Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 29, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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Stave Boat Mat Xt-
TW. w. aUaoksnra for
-The execu
tive council of tbe Woodmen ot toe World
U holding regular session la th head,
quartan building. Th meeting began ye,
terday ana will continue a week or ten
xeeanleal Clak to Waat Tho Omaha
Technical club will meet at th Unlverettv
dub at : o'oloek tola evening to per
fect tta .organlxarlon. Prealdent A. 1.
Mobler of th Colon Pacific railroad will
Zotoff ate Sat Well Chris Koleff.
th man who wa held up, slugged and
left lying In a cutter at Twelfth and
Capitol arena orer a week ago and been
In St. Joseph's hospital, la reported to
he in a slightly Improved oon&tioa.
Wall WU1 Beoerar Robert Wal
lace, th young man who waa injured In
a oolllalon with an automobile while he
waa rtdlnc a bicycle about a week ago,
aad who baa been confined ta the Wlee
Memorial hospital, la reported to be out
of dancer and will recover.
SoovUsh ioclel aad Baa The Ladles'
Auxiliary of Clan Gordon No. 63, Order
of Soottlah Clans, will glv a leap year
octal and danca- Thursday evexnng la
Myrtle hall. Fifteen th and Douglas. A
fin program has been arranged and good
muala engaged, Refreshments will be
Ttonijoiss for Department Ooauaaaaat
A ramnalgn Is being waged by the local
posts of the Orand Army of the Repub
llo on behalf ot John, A. Dempster, who
la a rarnllriaie for department eommander,
department of Nebraska. Mr. Dempatar
has th ndorsemant ot all th posts In
' raaeral f Mrs. riald ThOraday The
funeral of Mrs. Rosa A. Field, widow ot
th lata John Field, will be held Thurs
day afternoon at I o'clock. from St. Bar
Bab ohureh, with Intennent at Prospect
K1U oemetery. Mrs. Field died Tuesday
at bar boms ta Minneapolis. She Is sur
vived by two sons, Nat and Warner.
Mr. aad Mrs. Field formerly Mved la
Omaha, wher Mr. Field waa a con
tractor, having built th old Boyd theater.
Veralet tot Xotel Company The estate
of W. a Kenneth, a traveling salesman,
who walked Into an open elevator shaft
and lost bis life In th Rom hotel three
years ago, tost Its 158,000 damage salt
against the Miller Hotel oompeny In
Judge Estelle's law division of the dis
trict aourt. Th jury found for th hotel
company The defense waa that the elver
tar conductor waa aot responsible tor the
accident aad Kenneth s awn eareleasnesi
caused his deata.
Mrs'. Scbroeder -
.,Gets Verdict for '
: - ';: Husband's Death
-Mrs. Carol me BchroedeVs Jong district
court fight against ,the Woodmen of the
World and the Royal Achates for SLOW
each, on policies carried by her late hus
band. Aogust schroedet, was- won In
Judge Sears law division, The lory teund
eaiveder cam to hta death In some
other manner than by Intentional sin
old. - J -
' The defense ot the Inaiirkao fraler
aiu'ee waa-that Bchraeder wnmttteed
suicide and therefore the potlctoa ware
n-'l -riri-r IV- 1 "r alsiisia, Wheat the
case first Waa tried laat tall Judge ear
directed a verdict for the defendants on
th ground that it waa a clear case of
suicide. A new trial motion was sustained
by the Judge when he decided hi judg
ment might have been faulty.
In the second trial th plaintiff ralaed
th question whether ScbroedaCa suleld
waa Intentional and the court held that
unintentional suicide, Indiiatd by some
controlling cause, would not prevent the
plaintiff from recovering.
The Jury a verdict Indicates the Jurors
thought Schroeder, at the time be took
his life, waa Insane from Injuries received
acme months before. The fraternities will
Methodists Eally ';
of Pearl Momnrnol
Prominent Methodlat addressed a large
gathering at Pearl Memorial church Tues
day evening to Impress the publlo with the
aaoeeetty et maintaining Nebraska Wee
ley an university. An effort Is being mad
to add to the 1400,009 endowment already
Dr. Edward Hlalop was among th
speakers and he Introduced Bishop J. I
Nualaea aad Chancellor C A Fullmer.
All told ot the greet Christian work
that .la being done at the university and
urged the earnest support ot the com
munity, la addition to the speaking
there waa a program of music. A. H.
Oroae sang, accompanied ar Mlas Bradley,
Jalaa Xlspai and Mlas Ooodale.
'efatrtran Uprisings' near the American
herder will have ae effect upon any sch
olars quartered at either Fort Crook or
Fort Omaha, according to a stataaaent
load yesterday by Major P. C. March, who
la acting commandant of the aeadeuar
tan la the absence of General Smith.'
Major March says that be has resolved
instructions from the War department at
'Washington to notify the commanding
efQoera of both posts to grant leaves ot
absence to soldiers sa heretofore, aad that
the "get ready order aaa been rescinded.
.Acting upon this Informadoa a Urge
number ot requests for lea re of absence
that have been on file tor the last few
Weeks were granted by the officer ta
chargo of both forts. Not a few permits
to leave were for period of tune ton or
than a aynth.
boos any girl or boy between the ages
of M aad II years want a good some ea
farm Bear Emerson. la.
Mr. and Mr. C A. McGee bar written
to Rev. C. W. Savtdge, asking aim to try
aad And a girl or boy who wants a good
home. The MoOeee have ae children and
wish th company of a boy or girt
Moose's address Is Emerson, la. Route
He. L
tfoha Rare Hammond, the mining en
gineer, left San Francisco yesterday In
the special car Pilgrim, and will arrive
ta Onaha at l.K a. m. Saturday morale. g
General Frederick A. Bmtth at the De
partment of the Missouri, who baa bera
spending th laet few week et Hot
Springe. Ark- with bia wife, ta expected
to return ta Omaha this morning. Mrs.
Smith s health la greatly improved.
World's Scout Master in Saddle
Vvr. '
5 ' "
b I 1 -", .. " Xat
v, , taw .
t J J J
n f r t a.
Accounting of Water Plant to Be
Completed Within a Konth.
Netle Will Be Take l applies ea
Heed, Ceasaay's Desaaad too
ateimbBraeaeat aad Beads
Bapid headway in unraveling the water
works tangle ta being mad by George
U. Tbummel, special master In chancery,
and the prorpeot ot the plant being op
erated by the dty this year la growing
bright Th accounting ordered by Judge
Monger has been commenced and will be
completed within a month.
Mr. Thamrael Is Investigating four mat.'
tare. First, an Inventory ot supplies on
hand; second, hydrant rentals as bearing
on the oompaaya demand tor reimburse
ment for money expended for forced liti
gation; third, the amount of bond bow
outstanding against the plant; fourth,
the capital expended ta Improvements
end extensions et the plant sine th
original appraisement.
Attorneys Latin and Stout for the
water oompeny mad a statement setting
forth th company's views of acoountlag.
touching upoa the potuta to be tavestt
gates. and that statement waa taken an
der advisement by the master. The next
bearing will be held next Tuesday In the
north court room of the federal building.
Date Detennined ,
for Consecration
Father McOovent will be consecrated
bishop et Cheyenne on April 1L The date
was determined yesterday and It was also
decided that the eonaecrattoa sersmenles
shall take place la St. John's ohureh.
Th ceremony will be conducted by
Archbishop Keane of Dubuque, as eon
sserator, assisted by Bishop Oarrtgaa ot
Sioux City and Bishop eoanneU et this
city and Bishop Tlhea ot Uneote.
Bishop Sceanell Is expected to return
home early la March from CaJUoraia,
where he la sojourning tor the benefit of
bis health. i
Lydia Molntyre. North Twenty
third street, reported to tho police that
her bouse waa entered by thieves Tuesday
night and a phonograph and twenty reo-
S&yi Outdoor Activity Cnrei Over
Civilisation and Other nil.
English Oeatleaaaa Occupies A pert -asest
la Betel frosa Wkleh Re
' pesters, Wbe Give Mia Pub
Hetty, Are Kxeleded.
The boy scout movement le advocated
aa a euro for over-otvulxatlon, the evil
of politics and Ills et the body by Lieu
tenant General sir Robert 8. 8. Baden
Powell, who addressed Omaha business
man, at the Commercial rlub at noon.
The speaker waa Introduced by Matthew
A llall, British vies consul In Omaha,
following aa address by James X..West,
chief scout executive of the Boy Scouts
of America.
"Drug stores are driven out by th
boy scout movement, ke Mid, "because
boys learn to shift for themselves. They
become backwoodsmen, scouts aad grow
strong and healthy. " Over-etvtllaetion
falls before the edvaaos ot th boy eeout
because the spirit of manliness baa been
Instilled la the young fellows a ther
'oughly that, when they become1 men they
sre learn the Inanities of the
so-called civilisation,
' .uvo buy evouta learn three things:
To shift for themselves; to become skilled
In some handicraft and their duty to the
state." la EC gland, he said.' there had
been 4M medals awarded boys for heroic
actions ta saving Uvea, This medal dang
ling before the youngsters' eyes he be
lieved Was much ot an attraction, be
oauss It stood for what the boy had
"Tod get out of a 'boy exactly what you
expect." concluded Sir Baden-Powell In
hi antmadverslona oa the vagaries of
the boy. "If you expect a good deal you
will get It. . This boy scout movement
does not teach obedience for fear ot
being punished. It teaches nothing. Th
boy Is helped to find out for himself.''
The details of the boy scout movement
th distinguished visitor left for "yea to
figure out tor yourselves."
Mr. West ta bis address was mors
gsnerous, aad after asking support of the
business men here, after a careful in
vestigation, he explained some of tho de
tails of the scout movement. There are
now MOW bora united In the movement
and H.OM men vitally interested in It.
Mayor Dablmen waa In th receiving
line to greet Baden-Powell, aad Gover
nor Aldrtch arrived a few minutes later,
la time for the lunch la the dub rooms.
General Fowel and bis party visited
the stock yards at South Omaha this
morning, spending all the forenoon at
South Omaha. The general waa greatly
Interested tn th working of the yards,
sa this was bis first visit to the big
industry since coming to this country.
The party also went through the big
Armour plant and General Powell sssinnd
very much impressed with th narmtty
ot the enterprise.
Tte Oeaeral Is Pee red.
: The lieutenant general arrived at mid
night, tired and peeved. He went direct
from the statioa ta bia suits of trre par
lor rooms at th Hotel Rome, accom
panied by bis aides.
The press agent's an noun cement de
clared ae would be accompanied by James
C West, chief scout executive of the
Boy Scouts of America, but whether be
brought anything with him besides a
grown could aot be learned by e re
porter who secured a concise interview
with him on hla arrival.
The reporter knocked upoa the gen.
ami's door a few minute atar be had
goo to hla aloe, big room,
Com to," said the general gently and
kindly, probably thinking It was the bell
hop with a pitcher of something sr
The reporter stepped la ead began;
"Osasral. I'm a reporter'
"A reporterr barked he. "Oct right
out of 'ere. I don't want to talk to you.
The reporter's Sogers and keels nar
rowly escaped injury la th doorjam
Election of officers far th University
of Nebraska Omasa Alumni dub will
tab place Thursdsy eionlng la the dub
rooms of the University dub. Fifteenth
end Furnas streets. Other be stales wis
else bo taksa wp and a dlemseloa per
talainaT to etbletlea of the Corahaaker
school wtll feuow. Information about th
toot ball acaedule of the Coraleoakars tor
next biasna is la the hands of some of
the present officer of the tub ead It
probably win be gtrea sot. AS alumni
et th university or any ea who ever
attended tho state school ar Invited to
Byllii Xenzie Imprisoned for Says
in a Millard Hotel Boom.
lewa Dam eel Uotae t Osaaha tw
Study , Telegraphy, bat Falls
late the Ilaede ot Two
Railroad Mia, I
-- i"-vrer-old girl from
Sheldon, la., Ilea dangerously III at the
sttuxa note! aa toe rwuit of brutal treat
meat received from two men while she
waa stopping at that hostelry. , Bhe
oharges Frank Potter, formerly auditor
of dining car 'conductors' accounts, tor
the Union pacific, aa her chief assailant
John Franklin, a dining ear conductor,
was arrested Tuesday night by ths police
oa suspicion of being sue of th men
Tne police are told that the Keasts
girl came to Omaha about two weak ago
to study telegraphy. She cured a room
at the MUlard hotel. Owing to th late
hours she kept and her suspicious move
ment th clerk ordered her to pay her
rent and leave. That waa ton days age.
Sh paid her bill and It was supposed
he had left th hotel.
One ot the guests at the hotel reported
to the clerk last Friday that the girl
was Mill there, hiding la the room occu
pied by Frank Potter. The olerk sent
word up to Potter that he would like to
see him. However, he waa called out ot
the betel shortly after, and Pottsr slipped
down, paid hla bill and left.
Saturday the chambermaid went Into
the room formerly occupied by Miss Kan
ale and found her In bed very alok. Dr.
Waggoner waa called and gave ber med
ical aid. Tuesday the polios were noti
fied ot the case, and Polios Burgeon Har
ris found ber to be critically 111, suffer
ing from acute peritonitis.
The police have been searching the dly
for Potter, but cannot Had him. It waa
learned that be had gone to Cheysrae,
but word waa received from there yester
day that he left that dty two days ago.
Equipment at Fort
Omaha Condemned
" .
As the result of the inspection of th
various divisions of the Department ot
the Missouri by Major Ell R. Kelmlok ot
Chicago several thousand dollars' worth
at equipment and paraphernalia at Fort
Omaha ha been condemned. The ma
jority of the condemned articles ar can
teens, havereacka aad antiquated small
arms. The small arms will be sent to
the arsenal at Book Isldnd, III, for re
pairs and general overhauling, but the
csntoene and haversacks will be die
carded tor Bow onea. A number of worn
saddles and sets of barnee have been
singled out for the discard, and requisi
tions hare been sent in to the depart
mant headquarter for new equipment tc
replace th condemned stuff.
Three student organisations of the
Omaha high school held Important meet
ings at th school yesterday afternoon, the
sealer das, th Cadet Officers dub and
the Booster dun.
Th senior class decided to hare th
dramatis commute continue Ha report
oa the cost of holding a daas play thla
spring and ths ttm that could be devoted
to rehearsals with the aaactloa ot Prtn
dptl McHugb.
it the Cadet Officer elub meeting.
Captain Arthur 8. Cowan, the Bw cenv
maadant gave a very Interesting talk oa
"The staking of a Sotdter." and touched
upoa th necessity of adhering strictly
to th crtn regutattone ot ta school a
laid dowa la the corps asanual, -
The Booster dub decided to give its
undivided support toward making th
basket ban game, watch-will be played
with Lincoln high school quintet at the
-T" gymnasium Saturday evening,, a
sumsss, tinanrlssly..-. .
Byaassite Wrecka BaUdlags
aa completely aa coughs and cold wreck
lungs. Cur them quick with Dr. king's
New Discovery. Mc and UN. For sale
by Beatoa Drug Co.
Fourth to Thirty-Third, Inclusive, to
Be Conferred Here Ht Month.
seventy-Five frosa Varieae Parte et
' Nebraska to Gather at tho Ma
seal Temple le Thla City
far the Work. (
Seventy-five VI aeons from various parts
of the stale wtll receive the degrees ot
Masonry from tho fourth to the thirty
third. Inclusive, at th annual reunion
of, the Ancient and Accepted Soottlah
Rite, Orient of Omaha, to be asld at
Masonic temple In Omaha, March 11, II,
U and It, The orient ot Omaha com
prises the entire state, except Lancaster
and Adams counties.
It will require afternoons aad evenings
of the first three days to confer the
degrees from four to thirty, and th
thirty-first and thirty-second will be con
ferred by Nebraska consistory No. t la
ceremonies beginning at I o'clock on th
afternoon of the fourth day, March It. A
class banquet will be held after th final
degree Is conferred. , . ., .. .
Health ta ths foondttloa of sit food
looks. Th wis woman reailtea tnis
and takei precaution to pii bar
health and (trenfth tnrooca tbs pe
riod of chad bearlsf. Bhe rsmalng a
prUy mother by voiding; as far as
posalblo tho luffeTlnf and danxera of
such occasions. Thli everv woman
mar do through th im of Mother
Friend, a remedy that tag boon to lout;
la na, and accomplished, so much
good, that It la la no sees an xperlV
stent, but a preparation which always
produces th bait result. It Is for
ztemal application and so penetrating
in Its nature aa to thoroughly lubricate
every muscle, nervs and tendon tn
volved d urine tho period before baby
cornea It aldi nature by ozpandlng
th akin and tissues, rellsves tandao
nets and soreness, and perfectly pre
pares tho system for natural and safe
motherhood. Mother's Friend hag been
used and endorsed by thousands of
mothers, and Its ua ill prov S com
fort and benefit tT- mm a
to any woman tn CflCftXQLb
need of inch a lV
remedy. Mother. CJfLQ,TiXJ
Friend la sold at -H". IV
drag stores. Writ for free book for
xpectant moth era, which contains
much valuable Information.
IIADFIIl" 1EGUUT0K CO., Atlaata, Ca,
A remedy of seperiaraMrM lor Ceegto, Basra,
asm sad brtteaoa of threat, siting sraeaerral
relief la Lug Troubles, Bronchitis aad astkaia.
Free tram oplaue r say sarartal tatredleal.
Sold ealy la boxes, tanple celled free.
JOHN L BROW BOX, Beetoe, Mlas.'
DUh'T 6tT HUM UbWrl
Weak ea HraHe. If rm ka?e KMner er Mas.
ar ueaMe. Sail kaa aalaa, Plutaaaa. Mtrrnaaaial.
else la taa ear aaS hvl Ural til aw, gat a sack.
asa ef MOTHS ORAM AJtOalaTIO LkAP. Ike
Slaaamat bar aate. It Barer Ulle. We tat, sway
uetlaMeiela ftaai srautal taweM eke save aaai
una eeeearral As a ranlatar tt sea ae
eteel. Aak tar ataOev Orar'a AROMATIC IMAt
al Drertlxa ar east By wall ter (S eta. Saevle
Fraa, AMraa The Matter Pray Ca . LaRay. N. T
Th Adler-1-ka book, tolling how you
can BAJHI.T guard against appendlcttia
and get INSTANT relief from ronetlpa
tion or gas on the stomach. Is being read
with much Interest by Omaha people. It
ta given away free by Sherman e McOn
neil Irrug Co.. Cor. lath and Dodge. Cor.
Mth and Harney. Cor. tfch aad Famam
aad tn North. 1Mb St.
Tft!fD Xs
V BO Star. Times Blear. Sew Tees.
To Jkeroee ead the aTerth
Capel Beaad th World i
oena s sin rat sjoeo Fi
W. B.eek,Ulg
St, Omaha, Bes.
Ask Your Doctor
Talk with your doctor about Aycr's nori-alcoholic Sarsaparffla.
Ask him if he presnibes tt for pale, delicate children. A&khim
if he recommends It when the blood is thin and Impure, and
when re nerves are weak and unsteady. Ask hint if tt aids
nature in building tip the general health. fcLti'T.
to our Drop Pattern Furniture Sale.
Hr$ Is a Tru$ StaUment Faott:
We take from our stock all drop
patterns, samples and odd pieces and
price them at. much less than actual
cost some at one-fourth cost, In
fact, we put a price on the article
that will positively move it from ouc
. stock at the opening of the sale, 1
These goods we have assembled on
our 'main floor, for inspection only, '
Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
February 29th, March 1st and 2d, but
no goods will be sold or orders taken v
before Monday morning, March 4th.
Doors Opm 8:80
Orchard & Wilhelm
403 Brandeis Building. Omaha
Dear Doctor:
I writs to And out when I can mak sa
appointment with von, as I have tome mors
ot that old sty! bridge work la By month
which. I would Ilka taksa
out and hav your saw
poroalala tall teeth put
la their pleca.
Ton bo doubt remem
ber Inserting gome of
your teeth ta my mouth
laat summer. I can truth,
fullr aar that they Br
the) aeareot thing to peal
taeth that oaa be had,
and It all the people ot
Omaha who are suffering
from half tooth bridge
work could kaow aa much,
as I do of th relief ther
could get bj visiting your
office, you would seed
tho entire Braadelg build
ing to accommodate them.
No more) half -tooth
dentists tor mine, sad no
mora tot mr friends who
may be ta need ot work,
as I will surely gee) to it
that they will bo treated
by yourself.
TIopln to hear from you shortly, stating time for tppoistmant sad
with beat wlehesafor your continued success, I am
' Very truly yours,
J. T. KETCHNER. 4SK Blondo Street, .
' e
eV W
WAY. y
, i ..? i .y," J
Tho Dental Frateralty Is Invited to Hake
Saturday, March 2,
when I open this
$hop, you will say:
got the right
You'll vote "Society Brand"
clothes tho peer of any
ready-to-wears you've ever
You'll grasp a "Strtaoa' or
"KnappfrJt" hat and aay:
"Moat becoming hat I've
had oa my hrevd In years."
Yoall find ehlrt comfort
aad shirt style combiaed;
first time la a long while.
Toa'U pick ap several neck
tire aad aay: "tare me thee
before soene other fellow se
lects eaa."
Yoa ll say: "Primal aad Del
park BmcJeraoar ar away
beyoad tiie common aorta
offered a boat towa."
Yoall look about thla shoo .
and aay: "Yea fellow
ought to do well hem"
YoaH say Ha the only classy
shop la Omaha, '
You'll agree that th prior
are aot a bit high for th
extreme high grade of goods
' ro . . ,
Watch ." th paper for big
'Brooks" ada th latter
part of this week.
"Society Brand Clothes"
and Smart FiuriUahingj,
S. E. Cor. 16th ft Harney,
Ground Floor of City
National Bank Building.
?irTV theTTrHvate ap-e, f
- - BUrKlaVn IrfaaaW
?Sor Jugant IB ust Blsclng
ttsa ta a" Sale Dapea't tea In
steel vaults, sal. s4 ail
Beat Tear Safe Deposit Boa
her today.
Omaha Safe Deposit Co.
Street Lervel Sxatrame. Tsartte
Very Low Fares
March 1st to April 15th
Tickets good in Bock Island dean, sanitary,
Thriugh Tourist Sleeping Cars
A Eed action Made in Upper Berth Eates
Choice of Three Routes
Daily service via Denver, Salt Lake Qty, Ogden
and Truckee, or, via Denver, Salt Lake City and the
Golden Feather River Canyon. "Weekly service via El
Paso and along; the borders of Old Mexico. Each
route replete with picturesque and historic scenes.
) Write for illnatrated folder, "Aeroes the
Continent In a Tourist Bleeping Car."
J. S. McNALLY, D. P. A.
1322 rarnam Street.
- Omalia, Neb,
nur.iDEn six
Leaves Union Station,
Omaha, at 6 p. m., arrives
Union Station Chicago, at
8 a. m, via the
A train of quality carries
steel standard sleepers, coaches
aad chair car latently
equipped baffet library car
on excelled dining car eorvio
solid electrla lighted. Thla
train deserves your patronage.
Two other floe trains to Chi
cago, at T:ti a. m. aad T:50
p. ta. .
1612Farnam St.
Besults that come from
sincere inquirers,": who
really want what you have
for sale, are the kind you
get from Bee "Want Ads.
Use them, - read hem;
they pay you both ways.