Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 01, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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PnvtXitiaatM on Fara EeKirei
-Ccaie is a Surprise.
Jl IMlIl Feeling is Vadevekeped
a I nk Slteatlea M So Imil
that Vllwl w,ih Go
' Higher
OMAHA. Feb. 8. Uli
i tV.vtt ntlmiM on farm leeourccs
sau. a a surfrlso tu ID wheat trade
Vm iu there la wide difference be
t. .ee ulflerent estimate It is sot likely
ft taj taierd'a noyiaic will bs continual
i.iitii af'er th rcrcrnment figures sre
a,trn out Cash demand at tb present
I air daea rxH warrant any further ad-
nc. hut Ihe crew arare season is Just
atienui and tnit a 111 hold short sellers In
Wlto every advance In corn value ths
abort Interest ts reduced, wblrh would
wucfirst. some temporary r-actlon. But
ad th rait situation w tronic that
Iters si Dttis doubt but value will b
rattle-l.te a much hlgiter level befors
any decided art bark on urs. ,
. Liverpool rabies followed - our ajvaix-s
hnd BiVrte continued to cover, wltlls
r.rjei fur ths leuding b ill bouses kept
atvwne values. Csth wheat was lc
. Corn tA ihs .rongset cereal on the
list artu . ts'ues advanced aeadliy. He.
reiptu : falling oft aod ths cah demand
la very ctl e. Cat eerw waa strung
eelllnl '- to 3c higher today.
Primary wheat receipts were Jll.tW bu.
and an'omeni were bu.. sgslnst
teeetpt lie: year ot rft.w bu. and biiip
Wnta of bu.
Pr.miry corn receipts were t7.ot bo.
Hod hlpmesla were " bo., agalna: lait year of svCf bu. and ebip
aaeftts nf bu,
i.'MKArai war bu. of corn. 44.401
h-j t oat and wheat ia flour euual t
' i,iveiiooi c'.taed .a bicber on wheat
a el wd higher n corn
the fallowing cash talcs were reported
Hlxalj No. J bard. 1 car. $1.41. No. 4
lard. I .car. W4c. Corn: So. I white, 5
tare. crUo: I ear. try. No. 4 white. 2
k-ais. Al'ite. No. I' yellow. 1 car. MM:,
tw renew, i ear. lt. ; oart Vf-f . Sa.
mliefl 1 car. USc. No. 4 mined. 1
rmre. V. 1 ears. 41c; I oara. 'c; :
are, .No srade. t ear. lc; I ar,
eta Ne. while, I tars, il'ic- Su.
kradt. 1 tar. 4ttor
; Osaaaa raak Prlrss.
IVliiAT-Jfo. I bard. ll.4SAaVI.MS: No.
I hard. U .oaci rC'a: No. 4 hard, .-tc(b1 l.
fOB.I-No. t white, rnn4e: So. 4
white. fiAHr: Ne. I color. iiBtc: No.
a yeHoW,. ftSotmc; No. 4 yeikiw, .lc.
Nu. f. 13e. No. 4. S't4Ic; no grada.
rd, tliH-: No I while. Hesi'.c; No.
i while.. rAVrOUe: Kn. I yellow, j(rS;,u.;
tn. 4 llow. a,iKe. .
H A RJ..KT Waiting. MrMI.S: No. 1
I baavier feed, Kre.
r.rE-Ka. t : N a, twi.
farloi Reeelpla.
Wheat Corn. Oats
... 1
4S .
t feicago
btlnnea polls
lululh ......
Prtesa aa sara af Trade.
' CHICAGO. ah, -tneearary that an
r rear buahrla or mors had
lava rsads la computing farm reserves
,'aueed a sharp brass, today In the pries
( wheit The doss was a full rant un
der the top point ef the session and
' ,e to He below last nisi I. Ijateet trad
'i m left corn at an adrancs of StrSc to
-'r. and oata varying from We down tu
up. In provia.una the final range
I reuheu from 4c decline ts a guln of
rleammlaslon' hones aelMng of
A. heat prsoeded ths corrented report uf
ins eatlpsued amount of reserves heid on
fartna lt developed that ths atatletirlan
:l nglnally raapontlbls for the aenaatlonal
figures-wtru:h yeaierday stirred up ths
I rain trade of the world had found on
. aaekinr rver hie data a mistake uf bs-
iwsea jg4US.(M and K.UXXOB buahala. Tma
t uit tisj.t'. reserves attotiid be im.nn..
1 to ia.lM buaheta Instead of M,u3S..
I In a few ntlnutes all ths fraah art.
anee ains Ian night faded away. He
l wren tt opening and eloss May ran red
:rom Huw4t to H . with the time
in. the and sisady at fl.tWVa. loss of lair
It net.
I Attention la lbs oorn crowd waa
.iMiefly on tlis fast that ths July delivery
ii ad passed ths May In ths atrongeel
laHl of 1 lie year and rsmainsd at a ure.
. il'im.. fcfoth month touched a new
I tel for tlis crop. May fluctuated from
.jSirame to 'c. eloatng eaay betause
I.' sale to reehea, but So higher than
last sight. Cask grades were (lira No.
t yellow waa quoted at 4o'vc for oar
lt waa a nervous Irres-ular market In
aaia, truialile llmlta touched for May
were BfeftUSo and Woufo. with the
liots at iiftc. a not kiss of a shade.
niter trading ceased pork and ribs
k 4ie , iiiK itanged to so down, but lard
. lo vko up,
I 1 ne realms imhuct .p.w ,m.w
I t.u'ta. rM- i lis. t-loea. a .
. Mw.hww ikjiw, ne!l!VS
July W'9';i7S4fJl wCMSBVIitiSiyJi
l4'l '.( 44tl
r'!.rn L. - J - L,
July; 'ywjjjl Tlvwtas! ifl
au ui.-ii I Oil. dUteata.i
uata. i .
-epttlSa..- aWel
perk. I
.11 ma
i lss
. stay.
. dept . I
t ta
4iltl 41S
la Z
f e
U JS It 47S
IS7 1
1441 l(t I I a tm
It 111 I I 11 T,-nX
itoba. a t'rd: future irtrady: March.
t 0,d; kiay, . sad; Jutv, wt.
PiiRV-Sikii UMUiv: Amerhrsn mizeo.
new ss 4d: American mUed. old, 4a lid:
American ml led new. kiln dried. 4a id;
futures, strong: March. H I1,d. May;. 4.
t)a4atlsBS af the Tkay n Varlsaa,
K-eoH-K; winter patent?. $4 i4-W: sprlnd
c;ears. J4.3tie.: Ksnase ra;gnia. e..a
4t.ta. Rye tlsur, unlet; fair to good. -t.:
choice to lancy, iiiOciS. Buck
wheat flour, dull. IU4
CORNMEAI-Steady: fine whfta and
yelkiw, l.jl.70. roans. 31.L40; . klla
dried, r -a. . ,
KYE-gu(: No. 2, Jc c I. f Buffalo.
HARLKr-fiteady; malting. tLZifii.&
c I. f.. Buffalo. .
WTlB-iT Spot marvet ateaoy; ao. a
ee,t 11 U9k elevator. eaDnrt basia. and
LiHt. f. o. b. afloat. Futures market
opened firm on the strength abroad and
further coveting, but weakened late un
der Houldation. dus to a reduction of
SOVuuO bu. In one of yesterday's bulllfh
Imgnlirity and Dullseu Apis
Dominant Featorei Earl.
tsanietlagi Advices Coaeerwtag tae
.Bacltah gtrtke Ckwak tpwarl ,
Mstemeat aad 4iasstlse
Remains laaattled.
' NEW XORK. Teb. . Irregularity and
dullness were again ths dominant features
of tha stock market today until well Into
the afternoon, when prices of ths specu
latlve tavorlte3 moved upward dedalvely
under the lead uf Amalgamated Copper.
wlilon-reached a new high lev-el for the
preeeat movement. In the early pan or
lbs sees too ths movement was checked by
lenftlctlng advices from Uondon respect
ing the coat strike tituatloa. I'P to ths
private re porta on farm reservea, closing Idoee of the market thla question re
prices being fcWe not lower, stay cieaeo
at II as ts-lg. July at 11.611,.. market atead". No. X T?&.
elevator, domeatlu basis, to arrive.; ea
purt. Tl'.c I. o. b. afloat, e'utures roar
ket nortilnal. t market steady. ' Foturss
market nMnlrai. '
IIAV-steady: prime. II No. 1, H
j:i. No. . 1 lol ; No. J. SI 4S.
MlliES-Steiuly: Central America, Sytc;
Fogota. a':iiiVr. I '
l.t..TIiKlt-l"irni; I emlock flrrti. K
K: eecoiiiia, ?4i -
PKOVIPIOX8-Fork. nulet: men. $11
6 IT .-u; lnnili). l Mu Is..; sletrt cleart.
i:.wilIS5rt. taf. ateaiiy: nieea. 1J.
I so; rsnnly. ti.vnA.w; ueet tisma. :i.av
tbL9.!'. Cut meat a, east; pickled belli,
II to 14 iund, tKi: pickled hams, iii.w.
lard, steady: middle west pi .me. .0
; refinod. quiet: continent. 9 3; noutb
Amenta, rnuti: compouno. at,.a.tfri.i.t
'r H.l.ilW-Dull: orinie CUV. Illid..
IC ea: iieclal. pi to; t-mintry. M.IhS..
IU TTLH tvce.pis, aK liags., procesa.
sieclal. :;fiic: extia. JtUjc.
I tlr.E.r newipta. r-a pane.; roeraet
firm: atmte. whole milk. held, pec'an.
while, lac; dairies, fall and earlier, beat,
KOGS Receipts. Zl.Oi . cases; mantet
weak; fresh gathered, extras, Mac;
first. 7c; seconds. 3i-V,c; Western,
gathered, whites, JitlSgc.
polLTmr-liresard dull: weitara
chickens. IZSfelfe; fowls, UH91v; tur-
kava. E:ic. Alive, dull: weatero chick
ens, 12c; tow la, li,VTc; turkeys, lie. I
t. LoeU General Market.
ST. IjOL'IH, Mil.. Feb. a.-WHEUT-Caah.
hibber: tra. k. No. red, 4l.lt4)
t.UVi: No. 3 har.l.
COHN-Hlgher; Hack. No. , 4Ji1i!;
No. 1 white. KatreiV.
tlATS-Hlgher; track, No. t Mr; No. !
w hile, 4C.
Closing prices of futures:
WIlWA-N-lawrr. May. 11.04 ,1.S:
July. MSStMHc. ,
ttuiN Higher; ar, inc: juiy. mc.
OATit-Mteatly; May. tic; July, 4Jic
RTB-l'nchanrd; sic.
.ltl'R HtamAv: rMl winter naieata.
.VH-75; extia fancy and atralgnt. tl.H)
spt k: hard winter clears. H-JUfJ.e.
PKKii rmiotliy, iiu.uuvi&aa
H1LAN Steady; lacked, east track,
. rills'.
hat firm: umoiny, .i.tMo-. w, prai
rie. 13,litl o)
HltuVlsloMa-PorK, uncnangeq; joo-
blng. Sift!, l-erd, am-'hanged: prime
it-am. W.4WK!i. t'ry salt meat a un
changed: Uied. extra shorts, tt 14:
olear ribs. IX.W; ehort clears,
Ramn. unchanged; boxed, extra snorts.
Sk ills,; clear rtlM, .i:stl short clean,
l-uriTHY-FIrm; chickens, tic: spnngi,
14c; turkrva. 14c; din k", lee; geese, 4c.
BI;TTR Hrm: Mc. -if
KUUS-Lower, .'IV.
twceiTxs. ontpmentB.
Flour, bbl..
Wheat, bu. .
Corn. no...,.
Oata, bu
... Ml
... Ti.OW
mained unsettled.
Karalng of Colon Pacific for January
allowed a decrease In gross of So2s,0M
which.' by reason of Increased cost of
operation Increased to a net loss of
KDI.QM. southern Pacific managed to In
crease its groaa returaa by a slight mar
gin, but the net returns decreased tEl.Of.
Reatirng for the same month recorded a
tie, lose of llOMM. which waa mors than
aetitra Used by th eproflts of the coal and
iron company. Chicago gt Northwestern
lwt 1MI1,0I In operating Income. Its de
ficit, after fUsd cbargea, being Increased
by. yX.M- Ktie operating Income de
creased oer IMI.OOe. Canadian 1'aclflc re
ported a net increase of $4Z7.!W.
Tiat bond market wa again featureless,
aalae .from Its steady lone. . Total sales,
par value. a4Tl,4(n. United State bond
wdre unchanged oa cell.
Njmber of sales and leac:ng quotation
en (ockt tsday were aa follow:
. . i . . , galea. Hlsa. low. Caws,
lllla-riiilalari' p(4 SM I 4 4
AMIruave Cbeser ... Jl.en W 47 47
Aaamcae astaiiliaeal
ABMrkaa neat, Begar....i
Kaaaae City Urs-a and Prevleleos.
-Cah. Ml higher: No. I hard, II H
ttl.M; No. . fVill No. I red, Nf
we; No. I. KWu;
C0RN-mlc higher: No. t mixed. r
ate; No. 4. 4So; No. I while. 47V.';
No. 1, 477V- mm 1 ' .
Cloning prices of future":
WH BAT May, ll uDSvOl OvS. bid; July.
UtliV. seller . ' . ;
tXiHN -May, JSc; ielleri; July. 41,
sellers '
OATH-Htrnng; No. I white, NQUKeS
No. I mixed. UVfMV-'. I .
RTK-il4c, , ,
IIAV Hteadv: choice timothy, l.W(
a M; choice prairie. H4.SOttli.0v.
BCTTKR-4:reamery. !r; firsts, J4e;
eoonder Be; pai klng alock, te. ' ,
KlXa-i-Kxtraa. f I rata, , OWf
J4c; seconds, Wc. - at. - A .. F. M pM.
neoriliis. onifmreme. at. & w
Wheat, bu HM 4P.iWiat.iu JW. f4..'....
Corn, bu 4l,on , 7t,nn ! 4het-entai4 g. I,
a. bu 1Z.WU J,IM aaita. rvw
Aeieriraa tea -
aawrtaaa C
AMtku IVtteq Oil
Ateerlrn M. A U st4..
Ami tie) aaearltlae.
Asjetl 4a UasaHt
Amar1.'ta Is. era all ra ....
Aaenoia A K.:
Aw. ,. m n. r't
Am. steel rotmirle
Aav str Rtrniag......
Aaiarliae T. A T
Amtrlran TMS''ea pr4....
Aatarlraa Waelaa
ADaienaa, 4tialQg 0....
Atchlana 7.
Ateklaa em- :.!::..:...
Atlaatla Ceeat tlae
(tlliwera 0lo
getaieaaai Stael
araealre Rseld TT....J..
tna4iaa Partfi r
lYatraj litailier ..'
ceatral Lastasr' aid..;...
Central al Ka Jersry...
COaMnaaka 4k Okie.
Imitate A Allaa. ..
CUlraaa 0. W.. aee
taUaea G. 'W. b't
"kl,as A K. w
I !. M. A it. P....
r.. r . r It, L
(lalaraae P. - A I
IMereae A aoelMra....
rnwlldata4 Oaa
twra rreetirit ,
Detaeara A H tat are
flaavar A Ale arises....
n a R. n ari .i
DtWIHerC aeaarlllea ....
e, ,
svla'let .;..,:
Krte J4 .at.....'.,
Oaaeral r.le.-trle '
Oral Nnrtkara ST4
Oreai . Karthera Ore cua. ,
Illinois I'enlral
InU'ratroulh Mel'. ,
later Met., el,..! ... i.,
Imarnallensl Harteeter.
IMSrMaHna tea
letereatlaaal siaar ....
laiarnatlAnal timp
I.aa XWiual
Ktnaaa CHr kautbera...
K, O.t sti..,
larteee OM
laanavlHs Naahetlle...
Mlaa. A t. Uaala
St.. St. e. A i. M...
MteMarl. K. A T
M .; K A T K4.. ,
Mlaararl Paatfla Plaralt'
Natiesal law'
N R. R, al M 14 I4.
N York central
N Y.'. 4k A W...I
Nart.U A mtaUra....
Narlk Aawelcan
Snnhera Paetna'.,,
rarlfla Ml.,i
Peosia (Ma '.r.... ......
a. n -u
Pittnairtk al
ral steel (.V ......
raiiaian Paiaue car
k.llaar .Waal ar,M....
Raaeiug s.
RtaiHa gteat
Rrtaullla ileal if4...
kork lalkn 0 ...
Rack Was OS. rl.
l.est 47
w in; IK
an UN ua
m lit. li
m S Mi
4.SS T5N1 Tt4
let m iana i"k
l.tet tl ttlUj ins
11.14 Utai 1UI( W'l
11 7s s n
t.eot MS S at
t hat ins 1414 UIV.
m im tea 14
aw tils IKS
l.we ls 1 ins
l.tai TS 7N Tea.
oa nes ta mi
t M its is i'H
I.aa n
r let
Tt4 71
l.SM IMS leu, MS
' S
M 14 Z4',
.! I44H 1 I us
' l"t
34 WS H
Mia US
lee us' 11 4i
'.iw w4 ls
2.14 lav ire lrs
w tw 1US lS
ISS lis !
T.4U4 US
IN MS ii
l.tet lMI 141
lltt l!
,r... a .tiintailows wwrs aa follows;
rUM'R-rVm; winter patents, 4 WtJ
1: winter stralglita. SJaa-. spring
iwtenta. tt-mttm, spring Mraighta, KM
14 bakers, . .
bAKULi-Keao or mixing, stkjfwc; fair
4u.rniw malting. 1.13afl-J-
BKtDd- Timothy. IU.a!4Jt: clover,
lit.u'ei'i isx
IHoVl(ION-Me pork, new, H.STi;
4d. i;LUS lrd tla Uerosa), tSaJt
khort.rtba Ooaee), ttJa.
Total claaraares of wheat and flour
ware aqwal to MM bu. Primary rs
rmpt Were 4tta bu., sawapared with
,) be - the cea-reepoadlng day a year
kgo. ltbMtad receipts (or tomorrow:
Wheal." cars; corn, a4 ear; oata, lli
bar.: hege. Ja. head. '
. cotossv (. r-noes Wheat: No. S
led. I'.IHul at: No. I red. aw-CllH.
' No. I haru. IICtfLg; No. I hard, ll.j
ill 43. So. I noruiera. ILMajLU; No. I
rwnherti.Tn earat; No. I avrtng. ILXj
I at, No. t spring. sra41-T: No. 4 spring.
lcli.M: -velvet ehsXi. ptrejgl : durum.
' ' Cora: K. K aaaW,t; No. I
white, ,kfle; No. yellow, l'vtc;
- !ii 4, w.-ro2c: No. 4 watte. tiMr3ac;
Ka 4 yellow. 4losar. Oats. No. I
Vklts al iJWS.: No. I whits. iMtc: No.
I 4Aac: -No- 4 white. GH&c; ataodanl.
U4gW. '
Bvw: No. 2. 4V- Barley: tlMftJ.
unoUir aesd: all-MejlAis. Clover seed:
Mew f. n . ,
tCTTE-rt ejteaay; iiaiim lea, agae;
. Mlaaeapalle Oral a Market.
11 MSI July. tl.v7S01.e7H; cash, N4.
1 hard. ll.W'k: No. t northern. 11 .Ms
1 osv No. 1 northern, Il.tK'.tl'l.orH; No.
, ll tJii.
8KKI) Flax. KWH. . ' ; 1
B A RLKY 7'41.2i. .
t'ORN-No. J yellow, fiJC. I i
OATS-No. I wlllts, rstraC. , ' '
KTB-No. t iC. ;
BRAN-gi(a50. 1
FUrlH First iiatrnts. .Vi.; sec
ond patents, 44.1434 d: first clean, U 4M
ili, second clean, i:.30tr2 '.
Philadelphia Produce -Market.
MiiUAiiKLPiiiA, Fee, s.-atrrreR
Quiet; printa 1c lower; weotern creamery,
pe. lei. 33c: extra. Sic; nearby printa, Mc.
Kia3tt Ninety rente per case lower;
Pennsylvania, and nearby first a, freaoaae.
IA4 per case; current receipt, free cases.
4V1Q per csae; weatera firsts, free cases,
at w per caae; current receipts, free case,
p.1 ier esse.
CHkirK-firm. Nw lorg run creams.
fancy, lUUl4Sc; fair to good, 17H-ilc.
Mlleraakee urata Mara.
I northern, tl.tOQI U: No. J northern,
llihtjlww; No. 1 hard winter, tlCOfl.vt;
May. lltil-.niet: July, asSc.
CIIRN-Xo. J vellow. ssiac; No. I white,
g.Sc; No. J. V: may. KSo; July. ovS
tiA r-H-e-ianaato. .c'sti-'. ..."
KARL.BV Malting, 1 20U13.
aw fit it ti iS
let it s las
. let I4 41
x tat tS W tat;
let it 144 lets
AM 1144a 1I4S II4H
... 4at tt tl 444
.... l.xto tars text Ms
tea n ;is S
... let Ills "tla ll'S
... X it it ais
.... l aw ltJl Ills ins
... tat lets IHS leis
, we lets ItiS, M
let IT IT "4
Ma w jt ts
4.. Ill
... M.rat tus lit s lets
... Ait i:S us us
... I.4W w 41S ;H
.J U lTli
tH MSS 14S 1H
Lie a nv , is
1.4M TtJ T3 T1S
l.ret Sis MS 17
tat n n 11
ia 11 11 irs
tm its n4
trial lets IMS tats
1.44 MS MS
Aautaem Rallear
a. Kallr U4 ........
Taanaaaw fVwper
Tttaa A Paelhe..-.;...:.
T..' kit W
T . IU U W. I4....
rttletl rarteie '..I;
Uaknu raainr M
VnthM Siataa Realty....
raitaj' atalat ltattav...
I'Mtat 11414. steel ...... 144. K 41V MS 41
i'. a ateai an...
t lak Mcr. ,
vi a-vnuina rhattlcal ..
Weheeli af4 .........
Wtetera' ttarrlane
W'aitliskMaa Sletuie ..
Waatara ttuen
Wkaaltni a U
Lakta VaUar..
CSIaa Otesat
Ray itoaaoiiealei
Astarleaa Va .,
Total atlea ter the ear.
I allies, tsmmc
aXKi sWoeipta.
l Market
Included. 21413c.
IrdnaT flrsta. atate: first. WMfjio.
CUKJrtK eSy; dalstea. 17Hbi:v;
reins, leif: Taring Amerteaa. lis
BHc; lesg herns, 17sjrrsv
PuTATOET ateoanna, 41 ears. Market
riea4. Uieooasia. B4Na)l.l, Mlcaigaa
and 'in?XM,
POI LI Jtl JTren. Turkeys: Lire, lie,
tiesiit lie. Chleksca: live lac; dreaeed.
Ac. -SpriBga: Uve, WSe; dreeeed. 14c
VIAi-aneady at 1Uc
' reearla Mmrtret.
FBOMIA, Fee. a -CORN-Higher; Ne
torhPa. Mot Ne. I yellow. Oe; No. 4 yel
w. ; Na. I tadxed, Mc; No. mixed.
. Oit.T-Higheri No. 1 whKe, b3ie; Mas),
lard. fc, Ne. I white, ale.
.verpeaal (Irala Market.
! UVFIRPOOU Feb. .-WHBAT-8pot.
rm; Ne, i Maatteb. la V; Ne. I Matt-
Metal Mrrket, ' .
Standard cupper, atead'; spot, $14. Itefj)
14 174; March.' IU UVhUS: April, H41714
(f .4 1... May. 114.17 ViW Jife: June. I14.17H
411484. Lumloa market, strong: apot IM
la etl; llures, iH las Id. Arrival' re
ported at New York today, lli tans, t's
tom Itouee return show exports of 26
ton so far this month. Lake copper, $1430
ti 14 :i: elKtrolytlc. l.tVO-nlLCw: caatlad.
Ill 5714.1'P. Tin. eaey; spot. Hi 44
43.12; March. V4irjj4.1 Ik); April, eti K9
cut; Mar, HlC'Ttn-.TS: June. 141. Hi
11 to. uoodon market,; spot, tltl 4a:
futures, fit aa. luteal aaiea ten ront;
March W.27V iawd.- quiet, KMV4.1.
New Tork: UWrUi.'T'v. katst tit. Lu ult.
tawdon, ill Is eoeiter, steady, M il
4.7a New York: .M bid. East St. Loma.
London. fSI Ma. Antimony, quiet: Cook-
son's, I7.M. Iron. Clevelsnd warranla. K
7td London. Locally. Iron was quiet: St,
r foundry northern. 114. raj 14. ; No. I.
I14.94ri47i: No- I .southern and No. I
out hem soft. l14.7MrlS.Za.
tT. LOI W. Mo.. Feb. S.-METAL
Lead, strong at KM; spelter, strong at
P.. !
reltet Market.
tures market doeed quiet at a net ad
vance of I to point. Sales. 1I75 bags.
March. Ur: April and May. Hate: June,
U-Mc; juiy, 11-Ac: August. U.410; aeptem
bar. 1141c: October. November. Decern
bar and January. 1141c; February, llsvo.
Boot coffee, quiet: No. T Rio. 14rc: No. I
Hantoa. usc-Mlid, dull; Cordova. IstjIJc,
Dry Coosa Market.
Tne cotton good markets bM nrn with
trading moderate. Staple ginghams
branded bleached cottons, wide aheettnga
and other staples are well sold for two
months March deliveries are wanted
promptly by large tobbers. Retailers are
buying dress goods steadily. Yarns rul
Una, with business moderate ta light.
Waal Market.
8T LOCI. Mo.. Feb. U.-WOOL-Afesdy:
territory sml western mediums.
la'aiSc. (in med:uma, Ii4jfl7c; flue, leUc
t.te ies 174
a.toe 41 lis ITS
IBM 414 MS 4T4
- m im ns 71
l.KI 444 44 44
tM TS 441
4. Tat 14IS U i 141
I BM 1 gS. KS US 17V , ITU
1.1M 144 MIS
w,w Yark Meaty Market.
mVrw 'YORK. Feb. . MONTCT-On
oil. .aiesdr. al Ji.iti.'S per cent: ruling
rate. . IH. per cent; cloning bid. ?S per
cent : offered at IS per cnu 1 ime loans,
4,. atatv dava. itaejl per cent: ninety
day, a per cent, sis mwua, j
h.9n-: "..'.'-.t, .
rRlai i aastnt. a. u . i.n-riv
i per cent.
Si-rVllIJNa EXCHANC.E Steady at
decline, with actual business In bankers'
bills At I S4 for alxly-day bills and at
$4 ST 10 for demand; commercial bills.
itlLVEV-Bar, HSo: Mexican, dollars,
BONDft-Oovernrnent, ateady; railroad.
Head) ' ,
Cloting quotation on uonus iwj
aa follow: ....
0. a re) n.ieg...iSleter. M. M. 4144 ..
ee.etutea lSJata at 4.S
t.g. av raj.. 1S o 4Sa S
eo-ouean ;-. -r.. .
V. . 4a. rat wsw u .a. w list... as
a eoaaaa . . a . ai ....
aina-Cbal. lit U.... W M. E. T. let 4a.. Ms
ABWr: av; IIS 4a tea- 4Sa S
t T 4 t . . U. IUSata. is.ine 4a S
am TtsVe 44. SN. It. R. at M 4rrs
UaMllry this week to 45. W per cent: last
week It waa es.aa per cent.
s - -
Lataelssi Stswk Market. .
IINDON. Ft. a-Amerlcan eecuritle
opened quiet and about unchanged today.
Trading waa light and aiicee moved Ir
regularly during the first hour. At noon
the market was quiet with values ranging
from V above to 4b below yesterday
New York cloatng
London closing stock quotation:
OaateM. aaaaey ...74 T-HLawMrine at eee.,i7s
aa aceeaat n li.wiaa., aaa. at m-
..! rasear M Nw Terh Central. .Ills
Xturta":."; Tttsertalk m Waafallis
Alkl-a tT aa aM ........... M
aa a4 IMSOatatie A Weatera- a
hhtaa. a Okie.. 144. raaaarrraala 41
ajSnailaa PaeUM .XUSRaa Mlaae 4
caaawaake A Oala. ttSRaUtng JS
Ckl. Great weewra. la saata mr - " a
cal.. mil A St. ss nt
IU Smt. ivsretnere PaetOe ..lets
Dai err m Ktm O....T! Imum fSeltie 1J)
4e pM 4JS a. M.. MS
ana nv. A aiatl 4is
a. let K - t:s a. tl "lit
4e N pM 4tsWahaik
Oraa Trank S ea M
ultaokt Ceatral ....Ut
81LVER Bar. quiet at d per ounce.
MONET 43'i per cent,
Tiie rate of discount In the open mar
ket for short bills la I 7-lxalSj per cenU
for three months' bills, 1 a-letjri per
eetaa Sleek Market.
NEW YORK. Feb. S.-Cloaing quota-
en atocks were as to' kiwi:
Allaeei tlSMoasan
Aaal. Caspar CSNernee Co
A. g. U A SMB!eine Mlaaa ..
I 4 r. r. I 4 k TSNona aaite
Elite Cealklaa .... KSNartlt Lake
(al. A anaeea 4ISOM Dowlalsa ...
aiSI. A Hecie. tae tawaata
XI ualacy
la Bhaaaee
12 iaearter
US.taearler m B. M.
4STaaiarack ...
u v: a-a M
'S ae pr
BSVtak Cee.
I t ut Oapesr'Ck '..
Of. Kaaae C. C ...
Faat Belie - ..
Otraax Can.
Oraaar taa
enreeae Caaanea .
lata Kerala Cesser.
Kerr Lake
Uke Caster
La Hal la raster...
Miami Opeae ....
rgi-tlvleeBS. t
I WalTRine
.. 44
.. :W
.. its
.. its.
.. us
.. It
.. 47s
.. IIS
.. ItH
... TS
Bat Cattle Stttvdy, Othen .Slow to
. Some Lawer." U . '
fheep aad lumbal Bsage i All .the
. War frasa :Btewdy. la as 'Mack .
aa Tew j ta . Flfteea
' Cat Lower. ; , -
Receipt Were: - Cattle. Hogs. Sheed.
Official Monday ..: I W lil
Official Tuesday...:..'. 1ST) . 1 HI till
uncial Wed nee. lay .... 4,143 1714 ll.IH
Estimate Tnursday ;.. .!. : a.M l.aet
Four days thla week.ii 7 StMl Mlt
Bam day last week .'.lietd H ill tl.M
8am day 3 w'k ggo.-M tll 71atl . 3MM
Came day S Wk a go.. 14 Ul cl M AtX
Sams dsa 4 ka ago.H a4 9L4. M.TII
ama day last year. ..!,: . jam . wai
Th foilotruwi tabla stow the receipt
of cattle, nogs and Iheep at South Omaha
tor the year to date, ai compared witn
lal year: ......... .....
lilL lac. Dec!
Cattle ITS. u.iM WsH
Hogs .......r.T7.ra) JT4.41I tUBM
Sheep CJ7 37,ea g fc;
Ths follotrlnt tahls thaw th range ef
price paid for hog at South Omaha for
the last lew gay., with ootnpensona.
aa mr ... I M
7 u u 4 4
W It4 ... M
174 ... 4 4,
n ne sis
Tl in ... tw
V iw- I
tl.. ..... ... i
w m
Date, i m:..iitn.!ii.iirt.npa.nw.iM.
l-rt). istU; ;W14 alIM
Feb. 9 I C aV,lt I lV I im (
Feb. 24. I 4 M I l I :l 4 11 I 7 i
Feb. M. ikvii a j, 1 1 U I Mil It
Feb. r,. I Si i 1 14 4 h 4 74i I 44
aa e ,.... .iarsN. T. u. JSa... its
Aralaar A C. I'k.: " aa era ta .i m
itraiet tea. W tw. N. i n. H a
4a ., 41.. ....... i-i ar. aa ...... ... .j
a. 'rv 11... ..'....leTVM. A W. 1st a 4a.. rt
A. C. U' tsl 41..... WS ev. w wts
at. A Okie 44 M- Na raaltH 4s. let
Seise aa m
a. a w.-tsa....... ttso. a U r w ... s
graok. T ' e W... WSreaa ea. tse int.. K
acaa. r g- 1S can. a. iw
aa. tsalket W .... tsSAeaaieg are. 4a MS,
C at B. 1. 4a... UlS. U A a F. Cg. MM
lV A Oele 4SS-.M1S 4a gee. la. - MS
. est trsst. u a w. c. 4ati
aotatsa A. A. waa. as -ea tei gata aa.... rrs
c a A. Q i.....i'is. um. w.... its
a. aaal at: '. WSaa. Pee. eaL ts..... ess
o.tlHk4 as ev, M
C ll. 1. A t.M.. av Tl a 1st rat. W W
Aa rfk W aa ev. fnairvar aa. leas
CW. lnl M .Tt . a gee. 4a . 7s
ara Mii. w wsvetee raetne 4a-...iee
OA A r. A 4Ht ITS. a ee. ta. 1M
D. A H. e. ai ws a m e err. m.. v. a
tg 11.4 at at r. a waaear aa....iat
. ns c steat an ae...iex
rMetiiierr m nsva-car. Oew. u. ies
ne p 1. 41 ars-taaaae tat
age gee. W.. .'..... "s ee let ex. aa.... I
ao tr ta. ear. A.. M Weatera MA 4a
sa aertaa.a Tl West. Wee. ev. la.. MS
Ota. Bee. e. IS....1W Wis. Oaatral W M
III Can m rat 44. Ms Ma fee ev. to.... arS
later. Mat. IS BSraaaMS W Wile
agio, "uirtran.
Baak et Eaglaad Stateeaeat.
- TiiKnoN Feb. 9. Tha weeklv state
ment of the Bank of England show th
foUowlng cbauiges.
Total, reserve. d4wreased. fUlVOM: clrcu-
llatlon, increased, CsH. txa; bullion In-
mull, fitam: stoer aacuntiea ln
creaeed, 11.517.4011; other deposit In
creasett t4.447.0W: . public depoatts de
ureaeed. tl.la7.B: notes reserve de
creased, govemmect aecuritie de
creased. ,.
TbcprdportloB of th bank' reserve to
New York Mlalsg Stocks.
BOSTON". Feb. IS-Cloatng quotation
Hon on mining Mock were:
Ilea 'Utile Calet a -
Com. Tunnel weak.. II Marlres aw
as, eoaee 14 Ontario 11 .
Ov CM. A Ya W Oeltlr 141
Iran Ullrar l manoire '
ateadrilie caa it renew J atari
Bank Clearing.
OMAHA. Feb. a -Bank clearing for
uutav wera tlTJT.tMM. and for th cor-
resdondlng day last year, ttTya.eaaet,
RCTTER-No.' i. 1-lb. cartona. V: Sa.
1. la eV-lb. tuba, SHc; No. 1, Jc; psckltig.
Me- ...
CHEESE imported bwius. arc; Ameri
can Swiss. 3tc; block Swiss, lie; twins.
3n: daisies, ; irtpista. avo; young
Ameticsna. He; blue label brlik, Co; Um
ber ger. Mb., !0c; 1-lb., lr.
POI'LTRY-Broller, .. 00 per dot ;
ptinga, lie: hen a. 14c; cocks, lOcj duck I,
Uti'JOc. gees. 16c; turkeys. 29c; pigeon,
per dot . 11.2. Alive, brollera. USo, iien.
lilac: old rooatera and tage. lo: ld
duck, full feathered. He; geese, full feath
ered, 10c i turkey. I4c; guinea towia, wo
each; plgeona. per do., c; lioroer aex
doa, 1J, aquae. No, 1, 11.40; Nu. X
We. -
FISH fresh froten)-Pickerel, Tc; whit,
lor; pike. 7c; trout, lie: large cripple,
uttllc: SpanUh mackerel. 7c: eel, lie;
eiaddorka, lao; flounders, lie; trreen cat-
flih. 14c; roe triad, II earn; ansa roe. per
palr, sue; salmon. 12c; halibut, 10c; yellow
perch, lc; buffalo, c; bullhead, 11c :
BEEF CUT PRiCES-RIb: No. 1. ltVio;
No, i. III40; No. a Hrc Lolnl: No. t.
lie; No. 1. HV'i Nu- U4c. Chuck
No. I. c; No. t, 7c; No. I, 7140.
Round: No. U HHAc; No. t Vtc: No. i.
M. Plat: No. L 4 Sc. -No. 3.1c; No.
I, SWc- '
FRUITS. ETC.-Appl: ' Exftr fAdcy
Ben liavls. per bbl., IS s. Jonathan, pgr
bbl., M M; fancy Wlneaap. par bbl., U;
fanoy Miasourt PlppUia, per bbl,.i.7S;
fancy Oanoa, per bbl., K, Idaho Jens
than. sxtra fancy, par box, 1M; Wash,
ington bpltaenberg, per box, MM; Wath
Ington P.. Beauty, par box, B; WsH
Ington Sty man Wlneaape. per box. MM.
Bananas'. Fancy select, per bunch, tt tfaf
tat. Jumbe, per bunch, , 41 Tlvl.TS. Crag
berries: Wisconsin, fancV. per bM.,.;
per box. A7a Dates: Anchor brand,
sew. 1-lb. pkgs. In boxes, per box,
list: Dromedary brand, aew. M 1-lb.
pkgaAIn boxes, psr box, KM Flga. C'All
(uriUa. per ease of U No. 13 pkg., K;
per case of No. 11 okga, ., per caet
of M No. pkg.. lint', bulk. In And
Mlb. box, per lb., 10c; New Turkish,
t-crown In 20-lb. boxes, psr lb., lie; I
erown In 20-lb. box, per lb., W; J
crown In 10-lb. boxes, per lb., lie. Oraee
fruit: Florida, M eiae, per crate. Hod;
44 at, per crate. M M; -4-44 slse. rail
crair. eft. 1 . tu .un.
tkMajrAM. Ltmona: Llmoneira telocted,
brand, extra lancy, sw-aw aixea, per uox,
44.04; Loma Llmoneira. fancy, MV-MO
aixea. per box, vi. 24 and 4JI alkea, Mic
per box less. Oranges: California Ca
mellia brand, navels, extra lancy, M-I24V
In0.i;4-3M-21-Sai aixea, per box, US; extra
choice, all a l tea. per box, tTatj; Elephant
brand. lJ-liu-i;-2W-214-21iO alaen. per bug.J
V EJ ETA B l.ES-Cabbaite: Wiaconiln,
per lb., tc. Celery: California Jumbo, per
dox., 11.0. Cucumbers: Hot houBe, per
dot., .'04. Egg plant: Fancy Fiends,
per dsn., 12.00, Garlic: Extra fancy,
white, per lb., 13r. Lettuce: Extra fancy
leaf, per do., etc. Onion: California,
white, boiling, per lb. 1c; YMacomltl,
yellow (llohe, per lb., I'ec: red Globe, per
lb., IHc: Hpanlsh, per crate, Para
lev: Fancy aouthern. per dog. bum lies,
50tr7Sr. polatoea: Minnesota Early Ohio,
par bu., 11.44: Wlaronaln white itock. Her
bu.,; in 10-tack lota. 6e Iras. Ruts',
hagas: In sacks, per lb., IS5. Tomatoes:
Florida, per 4-bak. crate, pi.00; Cuban, per
l-bnk. carrier. B " '
M llaCELL AN EOl.'S Almonds: Tarra
gon, per lb., Utvec; ID sack vts.-1e lees.
Cocoanuta: Per aack, $..). Filbertk: pgr
lb., 14c: in sack lota, lc leas. Peanut:
Roasted, per lb.. 7s; rw, per lh 4c.
Pecana: Iargr. per lb.. 17c; In eack lot,
lo leas. Walnuts New crop. Hill, Cali
fornia, per lb.. Kc; In sack lots, lc lees.
Odor; New Nehawka, per H-gaL 74 bbl.'.
I3.0H: per Se-gal. bbl., ta.:-New Tork
Molt 1. per lfc-xnl. u bbl.. Wit; per J0-
gal. bbl.. MM. Honey: New, 34 frkmea,
LL7I. Kraut: Per 14-gaU keg, IS TV. per
t-gal. keg. 13.3. 1
E a wore ted Apples aad Dries) Frails
APHIJiS-Quict and prices are steady;
on the spot. taneya,are quoted at 140 to
Itrsc: cnouw. nvirin;: pnine. latoetto,
I'RIEli KRI ITS-Prunes, a little more
a"tive in a lobbing way and prices are
eteaisy: Mtiotaliona range from 4140 to 12c
for California up to 30-40a, and Sc to
13c for Oregon. Apricots. Inactive but
prices are rtrm: choice, I4tyine: extra
choice. 14M1V; fancy. la4li7',c.
Peaches dull, but tendy; choice, 1HW
xNc: extra choice. lltjlUvc; fancy. Ilaatf
11c. Raielna. Inactive and prices are.ab.iut
stradv; loose muecatel. eVtitr: . choice
to fancy, seeded. 7Hc; wdlea, 44J7C;
London layers, ilwolw. ...
Tartaeallae aad Roala.
TINK Firm. Msc: sales. 17 bbl: receipt.
96 bbla.; shipments, e 001a; stock, x-iw
ROSIN Firm: sale. LSI bbla.; receipts,
141 bbla.: shipment. l.M bbl.: stock.
K.37I bbl. Quote: B. K.2H: D.. 14.41; E.
M.7:. F. O and H. 7S. I. t4 ; K.
F 46: M. I7.S; N. I7 M; WO, 17 40;
WW. 17.41. . - - . t
Cettea Market.
closed quiet, I points lower; middling up
lands. 14, 40c: middling gulf. M.4SC: Mies,
31 bales. Future closed quiet and
steady. Closing elds: March. rtX0c;
April, MOIc; May, M.3V-: June, rttlc:
July, M ine: August. Sic: September.
14.33c : October. 14.3Ac: November, 14.40c;
December, M.4ac: January. W.4JC.
"aBdsy. s ( . . , ,
Receipts nd dlpolllon of live atonk
at the Union Block yard for the twenty.
tcur hour ending at I p. tn. yesterday: .
, . 1 RECEIPTS. 1
Cattle. Hogs, Sheep. Mrs
C, M. S. P , 1!
Mo. Pac. Ry I . I
Union Pacltto 4
C. N.-W., II It
C. A N.-W.. west... It 11
C. Mt. P.. M. A O., 11 .17
C. B. A Q.. east.... 14 14
C a Q., Weal.... M Al
C. K. 1. A P., eat 12 .1 .
C. R. I. at P., west I
nilnola Central. .;.. 1
Chicago O. W.. - I , ...i-
Total receipts . ,v am
Cam. Hog. Sheep.
.- IM
' I.
' 21
2. T2I
Omaha Packing Co
Swltt, and Cnmpanv..
Cudahy Packing Co..:
Armour. Co .'.7...
Srhwarta-Bolen Co ..'
Hlnclalr .
W. B. Vanaant Co...'.
Hill Son....... ,
F. B. Lew a
J. B. Root A Co
J. H. Bulla '.:..':...
U Wolf
McCrearv A Kelln
Werthelmer A liegen.. 17
Un , 1 . ,r... ' t.
Cllne 4'brtUr a',..'
vitiaa wvjnm ..,,,,. aa. ,.. ,
Total receipt ...::.l:l -tlMi .' 1.17
CA't i'LE-HMtti rereipts 'wnli - mod
erate were vem fair eonsioerlng that It
waa a Thursday' thet being, all. told. Ill
ear in aiglit. ,Tti total for th week
amount to I4.4T7 heart, a falling off of
I.7VI head compared with last AeVji
and tha smallest of any -week In e king
time. At the nahie Urn other-market
point wert liberally tlipblled and ad
vices none too encouraging. " '- t
Under exlMlruf conditions the feeling 00
the. market thl morning wa very weak,
wlm the prosiiect that cattle might sell,
little lower. It developed, however, that
buyer were quke knxloill foY beef stern
and a a result of th tod Buying de
mand desirable cattle .conUnued fully
teady with yeaterdkv. the best beeves
here selling up to I7.4 On th ether
hand tha medium t. common kind of
cattle for which there wta not o much
competition were 141 On lower. -.
Cowa and' heifer War -ales In good
demand and aa a rill they commanded
steady or vary etoae w ateady pries. 1
Oeed feeder wear -steady rhe ataa Is
they have been. all. ekbut there .waa
some Inclination. 10 neglect the common
kinds of Blocker .aad they were slow
seller with th tendency, of prices week. ,
Quotation on calUt.,, Hood to Che tee
beef steers. At)7l7l; (sir to good .beef
teen, M7l).; common ' to fair beef
tears. W.at4 II:-god to -choice helfert,
I4.uiaj4.74; good- lo chelew cow. M letJeVM;
fair to good rJAtwf i7l; eummon to
fair mm, t2.;fHM; ItnA to choice
tockara and feeder 4, It 4(t.M: fair to
good Mocker and faeoVra, 4. let );
commoa to. fair stocktrl.and fretlera, M.V
t4.; atuck Jieileri, , k aajwlb.. veal
calves, B.JvJ-Mi hulla, iUgl, etc., Ung
lupreeentative aaiea- , .
rBEF -rTDnsHa.
Aa. M.
Oasaka Har Market.
OMAHA. Feb. Jf,-HAT No. L lll:
No. t I11M: ocarte. IU.M; packing stock.
tf.OuG&iw: alfalfa. !.. utraw: r near.
M.M; rye aad oata,
. V
Stack Iw als-al. , .
Receipt of five stock at the five prin
cipal weatera market yesterday: . -
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha. la 21. a) 1.609
St. Joseph .... I.W M.0M 4 (MO
Kansas Cltr.. 7.0OI ) . 7.0TB
St. Lout 1i l.7na tw
Chicago I.4W .
aW gv. ,Pr.
i (tt In;
l ill! 11
a nil iw
li: ..... II 4
8 ......lift 4 tl
IIM 4t4
' !4...... 1144 IN.
1l' in,
...tit 1 n , 11 11 n 4 w
...nw 4 le ' i Im 4 w
...l4t 4 14- II ....1 IW 4 k
.... in la
Ml 4 44
aM I B
,...lrl 4 4
.... lit I W
IN I 41
.... tn 1 M
.iiff. a m tt.
lWg 1 W
... Wl IK
. M4 I W
1041 4M
.147 IB
.. TH ' t W
,. I7T . 4
.. M4 4 W
,. Mt 4 W
..143 4 W
,. let- 4
n.......:.T.mi 1
It . .1441 t tl
Ul W ll ...I4( 7 M -1
4l ,..,.11 lli
i 11:. 1U4 1 W
....MS 4 W '
....1MI I W
....ltn iw
....1141 4 w
....Ml 1 1
174 III
I. Ml I M
II .-.'...11
n .
-- 4..
. K4. 4 tt
lata 4 W
,. 514-t a
I4M -4 B
law 1 tt '
.1211 4 M
. IM 4
. WD 4 W
.141 IT,
t IW 4 .
BIXL8. :
1 id IV - i.-..:.j
1 1W4 Ik .
1 IW 4 W I.......
1 174 I U !....
m ik' . 'i.
1 JU.I74 l....
aa at r..'..
W I ' 1
It 1 re
. 411 IS
..IW 4W
.Ir I W
. ITT I at .
ip I M
414 I W '
,. 144 4 W
,.ltt 4 14
.1434 "I It
W JO ....4W
g 212 ... 4
tT.....rJ4 ....I .
T4 rrt IW m
... tt i
... X.1 .
. 1J
4 W
4 at
' 4W
M r4 ... a
a. wt ...
ti sn ...
rst w 4 14
. X ... 11
w ......:m m 4
M. 22 ... 4 W
W Ttt ... W
M W4 ... 4 M
44. 3M I,
M.....M ... I .
144 ... W
J1......-2M ... IX
W M4 ..
W lit ' l
41 271 ... 4CS
a. 31 M 4 tts
W.......2T1 .;.-
it Ml ... 4W
W I II 2T4 W 4 14
W I W , . 41 Wl W 4 M
r ,pi&-j"
' a m ii Ul WIS
1 SHEEP In moet 'respect, th market
tor- eheep and lamb waa very similar
to vesterdar" ' period. Receipt were
reasonably large but early price on
good to choice stock were well sus
tained aid movement had a fair degree
of activity. Bearish feeling was more
or less pronounced among packers, how
aver, and tl soon as th more attrac
tive, corn-fed ehs raced hands, values
Weakened and closed at moderate de
cline. During th latter part of th
tension.' the demand became dnll. es
pecially for lamb., and ,1101 .clearance
waa rather late. . .
iSuply wa eati mated at over lt.OM bead,
total that Included more medium and
half-finish grade than killers could eoa
tanientlv hande. As a result, effort at
cheapening coat were usually directed at
the Inbetween offerings, various airing
gloving oalewa.rd .at d cell nee of lot) lie.
The Lenten Influence, if ItexlMed, was
frnerslly disregarded In MlUns; circles
tod-supply velum fnrmshed the most
invlnclng. argument, for lower trend.
Karl good Mexican-lamb made an
early top of M-2S while ahort-term west
erns cieersd unevenly within the taw
W6.M ipread.- -Ewea and Ismbe made up
the big bulk of the run and while every
thing carried more Or lee ftnlh, feed
ers are- anildu to -avoid a costly feed
Mil and average quality of the run was
nothing to brag aout. "Jfrood to choice
we ltnded aroundT llTatllM. indlcat
nc a 44.M limit, and th wether and
earllng . market remained ' nominal,
carctty being the only reaaon. r reoer
toek was also hard- to find, th three-
ay' , buy on. country account amount
ing to a modest l.fcu head. ,
Compared with last week' clone, cur
tent prions for. lam ha show tosses of
totjtjc. while eheep are eelllng practlcaUy
In the. seme. notch noted last Friday.
i Quotations on eheerj and lamb Lambs:
rod to rhoice,..(ioa.I5; lambs, fair to
r od. 8 SaHo M: yearlitiga; good to choice,
, OotjtVH: yearling, fair 10 good. H 4BaJ
1 0: wet here., good to choice. M 'I04.M;
wethers. falrto good.; owes,
food to chol., ttnut)-t.l 4es, fair to
( ood. tUkajltia. - -
Kepresentativ aaiea
No. , t 1 . .
t fed lamb
tn fed lamos
fcl red ewea
IM fed' ewes
I fed ewes, culls
ea) fed lamb
U fed we. cull '
lit fed ewes
Mo fed ewe
17 fed wether .'.
Ill fed wether
Ill fed w...
Ik fed ewes
247 few lamb ;
Ml fed Ismhe .......
.a fed lamb, cull
IM fed lamb
3 ted lamb.
I fed lamb '.
34. fed lamb
lot ted lamb-.....'..;
Ill fed lamb
M3 ted tomb'......,:
It fed -lambs- .......... ...'.
li fed lambs
lotted lambs, cult
7 fed yearling ..a. ......
Av. Pr.
,.. It.
,.. 74, I 2t
.. ' 4 M
..IV I 4 0
,.. e its
... 74 I TO
, at
.. n
.. az
.. tu
.. it
.. tr
.. a
.. 17
.. 71
.. m
.. n
.. T
.. 17
.. It
.. II
4 00
4 II
-4.000 1 it m
se.jO -ea,iMrti:"!i'2il
IT 124 ,
IW . 4 - .,--., .
.; .-..-Ttt M M:.r..-:;r..-Til IM'"'
. 4t 4 M 24 M Ik 1
n wt I w n-.. tu im
14. 444 1 2 .... .v.... H I B
HOGS A heavy, belated erep of artow
bound hoes, .coupled with. .unfavorable
advices from ewaterB point A enabled buy
ers to make early purrnasee at rifum
bout 'a ntrkr"To-wT. bin Yhtematla
was too broad and cornpetttlevt Inn brilt
to permit move me fit of bulk at tm de
cline. The market -rtpidir Imnroyed u
der the ttiniulut of free baling and late
alee ruled Iteady to iren little stronger
a compared with yetlerday t gvarag
trade. ... . j
Receipts - were feitdree by . Increaarl
both In oulntttv.aJrd average Weight, ai
mterruptloa IB railway tervJtt .ctualnf a
run of ever tl.M Head, wall liquidation
of well-fed renters' hogt t( aeubtiee
resrpeaxtble for the gregltr proportion of
strong weight butcher and lard otfetihg
In . the sutey.--Leee than -one-half eeMo
total consisted of lltti ouicnar ana stvco
varieties. . ' 1
Packer T-Jrrnsilen 0tl1ffr W bu k
but trading wsa mad ever) mor lively
by a very fair demand freni srilpper and
speculators, wometMng Hke 10 per ceat
of the estimate enortug on onttlde orders.
A creditable clearance belor midday left
only a few late arrival lor a cloeliig
market, that waa more pr lene indifferent.
Beet heavy hogs on tale, brought M M,
Identical with . yesterday' - hign price,
while good butcher sold largeiy at M M
ajg.U. Bacon eiasaes ranged from 35
aownward. the amount of busllieas under
the M roar proving reaUvsiy maU.
Bapreseatatlve aaiea: . '
.ta. av. ta- IT.- Ke. A' aa. Tr.
W U4 ... IB.- 74 W ... 4W
W 177 Mt 4 W I ... 4 w
W 174 ... I W. 41 ttt ... 4
W 171 ... 4 W , ' 5...... t W 4 M .
W 174 ... I W - ... 4 W
a iw 111 I 4t ... iw
a. iw Mi tt w Mt ... -
4a.......r!4 ... !,. j" ... i
a. 11? ... 4 w ..4W w 1 14 ,
ai wt ... 4 W - wt W.4W
t w
4 W-
41 a
-71...... 241
4 tt
..e-t at -
besaaaa - far Oattl ' Eaay Hoge
Fatrlr Aellve beep Weak.
1,404 . bead: .. mark at. easy at decline;
beeves, M.asjAM; Texas steer. M nOtja M;
w extern steer. M4t4fi.w; torkra ana
feaalere. ta.eMt4i.20:' cow nd heifers, CH
AS 46. calve. M.THW.I5.
r n . . ...ann hut- . market
riutro necetH"'. raw. , , -. .
falrlv active Mtiec off: light. M34 44;
mixed, M!t7i; heavy, I4.l0ti4.47w;
rough. W sex w; piga, et.evtfa., om
alra; pi 4U. -- '
bead; market weak; native, HSMrtM;
rt rutt an- tea times. 14 JOB 75:
lambs, native., HMO..; western, HvOtej
Ksasas ritr Lire sHwek Market.
ceipts. J.Oit) head. Including 4M southerns:
market at eaay to nm lower, tow.
and active: dreaewd beet and fo
sisera. taTafjaW; fair to good. M.41S34.M:
Weeiem eteers. taoufflM: Blocker wj
feeders Kto.: tokthern teer, M-SMr
10; sotrthern oowa. . ,.); "
cow. MOiiaaM-, nallv heifers, .7ia8.M;
Dulls. 4.vaat.nw; caivm.1 f r 'V" . .
. . . . , (, . nana hMrf. enarket
steady to to lowers bulk of sales, AI09
t; heavy, MlnfM-tY);- packer, and
tra tr tiers, Wt4;' light, 4.l0t,2l; pigs.
HMI A . mmi
HHtef AM unape-nariifa
head; market strong; lambs, f1:
yearling, H7M1S.: wethers. 4j4.76;
wea, l3.SC4.i. atockers and feeders,
fe7tH. -.- , -
" fcl.'- Lewis Llvs Btswk Market.
ST. LOl'18. Feb.'2.-CATTLIReclpta
to head,. Including l.toa Texant; market
MajiSc lower: native shipping and export
aur e-aonAiji. dreaeed and butcher
eeeera.- MKrh: steers under 1.000
pounds, B.Vfi4 74: atockers i4
fe25r-00.- cows and heifers, t2.7t4.W;
nanner. $2 00109: bulls, HiOgaM: calves,
m otsJwiA; Texa nd Indian steer. 4.
too: -cows .and. heifers. I3.00ttn.ol..
unm RAcainta. 1.700 head: market
steady; 10c lower: pig and HirhtA
aid, mixed and butcher, K40; good
heavy. M.504S .-
SHEEP AND lAMBS-Recelpte. t.M
head; market strong: native muttons. a.l
M. 73: lambs. ..6"Si.Tt: cuua aura oucas,
ll.ioejtai; stoikers. C-OOtja-M,
It. Jeweph Llv Stark Market. '
Receipts, isle) head: market slow, lower:
te.r t4.SO04.OB: rows and heifers, UJ&t
IM: calves. M.Jfdr7.M
HOOtt-Receipt". 1.0 head: market kef
the lower: top, MM; hulk of sales, MKK
Sll fcr-i AN it LASH3-n-vipa. a.awt
head; market weak; lambs, IS.!!.1.
- Hagar Market.
nominal: muscovado,- M test. 4.2je: cen
trifugal. M test, 47tc; molasses, M last,
I Wc . Refined, autet. -
South Dakota taft. .
. ABERDEE.V. 8. D.. Feb. 2.-(H)clal.)
-The meeting of the Taft republlcaa cen
tral commlue here tide week wa well
Attended from all parts of the stats and
bach conMene in the result in South
Dakota was expreeeed. The meeting
was an adjourned one from, the gather
ing at Huron In January whew th com
mittee was-organised and routine .mat
ters relative lo th campaign were taken
gp .Among other thing the committee
aattetra J. F. Halraday of Iroquois a
th Malwart candidate for republican.
aatlonel eommltteeman, aubject to the
June prt manes. Mr. Halladay t a
(onner Mate auditor, editor of tha
Iroquokt Crrlef.- and ha been prominent
ta' republican party affairs for ri my
gear,' . .-. . - " - - . ' .
DALHART. Tel.. Feb. M Miss NellW
Wllaoa. daughter of Oovwrwxr Wilson of
New Jersey M eucoonterlng aatverae dr
eurastaaose la her- jewrney from North
Central Mexico to Trenton. First she
Waa held tip la tha stale of Chihuahua by
tailor of train service that resulted
front activities of bandits. ArrlvlDsT here
Sunday sight aste has been held up by
Storms that, prevent .the roovncoetii of
trains. Ml Wilson expects to be oa her
way to, New Jersey tomorrow. t . ,. .
Chemist Say Eeport Sent Out frtm
Waibingtoa it Fiction.-
gtatenseat Cewtee from Ilea Wl
; Have Attau-ked Hlsa la Uttree
Wsys Net Cavadlaate
few Offte. -
WASHINGTON. Web. .-Tr. Harrer
w. Wllev. chief chemist of the Depart
ment of Agriculture, denied today that
he had any Intention of resigning tram
office. He charectertied a "prepoetar
oua" and "pure fiction" the rumor that
he wa considering ch action ana xnat
be probably would coat out with a statt-
Bneat attacking tsecretary "iiawu aw
the admmintratloo-
re Wllev declared that . th rumors
oame from "eoemlea- who recently bad
attacked him In other ways.- ...
As to the report, that arter resigning
he would be a candidate for Wee presi
dent on the democratic ticket the doctor
laughed and said: .
'I could not -run on that ticket- 1
am a whole democrat; tmvt a, toe wtners
are only senu -democrat a- I believe in the
eousi rie-hts of man. the ngttt or women
a well a men, to vote. Therefore I am
a whole dtmocrat."
The Interview to which Dr. Wiley refer
la given below; " '
I have a long time been working.
aid Dr. WlJey. "to eeeure peace. ; Thl
cannot, however, exist ax long a there
are tncongroou elernenu aa now exist
In tbo department I, have not ye es-
termlned to withdraw.. I am hoping for
a solution of th difficulties."
"In case of no.aololloa. will yea re
sign?" h wa asked. 1
"I am not pre oared ta say now. If I
dste rutins tp withdraw, however. I ahall
iaau a tatement which then will be no
difficulty In uBderatandlntt."
May Attack Wilaea. ""
This atatement. It la said, would oontaln
a complete review of Dr. Wiley- work
In enforctng th pur food and drug law,
an account of persistent efforts to nul
lify big activities and strong criticism of
Secretary Wllaon of th Agricultural de
partment. Dr. Wiley said be had recently eg.
print i hi -view to Secretary Wilson.
Secretary Wllaon said tonight that thla
wag "all newa to him.-" that no baa not
sen Dr. Wiley In two weeks.
Dr. Wiley present attitude follow
long -drawn-out and bitter couuoiersles
over the enforcement of the pure food and
drug act. After the Wlley-McCab eon
greasional Investigation last surnmer th
failure of th effort to oast th chemist
on technical charges and th roorgsntxa-
tlon of th pure food board so aa te give
Dr. Wiley control. It' was auppoeed that
th fight wa over. Recent events, how
ever, sre said to have convinced th
doctor tlut hi victory wag empty.
It wa suggested that Dr. Wiley M
contemplating entering politics. Recently
noma -of hi friend have suggested blm
a a candidate tor vice president on the
democratic ticket
' tXefaars to Olve Oat Letters.
Secretary Wllaon today denied a re
quest -' of Dr. Wiley, . that all tbo
correspondence in a recent baking
powder decision be mad public Tbe
request wa mad by Dr. Wiley be-.
caue of th charge against blm by. tha
editor of a food publication who declared
that In the baking powder decision Dr.
Wiley "acted at variance with bla oft-
repeated statement that in cases of doubt
he always gav the doubt to the public"
Th editor claimed Dr. Wiley's baking
powder decision 'let th public Uke all
the risk." bectuiM otherwise It might have
-Involved or embarrassed tn baking
powder Iniet Dr. Wiley recommended
that a case sgaJnat a certain baking
powder company be placed In permaxsiit
abeyance, although examination bad re
vealed a email quantity off lead, about
two on-thound of '1 per cent m th
product; ' ' '
Dr. K E. Dollttle of th pur food
board agreed with Dr. Wiley that "tn
view of th tmall amount of lead In this
sample." the case hould "be placed In
abeyance.". but Dr. F. L. Dunlap, the
third member of the board, heat that aa
"lead ta a cumulative poison, tt has ao
place ia our food tuffs." wherefore ho
recommended prosecution.
4SIOUX FALLft, 8. D Feb.' M.-C8pe-cial
Recently at hi horn o th Cby
enn River Indian reservation, occurrecl
th death of a venerable sad. much be
loved Indian, In the parson of .Joan
Wood Pile, who for years bad been promi
nent among toe Sioux and who since early
day ha been a true friend of tha W hi tea.
A fuH-blooded Stous Indian tiaj I'nind
etrt who sign hi name aa Oanpawakpa
Wlnurcala, sends a - weekly newspaper
published near the reservation a unique
account of tha death, hi commuatratlon
being verbatim as follows:
Sad bereavement to the western Sioux
Indians on the Cheyenne river reserva
tion. Died at home February 1st h. on
Cheyenne river liner Carlln poetof flee, a
promlntnt Indian. John Wood Pile
(canptwye) ha been a recognised man
amongst both white men and Indian
fur hi kind words., politeness and Im
partial lovo to those who have tha honoe
to obtain his acquaintance. He has been
elected to almost every honorable pubiio
position ef the tribe such aa chairman of
general council, member of business
council and tribal del eg ate to Washing
ton. D. C. He Is a firm member of the
Protestant Episcopal denomination. The
sorrows can not be easily forgotten by
th bereaved family consisting of a wife
and daughter to morn his death.
YANKTON, S. D.. Feb. 1-(8pWil)-Harley
Smith, a young farmer of. Boa
Homme county, ahot blmself la th head
three time with a .22 rifle and Is alive
and doing nicely. Three times Smith
tried to end his life, while despondent,
without any real cause, and threw time
tn bullet failed to strike a vital spot.
although fired at dose range In the
forehead and right temple The bullet
penetrated the bead bat tailed to end
th young man's lit in' soma strange
manner. Smith then gave up his at
tempt at ukde and was found by a
brother on a lounge ia hM house, where
be walked from the bar after the shoot
ing. He had managed to wash off that
Mood' before lying down. Bo will re-
ST. LOUIS, Fob. 2a--Fering' the re
call, we will refer tha matter of select,
the muato tor a state aoog to the people
of tbo state thrtnaelve under tha reter
ncTtrat," aid Governor Hadley today.
OoVernor Hadley hope to bead off tha
"nous' dog" song with something better
bespeaking the dignity of the stais.