Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 01, 1912, Page 12, Image 12

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iesolti from Seed Corn Specials
Art Moit Gratifying.
Lara Oawde Bather at All tkc
,. 8 tap asd It la Relieved that
' Stneh M la J.eeesllahed
by tka railed Effort.
Offa-aUs of the railroad that ' have
seed eora specials touring Nebraska are
wen pleased with results Dews attained
and the Interest bemg takea by the
farmera alone too nrat over which the
train arc scheduled. Reporta received br
company eficers who are accompanying
the special indicate every where the
trains are met by immense crowds and
that ia many Instance overflow meetings
are held m order to accommodate the
vast throne.
All orar the state, owing to the heavy
. snowstorm of, the attendance
upm tli lecture was held down to
. soma extent Monday, owing to the Ina-
: hllity of the farmera to reach the towns,
but at no that each and every meeting
liaa haea a pronounced success.
' Alone the Una of the Northwestern, In
dudtag the aparaelr aettled and newer
action, the listeners at the lectures dur
ing If oadar, Tuesday and Wednesday de-
llverad by Prof. Ktessetbsch of th Ne
braska experimental station, U W.
' Leonard of Pawnee City, William Ernest
of Teenmseh. T. K. 8t urges of Omaha
and Prank O. Odell of Lincoln, numbered
' s,ls people, large numbers of them driv
ing many mile.
. rarsners Mara a Bead.
Tuesday was spent oa the Albion
branch and th train was v 1st tod by i,K
persona, swat of them farmers. At Peters-
' burg a bras band led a proeeaston of
farmera. Hera lectures wer delivered in
the cars and to an overflow meeting In
. the depot waiting room and oa th plat
form. '
Atteadaac at other towns was! TUden,
, Battla Croak, Us. Norfolk, ; Pierce,
at; Cretghlo. MS; Verdigris, M; Lynch,
la); apenosr, UO, end at Anoka, right on
th ads ef tha lndeut reservation. aV.
At all of th towns visited by to North-
stestsra. with the sxoeptlon at Creightoa.
tasu showsd that about M par cent of th
stock of mat season's seed
fertile. Around crelghtoa a ooastdarable
ousatlty of aasd of DM tested much set.
tr then that ef last year- la tact, much
of It was found to b almost perfect
Tha Burlington trains that hav bean
' working through tha southern and south-
aetata port ten of th state bad 17W to
; ISM Itttsnera Tseaday and Wednesday.
Kara trala mad eight stops. Th train
eonrta southern Nebraska was pree-
tlosJIy lest out Monday oa account at th
severe stars end had to abandon th ter
ritory between Blue Hill and Wllbsr.
However, that the farmers down there
may bare tha benefit of to knowledge
of the lectures tad eors-grewlng ex
. setts this partloa of th state will, be
.-' oovered laturday, tha hoars bring th
Mm as those scheduled for Monday
Everywhere along th mala Hns and
brsaches of th Union Pacific Ins trains
, are being greeted by crowds ranging from
a is Log, ail of tha listener at th
. lectures firing close attention to the sub
, JecU under discussion.
Many As Reached.
' "I bailers that by tha ttaw the seed
" cor eampelga Is aver ws wtU have
. reached per sent ef rh farming popu
latloa of th stats directly with th seed.
' testing propaganda." sak K. V. Parrkth,
manager of th publldty bursas at th
. Omaha Commerolal elub, wit returned to
Omaha, yesterday, after enendbig three
day an tha Burlington seed asm special
la tha aortbeaatarn part sf th stats.
"Reports up to Wednesday night on the
(our s pedals paw aut are that th lecturers
' on the t'alon FactOe special addressed
1,331 people: oa th eastern Burlington
special, tT people, and oa th southern
Burlington special. UM people. This wss
despite tha bad- wsather, watch rendered
It difficult for farmers to fat to town.
-epecteJly on Monday, Boosters so th
JHorthwwJtsrn's special report big crowds
at th lectures, but bars not give us
' tha exact number.
was Walk fa Last
The farmers are Intasssly Interested
- 1n tnls seed eora Oamnaim. Tha two leo
lng three ml lee to town. At Uehltng a
every stop, and at many station wa
bad ts hold overflow meetings en th
plat form ar In some hall close by. The
farmer struggled with sash other to get
front seats oa th cars and listened
' attentively daring lectures.
-At Maun Monday a farmer told m
- tha after rktmg two miles la snow
drifts his hares played aut, a he left bun
at a nearby farm and walked the remain,
tun oare oa each train have seen full a
farmer said ha had driven nearly twenty
mil to attend the lecture oa the ape-
Cati. ...... r
'The newspaper mn are muoh later
' eased la the campaign, and there are ek
- wage aom at them sa th trala between
, Mr. Fairish says tha stress ere from th
University of N suras is, tn their ed
, dim is. highly compliment Omaha for
having originated and ftnanoed tha cam
paign. Bom t th farmers are giving object
lesaons to their neighbors. At Oakland,
C. hi Hsrlhert brought oa board th
, trala M ears ef eora that h had tasted,
finding lei ears dead..
Twearr-1 Maadred Pesaoaa Meat
Train Daring; Day,
HlTBftOw. Nalk, Feb. nV-4ftpeolal Tst-
egrasn. Tha Burungtaa seed eora a
' ctai tills afternoon was greeted by
-farmer and business smb. Thl being th
is stop for the day, tha speakers u
tha full Urns allot tad to them la giving
- tha lectors. Puny tarn people have heard
the lecturers today and farmers gen
erally are pre paring ts take proper kssd
of tbatr sdmonlUoai
Taos gTnas toot ares here sere Prof.
: Burr, superintendent ef tb North Platte
experiment station, and sir. Vat Kuaka
of Bayard. Tha school pupils simai
'passed by their teachers were present to
bear th lecture and to witness th
nnmenstjaUon. Considerable Interest has
already been shown here by farmers sad
.Misers whs are daslroas of knowing that
' tha corn saved for pirating will grow. A
large smasher ef lasts was mad two
weeks age br aehool pupils, tha csra
' bung ohtmd from farmers. Ia ssins ef
tb lasts a Very ssrga perOMLas at th
, cent snowed Strang gomslastrng ssuUtttea,
; but uK a low af the section showed
Bought From a Manttfactarer of High
Gride Women's Shirt Waists
All the Short Lengths, OddsjEnds
and Sample Pieces of '
All kinds of beautiful new patterns and designs
are in these great lots. There are thousands of piees
to select from. They will go IViday on big bargain
5c-10c-15c 25c each
Also on Sale by the Yard-Main Floor.
New Wash Goods oi Main Floor
A rulr 6Ce SnowHake SniUng, at 25 f
I4-tnch Hsnrallna Glace( at 25c
27-Inch Silk Stripe- Msrcsrlisd Volla. at....2o
32 pieces of 40-iuch Voiles, at 25 f -
8hort pieces, rut pieces and remnant 'thgt gold up to 50
bargain mnare at. yard . -15f?
New Dress Goods Remnants
Fine All Wool and Mixed Suiting many of our best lines
throughout the stock rerfei, psnamaa, fancy suitings, checks
and stripes; worth up to tl.25 winded an. mnA 9 km
Into two lots Main floor at, ysrd. ''
Imported Pieces of Mae All Wool Matched Pieces In black and
all colors, pieces up to 10 of one kind to natch special for
Friday only Mala floor at, each ....-21 350
8 Big Basement Bargains
Fine qualities of Fancy White
Goods, In bar ana cnecss,
also plain; length suitable
for waists and dresses at,
yard V...7H4
Nsw lot of Serpentine Crepe
Remnants, all th newest de
signs; lengths for kimonos
at, jard n.-r,..12Hf
Remnants of good grade blea
ched Muslin, at.......3Hd
Regular 25o grade of Poplins,
in the new spring shades
U rd . 15
Remnant of Prints, thousand
of yards tn fancy patterns
st, yard ...2H
New Drees Percales, In light
and dark patterns, .perfect
goods at, yard Gf
Rlpplette, for bouse dresses
and children's wear; perfect
tdres lengths at, yd. 12 is
Scotch and Chambray Ging
hams, all new pattern and In
length up to 10 yards at,
' yard .. 7 J
12 Big Bargains From Our
Platsd (-Inch
grade, a pair
Bklrt Markers'
A positive
necessity I n
measuring the
skirt length,
2e kind
at 15
J. 0. King
200 yd. Spool
Thread, black
or white, at,
doien ..17
Fine Nlaksl
Shears; lie
Safety Pins food quality, at
4 cards for ......52
Celluloid Collar Support J
on card: very special, at
card for 5t
Darning Cotton, black or white,
1 spool --St
Sewing Needle at I paper
for .-.5
600-yard spools basting tbre.u,
at ...3
Skirt Hangers and Coat Hang;
era, at 2 for 5
26c and 50c Barrettes, shell or
amber, at 15
Sattnola Tan Polish, extra large
, psste and liquid combination,
be in at 100
W a h
whit and
worth up to
7H. yard,
at .-3H0
Some Wonderful Reduction From Our
X Second Floor - Pompeian Room
i:.00 Natural Wary Switches at... 690
1. SO Natural Waty JJ-luSwltchea 080
24-ltt. Naturals Wary Bwltche.,.. 81.08
Ilk Beautiful Natural 'Waty Swltchea.
i .. ....sio.oo
t5 00 Gray Natural Wary Swltchea,
at i S2.40
Irg Cluster Puffs, II value, at.. 080
it 00 Washable Hair Rolls. at.....rWVe
Fine Cluster Puff IS valuea, at f 1.08
Two Extra Large NeU for... f
100 beautiful hand-drawn and hand-embroidered linen pieces.
Including 45-lnch and 1 4 -inch lunch cloths; also a few 71-Inch
table cover and dresser scarfs, all pur lines. Soma here
sold tor 10 Bone worth less than 8.o0 Batur- It i
dar only, at each .ilt.'Al
Siturlty Bi Sale Rogers' Sflrerw&re
Most nmvkable barfaing in this high grade ware
that we have ever offered. Thousand are attracted
daily by our display in 16th St. Show Window.
See the Next Issue of This Paper for Par
ticulars of a Big Sale of Men's Shoes.
wmm mm
Tn an frees tka Vkt ores) sesansi
; -teat beat rsea siaoed snoar like vorAi-
-ttons at that of tb U erosv
A ravtaaaiM Teaaa. v
X. tr. Gssoloa. Dallas, Ts, tumi a
sare reUet for nialarl an saooasnees tn
lar. KlaCs Mew life nils. Only .
for sal by Beaten Drag Ca.
Cig.r gad Boxes Hade Bearing lew
"Ouaraaty at uuauty. -
CasasaOan af ResrssaNa)' AeiMal
Hee4eg to lanrss Boas oJes,
says A. l Csate to
PaMeT Mea.
n .k. . w Maa saark. SB adOOtOS
by tb Omana Manufacturers' eaaoole-
iLia h, aaa aa fanabs SJiaA ISO, SB
now InaeroalDsa. Al tb weeklr luncheon
of tha aasodalloa raeterdar A. , agr
af tb Mia-Wast Cigar eornpaaT. onerea
n .in -ml. pi rare bearing th new
trade stark for the oebsctattoa of tk
factory nan ana Cnartes H. oseiea as
tn Oaaaha Bex oompanr aanaaacaa last
b baa OUe two . bos ersars, au m
ia saartiuT tha trad mark.
The assarts Don tKNM to aaTS tna
ma, aiark raai stared at Wrassangtoa
Immedlatetr an arranged for the aa.
eotntswot af a estnantttaa to docks wa
aha be sAosrea to aa tn traa saan
aa srhat aesia. As tae trade stark
Is the inopettf of the association and
the astMctatloa win ruutd baca of any
goods oa which It Is planed. Its use will
not bo allowed oa any goods unless they
pass the Inspection of the committee as
to eoalltr. '
. , Advertise, Sara Gale.
Speaking am "A Bigger Omaha Market
for Omaha-Ma Is Goods,-A. L. Oala of
tb DaHow Adrertlsing company, told
tna factory men that aa extended, care
fully plana id and Weil directed campaign
oi adrertaeng la tha Omaha dally news
papers would d more than snrthlog else
t tnrnaaa salss ef such goods as ar
4 ny the bmss of Omshsas "Boost
for Osnaaa and "Buy Omaha-Made
goods' -will hav BO effect as sa appeal
to tn eonsambuT ptlello, he told tnem:
oonsuraers mast be told ef tb merits
of tit goods and aewssaysi s are tna
bast anodlnm for carrytng th Informa
tion. v .
Ha suggested that the campaign be
tarried ea under th avtas of th aseo
datloa. Window displays la retail stores, ac
companied by aa otter ef cash prlaat for
th clerks selling the nsost horse mads
goods sa the day st tha display, was
snot hae-y method suggested by Mr. Gala. atsisf PYrJaglre.
It was saM by sorsrml wismbars of th
aarlatlna that there ts a areiudlos la
Omaha against Osoaha-made gooda A.
O, Jaeger said Omaha Jobbers would not
band) bis cigars, .-sarins; the people did
See the New Coats, Friday
Here's a collection of coats that so
thoroughly expresses all of the newest
and Most delightful innovations iu
style, coloring, trimming and fabric
that no woman need look further or
pay more. They're built with the sole
idea of maintaining the reputation tun-
store already has for only tne best
qualities and most authentic styles.
One model is made of a very good
quality blue serge and has con
trasting collars and cuffs. Coine8
in all sizes and is priced at $12.50
-which is a fair sample of the
pricing of the entire t-tock.
Also we bare a superb stock of the new
est modrs la tlrrss skirts (or spring; and sum
mer wear. Made of whlpco'.as. mixture and
serres in varloua shades and colors. AU
sUes at 13.00, 6.95 and IT.SO.
As an extra attract kin for Bargain Fri
day only-All of our $10.00 and 111.50 yoile
skirt at $10.00 tot your choice.
$3.75 House Dresses, $1.75
It's been a long time sine there has beenx
a house dree offer the equal of this. They
are made of striped ginghams, plain and
striped i percale and figured percales. Odd
lies, tut It quite likely yon can find a size
that fits you if you tome early.
y;i wt; mi i
it 4 it i
I'esnoes ma
learners that formwtiy soW rVwsa $1
Is cose sal FrUmy, af fneaewr ,
A ft- Tsars are a of s gt gm
my styles mud sestsW 11 'Jf
(.50 to $4.09 t A parr. Sjf M
Bargains in China and Hardware
Irge site galTao
. lxed tubs, like tbs
cut, regular 71 cent
only. .
IBS dosan whit I
K-tuart bin and whit nam
eled pans: . guaranteed
Taluea, t
cup and
saucers ana es
dotsn dei-orated
Kngllsh porcelain
rtina ana
-Z - " saucsrs.
-w r-ridsy
only, pair
four-coated gooda,
Hi cent values.
Friday only
IS-ousrt bins and white anameld. four-
coated water palls, fully guaranteed, io HC
100 dosen bowls,
Ilk the illustration,
assorted sites, lOo
nd 1 be Tal
lies Friday
only, at ...
' Sheetior
Remnant of sheet
ing in all widths,
1 Vi to 8 yards In a
piece, values up to
SSc th yard, Fri
day 17lkc
Extra weight out
ing flannels in as
sorted patterna and
colorings, regularly
priced at 10c, Friday-
Hock Towels
These towel ar of
a good sli and a
good weight, tor
wear. Regularly
priced at I He each.
Are CutPriceDaysIriThe
Big Pure food Grocery
noa raiBAr aid
Bsnaett's - best roffes
and :v stamps, lb. as
lbs Bennett best
coffee and stamps.
Assorted teas and
stamps, lb. v!
Tea alftlnga and IS
stamps, .lb. ......
Specials in Bat'
ter and Eggs
saastt'e Capitol
erssary ttr
ftuest made In 1
la. brtcka of guar--aiiteeu
we.ght . SOa
Fresh so en try batter,
Freeh country ,
"r'rlda o f Bennetl ''
flour-epeclal offer of
a sack at lM
l-lb. can Bennett's t'ap
Itol baaing ponder and
10 etamps "
All klsae of wegwtablo
am floaTSS- ISt. BSttk-
ass for s
Balder'a chll sauc and
1 stamps, bottl ..tie
Full cream chees and
IS stamps, lb. ....SSa
Virginia Swiss - cheese
and 1 stamps, lb. BSs
1 cans Erercreen corn
and 1 atampa ....SO
Walker's hot tamales
and 15 etamps, can ISO
Large Jar strawberry or
rssDhernr Jam and 1
.or soo
l-lb. roll Vrsmloas bnf
terlaa for . 46
Van Camp's spaghetti
and IS stamps, csn I So
10c can Beauty Ureen
asparagua la
I pkgs. Bennett's Capi
tol mincemeat and I
stamps, for sse
8our pickles and I
stamps, quart . ...iso
Large can fcnldei-e pork
snd beans and 2
stsmps, for o
Gslllard'e oil re ell and
stsmps. bottle . 4So
10c bottl oil re stuffed
with oIItos or almonds,
Quart csn FanVo-JimJ Horseradish and ( st'ps.
Iran soups, assunro.-r win, " ' ' "z
2 cans snrinips sou i
etamps for
l ib. pkg. Dewey rleane
er and Compound, as
Large sis, finest qual
ity Queen ollTesil.SS
bottle as lie hot Me
Finest quality selected and guaranteed or.
aiiKC. shlpBed direct to us from Kedlands,
r-S 1 mi HnMl 1 OAV. 1m attl mnA
kin r. -. . - .
So 1 large fancy Knglisii wainuts reuia-ly
. .a. , . - 1W I ... r ....
SOIC at svu Uiu iu., r.iuttj, . .a. .m .,, avc
2 stalks fancy celery for I5e
2 bunches hot house radls'le . ........ Sc
Vane dates. S lbs. for 2.1c
Gcod cooking apples, peck , 2Sc
Firth black walnuts, peck SSe
FW MEAT BARGAINS for Friday Only
rmh Bahy Halibut, 12V.C I Lamb Chops 3 lbs. for 25c
Fancy Tat Mackerel . . . 15c Lamb Stew, 6 lbs, for 25c
Thousands of dollars worth of high
grade merchandise at lets than price,
10c $4.50 $20 $1.00 $2.50 $1.25
Ileary Boys Men. Dress Hata Owiihoes
Son Suits Shoes Shirts for for
5c- $1.98 JlJl598c69c
(KkT $5.00 $3.00 $3.50 50c 50c
Heavy - Pant- Panta Fancy Caps 'Tie
Underwear for for Shoes for rr
37yc $2.50 $1.50 $1.98 25c 25c
. $7.50 $10.00 $15.00 $22.00; $3.00 $1.00.
. Suit Suit ' Suit Suit Fancy Sweaters
for for for for Hata for
$3.75 jjLTj $7.50 $11.00 $1.50 39oJ
.$7.00 $10.00 $15.00 $20.00- $10 $2.00
Overcoata Orercoats Overcoats Overcoats Odd Vesta Sweaters ,
for for for for - for - for
$3.75 $5.00 $7.50 $9.75 69c 98c
We carry a fine line of reliable goods that you can depend upon
no Jobs, no second. Com and see for yourself whether you buy
or not, '
m Rorth ISth Street 16th Street, Rev Chicaso Si.
Tried and never found, wanting
It takei years to
organize "terv
ice" inran office
building. If you
are in at comfort
able building
where "service"
lias been organized for years, you will have a certain
comfort and ease that can be obtained only through
years of careful organization. - 1 ,
There 1 an advantage In being 'in a building whoa rul
i for twenty yean ha been never to allow a (Ingle thing to gt
out of repair, and the building and its equipment each year
I a little better than' It was the year before. This kind of
policy and orgaaltaUon la what yon will find In
Sa Deception Room, private office, two larsa closets, lartw
workroom with two north wlndowa Ideal offlcs for enstoeer.
archltact doctor or olbsr profesalnal men. Rants! per
roonlh I,, ........ .......... ............
This I a Ion narrow room, mit-ti, oavlng a norm .
llgut. hsntsl, per month S1TJO
OS In 11-jS In slse, located on th court close to aky
lent, thus bavins; excellent natural llfht Ths space ooald .
be divided so as to make two vary pleasant rooms. Price, -par
mouia ..y, ,. 7.0 i
aao Oftlre In th northwest corner, hsvln four larsa win.
dona A fireproof vault for th protection oi vaiuani papers
la much In demand and la afforded In this room. Thsrs la a '
total of 120 auuare feet of floor space and some would be
equipped with partitions to satisfy good tenant. The rental
price la par month HM
The Bee Building Co. , f
Bee Business Office 17th and Farnam Sts.
would be to hav your watch repaired or pfft In order
now before you are ready to start on your summer
vacation, we also have a fin Jewelry repairine. de
partment Lt us do your repair work, as MX STS SB
to SraW LOCiriOV, ttl4 lUteesU atreet.
S. W. LIK9SAT, jeweler and Optician.
Do you want to buy a cow?
Do you want to sell a cow?
A Bee "Want Ad" under the head of Llv Stock will do
. either. , "" ,
The rato is only a tent a word per day, ,
Telephone Tyler 1000.
not want Omaha-made roods, so he aa-
i . return Bluffs tobber to die-
trltnata for ala local trad, and th goods
ar shipped to Iowa and baca again.
without the nam ef th manuracturer
on toe box. and sell well. His company
sells more cigars In Kansas cny isea us
Omaha. Mr. Jaegar said.
-Toa re got to Ul tb peopls about
your goods.- tat trussed T. K. Sanborn.
t w.i ua tbam knew yoa buy Cabaa
tobaoc and employ tk best cigar soak
er, as yoa have tM as Her may win
ss-sbabiy buy your dears ta prefertace
to a Kay West."
-An let the people know where to buy
.u- - aald Oenrsw H- Kefir. "I'd
nook Omaha dears If I knew wber t
gat these, bat 1 seat Mow wnesw w
Had thesa.
Feaa P. Fedrea, designer ef tb new
. - - - - y ,
trade-mark, spoke of Its uses snd limi
Work on Rock Island
Depot to Be Pushed
A. 'C. Rldraay. second vice prcsMant.
nd W. K. Whtttenton. general managar
of tb Rack Island, era la tka city for
tk paras of looking over th land re
cently bought tor freight terminal pur-
.w. u .A,iia .tart early this spring.
There Is a large amount of grading to
be done, snd with this completed, ho said
that the work ef construction would
begin Immediately. The plans have been
prepared and approved, showing a brick
and steel structure, most of R one-story
high, equipped with all modern appliance.
tor nt'l"g trieght most expeaiuoaair.
Oaih af the Kck Island efflcala vhdtesl
the greuad where the now K4,ea frwtght
depot Is to be located, and expressed
tnesnsrJres a botng weu pseasea wltn
tb situation.
Vice President Ridgway could sot state
defintteir when work on th new termin
als would begin, though he was certain
Th committee In charge of the arrang
Bssnt for tn Robert Emmet Mrtnda.
. viw,. kfondav evenins reparts
fin advane aass of tickets. Th affair
la ts b gtvwa ander tb aspices of thr
Irish Feltowshtp dub and the Emmet
Monummt aasooiatio) of Omaha at tn
Paxton hotel. Tb Banquet will be held
In the main dining hall. Jerry B. Sullt
vaa of Da Moinea la to make the prin
cipal address, and short talks will be
mad by E. 1. Waters and , If. P.
O'Connor, representing tb tsro local
organlsaUona Iftss Msry Ryder and
James Blair will render Irish song.
The key to success la business Is th
perslateat aad Judicious us of newspaper
advertising. .