THE "BEE: OMAHA," THlDAYrFEBRrAET'29, .19i2. uOh, Sure, Jeff Was Out in the Big Wind r':m . - r; . .By -Bud" Fisher , . ' ' emrmtr vera WTmCai I BOUGH GAMMO CRE1GHT0N 11m and Whit Colleyitm Tria First, i Hard Fought Contest inCBZE GETS S20m H0S1 rlirm imiM w Bumped A beat MnnHr at Oak Wtas Belle-re la the ; , ' . . . t .-- t Freliealsafr. " . MH ttBlBC. 1 ? J0 .lid .SI Mu ,.' ' 11 M I Omaha Htclt ahec1,(.. I . Bouih Oraaoa HJ......M ' J Crlhten .., U , Vnlv.rwir eT Onwka. . , J SdumU BiuW'"T''.'.".'.'.'S " ? ' rrlf1ii. ; rm . Kniim.t at OmU, W; SttnM. U. I U hnMH tihlbltkia e tk floor port Umt Ma km M km tM ns. tlM Crl(Hta DMkM PIPP' tMMi tM MMf r rtm aulaMt. lwtan M Utt'Trt-Clty lracM. iMt tin lac' tyaunHuni to Um m B tML i 0hs iart iBtkntul WH 4 tan (fMtraa um that b tama la enwaanaM ta tha kattt at kakru tat -aa puUtt alt iaat avanwg. Wbaa tka asraka fc4 tUfi away aaf tka eora.aoar rattatarr4 Ha tlaal auunlla Um mum M la of their atar alay ar an tha xpllal IUt and tha btu ant whlta oollaalaaa war Hmptn painfully about with bruina aa4 aora oinii. W. A. Rltchl who playa tha eantar poolilaa far (ha nraiaa, aurtcraa a baoly broken naaa, aaaaot r a eaUlataa wltk BaMcrana, tha ooltoalaaa rlfht forward. In tka flrwt prkxl and ba4 to ntlra from tha (aeaa, ' ffifht Oua IhlaMMa oal Uaat with fleuily Qrahank anoihtr of tha Ptma OM-rayaOoa, aauatn tha kwtor to ma haoAiona alnt a atona wall at ana of thw tTawaafam Orakaot wa aa aaaartova for a ftw aunotaa. ' ' '' - Art or lata aaa rourt PJ toltowao aa athor ana flaw had to aa takoa oat aral tlmaa to allow tha (layara. to rub tholr kimi aad kuaipa. i i Crdgbtoa outctotiad ho Plratii in th laaeona atl4 andiiaa tka acera up ta a too a4rata(a In tbalt favor. Prucha waa kiah potataiakar with a total of U. .Too liaui! , OIKIOHTOM ' I URATE. ' ! Italdaraoa ..r.l R.V lirahajn. fruch .......Ur". ur.,., Darrewmaa. Hottmaa Rltchla-SUiXda. ,Xal)rr UU L.O Hoblnaon. -anmarda K il l K-U Shield"-oiaVM ' uoalat- rnicha, ; Huttman, I; Rhlnwraa. t HaUnr. 1; Oriuiaai. t, Bilohm 1 ftea Tbrowi: Prucha, 1; RiiohiO. I; thrf, ii Oraham, I. Polaia Awardodi PlrnMio. I; fntahlea, L Reftroo: Will Xnwit. I'mplro: H. . Ourtl. ftor-: Uun Walker. Tlnw keotwr: C 0. Uaa. 'xtma ul Halve: iTweaty mlauM. i Oaulia LaleoraHp Wlaa. la a preliminary oonuat tha University of Omaha fhre. by dint of auperior team work aa4 kaaket kaoB, trouaoed tka Baticvaa aolleftaoa by a acara of to M. Tha ruie wont to a tie at It to U and aa extra period waa played ta da doa tka wtaaer. Parrlah atarrad for tha Owiaha a4a by rolilnc up u potato. Tka ttaoup; ' UNI or OMAHA. BEUJBVt'B. ' Farrtaa ,.-..R.KJ 1LF kUawall. Dow X.r. UP. P. Quackenb'h. Jeroma C C Ottawa wte a-eTkaa y uo.i ta. P. Mt n. arotna K.O.I Iialaereaa. PleKI Ooala: Mesweil, t: P. ttuaekaD txmh. t: Ohmaa. I: R. Duaokaaouah. 1: Pmh, t; Uew, t; Whuueoia, 1. rraa Threw: hteiw'll, t; l'rnh. t. Poli.te Awarded: Omaha unlveraMv. t. Hef ene: Will Kselt. Umtre: M. a turtle, auerer: . Una Weiker. Tina koper: '. U. Una. Time of Halve: Tweutr aalaute. T EAGLES TRIM THE ; DEAF INSTITUTE LAOS Circuit Fair Dates r Arranged at Meeting HA8TI.VG8. Koa, Feb. H.-(fpedal Tel- efraia. At a raeetlnc of the Nebraaka wt Ctroull aaeoclellon, today date ware arranaad for a aerlea af circuit falra la onttrai and aotuhern Nebraska oountlea aetl September. la each town tha fair will be bald for a week, the datea betna aa follow: September . Bladea and Geneva; September 14, N'elaoa and Alma; aoptamkar Clay Canter and Campbell; aepteaibar Mlndae and Bkvlaa, The meetlnc waa held at 4he Boataick hotel and beaUat Ulng-th datra for tka a Keaaon. U-neede arraniemeata to aorar free attractlona. Two repreeenta Uvea vara preatpt from- aaell of .Jlha town naaaed, . , -; I. W. Haw a' Minder waa alerted pra ktent and i. H. Wllaoa waa elected aecre- BOWLERS' ELECTION FIGHT LEFT TO TWO CANDIDATES IT. tiOUI. Feb. a.-Wehetr Lambert, aaadldala for the nraaldeacy af tk Amort' aaa Bow Una eeafreae, returned ta St. tama teabjht from New Tark, and after aoaferflrut with local kowUaf leader aa- aaaaced hi mtaatloa af remaining In the flint ta the flnlaa. Bowler declare tha election af a praaldant thl year will caaaa aura rivalry than ever before. Although eeveral candidate are In th field, th real fight has narrowed to two men-Lambert and Judge Howard of Chi cago. . . Lambert's .special Pullman tram will leave here tor Chicago an tha alght of March T, carrying sjurabera of .twenty three bowling eluba. This la the- largeat bowling dalegattea that over traveled oa oaa tram. The special arlll reach Chicago In time far tha election aa Hroh I, , The advanea guard af St Loula bowl ers will dpart March I, and will open campaign bwdquartera In oo o! CWcago-a big boleJk Immediately upaa arrival. Th at. Laula delagatloa will east thirty-five (tee at tha convention. HOPPE WINS TWO MORE ! GAMES FROM HARRY CLINE F1IILADEIrUIA. Pa. Feb. H-Wllli Hoi4 tunigbt won hia third (tralght mateh of the aortas of Ova gamra of aa potnta each, U.l halk Una bllllarda with Harry Cllne br M to a lloppe'a klgk ma waa M and Cllne M. Hoppe'k average waa II 4-D and rilae's I ll-H. f la tka ariarnaon game tloppa arrared Bat N point la M Innings, while Cllne waa totaling M. Hoppa aoored a high run of Kt potnta and ctoeed with aa average eg ax wniie vune aianagea ta cor a high run of IN potnta, an average of MH. ' LINCOLN PROTESTS ONE OF THE H. S. PLAYERS Th athlello management of tha local aigli school la In receipt of a letter from tha Lincoln High erhool. protesting the eligibility of Hary atunneke, right guard oa th regular Omaha aalntet, because it la alleged that this IS his fifth aeaeoa In taierecbolaatia athletw circle, whloti would bar him treat the game with tha Capital City high aehool five that wm be palled off at the leoal "T" gymnaalutn Baiurday avantnf. ' MACK IS WILLING TO PLAY SPRING GAMES WITH GIANTS SAX ANTONIO. Tex.. Feb. S.-Connk Mack, mana(r af the Philadelphia Amer icana, baa asreed to let hia team play a aerie of gamea with tha New York KatlonaU at Merlin. Tea. Mack aaa eng. net re tha first gansa Jba . played bora -la a fast gaate at la Scaaol for tha I March 12. with atl regulars participating. BOSS OF THE GUSTS BUSY AX ' MABU5EFEI5GS. Joha J. McOraw, leader of .tha New Tork Olaata. wko kt working hia charge at Merlin Springs, Teg., getting eeveral weekr ptart aver, all other ,bl league MIDWAY JDRJTSTILL DIYTOED Judge Scndi Members Back (or Fur ther Deliberation ea Cue. WAIT ADDITIONAL KSTJUCTIOSg Omaha Factory Men ! Commend tp.e Union Pacific f6t Contract Engroaeed refotutlanS, In a metal frame, oomm ending the Union Paciflo for pa-' tronislng hmf Industry In buying Omaha Iron for It nw vladuat and letting the contract for alt Its eaatlngs to tha Pax ton A Vlerllng Iron TVOrks, will b pre sented to fnlon raclflo officlala by the. Omaha Mantiraoturerst aaaoctatlon.' The frame wa donated to the aeeocla-' tlon by tha Carter Sheet Metal Works and the glass by tha Midland Olaas and Paint company.. Tha resolution will be exhibited at the meeting of th manu facturers today. i President A. L. Gala of the Ad club will addreeo the manufacturera today wn "A Bigger Omaha Market for Omaha Product e." P. 'P. Fodrea, who captured tha foM prtss offered by tha aaaoelarlaa tor tha beat trade-mark design, will talk oa "Uses and Limitations of th Omaha Trade-Mark." '' I (a ad kVvew for Caw vlettww , aad riv for Araolttal Moot Star -Oat A Bother Tweatr Foor Hoar. After having deliberated for Dearly twenty-four hours th Midway' jury In tha criminal division of the district court still Is disagreed, hopelessly, th Juror say. At 19 ytaUrday morning they Mood 7 to I an the question given thorn to de cide rhthr . ar not Btlry Cratcknold and Jack Broom field, proprietors of the Midway asloon ' and daao hall, are guilty of vlolattng th I o'clock Uqnor cloaing law On tha night of January a At yestirday mornlag Judg A. U Sutton called th Jury late aba box ta Inquire aa to' the progree made. Tha foreman reported dtoasTeemeat, J to a, but waa eaatwned by the court- not to state whether Mm majority was for eon- let Ion ar tar aeuliat. , A fw mlaut later tha Jury returned to tha box and asked for additional In t root lone aa th following pointa: To (warrant conviction must It b ebown that the defendants or one of I hem per sonally sold the liquor or I a allowing that It waa sold by tholr empsoyea, agents or aervanta sufficient ta warrant aaa vtcttonf To warraWt oonvtctlon must It aa shewn that (he defendant owned the room la which the eale waa madet Anewerfng the first question. Judse gut toa ro-rakd to th Jury hia etlgtaal la atractiaa covering -tha potat. It la that concisalra proof that tha sale waa made either by . th defendants ar by their aawats, servants or employee will war rant conviction, ... . . Answering th - aeoaod question, .the court Instructed tlwt ,tt Is not necessary to show the defendants owned tha room ha ardor , to warrant a conviction. ' " Th fury retired and resumed . Ita der libarallana. Since then nothing aaa been hoard from It. , . , . Deaf gymnasium the Young Meo'a Chris- nan aaaactatiaa Eeglea tweed ol ghaad of tbo dead sals. Olsoa and O'Sulllvaa atarrad for. tha Eaglaa. while Trockey waa tha aeasaUon far the a! leaf ones. The first half eadsd a to I la favor of the Ee-iee. Cloae awarding aad blocaiag was th feature of tha gam, which was eawcaiey -nua. ft tea -fifteen astnatea of fast cries -cross play to decide the What actloa Manager atevraw of the Xew Torts will take has trtee ascer tained bare. .' i ' - K rets tore Defeat sttaffa Utah, i The TTeelalor five defeated tbo Council j Bluffs High school Tuetday night at thaj ! Fort Omana HJmn,.um i j a, io m aire. Ttie Kxcelelora nao earciivni leero iwr ail ifcrouaa the game. lUe JUjeuf I Kiceisiir-a. CouncO Illutfa whnl4wlg dropwd in thp wm, t ro..n. -" ; alng basket for the Eg.. Th Caal , ...clo Karsrens .....t,...j-r .'n.r.n..... weit-a ta il in lineup: llawn Ea!ea. allt . Pit'on. Deif tcvtltnt Joe Moran.....-11-F.L.F.. ,.. Harris umveee... rt. r re .iicrn ; veore: rjtcriwre pmi LuSeria eei...T.w.iy .... Jiareheit, Jr. i. Free throws. Hasan. Coua- tieaua .Trockey ril Biufts Baskeia, Harris t Frea throws. Pal ta B O. YA kveam:t - Hyatalth k. Seari 1-0 KUMlikt tv-wl aoaier Cuecaaea. s Mraha:i. l.ilnf.lK CETIIBFC; I IPPUCC IM Te.v l:ulIJnHI iK.lwi.l: t-attan. ' ' """- 1: LuOerlg. V l-vee tkroos: o gal liven. Trucker. 1. Tia-.s of have: S minuies. . rooa. Ball Jim ta tied. ' Bvtveelee V, gsmka, captain of tha Ne hraeaa foot ball eleven last (all and on of the beet tai ' tn the cnuutn . ia to tackle the dnuWe prvcrtioa. Hta en- OLD WICK & MOORE'S PLACE A Uooor Hcense waa granted last algti: by tk Board af Fire aad Police eowimie alonera M U A. Ads ma ta operate a aa- leen at tU Dodno street, forasarty the lo- I 4 a-ed Miee Camlsa llaasiik :cat:oa of Wick Moore's aaleoa. , Amen - teaar Raotds, U.. U been sruuncej I attached to the petition were. iTriSS?" EmtSJli- i'l liaek Bvmfvcid and WUkv. CmtchfleHl euaaVnt at the staioanivtrsi-j ana wl ill proprietors of the Midway resort: It MU- oe snMnwos m iw mbwbw i r. " )T Uliaa yesssinaaa aaa aeverai woman. : . . i s.v . Y V II. Braax. a conductor, end C- U fjohnateo, a motsrmaa. both m Bent last .raeota. Heer Roller Skate Be seed. the em- fWirTK IH.Nr, 111, Feb. -What !t pr of the street railway eompaay. cent aigbt hy Loots Bradbury, the "V '- aeon rhanioioa. He covered the ataf,a.nee ia frre annate, fifty oeoocdis. ; clslmod to-be a aew world s toM j, e-munuBlcatien to the board aaktng for r- ra -- w--- rrrm ..... h, ..r4 af EdO iml to the bv Look) nraduury. the "ar.- - - --- - pOilCO rJK iuoa ror too arrest sw esm- victloa of Bob Williams, the aegre arhe held op aad robbed Bridge. Keeper . Jrl Speecer. The two bjmw asstrt It was In formation which they 'gave fhe poriea do- pejrtraeat which eavsedVthe arrear of WU Rama. Tka board mid the matter over until next wee. BADGES AND TICKETS FOR REPUBLICAN CONVENTION The delegates ta th Chicago conven tion will wear the handsomest badges, and go through tha doors oa the finest engraved tickets ever os'jd." said Victor Roaewatar. who I back from attending the meeting of th auboovrrmtttee on ar- raagemeou for the republican imtloaal convention, of which he tr. a meaner. "Wa lot these two big contracts, that for the badges going to Whitehead 11- oompanr of Kewarav wno aiae nave an agency la Omaha, and that for-thc ticket and appointment certificates to tn K. A. Wright Bimpaay at Philadelphia, wntcrt haa for aeverai years furnished the la vita tl oaa and programa for the Ak-Sar-Bea ball. The arcbltect's plana for seaV Ins the Coliseum were also approved. providing for arrangement similar e the last convention, and with substantially th same aeatlng capacity." GOVERNOR MEAD FORMALLY ANNOUNCES HE JS FOR TAFT WASHINGTON, . Feb.. a-Gpveenor Mead of Vermont, 'wrmao tsnpport for President TaXt waa claimed yeatorday by the national Taft heaiUjunrtsr m.Wasb ington. added hia. formal eAdoreament to day to the president paadUtlary "for re- aomlnation, Oovernor Mead ears -that he baa 'received reftorts fra . vsrtoos parte of Vermont Indicating araongly that a "hug majority of the republican party of Vermont" favors the nomination, of the president at Chicago .-"". , Stemsser Oetdebere Abeedeaed. PHILAl'M'HlA. Pa.. Feb. Ae-The steamer teiildsooro. which grounded on Hrands-wine eboal In Delaware bay yes terday, has been abandoned to ita fata, ard It probably will go to pieces In enort ordr. If It la not meanwhile swallowed up In the quickaaada of the shoe1. - Aaaeetaaae atwf veitftsiwi, RA? FRAKnaryj. . Cel. Feb. B -The Kew Tors Americana aad tee Boatoa Amert-s,DS "Save a-e'JTd, roeoeet :', M-tM Cans ard H R-teBsra, the ae p-trhers of e?t. Mary' colleae baa a -am. Both mea are s-fl-haaded. Atteraeye aad Cesser . smiaated. WASHINGTON. Feb. 3aXomlaallens cent to the serai e today by . President Taft Included three Vetted St area aitor aoya Joseph E. Morrison, district of Art aona: William N, Lajxlers, dlstrtct of Porto Rica, and. Aiexmnder Akermaa. soulhera sUstrtc at Georgia, aad eurk- CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS . TO GET LARGER BEQUESTS Each at tha charitable Institutions llonod ta tha will of Anna Wlhjaa. ia addition to Ita HMO speclfle bequest. wm receive about aa Ha anara af the residue, making about la all for rath. On .thla aa tnharttanea tax of 4 to I per eatft most be paid. ' Judge Bed 8. Baker, acting as appraiser for the county, took testimony Wednes day regarding the Wilson property. A. U Read submitted bis apprateel of the property as sxeenton iCHntoa Brome ap peared fop the city 'Of Omaha, stating that' no inheritance' tax should be hud oa the City Rowrgency hospital, aa Mies Wllaoa gave that tonne city before her death. , Executor Reed stated that did not make the gift to th city la aatlct patloa of death. ' . .' HOWARD H. BALCRIGE LAUDS . THE LAND OF OPPORTUNIH That land of the' middle erest, arnica baa been, advertised axtanalvely through the Omaha LanW show, waa declared to be the Meora of the young mea af this coun try by Howard H. Behtrlge ta an ad dress oeTere the young mea af tk Toting Men's Cpriatlen assoctatkm dormitory last ovaafag. It waa the monthly dinner ef the young men of toe ewnaitery. aad Mr. Bald rig was the guest of boner. Tha speaker brought eat fact about the lend weal of the Mississippi to shew that all' lb yottng mea raised la thM vast mid dle west can become proeperoua aad ex -J eeilrat rlthteas by remaining It their home states. . He argued that this part ef the I'nlted States 'moat grow rapidly daring the aext few year, aad trial the young men ef today will be the rlea mea ef to morrow If they stick la th wast. He aald that any htetltuttea which promotes the settling and building up of the wast Is one tha should be caeeeraged. - Mr. Baktrtga elan asserted that the chanree at the yoang avea of today are better tnaa ever, and that the fellows who stick ta their tasfce and keep s good lookout are the eaes who will succeed kt Nebraska aad an etbeg stales. WHEAT ADVANCES MORE THAN TWO CENTS A BUSHEL CHlCAflO. . Feb. ). J.-Wbeat today lumped, fo ssore than t.ceau a aueAel. Estimates that crop lee uvea la farmers' bands -were aensatloeially lew .ftualakid the chief reason. AceordleaT ta eess authorities the' total at wot half the aaaauat ef Bear Beta. 'May wheat. whKli dosed -Moadar jat r"atlI V touched tl.at4'fMe aRerwaoa aad tlrOsned atroag at tLP31-Bri, aa advece ef.H eeats net y - - - - END MALPRACTICE CASE i v AFTER JURY IS SECURED " " i m " Thaiasea aaaraaaa-aetloa of Mra Mar gartXaMlr agntaat'Dr. A. P. Cangdoa for 'alleged malpractice waa aettled Wuf of court br h- parttea laidaeerlayjaft eraeon after a Jury to try the eaae, had bced' eeieeaeUrd, The terma ef snrle. enent are brine; kept secret by the par ties siutilheir- sJtptneta. The ceart ree erd afowka-eudaaajrat-aa f th de-feadaat. 5W LEADE2 0? LIGHTWEIGHT ; ; mo FB0CEssi6ii.,',.:'l'- II Johnny Kllbene of Oaveland, conqueror of Abe AttelL who outpulnted tha light. weight champion ef eleven .years la their twenty round bout at .Loe Angeles, CaL all bane fought one of the most remark able battlee ever seen la' that part of the country and wrested th title front Attefl by beating him at the fine points of bis own game boxing, speed and clever Jadav menL His blows also possessed the steam which Atteils lacked. Kllbene at en titled to be heralded as the marvel of the decade, aa he la the Only featherwelgat whe baa ever obtained a decision over AttsU la a long tight that was oa the square. INDICT PICTURE SHOW MEN a Grand Jury Bring. Bills Against Tiree Proprietor rf Theater. (nrrT.Ti mPLOTMUIT B CHAXGED Nicholas Ames, Aata DellM and K. i C. PetWea are the Mea , . Appear la Ceart aad ' ' ' ' ' Clew Ball. . ',' . Nicholas Amos, wealthy proprietor at several moving picture shows In Omaha, and South Omaha, and two other moving- picture show proprietors were ar rested en Douglas county grand Jury In dictment charging Violation of th child labor law yesterday arterneon. " ir were taken before Judge Abraham U Button of toe criminal division of the district court, whs admitted each to bait ta the sura of Hot. They l be tried within -two months uaktaa- they Bread guilty or succeed n having the In dictment qaasfied. ' .1 The other two Indicted men are Ante Deriti. proprietor eg the Veosshsi Thir teenth and Pierce etreeta, and B. at. Per aoa. proprietor ef Use It, Sixteenth aad Locost streets. , t The loeMctareota ar the result of acUv Ky f jwvcairk Officer Paul McAaley of aeatk Oenahg and Truaat Offloer B. O. Oepaea ef Oeaaha. who heat week went before the grind Jury with test! many re garding the empoyut of children aa singers aad daaoara by moving picture theater proprietors. j WHITE RIVER PREPARING TO CARE FOR LAND SEEKERS t . .. ejamaaaaaaBBB. ' WH1TB RIVER. 8. D, Feb. R.-VfSpe-daLl-Wblte Rtver Is hi the aetdst af great excitement win' to Its ewtertloa aa the ruing point tar (he hosaesteaet land of Mellette county, and the constant ring of hammers which has been beard all winter kmc M redoubled as additional keiklirure era sprlnstna up to be lt readi ness for the crowds which will begta to come the first of Apmv. t veanatratloa for Mellette' .coaaty btnaa raa aaM Jaat -fall and - that ha- meose arrh ef 4toeeeeaat:ftrrcece was ottered aadat tha trotter vvemwat ptoa at that time. The rveervnaloe bj recagmnd aeriaeot doabt. as great agricultural coHrMrv, ba'hsa sVef be Wivea to the pubdc ; at pin eoeamguet these-, vib. jwee ferlur b-Jn erawlng naaibeae eOlB'fe'fa? omesead rtgtu ka Melleft. oounty, wfll f without qoxattoa take advaataaw le poaat- etuara bf tuomiC f-l larwnera. - White- aaseevtossaleer jtt XMe' exact Usater V Mtttn counter Bjoat eair ti aeeeaa front ail dlreeu- and al reaya.nttle csr. handle the thoueendd gratraogefa Kd:wtri visit r dorte. the ver as need feci otlvarwtae tkaa that thr PU1 be prep- erty eaarad far. .Whta River da the hub of she heaissaied toea-.of-ehe eooaty aad .'noa here rb wurtwltiea ef erariag arhat the settler haa eaTered him will he hist . t ZINA iOTOH'f WMiffiS Yottnj Woman Accrued 6f Having; a Comer oe Euiband, ' ALMOST TEBJX -AT 0KB TIME Some Dlarleaaree ae ta Her Rapid . Career Breach! Oat ta Ceart- . ; . Dirisg Illvere Treat . ,. '' "'; ' -at Valeatlae, . r. V- ' - , '..'.-' VALENTINE, Neb..' Feb.' S,-t8peclal.) Zina Clifton waa a winsome miss in Red Oak a. few years ago when aha tripped to and- from School and home. But she is In a peck of trouble now. Foe, hss toe many husbands. Starting with- one, she haa finished enree by her own process of sllmiaatlon, and still has ne to spar. The courts will try to settle the; tangle. Slna la -a clever girl,, though, keen. eaough- to put away, awn and emerge from the matrimonial mesh with eaough Jewelry aad realty to establish a Ne braska monarchy. Oaa ef her clever tricks was to Intro duce a .prior has band to her recognised mate as Ad woigaat, whereupon the lat ter bought her another red automobile to prove that he was Just as good a scout aa ahe. '.. , i Before telling about -the entanglement into which an has been seat and riotous fun sbs baa had It Is well to sxplalo that ahe la aa Iowa girl, and has accumulated the majority of her husbands la this stats. Basse mi Her Parehaaes. t Here is some ef the atuff ahe .had charged before) her last husband became suspicious and Instituted divorce pro ceedings on aooount of "Ad Woigaat;': Perfumery, 1300; jewelry, unknown; aflk hoae' aad dainty lingerie, unappralaed; Ave willow plumed hats purchaasd on one shopping - expedition', thlrteaa . Persian rugs.- value not stated; automobile bill, R.aa); tririlaey-aoooutita wtth mieoellan. eoua taeniae Acs brt&gloc the, total well Into tbetkouaaaaa. , ', . : Ztna ceanea. from, a .wtll known and highly respected Iowa family. Fifteen years ace ana was united .la marriage with Louis. .Thleie. a aopular youag; Red Oak, man. , aeVlth sua aha, waa happy for .a taw .years' until Charlaa Roara crans, according to the record, became Infatuated with her attractiveness. Thleie was thereupon abandoned tor Boaencrana, and .th latter had full sway over bar charms oa February 14 DOT, oa which sate Thleie died. ... Merrtosee Cease Fast. . Thleie havbar been put to rest, and Reeencrane having become tiresome, sbs aecumusated James Boyer, and la April of the sense year ahe united In mams- with him at McCook, Neb. Hare Is what Boyer said about what followed: 'At first we got along very well, but It waa sot long until her Jealous disposi tion made our- life -"'much the earns as that of two unfriendly hurl towatrs ia the aams back yard," , , At- any rate they lived together until Independence day tn the year of lMa, on which data Borer exploded his pent-up TteJence. VShe" retaliated by shooting at Mmi'aaea ka the Boa Toa cafe at Orand IslaM. One of these Occasions wsa dur ing tne winter of lsie-ltu. and It attracted a great crowd at eurtoua lawBsgntmls , '' Getting dowa to historical tacts It Is reoorded that on April M, UU. she mar ried Charles Keyeeldsoa of aUbleav one of the wealthieat farmers aad stockmen In that section of the state. .She found tt convenient at that Um ta represent her self as Vlvle De Vers, Bad tt was under that name that ahe became Reynold eon's wlfei "v. i :' . He la t reported to .be worth nearly a half-mlllloa 'dollars, m aside from bis age and wealth, he found her Tory tnter estlng until "Ad Wolgast4 was Intro duced. - She' .then began to accumulate sry.' Cnttl that time Reynoldaoa con sidered i himself fortunate Id waning Mhw : De iVert," sad every wish and whim-that ah redid 'conceive was- ful filled,' though It did seem- that -VTvIs" aaa extortionate In fief demands. ' In Jane faDswtng tbelr marrisge Ray- ootdeoaiwaa'takea violently IB. and at that time there was aroused the suspicion that he had been potaoned. Reynoldsoa recovered, hot be beta me watchful, and action tor divorce - on the greejnd ef adultery folUwed. '.- " ' : . Harry Ologgetti was named ta the. dl- petltlon. It Is not known whether or hot ahe had married Doggett, but It Is known that he and "Vlvle", had pasaeit as man and wife on 'various- occasion-." Within' a week after her marriage ta Boyer, Doggett waa entertained at the Boyer home, and It waa on that accaeion that Doggett was Introduced as "Wet last." ' k AfJSO ' Seme Speader.. . Within sUty days after she had ssar- i tied Boyer aha dissipated a large part of. his cash, entertaining lavishly and buying everything she desired. . Boyer says, '1 never knew much about women . before, but I know a lot now." ' . Boyer, who la now a resident gf Cody. ' Wye is an Intimate friend of Heynold son's, and of course he waa a mated at the revelations that have been made, "A di vorce was granted to Boyer by. default. He waa represented hy Armstrong, Gar den ft wniiama, which firm waa also previously engaged as counsel for Rey noldson. ... ' " " " '-' ' Dr. Lord is Subject . of Formal Charges ;V in Medical Society Formal rhargea were preferred against Dn J. P. Lord by Dr. F. A. Edwards at the semi-monthly roeeuns or the Douglas County Medical soclsty last night. Dr. Edwards hi his written statement charged Dr. Lord with unprofessional conduct on account of publicity he received In con nection with a "bloodless surgery" opera tion on a small child at the Child Saving institute several weeks ago. Dr. Edwards asked that the charges be Investigated by the board of sensors. Tr. Lord, prior to last night g meeting, waa a member of the board of censors, and In writing tendered his resignation aa a mem- 1 bar of the board pending th inveetlgs tion of the charges made against him. Dr. Alkln -was elected to succeed Dr. Lord en the hoard.' ; ;-' ..- S()ciaListsut-.york,r. For State1 Convention' TORK,' Neb.. Feb, Sg.-That Nebraska socialists, who open their state oottven Uoo tn the armory here tomorrow morn ing will Insert at least three new and vital planks In the platform, I the state ment of delegates who arrived tonight. - Th first of these, they say. will be th denouncement of the method whereby tn. stats at selling Ms Water, rights along' Nebraska river for a mere filing fec. Thsy believe the state should withhold ll water rights from private eonoern. The commission form of government probably wilt be bitterly denounced. Th socialists claim It Is not a representative, government. State Insurance, It la be-, lleved, will be favored and made a perl of the platform. The plan provide for the issuance of all property with the state. Nebraska's three socialist mayors sre among the delegates- They are May ors Griffin. Beatrice; & W. Foe.' Red' Cloud: It. H. Mauck. Vymore. "The en tire work of the convention will be taken up with the framing of a platform. Nu outside speaker) will be present ' FRED SONENSCHEIN DIES ? AFTER A LONG ILLNESS WEST POINT, Neb.. Feb. &-8pecial Telegram.) Fred SenesschelB died here this morning after an Illness of over a year. Mr. Eouensceln had Need In Cum Inc county for twenty-five years, .anil wsa prominent la Its political life fr many years. No funeral atTanacments have yet been made, - - v A Iraatrefeae Weast " ' Is rendered anjiaaptie by Bucklen's Ar-, nice Salve, the healing wonder for sores, burns, piles, sexema and salt rheura. Zic ' For tale by Beaton Drug Co. Births aad Uoatha.-Tttrthe-F. O. and Agnes Davis. Sil Webster, boy: Clyde and Frances Drew, put Burt, twin boys; Ignatx and LI bow Mookortts. r.T Cuming, boy; Albert '. Spottl, Bit Mercy, ajrt. besths-4oeeph Abernathy, at years. 411 Wsshirurton street. rWtulh Omaha; Robert proctor. 70 yeaxa. Douglas county liiy pital; Isaac Demoraleky. t years, illl California: Mary McCane, years. e? North Twenty-sixth street; VS. J. Creep. a years. 13 South Twenty-ninth nri, Ellen OTonaetl, Tt years, tM bout it Twenty-seventh; Rose Janda. Jr years, Joseph s . hoepiiai; Bicmund iiUto, ci years. Prandon. CDITES; BLOOD POtS OS , . nj , eoee t n.crl t-.nlil tta last fra-tC I tt. beitcx cause a fresh outbrri ol trocbU:. -rfh rl colored splotches, tailing-nair aorca X 1;rCrZ7T'fZ hlood and stracuiy ano guroy cuivce ..uj . -- - - -. - orJ." y 1 rtear p-m5 the blood, and Wrcj fi-! rtul fre, . iiAWthylairirai betea the deatrraAve Tira o eajtsg lied lcrrd th crrrulatioa. S, S. a qukkly takes , ta Uk Mc. SeTrTwrtxallT the avmptoma disappear, the liealUt is winorad. ihc STtTn rpot. ir i4ota btemislies, the hair f lops cooarr or SeirWftroat heal aad wh & & S. has deanaed t ajem of ; rrbaca o the dse la kft & S. S. ctim contagiout Kood pco., Git latiaare.test blood frarifiers, tssted and provw for tne,, SaVfcity 71. Book oa thij disease with anrjsUotu lot home trealrcrri- aad aaT srierl'ej advica Bent free to ail who vmtc - '. aaa aa mrrv-- e-. evvTrvrrrrei M I-tJlfTI r I