Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 29, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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    I .
iLLi J. - w--h- Si J They Must Be Given
v . protest Aniiut satet. . Additional Time
Plan to Have Kepreeeatattves of
, Kateli Caap la Nebraska Consider -Win
to Carry aa Order Twl-
: asrt'a Meterr ta' WallT
HASTWOS. Neb, Feb. a.-t8pecisi.-A
movement calculated to mustar the
Modem Woodmen ot America in a Stat,
wide revolt against the aattonal organ'
luilon en account of the .action of th
htad camp la ordering a sweeping rats
la the lnauranca ratee was Inaugurated
last nlitit at a apeclal meeting of the
Woodmen of Hastings and nearby towns.
It waa voted by an overwhelming ma
jority to call a state meeting of Wood
men' to be held In thi city on March
Imitations will be sent to all of the Ml
camps In too state, whtck embrace a
membership of anproxliaatelx M.M, and
it is expected that a juniority ot the
camps will send delegate.
i Last night's action Is the outgrosrth ot
a - Meeting held hers two weeks ago
which was attended by over Ms Woodmen
from nineteen town In central and sooth
ers Nebraska. At that .meeting resolu
tions strongly aondemnlng the new rates
were adopted by almost noaatmoua vote.
Ian week similar meeting attended by
almost as many Woodmen waa held In
FalrfUld and the new rates were again
condemned. . -
: j ' Meambere Are fewrrle.
-"According to local Woodmen the. mem
bers of the order are powerless to pre
vent the enforcement of the new rates
unless fh icutiv board should consent to
call a spools! -meeting ot the head camp
to '.reconsider the action taken at Chi
taro. -which it probably will not do.
In the call for the state meeting for
this city, the local camp makes It plain
ti-t the -purpose Is to consider the or
ganisation ot an Independent state Juris
diction. . . -'
H Bach of the JJ camps in the state, em
bracing h ' membership of about so.doo,
will be Invited to sand delegatea and
hen S am are avfMatteA to attend. The
'representation allowed will be on dele
gate for sach camp and tor camps of
mors than MO members on dslegats
for each 10) or major fraction thereof.
The open bouas has been engaged for
the meeting. '- :
. ' ' ' aratabara Pretest.
rrntOM9Bn0."Keb..V Feb. lt-(Sps-ctal.r-The
Modern Woodman ' camp ot
this place hold Its annual banquet last
night, r when nearly MS were present
The question ot raising rates waa gen
erally dtscuued. It was ths prevail
ing' opinion that this camp should do
everything possible to get a, ira-con-slderailon
of what ths head camp bad
done at Chicago.
During the evening one member ot the
camp arose sad turned the large picture
of" A. R. Talbot, head consul, ta the
walk with the explanation that Mr.
Talbot had turned his back on the Wood
men ot this stats as well as other states,
and the samp here figures. that he la
paying no attention - to the real voice
ot ths Woodmen. "
4-A delegate wss selected to go to the
state .meeting, v - S t j
sit ! j' . fi
Nebraska Socialists' .
Convention Meets
- " at York Today
y ' . aaaaaa,
.'. YORK, Neb., Feb. 28. Tomorrow morn
ing . the socialist state convention will
convene for a three days' session. In,
Armory hall. The meeting will be called
to, order by the' state secretary, Clyde
J. Wright. The party has one hundred
local organisations In the state: It Is
expected there will be more than that
many delegates.
Ths business of ths convention will be
to snake the state platform for 11& and
suggests candidates for the state ticket,
and the, matter of financing the state
paper, toe Enterprise, which IS published
at Unooln. '
E. JC. Olmsted ot Torn, Is a candidate
tor delegate to the national convention
which convene at Oklahoma CKy May
U. 'Nebraska will send three delegates.
O. a. Poster, the preacher socialist.
Irons the big Sixth district win address
the meeting.' Mr. Poster wss formery a
ssatdent of York county,
"i Police Judge Warren ot North Platte,
Mayers Mank at Wymere and Htfln of
Beatrice, will be' here, also John C
Chase of Haverhill, Mass., state organ
iser and the first mayor sleeted on the
socialist ticket, will address the open
meetings. - ,,":
; The socialists' claim they have a flatt
ing chance to sleet a (im.iooo man from
The .Sixth congressional district
Maysr T.,P. Van Wlekle. will deltvar
he addr"ea of welcome. . , , . 't ,.
York Council Passes
. - Water Ordinance
TTOKK,T Feb. 3.-tSpecii.)-Th city
council passed an . ordlnanoo . Tuesday
evening by a vote of, 7 ta 1 to grant a
franchise for the term of tweatzyears
with the privilege ot buying the plant In
two years or any five years thereafter
for ..
The ordinance also provide for ninety
hydrant at a rental of 132, la neu of
ft paid at the present time, and ts per
annum for i new hydrants from this
date. ; , -. t - .
rD c cuitu ne euci rnu
wrt. u 4 ii vi dna-a. wis
SUlroy. Neb.. Feb. 31. Special
ietearaJO-i-Dr. E. U smith ot Stielton
Cied -th morning in Kansas city.' H
Was taken there one treek ago for medical
treatment In a prtvata sanitarium. . Dr.
fcmith waa one at the bast known sod
JToraiomt . physicians ' fa central Ne,
briKka. ' He was a counsellor of the Xe-
break Medical, assoeltioa and a member
ot the Masonic lodge. Ancient Order of
l otted Vorkmen and Oraad Army of the
Sepubtic-Dr. mlth came to Shelten la
IMi and practiced .medicine here since
that data. Ho leaves a widow, two grown
dsaghters andone son. .
- CoWew ' Weddlag. In Beatrte.'
BEATRICE. Neb.. Feb. 2L -(Special. -Mr.
and Mm. Jacob Martens, -old rest-"-nts
of this city, celebrated their goldea
wedding anniversary yesterday at the
Mennonite church In thes presence of
boot MS guests. They were naiiikd In
Cenaany and came to Beatrice twenty
five years ago.
MORRIUa Neb.. Feb. --6pcial-
Fdr the but week ar'two the homestead
ers under the Interstate canal, govern
ment reclamation project living tn the
vicinity of Henry and Morrill. Neb., have
been holding local meeting at their re
spective school houses and discussing and
passing resolutions concerning charges
which the secretary ot the Interior Is as
sessing against their lands. Some ot
these resolutions declare that It no relief
la offered tn the matter of payment at
least per rent wt:i lose their lands and
all buildings and labor.
.' The local ' meetings culminated tn
mass meeting of the stockholders ot the
North Platte Valley Water Users as
sociation residing In the first lateral dis
trict In Morrill. Monday. About 15 home
steaders' were present Many of them
expressed themselves as being well satis-
fled with ths result ot the meeting, some
said they had dona mora real business
today than 10 all previous meetings com
bined. In this meeting representatives
of the reclamation service were eonspto
uous by their absence, this being the
first homesteaders' meeting which they
have not dominated. ,
At this meeting resolutions were unani
mously passed memorialising the secre
tary ot the interior to allow them to have
a hand In making a contract which they
could meet. A publicity committee, with
H. A. Mark ot Morrill aa chairman, was
appointed, -with Instructions to begin a
vigorous eampalKn of publicity If -their
delegate now In Washington does not suc
ceed In Inducing congress or the secre
tary of the Interior to make suitable
terms. j
Broken Bow Man is
Lost ill Snow Storm
Near Lander, Wyo.
BROKEN BOW. Neb., Feb. .-8pe-
clst Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Baker, living
a short distance north of town, have re
ceived word that their son AHbert. a for
mer resident of Broken Bow, has been
lost In th snow near Lander, Wyo., and
it Is feared frosen to death. From ac
counts received here - it - appears that
Baker and a companion, whoso nam
osuld not be learned, started out of Lan
der with a load of teienbon poles, and
the supposition is ' they encountered a
bllssard. After three days a search party
found the team twenty miles north ot
Lander, nearly starved, but there wars
no traces of ths men, and ths deep snow
prevented a thorough search of that sec
tion. It waa stated In ths Information
that ths rather of Baker's companion
had. offered a reward of B.000 for his
son's rescue. Albert Baker Is about 'tt
years of age and has been In the north
western country tour year. His near
relatives reside In this county.
'. Nebraska
WEST .JOINT,- Net. 4 ,.-( Bps
olal.) AV thehtat recular meeting of the
local camp of the Modern Woodmen of
America. West Point camp No.' IN,
strong spirit of Insurgency wss developed.
The meeting was largely attended and
the principal subject of discussion waa
the proposed Increase ot rates adopted at
th Chicago convention. The local camp
placed' Itself squarely en record as being
unanimously against the proposed change
of rates,' and strongly disapproving the
same, and demanding that ths entire
matter be referred to a referendum vote
ot th entire membership. These senti
ments were unanimously endorsed. This
camp Is one of the strongest, numerically
and otherwise, of any of the fraternal or
ganisations In this part of th state, and,
judging from, ths spirit shown at hut
night's, meeting It will be beard from
again before th final passag of ths pro
posed amendment to the constitution of
the Woodmen.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Feb. M.-8poeil.)-
J. O. Allen, a pioneer resident of Blue
Springs, tell dead yesterday wnne sn-
ami la shoveling snow off ths walk la
front ot his home. A neighbor. Earnest
Smith, was .working near htm and want
m hi aviatanea. but found him dead
whan he reached his side. Mr. Allen was
engaged Is farming near Bio Springs
for years and retired about twelve years
ago and. moved to that place. Mrs.
Allen died two years ago. H Is sur
vived by a daughter. Mrs. John Phelps
of Klngsley. la. , ..
DUNBAR. Neb., Feb. . -(Special. V
U. T. Harrison of tills place filed today
his papers with Secretary of State Walt
for ths office of railway commissioner a
th republican ticket Mr. Harrison wss
a member of th legislature tn 1SS7, repre
senting Otoe and Cass and wss one of
Unci Dan Nettlueton's right-hand men
during that famous session. Hs is on
of the larga cattle feeders end stock
shippers ot th slat and baa been for
years a member of the republican state
central committee, .
Dentists Wilt Meet In Alma.
ALMA. Neb.; Feb. JS. -Special.)-The
ninth semiannual meeting ot the South
western Nebraska Dental society will be
held here March 14. This pionilee to be
the best meeting ever held In this part
of the stale , Clink will bo given by th
host operators and paper and lecture
given by the most talented dentists of
Nebraska. A banquet will be held In the
evening at which A. C. ohallenberger, J.
W. Furse. J. M. Prim. J. H. Wslleoe.
8. R. Hopkins, W. D. Orandy and others
will speak. The. officers ot the society
are J. F. Nelson. Superior, - -president:
C. M. Boehler. Alma, vice president:
William A. McHenry, Nelson, secretary -
treasurer. - (
Bearrse t vote) aalwo. 1
BEATRICE, Neb.. Fan. Js.-to'oecial
Tstegram. At a snooting ot th dty
council this evening It was voted ta sub-
salt th saloon nesns question to direct
veto ot the people at the spring munici
pal eiectlo. ,
State Ttkei DUpuUd Oakland Bank
- Suit t Supreme Court. -
Prof. MerrtaaaNla selected to De
liver Adds Nebraska rod-
aattaa- Class Jury Draw a ' '
In Mardev Case.
- (From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Fob. . -Special Telegram.)
The state haa appealed from th de
cision ft he district court ot Burt county
ths ease of the state against th Farm
er and Merchants bank of Oakland.
At the time the bank guaranty law waa
passed this bank wa soperatlng under a
state charter, but the law was hsM up by
aa Injunction Issued out ot th eaupreme
court. Bofore that case was docided and
ths law actually operative the bank had
changed to a national bank.
The legislature bad also passed an
amendatory law providing that state
banks need not pay Into th guaranty
fund for ths two years ths law had been
operative, but this law did not exempt
banks which had in the meantime eon
verted Into national Institution. All such
banks were sued by' th Stat for th ap
portionment ot tli guaranty fund and
the Oakland case was taken as a basis
for litigation, ths other cases to follow
the verdict in this.
The stats test In the lower court which
held that the amendatory law was dis
criminatory In that It took money from
Institutions which could never profit by
Its terms and sxemptsd those which could,
as th stats banks had not bean com
pelled to pay the assessment the con
verted national banks could not be hold.
Prof. Mrrriess ta Talk.'
Prof. Charles E. Men-lam of Chicago
university wtll deliver the commencement
address at the stmts uulvsrslty June 11
Ho will take for his topic "Cltlsenshlp.''
Prof. Merrlam wss a raadldats for mayor
ot Chicago at the last election.
Jry In Hurtle Case.
The jury was drawn this afternoon to
hear ths trial of Joha F. Harris, accused
of the murder ot David McFry on July K
11L McFry and Harris were quarreling
and th accused man struck Ms opponent
a blow which caused his death. Th de
fense will urge that th blow was givsn
In self-defens.
gwapaewlaessent at Land. '
Ra porta have . been received at th
office ot th land commissioner f the
r-appralsement of school Unas in
Cherry county. There are approximately
U.X acre of each Isnda In th aeunty
and more than half of It has been re-
ajmralsed. The reorta show that under
th now valuation land rune from S cents
to M per acre under th leas appraisal,
which Is aa Increase of about 75 per cent
over thep resent figures. Th appraisals
have not been approved yet and there
Is soma question whether tit good hay
lands are not valued too law.
' Becker Appeal,
William A. Decker, convicted In Cass
county ot receiving stolen property, has
appealed to the supreme court ,i does
not think he bad a fair trial because
the court refused him a continuance on
account ot the unavoidable aboerwe of the
attorney ho had employed to defend .htm.
Ths hearing of the valuation of the
Fnlon Psclflo railroad property haa been
adjourned until Friday altemooo, to
enable all concerned to digest what has
already been offered and to prepare
for taking op other ih&seo ot the hear
A requisition has been Issued on th
governor ot Tennessee for th return to
Omaha ot J. O. Capoel, who Is accused
of passing a forged check.
Th city ot Crawford haa sent In to
the stats auditor I12.S00 worth of sewer
bonds to have them registered.
Mr. Convene) Dead.
Mrs. Joel L. Converse died recently In
Tulsa, ykl. Bh was th widow of Joel
U Centers, who buut tns oia sua tana
Pacific Nebraska railroad and who
tied in MM on bis farm near Malcolm.
Ths Midland Pactflo had SB miles of
trackage when It wss sold to ths Bur
lington, and this Is now a part of that
system, it wss (he second piers ot rail
road construction in the stats snd ex
tended from Nebraska City to Grand
Island, passing thsough Lincoln, from
Nebraska City to Brownvtlle and from
that piao to Tecumseh. . - -
Considerable Interest Is being mani
fested In a series ot revival meeting be
ing conducted at - th : First Chrtstlsn
church. I
Legislative candidate war in evidence
today at th offlc of th secretary of
state. James Hsgerty of Sargent and O.
H. Moiy of Ansley tiled aa republican
candidates for representative from the
Fifty-eighth district Will' Brookley of
Edgar, populist, got Into th running In
th Nineteenth senatorial district while
J. A. Ollia, democrat and populist Ord,
filed for th senate la th Twenty-third
district J. M Talcot, Crofton, Kaox
county, entered as a democratic candi
date for senator from the Eighth district
M. T. Harrison, formerly a member ot
th legislature from Otoo county, has
filed as a republican candidate tor rail
way commissioner.
Merrtl R. Carmen of Mlnden, a min
ister, evidently Is not sure Just what of
flc b Intends to seek, but vldently he
haa bis eye on something for he has
written thw secraUry ot stmt for blanks
on which to file for eororrea and also for
state seuater. He does not say on' what
ticket ho proposes to run. . .
,,". . . - -
Farmers ia Euterm leunikn Btbtc
. :. Drifts to Ecu GoipeL
arUagtasi Trala Vets Crowd After
It ea ladee Headway and l
teveet Skews by Faresers
.. ., I . ' "' ' ta intense.; -
Deaniti the heavy snows and th blls
sard ot th early part of the' week the
crowd which bar been turning out for
th seed corn train, which ts being run
through the eastern portion of itebraena,
are exceeding the expectation ot the most
Snowdrifts necessitated a postponement
of three lectures Moadsy morning, th
A trtsrhtfal Eip rsewew
with btllsussisa. malaria and eonsttpa-
tloa. Is quickly overcome by taking Dr.
Ring's New Lite Pills. Only Sc. For
sals by Beaton Drug Co.
Miller Asks Aid in "
Keeeping Off Tramps
mnpvi su, I)rl UillMr 'nreat
dent of th Chicago. Burlington Qulacy
Railroad company, today sent tne govern
ors ot thirteen western at at re an appeal
for assistance tn reducing trespassing n
railroad property to a minimum.
Mr. Miller said In his letters that U.W3
persons had been killed while trespassing
on railroad rights-of-way tn th United
States between 1KB and HU.
"Trespassing on railroad property.' he
said In his communlcatlooa. "Is a cause
ot gnat trouble and expense to th rail
way It la constantly necessary for
trainmen t stop trains to put oft persons
who are stealing rides or to keep from
running down those who are walking oa
tracks. Trainmen often Become invoiyea
Cuba to Pay Honor ;
to Dead of Maine
of three lectures Moodsy morning, me -
.i. .. a,.t instead ot at turtle with trespassers and are Injured
Ptottsmouth. aa originally planned. k"k"1 bT """y . '
At Ashland the emallest crowd of the "Tramps who Infest railway yards, car.
trip as far was met this being du. th nnd rights-of-way. start fires which de
farmer, ray. to th drifting of the snow, .troy property of great Trr veJae.
. . .... . TMMiaaMM aImi often meddle with
which made roaos impaeeeeiew en -
. . :.lthee nr drn.1 lickta ar nlar ObStrUO-
mother s son of tnem was a iarnnr, .
coming tor four and fire mllea. On wholthms on tracks ta such a way as to
. . . . . . im nu Mrlnua truln accident.
accompanied to train u "--
walked three mllea to hear tne gospei
good seed com preached. Hsd the roada
been good, bo sal a. every nw -redlua
of ten mllea would hare been la
for the lecture.
After leaving Ashland, ths turnout was
gradually better until Mai mo was reached.
. . v. , mm mabw nvwvN tu.w
the two ear. At Mai mo the train was met ; they are put aboard ' ship
4.w k. hand, which whooped her.nL ,A lk. vnit4 RtaiM
.ham SfanV School Children I UMUf v ImUmI
r - .
clamored for admission to tne
pubUo schools being dismissed for th oc
casion, After laying over st Ashland the
train got away to an early start Tuesday
morning, making Its first stop at Tutan,
where seenty-rtve greetea tne
lecture ws given at M.
. araraaera lalerrsted.
On Interesting feature of the crowds
,in the train Is that W per
UI"e .
sent are farmers, who coma from oie
tancea of thre to flv. miles. Without
exception, they coin to learn. No where
along ths routs haa aa unkindly feeling
nil'lVi V. eeXVII tinnnra will be
paid to the' dead ot the battleship Maine
tiAmmt Ommi tnri&v Issued a decree
setting forth the program ot ceremonies.
The bodies will be removed from Cabana
fortress to th city hall. There tney win
He la state during the night under a
guard of honor, the coffins covered wllh
American flags and flowers. The follow
ing morning they will be escorted through
ths street, lined with Cuban soldiers and
uiiim ami taaced aboard a funeral
barge, which will transfer them to the
I'nltvd Btatca armored cruiser ivorin
rti AmarfMti sfluadroa will be .es
corted to th spot where ths hull of ths
old Main will be sunk, ths three Cuban
been expressed. Insteso, ww iota stain win
thankful that th business men of Omaha I gunboats participating In the ceremonies,
.. I- tKam IA nrO- I 1,1... - na . I ii, a Aa lha flnnt DSBBM
,s.l.,l Ixlarest In them t P0-
wn mimm. - -
.a, ..v. and mesas lor an av.s--v
of a possible loss In the corn crop, .
T know that some are ss-imw.
a farmsr from Fremont who joined the
train at Yutaa. So Intereslea wa ne
that ho mad th trip Udtemwg w
.- -m a u that the Omaha In-
tercet have a personal axa t grind.
he went on, "but mess renew.
snd far between. As far as ths farmeri
are concerned, no better
don than that which tl tNmunwrclal club
ot Omaha baa mad possible, v. -what
It is being don and w are saUo-
Bed.", 1
Chancellor Avery oa Train.
gemuel Avery, chancellor of th Uni
versity of Nebraska. Joined th train at
Ashland Monday night and took bl turn
with th lecturers oa Tuesday. me
chancellor Is an enthusiastic com- man.
... . i. .k. .end and fast right
from th jump. Th chancellor and Frof.
Pugsley are well known to tne ienn-.
In this section, having accompeirtsd a
former seed corn trsia la thla section.
Th speaking stsff on lbs train- con
sists ot Prof. C.'W. Pugsley, head of the
extension' department ot th Stat uni
versity; Chancellor Avery, Prof. L. L.
Cook of Washington, .D. Cm com expert
for fho Department ofj AgrVnilturet Jrrot
C. W. Fllky of th Peru normal and H.
Clyds Filley of th fnrm extension de
partment of the stst unlv.rslty.' Ths
speakers divide th towns, alternating
and running two lectures at each poant
Ths Burlington officials who an ao-oompaaylr-g
tha train are A. O. Smart
tuperinUttdenti W. W. - Johnston, as
sistant general freight agent; J. J. Cox
of Lincoln, division freight sgent; O. L.
Griggs, train master, snd M. Whittaksr,
irav.line enalneer. Two offloera' cars
are attached to the train, one tor the
officials and th other for th speakers. .
E. V. Psrrlsh, manager of th publicity
hiiraau at tha Commercial club ot Omaha,
b accompanying th train, looking aftar
th Interest ot Omaha and boosting lor
ths metropolis.
Makes Step at Crasd Island. ml ivn v'.K Wen SS 4Itn-
dal Telegram. r-Ths lUton Padfle seed
corn special visited urano isiana toaay
on schedule time and from sixty to I'd
people heard th lecture by O. Hull.
Quite a number of ot these were business
men. Ths cloudy, cold and stormy
ihr nf the morning brought few
farmers to th dty. 'At Central City It
wss reported there ws an attendance
ALLEN. Neb.. Feb. St (Special Tele
gram V One thousand, seven hundred
hoard lectures Tuesday.' Big crowds were
present at all stops this morning. '
Key to ths Situation Be Advrtkung.
ririne a final salute. As the fleet passes
out ot ths harbor, tbs paraneU of Ca
baias and Mori will be lined wllh Cuban
troops standing at altsntlon, tns baaaa
playing dirges. Throughout th day half
hourly guns wtll be fired from Cabana.
IOWA CITT. Is,. Feb. .-(Speclal
Telegram. V-llonesty In advsrtlslng will
tha an.t alaTM hV COmmlttM nOBIed
by th Associated Advertising Clubs of
Iowa, which held Its annual meeting in
n.nM. tndav and elected officer!
enroute to Iowa City on the Cedar Rap-
Ids-Iowa City lnterurban. The awegates
reached Iowa City at 1:. Th new offi
cers were Chosen as follows:.. J. L. Matt-
son. Cedar Rapids, president; R. U Dun
lap, low City, first vie president; H. K.
Riester, Waterloo, seeono vice prwiuia,.,
d i. if.r-,end. De Moin. secretary;
l. p. Touna. Cedar Rap Id a. treasurer; a
W Parrott. Waterloo, oneirHien
organisation oommlltes: 0. A. Benaer,
Iowa City, chairman honesty in snvsr
tlalng committee; Frank Armstrong. .De
Mm, chairman commutes on resom
mendaUons. IVUerleo was chosen as thq
next meeting plans. . -' ..,.-
I . a a-
'iiniv la . iUl ex, 8naolal Telesrsm.l
I Republicans In eonvenllon hers this aft
ernoon endorsed ths Tan administration,
selected sixteen delegates for tbs district
snd state convention and Instructed them
for Tsft Ths convention wss wen at
tended and enthuslsstic.
it itw suausi xmos
. . Mnu cmtji eoxa qvicx
Two Maaarod Tbenaaad W oaten Mad lappy WHli This Wow aTsowWdge Tbreagh ;
a Copy or Thi - atemerksM aeox, -wsiust aauuuiiun w.aav.
OUT SBCag." mt This OoariaoUg avUao A to Its Valuef
it X-ba. la
So X Sere I
I Xeked As rat As Aa Ox Before I
Medaiad My Fat
Mv friend were cliarluhle snd they
called It ebeelty t others referred to me
as being PTOl'T, but I know. It waa
Just plain bulky weight I waa miser
able you, too. are equally miserable If
yon are too stout
To redues your weight you must find
th causa, you must get at th very
reason. -
Before I succeeded, I tried everything
within reaeun and oin things beyond
It wa maddening disgusting.
All I had to do was to remove the
cause, snd I swear under oath, that by
my simple method, 'Without drugs, medi
cine, harmful exercise, or starvat on diet
1 reduced nrr welcht 17 pounda in five
weeks, snd guarantee that 1 can do the
asms for you. . 1 do:not use medicin or
any kind or worthies stuff to rub on
the body, but a simple home treatment;
even a child ran use It without harm.
Through 'his marvelous combination
horn treatment, I succeeded because I
had found th right way. I can now climb
to the summit of Pikes i'esk with sale.
I could not d,t that until I had taken off
XI pound of my aondrous weight
If you srs interested In your own hsp
olnee and l.eslth and fisure, you will
permit me to tell you how to reduce
your weight "Nature's Wsy."
It is sstonlshlng ths thousands of
graterul, letters I am receiving. 1. a,
Holselle. Box 4.1. tlreat Bend. Kansas,
writes that ha lost fifty pounds with my
n ami lees treatment. , w. i. ncnmiia,
Montevideo. Minnesota, loet thirty
bounds In thirty days. Mamie McNelly.
lieslosvs Missouri, writes that she lost
thlrtv-flv bounds with this new method.
snd I can send you thousands of nemes
of satlsriea tustomers wno nsve given
m psnnlaslon to us their names, I
Am After maductna I
nv. Weeks With My Warailssa
jaOm immni.
never publl ih any names without writ. '
ten Derm-ulon., J ;
I nave printeo a oooa ior you ,
U'.i.i,! Rniurllon Without Drug." '
which I am giving away without charge.
prepaid to you, ao that you may knew ot
my euccessiui meinuu uw w atv ,w '
nennananilv reduce vnur weight any .
amount you desire without harmful ex.
erciss or starvation diet drug or meU--
iclnes.,. , . .. . t
. reed. fot Free C -fedaf. '
' f
Send for my book, "Weight Reduction
Without Drjgs.1 It Is voura fur tho
asking, and I wilt he glad to send tt to
you postage prepaid. : -
I have found that the host way to
knsw bapplooa la to give It
Sincerely your friend, , .
Salt MTS Oeatral Bank BaUdlag,
. Beavar, Colo, .
McCOOK. Neb,. Feb. M-(8pecil.)-Mr.
E. Otis Fauhlon and Miss Nora Kelly,
both of Krpuhllran City, were married
In ths city Tuesday morning st .
o'clock at the residence of Fletcher
Waugh. Rev. I E. Lewis officiated.
t.lbrarv liar at Onawa.
ON AW A, la., Feb, .-flpecUl.)-Tlie
annual celebration of library day waa
hold here Saturday under th auspices of
th Art club. Th Thursday elub of la., era tha eueet of the Art
club at a banquet at Hotel Monona, at 1
o'clock and following a horn economic
afternoon waa given, In th auditorium of
th library. A number ot talk war
given on topics ot Interest to the prac
tical housekeeper and cooked foods snd
cooking utensils were on exniDitwo. .
PLATTSMOLTH: Neb.. Feb. -Spe-elal.)
As Tracy JU Graham, a fireman in
tha employ of the Burlington, wss going
to the round howss ts get on bla engine.
No. 13S, thi morning akesit 1 o'clock, he
was run over by "Big Dtck," th night
nrttcb engine, as tt was being run to th
coal chutes by the hostler. Graham had
both teat cut off and sustained Injuries
en th bead from which be died aa boax
aad.a halt later, after wring carried to
the 'company surgeon's of floe. Graham
leaves a yennr widow to whom ho was
married oa December U. Ills mother and
several brothers and sisters also survtr.
Bis relative llv near Brock. Neb.
CXNTERVILLE. In. Fob. M.-Richard
and Janata Hendon. thgrged with having
participated In th burning of the ele
vator at the Croft Seed company at Moul
ton. I a-. last August today pleaded guilty
and were sentenced to three years in
prlsonv A, C. Croft owner' of tb ele
vator, alee Indicted, wtll be tried at th
next terse of court The raaea tavolve
th aavntent of SH,K Insurance. . -
l.fwfrris l.MSIa Mr Efifr-V
, Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna
is especially adapted to the needs of
men, women and children, to cleanse
L the system gently, yet effectively, to
dispel colds and headaches, to prevent .
Indigestion, sour stomach,' gas and
fermentation due to constipation and
biliousness. As It Is free from every
injurious or objectionable substance, it
is equally beneficial for young and old.
ctT or aixowot. j j) j
W JHOisswcn-i : j! :
Print oxl itraigtrt across near the bottom and also
In ths circle sear the top of every package of the
getadne; for sale by all leading druggists; wniat
price 50 eeati per bottle. . .... '
Th rrswing -eoubuity W th rsmto Syrup of Firs sod Eflzir of Ssnna has kd oo
scrupolous manufacturers to offer HiltsBons In order to maks lareer profit al the expense
of their customers, ft dealer asfca which siiajo wish, or what make, yon wish, when
yo ask ior Syrup of Fift and Eilxlr of Serma. he is preoartnf to decetv vou. Tell him
thai yea wish to reauins. Manatactared by tha
Tried and never found wanting
It takei years to
organize v "serv
ice" in an office
building. If you
are1 in a comfortable-
where "service"
has been organised for years, you will have a certain
comfort and ease that can be obtained only through
years of careful organization.
. There is aa advantage tn being in a building whoso rule
(or twenty years haa been nevar to allow a itugln thing to get
out of repair, and th building and ita equipment each year
la a llttl better than it ws th year bfor. Thla kind ot a
policy and 'Organization ia what you will find la ..
aaa Reception Room, private office, two larr clouts, larre
workroom with two north window Ideal oarlca for ensineer.
architect doctor or other profssslnal nun. . Kental per
Boos, sea This Is long narrow room, ltxllVi, having a north
U(ht Ksntal, per month HIJW
ll-lzlt In sis, located on th court, doss to shy
Heat, thus having excellent natural light Th spec could
be divided . so aa to mass two vary pleasant rooms, price,
per .mouth , .......aB7JO
i aaa Office In ths northwest corner, having four large win
dow A fireproof vault for the protection of valuable paper
-Is iivuch In demand and la afforded In thla room. There la a
total of 120 square feet of floor apse and some would be
equipp. with partition to satisfy good tenant. Th rental
price 1 per mouth , HMt
The Bee Building Co.
Bm Business Office 17th and Farnam Sts.
A Simple Perredy for Dandruff,
Falling Hair,'.!co'i? Scalp
. . Faced end Gray Hair,
Th old Idea of using Base for darken
ing tha hair is sgain . coming In vogue
Our grandmother, had dark, glossy hair
at seventy-five, while: our mothers are
gray before they are fifty. Our grand
mother kept their hair soft and glossy
with a "Sag Tea." which also restored
tb natural color..' , , .
On objection to using such a prepar
ation was the trouble f . making It
This objection has .been .overcome by
the. Wysth Chemkal. Company of New
Torn, who. haa placed on the market a
superior ' preparation .of. ge. combined
with Sulphur and other valuable reme
dies for dandruff. Itching scalp, ant
thin, weak, falling hair.
Tha beauty of th hair depends more
on its rich, even shading than anything
else. Don't nave dry. harsh faded hair,
when a simple, harmless remedy will
bring back the color "In n tew days; and
don't be tormented with dandruff. Itch
ing scalp and loose, falling he rnu
Wveth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy
will quickly correct these troubles, and
give color, strength and beauty -to your
hair. .
Get a fifty " cent - bottle from yoari
druggist . today, and prove this to
your ewn satisfaction. All drugglstsj
sell It. nnder guarantee that tb mney
wilt be refunded if th remedy ts not ex4
actly as represented.
Sherman. McCormell Drug Co, Cor.,
Kth and' Dodge, Cor. Mth and Barney.1
Cor. 14th snd Farnam, JBT-J No. Mth
St.. Loyal Hotel.
1 304 Famam St, "."
PUtea .:. :...SU)oVp
Extracting ...:...SiScli
Fining .::.ooctp
Crowna ... SajWCp
Phono Dong, 178.
Misoi')- Teeth sappUed
without Plate or Bridga
Trorlt, Kevna renaueatf
nitlxtut pain. Work gaarw
Bridgawork. ...r-OOlp go TeanatuuTof nos " nlel ten year.