Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 29, 1912, Page 12, Image 12

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Tiling is Katie at Lincoln em
Loop Eirer Project.
' DmI la Bald ta Dee am Wbrrber
tke tMiutn Will
- Acre ta Mar eSreetrie -CutnL
A fllin- Bad with tha Mil engineer
Tuesday af water rights ea tbe Leup
firer at Colnmbua bjr H. K. Babeeck
was for Henry U Dobertr at New Terk
and hi aaeoeUtfea. Doherty M Bat rryln
to bur the atock or plant of tha Omaha
. Electric LuM Power company, aa was
aucgested, but is negotiating with lb
cempaoy to furnish It electrle currant
from the propoeed power plant at Co
lumbus, Such are tha mar asvaloements an tba
Loup rlvar poser attaatlon end tns
' Omaha power an light stlnetloa, a
Mated eatborltathrely yesterday by tbaaa
In a position to know.
, It la aM that an acraamant baa been
i .ached by Doherty and Babeoek and
I other at Columbus whenever ka Is reedy.
If Dobsrty can task a contract wltk
tha distributing; asenciee tn Omaha and
Council Bluffs, whereby the wis buy
I electricity generated at Columbus, ha
. arill bay tha Baboork holdings and build
a canal, dam and power plant costing
, upwards at ,090.010.'
1 Sebeme Said to Be Feasible. '
( Dot arty has had aavara! engineers Co
ever tba scheme. It Is said, and thay hav
pronounced it faaslbie and si ran Dobarty
a figure at which ha wlU ba sola ta asil
current to alactrle tlht and power eom
psnles la Oinaha, Council Bluffs. Fre-
mont and other cities. Omaha la tha
biggest market, however, and if Dobarty
1 ran make a contract with tha Omaha
: Meotrto Light aV Fewer company, the da
1 velopment af tba Columbus water power
, la aald to be assured.
F. A. Nash, president of tba Omaha
company, aald recently that ha would ba
willing, even anxious, to buy electricity
produeod by Loup river water pawer, If
ba could tat H for leas than his present
expanse tn producing it by eoaL Ha aald,
however, that his awn company had la
.veetlgstrd tba Loup river scheme and had
given ft up as anttaaibte, aa tha advice
of eaitoeera.
Before making any contract with the
Omaha company, Mr. Doherty will assure
himself of tha validity of the oompany'a
contention that Its franchise has not ex
pired, or will seek arrangements with the
city of Omaha whereby hie interests will
be protected la ease tha Omaha company
has to obtala a Bear franchise.
Premetlaa' Oast Heavy.
H. G. Babeeck, who haa the aaoesiary
water rlchis sa tbs Loup, has spent sev
eral years ta an unsuceteaful attempt to
finance his project. Ha and hi aeaooutat
claim la hare spent taMOl already la en
gineer' aalarlna and other expanse.
Aotnrdlns V Lincoln dispatches Tues
day's filings contemplate the blget
water oower project ever developed la
the west. Water la tn be taken from tha
Loup near Columbus through a canal for
several mile, giving an enormous fall of
water, sufficient to develop enough power
for Omaha and several other outers Ne
break titles and have soma left. Tbs
filing fee was
B. D. Bennett of Ne fork filed a
rtaira Tuesday at Lincoln tor water
rights s tha Middle Loup Bear Arcadia,
soma dUtanea wee af Columbus, but
whether this haa anything to do with the
Baboock-Doherty aebaBM Is not posttlveiy
known here. Bennett said ha represented
New York capitalists erho contemplated
ilia erection of a 20,00 hydra-electrte
Plant to furnish current ta Orand Island,
Hastings, York and other towns.
Henry rreauff, oloMly associated with
lwberty, has keen looking after Dohertrs
Interests la Nebraska, Ha wss ta Llnoolo
Tnasdsy and la expected baok ta Omaha
ta a few dsyg.
St. r .till k f wl Si
- See These Clever New Arrival " ' P
ITocerfs Tailored
, 't . .
Spring Suits
Her arc tha settled styles for tha
now season. They ara well mad
o( excellent materials and aiocly ,
finished throagbout. Every new
weave and color for spring ta
here In suits specially
priced at
Smart, practical stylea for tprtnc la alt
th aeweet style features. .New fab
ric, new colors and
patterns; special at.
Scores of aitra-fashlonabl 1111 mod
els IB th osw spring pattsnia and col
ors. Regular i.t9 waists, Thursda)
: t....i ..- 83.9a
Correct Koreltie la Waah Waatta
' These har th new Peplaa effect that
will be so popular for spring. Just out
of the boxes; special at, each.-. . -980
Extra Kporial la Janlor DeaaHsneBt
. E pacta! group of checked Wool Urease,
nicely trimmed. In children' and Jun
ior's site; worth to ts.00. at $1.50
Jlesr Hoam Ditani Very practical and
aerrleaable, newest tyla festu
baaemant ipedal at 934
Women's Waists, very pratm- mad otyjtj
xcelleot materials, worth 1.00; spa
clal in th basement at 4 -QQ
Xhzzvls Spring Ncclnvear
4 1 WW 1.1
: ! I ,T 1 " za
Worth 25o to 60c, at 10c.. - ,
Fine embroidered linen and
madras tailored stocks, as-'
cots, etc.; some baud em-
. broidered in white and coV
ors; embroidered Dutch and
sailor collars, embroidered
jabots, . lace jabots, fancy
stocks, etc.;-all new spring
styles in dainty pat- M Av
terns, worth from 1 1 J '
af-harh Flaw Swte and ttettate Embroidered Floaaclngs,
Bklrtlngm, eoreet coverings, also galloons;' newest design
la eyelet, floral, blind relief and combination jq
effects many worth 75c, t, yard....... aJaC
jfrwsinAk Jornu, all tiufcilfo
J J Get Them at tbi Pattern Counter. y J)
springtime Shows Its Beauty in the
New Foulards
The new fashions demand such softfine,-8ilka as- are
represented in foulard finish and quality. '
Many new pattern and coloring wiU be shown for th first time
' tomorrow principal of which ar th bordered foulard. The ap
peal to many women because the border caa also b ased aa trimming,
giving th garment n regal appearance without additional outlay for
other materials. -
. They ar yery beautiful In every particular an com In ihades
suitable for both street and evening wear. Yoa w4.! notice th Vene
tian and filet effect In th bordered foulards especially. f
All ar 40 Inche wide and priced at Il.tO and f J.00 th yard, ac
cording to th quality, ' -j 1 " ' : - '
$1.25 Black Silks at 79c the Yard
A lot of black measalln and black chiffon taffeta, that regularly
ell at tl.lS,th yard, ar offered as aa extra special, for Thursday
only, at 7c the yard.' 'Kull J Inehesin width.- This offering U
-simply to stimulate early silk buying and will likely not occur again.
Profit by It'now.H t , -. .'
' Boys' Kriicker Trousers, 89c
There are fifty dozen in this lot, made of excellent all
wool materials, to fit boy from fly to eventeea year of age. All
bar been gelling at $1.00 and th pair. For a qutck clear
ance, Thursday ec- - -
Boys' 89c blouse waists, with and without collars,. .
specially priced for Thursday at 49 cents each.
Some Grocery Bargains for Thursday Only
n-poond can Bennett'a
riraakfaat coffee and
4 atampa Ms
Bennett's Kxcalslor flour
per each l-e
Aeeorted teas aad e
atampa See
Tea atftlnga and IS
stanipa, lb. ....... lae
l-lb. can Bennett's Cap
itol baking powder and
IS atunpa ...Baa
full eream eheess and
1 alaapa, lb. ....
I large cane Cottage
wills and It atampa.
for .,.... Se
l.o caa Libir's Happy
Vale asparagaa ..ate
alder's vhlls sauos and
. 1 stamae, bottle ..Baa
t cane ehrunpa aad 14
eanpa Ma
large oaa ntoosbee
in ii.t.rH eardinea and
It atampa He
Ta Camp a anagnetu
' and IS atampa, osa lie
4-1 b. . pecaace Uewey
. t.1eaneer er Compound
ui IS stamoa ....Ms
BtarnhaJI'e kippered her
ring ana IV wampe.
can for
l-lo. packac Bennett's
- Capitol oata or pan
cake flour, with it
atampa It
J-lh, packs Bennett'a
Capitol pancake flour
aad It atampa ....10
Beonett'a Capitol ex
tract and 24 atampa,
bottle 1M
French taper special
at. bottle ....lse. Ma
Van Hooteaa oeooa ana
t etajnna. can
Large can Snider pork
and beana and ft
' stamps for Ms
need ef All Kinds, the
passage We
l-lb. roll Premium' but-
terlne for See
14-lb. sack "Queen of the
Pantry" pastry flour
and 4t alanine , .!-
France-American aoupe,
aeeerted, ftuart can Ma
As OMva gala -Whlta
label eeiected
(tueea olives of the fin
est quality ara priced aa
foiiowa lor ' Thursday
B1-00 aovelh ....Ma
Ma betUe y... ......
New black walnuta, peck
Fancy cooking apples, pack leSo
Fancy date at lbs. for S5e
l sncy cabbag, pound Sc
Fancy banana, doxea lftc
ThflM famous Bedland orange, shipped di
rect to n from Redlandt, Cml., par doa, ISc,
aoo, 8S, 80 aad .as
Vcazn's' Fancy Slippzrs
PotitiTely a Epeciai Bargain
rwojc'-r coixruca iimori
PUra O ililil Taxv-
tet Uewp Wataw ta Mian ill.
trrora a atf Correapndaax. -UNCOUf,
ft, -i!-eiii.--Tb.
Most ambMloos pewar protnalMoa yet
lauBcbed 1a Nearasha Is evldeoeed by
the Cllag made by K. A Baaeork of
Colambua. It involves an expenditure
af tl.4nl.t9t and the eveSoarnsat ef M.M
horsepower front tha tntUal projeot and
the expenditure af aa anmantloaid sum
aad tba aSTseoatnant ef Mat adoitJonai
honenowar if the water appropriations
are all tttUlxed. The flUs fee amoaated
te ta.4.U. '
The ruing today was a revtval at the
eld water right water aa approprtatioa
made rears ago by Jtr. Babeaok and the
estenaloa af the sroet te empty the
water gate the stJavoorl riser inataat ef
rMemln It te tha Piatt near Fiaaasit
Toe original piaa esatampiaiaa taxing
; kU
oath. a, la
a l
? " beell and tnrned aswad aolea.
V These dainty slippers retell regwlarly at ta.OO. g-0 J a
i aad M.uv your cbotce at oue-haif prte aad leea; 1 h'l
at. per pair......... r., , .VXttre
Delicious Pompeian Bitter-Sweet Chocolates with soft
creamy, crushed fruit and nut centers. The regular
40c chocolates in Pompeian Boom at, per
W bought tOO tamplt
pairs of beaatlful fancy
Upper toltabl lor dreat
occasions front a wall known
maker of high class foot-
wsar at prtc barely oov
ring th cost of making.
They eom ta fin toft
Ik In, patent and dull I
srs, velvets and tatlni.
all oolors. They are the new
"pump" or strap style with Cuban
water frosa th Loup river soar
Oeaaa. but whll thia right la preserved
la the present atvraertauo n w pianaea
la the laiUai 4revlopraani of
to take 4.W4 tastt feat par saosad from
the Loop river foar oaies west ef Co
Maibua. It wlU he oarrled ta a gaaeraliy
aaatsrtr dtraeuoa te a point about atx
A Sensational Sale
tit hevewa head ai
Sea seat, rroea there wti
patat (war aettes gawttaast ef
where with a head ef
aaachar sewer sal wl ha locaaed.
thts petot aH ears MSt eabw test pas
emend wf he retwrned te the Ptetta.
v The ditch carrying th UN teat win
ran la aa eaesarty dtraatkea te a aaaat
akewt sight mflea eooth ef Blair,
the third power plant wffl
'Whtia tha vetame e water here will he
arach lees, the head. Instead af beta-av-soty-frre
feet, ea at the ether svawta will
be IK. rrom here tie water win be car
ried te the Mlaaoorl river at a pekat a
short diataaca eart h at CaJhoaa.
three plasrts are asp
of Iweapuwat. If- th
It ta Bjaamsd te tag th Law i
the other cSUh lewees tne Lew sear Ce
lutbne, asd there lire tha water gat th
other ditrh. after atiUn pfor power
SVreiomieM at that pots. It la estimated
SiJM boraesower eaa be geaanliel here.
Mr. Babeoek refueed to dmeleae Ms hack-
UOOhUjtOTOJf. In, Pea,
nor Maeea. Who spoke here hut west.
whoa aaeara the
notasisat frees Waah-
laxava the he was iasfg as a aaa-
poraar af re iiHimt tall, assts ,
-I am hi Bnea- af avaaw a. Baft a
geefeienreil uiaahHiUial vats at the
PrtaMBT. rmasr than Catt, 1 has -rasti
lag t say."
ft T'ftttL-DttrliLJ' A -J
L?eS Saturday
And Continues AH Next Week in Our Basement
Entire Srrplrs Stock izi Srp!n
From A. Gluck &'Co N.'Y;
B:ul:t at a Trcrssdaus Rdcctica
g SatadayrAllthWc'sStuts:
fl'rv l""'r Ue)rrit
LlwiJ Laijwl l-r-j
i '
f D:'.i J:!s if
-a Excl):r,20 Pianos
No other store can match these prices! Every Ex
change Piano cut 40 to 60( per cent Read these:
Original Frio 1300
Original. Price 1469
Now... ;.' . ..
W.jfmmlmm Ortglnnl Pric lti
- t,t
Original Pries $SiO
Original Pric $376
Teres t. $:it Every Pcrchxtr
A. liOSPEGO., "ms c tL
f"La, Original Price $350
Original Pric $310
Original Pric 3i
Now. ....... j... .
Original Pric $300
V L.ll Original Pric f 380
in the Great Stock. JC-00 f.98
"and VI
worth up to $25.00, at. .
Worth up to $17.50 ..... r. . .f 2.03 and $5.00
Tuaaday, Mareh I Ali thefts tt Silk Waists at
1 aeaday. Uarah t JLil tha aad tttt alik Pwttleaata at tl-SO, taot
Wednesday. March t-tll tha Mix. Weal aad Waah Dre.o.e. tl. tt
this earn y. Merck I Ail th II. e aad like Cvwea aad Walking Skirts ' '
Prtday, starch t All the Waah lHttieeala. Heaves Drie.n and Aprwas
at fcjg haras rojt. .
tauaraay, bureh An th Children, nsats at g&aa, ttva aad tXSS
aaiaraay, ataroa ui um (uorwaa wash 4J-eaeea at.... aad
Free Land Infoniiation
- The Twentieth Century Farmer, to meet the demand
of. its readers for land information, has gathered . and
compiled data on- soila, climate. and fanning conditiona
in all parts of the i-onntry.5 It is willing to give out thia
information, free, if postage is sent with Jtoriu.,j
Do You Want to ICnow .
About gorernment land laws,, location-of land of-
fices, eto. , I . " '-.',,.;. - 'k '
x How to get irrigation lap.ds, Jocation of projects,
!awa tverning same, ia - ' . . . C tr ....
Best sections f or roit grwing, general farming,
stock raising or dairying. -
v Tour questions ; will get' prompt attention. "State
plainly and specifically what yon want to know.; Write,
f: i Ldnd Information Bureau
flh Tvg'cnticlh Ccry Famtr
Men's Suits ,
and 0 'coats
worth to .
$18.00, at
Men's Suits
' and 0 'coats
-. worth to
$22.50, at
Spring Styb Caty Deigns Ssprc-r.:
in ths Ocsy Suit C:;t
Nearly every style idea which has re
ceived fashion's seal of approval u
represented in our early . display, the,
most complete, most comprehensive ever
shown in Omaha at this season.
Crown Jcwol Suits
are here in almost unlimited assortment
of clever designs in the most wanted col
ors and materials, including new whipr
cords, English Suitings and mannish
materials, at, choice ' N
You will find Inem matchleat . nt lew than
$35.00 elsewhere.
Elegant Sample Suits '
150 of them nil direct eoplet tf imported mod
el, greatly anderpriced at ...... ..$35.00
Long Serge Coats
In. all the newest spring styles. Vary special
values Thursday, at, enole i 10.00
New Spring Dress Styles
Serge, foulard, neasallnes, etc.. draatet mad
to sell to i 20.0tl, great special bargains,
New Spring Dress Skirts
Voiles, Serge and Fancies, splendid attortmaat
of new design and colon, at 85.00
Taffeta and Messaline Un
Desirable color, regular value
np to 17.(0, choice, at $2.95
French Coney For Coats '
Regular value np to $35.00, to.
close, at, choic SI 0.00
gl.OO Gingliara Vndenliirta, 49
.-31 '
$2.60 Long Kimonos
in terpentine crep and other light
weight fabrics, tpecltl bargain,
Seal Plush Coats
All imported good worth $45.00.
Skinner satin .lined, 7fi In the
lot, choic. at ..... . ..$20.00
C:sstis C:ca
1 esse of Huck Towel, Ue
. value, at 8)
1 casa of Bath Towels, 15 cent
value, at . . . -lOt)
1 cas of 11 He Dreat Uiug
hamatw. 7Hg
1 eaa of unbleached Huaiia,
4 Me values, at 5t
1 cast of 4t-inch Brown Plquot
Sheeting, valu too, on ssis,
1 caa of tVic slutlln remnant
bleached, at 6 Mat
1 case of Red seals A, C.
and Toll du Nords, worth
"He, at ...,7H
1 esse of ISo Batiste, at JOt?
1 caa of Whit Novelties,
tripe, barm, figure, etc.,
worth 15c, lie and 25a, at,
yi lO
1 casa of White India Llnont,
Persian Lawns, English Long
Cloths, Nainsooks, etc. a.
about half 10d 15t 18
n 257
S ease of Bedspreads, on sain,
-$1 S1.25 S1.50 $1.9S
IVhib C::J$
Specials Thursday
Assorted white Fancies in
nets, checks and floral de
signs, worth 20c, yd. 10c
Assorted white Fancies in
madras, dotted Swisses
and dimities, worth 50c,
yard ............. 25c
Plain ' white Longcloth,
nainsook and India Iinon
worth 29c, yard 15c
Pure Linen white Waist;
ings, worth' 50c, yd.' 25c
Sheer white Voile, this
spring's fabrics, worth
'29c, yard .........18c
Pure linen Ramie Cloth, 45
inches wide, worth $1.00,
yard....-. 50c
Kcw Spring Ginghcns
Z2 Inck Scotch Glnghtras, worth 25o yard, at ....... ...15
New Lorraine Tissues for ................24
New Dundee Zephyrs for ...................... ....... . .24
New Silk Mixed French Ginghams for ..i ......'.......24
10 varieties of Domeslic Ginrhams for 124
VtMIJKS Plain Voiles, striped Voile, Double Fold Voiles, Silk Striped
Voiles, 11 kind of Voiles, at 15 jg 250 35 50
W. B. and W. T. Corsets
$1.50 values, new spring
models, all sizes, in two lots
at 08c and 75c
75c Ooutil Corsets, long hip
models, high or low bust,
on sale at .......... .49&
Boys' JLOO Sweater Coats
In Thursday's sale . . .49c
Standard makes that sold up toAft.
$5.00, broken lots and discontinued M j P
models; to close Thursday at, each,
Women's Skirts - Mannish
styles, in French' flannels,
all colors, collars attached
or detached, all sizes-34 to
' 40; $2.50' values- .C.$1V45
Pretty Cambric Brassiers
All 50c up to $1.00 Val
ues; on sale, each, ;
at . . . 25c and 50c
Ton Save from 25 to 50 by Trading at Eaydea'a
41 lb. sack best higb grade Diamond
' H ramilr Fleur, aotblac liks It, at,
aar aaek
It bare Beat-'Bn-AlI or Diamond C
Seas it
Macmroni, made la Omaba, pi.. T lac
t lbs. zeod Jaaan Rica, 7 he quality
for ........
I lb. faacr.Janaa Bead Rice, i:c
quail ty .......tie
It-eemca cans Oaa tea ait
Oil ar Maatard 8ardlaaa, caa lc
T lbs. bevt Balk Laundry Btarclt tic
I lbs, Wbtta ar leUaw Carmnaal lie
t its frol niaatfaat Oatmeal.... lie
It-ease bottle Hunarck Apple Bat
ter lc
Larxe bottlaii'ABaermd Plekkes. Fore
Tcrnata CUsaw er Won laser Sane.
tMMLle tec
McireoTa Paairat Butter, lb. lee
Quart aatllas Caaartiaa liable 8aar
.-rru ... . .tie!
Pint eoUlas Cane rite a Mapia 8nar
fitynm -iive
Tbe neea Bairn. Ojeeer Omciena pm-
lb. 'V
Toa beat Cries Pretaal IX
Toe beat crisp G ajger dxeuab Ik.-- -tc
s-ih. ptc aeif-Riauia- rSotato at-
Sackvneal Ftwr . . -----
taut roan. jik. ......,i-
nee tae beealiral teauaasttaBaa sf
adve felly. We are giving away baao
tirul alumlouea maalda fpee all tais
week. . , '
Bat tUawtaad STaral Oraat
The kealtblest fruit growa aad
reaemmeoded by all doctors thia time
ef tbe rear.' A rat bleed purifier.
Wedneedar. doa. Ua, at, ate aad as
Tke araatsst Teg-etaUe Karkst ta
Old Beeta, Carrots, Paraai er Tor-
elpe, lb. ..v.... a...... He
Fresh Cabba, lb .c
Faaej Wax or Greea TiBSa. lb,..le
Fancy Hotbenas Jiaabreoma, lb. box
tor ttc
Faacy Ris Tomatoes, ib. - ....Its
Freak apsnaca. peck. ......Jtc
Icefi Beets, Carrots er Tarniss, par
brack .e
Freak slulata. bemch ia
Freeo Braaaeia aprmts. Ih, 1 ec
Eulehegeii. Tamil. 16. .. :bc
t aceda treaa Laf Lettac ......te
t trunclna fieak Badtahes ta
Fancy CaallOavjea-. lb. THe
Faacy Oookla- Appiea, peck too
Baiaes Vp la Tm Poem
Oar prices tae same tbe beet Cream
ery Butter, cartas ar bulk. lb. SOa
Try MAYDEN'C Firct