, - THE BEE: OMAHA. THUESDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1912. 60YERH0RS M.Tffl SUte Zxeentim Telegraph Ami uses , Support. , A3SWEE CHICAGO C0HTXVCE Fiat stent AjiiIH Ketitled t - Tesrss AdsntaaoUnaosa ! larM Predlrts rail at , J . OaVomre MirTilt WASHINGTON. Fab. Tl-rapoJc Ipiexlase of support from nine repanllcaa tueeinm were irvea cut bar tonlltit from tin eampaisn Headquarter of President Taft. Tb executives (otac oa record m ievor of the president'a ru- linatloa an:--.- - Ebernart. Minnesota: Carroll. Iowa; jHsy. Washington; Goidsboroufh. Msry- hand; Tener. ' Pennsylvania; Hooper, iTenntssw; Spry, Utah; Penesrell, Pola 'ware, and Pothler. Rhode ;einil. la addition to tbo elcned statecmnta I mad pubUo the Taft xoanacsrs clatoMd Ith support' f Deneen. Illinois; Oddls, Nevada, and Mead. Vermont. I The announcement from th Taft .bureau is taken aa an answer to th Ichlos- canference of aoven governors, I upon i whoa solkitatloa Cotonal Kooas (vett baaed hla formal entry Into tbe nrea fiaeatlal contest. Twenty-two atatea now hare republican governors and,Sxceatlnc jtwo, are now accounted for in tin varl )oua statements of presidential p refer -leaoea, aa follows: - ' ' .Declared for Taft. ; claimed by Tatt I; declared for Roosevelt. 7; for La Follette, 1; preference not announced, 2. The governors who have declared for Rosvlt are: Glasscock, West Vir ginia; AMrteb, Nebraska; Baas, New Hampshire: Osborn. Michigan; Stubba, Kansas; Hadley, Missouri, and Johnson. California. ... Governor Carer of Wyoming also signed th "foveroora" letter" urging , Colonel Hooeeeelt to become a candidate, but It I now asserted that ho has reserved tidgmenL Neither has Governor Veseey of South Dakota announced hla choice. . Th California executive did not sign jtbe letter, but has sine declared for th former president. Governor McOovern (of Wisconsin Is conunltted to th can jdidacr of Senator La Follelle. ' " What taa Cere era en Say. . I Th aim governors wh have corns out (for President Taft take the position that Ws record entitles him to renomlnatlon land aloctton. I Follow!- are th more striking extracts Waken from th governors' dispatches: I Bberhart. Iflnnesota-FTealdent Taft s Administration, measured by all standards bt accomplishment and fidelity to duty, en litis him to the endorsement of a second jterm. whfch I believe th Inherent sens nf fairness and jusUo of th American beople will ungrudgingly (lv him. i Carroll. Iowsr-Ther Is no Justice In th lop position to President Taft. His admin- (stratlon has bean clean and capable and n harmony with platform pledges. A dust and righteous application of the fcq'iare deal would accord hltri renomina- Itlon without a contest. '. Hay, Waahlncton Pew administrations (can point to th enactment of so many (wise and progressive laws as that of President Taft. 1 feel It th duly of every tru republican to support Mr. Taft (for ranomlnaiioa and re-election. , . ; Goldsberoucu. Maryland It la my opln oa that President Taft has given th aouatnr aa of th bast administrations m t history. I (Irmly believe that when th record of Ilea republican party under hla. Ms leadership Is fully made known' to jth peopl they will rally to his standard, renominate ani rsreteet- him. - i Tener, Pennsylvania In view of th able manner la which President Tart has con ducted his Afflu. th constructive and ktubatanttal achievements of hla adminis tration, I unhesitatingly predict bis re-election. ' Hooper, Tenoessts President Taft la personally popular In Tennessee and his kdmlntsxratlea commands general public Ror.fldenJS. The state organisation Is loy ally supporting th president and from present inuicauons n win in we vi lot Tennessee In th national convention. . Stresses! Candidate. ! Spry. Ulan I am glad to reiterate my personal preference for Mr.; Taft as th presidential nomine. 1 regard him as ith most logical as well as the strongest man whoss nun has been mentioned In jeonnactloa with the republican noralna (tion. i am confidant that Utah will jsend a Taft delegation to the national (convention. Pennewell, Deleware I am strongly la favor of Presldeut T eft's reaomlnation. His splendid record should assure bis re-election by a large majority. I Pothler, Rhode Island-President Taft lis a safe man at the head of the nation. jfaUs administration has been' abl snd tatesmanlike In th broadest sense. His record entitles him to a renoml nation la which event he should receive a most emphatic popular endorsement. In making public ths governor's tele grams tb Taft bureau also says that th republlcaa gubernatorial candidates In tb but election In states now beaded by democratic executives, but which an counted as normally republlcaa. nave al most unanimously declared for Taft. " " ACK wit ROOSEVELT CHKKRUD abOitr." contraued tb aenater. "end that's, what a mugwump. A asaa Is often educated bey end hla caaacrty, aa when be saya be does aat maa ta accept another aommatloa and then Mas t vail tb paoal h did -not mean what he said." Deafening shouts greeted these remarks and there was more cheating tor Presi dent Taft as ha res to speak. Imme diately afterward. . In his speech be said: "As Senator Bailey has said, men sear b educated beyond tbetr capacity, bat that la not the fault of universities It Is ths fault of ths ansa, or of their par ents whs-sent thorn to a pteos where tbe intelieotaal ttriag Is a bit to rleh and where they become latszlcatad under th tasptratlosi of eomethmg stranger than their minds are abl ta stand. I agree that a university adscatloa doss not pre vent a man from making aa ass of himself.- '. jATTj fraft He re alley Oeaemaew Third Versa Aeptratlaaa. ' WA8HINOTO.V, Feb. a.-Prelent Taft Itonight beard Senator Bailor of Texae pleoouoc . Theodore ' Roosevelt's . third jterm am hi lions and saw CM members 'ot the University club lie to their feet from a scar of banquet tables and stand peveral minutes applauding thj utter-nee. i jcemoi Bailey declared that If the (present preaadeat Is not m good enoug'it (republican ta succeed himself, he must lb good enough a democrat to do so." of failure at Chicago to enter th emocratle party. I Th president confined his speech to (the value of university training. He .laughingly asked Senator Bailey to tell 9am j Which branch of tha democratic party be would ba received-la but siad sw other political' reference except to jchtd his beams for their spplause'of political remarks. Senator Bailey began his speech with la defense of th constitution. - "Without Intending to be offensive,' 'he said, "I think that George Wasbtna jtoa and Alexander Hamilton and Janus Maoism were better ouaritled to establish a jrev eminent than Bob La Toiietta or lob Owen." "He" did not say anything about Theo dore," . broke In a voice; and - again uKtrter swept the room.' - ...... Henator Bailey said that university oen had a distinct duty to perform In fdocailng the country against adverse political tendencies. He suggested that would be well to teach the deatocrst'c Nine SerioiislyHiiitv When Trains CoUide Close to Des Moines DES MOINES. la Peb. st-Nlaa per sons were serieualy Injured wbea. Rook Island passenger train No. U ran lata tb rear end of Wabash passiigr train No. I at th outskirts of .th city lata tonight Several others were bort leas severels'. - Th sertouery Injured are: r. O. Mltonell. Das alotnea. . Mrs. William Hutton. Des Moines.. Mrs. Sarah K.' Adair. Deb Moines.' H, H. Berth. Des Moines. B. B. Pol. Hartford, la. . ' . .' ; Mrs. A. Lynch. Da Moines. a Mrs. K. H. Berth, Des Moines. H. O. Wetnee, Hampton, la. WUson. Des Molnea. Th two trains, ' both incoming, cam together -at. a point where th Wabash track crosses .ths Rock Island. Both trains war running at a' high rata of speed and when tbe Rack Island struck th Wabash train tha end coach of ths Wabash train was overturned and rolled several fast down a steep embankmeat. Th coach contained mora than twen-ty-aersn passengers. . All received In juries M som kind. i Rescuers Immediately set to work dig ging th lajurad from beneath th debris and a special train was mad up which carried them to town, where they .were taken to a hospital: , It Is sal all prob ably will recover. This, is the second wrack which has occurred at th sam point within th last week. Stat officials reoently noti fied th railroads that It was a dangerous crossing - Would Postpone' '; the Convention WASHINGTON, Feb. M. -Senator Ba con of Georgia, one of. th democratic leaders in th senate today declared In favor of postponing th democratic con vention la Baltimore, whkh has been called for Jun n, until a later data be cause as now arranged It would be held only a week after the republican con vention In Chicago. "Ths entrance of . Mr. Roosevelt Into th contest for ths republlcaa nomination for th presidency," said Senator Bacon, " has so complicated things that I think th democratic national committee should tsks steps to postpone ths Urn for hold ing th democratic convention. , "Tb republican convent! Is, called for June U and th democrat! coavsn Uoa Jun X, Just a week later., At beat there cannot be more than three days be tween ths adjournment of tha republlcaa and the meeting of tb democratic con vention. . - - . y .-..-. j "Who knows that there will not be such a conflict of view as to tbs platform and Siplrstlons of candidates s ta prolong ths republican convention beyond that time of the 'meeting of th democratic convention? In that event th democrats would b In no position to glr proper consideration of th situation and I think tha meeting of our convention should be deferred for two or three weeks beyond th date now fixed, to Insur such an opportunity In cass It Is presented." J NEW YORK,. ITeb. 7.-"Thls If th first I have heard of such a suggestion sod as yet, t don't see- snv need -of a postponement," Norman E. Mack, chair man of the democratic national commit tee, ssld when his attention ass called tonight- to- Senator Bacon's- declaration in favor of a later date for ths demo cratic national convention. - "Our convention is to be held a week later than that of the republicans, and If any emergency arose through the ac tion of th republican gathering, a post ponement for a week of th democratic convention, could be arranged tor then. While net 'desiring to take any isru whstever wtth th senator my personal opinion Is trat there Ur no need Tor any arrangement Bow." .. ' Miners Advised to : ' v Return to Work SHERIDAN. Wyo.. Feb,. S. -Special Telegram.) A the result of a controversy between th local miner' union sad tha Carney Cosl company, 9M miners - em ployed In the CarnsyvUl mine, tea miles north ot Sheridan ar out on a strike, A conference was held this afternoon be tween officials of District No. U. United Mina Workers of America, and th oper ators, but ao settlement was reached. Thomas CMbaoa, president a th district. has advised tl mew to retorn t work pending the adjustment of the difficulty, which srose over the dlapoattloa f th rock or "clod" which overlies th earner vein. - - -' ml a dmssoKtu. I "Bat mea can be educated beyond tneh- Vletar neeerda for Masafe. Tbs list of records for March contain eo rnaay delightful sHutloa by soted artiau that it Is arousing unusual Inter est. Foremost of these) celebrated artists is, of couree. the great. Caruso," whose exquisite singing of tlw fsmo-JS romsnsa. Uaa FwitJvs Lsgrlma, from hstr d'Amore, Is something t -be long re membered.- And with -Marcel Joumot a elnga Phure'a nob! "Crucifix." tb two artists' bringing' out aQ ths beautle of this eiost me led Sou number, sad tb high B which Caruso takes at tb close la porltlyely; thrilling. "" ' Victor Herbert's orchestra contributes tbs weird snd stritlng "Ind'.sn March" from Meyerbeer's ' L'Afrtcaine: and Pror's band Is' beard in toor nuaksrs two . favorite osetctic over tares, mag nl.'lcenlly played, tb rousing "Algonquin ilarrb." and a lively rag entitled "A Crclon ta Dark town." Th Victor Min strel company makes things lively by Its rensittoo of two- hisrhhr amuslns selec tions, with their short and bra I lent over, tures and opening ehorusea. their Snappy jokes snd their tuneful finish. The most ta-'ked f number m tb new musical production. "Utth Boy Btaa." that has ty the difference between a derwrxt-J captivated New Torfe. Is tb duet "Love Never Die" and R is avleadldly sung for tb Victor by Barboar aad Aaiaerry. STEE COMBDffiIS A TRUST Xxpert XeSae ieports oa AudTtii f OoapaJues' Books. I0W TRADE JS MSTRAIIZD PrUea Maalpalatedl Tsreetk arp IMaaeea aad Pvoflta Mailt plied by Mema of Maw Ma terial. . WASHINGTON. Feb. a.-Tb hous Staal trust investigating committee today mas public ths result of tb Inquiry into tha books aad minutes of th United Statas Steel . corpora tioa conducted by farquhaf J. MoRae, aa expert account ant. Th MeRa report, rsachaa th conclu sion that the steel corpora tioa operates m rastralnt of-trad and r res-en ta competl- tion rb rough a mantpuiatioa of prices. through ,ths Influence ot th so-called "Gary dinners," by control of raw ma terials and through a system f Inter locking directors m various companies. It alas: leads to. contradict som of th testimony given by Steel trust offldala Soma ot ths figures dealt with la the report ar startling. It is shown that J. P. Morgan A CO. received approximately 6.eos,j la cash profit for organising tha big steel combine, aad that ths net Profits of ths concern for ths first nlns years of Its existence wer more than H.,oee,eo , Marsma' Praflta Isaaseas. Steel' corporation officlala objected to producing their book before th com mlttee la this city, but consented to place them freely at th disposal of, an expert ta be named by the committee. Mr. Mc Raa mad a thorough atudy of the books and minute, -and In his report to th commute he pointed out thsss salient feature: , -. s , th statement mads by Judge Gsry and rT C- FHek to President Huosevelt in 107. that It did not control mm than per eeat or steel properties la the country, controls about Hv per cent o( the That 1. P. Morgan v Co.. hearfine the ayndleat which rgsjiised the eteel cor. porsTwn. received a cash prom or MP. m.M. of Which S.aot.Mu was for aroma. tlon. wtth an additional oommlseton of es.w.sw iot a eono conversion 'scheme. That' the net aarnlnas of rhe NVMn. tlon for a period of nine years wer i.waF.wM.M. or an equnajeni of approxi mately 113 a ton on finished product, in stead of iKsxont.Sil. as claimed' by the corporation in Its report.'' .. That tha stssl corporation, contrary to FsaetlasM of fnarjr fMaaera. Th sect Ion of th report, dasllng with th "Gsry dinners.". whr independent as well as corporation steel me assembled ta discuss eondltlona to trade, contains aa analysts of tbs legal effect of th "golden ruts", policy prepared by Anthony-J. Ernest a Nsw iTork lawyer. In which H Is declared that th "coo vent woe agreed to and enforced would be objectionable as regards their effect npon competition." "The Gary dinner arrangement,' says the report, "whereat th as-called IMS' pendents ar Influenced to - reduce their production conformably to thalr estimate of tha rsductloa In th demand existing, and to maintain prices, is objectionable aa far as It e per tee to exclude free com petition. Th arrangement la designed and Intended to operate, and has operated admittedly, as to standard steel rails, although It Is claimed that the so-called Independent participants can cut prices without tear of penalty, except th dls- J honor of declaring in favor of a named arte and then sailing at som ether price. ' "It can be no Justification of ths oo- operatlea of th participants In tb Gary dinners that a penalty attach Is a violation ot the declarations mutually exchanged, because . perforce tha anti trust act would prevent tha enforcement at any penalty for reducing prices or exncediag sns'a share ot tbo bosuns. Previses pool agreements xeajr have teen krokea and pes allies Inflicted by tb msnsbsr til ism I iss. aiihoagh this was seoa discontinued. It will be asaumed. evea If a fund had Bat beet) deposited, that tb snea la the eld pool would bav paid tbetr fines. "Oa the other hand, aay contract assy be broken; any caaepirary may bo upset by recalcitrant. It Is surely no excuse for th II legality ot any arrangement U restraint ot trade that It can be departed from by the-perticlpaota.", ' Praflta la Raw Matertela. Stress Is laid In th financial eectto ot th report upon th demonstration by figures that tha . steel corporatioa re strains competition by making th greater port km ot Its profits in raw materials and In plant producna semi-finished ma terials, while th finished product .plants make very, low profits This operates, H is declared, to keep th price) of raw ma teriats. ore. ke and pig Iron, on a 'high p-ane, ts ths advantage ot the corpora tion and disadvantage of tlw Independent. "During th nln year from January I. ITOt to December U, 1S1V tb report says, "tb productions of ths corporation la rolled and other finished steel amounted to 7,UMt tons, and th adjusted net earnings for the sams period amounted to tl.ill.WC.1, or an equivalent ot ap proximately tit per ton. . la order that aa idea may be bad ot th net earnings in dollars per toa of th several operating groups of th corporation, 1 have calcu lated these figures and find th approxi mate not earnings ot tit per too of fin ished product to have bees earned as follows: 1 "By manufacturing companies. M M per ton; by coal and -cok companies, Tt cants per ton; by Iron mining campaaics. tt.U per ton; by transportation compa nies, 11.M per ton;. by miscellaneous com panies, M cents per ton. Total, lis.'.' This, tha report says. Is equivalent to an aamlng of e per cent on coat. In accounting for th discrepancy be-' twees th earnings claimed by tbe stssi corporation. tM0.0B),ai, and his estimate of H.lOJ.muK. Mr. MrRa restored te net earnings what had been ell mi sated by th steel corporation in Its accounting. Including such things aa "Interest en bonds . ot subsidiary companies, the lorked-up Inter-company profits m In ventories, special depredation admittedly charged to construction, employes' bonus funds and special eompensatlone, account preferred stock subscriptions, which bars been treated as dividends from earnings and not In ths nature of additional wage to employ, and lastly Interest on bonds, mortgages and purchase money obliga tions of subsidiary companies." A showing ths result ot in policy of tbo staal corporation to make th bulk of It profits la th raw and semi-finished material, Mr. MrRa submitted a condensed statement of ths dividends paid by tbs subsidiary companies to the steel corporation and th Interest paid by the Carnegie company on Its collateral trust bonds, from April I. MM. to April L it showing a total of tTM.U4.MC-U. Th income from th Carnegie com pany in dividend and bond Interest." he says "amounted to fKb,t,H!.w. or about per cent , of Hie total. Th American Bridge company paid lbs hold ing company dividends oa Its preferred stock during this period to tbo amount of tM,rsi.sTI.M or t per cent oa tha total." Table at Divide. Tbs table of dividends for the' nla yeaf oeriod (cants omitted) follows:' " The Carnegie eonpuiy.... zrT,t,0 federal Kteel company, common I14.tls.lic) rafters! Steel Co.. preferred tl.lbl.lxx National Tuba Co common.... Suit, National Tubs Co., inferred.... XT...? American Steel Wire Co. ot N. J., common Sl.lks.4W American Steel V Wire Co. of N. J., preferred B.J.1 KattesMl Steel Oo eommen National Kteel Co.. preferred ... X.77S.1U America Tin Plate Co., common t.l. Amerlcaa Tie Plat Co.. are'... Wtn American Sheet Steel Co.. com. HM.stt American Sheet Steel Co, pref. k.iTJ.5'2 Amer. fcheot Tie Plate Co.. com S6.HSJSJ Amer. Sheet A Tin Plate Co.. pref. l:.M.M I Amerlcaa Steel Hoop Co.. com. l.nt American Steel Hoop Co.. pref., X.WI ." American Bndt Co.. pref .TUV4 Oliver Iron Mining Co tew.taa) Lak Superior Con. Iron Mtn. C St, ) Shelby Steel Tube Co.. pre! J.tM Pittsburgh Hte-lmahlp Co :.t.s7 Ciairtoa Steel Co .E.U stdlary companies preclude themselves from competing for export sales. "Tha result." th report says, "of en forcing th resolutions and arrange ments Is that snatarksts for export must be bought from th United States steal Products company, and buyers In the United 8tatea who wish to buy goods for export are compelled to pay aa additional profit to the United States Steel Product company." Total hJ3.Mi.ta Interest on th Carnegie CO. collateral trust bonds 77.6.57 Totals t7it.U4.Si . Maw CampotltMsa Is eliminated. Conclusions la tha report bee tins; on restraint ot trade ere embodied In four teen sections, som containing volumin ous quotations from the minute ot meet- kin of th corporatioa and of the sub sidiary companies. Summarised, ths re port concludes: Competition between previously com peting concerns was terminated by the concentration of the control of upwards of 184 corporations Into on security holding company known aa th United State Steel corporation. Th United State Steel corporatioa ts merely a holding company, engaging In no business except ths control through stock ownership of the subsidiary conv ren'.ea. There were acquired and brought under single control upwards ot lSa concerns In 'lines of business silled with th steel msklng business. Including or owning snd mining companies,, "which are now restrained from competing In ths sale ot dfr," transportation companies, through consolidation of which every poMMIIty of competition between the reads ts prevented;: pig Iron plant, coal and cok companies, snd many others. There were acquired a larg number of "major concerns at much Inflated valuations, succeeding several Increases In ths capitalisation ot preceding Incor porations, due. In soma cases, to th greater combination value or merger at ths consolidation. In which,, of course, the units combined wer restrained ot any competitive activity. Parpea at Teaaeeeee Deal. ' In this connection, after a lengthy analysis of ths taking over of ths Tennes see Coal and Iron company In lsW, ths report says: "It may not be possible to ststs th tru Intro tioa In acquiring th Tennessee company, ta a way which would b ad mitted by th men In control ot th stssl corporation. Inasmuch as It appears to many experienced man wh r also dls. Interested, that tha intention which Im pelled Ita acquisition was merely th da sir to bring xindsr th control of (he stssl corporation , ths great feasibilities for competition possessed by th Tennes see company. Th eonsequenc ot th acquisition should and must be held to have been 'Intended In legal contempla tion, oven If tb result so deduced con flict with th Intention declared to b In th minds ot those responsible." laterlarklasr Directors. Th Interlocking of directors of ths staal corporation and th purchase of stacks snd bonds of other companies snd various outsld transactions ot enormous sis, th report discusses st length In support of th claim of power of th corporation la restraining competition. Tb resolution that subsidiary com panies ot th stssl corporation shall re fuse ta handle orders tor export business and that such orders must be turned orr to th United Statas Steel Product (ex port! company, through which tha sub- ..s.a....A.............e................... V 8 n Vs i tV. eVe e Pipe can't Here's tobacco that just gingers you into enjoying a pipe all over a Tobacco v that bite your tongue Compare Prince Albert with any other pipe tobacco you ever smoked or heard of I - Compare Prince Albert's Bavor, aroma and marvelous long-burning, close-" . fire qualities I ' y," Smoke Prince Albert any old way. Smoke It-red hot one pipeful after another 1 It can't bite your tongue) ' t. Prince Albert is the consequence of a pipe dream ' on our part Experts said the sting couldn't be removed without affecting the natural flavor. But after spending three years and a fortune perfecting a variation in the method of curing, we hit upon the happy system. And now hun dreds of thousands of formerly tongue-sore men are enjoying tbe full delight of the best tobacco ; on earth. Don't put off happiness. Don't forget the. password. Say "Prince Albert" to your dealer and say it TODAY. aei nary rear see sssapa roe la assets arr. Aisw a rem bag. AWy See mag, in aeay-eweneef amaf seeasef avsaf aaesssf gxas snssaiaisrsv R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. . - WuutoD-SaJem, N. C e MV.T.W.'.V.V.,.V.V.V... r.VsVae'.V.-eVeVaVs .V. ! t :: .V. : tnt ft . A Viper la tb iitaasarh. la dyspepsia, complicated with Uver and kidney trouble. Electric Bitters help all such case or no pay. Try them. tec. For sals by Beaton Drug Co. i i - - e Ear t tha Situation Bee Advertlstag. Train, Sixty Hours -Stuck in Snow, Taken to Deshler DEV5HLER, Neb, Pes. 3S.-(SpclaI Tel egram.) Th Falrbury-Neiaoa Rock Is land teusanger train stuck In tb cut west of Deshler Sunday night was ur out this afternoon and brought bar. Ita aia disabled. Two engines on U.S enow 4ow broke down. Train master Jonas and Ruad master Farquharsoa hope ta get tha read open for traffic tomorrow. Mo mall baa reached here sine Sunday. Women's Secrets Tsar is on msa as th Uaitee) Scat wb has perhaps heerd re woaaea'a secrets than aay other ssaa ar wanes In tha' cosatry. Thsss secrets ar not sauisu of foil! or sham, but ths secrets M aaSsnaui, aad they bar bee eoasoed to Or. R. V. Pierce in tha hops aad expeclstioa at advice aad aalp. That tew ol thus woeaea bsve bsca disappoiated m tbetr ex- . psotstiosa it proved by th met the! 96 per osat. ot all wosasa tree ted by Dr. Pieroe ar hut sbl ttaf, bar bee absolutely aad itother eared. Sack a record woM s rsassrkanls d the sums treated war awbarad by heed red ary. Bat wbea that raoord epplsss se th traatsaont ot more than kak-a-mil-boa wsmaa. ia a pracboa oi vr 0 rears, it is pbesMseoal. and ssXitkee Dr. Pmraa to tb f ratitad acrcM kirn by wosiaa, aa tbs trst f" apeomuets ia ta traatmant at womea'a siieaies. Every aiak assy ooatalt ee by knar, shtslateJy withoat eber. -.411 repiiea ar mailed. talsd ia perieotiy plais avelooee, srithowt aay prrae lr or dvrtisiet wae lever, vpoa thee. Writ wilbaat leer ss without tea, to World t Dispatssary Medical Asaoetatioa, Dr. t. V. Pirr. PrnidaBt. . ibi Maia Strsst, Bufslo, N. Y. . j' Date FIERCER FAVORITE PRESCRIFTION &Zm1mm 1X?mml Woman aBtroahar, ' exStolK ' Woman VvrnU, Fast daily train service from Omaha and Council Bluffs to Chicago, via the . I I Chicago fi north -Western Ry. I I connecting at the latter point with all U lines tor all points liast. . . The Best of Everything; : Pullman drawinif-room (leepine cars, cor , observation, buffet and library cart Bookloven, library free reclining chair cars, standard day coaches and superb dinine cars service a la , aVCarte. ' TkksH sad lull lateraanoa os sppifcitloa ts CtTV TIOKIT Of IOg, 1401 aad 140a feeears Mr OMaMa. Mta. ,: . .. and ett issdwsr, . tXHincu. uirra, ia. Place Jo Attachments on Your Telephone In tbe interest of good telephone service, subscribers must place no attachments of any kind to the instruments supplied by this Com' pany. , - i It has come to oar attention that a trans mitter attachment, known as the "Saniphone Sound Intensifier," is being offered for sale in this city. : j- ; This attachment is of no practical value and interferes with transmission."' If these attachments are placed on any uv strument of the Company we shall be compelled to remove them. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE 60. Low Rates South MARCH 5 & 19 - ROUND TRIP FARES FROM CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS - ' CHr St. Lseals' - . " Oesas St. Lseia It. Aatastbt, .-Fk. S3S.1S $28-05 HiSsr Fls. i3.7S MM Ft till dill 44.15. 37.0S ' Were " MM v40 UasesvxUe " 35.85 2S.7S Tsssvilsl 3AAS HM Ocsls M 38.50 29M Mjsasi M 44-M 37J4 ' Fert Hrsrs " 38.50 29.40 -Oraaee " 34.50 29.40 F sis tea " 35.40 28.30 Tssssa M 38 JM ZS.M West faas Seaa " 42 90 35 80 Psaascsk " 30 DO 2.5 . V riiiieann " 36.50 2t.40 DeFsasss Sarisa " 31.7S 1S.T0 Dels FW. 38.50 2 eO Mariesaa Fla. 31.75 23.71) Bay stavrtte-.-.Asv. 3O-00 2085 SaWai Kiss. 3000 2240 rsssasa City- Fla. 2545 Cdraart... Mas. 3OJ0O 22-0) ' New Orlaass-.-U 3040 22.00 GressvOs Ah. 2S.45 2040 HeesW-. Ah. 3O.00 tOM Evenresa Aa. 2S-&5 2JS Prossrtisastar Law Rata to Maarr Otaar Pssata aa AUbajna, Florida, Gesrsia Tenpttttr) And Missiatippi 25 DAYS RETURN LOOT. . LIBERAL STOP OVER FtUVOXCES FOR FULL INFORMATION ADDRESS J. L DAVENPORT, D. P. A, St Uds, IV P. W. MORROW, N. W. P. A, CW.ll . - rr . 1