '
- cafe where there I
. , a pleasant atmosphere ,
and the best ol food.
Courtney'. coHet makes
yonr meal delcious
Seventeenth aad Douglas
BOYD4"? Tonight
StATTxTSgs SAT. Ui ivi.
tisea wigsta, so, SOs, TSe) atats.
atarak ,,, Stat, Wed.
Faealag of tse Tslr no Sask
rrteesi toe, Ss-eo
: ostaxAa wvm casrTaa- -
sxTava.Tgas a VaVBaTTXUa
Villi Countess Rossi, Bam atdmaa, Cbaa.
l,i ew. Chorus ot Botiemlsns. yri. night.
Rag Tints piano playing contest. Qua
dW Btxse Katlase Svery Week Bev
a. aad waw rae aoiaaa . woes-
Xattaea Veda SdS-SlcM SJ8. .
xadisr Sally Siase
Oarg 3
aalvM aad Sataraar. SOs So
aatareay aisrisse soe sa ei-avt
Saw a arkaager Fi.esat
tu nn taaT
Feeple Orraeetra of 0
Saaaag ats. "Ips ierge Po tt.'
American Theater
Waalgat, state. Tees, xawnu Sat
snag m t.a3 and ta
woeswaaa stocx coarrajnr ta
eat ITk. Otri of tae Belasa Was.
Mas. Xrrerr Pesv SilSi BvesT might, SdsV
Will at- Crauy Miss Blancns Oarnei
Brown. Uarrta A Brown: alias RoObia
ordoae; iMek Crollus at Co., sfaxloe
Bros, with Bcbbv; Conrad 4k Watddsa: '
Sus Sroltk: sUnetecotw; Urpasusa Con
cert orchestra.
Meas, Blgat, 10. SSe, toe. Tse. state,
10s. Seat asaae See, eaeert Satmreag sag