Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 29, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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H alU places where style pre
dominates, you will find Im
perial hats in abundance.
Theyjiave led in style, quality
and wear for many, many moons
and are quoted by all who know 1
what hats really are, as' "The
Hats that set the fashion."
It is the $3.00 hot of today and is made in so
many different blocks that there is a style and
shape for aQ. ',
1518-20 Farnam Street1
Declare Laymea'i Cmo Body
Btinj Vui for Politic.
Xewepnper Oca Melaea Made
What It Breder Thlak af Free
- Idewrlal Candida lee Beaker
Law fnalMN Meet.
Mr. Ited Layf Iridnc' la g-nia
Cue Before Senate. . .-.
II Bare lflM iaevre that Iwal
Hlr kikl' VMM wit
s . ltr Wwiwiehed by the ,
Pwwdo Maawata.
WaAWHOTOK. Feb. M.-A array of
svldeac beard by tlx senate Judiciary
wamttlM tat Ita Inoulry Int lb appoint
ment (t C. F. fre-alB. aa United atata
marshal for riwr, tu 1aM Mora
In aanal today r femator Ravi f
Mlaaaurt in urging th psoases af Ms
resolution provldl-ig tor an HiveetigaMn
af tha election of Booster Dupnt el tM
swar. senator Reeef Inaisted It thl avldenee
vara gives credence tha senate not anly
haul Investigate h me election, bat
ehouid demand ef tha IMm senator
an explanation at hie aotkva "In iwoonv
, mending foe appoint: ml lo the alio of
fice of I'ntted atata merahsl a Bias
whom a knew to b magsd la corrupt
practices." 1
' "I lm Ihla ta na my aotesea duly."
laid lha senator, fan shall s pit M
thorough hiraaitaUoa reex-lt ' la aoav.
pieuly exculpating tha senator from Del
aware ..w l'-4 ..'.'
( Tha dierloeurei mute at tha witnesses
ar of sue character aa ta damsnd fur
ther fcveattg-ulo. That lavaitigatloa
ought ta be courted by ny nnt niaa
aad any attempt t vd as iBveetigs,
, tloa may b Jim IT resraed aa lasptred
by faar of th truth,
j "Oa Jaaaary 8. ml. tha president p
pelnted Cornelius P. Bwata t'nlted mates
marshal for tba district of Dalavara aad
eeet that appointment ta th eenate far
confirmation. Wlih aa alacrhy which
waa astonlshlBg tha appointment a ra
portad to th aaaata by tha oomirtlttaa
and an tha day tt raaehad th (aaat aea
(IraMd. Sue, at laaat. hi th Bwpapr
yianata tram Dalaarar.
. "la aom way, attlama at IMawan
Soamod of th tost and arottd t aom
mambar or mom bar ef tba areata, wltk
th renin that tha act) of approval wa
I roKtadrd. Thanuaoa u aaatwr waa ra
I rvforrad lo th eommlti aad aa InvaMl-
mlloaj doauaded by elllaaaa at DaUarar
kaaded by Willard aaftburr, aa bold.
5 "Thoaa elllaaaa borao. l tba wal
bora tha ooauaoa aad aaaorai roauta
tiea aa a aofaVWoat tot buyar aad oloo
tioa oarraptMnlat tn TleJattsa of th laars
of tha atata af Ixiawara; (D that aa
Korombor 1M, a bmmIM aa hott la
tha rtflt of Hoary a. Duaont aad T.
Colenaa tMpont. at which botwoaa HMa
and ,( aa dtatributod for ta pur
booa af corrupting tha alwitarat af th
Plata and that aa adalUeaal U. waa ta
be (Iron out ) th Monday arooodt&t tlw
Taoaday an whlcb tha moot Ion waa ta
ba hold; t) that awala took bVoa of thto
money la tM (old puraa U BrldiovUlo.
that M aa tha earrlod to Phllaaotaal
aad ehaacod Int bill at eonranlont form:
that aa atattlaa day aa affloa waa ac
tually opioid and a eomtary apsotatad.
ba kapt a not af beoaa aad tha meaoy
k-aa actually paid oat ta bribe ta tha
uuiiupt rata of that product
"It wUl ba oboorotd that the charf
nlata aione la th fit no af troata to
hold tb poettloa at Voltod Btataa mar-
abal. The oaouoltu by repeated rottn
hmited tba evldenoe to thoee art af
oorrupttoa with which Swain could be
direMly connected. By otpno rallnc, M
rrtuead ta ao late the soaorai achaaw af
eomurtloa which appear ta hare t
braeed tba aula. . , . , .
Korlbrr laaolry Weeded.
"Therefore, tola lnveotlialloa repreoeau
. no mere than the troonf of a alnale
.hroad tkmcb a web af hmahy. The
sol- llgoi tnrona upon tba conduct f
'other M wher that particular ladlriduai
rame ta touch wltk Swaia.
"sWaia was, arcerdltuj ta tha teetUBeoX.
apiMiBted at toe reqacot of aaator IM
poai, and If tt be true that Bnaaler t
txira reeommeadod blm tor aaaolataMat
t the Important office of Vaited Plate,
manaal for the atata af Delaware, a
man whom ho know to be taca-d la cor
rupt practic rotatlne I tlorHoa. thea
tie fraeely affeaded walaat tUa body by
trntg tootnuaeniai la braafiec each aa
appelBtee befora the eeaata for Ita aa
acnator Reed detailed aad rerlowad the
' teatinmny atroa before the JadMiary oeav
ailtte. atearni aa the record ateod
there wa nlmpeacbod eeldent that
thouoaada of dollar were dlatribated
from th office ef Hoary A. and T.
Cotemaa Duaoat to ha need for corrup
tee. ... v '..
-I bare thee onhimoalid oa th t1
eaace. aaeaaUnc tt ta a tree." eoododed
ihe eiwot , -If aa aMoatlcaUo at had
- and thia evUinre t aeoipatra or ariro
tlrea, ao maa wilt a awe aioaaod than
mraetf. ffit tha armta, la new ef hee
f. '
tartllB and aaeaJUnf dlKloauraa, can
not afford t alee Ita aye ta tb plain
of duty."
Thousands of Coal
Miners Quit Work
in Great Britain
LONDON, Fob. a,-Ona of tha report
ef th coal owner, after another con
ference at the forelca offlc thl eTonlm.
Mated that then waa na likelihood of any
Battlement of tha dlepute la tha coal trad
betae reached - toalfkt. - -Tha
minora after a lone and atoraty
BMetlne thli moraine;, pa mad a rcaolu-
ttoa decldhm ta eoailnn th aecotla
Uoa with tha ownera under th ausplcee
of the evrernaunt. with a view to krlm
Ine about a aettlemeat af th diapute.
torn of tha miner" delegate are beat
or war, eapedaily tha repreeentatlraa of
lha eoilleMee la koutk Walee, but tba
azaoullve eommlttea luoeaeded la Indue
Int tha meeting to make a further afrori
tor peace,
la aa official autemeat laeued thla
aftornooa th etecuUve ommlttee con
firmed th oeclatoB of the miner' federa
tion t roaum Ha confarenoe with the
BTOCTlar, - '
Th cottferenea) of th minora federa
tion elaa paoaed a reeolutlon. 'today te
nerwitt a,l tha man who a-)' tree are
aaraaaiyr'ie keep th auai,ba" la goed
werkwg ardor to continue at work. Thlt
aotloa ha rerlTed th hope that It will
not be long befora th dlapulant ar able
to meet In a Joint peace oonfereaca.
There are bow upward of lo.uu mlneri
oa Btrlk and by midnight tonight WW
111 have canai g work.
Harrison County
Republicans for Taft
LOOAN. la., Feb. al-Bpeclal.-Tb
republlcaa convention of ilarrlaoo county
elected th following delegate to the dla-
trlot convention to be held In Council
Bluff March 11:
W. U Stent, Lot an; j. 8. Dewall, Mia-
aourl Valley: H. B. KUng, Wood bine: L.
K. Moore, thinlap; H. N. Lawrence, Mag
nolia; A. Spooner, Itondamln; Prank
Zahnar, Modal: R. L. Oliver, Plagah:
A. M. Ellla, Little Bloux; Prof. H. A.
Klnnay, WoodMa: Kllla Jonea, Mlaaourl
Valley; U R Pitt. PeraM; B. A. Dlvel-
HMaa, Logan; rraak H. MoCab. Logan;
C. H. Oeur. Mlaaourl Valley; Dean BraJn-
ard, WoodMna, i
Among the reeolutlon adopted ar th
tot lowing:
Wa llkowlee believe that the euetom of
according I our arealdent a aocond term
for work well done ehould not be set
alde without ubetantlal eaaaa, and In
our Judgment the preeont incumbent ba
to tn luiieat eateai earnea tma nonor,
therefore we declare uneaulverelly for
the renoenlnaUan of Pro indent TaXI, and
the dolaaatea from Ihla oounly to the
dlalrtct and Mala convention are hereby
pledged to support for delegate to the
national convention only auch men aa
will give him eupoort.
We aoorove the fellowirui declaration
nude by Theodore Rooaeveit oa Novum-
r a, 1N:
The wise cuatont whlok limit th
nreeident to two terma reaard tb aab-
atanse and not the form, and Under no
drcumataaoea will I he a candidate for
ar aooept another nomination."
And we believe thla wtae euatoca aheuld
be rightly adhered lo.
(Continued from rtrnt Page.)
larted here today. There are Bald to
be fully lN Reyeataa at presnit la prac
Heal alia In tha tutted State and
Ha Mae Trwapa Needed.'
LAWTON. Okl., Pab. X. -Order were
received her today from tha War do
pertinent revoking order received for
tba troop at Port Mil to he la readlneea
ta mora ta tha Mexican, border. Th or
der ar takea bora ta lodtau that Ihe
government betlevea H haa auffrdeot
troop Bear tha Mexican border.
Appeal of Father
Reunites Family
W A8HINOTOS. Pen. 3.-A ptbetl ap
peal by a Oarmaa alien whoaa family bad
beea seearaud by the Immigration law,
touched the heart of Secretary Kagel to
day. Aa a reeult tha family af Oeorg
Moffmaa will be reunited at Dickin
son. N. D.
Uoftmaa, hi wlfoi and seven child ren-
wealthy and bardy, arrived at Baltimore
from Germany arvarai aaoatba ago. Two
of the chlMrea bad trachoma, which
barred their Bareatrlcted adralaetoe. They
were placard la a Haiti more hospital and
the other of the family went to Die kin
eon. - A few day ago one of the children at
Tachanaoa died. Th father rame to
Washington to plead for the' Kiraea of
Ihe two Interred children. He could not
speak Kngll.h and bis natrre torerue told
Secretary Negri, who la a Oerman
eohelar, that he could aot go horn with
out hla ctdldrea to toae tba place of th
loot one becaos It would break their
mother' l heart.
Aa tBvaatigBttoa disrloard that the
ehlren at Beltlmor wore nearly well
aad ooald travel without dancer.'
oc rotary Kagel autborlaed their re-
nwval ta Dkklneoa.
VHW TORK, Pea, SsV-Mra. Johaaiui
Huebcaor, aa aged widow, waa murdef-
ouety attacked during tha Bight In the
Harlem apartment, where aha lived aloae,
beaten Inter inaenelbuty aad craiaawd
tnta a bath tub while ber ansa Ham fctle
wrely looted her flat. After reaaacklng
the place the eerftar turned oa sixteen
gas ta. Mrs. Huebeaor waa found barely
all re. Tha police first reported that the
Prank Cec per, a aesro elevator key.
waa arrested, charged with tha crime
According ta the police Cooper baa esn-
f eased, saying that after pounding the
womaa with bis fists until she became
aneoaeekma ha obtained Ma. Tbnty dol
lar ha Mike, etalned by Mood, waa found
la. has pockets.
wide Cold aad Grip remedy, remova.
! nature. K.
cauee. tail for full name. Look for at,
nature. K. W. OHOVK. Sc. . . 7
(From a Staff Carroapoadent.) -
DE8 MOIXE. Pea. aV-l Special Tele
gram.) Tne Da Mains Ministerial asso
ciation at tu session today asked for
complete separatioa of th Laymen's Clvtc
union from tba churches. Tha mia
tstcrs have complained that tba civic
anion haa been filled wHh' bickerings aad
bad fallen lata the hands af person who
foal re to aa tt for political pure noes.
I Aa effort ta have th saaorlaifcrn
dors tb actions of th anloa la regard to
city politic failed and th two erganlxa-
Ooos win go separata waj a
. Poll af Paper Headere.
Tha Dally Capital today printed reeulta
of a pol lof Ita reader taken by means of
eoupona and th result en president was:
Taft. int; Rooaeveit. tut; Cumrolaa, M),
La Polletta, 171;. acalterlng republican,
171; Champ Clark. M; Bryan, 1U; Wilson.
IU: Kolk, tt; Harmon, : Berger, J;
Deb. U Th poU had beea ander way
(er six weeks.
saber Talk than gee.
Th law commute af tha Amerloan
Bank era' aaaaetattoa met with Dsa Metaaa
and Iowa banker today t dlseuee pro
posed ehaiure la tb national baaklag act
ta permit national banks ta take Better
nr of saving deposits. Member of tin
committee acted as a court aad look tes
timony from tha various bankers prsstnt.
Data far Rata Reaetag.
Word waa received k yth attorney gen.
oral today that tha rata eases for Iowa
will bo beard befora tha Interstate Conv
erc commltta In Washington oa
.Varch It
IOWA CITC, la Pen, R.-lBpeclal
Telegram.) Count Prancl Laietao, of
Bohemia, spok befora th students of
th university of Iowa tonight on the
susjeet of "Bohemian Culture.' Follow
ing hla address a reception was given In
his and the aounteaer honor. Mrs. John
a. Bowman, wife of th president, dean
and Mr. W. C Wilcox and Profesaor
Bohumll 8hmlck were eeneptctous In the
reception line. Count and Countess
Luteaow left at midnight for Lincoln,
OLKNWOOD, la.. Psb. .-'JnecUl.r-
Earl MendenhaU broke 111 at Olenwood
last night and I still at large. He
probably escaped a penitentiary smtehos
Isst September, when oa trial for assault
by marrying the esmptaialnc . witness.
He waa placed In custody a week ago
a statutory charge. Ha was not
warmly dad and tba snow around the
UUI la which ha ws confined Is quite
deep. He bored through the north tal
wall while out at tb can. Th tour
other prisoner charged with minor of
fense refused to follow him to liberty.
.DUBUQUE, la.. Pab. H.-L. O. Ochsen-
retter, a baahMsa man. today rims' the
eighth day of a contemplated twenty-day
fast. Ha spends tea bear a day at hi
office and shews no ill affects from his
bv-k of food. Last year Oeheearelier
went fifteen day without anything to
eat. . L . I
DEB MOINK&V ta., Peb, -Twa years
la th peattenllary was tb sentence im
posed aaoa Richard- Palmer In criminal
court here tdaor for the theft of two lie eonfeteod. ' t
as a
laera Ffawa Xatea.
KF.VADAi-lx valuable
rtJ and. owned bv- j
eouthweet of atory. otly.
result of eaUng noiaonous silage.
VICTPTt-Ttie puhde school building to
geUier with a Horary af I an vwlumee. all
the f limit ur and the books af teachers
and auotei was totally dvetroyed by rtr
yeeteroay. tbb hmb a) ste.e, wttn m.ow
, EaborateWelcome.
by Panama People
PANAMA. PeV fi-the ' aeWspapers
her give great prominence to tb vtatt
of Secretary of Bute KfioX. whom they
welcome ta Panama In ' tha -warmest
terms. Every . moveewat of - tha state
secretary la recorded and many Inter
views with prominent men era published
aa to tha effect bf hla visit.
For tba second day pt the visit a tM
program of entertainments and functions
Is provided. Early this morning tha. en
tertainment committee came to tha hotel
wher Mr. Knox I staying and took the
secretary and th whole of th party ac
companying aim oa a sight seeing trip
to th sit of th original city af Panama,
On their ntura the party haa been In
vlted ta lunch at th ham of Maurice
H. Thatcher, governor at tha Panama
canal sooe. la tb afternoon a reception
Is to be grraa by Rodoif Chsut, tha
acting preekent. at the palace, gad to
night a atata dinner 1 to ba given by
Ooveraer General Parade at which Mr.
Knox win max his first formal speech
of the tour.
If th first day of hi eo)eva in Pan
ama may ba taken as a sample at what
la te expect, Mr. Knox will ba th
busiest ef bbbb during th axt few weeks.
Th brief periods between tha varioaa
function ar occupied by him la receJv-
and endless stream at callers. Ra
ter he retired lata last night ha had
made half a doxen Impromptu speeches.
Special precautions have been mad to
guard Mr. Knox during bla vtatt, a large
Bumber of secret service nun always be
ing an duty la his Immediate vicinity.
Escape of McCarthy
and Juhl Retold in
MINNEAPOLIS. Psb. ZS.-The aensa
tloaal recap from tha penitentiary at
Stillwater of Jerry McCarthy and Peter
Juhl, who later attempted t rob the
safe In th court house at Daa Moines,
la., wa described on th srllnea stand
today by th latter In tha trial of James
(Hod) Lyon a oaarged with "conceal
ment" attar tha escape of tha two men.
McCarthy waa kUlad last fall In a re
volver due) with Patrolman Otlngar bare
and Juhl waa recaptured after a shoot
ing affray In Bt Paul. !
According ta Juhl ha and McCarthy:
hastened to tha saloon hare owned by
Lyon, where -they war met .by. blm.
County Attorney Robertson declared that
he wottid prove' that bath Fred Briggs.
who la new la Bd II water for hla oonaee
Hob with McCarthys affair, and Lyons
war la Stillwater on th day that th
twe eoavicta mads their aaoapa. '
Judga C. B. Jslley today denied the
motion of Lyons attorney to dismiss
th case, striking tut soma peruana af
th Indictment a snpsrfruoaa aad de
claring thai etna trial would eonttaus
Blth .' conceaiBrenr as th tesus.
Forsw Osulisv School atea Read
Paper to Soperuitffideat.
OblectloB f There- Heavy Caet Is
AnavreewB by" aa Esttasatw 0
TTaetr Valee te law
. . - pwptie. -- . j: :. -
ST. LOUIS, ' Mo.. -Peb. 3.Dlegatea to
th com-eatlon wf th National hklucattos
aasodatloa apeat Joday-the
third af tb meeting, Tb department of
auperln tendance, th national cooncll af
education. . the national committee of
agricultural education and to . Educa
tional Press association of America were
at session.
Carroll G. Pears, superintendent of
school at Milwaukee.' Wis..' and presi
dent of the National Education asaocla-
tioB, read a paper oa "Th City Trad
School,': In which he discussed tha "ftu
Bortaac af trade schools as Instruments
for Improving tha vocational need of th
city child.
Trade schools,'' ba'sald, "are criti
cised because they ar expensiv; because
tt costs mora to school a boy for a year
at one of them than at a school of tn
ordinary type. If by paring ago foe two
years' schooling, a man's earning power
caa be railed from WO to tl.CGS gndT his
capitalised value from tlg.MO to C5.000
It looks Ilk a very good Investment"
' Cowatry aeliaala.
Thome u. Harris, atats superintendent
af school of Louialana. addfesasd th.
national council of education on the
undardlxatloa of the Country Schools."
Ha said:
Record of school anroUment aad al-
teadanca kept ta Louisiana reveal, among
other facta, that three-fourtba of tb
children composing th first grade are
holdover from previous sessions, but
that from th second trade t tha seventh
there seems to be no alarming loss of
children Jrr dropping out of school and
a unsafe number of holdovers In the
different grade. Prom th seventh grade
to tb eleventh, oa th other hand, about
halt tha children fall ef promotion or
tfnlt school," ', .!
Ha then told af th unsatisfactory re
mit obtained from poorly , trained
teachers to Instruct large c lease la
poorly equipped buildings.
"To Improve thee condltlona." he
added, it weuld aeam wise to classify
country schools, fixing certain standards
aa ta buildings, nulpmertt and character
of lnet ruction, length at term, number f
grade and uaiuioatlons ef teaohen and
t Btimulate local Interest and sffort by
offering each school maintaining tha re
aulrsd standard a small special stats ap-
prepriatloa In addition to It shara of the
regular school fundi."
Early la tha day, th executive
mlttes agala went into eesstoa la a
deavor ta chases a meeting place for
aext year convention. A long seas
last night failed tt bring rhe committee
any nearer a choico of a city" than they
have been sine their arrival. ,
A spectacular fight for the choice is
being waged by delegates from Palm
Beach, Fla.. Thay are being aaslstad by
ether delegates from th south. . ftra
thousand Fieri da-arrowa araages have
been distributed from tha Palm Beach
headquarters. Growing pineapples, ship
ped here la earth filled tubs ta aid la the
campaign have beea arranged about the
room. One of them la In bloom.
Minutes, of Packers ' -
Meetings Admitted
as Evidence
CHICAGO. Psb. T.-United Mates Dke.
trtet Judge Carpenter toda overruled tha
objectlan of tha afns la th packers'
trial to tha Introductioa af minutes ol tha
nwetlngs of th directors t tn Matlana)
Packing compear oat wean 107 and 11.
Tb government attempted ta read tha
minute to th Jury several weak ago,
but tha defeat made vlgorvug objection.
Tha ofOelai records will be put la svt-
deoo before th government cloeea It
IBB, i--
II wa at thsss director meetings held
Tuesday afternoons that tha government
contends tba defend as ta agreed an selling
prices, -snarglns, shipments aad tha divi
sion of territory la violation of tha Sher
man law. .
Ferdinand Sulsbarger, praaMsat of Sula-
berger at Son company, successor to
Schwartsschlld A Hula berg .r company,
waa sailed to tha stand.
Tha wltnasa told of attending th old
packers pool meeting held every Tuesday
afternooa la th offlc of Attorney A. H,
Veeder tn Chicago from U9ato 1MO. .
II named th tea defendants and aaid
they attended the pool meetings at dif
ferent times. Tha witness said that
Armour at Co., Swift aad Company. Mor
ris A Co. and hi awa company word al
ways represented at these meetings. - -
WASHINGTON, Peb. at-On th grooad
that tba recent derision of th supreme
court of the United Bute In th Viral s
elevation eases" la being used aa a
"rank discrimination." both aa between
ahlppara and localities. P. H. Peary at
Co. and subsidiary compante at Omaha
and Kansas City petitioned tb Court for
a rehearing. ' . --
In tha Pearey cask th supreme coon
decided tha an site wane of of a sent
per M pound for the elevation ef grain
may ba made to shipper by railroads at
Missouri rtver transfer points, but tt
fixed tea days as tba time beyond which
the grain must sot stay ta th elevator.
The Interstate Commerce ' eoeamlssxna.
acting oa th decision of th camrt. haa
bwued an crder that an and after April
It elevation may ba paid only on xraln
which pa as through the elevator ta tea
day. It la thl feature that aot only the
Pearey concern, but grain mea generally,
will resist. Tha Omaha Elevator com
pany la th Prarey substdtary company
la Omaha. .
Peculiar After Effects
of Grip This Year
Ltim KlsMjs U Wukeud Cuditlo.
Doctor tn all part of the country have
been kepi busy erlth the epMemio of grip
wkloh haa visited eo isaay home. The
syxtpssnsi at grip tM year are vary die;
tr-aslng and lenva tba ay atom is a raa
dawn noadUton, partleuiarly Uie kldnera
which sees to Buffer asost, as svery vic
tim oorwslaUia.ef lama back aad urinary
trevMes wklch should net be negktKj.
as trteae danger akmal ettaa lead ta more
serious sickness, auoh as dreaded Brlght'a
Dlaeaaa. ' Local druggists report a large
sal en Dr. Kilmer 8w amp-Hoot which
as many nsopla ear soon heal an
strengthens tha kidneys after aa attack
of grip. Bwasrrp-Root la a greet kidney,
liver and bladder remedy, and, being an
herbal compound, baa a gentle healing
affect oa tha kid neve, which la aiooat
Immediately noticed by thsea who try ft.
Dr. Kilmer at Cew Blnghamton, N. T.,
offer to send a aamaie bonis ef gwams
Root, free by nsmlL t every sufferer wb
requesU It. A trial wUl oonvlnce any
on who may be In need of It. Ragular
sis bottle W era is and UM. Tor aalo
at an dragaista Be sure be men ties this
TANK TON, S. D., Pen. a.-Speclal.)-Joaaph
Wagner, a pioneer dtlsen of
Leaterville, waa found burned to death
Ttiesday morning by a daughter who had
called to bid her father good-bye before
going oa a Journey. Mr. Wagner. who
lived alone tn a shack, although very
well to do, had evidently tried to light
a tire with th aid of kerosene, as the
stove had been, blown up, A fire bad
started from the explosion and a big hols
was burned ta tha floor and then gone
out. . The body was partly consumed, but
the head was untouched. Mr. Wagner
leave a large family of grown-up chil
dren. 4 .
Kaneas City Pawnshop Robbed. .
KANSAS C1TT, Ma. Feb. S.-Robbere
early today blew open the afe of Max
item's pawn shop at S3 Walnut street.
within two block a of pour headquarteri
here, securing KM In jewelry and mouc.
and escaped.
K t)aer tmviskt las The naffiy
Tlif-re Ar Two &za 1 6 oz. btkJ .
8 oz. EacL Brown Bode Only. I
No To Eat Up QlRUniV,
All Druggists are Clad to Sell It
- - - . e m
OiilrBii Lore It Tsste Coed .
Savmple Bottle Free by Mail
That thoee who are seeking health and
strength for ;hemxclvea, children, rela
tives or friends may sxperlence th life
giving properties of this exclusive Nor
way cold medal osontsed cod liver oil
medicinal food emulsion es well as to
knew- Oaomiilslon superiority la being .
moat palatable and easy to take a gen
erous tM. bottle will be sent by mail to
those who send-ddrasra by postcard or
let, frror-,Mtt" ., ,T7", N. T.
Soma of th healthiest men and women
In Omaha are great eaters of "Minnesota"
macaroni and spaghstti. Vany people
who never cared for these foods befort
are delighted with tha rich, nut-lik fla
vor of "Minnesota" macaroni and spa
ghetti and It Is surprising how much bet
ter a family will feel by. eating more of
these foods and leas meat.
Good macaroni and apaghstt, are iSa
best .and most nourishing foods known.
They are fin for children making their
hod lee strong aad healthy. But If you
want that rich, nut-Ilka flavor be sure
and get tha delicious "Minnesota" brand
macaroni or spaghetti made from the
finest Northern Durum wheat, with all
th nourishing Qtuten left In. It Is easily
digested and never get soggy- All good
Omaha grocers sell It.
MAR5HAIXTY1WN The ca petal stock
ef the BtarehalltTem Bscsv company waa
tins aaaas rroea iw'.ie to s.e at a meei
Irs of the stockkalders bora here today.
The capital atock waa Increased to take
new woraing eapMai into toe Bum at as.
' 1 MARSHALLTOWN Mr. Auguet Kg
gera. Ike- wife of a Oerman taraver ltnn
near here, is dangeroueiy sick of trichi
nosis from eatinc Infected pork thej kad
at been rooted. It la ihouaht teat
aha cannot recover. Other members of
the family are etck end it is believed that
tbey ar coming aow a with th disease.
Canaaaght Haa Hcer leraadeea.
rroCKHOLM. gweden. Pen. M.-The
crown prmrees of Swedea. who ta a
daughter of tba Duke ef Conaaagbt. gov.
arner general ef Canada, gave berth ta a
sen this morning. Both mother and child
are . doing we. Th rrewn prine aad
prince" aow bars thrve asas and ana
daughter. t ...
Rrw. Q. W. Arnold.
TORK. Neb, Peb. 8.-e8pell--Tee-
terday Bwralag Rev. a. W. ArncM. pas
tor f ths Calted Brethren church, died at
the parsooaxe. CU East at girth street,
aged at rear. 'Th fonerel services were
held from tb church thla awrning. Bar.
W. O. Job ef Uneela had esmrsw of
th aeiisiea. The soar . was takea to
Oreenvtlle,"0.. for bortal
; . a-r.lTClteyaMa.
waa received her yaatehday of tb death
of Dr. W. P. ReyBoida, which occurred
at Las Aaxeiva. - where' be went to
epsad 1be--ertaMr. tile bed been a- rest
aaat af Tork etna MR.- Ta sr will
- i
Bank at ews aeaw. tel-
BAN.JOeiL. CaL Pell. IXT-Th private
bank owned br Jamee A. Ceetw -waa
recbeeV koeey M Mas Ky-tm-e kendrra. wbe
eacaeedK Uoeta, ski Sad frast opened tbe
safe and- PTuerertor the -day s baetneea.
s-juna ahd gagted and impruoned ta
4 a rear reora..
"Juot Oay"
H Kmbs
Orijtatl ui ImIm
MorekealMJ dauTe or Cotftm,
Affect with tha weakest cSt'estm.
DetkatMs, isvtorjratina aad raeisa
Rich milk, trisrrj grsja, perwtief kfTa,
A aaick hack fntml la a BtJaxte.
Other art imitations.
Ik If
IN decided contrast to
thd ordinary "oon-tkid"
. ttte tbe tougU niobr knob of
BTposa so Ursa a korfae to
th wear and tear of tha
read that it talus thousand
of miles to wear them smooth.
Furthermore, Th Nobby
ha tha iuttnei .
adssaian of be
kig a Unitd
SUte Tire. .
irrcD mm
Tilt COMPin
new YOBK
II KRKK KkaaKorWhUlt,
II a avxjxj or if rati prefer.
Broom Dtutinf Baf, frew with
nupoas gives with Ine
Writedor our "little Felly",
Booklet, tellinf thout
thea premiums.
Uiaa Mr" la Ceaaeal
lisftwr ilia la. avetaro
lina Mass off sesar
Maifw,HU US
tiecff wMunt. rear.
I fMt e Iwel, we
D aaat aaaavefett hM
sea, earrea sneale.
Harrah 9 Stetoart MJf. Co.
tea Ceert Ave, Dm kt-aaea, lews
I Harrah 9 StrtearfK
II tea Ceart Ave, Dm klei.
II. , uuvne Co., Dinrio , umaiia.'
2C: U::s at
A great pnrchase of pretty
Torcbou Ieiices, Val Laces.
Cluny Iiices, Point Paris
and Zion City Laces, Not
tinghams, Sovilles, etc.
Regular 10 to 20c VyJ.
values .Thursday, as shown
in: Window - . '
5c YARD ;
ghotild know abont th
woodsrful , -
Marrel Whn'liiif Spra-f
Best safaat most convenient..
. Cleanse instantly. :
If yoer dmrsl.t cssnot snwply ths
AKVEU send Itamp tor luuitratea
. book eealeo. coetatea atrecttona
lavaluaMe lo ladlea.
44 Eeet tsrd Street
New Ten
(4hZ and 5
va Xoaaa ea Maatoads. Ala
big basa-asa la dlamoada.
aesbes. Jewelry, allver-
I aad sat glasa. Ooxapleas sew Uas af
alaetarox's sample gooes pt prioe.
Ifvdkey'i Jwe4ry A Um Camptny
1401 BOUOI.AS gTXtv ,
BOYD4'? Tonight
stATxana bat. abd ann.
Pi less Blghta, see, saa, Tool atata.
Any Beat gso. .-
BTsnk 4, , , xut. Wad.
aHssnaa' of ta Thh-d sMaor Back
Yes, .
It's Clean
All Right...
How About the Kllk
Yoa Are Now Ctttin(?
Hold bottle as in picture with light to the
back and 'tvrri, bottle slowly. v If there is
V ' .any dirt in the milk you will find it.
In Our Milk' the Last Drop Is Just
!, j v as Clean as the First. v -
'Order FREE Sample and make pomparisons
Toaiyks au Week oe to ao
MaUaaa Berarday, so te U
e Kriaoger preaeat
the Pink lady '
SO People. Orobestra af Ja
awa. BTat. 4 a-aysl "tet . are ft."
'-MAstA'a nm csarraaf .
xraATAaajixa ajra TaoDSwn,iva
Wltk Couuteas Koeal, nam bidjnan, t has.
Drew. Chorus of Bohe-ntana Thureday
night, Turkey Trot conteet: rTMay alght,
Ka Tim piaao piaylag ennieat. Cash
Mass BTatiaee very Weak Bay.
Btatlaee say -Ja krurkt tut
Best gists (O.
And X Ben KeUeae.
Xjadlse Baity Dlaae Wsltaaa .
American Theater
Teaie-tt. Hata. Twee, Tbmrw. an.
D BTTA XVa aad tha
wooawaatx) btox coBtrajrT m
BTtrxt WL-mrl ef the aVelaaa West.
rhSBsst Beagles 44; lad. A-14B.
aasa, sTveey Say, :l;ery (irktliU
asetacan Tsuitniu
, Will SL Creaey Mies aUancA Oayne;
Browa. Mama A Brewa: Miss Robbia,
Gov asm: Dech Crotioa I.; Maxm
Brea.wHk b" bby: Conrad Whidden:
Saw Bmttk; Klnotacope; OrpeaVtua Ctn
rert urcheatra,
Pilaee. Blget, las, aae. Ma, TSa. BTata,
1. boa Boat, saw, asasp Betaroay aad