Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 29, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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The Omaha Daily bee
Katered At OmAhA poetofnce aa secoad-
rvi. oruji DIim.1V
- SuixJav Km. mm year
' BsturdAy Baa one yeAT Jj "
Daily B (without Skadar), aim ysnr.R
Tjoiir Ima aad Sunday, on veer SAW
Breamg Bee (wtts SundAy). per ae...e
Iietly Bee (Including Sunday). per mo.t-e
Ii!t Bm (without Sunday!, per
Address AH AomptamtA or triegulsrlUes
ia delivery to Jty circulation lApt ,
Remit by draft, oxprwu or poet el order,
peratolo to Th Boo Pubitthtng oompAny.
Only i-osnt itimn received to pAimem
Of Smell ACCOUMS. Person) eaeekS, -
npt on Osjeha And eastern exchengs. not
OwwhA The Bm Building,
tooth Omaha OU N St
Council Bluffs-? Scott Bt.
Lincoln- Uttlo Building.
ChiCAgO-lMS MATOUWttO Building.
Kaaass City ReliAnea Building.
Now York-M W( Thirty-third.
U, sshlnrton-T Fourteenth w. w-
remmanicetieae remtlng to "V
editorial matter should be edAreSSAd
' Omaha BdltorlAl Poosrtmsnt
Stats nf !VmilrA. County of rwusia a SSj
Pwigtit Williams, AtroulAtlow sssnager
ef The Ben Publtshlos eemPAnr. heing
duly AWerB, thai the average daily
Hreelatloei. Iaa spoiled, onused d re
turned oopki for the moata of Jsnuarr,
ira wee ;a-DWK,T VrtMAMa,
CtrealAtlou MAneger.
finherrlhed la svy proooiwo AJ4 "l,
before me tins sth day r.'"trI.1'11
'" Notary Public
Sakoorlhom sserelnai the oily
temporarily afeeaU Un The
Be seatled to them. Address
win be eaaaeed ao eft oa. aa re-
Nov, for tha firing .
Tha rial I filling ap wit Salt.
Taa boy scoot buslneea enght to
pick OP brliiUr bow.
Kvery Msxlc president
revolution All hi own.
hat A
Colonel Hoinwve't will not Dead to
ge ta Mexico to tt Into a fight
' If wu vary BAtarAl that Secretary
Knox should nak ttlt ftrtt ml ttop
t Coloa.
Jnit SnppoM.
Suppoa tho pagas of hlitory
tornod back to 18Sf.
Bappoao ia that Biemorablo cam
paign Wniiant JenalJiga Bryan
elected president Instead of William
Suppote aa the campalga ' ap
proached fonr yean later Mr. Bryan
announced hla candidacy for re
nomination. , "
Suppose people than reminded him
of thia fentenee In hit letter formally
accepting the democratic nomination:
r hereby anDOuaea, with All omphAAto
wMeh wirdi can axpnaa, my flud do-
tarmlBAtioa not. under any ctrcumitancea.
to bo a cAndldato for re-elect loa la OAaa
thla eanoAicn reaults In my electtoa
, Suppoae the reaponM of Mr. Bryan
t be, "When I aaid that. I did not
expect to be a candidate acaln. Times
hare changed. What I meant was
that I would not be a candidate again
after I was one re-elected.'
Jnat suppose. If yon can, what
Theodore Booserelt would be saying
about Mr. Bryan. ' , ,
Now, the recall as exorcised by Co
lombia on tenor Osplna Is not 'ob
jectionable. -
The lAma of governors sow stands
Ala to seren la favor of the Tafts,
who are still at bat 1 '
The colonel final bellerea la the
recall, partloalarly the recall back
to the White House for a third term.
Senator Lodge has different views
oa the matter of old friendship than
those held by some of his eld friends.
"What is JDemocratt". aska tna
Baltimore Bun. A good man gone
wrong in trying to find the pie counter.
A Good Point Saiwd.
- la whatever investigation It makes
of the so-called money trust, congress
should carefully avoid action that
would tend merely to prejudice pub
Uo opinion against the banks of the
country. A very good point in this
connection waa raised In the house
by Congressman Vreeland,. who said:
Tha people of this country know ao tit
tle, have a chance to tied out ao little,
bout these great floanclAl affairs fas
the eUlee that I believe it will be educA
tSonai to them, and. poaatbly, to some of
tha members af the house, to knew more
of the arest business of the country and
tew It ta conducted. But what I object
to, Kr. BpeAker, In some of the resolu
tions that have baea presented to tho
heuae, is tha runtae out with a preamble
which dad Area that "certain treat
banka," lawfully esistlnc anler the racu
lAtloa of the taws of the United Bmlea,
"are unlAwfully astng their deposits sad
attemptinc to rob the nubile, are endAa
sartna the deposits at thetr easterners."
and, therefore, be It resolved that we
will appoint a committee ta se and find
out whether there la snrthinf la It, 1
think that la a dancareus prooedare.
And so must other thouf htful per
sons think It I a dangsroua pro
cedure. And even It all that these
carelessly-worded resolutions charge
were true. It weald still he dangerous
for the simple reason that tha conse
quences of Impaired confidence In the
banks fall heaviest on ths people. The
hanks caanot sustain the whole In
Jury or burden. The perversion of
this Investigation msrsly to excite
unjustified suspicion, should, fcr
the good of all concerned, be studi
ously guarded against As a matter of
education, whether anything more
comes of it or not the Investigation,
properly conducted, might be
profitable, but it would bring op on
tsa wrong side of the ledger If all it
accomplished waa to destroy popular
faith In the banks, t
and advertising, for the state really
has not done as much of that as It
should bars and will In the future.
Fottmaiter Wharton.
Congratulations are due all around
on the accession of Postmaster 'Whar
ton to the office of which he has
just taken charge. ' - .
The welcome accorded him by the
poetofflce clerks and carriers, and
employes generally, indicates that the
change affords them an overdue re
lief, and that 'they have centered
great expectations npon serving
under a new head who,' not only
stands high in ths community, but
Inspires their confidence.
The Bee can well repeat what it
said at the time Mr. Wharton's selec
tion aa postmaster waa made public:
It goes without saying that the new
postmaster haa a man'a Job in front of
htm to restore efficiency In a thoroughly
demoralised Institution, and make It fully
responsive to the growing Beads of the
community. This task cannot be per
formed la a week, or a month, yet Its
accomplishment will measure ths suooesa
of the postmaster, la working out the
problem he will be entitled to the sup
port and assistance of both the employes
inside, and the patrons outside, of ths
We believe this characterization
fits ths case In a pre-eminent degree.
In the meantime, the convention
delegates elected from day to day
are being recalarty Instructed for
President Taft
As was naturally to be expected.
the democratlo World-Herald offers
eonsoling balm to the outgoing re
publican postmaster.
Coming to close ipoa the heois of
the two national conventions this
yesr, s sane fourth of July will seem
as dull as a Quaker Sunday,
It haver rains but It pours. The
construction of two Platta river
power canala by two different sets
of promoters now confronts us.
' It "Buy be observed that moving
picture shows are not the only places
In Omaha and Booth Omaha where
children are employed in violation
of the child labor law. .
V Bryan Is up ia Idaho, seekine. It
is said, light upon ths various demo
cratic candidates. As they uiol to
ssy la the old game of "huat the
thimble,' you are getting cold, Mr.
Candidates for congressional nomt-
nation are beginning to compete la
Mbe construction of personal plat
: forms designed to catch the elusive
voter. The strange similarity of
'poms of ths planks would Indicate a
, decided sameness of purpose.
; Tfie Lienor league nas put up a set
iof seven candidates for commissioner
'supposed to etaad in with organised
; labor. Another list will later be pro
'duced by state-makers supposed to
represent organised capital. But of
course, there will be su politics In
'our Impending municipal election.
; The San. Francisco Chronicle per-
sists that "California la for Taft"
will be recalled that ataff corre
'spondent for the Chicago Tribune
wired his paper when the president
was on his western, tour that "there
'are not enough anti-Tart men ta Baa
Francisco to can aa eiectio booth.'
If they are still counting straw votes,
hero ia one.
If those World-Herald figures
' making the water plant produce aa
annual net profit of tl75,9J above
all running expenses and Interest
charges were correct they weald ctm
siitate the greatest Indictment of all
against our Water board for not
eagerly acquiescing ia the appraise-
mes when made six years ago, and
by this time chalking a credit balance
of 1.59.9 to tke ity.
Ilii Appeal of the lebruka
The government's statistics on
agriculture la Nebraska make a po
tent appeal to the man with money
to Invest in farming land under the
most favorable conditions. From
1100 to lilt the value of farm prop
erty, Including the land, live stock,
equipment and improvements. In
creased 11,131.111,000, or 170.1 per
cent The average value of an acre
of Nebraska farm land, with build
ings, today Is 041.85; without build
ings, f 1.80. Ths minimum average
value, according to count! ss, is 14.00,
and the maximum, till and over.
When It Is remembered that a large
part of the western halt of the stats
new, unsettled and land unim
proved, the significance of these fig-
urea may' be appreciated. First of
all. It should be remembered that
they are not the fictitious values
fixed by land boomers, but ths tangl
ble valuations determined by the gov
ernment's critical experts, oa the
basis of what the land actually pro
duces. This new portion ot the state
In the west la aa empire ot itself,
Cherry county alone having an area
larger than that of Rhode Island and
Connecticut combined, or than three
eastern states separately, and land In
Cherry county and other counties ad
jacent ia so ebeap now only tor want
of Improvement and development not
for want ot natural roaouroea. Thla
ia only a hint ot ths future ot the
Nebraska's crop values have rises
with Its land values, Its annual cereal
output a year now bringing about
tlSs.OOO.OOO. three-fifths of which
represents the Income from corn
alone. Out ot every 100 farmer la
1000, eighty-seven raised some corn.
so that com la king. The average
else of the Nebraska farm, like that
ia most western states. Increased in
the last decade and is now 207.8 acres
and the total number of its farms
ia 1010 was 110,078. But Nebraska
outranked sons of it neixhborins
states ta the proportion of farm
ownera to Venters, having T0.8I0
farms operated by the owners, 017
by managers and only 10,441 by ten
. Another very healthy alga la la the
comparatively small number of mort
gages. In spite of the fact that the
individual farmer is steadily
lag hla holdings. Only 80,810 farms,
or ii.s per coat were mortgaged
1010. As compared with tl per cent
la 1800. or eves 45 per cent In 1000.
this shewing is full of meaning and
promise. All this progress In Ne
braska, It must be borne la mind, to
the result of natural process and not
ot Ingenious campaigns of pttbty
Central labor Exchanges.
The commission Investigating the
problem of Chicago's 185,000 Idle
men has promptly come to the con
clusion that at the outset the city
should maintain a central labor ex
change, where Idle men may go and,
free of charge, find work. The Idea
is for the employers seeking help to
communicate with the exchange and
tor the unemployed to do the same.
In fact, tor the exchange to become
absolutely the headquarters for in
formation pertaining to the whole
labor situation, equipped with ex
perts capable of meeting the de
mands on both sides.
This look like a good plan, but It
is not to be regarded as a cure-all for
the problem. In the first place, as
has already been shown, a large num
ber of the Idle men bt Chicago and,
presumably, la other cities are idle
because they prefer to be.' For them
this central sxchahge can have no
particular meaning. , But for the man
honestly seeking employment,' It
should become a most helpful agency.
In Chicago and elsewhere, of course.
there are private and seml-publlo em
ployment agencies, but there is no
systematically organised plan of help
ing ths man out of a job and who
desires. to get ens.
Herd again, in this central ex-
chahgd Idea, we are borrowing from
our more conservative neighbors In
Europe. Prof. Charles R. Hendersoa
of the University ot Chicago, the ac
tive leader of this work la Chicago.
says there are twenty such exchanges
over there and they are doing excel
lent work. There seems to be no
good reason why the plan should not
work as well la this country. At least
it will do to give it a trial i
Tho Wheel of Justice.
The first official act ot Postmaster
Wharton is to order restoration , of
Letter Carrier Tlllotson to the route
from which he waa arbitrarily re
moved to wreak the vengeance of the
former postmaster. " i
Letter Carrier Tlllotson manfully
refused to be a passive victim of offi
cial despotism, and made complaint
In which be preferred charges which
he offered to prove.
Every charge Letter Carrier Tlllot
son made was fully sustained In the
evidence produced before the gov
ernment Inquisitors, . and having
made good on hla promises, he I
entitled to have his grievance re
dressed. '-- .',' ;., "
This award of justice to Letter
Carrier Tlllotson must reassure ail
the postotflce employee, who ask only
honest dealing and fair treatment on
their merits.
The "Pros resolve Republican lOAgue"
of Taxes, which indorsed Taft for re
aomlnatioa thla week, has tho same right
to eaU Itself proereeslve that Senator
Larimer's orteniaatfoa la Illinois has te
esll Itself the Lincoln BepubUcaa league.
Kansas City Star.
This is the same "Progressive R
publican league' that waa support
ing La Follette In Texas and only
left hi banner when he virtually
eliminated himself from the race.
ror a lew cays, therefore, it waa a
close question whether It would
throw Its support to Taft or to Roose
velt It was "progressive," of course,
to th Star, so long as It waa back
of La Follette, and would bare beea
still "proereeslve" had It gone over
to Kooeeveiu in Texas it is the "ma
china" crowd that has ths Roosevelt
end. .
Well, that part of the code ot
medical ethics that prohibit legiti
mate newspaper advertising ought to
be thrown Into the discard, anyway.
Orate ta Gay,
Washington Poet.
te Governor w"H son's meta
phorical reference te peUUcal Joy riding,
we have observed that the severest eritle
of ths sport usually wmds up ky ftuytng
a car and going after ths speed record.
Vmdm Data Spaa Ira Oet.
BOCTH OMAHA. Feb. fit-To the
Editor of Tho Boo: As one of the eldest
and most loyal repuMleans ia Nebraska,
and having Assisted ta orgaoislng ths
a a P. In UM and ISM, I naturally
eoaoiudo that my own republicanism la
moat deflnttelr and firmly sstabUshed.
Governor Aldrtch. however, is ss con
sumed with his own personal popularity
and self-importance that be expects re
publicans to re-notnlnate him, and re
elect him Ao governor of this republican
state while he has spent most of his
time advocating insurgency.
I believe all substantial rem bit cans
desire to eee the democratic party nom
inata a patriotic and worthy eandldata,
as raany atald republicans would prefer
ouch a staid and stable governor te a
disturber and malcontent such as Ald
rtch has proven to, be,
Waooter Ceyaeaa Baek. -
SILVER CREEK. Nah.. Wen. B.-To
the Editor of Tna Beec I am not dis
posed to pay much attention te the alto
gather scurrilous latter of Tour Urn
Creek correspondent. I wtah, however.
write a Uttlo history:
During tha winter of U10-U1L I met
1 Lincoln, on their Invttstton Mwtein
Senile men from Kim Creek te confer
about Union Pacific right-of-way mat
ters. I saw at ones that while their In
tentiona were undoubtedly perfectly good,
they were not only utterly Ignorant aa to
right-of-way questions, but had very
crude and hasy Ideaa aa to what should
be done, la child-like Innocence they
had conceived the idea that they should
advise With ths soverna ui tke ,t
torney general. But tearing they might
roes tneir way or become abashed and
helpless la the ImmeAi mmmmm
supreme executive power, they wisely
urea your correspondent. An ex-Phtllp-Plne
soldier, who hss no interest In the
,-lght-of.wsy. te escort them. I have
reason ta believe your correspondent
earned his moner and mens to he u
excellent chaperon,
I admit that I undertook to !v
gentlemen some coed advice. I nrh.
admit that I think they showed a great
lacs or sense la not accepting that ad
vice. 1 did BM aUamM to Atateta
or thereafter. But I will set longer re
main silent while unthinking men, Ignor
aat of thetr rights of the Isw, are sacri
ficing thetr real Interests en advice ef
attoraoya who .originally were doubtless
ss Ignorant of the whole matter as them-
wivws ana yet nave much to lean If
trying honestly to esreo the u. .
their cllenta. a thine? nf whin i 'i,.u
very grave doubts. '
la my ontnlnn a rifinln w.
" . ..a '. VIIUU M
made for the right-of-wgy farmers la
ths courts, I believe the law officers,
themselves, of ths Union Paclfle are of
that opinion, or elsa the wnni
ago have seen that a ease went to the
lupreme court to be definitely and fin
ally settled. Now, It looks to me as
though the Union PadOu had a case they
woiua no wnung te take to tha supreme
court And whyf Amply because Prince
ind Mahoney, the attorneys ef tke farm
era in those Dawson count v ...
admitted the main contentions en which
tne company have heretofore relied. Ths
bill la oongreas at simply to distract at-
isniion oi tne rarmors while ths smooth
work is being donac " "
The Presidential Primary.
KBNK8AW. Neb.. Ftoh. rsT
Editor of The Bee: In a resent Iot r
The Boa idmmA .. ,.,
Attention te the difficulty of arranging
mo names or CAnawateA for delegates to
the national conventions In a A
satisfy all factions. And while criticis
ms ins law ss sa Ill-considered measure,
you offer no suaseatloa for its im.-.
meat-even After its dissection for months
by interested persons as a working p
The b residential nap e th
"7 law waa before the leglslsture more
man two months an passed As Intro
duced by ma ascent far
Being the first set of the kind ever intro-
uncee. in us nebraska legtslAture, and
no ether state nannc had actual ...
pertence la the operation of a Aimiier
law. It WOUld BOt be tursrUn, ir -
are discovered.
Nebraska's first direct nrtmerv u
passed In 199? and waa a good law. and
yet It has been amended st aver aim-.
of the legislature since.
while the DrealdeoUaJ sriiiun kiii
before the legtslAture neither The Bee
nor any other great newspaper sug
gested changes I imagine It to be a
store Important public senrtre for a news
paper to try and perfect legislation at the
time It Is being considered by ths legls
lsture, rather thaa to Appear wise after
the fact But even bow the Bee. offers
no suggestion of amendments th.
would, in Its opinion, make It a more
workable Iaw.
1 am aware of tho efforts ,a
or tag tne oirrerent party fact Ions on the
areatden'tlal ballot The law oertatnly
does not provide for any suck Uh.Mnt;
as a lor one am awrui rue it
A repubucsa esnrtMato for Sau
to bo ssUsfled ta go oa the ballot aa a
repuwicAA. aet as a Tart rapubttcaa, or
a La Follette or Roosevelt rspubocaa.
And stmllsrly for the more aumarous
raouona ta the domoeratle party.
The theory and Intent of the law kt, ef
course, mat the preferential vote ea
president should decide whom the Scle
ra lee aha 11 auaoort la mnMnMu
What would really be aa hniiransni u
the provision In the Wisconsin lew
waers the el red prUBAry originated
permitting a first aad second ch i.
that way nomlnaUona and preference
voue wows is soon Hsstances lewesem
a majority of the voting aad not a mere
There are ether amendments whle
think would liuuiovo tho taw.
Tha date of the presidency primary
snows as a oxen ear, and ao other thaa
aatloaal ssaters should he cotuedered at
such primary, the ragular palmary being
used for local and state nomtnatlona.
Petitions for presidential candidates
should be Mbstaatlally MVreased and aa
acceptance required, as for other csadt-
Around New York
Ripples aa the Carreat of Life
as See a tm the Great AmerteM
Metres site frees Bar te Day.
Isaportaat Wage Comforeaee,
All the railroads east of Chicago snd
north of Virginia, a total of forty-eight
companies, will be represented by their
best talent at a wage conference with
the affictala of the Brotherhood of Loco
motive Engineers which basins ia New
York next week. The ongmeers demand
a new pay schedule uniform over the
territory, which will aggregate, an In
crease of US. 000, 000 a year. Ths new wage
seal Includes the following: Psy for
running passenger engines having cylin
ders of twenty Inches or under. Kef per
lot miles or less, and tt.e) tor larger
eyttsatoir! overtime te be aomsuted ea a
basis of twenty miles per boor at 7e coats
aa hoar. Electric engines are te be
operated by members of ths brotherhood
at the same rates charged for steam
Oa freight engines the rate Witt be US
per MS miles wbea the cylinders sre
twenty laches la diameter, for en
gines with cylinders of. from twenty te
twenty-four Inches, SS.S for larger cylin
ders, except with the Mallet type of en
gine, aad gf for Mallets. One hundred
miles or less or tea hours or leas Is to
constitute a day's work. Overtime Is to
be computed ea the minute basis at ths
rate of tea miles aa hour. Kates for
operating switching engines in yards are
put at ttM a day, ten hours being a dttys
work. Belt line rates are demsnded at
I a day for tea hoars.
In all csasses ef rosd service In Which
there are deiaye within the terminal
amounting ts one hour psy Is demsnded
for one hour overtime. One hour and
thirty minutes will count sa two hours.
Settlement for overtime must be made at
the end of each trip,
Mayer Garaera Doctor Bill.
The question of ths ethics ot doctors'
bills Is brought up sgsln by the suit ef
Dr. W. J. Arllts, hsad surgeon ef the
Koboken hospital at which Mayor Garner
waa treated following the attempt oa bla
life, to recover from the mayor the dif
ference between the 17, MS charred la his
MU for services and the VM allowed by
the Board of Aldermen.
"Dees the slss sf the bin depend oa
the tmportanoe of the petlentr' esks ths
New Tork World. "That Is ths general
popular inference. Congress appropriated
MMO te pay for professional attendance
on President McKlnley, For professional
seniles te Mayor Oaynor ths slderroen
Allowed a total ef PASM, of which two
of the Attending surgeons received SS.0W
each and the third SVeOe, while Dr. Ar
lltt's Mil was sealed dowri to the extent
which hss provoked the suit In addition
the hospital benefited from K fund of
til, 1(4 raiaed by pubU subscription.
"If Instead ef the mayor the patient
had beea a minor etty official would the
Mlla have been anywhere near ss target
Are big bills for prefeestooAl attendance
the penalty ef personal promlneacer'
Deetltate oa S1SO a, Month.
The "high cost of living" figures in ths
suit which Mrs. Louise 8. Button of
Brooklyn has brought against her hus
band, Francis H. Button. Although she
owns snd lives la a fins house la one of
Brooklyn's best neighborhoods, she de
clared that aha was -destitute" Mrs.
Button aUeges that what she received
tram her husband waa not sufficient In
this time of high prices to support her
self properly. She put In a statement
showing thAt her Average monthly ex
penses amounted to ant. Of thai tOM was
for "car fare, luncheon I, hire for con
veyances, sntertalnmsnts and amuse
ment.' Bite said thst her husband, who
la In the exporting business la Manhat
tan, had aa Income of st least gM, a
Mr. Sutton stated thst hs bought the
house In which his wife lives, that hs
gave her tKkOM three years ago, and that
he makes her a monthly allowance of
smetaaT I'p Broadaray.
Broadway is soon to undergo the great
est cleaning ap It hss ever experienced.
From the Battery to Forty-ninth street
on both sides ot ths historic thorough
fare, every obstruction which extoads be
yond the street line Is to be removed,
sliced oft carted away and thrown In
the dump.
Broadway .was ordered spruced up by
ths board of estimate which recently has
adopted ths project of cutting oft the ex-
easslve decora tiona. which slowly have
bean encroaching oa the big street tor
decades. Hundreds of stores, office and
manufacturing buildings probably wtll
suffer In ths five-mile slice that la to
be drawn along the edges of the street
taking off porches, stoops, signs, ptllara.
side walk a stands, cases for displaying
goods and perhaps even parts of build
Mom of the buildings which, will lose
parts of their ornamental fronts are the
Standard Oil. New Tork Ufa. Westers
Union and Postal Telegraph la the down
town section.
laervr falls Are CaafJy.
"It teat the high east of living that
keeps New Tork broke." mused the Hon
orable "Big Bill" Edwards, breaking la
on a discussion of the real Issue ef the
day. "Ira the high ooet ef snow."
"Snow." scoffed one of the party.
"Top, eaowl B-N-OWI Plain, everyday
snow. The cost of removing an inch ot
snow from a street ef tale burg, would
provide every man. womAn and child, who
needs it with a week's board and give
warm clothing m Addltioa. Aa mch ot
snow skims off !,) from Father Knick
erbocker's bank-roll. We'll have enough
Inches tMs winter te run the total cost
of removing them up to about toattok
"When, you're troubled with Insomnia
fust figure tap how many inches that
wsana It's a far more effective remedy
mating sheep.'
Divisions ot
, Baltimore Amarieaa.
If things go oa at the present rat. oa
grsss wul have to be divided Into two
great branches a portion to make laws
snd Another to msks tavestlgatlone. Oth
erwise, ss subjects for invest! rations tn
ereaso la the natural proportioa of the
tew of growth, there will be no time for
the national legislature to attend te Its
original functie '
The somber of Petitioners for aaum.
At-lArs-e And nAllonal mw,,,.
should be greatly reduced. The present
requtrooMSK as erroaeoue wltbetrt good
res sea. This kt oaa aiaco sfcs, .v. uu
aa Introduced, was amended ta committee
Ml lie inn a. a. A V A.N&.
Croat ly svrdnoed Prlece.
Inillonapoiis Xsws. . 7 '
Speaking of poOtieal economy es
men, rt looks ss If the federal eon-apt
practice iaW were resulting In greatly
reduced prices for corurreealooal norstna
tlons If oew only radges by ths state
ments filed a WaeblasTtaa by tbs eaadt-
.'.-,) :
Tills inOmala
1- MUfHl rtMTaJ am 07 a trf 1 B?Jm I
I jymr a aVar.av r sbxwiwb- mmm-tn m -see- -
J FB.a.
Twenty T,
The Sundown dub undertook to ex
plain The Law's Delay.' and the dis.
cession consumed several hours. T.. A.
Creurh acted aa chairman. Rev. W. J.
Harsha opened the discussion and waa
followed by Judge W. W. Keyaor, who
maintained that many deters ia litigation
ware not the fault ef the law or fudges,
but were necessary to secure absolute
Justice. He also scored lawyers tor
negilgencs aad Inefficiency ia prepAiing
pleadings. Judge Irvine said that since
be had become a Judge he- waa con
vinced that the lawyers were chiefly to
blame for delaya. .Other speakers were
J. T. Mori arty. T. W. BlACkburn.
Thomas Kilpa trick, W, & Curtis and A.
C. Troup. , '-.,
Cyrus W. Bell announced that hs
would start a weekly paper la Omaha
April L in the interest of the colored
people, and that It would be Ind pendent
in politics, with democratlo proclivities.
W. A. Paston returned from a month s
recreation in New Tork, much Improved
In health.
V. O, StricUer, a prominent pop, made
this prediction: ' T want to tell you
something that la going to happen. The
matter has not been heralded about the
country aa yet but lust as sure as the
sun rises next Fourth of July General
O U Van Week of Nehreakm la enlnr to
be nominated la this city for ths presi-S
dency by the Independent national com
mittee, t
An enjoyable dancing party was given
by Mrs. Andrew Hass for her atstsr.
Miss Nsthanla Anspacber. it being her
fourth birthday, which made her swsst
It Most notable among the many gifts
from friends was a picture- presented by
Merc Pollock, a clever bit of color from
hla own brush. '
Mr. sad Mrs Frank D. Lyon, HI North
Nineteenth street tendered a reception
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Orura-
mond of Blnghamton, N. T.
Platform Fitted te Needs. '
New Tork Post .
The colonel was simply obliged to come
out In favor of the resell ot Judicial de
cisions, for otherwise he could not re
call his ewa decision not te run for a
third term. -T V. .
;. GBJSS ABB caujAis. '.-
-Don't yon want to leave any footprints I
ia the sands of time" . - .
-I don't know," replied Senator Sor
ghum. "There s so much sleuos gotnc
on thAt a mAn gets soy of a thumb print,
a footprint and even of leave to print"
Washington guar. - - -
"Now that you pavo become rich. 1 hope
you win not forget the people who were
your friends when. you were poor.
"Oh. no; 1 11 not forget them. The friends
a man had when he was poor never let
him do that however he may try. -Chi-CAgo
Record-Herald. ,-....
"No, my daughter-, you can never hsve
my sanction to marry young Dobbins. He
is too extravagant te soaks a prudent hus-
!'fer,howdoy.uknowr . : "
hotel one dsy when prices were going up
their highest and I noticed he put Penr
of butter in hla soft-boiled eggs." Balti
more Americas.
jAck-Fred has a snap, but he's foolish
to continue abusing his privileges.
Tom-Thafs sollt takes mlgnty BWe te
make a sinecure Insecure. Boston Tran
script - ,
"Doctor. I wish you' would tell me. as a.
medical man, if you know of anything
that wlU make the hair grow on this bald
spot on the top of my bead. '
"My dear sir. It I could snswee tsst
question in the affirmative do yoa aup
pose my forehead would extend from my
eyebrows to the back of my neckr-Chl.
cago Tribune. , ' ' .,
.-. BslUroore Sua.
The land of little children will be Para
dlse for me
When I have met the Pilot at the border
nf thm SAA. - - '-
I want ao other beavea than to be trans
aami them -
To rest my weary spirit from the sorrow
and the care.
The tend of little children I have dreamt
of It today! . ,
Beyond a gate of roses In the rosy vales
ot May: '
The mueio ringing through it. of their
laughter and their song, '
And troops of dancing piaymstss thst
have never done me wrong! 1 .
The land ef little children will be Eden
when I go
To know the golden secrets thst I II
soms day have to know;
And I shall count the moments With un
patience till my Friend
Leans down to lead me onward to the
Light that mark the aad.
The land of little cblldrea-I have thought
of It through tears .
Amid the roaring tempest and the ware
fare of the years.
And I shall ask no heaven any brighte
than will be ...
That land my Pilot takes me when I meet
him by the sea. . , ,
1 n i i
I IMliULB .a. Mm AA esT
.'j;iji;3i;- . rto :j;MJl
Try It WhUe Coffee Is So Dear.
The Best Is an Economy.
Published by tha Grower ol . India Tmm .
Ugtat atenktae- la.
New Tork World.
The tl serais have won, despite extrsor
slBAry efforts to defeat them, the first
by re-eiectioa. held In Canada ataoa the
Tory victory at the general election last
year. The legislature of sjaakntchewaa
recently adopted a resolution la favor
of reciprocity by a handsome rnajerity.
The proof mumpuee that tha defeat of
reciprocity hut year was due to aa eatl-
mat ha a spasm produced by the Tory
press and Tory wpeakers.
. Pi alee Wave WAUe, -
Bosum . Tiwnsertpt
Governor Wllexm Secures that the taresJ-
aatectlen af Chsneellw Pttaer ror
Use senwwms beach ts one eminently
aai made. Aa Governor 'Vussa did not
nppolnt htm te his
aa their pontics are
that looks Bke praise
postuoa. and:
cluu-scters, ,
i w wia-i wa
via ).
Tuesday, March 5th, 1912, Eomeseeker't Excursion . ,
Tickets will be on ale from Omaha and other
Illinois Central stations to principal
, points in FLORIDA at above rate.
Tickets limited to twenty-live days for return.
Stop-overs permitted at practically all points.
Call or irrite for descriptive literature on Florida, Geor
gia, Alabama, Tennessee and Mississippi For reserva
tions, detailed information, etc apply '
City Ticket Office, 409 South Sixteenth Street ;
Phones: Rmflas 264, A-2164. '