1 LocJukj Backward -This Day ta Omaha I fMriJ 7WSuiyWCa TIM SW I -m nuMU Po f earn j The 1 J.II,L Daily Bee WEATHEE FORECAST. Fair; Cplder VOL. XII NO. 22a t. OMAHA, . THURSDAY MORNING, JTOH7ARY 2D, 1912-TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. TAFT AGREES TO SPEAKING TOUR 1 ' Tlgarou' 6peec3unJ4nf Campaign to Be Undertaken Soon to Ex plain Attitude. I I 1 EAJTY ADDRESSES 03 TEE CAIDS ' Chicago, ' Sew Hampshire and I Gtorgia limits f March Trip. !S0 DIRECT BIPLY TO C0L05O, ' Pkni to Talk oa Doctrinei Eaun- tinted by Booserelt. . " " ' irew Yoax situatioh discussed Cmut mm with linn Satisfactory , t te Bath la Ceaaeetless with Uele 1 gates and Perdu at Pro ves Platform. - ' WAwHlMOTCX. Fsb. S Pwaldiit Tsft will awn tart a vigorous speech making campaign a explain hla position on current question and further hit can ( dldacy for retiomlnatlon. 1 Before tha republican national oonven itlon meet In J una the president will spend assay day wt tha road, and Is ax- peered ta deliver scores of speeches. H will travel aa far wart as CluoafO, a far north aa New Hampshire and uuth at least aa far a Georgia. Other engagement may be mad ta tha next few weeks. The president' political ad vlsers believe he is their beat erator. Stoct tha Taft re Domination headquar ters war opened her acme Urn ago and , . Repreeentatlva William B. McKJnler waa ' put la charge, republican leader have 1 urged tha president to get Into the earn palgu. lie began following thia advice when he accepted an Invitation of a yoar'e standing to attend the fiftieth annual dinner of tha Swedish American Repub ' Mean dub In Chicago, Tha acoeptanc ;of that Invitation wsa followed by the nanouncament that the president had eon ,' sented to amp oa hla way west at Toledo. O. Invitation ta visit Toungatown and . (Msssillon bar been received and prob aMy will ba accepted. A few daya ago the Whit Houa let H be known that the president woe Id go to Savannah, Oa., In 'April or May and might Mop at Pin-' hurst. K. C. Will Explain VI we. Totrirht after a abort conference with Senator Crane, 8 moot and O a! linger It waa said tba president would extend hla coming trtp ta Boston to Include Nashua and Concord. St. H. He wUI leave Wash, ington for Boston oa March IT, pend Much II there and will vtelt the two New Hampshire cities on March la. Al though no announcement has been mad of subjects for apeecbea tba president will make oa these trip, It Is practically cer tain that he will net fall to Include la hla addreesas the recett of judge, ta "recall" sf Judicial dacWona, possibly tb Initiative and ' referendum and toptoa .f'rhrfl r r-'--"' " '" '- Ki- epiia m Tuiumbu last Week. probably Mr. Taft win max no direst reply ta that apeech and it ha been said with emphasis that he will not Indulge la , personalities, but that h will make dear his own view on many of tha doctrines advocated by Colonel Roosevelt In Colum bus l almovt certain. A canvass of the New Tork political situation mad at conferences today be tween William Barnes, Jr., chairman of tb New Tork tat republican commit tee, Vive President Sherman, Stat Sen ator Bracket! and ltspieesmallv Calder, a Brooklyn leader la emigre, resulted in ' aa Informal declaration that President TaA would bar aa almost solid Nw Tork delegation t th republican na tional convention. Talk with Bars re SatUfaerery. It was claimed today that tha confer ence between President Taft and Chair man Barae waa satisfactory to both in to far aa the selection of delegate and . th proposed wording of th platform waa concerned. Congressman McKlnley, director of the national Taft headquarter, today re turned from Chicago, where he mad ar rangeenents for th western end of the Taft aamnaiga, Mr. McKlnley had a short talk with tha president, but did not go over th weetera situation In detail. T visitor at th Tart headquarters he , exsressed tb belief that tba president was gaining support to Illinois. HOUSE COMMITTEE WANTS TWO NEW BATTLESHIPS WASHINGTON.- Feb. .-Th bourn cr mmlttee on naval affair today decided In favor of authorising two new bat tie ship this year and will demand that th democratic eaucu rescind its action declaring against additions t tba aavy at thia time. Th committee win ask , for a free hand to determine th matter tor Itself. " . Tb committee unanimously nodded that a battleahlp appropriation waa Basse sary and th member have asaurano of th required twenty-live signature to a pe- ' tlUoa for a new caucus next week. Ta action of th committee is held to be an assurance that ther win be an approprta- Hon probably for tw battleships, There might be a uompvomlsa, however, aw n battleship In addi'Jo to torpedo boat. submarines, destroyers, eoilter and other uxlilarle. Tb caucus win be called sometlm nut week. Republican loader la tb senate ay tl at congress will Provide for at least oca and probably two battleships. The Weather The National Capital Wednesday, Febrsar SS, 11S. The Senate. In session at I p. at. Labor Leader John Wililam of Pitts burgh told finance committee any reduc tion In steel plat tariff would result in conflict between capital aad labor. The House. inaidared 'calendar Wednesday" ail la. A report to Stan'ey rteel commutes on an Invesrlratinn of r tilted States rteel corporation's books and minutes stated the triutation operau.d is restraint of tra,1 aril prevented competition. Foralirri rv'.miere commute favorably reported SuUer resolution, which wsuid nrtusliy recoanlie new mines republic. lion Roosevelt Holds Council With His . Bay State Advisers B06TOn7 Feb. 3,-Tile leading volun teer la the campatgn for Theodore Roosevelt In ' Maaeachueetta had a final nesting with their candidate today be fore bi departure tor New York. Sev. era! men who have juat enlisted for th Cgbt wet Introduced to Coiotiel Roose velt, and ther waa a council of aar as to th selection of a leader for th Massachusetts force. H I understood no decision was rtauhod an thia point. Mr. Roosevelt we asked what be thought of th prospects her and of th result throughout the country of bis announcement tliat h was willing to ac cepf'th nomination. "I Lav absolutely n.tliiug to say," he replied. Organisation of tb RooMveit move mart thia woe It baa mulled In spurring Into activity th supporters of th present administration. It wss announced today that at a meeting Saturday th Taft Business Men leagus will be formed. Colonel Roosevelt found time this morn ing to talk book again. At breakfast with him at th horn of Dr. Btursli Bigelow wer Prof. Barrett Wendell of Harvard and Brooks Adams, th author. Before going to luncheon ' with Arthur D. Hill, on of th Roosevelt leaders, at whoa horn th principal political confer ence ef th day wsa held. Colonel Roose velt attended a meeting of th Harvard board of overseers. Several hundred person cheered th colonel aa b left a Slate street build ing watra be bad attended a meeting of th board of overseers of Harvard eoltege. Colonel Rooeerelt left her tor New Tork and will arriv ther at I tonight. Turks Defeated in a Fierce Battle East of Tripoli ROME, Feb. M.-A aevere belli result ing In th utter defeat by th Italian troops of In Turkish force and trelr Arab alllo with great Ion I reported In official dispatch received baro tociar kAmiIama (ahlch.ia ,)! knwa Leodai. , e 1 wity mite t tb east of th olty of Tripoli on th Mediterran ean coast, . , ' .... . ' Th engagement occurred , at - Mount Merghe. which He t som dlatanc be hind th town. Th Turk nd Arabs had taken up a strong position on th lope where they wer attacked by the Itsllans with Infantry and artillery. After a fight, which lasted alt day th Italian put a enemy to flight by storm ing th heights. Th lost of Turks and Arabs Is de scribed In th report aa heavy. The Italian lost eleven killed and eighty-two wounded. " CONSTANTINOPLE. Feb. aV-Th Ger man embassy ha taken up th cudgel on behalf of th Italian In Paleatlna Th ambassador today mad a vigorous protest to th port against their expul sion from Turkish territory under the terms of th recent decree. Many of th Italia na affected by th government's order of expulsion are "workmen on the Bagdad railroad, which I a German un Part of Garrison at , Wu Chang Revolts HANKOW. China, Feb. K.-A port km of th republican troop stationed at Ws Chang revolted, during th night. Consid er bi fighting occurred, but no detail hav reached here regarding th caaul. ties, Th city gates hav been closed. 1 Tb outbreak la attributed to th dis satisfaction among th soldiers at aot re ceiving their pay, . Th foreign run boats stationed her hav been ordered to bold themselves la readiness for eventualities. No disturbance hav occurred la this ty. - V ' ' WASHINGTON. Feb. 2S.-Th house commute an foreign affairs today favor, ably reported th Snlaer resolution, which la effect would reoognlx th new re public of China. It congratulate the Chin people "on their sumption of the power, duties and responslbllltle of alt government." Hour. FOR NKRRBK A Unsettled and proa ab'.y enow nut-r!; celder east portion. )OR row A Fair ami colder. at eaaaha Yesterday. Keg. ... M .... a ... a Zs f 3 a a a .... a 9 . a . .a U -m E y-'-f- l 11 a. a awk iEiErz:::: -Yjj y p. m. Folke E. Brandt Released on Bond NEW TOIUCj Feb. It Folke E. Brandt. former valet of Mortimer U Schiff, sen tenced to thirty years' mtprl son meat far burglary tn the first dagre, waa for mally released from th Tomb today, details of hla ball bond having finally been adjusted. He left tb criminal courts building -immedlalely, followed by a larfe GIANT IS CANDIDATE FOR SHERIFF IN HARDING COUNTY eiOl'X FALLS, t, D Fab. 2t-6pe-etal.l-OJont Vlokcra, who I a candid us far aananaUon to the office of harlff la Harding county, tn tha extreme north vatrra part of tb at at a, n referred to ba his friende a ."tha largest spedmea j of physical manhood In captivity.' Thia jt became of hi enormous stse. H siaaos m seex ana swvea lacnea la na stocking feet and weighs aa poooda mcksrs kaeo la psrtset pnyawssl nasi tisar and I unusually powerful even for one 9t bis great ate. If elected sheriff bis dealings will be largely with bora sad eattl "rusturra" STRIKE TO HAVE D0UBLE1NQDIRY Agent of DepaxtmeBt ef Jnitiot Lookiuf Into Alleged Vioution of Interstate Commerce Law. LOOS BU2EAU TO HrVESTIGATI Wtgti and Workiaf Conditions in Xilli to Bo Looked Into. CHILD EIN CO TO CAPITAL Committee of Strikers Will Appur Before Congress Saturday. CHAEGIS AGADSST POLICE Caart Officials Aia Acraeed at Offrrtsg ta Casaprassle Fle - Hayeraaw , Make Charge Agaiaat Coldea. IWIiENCE, Mata. Feb. M.-Th first of at least Vwa Utvestlgstlons by federal officials in-. certain phase at th sit. uatlon auiroundlng tha long-standing strike of m il workers la this city was begun todsy. Special Agwit William C. Dannenberg of th Department of Juetlc, acting an der United estate District Attorney Aaa P.' French, presided over an Inquiry into th exportation- of children. He ram to Lawrence to ascertain whether th polk- official In preventing th departure at ISO children fur Philadelphia las), Saturday acted In violation of th Interests com merce law. Alleged III treatment of chil dren and women by th nolle did not en ter Into tide luqulry. Th wsora and working condition In th mlllsf th clta are to be th ub Ject of another Investigation, and offi cial from Washington will arriv her tomorrow morning to puru th Inquiry. ' Committee la Wahlata.' Th situation will be brought before congress on Saturday, when a committee of striking men, woman and children, in ducing thirty-six of th ratter, will ap pear before the house of representatives to submit to queetlons. They rosy not leave Lawrence before Friday. Severe! of these children hav been (elected be cause of injuries received whll at work la th mills, for which th mill waers are alleged to hav mad no compensa tion. Congressman Butler Ames.' In whose district Lawrence I attuatsd, concluded two days' personal Investigation of the strike today, and will leave for Wash ington tonight After sttendlng a lively can ion of th strike committee, Congress man Ames said he believed himself now well acquainted with ll side In th con troversy, and expressed the opinion that the striker ar deserving of much sym pathy. . -1 . . fhsraes Aaslast Pedlew. At th Mtelon at th strth committee today tt waa charred that nolle and la an cast offering to roduo a Is fins first to to. then to tt and finally to tb deposit of an overooat worn by man arrested. It via said also that tba woman among th striker hav decided aot to pay a fin In any ease after arrest, but to remain In Jsll. In connection with th cases at two women arrested today, both of whose eases Wer continued, Judg Maaonsy again criticised "Th fellow behind who ar putting sromen and children, oa the streets to picket," and ba added that he eould deal with tbess women only a he would with men. .' ' - A permanent organisation to assist In ths-maintenanc of law and order In Lawrence was perfected today at a meet ing of a committee of eitlacna. Lawrence people generally were made easier In mind by tha announcement that th troop war not to b withdrawn until affair become more settled. Will Send Children ta Wsehlsartsa. In th expectation that a party of ojfll dren would be sent to Wee'.ilnarten today a large crowd gathered about the rail way atatlon, but as preparation bad not been completed th depart ur of tb dele gation ha beea deferred for th day. Reprsssntativ Bcrger of Wisconsin, at whose suggestion they ar ta appear be fore eoagr on Saturday, telegraphed to William D. Haywood that only chil dren whe worked la th mill ar wanted, s aa entirely new party had to be en rolled. ' Tba children who were originally en listed for the Washington trip may be sent to Philadelphia, It la ald- S , lavewttaatlaa Is Ordered. WASHINGTON, Feb. aX-Tb federal bureau of labor will make an Immediate Investigation of the wage aod working sondltlons at the textile mill at Law rtnee, Mae. A representative ef tb bu reau wilt leave Washlngton'today for tb strlko-riddra city. Tb decision to Icvostigst th strike was reached at c conference today be tween Secretary of Caounerca aad Labor Nsgel and Ur. Charles p. Nelll. United State commissioner of tabor. Tb bureau of labor has considerable data about con ditions at Lawrence as a result sf recent luqulrtea Tb continuance sf tb strtk and tha turbulent situation resulting, bewevir, made tt desirable, la tb Judg ment at th federal authorities, to ascer tain tb exact condition today and all th cause of the labor troubia. There baa beea agrtalhm la congress during tb last few day ta hav ta bursas at labor Invotlgat tba Lawiwac situation. lireprsaentattv Wilson, chairman ef th committee on labor, received scores of letter and tele gram today relating to th proposed consTeseionai Investigation of tb strife to be coitatdered by the rale committee next Caturdsy. t Wililam N. Haywood, leader of th In dustrial Workers sf tb World, sent a telegram attacking Prestdeat Ootdea of tha textile workers, charging that Golden aided th polled aad waa aa enemy ef tb strikers. In a letter Ooldenvnado counter charge against Haywood, declaring that he end other mad laflammatory speeches which precipitated riot. SNOW USED TO FIGHT ; FIRE AT RIDGEWAYr MO. ST. JOSKPrt. Me.. Feb. a.-Th In habitants ef Ridgeway, ato., used snow in a desperate fight with Bra that-almost deetroyed tba villas last night, Feur store were consumed. . The Early Bird From th Washington Hersld. COMMERCE COURT IN ACTION Baling by Commission in Bate Case Flatly Overruled. ST7BE TO ASS TO TSX FBICTION Oeelalca Saye Casneslssaea Assessed Pawer It Xevsr r assessed aad , Mads Baling Caatrary la the Evldeaew. WASHINGTON. Feb. 3.-An order of th Interstate Commerce commission re ducing certain class freight rate from Kew Orleans t Montgomery, Selma and Mobil. Ala, and to Pens cola, Pia...t4- o waa anlwt hp Qntr nsf ties'. w marc court. ? Th dsclMon, landed down by Judge Arrhbald, la certain to add ' eonalderablf fuel to tli controversy already gout be tween th Interstate Commerce commis sion snd th eominerc court. Th court declarea that congress never Intended to cloth th eammuation with th wide authority It has assumed, ft was further asserted that the court eouli dis cover nothing In the record In support of th conclusion of th commission or to Justify th reduction lit rats that It ordered. ' ' Cemmlelea Flatly Overruled. Th court' opinion concludes: "Counsel for th oomm lesion and for the government simply rely on th authority of th commission to determine what la a reasonable rat and th eonclueivenaee at It Judgment where it "haa dons so, against which. It was argue, ths courts can afford no relief unless th rat which ha been filed I ahown J be oon ris es tor)-. . . " 'This contention must bs rejected. In our Judgment it waa never Intended to confer en the commission any such un restrained and undirected power. It te not within th authority of th commis sion to reduce tb rate In this or any other eas not merely against the weight of tb evidence prod seed to sustain them. but without anything substantial to war rant th conclusion reached or the reasons assigned therefor. "And this w are convinced I a case of that character. Hawing regard to the undisputed evidence adduced at ths hear ing, th existing rats were not shown to be unjust er unreasonable and there waa, therefor, no valid bast for tb oomm jatoa's conclusions." First Case la to si we re Ceart. This was tb first case argued betas th commerce csxirt after ft establish ment, mor than a year ago. It wss brought by tba Louisville Nashville railroad In aa effort to modify or annul tha emnndsskrir order at reduction. It was declared tn lh record that If tb order ef th comwtismio fixing what, in tt opinion, wer reasonable rate wer enforced, th esse to tb LouUviil ft Nashville would ba MM a year. Th Mew Orleans board of trad al leged that discriminating rate against New Orleans wer made by the Louls vllla Nashville aad argod that that city be put on an equality at rat ta th southeastern territory with New Tork. Baltimore, the Care Unas and Vir ginia. The opinion of the -court I di rectly opposed to that caateatloa. , :t .'. . I L -J ' PETER MORTKNSBM.' ' ' Validity of Idaho Divorce Challenged By London Woman LONDON. Feb. ta Hugo K. Ames, th wn known author who waa m UW pri vate secretary to Sir Julian Paunoafota at tba British lags to at Washington, sppeand today aa defendant ta the di vorce court bar. His wife, Kate, daugh ter of A. Wilier Palmer ef th Indian civil service, claims a dlvarce on tb ground of her husband's alleged mis conduct and desertion, and of hi mar riage with Flora Northaek-Wilson, daugh ter of the ku CMonel Hayter, th Amer ica, which ah asserts as Mgamsua. Counsel for th plaintiff said that fa question was whether tk dlverea se ta! ned by tb derandsnt tn I dab was The saw era adjourned. Lgand. The eas FORMES STATE TBEASTJBER OP BXBBASXA SUvS SUSSEHLY. Wilson Refuses to-J Give Out Letters in Baking Powder Case WASHINGTON, Feb, . -Secretary of Agrlcultur Wilson today denied request of Dr. Wiley, need of th pur food board. that all th correspondence in a recent baking powder derision be mad public. The request wss made by Dr. Wiley oauaa of ths rhsrge against him by th editor of a food publication who declared that In the baking powder decision Dr. Wiley "acted at variance with hie oft- repeated statement that la cases of doubt he alway gav the doubt to the public.' The editor claimed Dr. Wiley's baking powder decision "let the public take nil the rlek." because otherwls It might have 'involved or embarrassed the baking powder trust." Dr. Wiley recommended that case against a certain baking powder company be placed m permanent abeyance, although examination had ro iled a small quantity of , lead, about tw one-thousands of 1 per cent In the product. ' Secretary Wilson said nothing Would be made public In regard te the metier until after tb board had reported. ' i Dutch Farmers on the Way to Iowa MEW TORK, Feb. H-Two bond red Dutch farmer attd their families ar In New Tork. oa rsuU t lows, where they bav purchased a large tract far tanamg purpose. Ther arrived here a the liner Noordam from Rotterdam. All ar an possess! oa of ample funds aad th men. women and children are splendid speci men ef the sturdy Freloland yeoman farmer, who have been th backbon ef Holland tn the time of troubia Heavy taxation and? high rents were th causes of tbdr emigration from Friesland. PETER MORTENSEN IS DEAD Former State Treasurer Biet Sud denly at Home in Ord. 1 FUBEBAL FRIDAY AFTERS00H Merteasea Cam ta Valley Ceaaly Forty Ve.re Aa aad Had Leas res Prominent la Pea lie Affair. ' ORD. Nsb., Feb. S.-(Spoll Telegram.) Peter Mortensen, president of th First rTatwnsf bank and an of Verier county's most reeuscted clllsens, dlid suddenly tt 4 a'clsck this mom int. H came to Val--jaw cunts MS eeier ear swd aw bisn a prominent figur In th devetapment of thsl eetloH of th stste. Th funsrsJ will ka-told Friday rTernodn.-'-.. ' -t, Mr. Morten was for many' rears a leader In tha repaMlcan party -ef the stste. bad served as state treasurer for-two terms He was first nominated for this office la IM, but suffered detsat with tli rest sf th ticket. In 1M he waa again given the nomination and ass elected. II won a re-el errt on la UN. and when talk f candidates for stat offloee began In I XX he wsa strongly urged for th sfflos of governor. i could ' probably hav ' been nominate wer .It not for lb eonstitutloaal prs vlslon prohibiting ths sleotlon of an ex ecutive of flier of tlw Mat t any ether office during th term tor which he wu elected. '' Mr. Mortensen wss a native ef Den mark, born October Is. last. He earn te Amer ce whea M aad located hs Valley county tn 1IT1 Her he ham the ftret dvlHsed dwelling In the caustty, a dag out, that section of the mat befog sera el pally arcuated by rtieux and Pawa Indian when Mr. Mortenssn arrtvaf. In Itn be was chosen te tn office ef eoeaty treasurer and held th plea fer nss years. He waa eae ef the feeasder t th First National bank ef Ord, and was tt president from IM la tba time ef his death. He leaves one sen, Crawford J. Mortensen. - Tribute frees AMrsrh. ' - ' LINCOLN, Pb. . (r! pedal.) Oovee- Akfrtrb, speaking of lb death of Mortens today said: "la ths sudden death of Peter Morten sen, Nebraska los so ef Its pioneers, a awn wb baa beea connected with th material and duatloaal de velopment ef lh stat for sv great assay SILK SHAMROCK AND GOLD SNAKE ARE SENT TAFT "Mr. Msrtsnssa cam t thi stat a poor boy, with scarcely a dollar. . "Has only nnttai waa good bealth. reeo- lutloa, brains, and Integrity. Hi amg and Mcesestul earwsr la proof absolute of th opportunities afforded to a of hi kind aad quality. Fer four year . h was state treasurer, managing th rVaect Interest of th stste with msVksd ability, and mad a record for htmself and his party. The community slier be baa lived for a many year will alway bear in grateful awmory hla kindness, hi philan thropy, and hla public eprrH. "Peter Mortensen was en ef th several type of public men la thi atat who hav been Mponstble in a bare way for the moulding and forming of our laws and Institutions, and be win alway be remembered by the people ef Nebraska a a faithful servant and lofty patriot, whose ability was alway at tb servfc-e of publie enterprise aad any ether legiti mate undertaking. "HI Hfe, character (ad work ks worthy of etnulstion by the coming gentratloa.' REBELS POT OFF CHIHUAHUA TRIP Railraad Official SMceed in Get. ting Rolling Stock in Jaarex to American Side. . WAS BXASY TO START SOUTH Train of Thirty-Six Freight Cart' Had Been Xade Up. FLAK TO CUT OFF SUPPLIES stadero Expects to Compel Surrender - Without Fight. UNITED STATES ASXES TO AID isaerlewa Cellewter at Customs Be.' qaewted Net te Clear Swede, ae Pert Haa Been Dewlaewd ' '! Closed. r.l. PASO. Feb. a General Selasar . arenarsd a train of thirty-six box and flat . . , r4.ihn.KM. cars to move nis mimi i Todsy railroad official of both tb Msxi-. can Central and Mexican Northwestern ny a sudden strategw move ran th motive power In tha J us rex yard to tb Ameri can aide. Thia coud temporarily at leaat prevents Salasar from leaving Juares with hU M men. He had proclaimed that ne Intended forming a Junction with other e.h.i is the west for attack on Chihua- hu. Th antlr movement be declared! wa te ba directed by, Pasuai oroac. : whose reals-natron from the federal army J become ffectlv March 1. j Antonio Roles and hi command. of Vasuulstss reached Juares this morning to Join th command which captured th town ysaterday. Thi unite th forces t law Salasar, Emlllc Campa and An-1 ton to Rojaa. , ' i Absolut quiet reigns In Juara and psr-J feet order' le being maintained, Traffic -1 has been resumeq oetween me -" i Mexican Cosul Uorente Secisres inat th port of Juares closed. Lnitea State customs officers declar th port) of Juares U open as usual, so far a , they ar concerned, and all regularly J entered shipments for Juares er points J south will bs cleared her. : Plan ta Cat Oft Sapplle. Mexico PITT. Feb. St-Plans for tha' meovary of the city of Jusrea without , bloodshed are to be th subject of dis cussion at th meeting of President Ma-, dero's cabinet today, a nmiert to starve out th rebel by: surrounding lh Mexican eld of th city. with loyal troop and counting on tn.. id of American to cut off supplies, from th El Peso aid Is to be consid ered. Th secretary of th treasury will formally, declar tha custom nous w - Juares closed. , Th government Is organising niumv Isry lore for th pad fleet km f th part hern region of Mexico. ,... - ' t atted gluts Ashed te Aid. i v-w etrk. laaslcan nssiiii,uivi,, - - a ri Peso. Tex- today mussied lb American eoMoclor f custom tberd to fftrbtd th1 xportatlon ot American foods Into juare ana urseu K-i k. uenised by th L'nlted Stat a cloeed. Tha Treasury depart ment ha taken up th question wun me departments of state and Justlc. Tha mattsr of mopping ail supplies i--.led bv th Slat denartment as a delicate one, because ef the lack of food and other subsistence kg Juares. A con siderable district ts dependent upon Juares for Its supplies and tn cutting off of exports from 151 Paso, It Is tear, would cause much suffering. It h) Understood the Mexican embassador In preparing u my befor th Stat department tb demand at his sovernment that the shipment ( snppll Inte Jusrea ba stopped. Consul Ueneral Hanna reported today from Monterey that the statement that Oeaaral Oeroaliae Trevtoo had had oast Ma lot with th rebel waa without found ation. Ueneral Tmvtne. h said, wa ra Monterey la eemmaad of lb government troop. A veal leader t revolu- troaary snevmsmnt. Mr. Hanna reported. wa Kmitt Vssqua Uomea - itesnrta te the State department indi cate that affair ar aertoiu at Torreon nd at Vuvdna wner smsnou sun Ing men kurcess rutty fought off a rebel band. la Vera Crux the Insurgents hra said le have captured several , towns- eAHsuise renressotativ at Saa Luis PotosL Fapachula and SaHlllo report M quiet. ) . , - Seaae Hsy stesee, HERXOSILU). Max.. Feb. S.-A plan fine the inarar aaceoekm of the atat at Sonera (rem the Mexican central gov. ernment waa promulxatrd here today. The atsn wa fathered by the business men ef Sonora, who want th officials of thi stat to propose R to President Ma dera and tb Mexican congress. LAD EDO, Tex- Feb. Sv A movement ta throw the ssiDDort of General Bernardo Rsywa followers to President stadero was (Continued on Second Paga WASHINGTON. Feb. JS.Th White House mall today brought Preetdent Taft a silk shamrock and geld soak from Mary F. Flattery ef New Tork, wsscn th president will wear In th lapel of his coat when hs rides at ta head of th St. Patrick day parad In Boston Mon day, March la. SOCIAL LEADER FOR . : SEVENTY-FIVE YEARS DEAD BLOOM ING TON. III.. Feb. aWudKh A. Bradner. em of the eldest residents of Central Illinois, la dead, aged Z. For aeventy-ftve year sh has beea a social leader la Btoooalngtoa. . .. JURY IN BREEN DIVORCE CASE UNABLE TO AGREE Xrvr TORK. Feb. S.-The Jury ht the divorce suit brjught by Kthal Crokr Breen sgainat her husband. John J. Braen, erstwhile riding master, returned a sealed verdict hi tb supreme court today, bold In s that they eould not agree. Tb plain tiff I a daughter ef Richard Crober. ore tee leal Ceateet at Yaaktea. TANKTON, 8. D Feb. K-tSpeclaLf-ln th snnusi declamation contest far th VaieaUs prtee at th college the prut winner wer Walter Buesy ef Tabor, James Brown of Chamberlain and Egbert Beyer of Caaova la tb order named. A Competent Ccck .Domestic happiness starts in the kitchen. When the cook in charge is a good one, everybody in the family is happy. And when it comes to entertaining, a first class cook is indispens able. You can have just as good a cook as your neighbor, whose dinners are always such notable events. The Bee will get one for you. ' The Bee ' reaches the better class of domestic help. And it gets results. Send in your advertisement - or call by phone. Tyler 100 b