Desperate Desmond ' Music Soothes the Savage Breast tod Also Makes It a Pipe for Claude to .Escape - By Hershfield j I.-HATCHINO THE PLOT. IVxixiute Desmond, having fooled th , Chinese Jurors and caused all Um Pr on in the court to. chsse out la th . street to tb bom ef catching htm. sow . look out of tho window at th crowd. The (coundrel hu a plan to cat a Ions wnum la Jail tor our hero. . Nothing Is too villainous tor Desmond, 1I.-ARHE8TINO THE HERO. . With the a'd of the fake papers drawa ' up by tho unscrupulous Desmond. Claudo I arreotod by th Chinese police nuthorl tie. Despite his protestation of loeo cenco th hro Is baulcd a war toward th Jail, and th Chine polio trot blm a a dancerou person, on account of hi fata reputation tor darlnf deeds of erll. . III.-OFP TO THE PRISON. -In tb ruthless power of Desmond, Claud Eclair Is forced lo dm atone a heavy ball and chain as b proceed to ward th Chines Jail. Th wrtcbd lover has been asperated from bla sweet heart aad Is aow beaded tor lb Jail, where be may ha to spend th remain . der of Us young Ufa, . . IV.-ROSAMOND SEEKS WORK. ' Disheartened by th toss of br hero, th beautiful Rosamond resolve to make bar own Irving aad aecordlnfly seeks ro pnoyment a tb sta. Her beauty and bar vole qualify ber especially for such a career, aad ah baa aw fear tbat sh will not mak a sucees. ' V. THE CONVICTS' TREAT. -Poor Claud, now arrayed la stripe. Is merely a numbered eonrlct Instead of a salient bera. That to, la tb eye of tb warden. Everyone of bat friends knows that he Is a tro blue hero and tbat no prison stripes can affect his character or sear hat ouL conscious of lis Innocence, .Rosamond's theatrical position : turns out luckily for Claudo. Sh comes t sing for th convicts and thus cbeer up theft hopeless live. 'When she appears oa th stag Rosamond is surprised to 'as bar loser In tb nous and In convict faro. What tb beautiful girl plans will be shows tomorrow. - , , WANT ADS Want ads received at a ay tins bat to Insure proper classifrcatloa must b presented before 13 o'clock S3, for tho cvralns editioa aad beforo 7:80 p. m. for mora las a-1 Buaday edi tions. Hast sxla received after swell hour will bar their first Insertion andrr tlio headlas "To Lai Clasalfj.p CASH KATE FOR WANT ADS.' RKtilLAK t LASWFlCATION 0d lueertloe J s erst per Word aad 1 ceat per word lor each snbsequeat roaseratire taMrtloaT' Kac toser Uoa mad oa odd day 1 H-ceat par word; SI. ISO per line per month whea ad Is rua witlrout . change of "pr. , . . j Want ads for The Bee may be left at any of the folio wins drag stores oa Is four "comer uruggtst" -tliey are all branch offices for The Bee, aad year ad will be Inverted last a promptly and ea the same rate as at the aula office la Tb Bee balldlng, seventeenth aad Faraam streets. Albach, W. C. Mh and Ksrosnv Usiin Drug Co., Ml N. Itth St Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Bemie Park Pharmacy, Xfcl ana C listing. Beresek, S. A., Hvi a. leih ML Blake-Hradtsh, SMS Sherman Ave. laughsn, C. H.. 4.2t Loavenworts St Cctmaa, Kmll. 1JW- S. 1Mb St. ' Cllftoa Hill Pharmacy, ail Military At. ' Cooney Pharmacv, tss S. inn St. Crtesey's Pbaimsty, JHh and Lake Its, . Enier a Co., IM Leavenworth St kreytag, J. J.. Hit N. tlth St. . Kresser Drug Coy lata N. 1Mb St. ' ' r'lorrnce Drug Co.. Florence, Neb. Uren e I'hanu'y, l'srk Aye. and Pacific. , Uiwnough Co., tilth and iti kory. Uoldman Ptiarm y. m ad Leavenw'tb. Johaneou I'ru Co., Milt and Mpaukilng. Joknson i'tiarmary, na sarnam St. HinKom I'ark rural r. liO! a. xWh Ave. Hmtertons iru( Co., Ut Ave, and s"ar. Hol.l, Jane, U N. Uth Kt. Hull, A. U, ant Leavenworth St wine. II. a . IMih sad ymrnsm flts. ' KauntM 1'iav Vl.iu SW2 N. Mth. limuu Pharnui.r. tn and Hamlllsa. Maree, Pied U. JU1I Central Blvd. , Monmouth Pharmacy, ttt and Ames At. Patrick llrui Co., lint N. Mlk St. . Maratosa Uruj Co., Hlk and Ames A vs. i e Cut Price, MMh and Cnlcase. Heller Unis Co., Ill N. tk St Varbal. P. J Pterc t. Waltua Pharmary1, wth an Grace St. Walnut Hill Pharmacy. Xk and Cumjnf. ANjrOCNCEMEJTTS UEAray & heafey, 5: Moved to IS1I irarnam. sae. n. em. YOU'LL always be happy If vour wed dtnc rlnf cornea from Brodafaard's, Hi S. Mth St. At th ln of the grows. EL cONTKNTO HAUA.NA CIOAR. Box M, prepaid. B 7i; try ba f dosen; If not satltatory money refunded. Uh,A TON URl'O CO.. 150S Karnam. Omaha. Kea. Seed Co. law Jones. Both phones. TO . LOAN LOW rata, In sums to suit. U Be Bldf. Phon twos. 2M- t'NfO.V I.OA.N CO. MONEY Upholstering, piano fuin, rep. EM Par. HAZEL LEA i I'll.C CONKS-Uett remedy for llciili a. blrtdtiur or protrud- Ins plies, we, postpaid; ssmpies its. Shermsn a McConnei: IJrUi Co.. Omsha. DOL'OLAS Printing Co. Tel. IWug. S4I. Twenty per cent less than Omaha prices HOME FURNISHING CO. Twenty-fourth and I. His., South Omsha, 8. H. Cols Klin Co. I). 171. Ill Farnei WATERS PRINTING tT. Doug Pilters, Pllter repslrs. Ill So. 14. U 4;iC EISTI0 stockings, supporters and bandages; stock always new. baeaase w sell so many: trusses fitted: everything guaranteed, w. O. Cleveland Drug Co., th largeet surgicsl supply bouse, MhVll Harney at" uriETT HLA bKM aharoened. all kind. Meyers' Nsws Stand. Mil Farnam St - AUTOMOBILES. DRUMMOND Auto repairing; Martin shock absorb- snt, days' trial belora you Buy. 'ma and Harney els. "Auto lamps repaired, Oniana Silver C. ON. hV-M-V It, complete with all qulp ment', lll. open front t-passenser: been used as demonstrator. Pries. Slow. On five, passenger H ambler, good condition, SMS On Model 1 Overland, IkM. MA1U0N AUTOMOBILE 00. tiai-l rarnsm St Omaha. Ns. MclXTYKE AU'iX) CO." j cars fr The money on the market Oak- land, Stearns, Ksignt and K. u. u. ear gains In used oars, ask Karnam. BC8INE88 CHAKCES. WEALTH. Happiness, Prosperity begins Wltn lew oollar wisely inveteo in wm merrial nlerprle. I have a REAL oe nnrtunltv. Ten dollars etarta vou. Don't J-lsy. Write EMEHrtON CLARKE, O Singer bulMlng, Ktw iocs. DAIRY for sale. Phone Hemey IU7 t . -1 ' f . . V ...... aKimM. ' Central British Columbia, richer In nat ural reeourre than any other like area In the world. Destined to be the mighty city of th but great west. Ssnd for free booklet. Address CANADIAN NA. TIONAL INVESTORS. U Pastes Bids, Omaha, Neb. KOR MALE r trad for farm or small ranch Bear town, th "New Broadway Hotel," Denver. Colo. Hotel one bloc of suite capitol: It rooms, modern and up-to-flat. Mouse always full; reasons for selling. Address abovs. TO get In or out of business call oo OANOKWTAD. t Be Bldg. Tsl. D. HTT, Raaasla Maaaos sew Sate. W SOl'TH Xkh street. JO-room rooming lmiii-p ti . '. luinu full Aff roomers, well furnished; strictly modern; terms. US North tvth. BUSINESS PEHSOXAli J. P. Cottrehy Klf Areklleeta. Cass. Red ?. arteataw Wslas. - U R. NBBBROALU loll-U City Marl ED ROWE, well boring. Benson Ha, . . Attorneys. - listen 1 Hall. lawyer, MT Bran. Bids O. W. Shlelde. Attorney, PI B of Trade. OMAHA TENT CO, Tel. Ml Douslas. sssas aad fasies ks. - THE ONLT WAT. . Baggsgs cnetked tu destination. Taxi cabs and touring care. Tsi. Douglas at, as Mssslsslsrsrs, REM1S OMAHA BAO CO.. Omaha, Nsb. PAMrTlfilVIO'"-.1'0' Raasonabta WAiVLIVtt'Urt -harges. Personal atten- tentlos given. Tracks and autos stored. Hsntalne In used cars. M B. nr. u mi. DBATHS AKO Kt EAL HOTICES. ItOCRK&v-Vnuik B, Tussday morning, at Wheeilarul, TVyo. runeral aervlcea will . be held ' at Itealev'a undertaking rooms at S9 Thursday, morning. , Isttrnlent Holy Sep ulcher cemetery. ; Th funeral of Oeorgs W- 1'a'l will be held Thursdsy morning at 1:3, from th rettdenr of his mother, U4 N. lrth, to Holy Ksmlly rhurca. Interment, Holy Sepulcber cessetery. PyKIKKKR makes old cars llks HOW bv adding foredoors, repairing tops, rs pslntlng, etc th and Leav. P. aWl VlK BALE At a baraaln. iwa slightly used Midland Automobiles. Frsalaud Auto Co., Uth snd Farnam. I.ODUE R0T1CBS. ATTENTION. Members Alpha Camp No. I. W. O. W. Kuaeral of Hot. Oeorge W. Halt will take place Thursday morn ing at I Jt fiorn the residence of Mrs. XcOraaa. 1,N. ltttt St Charles Unltt Clerk. OMAHA .MACHINE WOIiKS Autogenous welding, gen I machtn and auio rupatrmc. Pattern making and spe cial machinery designed. Kspert die work. Pattern drawings. U3 B. in nt.. u. smi. AlITf I RADIATORS repaired. "tJ 1U ni.ii,, Kscelalor Co.. MAIL ORDER BUSINESS MANGIAMEU WJOa ;d Macaroot, mad la Otnatut. Kvry pack sur rusvr. Am, $ouf crootM-. $m& ua nfty c g cut ut of rxn ststn tvr pr? m I u m. Heyn Studio .'sjssst send pnoto; we will gtv price and best styles, lth and Howrd Bit.. Omaha. ISAvTTCHrUI MADE FROM 'cuMBINOS. Mrs. Peck. 1I.U N. Mth. 'Phone B. lad. STAMPS , 1,10 MUed Stsmus lie. ' Bend tor Prlc List. PANAMA STAMP CO. W Nevtu Block, (miaha. Neb. AM18KMKST Apollo Theater Higs clam motion pictures. TUB BteT MUlsia Ztlh and Leav nworth. AXWAIS THE 1'IAUUSD THEATKR, MOl and Lake. Tb famous Uea Rea Pmtur tor fcuoday. Venezia Uli S. Iflcturea eonga. ilk St Moving and . Illustrate Favorite Theater Comedy snd Select Drama. Mth and Vuuoa U-ilAHA FILM EX. li-aU at otlon ptarurs macftta an mm bargains. PROGRESSIVE FILM CO. Moving picture HIT fimtn. and supisle. Theater, N. Mth aad Cald well. Motion picture, ea- tertalntng and educational. LOYAL AXNOCNCiatSXTS IIULSE & REIPEN, Xi ? If K KT A R IE KB. M. E. Mom II. china paint it Braodele Th t a r.rvTirtiiw cndkr- emeahner. Wit Chieage Sb D. KSf. A-tsN G1CT your diamonds at Brodeanard a. CARPENTERS : t PATTON-BOWMAN . r HAEDWAEE COMPANY ysa Farnam St Are celling tools at cost. pi'RL' fiid and gaxdea seeds , Tounk- NORTH P-UP LETTER DUPLICATING CO, est Futon Bik circular letters, any ouanuty; oroest cstabiletied ooenpany; m-te of Muittgrajri) and NeestyM Maggard Van A Swrage. Pack, sun, eiore aad snip h.. ti. goods. U los, B-Ki. . BUI Pasters. . .' . OMAHA Bllj." pormwo! tO,Ts1l HARNEY. DOUOLAS KM. ' OMAIIA Maa aad Psekaae alaaataatarara. Wooden Bos a Packsg Co Wit N. Mth. IlEBUILT STODDARD DAYTON'S T, 1. 7-psssenger.,. I TO I. r. 7-passengar l.M . P. limousine...... I. i.100 . A. t-psssenser PS ilEVERAL HTMKR MAKES tie" CARS AT RKHrCEU PRK KS. J. 4. DER1I1UT COMPANY, llll Farnam St., Omaha, Neb Murphy Did If S Metal tl6 b ar. REI'AIRINO. NTINO, I NO. Why not sell your old automobile and buy a new on or, maybo. you can us tin money In some other way in elthef event Be want ad will do th work, Ratea Its cent per word If run only on Um. or 1 oent per word If run two or mora time consecutively.. ' Daaeiaa Aadeaiia Morand private lessons every dsy. Cissies Mon. and Frl, t p. re. Doug. Pot FROST EEi'AUiS Autos, wasona IMS Leav.. t. LA PAGE Auto blacksnuthing, brakes rellned. wheels trued up, spring welding a epeelalty. tit S inb. lg. . RUICK OARAOK for automobllea or storage, an st Mary's Ave. . B18I.NE.N8 CHAMPS FOR SALb. Hotei-reetaurj,nt In Snulh Dakota county seat Uood location. Must sen o". account ol aeaith. JL sua Ad. dress Box 1!, Selby, 8. D. FOR SAI'-BmcksmUh shop: beet power shop la stale. Address VL at Matthleeen. Superior, Neb. R!TAURA.NT and lot U-lOv) Hotel and lot J.lso Barber shop and kit ,. !.; Mmtnery and ladle- rurn a Z.M.u Also have several cttr realdencea (or sais si reasonaoM prices, ti. i. J valentine. Neb. ON scrount of well-established i business In the I dress Y ft. Be. Ill health 1 will sell a rail paper and ptcturs eat city ta lowa. , MONEY ! 5i MAKING : BUSINESS . Must Mil my Swedish massage business ea account of alcknass In family. Will teach purchaser. Mrs. Snyder, iM Bee. ta INVESTED la Little Wonder Gas Maker will ascur four best counties and make owaer Independent Call aftetnoona isu fsrnam. HOTEL PLAXA needs first-oiass caa Eicepuonal opportunity tor aa expert, encod party. We have It rooms and aa eetabltshed paving kuslaeas. Call or drees Wa-J. Fisher, mgr. Itth Howard. Ed Sotlwrry, Business and Kesi Eststs cxeaange to. rtoom , Mouague Biug. BII.Il POSTING CO.. Hi IARNKY. WJllOLAS Sat laraeater aad tmatraetass. Stevenson, carMnter, onnt Both phones Clear aad Tetaiee. THE Ssnltsry Crown Pipe HI ft Ittb. thlrwrwdiats, DR. ROT, 15l Farnam. Douglas SWT. Clathlaa Meuiataatarwr. Wesr Ideal dress (hlrts. M. E. Smith Ca Caal Boaler. WESTERFIELD sells RKEDER COAL; FVRN AOH or RANGE. D. 1MJ: A-Ual. K1NDL1NO. H load. H. Gros. W. MH Crsaasertee, Dairies aad Sapstle. Fairmont's Diadem butter. Alway good. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Carat aad Steed Cell lose. CARTER Sheet Metal Works. Omaha, Boatlala. DR. MrLERAN. specialist In plate work. Satisfaction or no fee. Brandei Bldg. Bailey, the dentist City Nel l. D. & Msi'h Mach, Id floor Pan on. D. Has, Taft a dental room. 1611 Doug D. tl VtetswUv. Omaha eecret ervlce Set. asenae. Ilfe rbonded. a-t Pkxton ni. u. ui. A-uis C W. LONONECKER. H7 Karbach Bis. 'JAMES ALLAN, Nevlll Blk. Tyler uA - Dreemaklaa. . . Terry's Drees making eonege. Uth Far. WANTED Sewing, U S a dsy. Wb. tot. Drasststa, DRl'OS at cut price: freight paid ea orders; catalogue fre. Sbermaa dt cConnell Drug Ca. Omaha. Neb. BUSINESS PERSONALS H. Or nee. Lam, wreck's. Pi. II Paul. aataaeurt.. FRENCH Rand Laundry. Tel. H. let. Guarantee Laundry, Fine worh.D. dl , staawraat Maaataatarera. Skinner's mscaronl and spaghetti. We phg. Mtarcyclea, EXPERT repalrlBs.' ERICbSON, & 8. liih. atavlaait Saseas aad Claala EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co.-Mov1ng furniture, packing, fireproof storage City office, tit s. 17th. Doug. et. Ind. B-1M. Twin City Eipreee; Hit Howard. Both Tet Furn. moving: I men. II per br. W. Bis. . atwaaaseat aad ataeawtoe. . J. F. Bloom e Co., nth and Cuming ta at ante, Are aad Lawarssgee snrparlnoed violin teeeher. Tet W. tam Ueteesa'b r. AHeaJehnaon, sav Brandebi The. Bids. Katharya Nlekolas, IM- Brands! Theater , . . tapltoaaaa. 4 T. Winn, fitting dt rep's- HI Brndla t .. d tits. , , , PAINT, ell. lead and turpentine are 1 Kr cent cheaper now than a year age. ke advantage of this and buy ' only strictly pur material at Barker Broa. Paint Co.. uMfc Psraam St. Phas Douglas tTM, , Pateata. .. , D. O. Bamell. Pes ton B. Tel. Red 7117. Wlliard Eody. Ua City Nat Bank Bldg. Pheaaraaaa, Edison phonographs. Hhutu Bros. 1rM Par. , i , . rbMarrapasa, Rlnebart photos rsphers, lltb Farnam . Platlas. .. OMAHA SILVER CO.. tit a Uth. .(' i Plwasber. . U F. VALKENBERq. Plum bins, W-Stf. prUtlag. Lew W. BabirvPrinter,' 55 BKB BLDtl. ENTRANCE ON COURT. Aseale, smleamea aad Soltettor. IStuaWa . - . ,, . .. I . Jkmm nur.1, i c .u our pcriviuai iwrm- John L. Lewes Mfg. Co.. Pittsburgh. Pa. PR1TI1 . Buparlor grade. I. R. rXltA iliMJ ibumpson. Web. J1I. LET th CENTRAL PRINTING CO. do your work. , MI7 Douglaa Tsl. D. ITM. . Lyngatad Printing Co., Uth and Capltoi Ave. Tel. Ind ZOO for good printing. Rles-HsU Ptg. Co.. lot 8. R Ind. A -tat lte.1 Tank aad Calvert Caatpaatee. NEBRASKA aad Iowa Steel Tank pany. 14th and Nicholas. D. ssa. Steaa-rapair aad loan Resertera. Myrt'a A. Kelley, :t Bras. Tha D. ISO. GENERAL etenographie work solicited. Envelopes, toe per io. Doug. 1I7. Miss Warchlm. SO Pax ton Blk. OMAHA TENT CO. Tot stt Douglas.' Iraak aad Salt Caaee. Frellng ft Bternle, 191 Farnam St Veeaeae Clsaasra. i VACUUM CLEANERS Richmond 8 ac tion Cleaners rented by day. Rental to apply n purchase price If purchased within ig months. RICHMOND BALKS CO., IKS Farnam St Phone Douglas slat. Wt Maaataatarera. D a Orlffltb, wis wifr., 11 Fransar Blk. .. Wtsee mm L lasers. . WILLOW -Springs bear, liquor, dgara, sandwiches. Ales Jetea. I30VI Douglas. VIRGINIA DARE win, J&o a Urge bot tle. Klein Liquor House, ia ti. Uth fit ElWCATKMAli TUTORING. 1st to Ith grade. H. SMi. CONKVLT DR. BURKE. CURTALSf.n Mrs. y let Car- Try the BOSTON WET WASH. Have your family wash brought home ready for drying at Tte. Doug. MTL B-4U1. Out-of-date garments ex. for aw. Evelyn . Bo lea. exnert coraetlaro: cor- ets mad to mce sort, cleaned at repaired; yersmanwnp guarantee, we Bee. Ll-fcJ-X Willow plumea, made from your old and new feathers, reasonable. 1U 8. U. IX Kvervtkiaa siteewtoat. . Klectrte ligbUret fls., wholesale and retail Bargees Grande Co., 1M1 Howard. D-ttt reed bUlle eat stew. t Feed, all kinds Glencee Mill, m I ear. S-toe lets,, - . BENNETTS eat flowers. Poogks tn. A. Donaghoe, MP? Far.- D. Met A-kwt HESS V SWOBODA. llll Farnam Sv" Stewart'a, Flortete Seedsmen. IIS H. It BRANPEIS FLORIST. Brandei Bids FpR SALE A rug star la a- thriving Httle town in south central Nebraaka. Stock will Invoice about I3.WSX Bustnea netting wner about ti.aat per year. Gee. A. Arnold, Holdrege, Neb. FpR SALE-Stock of hardware, twe thlrrjs new stook; town of 2d population: territory twenty mile square; practically ll.fsrmed; county seat- St AnUmoy Hardware Co.. St Astbeny. Ida. . DON'T buy any kind of stacks r bonds aatll you consult us as t safety. Long tesoerieflC can sav your monev. for MOVING picture machines and suppOea. fake aoound. Foe, tl.9. Refctetacaa, W. Xsarasaa xluw C, Hit t arsaat at li Lcavenwertb. Olivet Mica . U HKNDERiiON. 11 J Farnam. D. Utt BATH'S FLORISTS, Boyd Theater lUd. Paaadri. MoDonsId : ml num. tin. lead csstlngs. foundry, ala lR Jackson. taearaaa. . A Rhodeo-Montgomery Co. In. Ramge BUl Alfred C. Kennedy, ance, aa nm way wt. Bids Doug. 771. tew aad Wis feselsg, Anchor reoce C-, St N. H. Tt Red Bl BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR , Comolete Coarse m Bustnes. Book keeping, Stenography. Taiegrapby, Civil Servic r Ssiesmanshlp. Th .cataJogu I tree for the asking. Call, writ r phone for tt at once. Address H. B. Boylea, President, Boyle College, Omaha. men. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. . "BEST IN THE WEST.', Dav and evening aeastona all the year. Shorthand. Typewriting. Bookkeeping, Agriculture, urn aervtce, vnareemananra. E. A- Eartmaa. Pre-, XKk and taraaa. help yKAXiKDreauiM ACTRESSES that eaa sfnr Dramatic and vaueeelile. Actual road experience. No objectlo re - eiever. amateura. cau after a. m. reen aa. Millard aotot , , Agreats aard lalssnsmtau. , SOLICITORS, must be at good apaaar- anc aad sood talker; eaa make from at to st pee day. raoaa ataraay sat toe sa- temew. CI Heal aad tMtbsa. BOOKKEEPER aad xeaocrapher. moot pneeies aouU aotiity. good ebaaoa for advancement ga . , - - AsSt bookkeeper, good peamaa. Ms.. Steaograpner, e Keen eared. Ha, , Comptometer aperator, . .CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO, Mle-1 City National Bank Bids., rwt aad Tradea. Oirl to learn hair diasslng: prlca wary reasonable. Oppenhean. rs ru city teat t. OiHiA wanted to pee and label Bk in ner ntacarees. ua tsewara e. vena work 7 J a. at. - - w a VTm s mktile aaid tsdv ta slat with care or children fe reosa aad board. i!bt vaa. iwwgaa TSS -- HELP WANTED FEMAIJB Heaeekeeeere nad Oaaseetlea. THE SERVANT OIRL PROBLEM SOLVED Th Be wilt rua your Domes tic Help Wanted ad FREE until you get th deetred results. Bring your ad to The pee eiiic or teiepnone Tyler tew. WANTED A neat hbuaekaaner. Phone narnev rr.o. Hurt. WANTED House cleaning or window washing or work of any kind. Har ney c;t WANTED-Exoerieaced manal strl: light, airy place to work. Good wages. mi nam Hotel. WANTtD A competent gkrl In a family of two. Mil Harney St, Mrs. W. i. Bur gess, v M..y i aujA gin tor general nouaeworK. uwn mum ,u nni ymriy, wws w WANTED Comnetent strl for general nousework: good wages Mrs. J. J. O ton. sor. Km b. ana St Harney ate. WANTED Olrl tor gsneral housework; good wages. Pbon Florence 417. WANTED Good girl for general house work, lit 8. Bin St. Phoae Harney W. WANTED 0d girl say miril aousa. work. Mrs. t. b. Faster, lii M. attS at. Harney 14, - . WANTED A girl or .woman to assist la general housework; permanent piece te right party. Phone Harney aa. tl'ANTED Experienced girl for gen era! housework; must be of good char acter good wage. Pbon Harney sliet GIBL for general housework: no wash ing; family of E Phon Hsrney m RELIABLE alrl to help with general housework; no washing. Harney UT7. Mleeellaaewa. ' TOt'NO womert coming to Omaha as stranger sr Invited to visit th Young Womn' t:hrttian association building al St Mary's Ave. and 17th St. where they will be directed to suliabl boarding place -or otherwle assisted.. Look (or our travelers' guide at the Union ststlon. Heckle s Dancing Anademy. Ult Harney. Dally classes Mon.. Thurs.. Sat. evenings EXPERIENCED waltreaa: reDort ready for work. Oilman' cafe, last Howard at HELP WASTED MALE Miaeeltaaewaa, WANTED FOR U. S. ARMT-Able-bodied tuunarrled men betveen th ss of II and S; cltisens of United State, of good character and temperate habile, wbo can speak, read and write tb English language. For Information apply to re cruiting officer. 13th and Dougiaa 8ts., Omaha, Neb.; StS 4th 8t Sioux City, la.; U N. toth St, Lincoln. Neb. TELEGRAPH positions guaranteed you by tb Union Padflo and Illinois Cen tral railroad If you gam your training la our school. Practice on R. R. wire. Ad dress for particulars, H. B. Boylea, Pres. uoyies college, ureaea. . ieo. ens Bitt.s-.v ukii. ri-DL-a WANTED IP month. Omaha examina tion May 4. Coaching free. Write Prank Ua Institute, , Dept at M. .Rocbeeter, . t. STOP! READ! S: Learn automobile engineering ta our large training -shop. - Hundred of suceeaaful graduate. Complete equipment of auto mobllea aad machinery. Addrees National A ess Tralalas saws., tat Brand ski Taaa tar Bids.. Gmaba, No. ' . WANTED Good, all areuad butcher and sauaag maker. i. C . Meeaier, Deehtr, Neb. WANTED-Eagineer, aaperleooed with Ice machiaee and boilers, for aikbt en gineer la packing house. , Address I Ok WANTED Men to send for our Illus trated catalogue, mailed free, shewing how we teach the barber trade In short tints. Whether or not you desire fo be- com a barber, you will be interested In thl Innovation. You may hav a friend or acquaintance who will want to loam; you will know wbo to recommend, r) e have a novel system. Call or write at once. Moler Barber College. 11 & 14th St. MAN wanted with rig to take charge of sal of our medicine, extracts, spices, eueoe. perfume, toilet articles, stock snd poultry preparations, etc. In your county. On man made PA) on week. Steady Work guaranteed. Work healthful, pleasant- very profitable. Reference required. Write ua. W mean business. Shore Mueller Company, Dept It, Tri poli, I. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Agents In svery township nd county In Nebraska to sell our famous Busy Bee vacuum cleaner. Good agents niaks big monsy. Mschln sells for only lit snd Is guaranteed te d th work of th luS machines. Masy agents now sell ing from 1 to I machiaee per day. Writ for full particular to Charles Chestnut Unco In. Neb., or O MHII-Jame company. U7 W. Madison St.. Chicago. 111. MAN or woman in Omaha and every city or town to hadle our household necessities. Eighty arlicl. Toilet ar ticles, ex tract a, apices, etc. MS per cent profit Appoint ub-gent and mak money on their aslee. On representa tive made 17. eue week. Work pleas ant Write us. Addras Lock Boa 1S7, Desk A-17, Tripoli. I a. AGENTS mak E a day sailing K tented special ilea: esnd for free cxla j aad sample; every article a gold mine. Household Specialties Mfg. Co.. Lock Box 71a, St. Louis, Mo. AGENTS Stop ngnt her, something nsw; WtoMIl week: sells oa sight; wo per cent pro r it; Bo charge lor territory; new automatlo rasor sharpener; abso lutely gusranteea for lit; wtngo mad H.e) Profit I weeks Stevenson selling M dally. Over quarter million satis- neu cuBiomera. vov ovrwe m nones and sharpens sny rasor old ' style or afety. Phenomenal money maker; mea everywhere are excited over tne myster ious accuracy and perfection of this lit tl machine; writ today for full details, free: we want l.Out asensa in exclusive territory, at once. Addras Tb Never Fell Co., 1M eolton Bldg., Toledo, u. WANTED Ambitious young men to become traveling salesmen and earn While they learn. Writ for particular. Brad- street System, Rochester, N. T. - AGENTrt-Mak big money. A cracker- tack article. Big asie. tt to 17 a day mad, write roe eanipia vv eeno it rre. L. A. Murphy, ltWI W. md atreet. Daven port, lew. WANTED An experienced aalesmha la city Harvard Milling Co. . - . N . Cterteal aad furtee, HERB' ARB) FOUR UVB ONES. Stenocrapner. lumber experience. Splen did ctiance for right party. Credit man, large msreantile nrm, staga. ,. . . - . ' Cashier, nut hav . experience aad speed. ... Sale manager, expeneneeo. CO-OPERAl IVB RKFERENCE, CO wij-pj City National Bank Bldg. : VANG" High grads posltlona. aw Be. FOR a position see us. The largest and nest In the west i ; , WESTERN KEF. BOND AWN. . umaos at weal rjana rung. AiiLiClTOR. must b ot good apDear- aac and good talker: can make tl te II fper day.' 'Pbon Harney tat for later- view. FtlLL dreoult aad party ttiua fee sate; also tor- rent II to 11.1 a eight JOHN FELDMAN, W N. 17th. D. 4VX , - tnaetarr aad Twawee. , . trag store (anap) oe. KateatB Bldg - Electricians T PATTON-BOWMAN ; HARDWARE COMPANY . KM Farnam St, -Are salting tool at cost , WANTr.D A so tinner. Ia,ulr MU Leavenworth. - rr AUTO SCHOOL. 1 OMAHA, T I V? I LAROB SHOPS, II. vj. OCAJRAN TBS, higher gaal w,w" lty graduates. Mere cars sad actual repair work than any tare westers scaeoia. Let ua PROVE It WANTED Engineer experienced with Me naftctln ana sot Mrs sor nignt gn guseer In packing beuee. Addreee T XkV, ear of Bee. A MAN of good appearance te work la a window display. Call at the Howard. Mth and Pamam. Apt No, a, aetweaa U aad 1 a. a. Baturday. WANTED Railway mall clerks tM a month. Short hours. No layoffs; poeltioa your for Ufa Omaha examinations May t. Thousands of appointments ' coming. Common education sufficient. "Pull'- un necessary. Candidate prepared free. Writs for aamnle auestlon. FrankHa In stitute. Dept. tu M, Rochester, N. T. WANTED More people to raise poul try with the Old Trusty Incubator. Write for tree catalogue. at M. Johnson. Clay Center, Neb. ..... UVB STOCK FOR SALE. ateesee aad Vaalelea. HORSES and eow. Mil Cuming St FOR SALB-mngl buggy harrMea, al meet new; single top buggy, almost now. Phon Webster era. Black mare. wt. 1400 .Wagner, an N. It LOST AND . FOUND. LOST Gentleman wallet containing railroad passes and ether papers of value only to the owner. Reward and a questions ar-ked for return to Room 704, Union Paclfio Office building. PERSONS having lost some artld would do well to call up th office of the Omaha Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It in the street cars. Many articles each dsy are turned ta and the company la anxious te restore them to the rightful owner. . Call Dous las at OMAHA A COraClL BLVFF8 STREET -RAILWAY COMPANY. FOUND-Bull pup six months old. Ittl Madison St., South Omaha. LOST-Part of mink fur near tstb and Leaven worth: liberal reward. Mrs. Ben adon. am 8. ztth St ' LOST Brindl and whit Boston toy terrier, dot ears, screw all; reward If returned to Budwelser saloon. W. S. Neaeelhoue, Ii0 Douglas, ' LOST-Black linen .pocket book- with small purse on Sherman Ave. or Hans Oom Park- cars. Reward, call Webeter B4l.- -II- ., l LOST-PEARL AND EMERALD BRACELET, SUNDAY. "FEB. IS. GOOD REWARD FOR ITS RETURN TO Dill FARNAM ST. 'PHONB H. 1154. IK REWARD . for arrest of- IWet and recovery of new eingle cylinder. Ult model. Hsxley David son ' motorcycle. No. 1433-B. Victor. H. Koos, 2704 Leavenworth. 'MEDICAL.' .MENTAL diseasee cured. 301 Barker Blk. DR. RACE, speclajlst. nervousnd all chronic duKase. Xa Harney. P-ed MOV DISEASES CURED Dr. Tarry cures piles, Fistula and ether Rectal diseases without a surgical opera tion. A cur guaranteed, n money pant until cured.' Write tor book on Rectal In cases, with testimonials. BEE BLDG. MONET TO LOAN. . salary aaa . Caattaia. LOANS NEGOTIATED ON REAL ES TATE. FURNITURE. PIANOS, WARE HOUSE RECEIPTS, SALARIES, ETC LOWEST RATESk QUICKEST SERVICE, CONFIDENTIAL. SEE IS FIRST. RELIABI CREDIT CO.. ID FLOOR PAXTON BLDG-, 217 & UTH. TELEPHONES DOUGLAS 14U 4k A-J41L NATIONAL LOAN COMPANY. , . SOMETHING NEW. . . If s a place where any persoa having steady empkxymeat eaa borrow meocy oa tun a PERSONAL NOTE- -Na mortgage swtartty er todorser r gulred. Our rates are tew. Tama ta suit SALARY LOANS OCR SPECIALTY. We bar saw aad private rOeaa.. . ALL LOANS MADS QUICKLY , . . -' .. .. AND CONFIDENTIALLY. Call ar phone and let as explain. NATIONAL LOAN COMPAT. V BOOM M. . . SIXTH FLOOR. ... BTCE BUILDING. , PHONE DOUGLAS 1111.' GET IT ot Mwe Snow, C. L. B at Star Lea Co, est Paxtoa Bik, st ta Has. witnout security; t s itt yea, , . MONET TO LOAN Salary aad that tela. CHATTEL " LOANS Lowest rates and easisst terms Bee- others; then as na and be convinced that we will sav you, uniL-um.n IJ-liM iv, M ft Cor. Wth a Doug. St D. tatt. Ind. A-ttq i on furrjturs, pianos and lYl OT) t V real estate at a very, 1'iUUtJ low rat ot interact Nebraska Loan Co. Doug. 1364. S Be Bldg. A-Uet. MONEY loaned salaried people, women keeping house snd others, without se en r Sty, easy payment. Offices In 7 prin cipal cities.' Telmsn. US Omaha Natl Bank Bldg.. formerly N. T. Life Blag. DIAMOND LOANS at ftt and i per oent PLATA U. lalt Dodge St 11. Red MIS. OFFERED FOB RENT lesn aad , LARGE, pleasant room; private; amd era borne; Watt Farnam; beet beard. Ceil Harney V DESIRABLE room with board, suitable ror two; gentlemen prexerrea; rarer im e. bhb Ave. -. . , t-araUbed Bee sea. DESIRABLn furnished room; priest family. Ml N. Mth St Tet Webeter aNa, A NICE, clean room, private family, olos In, ts a month. W S. xM St ti PARK AVE; strictly modern fur nished rooms la private family. Phone Harney 1757. SOUTH UTH ST.-tlV-Warm. . well furnished rooms tn all modern detached house: seven blocks from court house. Telephone Dougiaa 70. DOUGLAS Z30S Slrtrtlv ml e,. nlshed room. CVrREniMlll.V wkpm ni dose m. h Chicago St TWO nicely furnished rooms. heated, housekeeping If desired. - J. W, Rooblns' office, Davldge blook, UU and NICELY furnished room In new flat, strictly modern, private -family, very de si rsbl. tM 8. 17th Ave. tit tt. ITTH ST. Furnlnhed room, : ern; 1 block from postofflc. FaraUbed Heasekeepiaa; TWO nicely furnished housekeeprns THE MANUEI-Two-room apartment K3n The Howard, 1-room, private bath. 436. tlet and Howard. low Park Ave, two room to two or three people, modern bouss on oar line. furnished housekeeping, light heat, eta. ONE fUmlshed room far houaekeenlnr. modern heuee, on car line, light heat Ice. Tel. Harney Xl. . "ST. MARY'8 AVE.-66-Two nicely rurnlslMMl aAiifh mmu n. - .. . . ..wucii wwuug gas, complete for housekeeping. I'nlamlehed Heesse, I modern rooms, parlor floor. Vm a Mth. ONE or two unfurnished room fos housekesplng. modern ho us on car line. en, nwi, ice. , bi. riarney nw. U'AVTen Tha .11 i ? .... - - B.i umm H. mriiinnvu rewm vui uougia m. I NICE rooms, housekeeping, ml S. Uth TWO ar three Lsrsa unfuenlnhed mnmm Web. sva or 177. ONE, two or three unfurnlahed room ' .v. i Hnus innn, m iiwhh, i i( i v. het telephone- and cooking gsa, Baraer, Man . ' Hotels autd Apartments. Dewey European hotel, Itth ft Farnam, WANTKD-Chambermald girla . Millard Hotel. and scrub NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for gen tlemen. THE CHATHAM. 1H & Uth Bt. OXFORD and Arcade, apecial wkiy rate. Dodge, running hoc and cold water; tain ephone In every room prices toe asms. . AtHurtaseate aad Flatsw . J So S large room apartment, part mod. era. 1117 Elm St., near Vinton. Phone Harney 421, evenings. S-RUOM modsm fiat Soargo Bldg, lltu, N. Mth St.. South omana. Hall, te Ramg Bldg. Both phonee. - - t-ROOM Hat oo Sbermaa Ave. Web. I7M s-roem apartment new. brick.. SSA KM 8. rth St. Harney Stt. IX & Klb Ave., attractive, large 6-r. flat, second floor of practically new brick. Strictly modern, clean, la beet condition. Phone Harney llai. .IOkERN t-room brick ftate. , USH-ti tC Wth St. Ill and 120. Tet D 424t FOR RENT New 4-room brick flat; first claaa: entirely modern. 1411 8. Mta St.. US. Phon Douglas 4x7. t-ROOM modern flat RMS. aloslr decorated, beat furaaoe. llld A- - B, ittb) St - i-R. NEW, HEATED, apartment Id floor, close in, ehades, laundry, buffet, china closets, ii tu! May t ta after. O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO., , " it!t omaba'Nat I. Doug, or A-CSt Beaaea aad Cottages n-. nenjr e - - ..nunUI. mA. em. WAS 171 o. Itth. I rooms, com pletely modern, tX. Thee. V. Utii. 4U e-r. vWIt" ""n, nM .wm n- pelr, good location. Phone Harney Met. 4 ROOMS and beta, ebart walking dls tence; new. every convenience, perfee . ,i - - - eiAA, . ,m . e te ntrce x- mwe njnn. Mason, list and Mesoa toa, lev Tale- pftone uoogiaa mi. Houses, las. Rlngwalt Brandei Th. Bldg. mo W1irTS aMVnn feMM. UXi Rl Mary's Ave.. IttS. Pbon Red am. TTr.n OAs IB Parts ot tb elty. nOUSeB creigb Bone A Co, Bee Bldg. HOUSE, I rooms, modern. 19il Case St; rent 60. FOR RNT--room eept furnace. 1Mb Street . ex. JaiS Kanit 1-ROOM noose, modera except beat, aewiy deeorated. SO Corby. Key 2d door west uoogias int. FOR RENT A large modern residence, earner Uth aad Pierce; II room, furnace, eteetrte rights; 1 toilets; tu per assata, Dougiaa KX. V