Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 29, 1912, Page 11, Image 11

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How I Keep Healthy
- The Way to Stay Youthful f-: ' - - ' cowWkx.
Sws Association
By Nell Brinkley
this is aw out rnjMT. Brr its jtst as hard and as oood as
this is oood for thb mi'sot"
. VP FROM vnrR rilKST
Tsu might b on of th Hth eUA who bare Just
cetm Into tao brltag ot youth, who have Mm . all
bottled p lk a.Oonte la a Bolomoa's Jar. Tea clap
Tour Uttls hudi and h conwa out and takoa hit
or-dscs, -wsrks his woudois, and leaves you with the flag
of tho wild roee flying In roar cheeks, your eyes Ilka a
child a, tha color In roar month deep aod real and, the
wild blood leaping ao In yonr lime last roar body
inuat ha aa tha tramp to keep your heart and braia
from mischief. -
Tou. nay be on of thoaa for whom youth works
now marvels arary dawn. And the, also, yoa may bs
ot that short-breathed, ardant crowd that Bare
Just, poked into your tar. and from there tip to tha
mirror thai bang above It and found - youth flown.
And now you ara after him over hill and dowa dale,
with all your sort la tha. chas and even lore, the old.
old fascinator, left'behlnd and all forgotten. . .
' Woman love lore, but they lava youth mora. You
might even be one of thoaa that have lust coma to the
top of Ions bin la your a hass for youth, and he's
such a tiny speck la tha blue distance, and It'a such
a km, km, trail stretched out before that you're
going to Siva up and pick out a soft spot on tha aide
of thw road and drop aut at the chase.. . .
You wad already have youth need to keep him; you
who has Just searched and found him tone need ta
to set some of him back, and you who have found
the soft spot beside the road and dropped out. with
MO sitting 'long, aide you oa the soft spot, need to set
hack the Image of bun. bit of bla lltnbernsss In your
knees, the red bloed of him .under your flesh, and a
bit of his' heart, that Is strong aad happy, la your
And whea yoa get to sticking one- foot out stiff be
hind, you whan yout diva Into a eioeet after ahoea ea the
floor, youth's makUV hla gct-a-way. For your kneed
are stiffening up. , - .,-.
These first two pictures show, aa old,- aid stunt, but
a s Just aa bard aa srer it we, and Itl Just as good
as svsr it was. ' Whan yoa' can swoop back, feet A" 6a
the floor, the eoft belt of your body between tha bony
barrel of your ribs and tha benea of roar blpa flattened
and stretched to Ita uttermost, year chest high and
rilled with a great breath, rour arms taut above your
head, whea rou can awaop back aad than With your
lunga 'snptytng swing forward and down, arching your
body like a bow and with year knees stiff, lay your fjn
iVs flat oa the floor aa often aa . yoa like,; you r
pretty lithe. A llttl ot It ovary morning wilt trim the
tat of the waist line, harden and flatten the laxy mjie
cles of tM abdomen, aad stretch, , ysur settled dowa
back-eon. Whea you do anything strenuous with your
body It ought ta be with an open window-first, .because
yoa breaths deep and long, and It s' a. good johanee ta
fill ysor ebeat with cleaa outdoor a lav and then, too.' be
cause sharp, frsh air at beady and teen like stimu
lant aad It exeltee and fires yott to lo1hhi with your
body. , , :
' Tola neat squatting on M bet work, - Ira good for the
muscles of your stiff legs and 'your carnage, for It'a
more or lees a balancing stunt head erect, a deep breath
In your chest, tha 'weight ot your body on your lip-toes,
four, hands on your. nips to b4v something to bold en
to, up you go and down again, . straight to your full'
height and down again. ' It sends, your skied racing till
you're hot from tha pink lip. of your great toe to tha top
of your little head. . , j
Then here's en bid kid stunt '-You did that whea roe
were 11 years old and bad a gym- la . the bara loft and
the trapes had to be swung over tha rafters whea a
new load of hay waa peeked la and you couldn't perform
till a great bole grew In It and It waa used away from
the rafters. . Try It now and Sea If you can. Lay yonr
bands avsr your head, pains down flat on a wall, get
a good grip with rour test, and thea push rour hands
down, down, along tha wail as far aa yoa cat. Bet you're
ashamed when you remember bow far you could i go
when you were a kid.' This la a general all around Ura-
i .
barer from your cheat to your bloa, aad It hardens aad
streagthsag tha muscle about the waist that ara ao kms .
and so often Mia. It' good for th chubby lady. ,
And than here's another oa Breathe deep aa you ge
down, for It' whea Teur cheat la dowa an tha fleer that
your atralned-back elbows wtdea It meet Tins will harden
your arms and deepen your eksst la the sane fash lea .
that the kg. alaady otroke ta winning does. '
' Falama are the thing to do all thta In. They're easy
to swing about la. they dent keep Slipping off tha shoul
der and tripping yoa up with a deep hem, they're close
and warm, and they're pretty aad BeaslbJ and lots at
fUB. ' ' , .( ' .',
' And while you're working for youth and health you
mustn't go. the Mmlt at th vary beginning. Whea It hart
don't go aar farther. By and by, ancient ana, aad little
by Utile, yoa will be able to go farther and aot creak!
0 alow. i ' ,
-t ji
f ' .
Interest in Agriculture Will
. Save Children of the Mills
Give) Child Slaves of the Southern Cotton Factories Home
'. Gardens and the Solution of America's Worst
' ,' . Problem is Near. " '-' - .
' Copyright, II 1, by Amaricn-Jooml-KiAminr.
Ob, the alienee of the children In tha sunny south todar,
It 1 sadder than the cry of fettered glare.
Lean and listen, and yon will hear the roaring ot the mill
. And the sighing; ot the wind through open frares; t
But the voices of tho children they are still
Oh, the roaring of the mill, ot the mill.
They ao longer shout and gambol la the Moseom-Jadea fields,'
. .And their, laughter does not echo down the street.
They bare gone across the biUe, they are working in the mill.
- Oh, the tired little hand aod aching feet, .
: And the dreary, weary life that stunts and kills
' th, the roaring ot th mills, ot the mill.
All the pleasures known, to childhood are bnt tales ot fairyland.
. what to them sxe ainglns birds and running streams?
- For the ramble of the rill seems an echo of the mill, .
t- . And they see bnt flying spindles In- their dreams; .
Life is one. In summer's heat or winter's chill , '
Oh, the roaring ot the mill, ot the mill, .
In this boasted land of freedom they are bonded baby ilsres,
And the busy world goes by and does aot heed. -.
They are driven to the mill jun to glut and overfill " . ,
Bursting coffers ot the plutocrats ot greed. ,
-Vbn they perish we are told it 1 "God's will"
Oh, the roaring ot the mill, of th mUL '
tlU from valley, plain and hamlet lofty steeples proudly rise, ,
, And the droning tones ot preachers prate ot crimes;
AnuV the gospel Tenders still sell th people of the mill
Stacks ot fire and fields of glory for their dimes.
And they pray beside tha graves the children fill
Ob, the rosiisg of the mill, of the mill.
thea they could earn la factories.
.This .Mea- la 41setlr. In line with the
trend all over America toward agricul
tural training In, tha common school,
especially la rural districts. It promises
much In ths way of advancing the living
standard la the homes of mill families.
"With the raising ot toed supplies In
ths kitchen garden, the family ' table
would be benefited. . " '
"Lessons la Plata cooking and horn
sanitation would ' be a natural accom
paniment of the practical training in
gardening and dairying and poultry rais
ing." - '
The whola tendency of our times ta oa
toward nature life.
The very evils we decry thoss of mo
nopoly and graft-are factors which will
push us toward the simple tasks and
pleasures ot life.
Our cities will become so congested, and
the cost ot living as high, that men will
flee to the country for salvation. 1
"Down la Falrhons.AJs Jars. Johnson
has established an outdoor school, and
ta many parts of America there are camps
which seres aa annsiaa to schools every
Tha uss of plots of ground by children
hss become a fashion, and a most health
giving and profitable one.
What wa Bead sow Is the atrrytng out
ot-Mrt Owen's gresS'MCB ot'btsMuitt)
highway. The very thought of. having
our failed States tied together. with .a
broad aad beautiful band of perfect
roads Is thrilling and Inspiring. . . ..'
This work would mpley hundred of
thousanda ot mea. and wouHmake.aeeea-
ary and therefore nnsslMa-luiBdreds ot
thousands of homes la. ' the souatry,
where children cauld grow up under nat
ural conditions. ' " , ,'
It would Inevitably lead children away
from factor! and mill. -
The construction of the great high
way would be on step toward that larger
movement which must coma eventually,
of giving the earth back to the people.
Ot this movement James Hartley re
cently said: ,
"We today can easily discern a por
tentous truth which certain early and per
haps, biased hlstortons mkde so obscure.
"Wa sow clearly see thai It waa the
unrighteousness involved In Ignoring or
denying that God-made primary' provi
sion for man's sustsnsnos and normal
development oa this ssrta, which aspped
ths manhood. Independence and lova ot
country of the dependent sad broken
spirited sons of the former unoonquerabls
defender ot ancient times, and It thereby
made the glorious clvillsstloa of that day
aa easy prey for the bard, unbumllleied.
unjismpored and comparatively Independ
ent, though' ruthless and Ignorant,, bar;,
barian hordes. .
Let every man .and woman with a.
heart and W' Van mind help aha UU1
children target Ihtlr rtghta aunair'
and earth, t 't tr , .i".-
Whenever nouah people V bValtvned
to ths Injuetlee'el any apecial bur ( or
custom to be thoroughly determined that
It must go, It always goes. .' .
Sometimes by war and bloodshed, seme
times peacefully, but It Invariably goes
when the majority desire It to end.
There Is not a trust In America which
could continue In buatnen If every man
aad woman who weakly complains ,t its
tyranny should fully awaken and any thai
It must end business on' monopolistic
methods. '
There could be no such thing M land
monopoly or child labor If all lb See who
believe these things are wrong were de
termined to atop them. f
Therefor, let every Intelligent man and
woman read about these thins and help
swell the great tide ot protest ; which Is
prep ring to swsep over the band,'
Give the little children a hat of land
aad lead them out of the mill, .
An Extra-Terrestrial pream
.Fables of the Wise Dame
ttst alght I had a curious dream, which
lmpresssd me so vividly thst I hastea to
write It down for th poeslbls sntertala
ment of those who feet an Interest la
such eecuM thing.
My dream opened with sound of a loud,
strange, raucous Isugbter which seemed
to echo sll about me. Thea I percatved
that I was ta the midst of a great gath
ering ef personage whom I could not
at first 'clearly diieern. although they j
were assembled under ths open sky.
Presently the laughing ceased . end
waa followed by a single queer.
cafl that fast. (Loud, derislvs laughter.)
"They seem to appreciate their disad
vantage In being thus tied down to the
ground for which there Is, perhaps, some
excuse In ths astonishing lightness of in
air they breaths and they make t-e moat
curious efforts ts get above It It. would
split your ektee with merriment to watch
them. Some ot them get up a little way
; from the month of aomef
At Louisville. Xy there waa bald not gesUoa for ths solution ot the child uvbor
long sgs ths eighth annual conference of problem In ths south. School tsachers la
the natienal. child labor committee. Many 'cotton mill towns should teach' children
apeackes were made at the conference, but how to utilise ths land back of their one who was recounting his adventures.
ine ,-meai wxaoie .ono was snad by homes for raising of fruit aad vegetables
Prof P P Claxton. I land th production of exn and milk for
Vnlted States com- rv 3a".rc a then- owa families.
in uiia way iney wouia vara more man
with what they call balloons, whlcn
seemed to me to be the Inflated bladder
af enormous Aah. ajul there thev fjoal
euacklnr- voice, which" appeared to I , lh. rt-,loM
of eoo-
cation. . ',
-Me eociared that
there as only one
good In th world
human good. . Ths
home, sbwxh and
state exist for ths
sake of childhood,
wealtb add pros
perity, ars aetii
eary. but we must
fceht . abovs tbess
the good of. ths
children. Democracy
meaaa equality ot
opportunity, and la
our country there
la B safety except la university tateul
gewc and virtue.
"I am la hearty sympathy with ths
child labor movement, but I regard tha
problem from the point of view of the
9daeator. We cannot educate children for
democratic gorewunent by keeptag them
In school ants H aad than fawning them
late the wend. EdncsOoa most tabs hold
oa cmidrea awtn they reach wianbood
and- womanhood. A proper amount of
werk don oader arspes emdltsoBS as-
If at work la th mUL The achaoi day
ahould be shortaaed so that chudrea could
do this work. I
At the aga of M er B year they could
enter th mill, but for eoly eight hour
dally, still devoting oae or two hours to
this asrteultura! labor at thstr bom.
Application of this system to too
negroes would keep tbem from Mleoess
and help to solve ths problem ot negro
Mr. Charles a Smith sf ths Nashville
Teanessaaa sse of thai speech:
'The suggestion ottered by Mr. Clax
ton for the sotutioa of th child labor
problem ta the eottsa towns af the south
sad other Industrial camera la this Mo
tion was that teachers be employed ha
ths school who ara auallfled to lve ta
stractiea la ssrsrultur sad animal hus
bandry. , -
"Ha weald bare th tee er er engaged
for the entire twelve months la ths
wtatsr thstr work ta agriculture, aardsa
iag. poul try ralaiag aad darrylag would
in. ti seas itry be slmest entirely thaersrjeaL
"la the sprlac be would have th school
work transferred to the family gardsna.
vetoes chfMnau but It must be pei pan aad would teach ths children how to
ful work. Orhssmg la school la aa bad aa; ralae vagstabiss sad bow ts produce eggs
grinding le the factory ' I sad -mfTk ta suck a manner that the la
Mr. Claxton thea pr tainted hie sag-1 com from then- work would be greater
Immediately the speaker became clearly
visible to bm.i and, ta my amassment.
I saw that It was a hugs blre shaped
something Ilk a pelican, and standing
very upright. In a atcst comical attitude,
with It wmgs set akimbo on It hips and
a aaroastlc amne so Its face, which wss
reflected sympathetically on the counte
nances ot As circle of listeners, who slse
now bar am vtarbls. and wers likswtae
bird, differing from tha first only by
variation ot stature snd diversities of
color on their plumage. Thla la what hs
wss saying whea I first noticed his voice:
"1 be next puwc at which I arrived waa
the planet Earth, which you all know la
about tho same six as sur world. I ex
pected to find something Intsrsstlag oa
the Earth, aad I waa aot disappointed,
although what I saw waa sot at all what
I had anticipated. Toa will hardly be
lieve me. but It's a tact-that I found that
placet governed by a race of two-legged
ground animal, bearing no little resem
blance, except that they were larger, ts
our rilnar7 -homo, . which, mass each
excellent ragouts la the bunting seasoa-
Thesd sheu- wmgleas being are vary
tatelligeat daughter). Tea, I am not
foeing yea; they are really very totsthV
gent, ehmoet ss much as as eurselvea
(Incredulous goacks and hvtghtar.) They
bars Invented ways ef gettiag about mors
rapidly aa ths (round, .and I found that
the giaslaat thsy have bast abi to
achieve is a mile a minute! And they
the mercy pf lbs wind.
"Others glide upward with things they
call aeroplaaea,' which circle slowly
about, awkwardly pitching aad twlatlng,
more helpless than eur infant taking
their first lessons In flying. Frequently
they actually fall aad break their Beck.
(Great hilarity.)
"But now I have a eurprtee for yOw.
These featherless absurdities really ' I
lleve that they ara the farortts creatures
of tha Almighty; that their world la the
only one possessing intelligence, and that
our planet hss too much sir and too much
sunshine to be habitable! " (Uproarloas
laughter and squeaks like catcalls.)", '
At this point, flushing with indlgastlenJ
I atepped forward and began:
"I beg your pardon, but let, m tefl
you" :
Before I could add another word a
deaferilng crock overwhelmed me, and
ths whole ass em blag, with 4 blinding
flash ot goidea wmgs, roes ra the air and
disappeared ' with such unacoountabls
awlllnaas that Could not mm erhet. be
came sf them. .Oa thinking ever my
dream this morning I am convinced that.
tha scens I have described must bars
occurred a Venus, v. r.
Nearing Perpetual Motion
of the (Bertla of
Prison bars eaaaot restrsia ths work- ot either artificially created aourcea of
Inga of the mind, the deadly damp of energy, of the employing of annual
the cell cannot put out the spark f crea
tive rvalue: hi proof of which suwsMBtu
ths Inventions of John S. Edwarde, whom
the law has sondmasS to remain at the
Easter penitentiary aatS tha dawning of
Decs-ration day, IMS, are evidence suffi
cient. If Bdwsrda has aot approximated,
la theory and la applied twtncrpls, the
kwg-eought goal of perpetual motion, ao
doss bss be warn to the faot of. U that
the lay mind fat lost la ths masse of
apefBlettoa aa to the est noma of hi work.
essence has declared that psrpstusl no
He ware passible only where absolute
iiaTirashwaai-e te-auctvs power might be
found. This Is a condition-manifestly
ImpassniVa ea acsouat of the evsi prssai
proMea ef frletloa, air pr eseuia, sac. But
ertom bttherte ertttctae aad proved at
fault by sdsnca bats embodied .the jtar
against the epavaltloa
Edwsr-da'bas coua terbalanced
against the laertla of soatter. hi
tha upward thrust of hi droststlc fon-ey or
water pressurs, amt the result at th
practical working out ef what he believes
le aa entirely aew system of performing
useful work. It Is the applicatloa ot a
phase of the e-aerry -motion-work cycle
aoeolutsly unheard of. And aceerding to
hla owa tsitlmony, isalously guarOed
wlthta his ceil, the man whom society has
condemned to confinement has a machine
which. Immersed ha- water. prarsaiH to
turn wheels of Ita owa votttien, aor doss
It stop until it is l amoved from the water
aad the tones- by which It has been ee
strangely sat In motion cease to act.
Philadelphia Kerta American, '
There was one a staid whs was young
and charming, but who wss sfflicted with
aa Ingrowing aonecleoee that caused her
much pain. It ales made every one With
whom she came la contact very, vary
weary, for she felt
It her sacred duly
to police their con
duct and tall tkera
what poor, weak
creatures they wars,
and bow they mis
used their great op
portunities. Net withstanding
that she eras so top
heavy with virtue,
such wss th pol
chrttud of th maid
that aha ensnared
the affections of a
nifty young rounder
who conned him
self Into th belief
that her moral at
titude waa merely a
sMs Una of talk that
alts thought attractive to mea. and that
ah would drop when ahe got married
and took to bridge whist
Unfortunately, however, ths . maid
consc lence instead of being a false slam
waa tha real thing. Sha waa that most
fearsome object la nature, a reformer, and
no sooner waa sh safely wad tha aha
began to put her theories late opera
tion oa her-hasbend.
"Alas," shs would cry s hs fit a cigar
after dinner, "do ' you knew that the
use ef tobacco la a disgusting and in
jurious habit, and that B yoa would ear
tha money you wests on cigars, m ths
court of a hundred year you could buy
aa a pari ment house 7"
"But." replied tha husband, "think ef
th trouble and annoyance with JtutJlors
snd teaanta I am saved by not owning aa
apartmeat house I It Is only those who
have nothing who do aot have to worry
ever the stock market' " ,
Now th man waa a discreet fellow who
never toyed tso much with ths booss.
but ns sooner did be epsa a bottle ef!
bees than bis wife was sa him with both j
feet '
"Miserable creature," she cried. "I
your finish la a drunkard s grave If you
had .aot had the good luck to marry
wife Who knew bow to dowa the demon
run!) and. reform you of your vice.'
I. perceive," said the man to himself
when hs had stood so awrb Intarfereaee
in bl ways thst fct mads him sore, "that
it is the dog collar aad Jumping through
the hoop for mine unless I make a stand
right bars for my liberty. So It hi up ta
me ta bat la with some sort of rooster
play, for I splua that the
are ao hot ea reform la
owa little gasass ara never raided by
bar husband eontlaudi -
"I euggsst,". be said, "that yoa com
mence ea your Vanities, aad pass up your '
high heeled satta sltpers far wide, com
fortable, durable leather boots."
"But." exclaimed the wife, "de yea not '
know that I am possessed ef a No. 1.
foot that It wuid b a shame ta blear
"That Is true," rseited the husband.
"but roa should act Indulge yourself u
suck a weak ns ss sating hew you look,
for ealy the good srs truly beautiful
Then yoa ehouM leave off your stays, '
which ara nnbealthful aad prevent . ysur
bresthlng properly." ..-
"Not ea your Ufa," cried the wife, "for
I have a straight front tlgurs that leak' J
all of my friend green with eary." i
"Tea meet else abandon mssmg yeur
hair," eon tinned the husband., "for It Is, '
wrong for a creators with aa lmmertsi'
swul ts wsste so muck time ea the otui-
las Irons." ., ,
"What," --creamed the wife,' "Bad got
eat with my bead looking She a peeled.,
oaleaf Not It I was dead,"
That will Im about ell" aaid the
huabaad. "for I ess that yea are etssre -Ins
m up agates a buncho propesttlsa "
that you are not willing to beck ap yeur- '
sslt Ton want ts aacrtfic ail my Sttlee
sidestepping, hut when It corns as glvtas '
sp-your ewa Indulgence yea are Bet la , '
It There la aot enough reciprocity In.
this thing to suit as, UersaXtar yeu
lead the reebrm pmfsmina end I wktl',
string late It somewhere sjoag the reeeV
but 1 de act propose to play a loae head'
at betas th family model"
Aad that nettled th bvdy.'wb was se
afraid that ahe would be called ea to ,
give up a few herself, (hat aba eseesS to
kasck hsr husband's faults, and tbev
lived together la great peace aad bar-
satw. . t . , .
Moral: Tale fable Uacbs that tbsre Is'
nethmg mutual la reform. ...
Thereupon the man want ta his wits
aad thus addressed bar:
"l psroatva," be said, "the yoa ars
right and thst It Is eur duty to pes ap
the filiuluui pursuits we have been fei
lowlag and lead the higher Ufa However.
I de not feel that It weald be kind for ase
ta monopolise all the virtues aad sprout
angel wings while yea merely have a few
pta fast hers. I deelr, therefore,- to ret ara
seme sf ths good ad vie yoa have banded
ma and help yoa to -erefoome some ef
your faults ss . ys. have asaistsd me) to
correct mine." .
At this ths snfs looked suiptisel, bat
The reported ssndlng of a messag over'
iiat ml lee of aire auecessfully. at Hm!
convention ef tha lndapendeat Telepheae,
asssolatlsn tn Cblesge win cause maarr
Parsons to queetioa whstber the day eft
practical long dlsuaee IsirphoeSng hi at
bsad. - i
Prfssur Papla ef Col urn bla universitr
taa years ago taveated a eotl whhm has
essse lata asa aad which Is bains; applied'
te long dletaaes werk hy ooeapej-oea im
the L'aited States and abroad. The In
vantor le euotod aa saying that "the ealn
difficulty wits trenaoasealo talephsay la.
oae of capital- because of the heavy ex -I
penss thst would be required te lay saw
raMea tor the work. . Tho present tele,
graphl cahlse could aot as used. A tale-!
phone cable under the Pupta aystssa I U '
ready worfctag beteeaa lnglaad and Bel- '
U there are do great engt-jserlng dtffl.
cuttles ta making the tMsphoae sfSclen(
for eoaveiexwtoae between New Tor am.
Sea Fraaeisco or CWcgo and London, as) .
appear to be the case, there H Tau-gsj
unknown stemeat, cosasdsrtna; the long!
distance problem, la ths Question: "Ho
much ass would then be for each Oaesr'
Perhaps more ass thaa ans dream of a
pn-MBt-Cakaso Bccord-Uerald.