Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 01, 1912, Image 1

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Lookia( Backward
This Day in Omaha
The Omaha Daily Bee
Generally Fair
voi XLI-XO. 221.
United States Senator from Montana
Accepts Placo as Batioul -'
Detroit Ku to Head Orfanisation
in Advisory Capacity.
Two Delegates 5aed by Each
-. . Opposing; Factions.
Taft . Follower Arrive First ul
Barricade DOers with Oak Ptnaks,
hat Afterward Meleat a ad 1
; ' Admit Ospeaeats.
NEW-TORK. Feb. -United Stats
Senator Dixon of Montana tonight ac
cented leadership of fth campaign tor
Colonel Theodora Roosevelt's nomination
for tba presidency. Truman H..Newbrry
of Detroit accepted tba chairmanship of
tha Roosevelt national dvlory board.
Amtd acB of tba wildest disorder Preat
cltnt Taft and Theodore Roosevelt divided
' honora In contest for delegates to the
national convention at Chicago at tha
Third district republic an convaiHton held
here today, two delegates belnf chosen by
the followers of each.
' The Roosevelt delegates, the first from
any part of the country to be Instructed
for him, are Frank & Channel) of
Cameron and A. M. Hyde of Princeton.
The Taft supporters met - later and
selected H. a Orton of Mercer county
and Henry U Eads of Daviess county as
delegate io the national convention.
Deere Barred.
' The contest between the rival ectloaa
developed befora all the district delegates
rot Into th halL When the Roosevelt men
arrived they found the doors- barricaded
with oak planks. The building looked
as though It were prepared for a sieve
and tha Taft men were In control of the
situation. ' '
After their entrance had been resisted
for some time tha Roesevelt men were
admitted.' Then In an uproar a dual con
vention was held. ,
The Roosevelt men organised wider one
set of officers and tha Taft men under
another. Both tactions chose delegates
and alternates to tha national convention
and each side claim that Ita delegates
are regular.
' Tha Taft convention endorsed the
Payno-Allrlch tariff law and condemned
the Roosevelt policies. The Taft men de
plored Governor Hadlev's support of ths
ex-president. '
Washington Committee Appelated.
WASHINGTON, Feb. BV-A general
Roosevelt committee, ' Including In Its
membership Medlll ' McCqrmtek. Olfford
Pirn-hot, Amos Plnfot. senator Dixon of
Montana aai probabep Jams A. Oar
flsl and ether eleee. rlenda of Oslsnsl
Raeserell will b organised In Washing
ton early Best week to sake chart of
tha Roosevelt campaign here.
- It has set yt been determined, whether
tba Washington headquarters will ooml
, iiate activities throughout tha country la
' behalf, of tb former president's candi
dacy, but It will, at least, work In entire
harmony with other Roosevelt headquart
er and will help direct the organisation
of campaign committee throughout the
country. .-.'
Th Washington Roosevelt headquarter
waa opened by Medlll -MeCormlck after
his withdrawal from the support of Sena
tor La Fellette.
Governor W, R. Stubba of Kansas, on
of th original "Roosevelt governors,"
waa la Washington todsy for a few hours
on his way to New Jersey and New Tors.
He expects to bavs a conference' with
Colonel Roosevelt.
"I don't believe President Taft's Dime
will be presented to' the' Chicago con
vention," asserted Governor stubba. "He
will not be able to control the Ohio dele
gatloa, la my judgment, and will, be
forced to withdraw."
Governor Btubbs declared that through
out th west Colonel Roosevelt's tolum
bus speech was recanted a "th great
est public utterance sine th days' of
Lincoln." -
Primary Plan fie reeled.
TACOMA, Feb. . The republican
stats 'central committee rejected the
presidential primary plan today by a vote
of nVP 1 Ths Taft administration was
endorsed by a rota of IS to IS. The state
convention will be' held at Aberdeen May
tt. The Roosevelt league will meet la
Seattle, Kerch It
The National Capital TARIFF SENSE IS
Thnredav, Febrmary t,
Th Senate.
In session at I p. sa-
R eduction of wsges would result from
house steel tariff bill, labor representa
tive told finance committee.
Dr. Wiley and wholesale grocers' rep
reeentstives waned war against each
other before manufacturers' committee on
proposed act weight amendment to pure
rood law.
The Home.
Met at noon. '
Resumed discussion of agricultural ap
propriation bill.
Florida sverglades Investigation con
tinued with dismissed drainage Engineer
Morehouse en the stand. N
Committee from American Bankers' aa
aodatloR advocated Lever agricultural
extension work bill before agriculture
Representative Hughes Introduced a bill
incorporating rresiaem i arc s recom
mmidaMona for an Industrial relations
commission to Investigate industrial prob
Immirratlfln commission decided to re
port favorably a bill barring Illiterate Im
Labor Bill Suggested
by President Taft
is Introduced
WASHINGTON, Feb. 3. - President
Taft's recommendation for tha estab
lishment of a commission on Industrial
relations are embodied In a bill Intro
duced In th nous today by Representa
tive Hughes, democrat, of New Jersey.
Tha Mil la significant In view of the ex
isting labor troubles at Lawrence, Mass.,
and other sections of ths country.
In his message the president urged a
commlsstoa on Industrial relatione to In
quire Into th relations betweea em
ployer and employee, and the various
methods tried for maintaining peaceful
conditions In tbs Industrial world.
Th Hughes bill Is similar to
on to be Introduced la tbe senate by
Senator Borah, which would provide for
a commission of nln to serve without
compensation. Ths Department of Com
merce snd Labor would be authorised to
co-operate with tbe commission and tba
latter would Include not less than two em
ployers of labor and two representative
of organised labor. Th commission would
Inquire Into "the general conditions if
labor In ths principal Industrie In th
United States:, together with an Inquiry
hit tb metsct. employed In foreign
countries tor th maintenance of peace
In th Industrial world
House and senate committees on labor
soon will hold hearing on th Ml la
Authorized Interview Fresemti Ad
Tantares of Work of Permanent
Urges Party to Giro Finn Basis to
ProtectiTe Pbficy. '
Difference in Costs of Production
Shonld Be Measure.
Casysteasatlo Methods ' at Patch
Sehewatr Ones Wide tvesss fee?
Perjmrr and Other Fraad svad
far Sordid fell ties.
The Weather
FOR NEBRASKA Generally fair and
Somewhat colder.
FOR. lOWA-Fair and continued cold. -Tempers!
ere at Oauits Yesterday.
.... M
. II
... a
.... M
.... M
Comparative Lowed Reeeeg.
High-, y-urday.:..;....."?!:.??
Lowest yesterday ,
Mean temseratar..... i
Precipitation . '. x
Temperature and erecrpliaUoa depar
ture from tbe normal;
Normal temperature ..L..........., M
Doricisaey for ths day...... n
Total excess
Normal rainfall..... ... stolen
Deficiency for th day at inch
Total rainfall si ace March 1..TT4J inches
leflctency sine March 1....U 17 lncke
Station sad Skate Temp. High- Raia-
esmrts tree tastensa at f P. M.
' of WeaTher. set. fan.
Cnerenne, part eioudy., 14 ' 14 .
Davenportr dear.,........; M M ,SS
Denver, tloudy it ( H .)
Des Moinea, part cloady.. Mm.)
lender, pan cloudy .
North Platte, clear M M ' M
Omaha, snowing i e t
Pweteo, part cloudy M M .
Raped City, deudr... M M .
Salt Lake City, cloudy.. 44 K . .
hante Fe, dear . 44 .
fihertsan. part doody. . 4 14 .tt
Woem Ctty, dear M .
Vaietitiae,. part cloudy. MUM
United States Files
Replies to Answers
. . of Steel Combine
TRBNTON, N. J., Feb. t.-Th United
Btate government today filed In th
Vmts4 States district so art her a repll
caUsn Is th answers af tha United States
Mel eorperalloa and she Itrtyfiv other
defendant in th suit by ths government
for th dissolution of th steel corpora'
tlon. . - -i .! - ' . ' .
There are nln separata replications
Identical In language. ,
They are In answer to the nine distinct
snswers filed by th defendants Individ
ually and In groups.
Ths replications are purely formal and
say that tb goyernment "doth snd. will
aver, maintain and prove Ita petition to
be true, certain and sufficient In law to
the answers of the defendants."
Th repiloationa are signed by District
Attorney John B. Vreeland, Attorney
General George W. IKIckeraham and Spe
cial Counsel John it. Dickinson and
HsnrV E. Coltoo.
Sherman Not Decided
On as Running Mate
: for. President Taft
WASHINGTON. Feb. . - Reports
widely circulated last night that Vice
President James 8. Sherman bad prac
tically been decided on as a running mate
for President Taft before the republican
national convention were denied ' today
by party Isadora.
It was learned at tha White House
that President Taft did not discuss ths
question of Mr. Sherman's candidacy with
William Barnes, jr.. republican stats
chairman of New Tork, who was a
Whits House dinner guest Tuesday night
Denial alas was made today than any
member of President Taft's cabinet had
come out In support of th sit president
for renomJ nation- v
Mr. Sherman himself saw tb president
for a moment today. Asked it he had
anything to say about ths report, be said:
"No. Mr, not a word."
Sneed Jury Unable
to Agree; Seven to,
. Five for Acquittal
TOkT WORTH. Tax., Feb. B.-Stand-tng
seven tor acquittal and five tor con
viction, tb lury which tried John Beat
Sneed for tb murder of Captain A. O.
Boyce. th aged Panhandle cattle king,
was discharged today. Sneed. a wealthy
banker of Amartlla, Tex., believed Cap
tain Boyce had tried to assist his son.
Al Boyce, ra abducting Mrs. Sneed. and
shot Captain Boyce in a Forth Worth
hotel. Tba lury waa out 111 hours.
LAREDO, Tex-, Feb. Ml Thirty-six
Uvea waa tha penalty of yesterday' re
volt In the penitentiary at Monterey,
Mex. according to Incoming passengers
today. These passengers said that six of
th ptlsuuei were killed during th out
break: and twenty-five other, regarded
a rtogliadnrs. war execs ted at odoek
There war ahowt 10 pilsuums In the
instltalion. Last ajghr naoru said the
warden of ths penitentiary was among
ths satin.
The passsiisiiirs were unable t eescrTbe
la what manner tb remaining five vic
tim war allied, but tt M assumed they-,
were among ths aamber alaia as the
first rush of revolting ssiswisr.
NEW TORK, Feb. ra-Presidant Taft
has given an authorised Interview on
tariff-making. It Is entitled. 'Common
Senas Against Haphaaard Methods,' and
appears In th current Issue of the Out
look. It was secured by a special repre
sentative of the Outlook and la, In part,
aa follow:
"Not that I wish to see the tariff ques
tion mad th mere foot ball of poiltlca, '
President Taft explained; we have bad
too much of that already. But I should
like to have the people of th United
States pass their deliberate Judgment oa
the issue as It haa been msda un with I a
lb last year th difference between the
common sense way and tha haphaaard
way of making a tariff law. As you
know, I am a believer in the republican
policy of protection. I want to see tt
continued; but I also want to see our
party strengthen tt by. giving It an un
derpinning which cannot be swept away
by th first passing flood of popular sen
Haw. Maks a Gawd) Tariff.
"And this purpose could be accom-
pllstied, first, by fixing th rate at fig
ures not dictated by a group of domeatlo
producer for thdr own enrichment and
granted In exchange for party "support,
but based oA ths difference between the I
cost of production here and the cost of
production abroad, ascertained by mean
which preclude all doubt of tit sub
stantial accuracy of the ealmilaUon.
"Second, by establishing en a perma
nent foundation th machinery for col
lecting th data of cost, so that It sen
be In continuous operation and Its work
ever more and mora easily don. Thlt
machinery, I need not tell you, should
be in charge of a -tariff commission or
board, corresponding In a general way
with th nonpartisan tariff board w
now have,
"Nothing could do more to prevent a
ferment than th very plan w are now
considering. Hitherto we hav seen ths
whole tariff structur torn to pieces and
rebuilt whenever there hag bean a change
of parties In control at Washington, and
even eemetlmea whan- the- same .party
haa remained responsible, but th per
sonnel of ths group In command has
changed. Such overhauling arc always
accompanied by a more or less-violent
convulsion of, business, followed by a
stat f stagnation protracted through ths
whole period while th outcem continue
at all In doubt. Th new bill la talked
about tor a long time before It I framed;
there are extended hearing In committee,
end afterward a series of secret sessions
behind barred door and debates at aom
length on the floor of congress; and
after all these titer Is a possible In
terval of ten daya during which. It the
bill la supected of being distasteful to ths
president. Its fats at bis bands remains
uncertain. At th committee hearings ax
part statements ars presented by men
pecuniarily Interested In th several
trsdes snd Industries which are liable to
b affected by the proposed legislation.
Everybody with an axe to grind wither
brings tt to congress himself or trie to
Influence that body through aa agent on
the ground. In every Instanoo ths length
of tint which has elapsed since , tb last
revision, and th changes of conditions
In various Unas of production and com
merce In tha Interval, rouse a general
dread leat there be heavy increases of
duty In on quarter or deep cuts In an
other; and, unhappily, a feeling has
widely prevailed that the decision where
to make tuch Increases and. cuts would
be reached. 'not by a calm consideration
of the merits of each case, but by a log
rolling or back-scratching process;
Evils of Present System.
"Such unsystematic ways of patching- a
tariff together open wide the avenues for
perjury and other fraud, for special plead
ing, for appeals to the most sordid po
litical motives, for th exercise of gross
favoritism and tb wreaking of petty
revenges, and hav given rise erea f
charge of bribery and Investigation
shadowing th good repute of men high
In ths councils of ths nation. la It a
Pleasant reflection that such an atmos
phere I liable to continue eurrounding
our tariff legislation Indefinitely'
"What have we to offer as a substitute?
A system which keeps always at th dis
posal of congress, and open to th people
a chart of th world's producing' activities.
oorrectsd almost from day to day. Tba
change noted In tbs foreign coat of
production of various eommodities are
doubtless Individually slight; In on case
thsy may swing, pwdulum-lika. a little
Oils way and a little thai, ending their
agitation at about tba same point where
It began. In another, there may be a
steady trend to one aid for a while, due
to causes not d if flea It to discover through
the machinery of the tariff board; hut
by tha time tbe divergence has become so
marked and continued so long as to
make a change In thla schedule desirable.
vsnbody will bo prepared for tt and
eat estimate Just about how much of a
Chang R ought to be. i
Mo Daaarer to Heme ladaatrfe.
"I am not annundful of the argument
made by some timorous critics that the
affect of reducing oar tariff to what they
call the 'competitive' beat win bs that It
will readily drop below that, and cans
ear saarkst to be flooded with aheap ly
nuda toroigai goods, that oar pfwdaosrs
will be drtvwn out of bnsinass by In
sufficient protection. Wall, there are two
answers to that. Tb first l that the
platform whoa promise we are trying
to fulfill dour net contemplate each a
cot In rates as would cripple any Amer
icas imruetry. It take serouat of th
CouUuued on Second Page.)
From the Minneapolis Journal.
Portion of Tnaa's Arm Sets Fir to
, t Number of Homes.
Rioters Farads Streets aad Shoot la
, dlserlmlaately lata Crowds aad
:i.;e'.w- a v J
PtKJNO, China, Fsb. M A revolt has
broken not among a portion f Tnsn Shi
Ksl'l troop,' some hundreds of whom
started a riot this evening at t 'clock.
Thsy WTckd and sst, fir to a number
of bouse and' paraded th streets, shoot
Ing Indiscriminately. A strong fore of
loyal soldier has been ordered out and
la endeavoring ts raster order in tu city.
Th streets are crowded and ths great
est alarm prevails among ' ths - Inbab-
Ths mutineers at M o'clock this even
ing ' numbered about 1009. ' Hundreds of
shops already hav boon looted. -
Mash Reckless' eheatla.
Much reckless shooting occurred outside
th CWsnman gate of tb Forbidden City,
near which tb legation quarter Is sit
Inside th city proper th situation Is
Ulflstlst and It Is hoped by ths author
ities that order will be restored by mid'
night , '
Tbs rioters claim that their wages bavs
not been paid.
A shell fired from on of tb guns In
th hand of th mutineers fell within
ths confine of th American legation,
butlt did not explode- '
Foreigners In tb capital art being
brought Into their respacttv legations..
Powers A are with America. "
WASHINGTON. Feb. S.-CnglndJtua-sia,
Germany and Japan hav a responded
favorably to Secretary Knox's invitation
to place themselves on record with the
United States for th continued Integrity
of China and Joint action without seeking
individual advantage la any concerted
movement of th powers which may be
come necessary In tb present dlsturb-
sncea. . -
Franca, Italy and Austria, to whom
copies of th note were sent at the same
time, have not responded.
Th Interchange wa called forth by
Secretary Knox's letter on February i to
Count von Bernetorff, fh ambassador
from Germany, In which ths views and
lb attttund of (ho United States toward
ths situation la China were made a sub
ject of record.
Diplomat Interpreted to sots as an
Indication that Germany and ths United
States wer agree and would stand to
gether to continue th integrity of China.
Fourteen Persons
Hurt When Trolley
Sleepers Overturn
ST. Lot'lM, Feb. . Fourteen passen
gers wer Injured when a sleeper train
of three car on th Illinois Traction
system was derailed and turned over In
a ditch at Ben Id. 111., fitly mils north-
least ut St. Louis early today.
A report from the company's divisional
headquarters- at disunion. III,, was that
every pasaaitgsr on th train wtt hurt
th most serious Injury bring thst ol
a man Who noss was broken.
Ths other pssssngsrs, among them sev
tral women, were out and braised when
the cars turned turtle.
The train consisting of a motor car,
the Peoria sleeper end th Springfield
sleeper, rsn .Into a derailing switch.
Motorman K. D. Clark reported that his
air brake failed to week when he tried
to stop at tbe awltch. '
The motor car and the Peoria sleeper
nest to II rolled Into a ditch and turned
bottom, upward. The rear Springfield
sleeper turned on Its side.
Three of th Injured who wer brought
to St. Louis ware Fred Cordon, Cham
paign, III.: George Gordon, Irbana, III,
and A. Kelly,. Bloomlngton, III, all of
whom were bruised.
Three Women Hurt '
in Rock Island Wreck
Near Atkinson, HI,
KEWANEK, III., Feb. M.-MIss F. M.
Ellis, Scrsnton, Pa; Mra W. R. K seres.
Decatur, and Mra. Mains, Dos Moinea,
war Injured when ' three Pullmans oa
Rock Island eastbound limited train No.
went Into a deep ditch near Atkinson,
I1L, north of here, at o'clock today.
Several other passengers wer hurt, but
none seriously.
CHICAUO, Fsb. .-At ths Chicago,
Rock Island dc Pacific general cfflces
here it wss ssld ths wrack occurred three
mile east of Atkinson, III., and that no
on waa seriously Injured. All of the
passengers In the derailed section of the
train wer transferred to other coaches
and proceeded to Chicago, Five cars
were derailed. A broil en rail Is believed
to hsvs caused th accident.
Seven Frozen to
' Death in Blizzard "
in the Southwest
Tex. Feb. 3 At least
in northwest Texas and
eastern New Mexico, lost their Uvea in
a stroma that swept across th Texas
Panhandle Sunday. Passengers arriving
oa delayed train her today declare there
wer two deaths at Romero. Tex.; twe at
Amstad: two at Naravisa, N. M, and on
death near Dalhsxt.
fa each case ths victim had goo oa
th rang to oar tor cattle suffering m
the Mlssard.
CHICAGO, Feb. M.-A pr
prexorano vote win be taken at tbe
sprmg primary bar April a
County Judge Owens, who . haa Juris-
dtclton over th election machinery made
Supreme Court Intimates. Will Giro
' Opinio". Saturday. -
Bar Association -Bars
Negro Assistant
WASHINGTON, Feb. . -Attorney Gen
eral Wlcherehant Is ssssing to prevent
tb American Bar ass rls tlon from oust
ing W. H. Lewis, his negro assistant.
from membership. ' Lewis was sleeted
about a year ago, hut the executive com
mltte of th association whea It snet hers
January t passed a resolution rescinding
th election. -
MILWAUKEE, Wax, Feb. 3. -The rec
ord of the inquest Into th death f Her
bert L Swift, son of tbe lets Oustavus
F. Swift, th packer, baa been sent to
Coroner Hoffman of Chicago by Coroner
Nahln. Swift died October n tML oa a
train la Milwsakao county, having started
on a bunting trip. Ths inquest resulted
ha a verdict of death from heart failura
Rumors of a more or tsss ssnsstlnntl
kftatora eoacsraina tho pus si Ms snanar
f Mr. Swtft' death bars been current.
"The Inquest will not be reopened unless
a request for aneh actio la mad by
Coroner Hoffman." said Coroner Nahln.
CHICAGO. Feb. 2. Coroner Pvter Hoff
man today declared that ha had no pres
ent Intention of seeking to
Swift esse.
press tssrt Af firms' Jedsrsseat
fee Daasaaws Ulven la District
Trlhsaral Uat laa Coaat
'. ' Jadgmeate J tnrsaed.
(From a staff t'orrrsvondentl
1 tlNCOl",-Neb.. Fsb. a -(specter. V-
Tba supreme court handed down a num
ber t opinions todsy, non of them,
however. In cast of ttatswMs Importance.
Ths Omalia commission charter case was
not In tb list though ths court intimated
a division In this matter might b ex
pected pocled Saturday morning though
tha written opinion In ths case would not
b prepared at that time, th court simply
snnouncing Its findings.
Ths case which will attract tba moat
attention Is that of Oomer Thomas against
Peter YV. Shear from Harlan county.
Thomas was a csndldat for county at
torney, having received th endorsement
of both parti. Shear, however, sst out
to defeat him and In pursuance of that
effort circulated an attack on th record
of Thomas as county attorney and also
attacked his standing a a lawyer. A
number of ease war cited In which
it la surged ths county had bee worsted
by reason of the alleged neglect or In
competency of Thorns. Two of them war
action regarding taxes and another was
ths Lucas murder ess, takwi to Phelps
county on a chants of venue. Th cont
inents In ths circular put out by Shear
were decidedly pointed and tbs charges
of a mosct serious character. Thomas
sued for libel and recovered a verdict
f S3.M la ths lower court, which lit
supreme court affirma
Dstaa-la Jasgmeata Affirmed.
, Tha cas of Edmund Haaaa, from Doug
las county, in which h recovered ts ne
at es of from ths American Transfer
company and Fred Busch, for Injuries
received, wss affirmed.
Ida L. Haas against th Mutual Lit
Insurance company Is reversed for the
second time and goes hack to Dougiaa
county for retrial, la the lower court
tb plaintiff obtained a Judgment en in
surance pobdes.
Th Farmer' sad Merchants' Irrigation
company against 8. J. Hill, from Dawson
county, is affirmed. In thla cas th Irri
tation company sued for water rental and
upkeep expenses, and th court held in
It opinion that a purchaser of land from
an. owner who holds a water right wilU
an Irrigation company and who takes a
plain warranty deed la which no mention
Is made of the water right, and who re
fuses to accept water, to not bald person
ally Hsbls for tbe water right or mala-
Efforts of Oorernment to Effect a
Settlement of Wag Dispute
is Without sUsnlts.
Each Side Says Other Sefased to
Ucke As Concessions.
kahboad tnnos wni assist
Trainmen Kafnso to Handle Son
uioi Coal or Troop Trains.
Arraaaoaaeats Mad to Barry Leg
tssattsns Which Will Compel
Reewmptlea f " Predae.
' ties of Coat, x
LONDON, r,. M.-1'pwards of three
Quarters of a muTlon coal miners hsd
hud down their tools and gone on stria
by J o'clock this sfternoon, when tbe day
shift In th mine ended. Ths army of
striking colliers swelled hourly through
cut tba morning, when It became known
that aowetxtesseat had been reauhsd.
Msetftits war held by ths local miners'
federation aad the coal owners' aaaoela
tlon lets In the morning, but they ap
parently only resulted hi a reiteration of
th refuse! of th participants to budgs
from then' respective positions.
Further meet lets were announced tor
this afternoon, but little la expected ts
tesult from them, and as a consequence
the cabinet, which ssst thla morning, com
pleted sUTMgemsrft to hurry legislation
which may prove asetssary In order to
compel a reeutuptloa sf work.
A number of meetlags of railroad anv'
ploys passed reaolvrleae pledging them- '
selves ts abstala from handling troop
train sad coal produced ay noa-uulon-:
Some Pisspasl of Settlessest.
tt It stated thla sventtig with some show
of authority thst there la a prospect of
a break la th deadlock betweea the coal:
swnsra and th miners. Premier Aeouitb
hss submitted a new yropsssl to tha;
miner who. It I asserted, bavs now att--nlfled
their willingness to begot has on the
euestloa of safeguards which ths owners
d ems nd a corollary to ih establish-,
meet of a minimum waga
Mr. Asqulth I said n have given an'
assurance to th miners" delegatss that
means would , b found to compel th
minority of the coal owner to fall Into
Un with th majority en th qaesUon of
tb onoesstoa of minimum wag.
Head af lews Mlalnsr temseay Ex
pects Steih la less.
DES MOINES, la.. Feb. Sk-Th walk,
out of EngtlSb miners Is expected to bs
followed shortly aftor April I by a strlko
of svel hurdred thousand American
mmera, taoludlng tha 9km empolyed la
the Iowa field, syoordltg to Thomas Ray,
president of SB Iowa n-lnlng eoorpaay, to
day. 'Tilt Wags teal ggrsssnsnt ' expiring
April'' 1 will be taken up at th meeting
of th miner of Iowa March 11
"We expect tit greatest stilks ws hav
ever hsd In th eenal field," said Mr.
Hay. "C .million seem to be rips tor such
a contest between the miners snd operat
ors and th e seriousness of the strtk .'
Will bs Increased by th high soot of
living. It looks ss If th miners would
bs a unit in walking out on the expira
tion of their agreements, and we are
looking for a prolonged auspsaslea f
work In ths low fields.' i
LONDON. -Feb. .-Mrs. Kat Ann
wa granted a decree of divorce todsy
from her husband. Hug Amos, tbs au
thor, who wa in law privet secretary
to Julian Pauncefot at tb British lega
tion at Washington. Mr. Ames withdrew
his defense to th suit. -
Ths divorce ass claimed by airs. Ames
on ths ground of slleged misconduct ami
desertion by her hurband and of mar
rtag with Flora Nortbssk-Wllsoa in
America, which she assarted waa bits
mo ua. Mr. Asms bad obtained a divorce
from his first wife la Idaho, but aha
claimed that In deem wa not valid lo
England. i ' ,.
NEW ORLEANS, Feb, -The lares
Mississippi river packet steamer J. L.
Trudeau burned to th water's edge and
sank at t o'clock this morning at Saint ,
Oabrlel. MS miles above New Orleans. .
Eight negroes, member of th crew, are
missing and are believed to hav seen s
Green Lose Lead.
Barton L. Green of Linools will not ob
tain a piece of saline land la Lancaster
county for which he brought msadamus
proceeding against Land Commstslentr
Cowtes, and in which th lower court or
dered a deed to Issue. Th supreme court
lever ses and dismiss the ease. Th mad
hi controversy .had been under lease dur
ing his lifetime to William Robertson.
On his death neither his heir ner the ad
ministrator knew anything about th Isase
and permitted default m payment ts th
A registered letter containing notice of
default waa mailed to William Robertson.
Commissi oner Cowle sot knowing that h
a dead. Ths totter wa receipted par
by a son of the same name, who, not
knowing to what tho notice referred, neg
lected to look after th matter. Th Rea
artsoa lease was Ihsrefnr cancelled and
Orasa paid tb lease monsr aad sis lass I
tba hud. To admtetatratmr of tbe Koh-
soa estate finally heard af th mattst
aad sroogrht the etrcuwutaacss ts the at
tention of Land Commission sr Cewlee,
whs infused to appro tho ne
iCoaUaued ea Second Pagaj
Vacant Rooms
bring you no money. If
yon Lave one or more
living rooms which are
now unoccupied you are
losing money if yoa do
not place a want ad in.
The Bee. 'These little
messages reach the peo
ple who wish to rent,
comfortable rooms. If '
any one is looking for a
house or rooms he is cer
tain io read the classi
fied pages of The Bee.
He knows that reliable
ads appear there and
. that he will get a high ,
class bargain. Phone
your ad to A
Tylor 1000 .